Harris County Clerk Teneshia Hudspeth held a press conference a few days ago and believes that she's got the county ready to handle the upcoming Tuesday, November 7, 2023, City of Houston Mayoral Election. In the photo above, Harris County Clerk Teneshia Hudspeth explains the Logic and Accuracy Testing process at the Elections Technology Center. Now, while what Hudspeth is talking about is very important, the fact that we still have a "WHOLE BUNCH OF DEAD PEOPLE" still on the voter rolls with only thirty-one days left, before the start of "EARLY VOTING" is equally important. Who registered these "DEAD PEOPLE" to vote? You can "CLICK HERE" to see one of our "KEY ENDORSEMENTS" in the race for Houston City Council At-Large Position #1, in our beloved Bayou City.

As of today, (Friday, September 22, 2023), Sylvia Thomas, a Black woman who actually lives in New Orleans, Louisiana, is registered to vote in Harris County, Texas. Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee's "MAIL BALLOT HARVESTERS" stole Sylvia's identity and used it to request an "ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOT APPLICATION" in her name. You can "CLICK HERE" to verify that someone in Harris County renewed her voter registration back on January 1, 2022, so that she would be eligible to vote through December 31, 2023, by mail ballot.

As of today, (Friday, September 22, 2023), Kathleen Hooey, a Black woman who has been dead for nearly 32 years, is still registered to vote in Harris County, Texas. Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee's "MAIL BALLOT HARVESTERS" stole Kathleen's identity and used it to request an "ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOT APPLICATION" in her name. You can "CLICK HERE" to verify that someone in Harris County renewed her voter registration back on January 1, 2022, so that she would be eligible to vote through December 31, 2023, by mail ballot.

As of today, (Friday, September 22, 2023), Gloria Rideaux Chambers, a Black woman who has been dead for nearly 13 years, is still registered to vote in Harris County, Texas. Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee's "MAIL BALLOT HARVESTERS" stole Gloria's identity and used it to request an "ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOT APPLICATION" in her name. You can "CLICK HERE" to verify that someone in Harris County renewed her voter registration back on January 1, 2022, so that she would be eligible to vote through December 31, 2023, by mail ballot.

As of today, (Friday, September 22, 2023), Tommie Bookman, a Black military veteran who has been dead for nearly 7 years, is still registered to vote in Harris County, Texas. Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee's "MAIL BALLOT HARVESTERS" stole Tommie's identity and used it to request an "ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOT APPLICATION" in his name. You can "CLICK HERE" to verify that someone in Harris County renewed her voter registration back on January 1, 2022, so that she would be eligible to vote through December 31, 2023, by mail ballot.

Attorney Julian Ramirez is endorsed by Houston Business Connections Newspaper in the race for Houston City Council At-Large Position #1 during the "EARLY VOTING" period. You can "CLICK HERE" to see all sixty-eight "EARLY VOTING LOCATIONS" and make your plan.

There are sixty-eight "EARLY VOTING LOCATIONS" for Houstonians to choose from during the upcoming Tuesday, November 7, 2023, City of Houston Mayoral Election. Early voting will begin on Monday, October 23, 2023, and end on Friday, November 7, 2023. You can "CLICK HERE" to view all sixty-eight locations and make your plan to vote.

Elections clerks are seen above, reviewing the ballots during the Logic and Accuracy Testing at the Election Technology Center, which took place a few days ago.
There are Sixty-Eight Early Voting Locations for the Upcoming Tuesday, November 7, 2023, City of Houston Mayoral Election
Today, I’m going to show you how crooked these “NEGROES” are who have been put in charge of running the upcoming Tuesday, November 7, 2023, City of Houston Mayoral Election.
Ann Harris Bennett is the “Democrat” Harris County Tax Assessor-Collector/Voter Registrar, and Teneshia Hudspeth is the “Democrat” Harris County Clerk. Now, these “TWO NEGROS” are so arrogant and full of themselves, that they won’t even listen to me.
However, if these two (Harris-Bennett and Hudspeth) are not careful, these “TWO NEGROS” are going to trigger “SENATE BILL 1933” which will give the Texas Secretary of State, a Republican by the name of Jane Nelson the ability to step in and basically take over the running of local elections for the upcoming 2024 Presidential Election cycle and beyond.
What do I mean?
These Democrat officials still have not cleaned up the voter rolls for Harris County, Texas, and that’s ridiculous – if you ask me.

I just checked the voter rolls for Harris County, Texas, at 10:30 a.m., and I can still see a whole bunch of dead people who are registered to vote in the upcoming Tuesday, November 7, 2023, City of Houston Mayoral Election. And most of the “DEAD PEOPLE” I see on the Harris County, Texas “VOTER ROLLS” are “DECEASED BLACK PEOPLE” who live in Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee’s 18th Congressional District of Texas – go figure!

In case you haven’t heard, The Harris County Clerk’s Office (HCCO) Elections Department wrapped up its “LOGISTIC AND ACCURACY (L&A) TESTING” a few days ago, on September 21, 2023.
This testing is considered to be a pre-election procedure that ensures that all of the voting equipment and ballots are recorded and tabulated accurately.
“Logic and accuracy tests are required by state law. These tests confirm that all voting machines are working properly and counting votes accurately,” said Harris County Clerk Teneshia Hudspeth, at a press conference she held to explain the process.
According to County Clerk Hudspeth, “We work diligently to ensure that the different ballot types are ready to go live. Representatives from the Democratic and Republican parties are present and observe the entire process."
She also stated at her press conference that last week, her “ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT” and political entities proofed the election title, contests, candidate names, propositions language, audio, precincts, and ballot styles to ensure all components are correct.
From what I understand, over forty political entities will have items on the ballot, from statewide constitutional amendments to highly localized utility districts.
“Security is our top priority, and our motto is accuracy over speed,” said County Clerk Hudspeth. “We must report 100% accuracy to the Secretary of State on all testing before proceeding with election planning.”
County Clerk Hudspeth also stated that starting next week, voters throughout the county will be able to go to (www.HarrisVotes.com) to see all of the candidates and contests that will appear on the ballot.

If you are not registered to vote, please don’t forget that the deadline to get registered to vote for the upcoming election is October 10. Early voting will begin on October 23 and will run through November 3, with “ELECTION DAY” voting set to take place on Tuesday, November 7, 2023.