Harris County Attorney Christian Menefee (bottom second from left), a “PUPPET” who skips, jumps, hops, shuffles his feet, and bends over, whenever his strings are pulled by the “PUPPET MASTER” Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis (bottom second from right), will remain serving as the Harris County Attorney until Governor Greg Abbott (top center), calls a “SPECIAL ELECTION” for the vacant 18th Congressional District of Texas. THE DEMOCRATIC EQUALIZER… State Rep. Ron Reynolds (top left), could be the last man left standing if he decides to pursue the coveted 18th Congressional District seat. Menefee would not be able to carry State Rep. Reynolds’s jock strap in the straight up runoff if the two were to face off in December 2025. As for Councilwoman Letitia Plummer, she would unfortunately have to step down from her At-Large Position #4 Council seat (for real) if she chose to run for United States Congress.

Harris County Attorney Christian Menefee is the worst form of a man you will run across in politics. Christian Menefee is so indebted to Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis that he possibly asks "THE PUPPET MASTER" for permission to go to the restroom. If elected to serve as the U.S. Representative for the 18th Congressional District of Texas, Christian Menefee will be little more than a "PUPPET" who must jump, skip, hop, bend over, shuffle his feet, and do the "WATUSI DANCE" whenever his strings are pulled by Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis. The hardworking people of the 18th Congressional District must resist the temptation to send any candidate endorsed by Commissioner Rodney Ellis to Washington, D.C., to fight for their interest. After all, while Commissioner Rodney Ellis was pretending to be fighting for the people of the 18th Congressional District of Texas, he failed to tell the people that he was a Union Pacific Railroad stockholder.

On 5/06/2024, Commissioner Rodney Ellis purchased 13 Union Pacific Corp. shares for $3,171.00 using money donated to his campaign.

On 2/06/2024, Commissioner Rodney Ellis purchased 35 Union Pacific Corp. shares for $8,741.00 using money donated to his campaign.

On 2/01/2024, Commissioner Rodney Ellis purchased 23 Union Pacific Corp. shares for $5,660.00 using money donated to his campaign.

Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo has been under the spell of Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis since she defeated Harris County Judge Ed Emmett during the 2018 Midterm Election. It is unclear why Lina Hidalgo is still dancing to the beat of Commissioner Rodney Ellis's drum when she, Commissioner Adrian Garcia, and Commissioner Lesley Briones have more collective power than the "PUPPET MASTER" has these days. Even still, County Judge Hidalgo remains a member of Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis's "CULT-LIKE" regime. Lina even blindly endorsed Christian Menefee in the race for Congress even though Congressman Sylvester Turner wasn't even placed in the ground good on Saturday, March 15, 2025, before Menefee launched his campaign. Suppose you've been paying attention to Commissioners Court. In that case, you should have noticed that County Judge Lina Hidalto occasionally hops, skips, jumps, bends over, shuffles her feet, and does the "WATUSI DANCE" whenever Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis pulls on her strings.

Former Congresswoman Erica Lee Carter only served in the United States Congress for two months. However, she has worked inside Commissioner Rodney Ellis's office as his senior policy advisor since August 2020. Erica Lee Carter is a member of Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis's "CULT-LIKE" regime. Erica was chosen to serve as the campaign chairman for Christian Menefee for Congress before the late Congressman Sylvester Turner was even placed in the ground good on Saturday, March 15, 2025. And she accepted the designation without even knowing which other Democrats would pursue the coveted 18th Congressional District of Texas seat, which proves that she is blindly following the sound of Commissioner Rodney Ellis's drumbeat. If you pay close attention to Erica Lee Carter, you will notice that she will hop, skip, jump, bend over, shuffle her feet, and do the "WATUSI DANCE" whenever Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis pulls on her strings.

Constable James "Smokie" Phillips serves as the Precinct 7 Constable in Harris County, Texas. Constable Phillips is a member of Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis's "CULT-LIKE" regime. Smokie was listed as one of Harris County Attorney Christian Menefee's endorsers in the "SPECIAL ELECTION" to fill the vacant 18th Congressional District of Texas seat before the late Congressman Sylvester Turner was even placed in the ground good on Saturday, March 15, 2025. And he did so without even knowing which other Democrats would pursue the coveted 18th Congressional District of Texas seat, which proves that he is blindly following the sound of Commissioner Rodney Ellis's drumbeat. If you pay close attention to Constable Phillips, you will notice that he will hop, skip, jump, bend over, shuffle his feet, and do the "WATUSI DANCE" whenever Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis pulls on his strings.

I’m Aubrey R. Taylor, the publisher of Houston Business Connections Newspaper, one of Texas's most formidable politically-focused publications. With the help of my chief investigator, Charles Marler, a former FBI Investigative Specialist, my investigative team is second to none. NOTE: My thoughts, opinions, and reports are published under my First Amendment-protected rights afforded to me under the “FREEDOM OF SPEECH” and “FREEDOM OF THE PRESS” clauses in the U.S. Constitution.
Ellis is Running a “Cult-Like” Regime; The deadline for Governor Abbott to call the Special Election for May 3rd Has Passed
What happened yesterday (Thursday, March 27, 2025) at the Harris County Commissioners Court was wrong on multiple levels. Just as I told you they would do a little over a week ago, certain Harris County Commissioners voted to keep County Attorney Christian Menefee in place.
If you think back to when the Honorable Judge William "Bill" McLeod accidentally triggered his automatic resignation from his County Civil Court at Law No. 1 bench after only holding it for two months back in 2019, Commissioner Rodney Ellis and his cohorts didn’t show Judge McLeod any love or mercy.
Judge McLeod triggered the "RESIGN TO RUN LAW" after filing his intent to run with the Texas Ethics Commission for the Texas Supreme Court. After pleading with Commissioner Rodney Ellis, County Judge Lina Hidalgo, and others before an "OPEN COMMISSIONERS COURT" to reinstate him to his bench, his cry fell on deaf ears as Ellis and Hidalgo gave his bench to Lesley Briones, who currently serves as the Commissioner for Precinct Four.
The Honorable Judge William "Bill" McLeod accidentally triggered his automatic resignation from his County Civil Court at Law No. 1 bench after only holding it for two months back in 2019. Judge McLeod triggered the "RESIGN TO RUN LAW" after filing his intent to run with the Texas Ethics Commission for the Texas Supreme Court.
What initially happened to Judge William "Bill" McLeod was an innocent mistake on his part, but what transpired afterward was a form of "REVERSE RACIAL DISCRIMINATION" that was covertly carried out by Commissioner Rodney Ellis, County Judge Lina Hidalgo, and others aimed at removing "WHITE MEN" from positions of authority in Harris County, Texas and other parts of the Lone Star State.
The late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. once stated, "For the doctrine of black supremacy is as dangerous as white supremacy. God is not interested merely in the freedom of black men and brown men and yellow men, but God is interested in the freedom of the whole human race, the creation of a society where all men will live together as brothers."
This makes what happened yesterday with Harris County Attorney Christian Menefee even more perplexing for Democrats. Especially when it comes to Commissioner Rodney Ellis and other members of his “CULT-LIKE CLAN” doing everything in their power to give Christian Menefee an unfair advantage over the other “POTENTIAL DEMOCRATS” who will be running for the 18th Congressional District of Texas seat.
One Democrat in particular is At-Large Position #4 Councilwoman Letitia Plummer. For Councilwoman Plummer to pursue her dream of becoming a member of the United States Congress is subject to the same “RESIGN TO RUN LAW” the Menefee is supposed to be abiding by to run for the vacant 18th Congressional District seat.
But the difference between County Attorney Christian Menefee and Councilwoman Letitia Plummer is that if she decides to run for Congress, she will have to give up her At-Large Position #4 Council seat for real—unlike what County Attorney Christian Menefee has done.
If I were Councilwoman Letitia Plummer I would be pissed right about now. A small group of Ellis-loyalists, puppets, and partners in crime are interfering in an election process that will include more Democrats than Christian Menefee.

It is evidently obvious that Governor Abbott, a Republican, had no intention of calling for a “SPECIAL ELECTION” to fill the vacant 18th Congressional District seat so that it could appear on the upcoming Saturday, May 3, 2025, Uniform Election ballot.
Since the “SPECIAL ELECTION” will not happen on Saturday, May 3, 2025, we may not hear anything from Governor Abbott for months. Why?
Whenever Governor Abbott steps forward and calls for a “SPECIAL ELECTION” to fill the vacant 18th Congressional District of Texas, the election must occur not more than two months from the date he announces that a “SPECIAL ELECTION” is forthcoming.
Governor Abbott has the authority to call for an “EMERGENCY SPECIAL ELECTION” at any time, but he has no incentive to do so. In fact, doing so would hurt his allies in Washington, D.C., who are dealing with a razor-thin majority in the United States Congress, which is a problem for President Donald J. Trump and House Speaker Mike Johnson.
In fact, yesterday (Thursday, March 27, 2025) gave us a clear indication of Governor Abbot's current position. President Donald J. Trump withdrew his nomination of Congresswoman Elise Stephanik to serve as the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations to settle things down.
According to published reports, Republicans in the United States Senate were hesitant to confirm Congresswoman Stephanik because it would cause Republicans in the United States House to have one fewer vote if the 21st Congressional District of New York became vacant if she were to be confirmed.
“We must be unified to accomplish our Mission, and Elise Stefanik has been a vital part of our efforts from the very beginning. I have asked Elise, as one of my biggest Allies, to remain in Congress,” said President Donald J. Trump.

As it stands right now, there are (218) Republican Members of Congress, (213) Democratic Members of Congress, and (4) Open Congressional seats due to vacancies. That said, it doesn’t make sense for Governor Abbott to give Democrats gifts.
Since the 119th Congress doesn’t convene until January 2027, Governor Greg Abbott could justifiably postpone the “SPECIAL ELECTION” to fill the vacant 18th Congressional District of Texas to next year. However, it would be a bad move on his part to do so.
Remember, early voting for Florida's two open Congressional seats has already started for the upcoming April 1, 2025, Special Election.
The 1st and 6th Congressional District races are taking place in reliably red areas in Florida. If won by GOP candidates, it will give Republicans in the United States Congress a 120 to 113 edge over their Democratic rivals.
If Republicans get a (120 to 113) edge in the United States Congress it would make life a whole lot easier for House Speaker Mike Johnson, and President Donald J. Trump, in terms of getting their legislation passed, and pushing their agenda right down the throats of Democrats for the remainder of the 2025 calendar year.
Setting the “SPECIAL ELECTION” for Tuesday, November 4, 2025, would also give more candidates time to develop their “BATTLE STRATEGIES.”
Governor Abbott would also be doing the people of the 18th Congressional District a favor by giving them time to carefully weigh their options if he places the “SPECIAL ELECTION” for the vacant 18th Congressional District seat to appear on the Tuesday, November 4, 2025, ballot.

I’m not sure what it is, but Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis appears to have a hold on the mind, body, and soul of a handful of local Democratic leaders. These leaders appear to worship Commissioner Rodney Ellis like he’s a mini-God, deity, or oracle.
Remember James “Jim” Warren Jones, the leader of the Peoples Temple Cult who led that mass suicide in Jonestown, Guyana, in the late 1970s?
I don’t mean any harm, but if Commissioner Rodney Ellis told some of his “PUPPETS” to drink some spiked “COOL-AID,” I believe they would do it – that’s how bad things have gotten.
Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis does not care about anyone but himself and his family. And when you get right down to it, many of his “PUPPETS” who jump, skip, hop, and shuffle their feet when their strings are pulled don’t even realize Commissioner Rodney Ellis doesn’t care anything about their well-being.
Listen. Commissioner Rodney Ellis, the late Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, the late Congressman Sylvester Turner, and Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee’s daughter (Erica Lee Carter) are the very reason why the people of the 18th Congressional District of Texas are suffering from taxation without representation for the remainder of the 2025 calendar year.

Initially, Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis and Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee’s scheme was to have “SHE-JACK” and “SLY” flip-flop positions. Ellis, Turner, and a group of local pastors believed that they could help Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee become Mayor of Houston and then have Sylvester Turner, who was term-limited, replace Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee by running for her seat in the 2024 Democratic Party Primary.
The “ELLIS/TURNER/LEE” regime bullied Chris Hollins into abandoning his bid to become the Mayor of Houston, Texas, in 2023. After bullying Chris Hollins into dropping out of the November 2023 City of Houston Mayoral Election, the “ELLIS/TURNER/LEE” regime then pulled a dirty trick on former At-Large City of Houston Councilwoman Amanda Edwards, and convinced her, after weeks of badgering, to drop out of the 2023 Mayor Race, and endorse Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee – which she ultimately did.
Ellis’s scheme fell apart when Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee was not able to fulfill her end of the bargain and was handily defeated by John Whitmire. Whitmire dominated Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee and humiliated her to the extent that she began to quickly deteriorate.
As a refresher, in the December 9, 2023, “RUNOFF ELECTION,” John Whitmire received 129,809 votes, or 64%, and Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee only received 71,719 votes, or 35.6%.
After her December 9, 2023, loss to John Whitmire, the woman known as “SHE-JACK” began to get weaker and weaker with each passing day. Ultimately, “SHE-JACK” was forced to reveal to her constituents that she had received a pancreatic cancer diagnosis.
In a blatant act of selfishness, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee refused to resign from her 18th Congressional District of Texas seat and chose to die in office. As a side note, “SHE-JACK” had previously pulled the same stunt in 2012, when she was battling breast cancer, after hiding it for more than a year.
After the death of “SHE-JACK,” on July 19, 2024, a sickly and feeble Sylvester Turner selfishly interjected himself into the conversation when he knew that he was ill.
During November of 2022, Sylvester Turner revealed to the general public that he had been diagnosed with Osteosarcoma, which is a rare type of bone cancer.
According to published reports, “SLY” reportedly had surgery and received six weeks of radiation treatment. After this, he claimed that he was healed. However, his appearance at the “PRECINCT CHAIR ELECTION” held on Tuesday, August 13, 2024, should have been a warning sign to the Harris County Democratic Party “PRECINCT CHAIRS” who voted for him.
After a brief recess and some political gamesmanship, “SLY” defeated Amanda Edwards in a “PRECINCT CHAIR” runoff election with 41 votes to Edwards’s 37.
Once again, Commissioner Rodney Ellis’s “CULT-LIKE” regime, with the help of Councilwoman Letitia Plummer were able to screw over Amanda Edwards. However, their victory was short-lived, as Turner only managed to serve two months after winning the coveted 18th Congressional seat.
So, what did Commissioner Rodney Ellis and his cohorts do wrong? The people of the 18th Congressional District of Texas would not be without representation right today, if the “ELLIS CLAN” had run Sylvester Turner for the “UNEXPIRED TERM” and run Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee’s daughter (Erica Lee Carter) for the 2-year “FULL TERM,” to serve as the U.S. Representative for the 18th Congressional District of Texas.

If you look at the type of shenanigans Commissioner Rodney Ellis, County Attorney Christian Menefee and Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee’s daughter (Erica Lee Carter), are instituting, it’s evident that the other candidates must band together to defeat the “ELLIS CLAN” in the upcoming “SPECIAL ELECTION” for the vacant 18th Congressional District of Texas seat.
Ellis’s regime must be fully exposed, and his “PUPPETS,” who are carefully positioned and entrenched in authoritative positions in local City, County, and State governmental capacities, must be identified and investigated.
Finally, it is vitally important for the people living inside those “CANCER CLUSTERS” in the Fifth Ward to be informed that Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis was/is a Union Pacific Railroad shareholder and that the late Sylvester Turner was in bed with Union Pacific Railroad while he was pretending to be fighting for them.

EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
State Rep. Ron Reynolds (right) and Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the Democratic Congresswoman from the 14th Congressional District in New York, would make a great young team if Reynolds pursued the vacant 18th Congressional District of Texas. Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez is only 35 years old, and State Rep. Reynolds is only 51 years old. Community icon Charles Stamps, the founder of the MLK Grande Parad,e believes that State Rep. Ron Reynolds would make the runoff and face off against former City of Houston At-Large Councilwoman Amanda Edwards. Should State Rep. Reynolds not pursue the seat, Charles Stamps believes that Edwards could win the "SPECIAL ELECTION" for the 18th Congressional District of Texas. "I'm proud to stand with Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in her discontent with Minority Leader Chuch Schumer. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez should primary Schumer in the next election. Congresswoman AOC is a POWERFUL progressive leader FIGHTING in Congress and speaking TRUTH to power! Thanks for standing up to Trump and weak democrats too," stated State Rep. Reynolds in a recent FACEBOOK post.

Regarding power and influence, in Houston, Texas, Kieth "MR. D-MARS Davis, Sr., is the man. For well over 20 years, "MR. D-MARS" has dominated the Houston region with his D-Mars Business Journal, as the President and CEO of Vaskey Media Group, Inc., "MR. D-MARS" has spearheaded campaigns from many local and national brands, local businesses, and politicians. State Rep. Ron Reynolds and "MR. D-MARS" have been friends and allies long before State Rep. Reynolds was elected as the first African American State Representative since the Reconstruction era to get elected in Fort Bend County, Texas.
There's no question about it, Congresswoman Jasmine Crockett (left) has emerged and positioned herself as one of the strongest female voices in national politics. At 43, Congresswoman Crockett is tirelessly challenging Democrats to stand up and be strong and courageous. Having a fearless leader like State Rep. Ron Reynolds (right) by her side in Washington, D.C., would make things much more serious. However, a United States Army Veteran named Sholdon Daniels (a Republican), has announced on Fox News Digital that he's challenging Congresswoman Crockett for her 30th Congressional District seat in the upcoming 2026 Midterm Election.
Hands down, at 55 years old, famed Civil Rights Attorney Ben Crump (left) is considered one of the top voices in America. When Benjamin Lloyd Crump speaks, America listens. Crump is a lawyer of justice and fairness. And as it relates to State Rep. Ron Reynolds (right), at 51 years old, his future has never been brighter as his life story has become more of a testament to God's grace and faithfulness as State Rep. Reynolds expands his wings well beyond Fort Bend County.

Former Prizefighter turned businessman Eric Carr, the president and CEO of E&E Construction, is one of the best-kept secrets in Harris County, Texas. Carr's popularity and influence on the northeast-side of Houston, Texas, could be invaluable for a candidate to win the upcoming "SPECIAL ELECTION" for the 18th Congressional District of Texas. Carr's strong brotherly bond with State Rep. Reynolds could be an essential driving factor in Reynolds's success should he decide to pursue the vacant 18th Congressional District of Texas seat.

When caring about Houston, Texas matters, you would be hard-pressed to go out and find a more vigorous advocate for the people of Houston than 44-year-old "Trae tha Truth," pictured above with State Rep. Ron Reynolds, 51, a rising star on the national political scene. Born Frazier Othel Thompson III, "Trae tha Truth," knows a thing or two about leadership because whenever there's someone in need, he's been ready and willing to answer the call to service.

According to the most recent U.S. Census, "The 5 largest ethnic groups in Congressional District 18, TX are Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) (31.4%), White (Hispanic) (17.8%), White (Non-Hispanic) (16.7%), Two+ (Hispanic) (12.8%), and Other (Hispanic) (12.7%).
43.3% of the households in Congressional District 18, Texas, reported speaking non-English at home as their primary shared language. This does not consider the potential multi-lingual nature of households; it only considers the primary self-reported language spoken by all household members.

Sylvester Turner (Democrat) received 151,834 votes, for 69.42% of the vote. His Republican opponent received 66,810 votes, for 30.55% of the vote. A bonified "STEALTH CANDIDATE" like former State Rep. Shawn Thierry could legitimately receive over 100,000 votes in a race for the 18th Congressional District if she were to marry a strong base of MAGA, "Make America Great Again," patriots with African American voters who are sick and tired of being played for fools by the "ELLIS/TURNER/LEE" political regime members.

Former State Representative Jarvis Johnson, State Representative Ron Reynolds, State Representative Jolanda Jones, State Representative Christina Morales, Former State Representative Shawn Thierry, NAACP-Houston President Bishop James Dixon, Councilwoman Letitia Plummer, Harris County Attorney Christian Menefee, Former Congresswoman Erica Lee Carter, Former Councilwoman Amanda Edwards, Former Candidate for State Rep. Angeanette "Angie" Thibodeaux, Community Activist Travis McGee, Community Actist Deric Muhammad, TSU Board Regent Dr. Richard Johnson, and former prizefighter turned Businessman Eric Carr, could make up a star-studded field of contenders.

Whenever Governor Greg Abbott calls the "SPECIAL ELECTION" for the 18th Congressional District, you will see a low voter turnout like what you would see in a primary race. And if there are (10) or (15) Democratic candidates running in the race, you will see a situation where the Democratic vote will be splintered. If you look at the "TOTAL" above, what you see is that only 23,629 Democrats turned out to vote for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, and only 14,668 Democrats turned out for Amanda Edwards last year when they faced off.

66,810 votes were received by Lana Centonze (Republican) in the 2024 Presidential Election race for the 18th Congressional District, running against Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee’s successor, Sylvester Turner.

58,033 votes were received by Wendell Champion (Republican) in the 2020 Presidential Election for the 18th Congressional District, running against Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee.

48,306 votes were received by Lori Bartley (Republican) in the 2016 presidential election for the 18th Congressional District, which was run against Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee.

47,835 votes were received by Maria Dunn (Republican) in the 2024 “UNEXPIRED TERM” Presidential Election for the 18th Congressional District, running against Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee’s daughter Erica Lee.

44,015 votes were received by Sean Seibert (Republican) in the 2012 presidential election for the 18th Congressional District, which was run against Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee.

40,941 votes were received by Carmen Maria Montiel (Republican) in the 2022 Midterm Election for the 18th Congressional District, running against Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee.

38,368 votes were received by Ava Pate (Republican) in the 2018 Midterm Election for the 18th Congressional District, running against Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee.

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Regarding power and influence, in Houston, Texas, Kieth "MR. D-MARS Davis, Sr., is the man. For well over 20 years, "MR. D-MARS" has dominated the Houston region with his D-Mars Business Journal, as the President and CEO of Vaskey Media Group, Inc., "MR. D-MARS" has spearheaded campaigns from many local and national brands, local businesses, and politicians. State Rep. Ron Reynolds and "MR. D-MARS" have been friends and allies long before State Rep. Reynolds was elected as the first African American State Representative since the Reconstruction era to get elected in Fort Bend County, Texas.
There's no question about it, Congresswoman Jasmine Crockett (left) has emerged and positioned herself as one of the strongest female voices in national politics. At 43, Congresswoman Crockett is tirelessly challenging Democrats to stand up and be strong and courageous. Having a fearless leader like State Rep. Ron Reynolds (right) by her side in Washington, D.C., would make things much more serious. However, a United States Army Veteran named Sholdon Daniels (a Republican), has announced on Fox News Digital that he's challenging Congresswoman Crockett for her 30th Congressional District seat in the upcoming 2026 Midterm Election.
Hands down, at 55 years old, famed Civil Rights Attorney Ben Crump (left) is considered one of the top voices in America. When Benjamin Lloyd Crump speaks, America listens. Crump is a lawyer of justice and fairness. And as it relates to State Rep. Ron Reynolds (right), at 51 years old, his future has never been brighter as his life story has become more of a testament to God's grace and faithfulness as State Rep. Reynolds expands his wings well beyond Fort Bend County.

Former Prizefighter turned businessman Eric Carr, the president and CEO of E&E Construction, is one of the best-kept secrets in Harris County, Texas. Carr's popularity and influence on the northeast-side of Houston, Texas, could be invaluable for a candidate to win the upcoming "SPECIAL ELECTION" for the 18th Congressional District of Texas. Carr's strong brotherly bond with State Rep. Reynolds could be an essential driving factor in Reynolds's success should he decide to pursue the vacant 18th Congressional District of Texas seat.

When caring about Houston, Texas matters, you would be hard-pressed to go out and find a more vigorous advocate for the people of Houston than 44-year-old "Trae tha Truth," pictured above with State Rep. Ron Reynolds, 51, a rising star on the national political scene. Born Frazier Othel Thompson III, "Trae tha Truth," knows a thing or two about leadership because whenever there's someone in need, he's been ready and willing to answer the call to service.

Commissioner Rodney Ellis has $6,414,367.00 in his campaign bank account, more than all of the sitting incumbent "DEMOCRATIC JUDGES" combined. However, the incumbent Democratic Judges are called upon to give the lion's share of the money donated to the Harris County Democratic Party. During the 2024 Presidential Election cycle, while more than a few Democratic Judges donated upwards of $50,000.00 to the Harris County Democratic Party out of their hard-earned campaign money, Commissioner Ellis only gave about $6,500.00 to the HCDP, which was nothing for a man with more than $6 million in his campaign account. (CLICK HERE) Please take a moment to view Commissioner Rodney Ellis's Campaign Finance Report.

Judge Latosha Lewis Payne, the presiding judge for 55th Civil District Court, has “ZERO” in her “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” based on the finance report she filed on 1/15/2025, under penalty of perjury.

Judge Melissa Marie Morris, the presiding judge for the 263rd Criminal District Court, has not filed a campaign finance report since 7/16/2024. At that time, she reported having “ZERO” dollars inside her “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” under penalty of perjury.

Judge Sharon Burney, the presiding judge for Harris County Justice of the Peace for Precinct 7, Place 2, has not filed a campaign finance report since 1/12/2024. At that time, she reported having “ZERO” dollars inside her “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” under penalty of perjury.
Judge Latosha Lewis Payne, the presiding judge for 55th Civil District Court, has “ZERO” in her “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” based on the finance report she filed on 1/15/2025, under penalty of perjury.

Judge Melissa Marie Morris, the presiding judge for the 263rd Criminal District Court, has not filed a campaign finance report since 7/16/2024. At that time, she reported having “ZERO” dollars inside her “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” under penalty of perjury.

Judge Sharon Burney, the presiding judge for Harris County Justice of the Peace for Precinct 7, Place 2, has not filed a campaign finance report since 1/12/2024. At that time, she reported having “ZERO” dollars inside her “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” under penalty of perjury.

Judge Beverly D. Armstrong, the presiding judge for 208th Criminal District Court, only has $27.23 in her “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” based on the finance report she filed on 1/15/2025, under penalty of perjury.

Judge Katherine N. Thomas, the presiding judge for 184th Criminal District Court, only has $96.86 in her “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” based on the finance report she filed on 1/11/2025, under penalty of perjury.

Judge Shannon Baldwin, the presiding judge for Harris County Criminal Court at Law No.4, only has $178.54 in her “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” based on the finance report she filed on 1/16/2025, under penalty of perjury.

Judge Sedrick T. Walker, II, the presiding judge for Harris County Criminal Court at Law No.11, only has $211.12 in his “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” based on the finance report he filed on 1/15/2025, under penalty of perjury.

Judge Sedrick T. Walker, II, the presiding judge for Harris County Criminal Court at Law No.11, only has $211.12 in his “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” based on the finance report he filed on 1/15/2025, under penalty of perjury.

Judge Sandra Peake, the presiding judge for 257th Family District Court, only has $314.00 in her “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” based on the finance report she filed on 1/14/2025 under penalty of perjury.
Judge Sandra Peake, the presiding judge for 257th Family District Court, only has $314.00 in her “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” based on the finance report she filed on 1/14/2025 under penalty of perjury.

Judge Lori Chambers Gray, the presiding judge for 262nd Criminal District Court, only has $500.00 in her “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” based on the finance report she filed on 1/11/2025 under penalty of perjury.

Judge Genesis Draper, the presiding judge for Harris County Criminal Court at Law No.12, only has $620.54 in her “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” based on the finance report she filed on 1/16/2025, under penalty of perjury.
Judge LaShawn A. Williams, the presiding judge for Harris County Civil Court at Law No.3, only has $999.67 in her “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” based on the finance report she filed on 1/15/2025, under penalty of perjury.

Judge Veronica M. Nelson, the presiding judge for 482nd Criminal District Court, has not filed a campaign finance report since 12/27/2024. At that time, she reported having $1,385.03 inside her “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” under penalty of perjury.

Judge Juanita Jackson, the presiding judge for Harris County Criminal Court at Law No.10, only has $1,673.50 in her “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” based on the finance report she filed on 1/15/2025, under penalty of perjury.

Judge Toria J. Finch, the presiding judge for Harris County Criminal Court at Law No.9, only has $2,409.46 in her “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” based on the finance report she filed on 1/16/2025, under penalty of perjury.

Judge Toria J. Finch, the presiding judge for Harris County Criminal Court at Law No.9, only has $2,409.46 in her “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” based on the finance report she filed on 1/16/2025, under penalty of perjury.

Judge Damiane “Dianne” Curvey, the presiding judge for 280th Protective Order Court, only has $6,000.00 in her “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” based on the finance report she filed on 1/13/2025, under penalty of perjury.

Judge Lucia Bates, the presiding judge for Harris County Justice of the Peace for Precinct 3, Place 2, only has $6,109.55 in her “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” based on the finance report she filed on 1/10/2025, under penalty of perjury.

Judge Tamika “Tami” Craft, the presiding judge for 189th Civil District Court, only has $10,463.98 in her “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” based on the finance report she filed on 1/14/2025, under penalty of perjury.

Judge Tonya Jones, the presiding judge for Harris County Criminal Court at Law No.15, only has $15,397.41 in her “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” based on the finance report she filed on 1/16/2025, under penalty of perjury.

Judge Angela M. Lancelin, the presiding judge for 245th Family District Court, only has $22,588.21 in her “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” based on the finance report she filed on 1/14/2025, under penalty of perjury.

Judge Audrie Lawton-Evans, the presiding judge for Harris County Civil Court at Law No.1, only has $29,984.00 in her “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” based on the finance report she filed on 1/15/2025, under penalty of perjury.

Judge DaSean Jones, the presiding judge for 180th Criminal District Court, only has $44,752.07 in his “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” based on the finance report he filed on 1/14/2025, under penalty of perjury.

Judge Linda Marie Dunson, the presiding judge for 309th Family District Court, only has $58,152.12 in her “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” based on the finance report she filed on 1/12/2025, under penalty of perjury.

Judge Michelle D. Moore, the presiding judge for 314th Juvenile District Court, only has $61,520.88 in her “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” based on the finance report she filed on 1/12/2025, under penalty of perjury.

Judge Dedra Davis, the presiding judge for 270th Civil District Court, only has $81,878.82 in her “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” based on the finance report she filed on 1/15/2025, under penalty of perjury.

Judge Dedra Davis, the presiding judge for 270th Civil District Court, only has $81,878.82 in her “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” based on the finance report she filed on 1/15/2025, under penalty of perjury.

Judge Angela Graves Harrington, the presiding judge for 246th Family District Court, only has $91,804.11 in her “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” based on the finance report she filed on 1/15/2025, under penalty of perjury.

Judge Germaine Tanner, the presiding judge for 311th Family District Court, only has $101,687.71 in her “CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT” based on the finance report she filed on 1/16/2025 under penalty of perjury.