Judge Ravi K. Sandill (left), is the presiding judge for the 127th District Court in Harris County, Texas. Judge Nikita V. Harmon (center) is the presiding judge for the 176th District Court in Harris County, Texas. Judge Te'iva Johnson Bell (right) is the presiding judge for the 339th District Court in Harris County, Texas. All three of these "DEMOCRAT JUDGES" will have to gain the "DEMOCRATIC NOMINATION" on Tuesday, March 5, 2024, in the Democratic Party Primary. But what you might not know is that Judge Ravi K. Sandill has a robust total of $576,522.10 sitting in his campaign bank account to fight off any would-be Democratic challengers in the upcoming 2024 Democratic Party Primary challenger. However, Judge Nikita Harmon only has a mere $115.45 sitting in her campaign bank account, and Judge Te'iva Johnson Bell only has $200.00 sitting in her bank account.
Judge Ravi Sandill Has $576,522 in the bank; Judge Nikita Harmon Has $115.45; Judge Te'iva Johnson Bell has $200.00 in the Bank
With only a few months left to raise money to hold off Democratic Party Primary challengers, two sitting "BLACK DEMOCRAT JUDGES" by the name of (Judge Te'iva Johnson Bell and Judge Nikita Harmon), in Harris County, Texas only have a combined $315.45 sitting in their campaign bank account, to fend off any potential challengers they may have on Tuesday, March 5, 2023, in the Democratic Party Primary. That being said, "AFRICAN AMERICAN FEMALES" have been the backbone of the Democratic Party on the national stage for decades. But some serious questions need to be asked about the lack of support Black females get from Democratic Party donors on the local and national levels.

It's hurtful to see my people blindly support the Democratic Party over and over again, without any reciprocation whatsoever, when it comes to financially supporting African-American women with hard-cold cash. What's happening in Harris County, Texas is a complete embarrassment, and nobody is saying a word about it. What are African Americans really getting for their loyalty to the HCDP by way of tangible things that can be measured? Is Judge Ravi Sandill and other wealthy Democrats going to share any of their campaign cash with their colleagues like Judge Nikita Harmon, or Judge Te'iva Johnson Bell, who are both more than likely going to face stiff challenges on "SUPER TUESDAY" in the upcoming Tuesday, March 5, 2024, Democratic Party Primary?

EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033

Judge Ravi K. Sandill (Democrat), the presiding judge for the 127th District Court in Harris County, Texas has $576,522.10, sitting in his "CAMPAIGN BANK ACCOUNT" for his reelection bid. You can "CLICK HERE" to see for yourself.

Judge Te'Iva Johnson Bell (Democrat), the presiding judge for the 339th District Court in Harris County, Texas only has $200.00, sitting in her "CAMPAIGN BANK ACCOUNT" for her reelection bid. You can "CLICK HERE" to see for yourself.

Judge Nikita V. Harmon (Democrat), the presiding judge for the 176th District Court in Harris County, Texas only has $200.00, sitting in her "CAMPAIGN BANK ACCOUNT" for her reelection bid. You can "CLICK HERE" to see for yourself.

Investigative Reporter and Political Influencer Aubrey R. Taylor is looking for duly qualified candidates who are not members of the "ELLIS/TURNER POLITICAL REGIME" to run for public office on Tuesday, November 7, 2023, in the City of Houston Mayoral Election, and on Tuesday, March 5, 2024, in the Democratic and Republican Primary Elections in Harris County, Texas. Call (281)788-3033, for more information. You can "CLICK HERE" to check out a few of the candidates who are already endorsed by me.