“Below is the complete interview recently conducted with Larry Williams, a 2015 candidate running for HISD Trustee for District 2 in the Saturday, December 12, 2015 HISD Board Trustee Runoff Elections. You can (CLICK HERE) to view the promotional published by Aubrey R. Taylor Communications to promote this particular interview."

Exclusive Interview with Pastor Larry Williams, the Christian Candidate Running for HISD Board Trustee for District 2
GROUND-GAME MAGAZINE® #1: Why are you running for school board trustee?
PASTOR LARRY WILLIAMS: I’m running for school board trustee because of what Dr. Martin Luther King calls the fierce urgency of now. There is a need for immediate, fierce, and positive action. There is currently over $200,000,000 bond money that is missing, given by tax payers dollars. This is totally unacceptable. We need change NOW.
And my opponent, Rhonda Skillern-Jones is the board president; she’s asleep at the wheel. As the board president, she should be held accountable. After being handed the baton by Carol Galloway, who now serves as Rhonda’s treasurer, she has wasted a golden opportunity to serve and advance our students forward. We shouldn’t keep putting board members in office who are ineffective. So our district needs change NOW.
Under Rhonda Skillern-Jones tenure, there are 21 unacceptable schools on the TEA Improvement Required list and 16 of those school are on the HISD Employment Watch List for Closure. There are too many schools in District 2 on the verge of closing. And they’re not just closing our schools; they’re tearing them down, such as the historical Phillis Wheatley HS and E.O. Smith. We need change NOW.
Our neighborhood schools cannot continue to be closed down; closed schools kill off a community. That’s why I’m running. We need change NOW.
My opponent allowed a property tax increase to residents and voters, but awarded Superintendent Terry Grier $98,600 in bonuses, after he announced his resignation, and is on his way out of the door. We need change NOW.
The changes I, Pastor Larry Williams, will impose are: increased academic achievement, advocate for our bond money for our schools, quality teachers and Principals. And I will vote NO tax increase. And I will be against any form of proposition 1, known as HERO, (allowing male students in females restrooms), which HISD will try to implement.
GROUND-GAME MAGAZINE® #2: After being elected, what are some of the most immediate, important decisions that need to be made?
PASTOR LARRY WILLIAMS: Being that Superintendent Terry Grier has announced his resignation, it is important that the next elected board member understands the importance of hiring the correct superintendent this time. The next superintendent needs to be one who understands the diversity of all cultures and communities, one who agrees that all students have the right to an education, one who has quality programs for schools in District 2 as other affluent schools in HISD have, and one who offers trades and vocational programs to our children so they too, can be successful contributors to our society.
GROUND-GAME MAGAZINE® #3: What are some of the things that you think are most important that you’ll bring to the school board once elected?
PASTOR LARRY WILLIAMS: I, Pastor Larry Williams, the Christian candidate, will bring a code of ethics, honesty, fairness, transparency, accountability, and a strong work ethic for the children and community. I will fight the closure of schools, and I will be visible for more than just election time.
GROUND-GAME MAGAZINE® #4: How do feel that there is currently not one African-American male on the school board?
PASTOR LARRY WILLIAMS: Being that the district is a majority minority district, I think it is important that the school board is diverse of both gender and ethnicity. We have an opportunity to elect our only African-American male in this election cycle for HISD school board trustee to represent, not only African-American males, but all children.
Let me just say a word to the voters. For too long our District has been underrepresented. We have taxation without representation. For too long candidates have used the school board to launch their political career and then they run for another position. For too long our children’s schools and communities have been left out, wiped out, and cut out. Not only are our schools being closed down, they’re being torn down. There are several other schools that are on the verge of being torn down, that the current school board trustee is not telling you. I will not be a school board trustee who will just tell you what you want to hear, but will tell you what you need to know.
But I want every voter to know that I, Pastor Larry Williams, the Christian candidate, will be a voice for the voiceless. I will fight for the least, the lost, and the left out. It is important that we have a representative who values prayer and has spiritual convictions before making decisions that will affect the lives of many. I’m grateful that I have received the endorsements of one of my former opponents, Darlene “Koffey” Smith, as well as the endorsement of the Harris County Democratic Party. I’m not a politician, just a serious Pastor with serious solutions. Don’t let anyone fool you, there are pre- voter slates/voter guides, where candidates names are listed and are circulating, telling and instructing you on how to vote. Your vote is too valuable to let someone hand you a slate, and dictate to you who to vote for. Don’t let anyone sway you. Your vote matters. Vote your conscious!
Larry Williams is a former school teacher; former project manager for Community in Schools; Fomer Gear-Up Coordinator for Project Grad; and Pastor of New Covenant Baptist Church. Pastor Williams was recently elevated to Bishop of New Covenant Fellowship Incorporated.

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Pastor Larry Williams is the candidate you should consider in the race for HISD Board Trustee for District 2. On Saturday, December 12, 2015 Rhonda Skillern-Jones, the incumbent, will face off against Larry Williams in the race for HISD Board Trustee for District II. Skillern-Jones made the runoff by leading all her challenges by a hefty margin. However, she did not reach the 50% threshold and must face off against Williams. Skillern-Jones gained 7,628 votes (45.99%) of the overall turnout. Larry Williams received 4,114 votes (24.80%) of the overall voter turnout.


Manuel Rodriguez is the candidate you should consider in the race for HISD Board Trustee for District 3. On Saturday, December 12, 2015 Manuel Rodriguez, the incumbent, will face off against Jose Leal in the race for HISD Board Trustee for District III. Rodriguez garnered 4,061 votes (46.37%) of the overall voter turnout to make the runoff. Jose Leal garnered 2,622 votes (29.94%) of the overall turnout to finish second and make the runoff.

The opinions expressed by Aubrey R. Taylor, publisher of Houston Business Connections Newspaper in this "BLOG POST" do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of Aubrey R. Taylor Communications; or supporters, sponsors, advertisers, friends, associates, or anyone else associated directly or indirectly to Aubrey R. Taylor Communications.