The Houston Bar Association (HBA) recently released the results of its 2016 Judicial Preference Poll. The HBA posted the results on its website,
The Judicial Preference Poll is not an endorsement by the Houston Bar Association.*
In each election year, the HBA asks its members to indicate their preferences in contested judicial and some administrative races. The 2016 Judicial Preference Poll includes Democratic, Green, Libertarian, and Republican candidates in contested races for the Supreme Court of Texas, the Court of Criminal Appeals, the Houston Courts of Appeals, Harris County District Courts, Harris County Courts at Law, Justice of the Peace Courts, Harris County District Attorney, and Harris County Attorney. The poll was conducted through online voting, with 1,962 ballots cast, representing a return rate of 21.2% of eligible HBA voters.
Believing that an informed electorate is vital to the efficient administration of justice, the Houston Bar Association has conducted judicial polls since the early 1970s.
* The Judicial Preference Poll is not an endorsement by the Houston Bar Association. Any use of the information contained in the poll, including publication or advertising, must reflect that the poll is not an endorsement by the Houston Bar Association.
The Houston Bar Association is a nonprofit, professional organization for attorneys. The HBA, the fifth largest metropolitan bar association in the nation, provides professional development, education and service programs for the legal profession and the community.

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "I would like to thank all of the Conservative and Democratic candidates who are finding value in my mission to educate and empower Harris County voters. Please be reminded that every vote will matter on Tuesday, November 8, 2016 in Harris County. And finally, I am encouraging all registered voters to vote early from Monday, October 24, 2016 through Friday, November 4, 2016."
As President and CEO of Aubrey R. Taylor Communications, the publisher of Houston Business Connections Newspaper® and Ground Game Magazine® I am imploring you to put people over politics when selecting candidates on Tuesday, November 8, 2016.
All candidates without respect to “Party Affiliation” are invited to seek the vote and support of our diverse and “OPEN-MINDED” reader base.
Candidates who need assistance with branding, marketing or targeting “OPEN-MINDED” voters should look no further. Houston Business Connection Newspaper® and Ground Game Magazine® are both designed to assist you with building name recognition, outreach, press release delivery, strategy development/support and much, much, more.
Our mission is to help our readership identify the candidates who “VALUE” and “RESPECT” their vote and support!

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