Judge Israel Garcia (Democrat) has snatched the coveted endorsement from the Houston Region Business Coalition away from former Judge James Lombardino (Republican), according to an email received by Houston Business Connections Newspaper. State Senator Carol Alvarado (Democrat), Judge Wanda Adams (Democrat), Judge Joe Stephens (Democrat), and Judge Victor Trevino, III (Democrat) have also been endorsed by the (HRBC), which supports public policy elected officials and candidates for elected office that promote the core values of limited government, free-market capitalism, and private property rights. All the candidates endorsed by the HRBC received a 2/3 majority of the (HRBC) Trustee votes. IN OTHER NEWS...Vice President Kamala Harris, supported by State Rep. Ron Reynolds (HD-27), was somehow mysteriously left off the online "ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOT" in Montana, but the problem has been fixed. (CLICK HERE) View the entire field of "DEMOCRATIC NOMINEES" for Harris County, Texas.

State Rep. Ron Reynolds (HD-27) is extremely pleased that the problem in Montana on Friday, September 20, 2024, has been fixed. Thanks to Montana's Republican Secretary of State (Christi Jacobson), the glitch involving Vice President Kamala Harris has been resolved, and everything is back to normal. (CLICK HERE) Read the article that appeared in NEWSWEEK for yourself.

The mission of HRBC is to support public policy, elected officials, and candidates for elected office that promote our core values of limited government, free-market capitalism, and private property rights. Known as Houston’s premier business coalition, HRBC hosts public forums that allow elected officials and candidates to learn more about the businesses we represent and share their messages. (CLICK HERE) to view the complete list of "DEMOCRATIC NOMINEES" and (CLICK HERE) to view the complete list of "REPUBLICAN NOMINEES" who will appear on the ballot in Harris County, Texas.
Judge Israel Garcia, Judge Wanda Adams, and Judge Joe Stephens Made the HRBC 2024 General Election Endorsements list
Hopefully, what happened in Montana last week won’t happen in Texas once absentee mail ballots start to flow next week. Last week in Montana, an absentee mail ballot voter discovered that Vice President Kamala Harris’s name was not an option on his ballot.
The voter, Max Himsl, who is registered to vote in Montana, lives in the UK. When he tried to fill out his ballot online, he couldn’t find Kamala Harris’s name, so he immediately reported the problem to the Flathead County Election Department on Friday, September 20, 2024.
The Secretary of State’s office, run by a Republican named Christi Jacobson, leaped into action and shut down the “ELECTRONIC ABSENTEE SYSTEM” as a precautionary measure.
According to the Montana Secretary of State’s Office, the issue affected very few voters, and the system is back up and running properly.

Things are beginning to get serious in Harris County, Texas, as “NON-PARTISAN ENDORSEMENT SLATES” are starting to take form. As customary, our endorsement slate will include the “BEST DEMOCRATS AND REPUBLICANS,” who value the vote, prayers, and support of our diverse readership.
The “ENDORSEMENT GAME” is shifting in Harris County, Texas. Democrats are dominating the Houston Chronicle Editorial Board Endorsements up and down the “THEIR SLATE” as the start of “EARLY VOTING” on Monday, October 21, 2024, draws nearer.
In addition to the Houston Chronicle Endorsement Board giving Democrats a huge boost of confidence, other “ENDORSEMENT SLATE” that typically feature a bevy of Republican candidates are beginning to follow suit and begin to bring Democrats into their fold as Democrats continue to dominate local elections in Harris County, Texas.
That said, in a surprise move, the Houston Region Business Coalition (HRBC), widely considered the premier business coalition in our region, has shaken things up with the announcement of their “2024 ENDORSED CANDIDATES” for Harris County, Texas.
While the HRBC appears to have avoided the toxic presidential election, they have waded into the deep waters of some highly contested local races.
In the race for United States Senator, they endorsed Senator Ted Cruz, which didn’t really come as a significant surprise. However, some of their down-ballot selections were awe-inspiring. Especially their endorsement of Judge Israel Garcia, the Democrat Justice of the Peace for Precinct 5, Place 1, over long-time Judge James Lombardino, who appears to be in over his head.
Judge Isreal Garcia has quickly become one of the most famous judges in Harris County as he fights to retain the bench he won back during the 2020 Presidential Election.
I’ve been involved in and around Harris County politics my entire adult life, and I’ve never encountered a man who loves his job more than Judge Israel Garcia. That’s why I was overcome with joy when I noticed he’d been endorsed by the Houston Region Business Coalition, an organization I’ve respected for years.
“My dad came to America as an undocumented minor at 16 years old with no formal education on a mission to provide a better life for his family,” said Judge Israel Garcia.
He continued, “In one generation, I became a judge, and now my daughter (my dad’s granddaughter) has graduated from Trinity University as a Neuroscience Mayor and is in her first year of Medical School.”
“I’m not bragging; I'm simply expressing my gratitude and appreciation of the life that being born in America has afforded me and my family,” explained Judge Garcia.

Judge Israel Garcia is the driving force behind our “VOTE BLUE ALL THE WAY THROUGH” theme for Tuesday, November 5, 2024, and individuals like Mike Knox, who is running for Harris County Sheriff and is also endorsed by HRBC, are the driving force behind our “VOTE RED” themed efforts.
In case you don’t know, our “ENDORSEMENT SLATE,” like the Houston Chronicle Editorial Board “SLATE” and the Houston Business Coalition “SLATE,” aims to identify the best candidates available in a nonpartisan fashion and then promote those people to our diverse readership.
I don’t particularly agree with the HRBC endorsements in the races for District Judge, 61st Judicial District Court, District Judge, 80th Judicial District Court, and District Judge, 164th Judicial District Court. Still, I’m a little biased in those races—I guess.
Even still, how things work in America is that everyone is entitled to their opinion. In my opinion, Judge Fredericka Phillips, Judge Jeralynn Manor, and Judge Cheryl Elliott Thornton are solid incumbent judges who deserve to be elected on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, in the most consequential election of our lifetimes.

The Houston Region Business Coalition (HRBC) supports public policy, elected officials, and candidates for elected office who promote our core values of limited government, free-market capitalism, and private property rights. That said, the candidates you see listed below received a 2/3 majority of their Trustee votes to make their “NONPARTISAN ENDORSEMENT SLATE” for Tuesday, November 5, 2024, Presidential Election in Harris County, Texas.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039

DaSean Jones (Democrat) has $35,162.42 in cash, and James “Jimmy” Blacklock has a political action committee affiliated with him called Texas Alliance for Life PAC, which has $607,012.48 cash on hand. These two nominees will square off in the Judge, Supreme Court, Place 2 race.

Chika A. Anyiam (Democrat) has $9,624.60 in cash, and Lee Finley (Republican) has a political action committee called Bastrop County Conservatives PAC affiliated with him that has $5,516.33 cash on hand. These two nominees will square off in the race for Judge, Court of Criminal Appeals, Place 8.

Amber Boyd-Cora (Democrat) has $2,850.00 in cash, and Susanna Dokupil (Republican) has $15,211.93. These two are running for Justice, 1st Court of Appeals District, Place 9.

Velda Renita Faulkner (Democrat) has $600.00 in cash, and Chad Bridges (Republican) has $15,441.09. These two are running for Justice, 14th Court of Appeals District, Place 3.

Fredericka Phillips (Democrat) has $169,821.36 in cash, and Lee Kathryn Shuchart (Republican) has $2,650.00. These two are running for District Judge in the 61st Judicial District Court.

Jeralynn Manor (Democrat) has $183,947.44 in cash, and Sonya Aston (Republican) has $1,250.00. These two are running for District Judge in the 80th Judicial District Court.

Erica Hughes (Democrat) has $190,100.00 in cash on hand. She has no Republican opponent running against her for District Judge in the 151st Judicial District Court.

TaKasha Francis (Democrat) has $125,352.82 in cash. She has no Republican opponent running against her for District Judge in the 152nd Judicial District Court.

Ursula A. Hall (Democrat) has $48,991.63 in cash, and Bruce Bain (Republican) has $6,982.69 cash on hand. These two are running for District Judge in the 165th Judicial District Court.

Hazel B. Jones (Democrat) has $2,005.70 in cash. She has no Republican opponent running against her in the race for District Judge, 174th Judicial District Court.

Nikita “Niki” Harmon (Democrat) has $13,596.04 in cash. She has no Republican opponent running against her in the race for District Judge, 176th Judicial District Court.

Robert Johnson (Democrat) has $53,337.16 in cash, and Emily Detoto Munoz (Republican) has $500.00 cash on hand. These two are running for District Judge in the 177th Judicial District Court.

Elaine Palmer (Democrat) has $70,053.19 in cash, and Nathan Milliron (Republican) has $1,404.20. These two are running for District Judge in the 215th Judicial District Court.

Tracy D. Good (Democrat) has $67,925.79 in cash, and Brian Staley (Republican) has $12,304.11 cash on hand. These two are running for District Judge in the 333rd Judicial District Court.

Dawn Rogers (Democrat) has $157,639.28 in cash. She has no Republican opponent running against her for District Judge in the 334th Judicial District Court.

Te’iva Bell (Democrat) has $8,114.92 in cash. She has no Republican opponent running against her for District Judge in the 339th Judicial District Court.

Vivian King (Democrat) has $413.00 in cash, and Aaron Burdette (Republican) has “ZERO” cash on hand. These two are running for District Judge in the 486th Judicial District Court.

Stacy Allen Barrow (Democrat) has $13,392.00 in cash, and Lori Deangelo (Republican) has $346.00. These two are running for District Judge in the 487th Judicial District Court.

Carvana Cloud (Democrat) has a political action committee associated with her, and she has $5,578.27 in cash on hand, while Matthew Peneguy (Republican) has $13,561.89 in cash on hand. These two are running for District Judge in the 488th Judicial District Court.

Lillian Henny Alexander (Democrat) has $92,300.10 in cash, and Daniel Lemkuil (Republican) has $218.90. These two are running for District Judge in the 507th Judicial District Court.

Ashley Mayes Guice (Democrat) has $1,979.59 in cash, and Linda Garcia (Republican) has $2,684.03 cash on hand. These two are running for Judge County Criminal Court at Law No. 16.

Fransheneka “Fran” Watson (Democrat) has $18,629.12 in cash, and Ray Black, Jr. (Republican) has $2,500.00 cash on hand. These two are running for Judge, County Probate Court No. 5.

Joe Stephens (Democrat) has “ZERO” cash on hand. He has no Republican opponent running against him in the Justice of the Peace race, Precinct 3, Place 1.

Wanda Adams (Democrat) has $300.25 cash on hand. She has no Republican opponent running against her in the Justice of the Peace race, Precinct 7, Place 1.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039

"Early voting will begin on Monday, October 21, 2024, and end on Friday, November 1, 2024, for the upcoming Tuesday, November 5, 2024, Presidential Election. It is incumbent upon us to make it our business to select the best candidate available in every down-ballot race."

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039