Beyoncé was in Houston yesterday (Friday, October 25, 2024), inspiring Houstonians to support Vice President Kamala Harris's bid to become President of the United States.“Imagine our daughters growing up seeing what’s possible with no ceilings, no limitations," stated Beyoncé. GLASS CEILING BREAKERS... Judge Jeralynn Manor (center) and Judge Fredericka Phillips (for right) are two duly qualified honorable women who serve as judiciary members. Both are endorsed by the Mexican American Bar Association of Houston (MABAH) and approved by the prestigious Houston Association of Women Attorneys (AWA) over their female Republican opponents -- which speaks volumes. (CLICK HERE) Check out our complete list of "JUDICIAL ENDORSEMENTS" and learn more about these two outstanding judges who are highly respected by the lawyers who practice before the 61st Civil District Court and 80th Civil District Courts.

“I’m here as a mother, a mother who cares about the world our children live in, a world where we have the freedom to control our bodies, a world where we are not divided, our past or present or future.” Beyoncé continued, “Imagine our daughters growing up seeing what’s possible with no ceilings, no limitations.”
According to Beyoncé, “It’s time for America to sing a new song.” However, what we saw play out yesterday at Shell Energy Stadium was a ‘feel-good’ moment, a show, a motivational event – but will it translate into votes?

Judge Jeralynn Manor, the presiding judge for the 80th Civil District Court, and her fellow "CIVIL DISTRICT COURT JUDGES" handle civil disputes. For the record, Civil District Courts decide on matters and render judgments on "NON-CRIMINAL CASES." That said, the "POLITICAL ATTACK ADS" running on TV stations and Radio Stations are not referring to Judge Jeralynn Manor or Judge Fredericka Phillips when they talk about judges having blood on their hands. Judge Manor and Judge Phillips should be supported at the ballot box on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, in Harris County, Texas.

Judge Kristen Hawkins, Judge Fredericka Phillips, Jeralynn Manor, Kyle Carter, Michael Gomez, Judge Erica Hughes, Judge TaKasha Francis, Cheryl Elliott Thornton, Judge Elaine Palmer, and Judge Dawn Rogers are all "CIVIL DISTRICT COURT JUDGES" and don't have nothing to do with the people being murdered in Houston, Texas. (CLICK HERE) Please take a moment to view our complete list of 2024 Judicial recommendations for Harris County, Texas.
Some Beyoncé fans that members of my investigative team spoke to left the “HOUSTON RALLY” for Kamala Harris for President of the United States a little disappointed on Friday, October 25, 2024. After waiting over 12 hours in the sweltering Houston heat, many were frustrated that Beyoncé did not perform her “HIT SONG” entitled “FREEDOM,” the theme song for Harris’s presidential bid.
Rather than perform “FREEDOM,” Beyoncé delivered a moving endorsement. “I’m not here as a celebrity. I’m not here as a politician,” explained Beyoncé.
“I’m here as a mother, a mother who cares about the world our children live in, a world where we have the freedom to control our bodies, a world where we are not divided, our past or present or future.”
Beyoncé continued, “Imagine our daughters growing up seeing what’s possible with no ceilings, no limitations.”
According to Beyoncé, “It’s time for America to sing a new song.” However, what we saw play out yesterday at Shell Energy Stadium was a ‘feel-good’ moment, a show, a motivational event – but will it translate into votes?
While Democrats fainted from heat exhaustion while waiting for the rally, Republican voters continued to flock to the polls in groves at early voting polls all across Harris County, Texas.
In my opinion, the rally for the “HARRIS/WALZ” campaign would have packed a lot more punch if it had been held close to an “EARLY VOTING POLLS” and compelled attendees to show their “I VOTED STICKER” to participate in the gathering – that’s what should have happened.

After five days of “EARLY VOTING,” Democratic candidates running countywide have found themselves in the fight of their political lives as Republican voters dominate the in-person voting turnout.
Many Democratic candidates don’t have consultants who dare to tell them the truth about what’s unfolding in Harris County, Texas, through the first five days of this historic election cycle.
Likely, the Hobby School of Public Affairs “OPINION POLL” of 491 likely voters got it wrong.
Looking at the “EARLY VOTING REPORTS” provided to us by the Harris County Clerk’s Office, the Tuesday, November 5, 2024, Presidential Election is shaping up to be much closer than pundits and party bosses want us to believe it’s going to be.
For starters, every Democratic incumbent running countywide is at a severe disadvantage of the “ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOT CATEGORY” because, on average, they’re going to at least 60,000 fewer mail ballots than they had back during Tuesday, November 3, 2020, Presidential Election cycle.
The first sign of trouble for Democrats that nobody dares to talk about is that Chris Hollins mailed out 250,434 absentee mail ballots back during the Tuesday, November 3, 2020, early voting period for the Presidential Election. And of the 250,434 absentee mail ballots sent out by Hollins when he served as the Harris County Clerk, an astonishing 170,410 were filled out and returned to the Harris County Clerk’s Office.
Between Monday, September 23, 2024, and Friday, October 25, 2024, Harris County Clerk Teneshia Hudspeth has only mailed out 76,333 absentee mail ballots. Of the 76,333 absentee mail ballots mailed out to voters who requested them, only 40,189 absentee mail ballots have been filled out and returned.
What does this mean?
The low number of “ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOTS” returned means that Democrats will not have a decided advantage over their Republican opponents like they had during the Tuesday, November 3, 2020, Presidential Election in Harris County, Texas.

Joseph R. Biden and Kamala D. Harris (Democrats) received 114,103 absentee mail ballots. In contrast, Donald J. Trump and Michael Pence (Republicans) received only 61,681 in the 2020 race for President of the United States in Harris County, Texas.

Judge Fredericka Phillips (Democrat) received 96,964 absentee mail ballots, and Erin Elizabeth Lunceford (Republican) received 69,385 absentee mail ballots in the 2020 race for the 61st Judicial District in Harris County, Texas.
Judge Jeralynn Manor (Democrat) received 98,202 absentee mail ballots, and Sharon Hemphill (Republican) received 67,532 absentee mail ballots in the 2020 race for the 80th Judicial District in Harris County, Texas.
Judge R.K. Sandill (Democrat) received 102,361 absentee mail ballots, and Nile Copeland (Republican) received 63,425 absentee mail ballots in the 2020 race for the 127th Judicial District in Harris County, Texas.
Judge Michael Gomez (Democrat) received 102,361 absentee mail ballots, and Will Archer (Republican) received 63,343 absentee mail ballots in the 2020 race for the 129th Judicial District in Harris County, Texas.
Judge Jaclanel McFarland (Democrat) received 100,477 absentee mail ballots, and Sheri Y. Dean (Republican) received 64,509 absentee mail ballots in the 2020 race for the 133rd Judicial District in Harris County, Texas.
Judge Cheryl Elliott Thornton (Democrat) received 96,508 absentee mail ballots, and Michael Landrum (Republican) received 68,283 absentee mail ballots in the 2020 race for the 164th Judicial District in Harris County, Texas.
Judge Ursula A. Hall (Democrat) received 96,564 absentee mail ballots, and Bruce Bain (Republican) received 68,084 absentee mail ballots in the 2020 race for the 165th Judicial District in Harris County, Texas.
Judge Elaine Palmer (Democrat) received 97,882 absentee mail ballots, and Fred Shuchart (Republican) received 66,842 absentee mail ballots in the 2020 race for the 215th Judicial District in Harris County, Texas.
Judge Dawn Deshea Rogers (Democrat) received 99,223 absentee mail ballots, and Dan Lemkuil (Republican) received 64,992 absentee mail ballots in the 2020 race for the 334th Judicial District in Harris County, Texas.
Judge Te’Iva Bell (Democrat) received 98,105 absentee mail ballots, and Bruce Bain (Republican) received 66,348 absentee mail ballots in the 2020 race for the 339th Judicial District in Harris County, Texas.
Judge Natalia “Nata” Cornelio (Democrat) received 100,478 absentee mail ballots, and Arlene Hecht (Republican) received 64,240 absentee mail ballots in the 2020 race for the 351st Judicial District in Harris County, Texas.
Judge Julia Maldonado (Democrat) received 98,163 absentee mail ballots, and Alyssa Lemkuil (Republican) received 66,489 absentee mail ballots in the 2020 race for the 507th Judicial District in Harris County, Texas.
Judge Lesley Briones (Democrat) received 102,128 absentee mail ballots, and Clyde Raymond Leuchtag (Republican) received 62,414 absentee mail ballots in the 2020 race for Judge, County Civil Court at Law No. 4, Unexpired Term.
Judge Genesis Draper (Democrat) received 97,014 absentee mail ballots, and Linda Garcia (Republican) received 67,654 in the 2020 race for Judge, County Criminal Court at Law No. 12, Unexpired Term.
Judge Darrell William Jordan, Jr. (Democrat) received 97,214 absentee mail ballots. Bill Harmon (Republican) received 67,654 absentee mail in the 2020 race for Judge, County Criminal Court at Law No. 16, in Harris County, Texas.

District Attorney Kim Ogg (Democrat) received 103,870 absentee mail ballots, and Mary Nan Huffman (Republican) received 63,573 absentee mail ballots in the 2020 Harris County District Attorney race.
County Attorney Dashaun Menefee (Democrat) received 101,622 absentee mail ballots, and John Nation (Republican) received 63,983 absentee mail ballots in the 2020 race for Harris County Sheriff.
County Sheriff Ed Gonzalez (Democrat) received 108,105 absentee mail ballots, and Joe Danna (Republican) received 59,790 absentee mail ballots in the 2020 Harris County District Attorney race.
County Tax Assessor-Collector Ann Harris Bennett (Democrat) received 100,639 absentee mail ballots, Chris Daniel (Republican) received 64,629 absentee mail ballots, and Billy Pierce (Libertarian) received 2,784 absentee mail ballots in the 2020 race for Harris County Tax Assessor-Collector.
County Clerk Teneshia Hudspeth (Democrat) received 99,155 absentee mail ballots, and Stan Stanart (Republican) received 66,934 absentee mail ballots in the 2020 race for Harris County District Attorney.

Democrats running countywide in Harris County, Texas, have lost a considerable chunk of their electoral advantage in the “BALLOT BY MAIL CATEGORY” with the low number of “ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOTS” that have been mailed out and an even lower number filled out and returned to the Harris County.
When you factor in the potential “UNDER VOTES,” meaning voters who will skip over down-ballot races, it’s highly likely that Harris County, Texas, will either go “RED” or “PURPLE” on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, in the most consequential “PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION” of our lifetime.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039