People are going to start looking at Shekira Dennis and Mayor Sylvester Turner sideways pretty soon! Especially with that $15 Million Affordable Housing Contract that he canceled under investigation. Now, meet Niiobli Armah IV, the owner of WE-COLLAB, one of the (SUBCONTRACTORS) Shekira Dennis claimed she would use on (RFP 21-077) COMMUNITY VACCINE OUTREACH CONTRACT she was awarded over in Fort Bend County, Texas. Now, according to Niiobli Armah IV (far left), and Rob Perry (far right), the owner of XOMAD, LLC., neither of these gentlemen knows anything about what's going on with Shekira Dennis, Next Wave Strategies, LLC, or the COVID-19 Community Vaccine Outreach Contract she was awarded, from what I understand.

This Shekira Dennis woman served as the Deputy Campaign Manager for Mayor Sylvester Turner. That being said, SHEKIRA DENNIS was paid more than $171,205.00 by the City of Houston between 7/23/2020 and 10/08/2021, for her services. Many of the services provided by "NEXT WAVE STRATEGIES" were provided as part of the City of Houston's "BETTER TOGETHER" campaign.

As you can see above, NEXT WAVE STRATEGIES, a company owned by Shekira Dennis was paid $22,000.00 on 7/23/2020 by the City of Houston. She was also dispersed payments of $22,000.00, $10,000.00,$5,777.50, $5,777.50, $5,777.50, $5,777.50, $11,545.00, $4,167.00, $4,167.00, $4,167.00,$4,167.00, $4,167.00, $4,167.00, $4,167.00, $4,167.00, $4,167.00, $8,334.00, $15,500.00, $15,000.00, and $15,000.00 during the period we reviewed.

On 7/23/2020, a check was cut in the amount of $22,000.00 to Shekira Dennis' company, Next Wave Strategies, by the City of Houston.

On 8/5/2020, another check was cut in the amount of $22,000.00 to Shekira Dennis' company, Next Wave Strategies, by the City of Houston.

On 9/10/2020, a check was cut in the amount of $10,000.00 to Shekira Dennis' company, Next Wave Strategies, by the City of Houston.

On 11/09/2020, a check was cut in the amount of $5,777.50 to Shekira Dennis' company, Next Wave Strategies, by the City of Houston.

On 11/20/2020, another check was cut in the amount of $5,777.50 to Shekira Dennis' company, Next Wave Strategies, by the City of Houston.

On 12/11/2020, another check was cut in the amount of $5,777.50 to Shekira Dennis' company, Next Wave Strategies, by the City of Houston.

On 12/18/2020, another check was cut in the amount of $5,777.50 to Shekira Dennis' company, Next Wave Strategies, by the City of Houston.

On 1/6/2021, a check was cut in the amount of $11,545.00 to Shekira Dennis' company, Next Wave Strategies, by the City of Houston.

On 3/15/2021, a check was cut in the amount of $4,167.00 to Shekira Dennis' company, Next Wave Strategies, by the City of Houston.

On 3/23/2021, another check was cut in the amount of $4,167.00 to Shekira Dennis' company, Next Wave Strategies, by the City of Houston.

On 3/26/2021, another check was cut in the amount of $4,167.00 to Shekira Dennis' company, Next Wave Strategies, by the City of Houston.

On 4/1/2021, another check was cut in the amount of $4,167.00 to Shekira Dennis' company, Next Wave Strategies, by the City of Houston.

On 4/7/2021, another check was cut in the amount of $4,167.00 to Shekira Dennis' company, Next Wave Strategies, by the City of Houston.

On 4/19/2021, another check was cut in the amount of $4,167.00 to Shekira Dennis' company, Next Wave Strategies, by the City of Houston.

On 4/23/2021, another check was cut in the amount of $4,167.00 to Shekira Dennis' company, Next Wave Strategies, by the City of Houston.

On 5/5/2021, another check was cut in the amount of $4,167.00 to Shekira Dennis' company, Next Wave Strategies, by the City of Houston.

On 5/12/2021, another check was cut in the amount of $4,167.00 to Shekira Dennis' company, Next Wave Strategies, by the City of Houston.

On 5/20/2021, a check was cut in the amount of $8,334.00 to Shekira Dennis' company, Next Wave Strategies, by the City of Houston.

On 6/11/2021, another check was cut in the amount of $4,163.00 to Shekira Dennis' company, Next Wave Strategies, by the City of Houston.

On 7/29/2021, a check was cut in the amount of $15,500.00 to Shekira Dennis' company, Next Wave Strategies, by the City of Houston.

On 9/1/2021, another check was cut in the amount of $15,500.00 to Shekira Dennis' company, Next Wave Strategies, by the City of Houston.

On 10/8/2021, another check was cut in the amount of $15,500.00 to Shekira Dennis' company, Next Wave Strategies, by the City of Houston.

WE-COLLAB is a company owned by Niiobli Armah IV and was listed as one of the "SUBCONTRACTORS" to whom Shekira Dennis, the owner of Next Wave Strategies would divert a $90,000.00 portion of her budget to, that had been earmarked to help her meet the support data analysis requirements. Now, according to Niiobli Armah, he's not even a part of (RFP 21-077) COMMUNITY VACCINE OUTREACH CONTRACT and hasn't been paid a dime. However, if you (CLICK HERE) and view (PAGE 19) you will clearly see WE-COLLAB listed.
Two Subcontractors Shekira Listed on her Proposal for RFP 21-077 Claims to Not Know Anything About the Covid Contract
Remember when the FBI raided the City of Houston's Health Department a few weeks ago? Well, I've just discovered that Shekira Dennis, the owner of Next Wave Strategies, LLC had her hand inside a cookie jar at the City of Houston, at the same time that she was filing for her PPP Loan from the Federal Government, and supposedly performing a COVID-19 Outreach Contract valued at more than $1,035,000.00 over in Fort Bend County. So, the biggest question in my mind, is how could a one-woman operation handle all of the business that she was being awarded in connection to the COVID-19 Pandemic in Harris County, Texas, and Fort Bend County Texas at the same time. So, just for the record, the City of Houston was kicking out some major dollars to this girl.

EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033

Do you see the "WE-COLLAB" circled in red above? Well, that's because "WE-COLLAB" was listed as one of the "SUBCONTRACTORS" on (PAGE 19) inside of the "AGREEMENT FOR COMMUNITY VACCINE OUTREACH (RFP 21-077) that she may have committed fraud to obtain.

If you visit WWW.WE-COLLAB.COM you will see that the website still says that it is coming soon. However, if you click on the "CALL US" tab and call (832)510-6796 what you're going to get is a busy signal. Go ahead and see for yourself.

The number you see above circled in red (832)510-6796 is supposed to be the business number for "WE-COLLAB" one of the "SUBCONTRACTORS" who was awarded a portion on COMMUNITY VACCINE OUTREACH (RFP 21-077) that Shekira Dennis, the owner of Next Wave Strategies, LLC may have committed fraud to obtain. If you try to call (832)510-6796 you will see that the number always seems to be busy.

The email address that we found for "WE-COLLAB" is what you see the arrow pointing to in the screenshot above. Again, the owner of the company called "WE-COLLAB" stated to me at 8:11am this morning, Friday, March 25, 2022, via his a phone conversation that he didn't know anything about being listed as a "SUBCONTRACTOR" on (PAGE 19) on the COMMUNITY VACCINE OUTREACH (RFP 21-077) that Shekira Dennis, the owner of Next Wave Strategies, LLC may have committed fraud to obtain.

XOMAD, LLC is a company owned by Rob Perry and was listed by Shekira Dennis as one of the "SUBCONTRACTORS" she would divert a $90,000.00 portion of her budget to, that had been earmarked to help her meet the supporting data analysis requirements. Now, according to Rob Perry, he's not even a part of (RFP 21-077) COMMUNITY VACCINE OUTREACH CONTRACT and hasn't been paid a dime. However, if you (CLICK HERE) and view (PAGE 19) you will clearly see WE-COLLAB listed.

In Case You Haven't Heard, an IRS Probe Has Found Nearly $2 billion in coronavirus stimulus-related fraud
The report went on to say, "Two years after the Trump administration passed the first trillion-dollar stimulus package, which provided $1,200 checks to individuals and forgivable loans to small businesses as the US economy shut down, the IRS said it has closed 660 criminal cases related to various stimulus bills prompted by the pandemic."
“These cases included a broad range of criminal activity, including fraudulently obtained loans, credits and payments meant for American workers, families, and small businesses,” the IRS Criminal Investigation division said in a statement. (CLICK HERE) to read this report and share it with a friend.

EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033

(CLICK HERE) to read this report and share it with a friend. That said, please get your news from more than one news source. And please make it your business to stay informed and empowered as you strive to make wise voting decisions during every election cycle.

Randy Kubosh is asking for all 16,388 of the Republican Party Primary voters who cast their vote for him in the race for Harris County Judge back on Tuesday, March 1, 2022, to return back out to the polls on Tuesday, March 24, 2022, and cast their vote for Vidal Martinez in the runoff. And for the record, the Houston Business Connections Newspaper© "READERSHIP BOARD" strongly encourages you to cast your vote for VIDAL MARINEZ on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, in the Republican Party Primary for Harris County, Texas.

Warren Howell is asking for all 13,346 of the Republican Party Primary voters who cast their vote for him in the race for Harris County Judge back on Tuesday, March 1, 2022, to return back out to the polls on Tuesday, March 24, 2022, and cast their vote for Vidal Martinez in the runoff. And for the record, the Houston Business Connections Newspaper© "READERSHIP BOARD" strongly encourages you to cast your vote for VIDAL MARINEZ on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, in the Republican Party Primary for Harris County, Texas.

H.Q. Blanos is asking for all 2,008 of the Republican Party Primary voters who cast their vote for him in the race for Harris County Judge back on Tuesday, March 1, 2022, to return back out to the polls on Tuesday, March 24, 2022, and cast their vote for Vidal Martinez in the runoff. And for the record, the Houston Business Connections Newspaper© "READERSHIP BOARD" strongly encourages you to cast your vote for VIDAL MARINEZ on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, in the Republican Party Primary for Harris County, Texas.

Morgan Luttrell the Republican nominee for the 8th Congressional District of Texas, is asking for all of his supporters to cast their votes for Vidal Martinez, on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, in the Republican Party Primary race for Harris County Judge. And for the record, the Houston Business Connections Newspaper© "READERSHIP BOARD" strongly encourages you to cast your vote for VIDAL MARINEZ on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, in the Republican Party Primary for Harris County, Texas.

Carmen and Jim Crenshaw, the parents of United States Congressman Dan Crenshaw, have both endorsed former federal prosecutor Vidal Martinez in the runoff race for Harris County Judge. That being said, please don't forget that early voting will begin on Monday, May 16, 2022, and end on Friday, May 20, 2022. And for the record, the Houston Business Connections Newspaper© "READERSHIP BOARD" strongly encourages you to cast your vote for VIDAL MARINEZ on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, in the Republican Party Primary for Harris County, Texas.