"My client, Damien Jones, is deeply dismayed by the fraudulent and laughable charges levied against him today. He never has or ever will engage in any type of election fraud. Let's be clear, he proudly speaks truth to power in a way that empowers those who are overlooked in our communities, and in politics that has put an unfair target on his back. While the murder rate in Harris County skyrockets, Kim Ogg chose to use taxpayer funds to pursue a personal attack. Since being elected in 2016, DA Kim Ogg has abused the power of the office and only sought justice when it was politically expedient for her, while claiming to reform our racist and unjust system. Mr. Jones has been very critical of Kim Ogg's work and he will not stop today. What Kim Ogg did today is public corruption at its finest and we will work with Federal authorities to bring justice. Harris County deserves a top cop who is focused on justice, and not political favors. Mr. Jones appreciates your prayers and support as we fight back and expose the corruption in the Harris County District Attorney's office."
4141 Southwest Freeway Suite #425
Houston, Texas 77027
Phone: 713.851.1110
Houston, Texas 77027
Phone: 713.851.1110

The multiagency, bipartisan taskforce responded to hundreds of complaints, but found no cases of ballot harvesting or vote tampering.
Do you believe the report issued by the multi-agency task force that claims to have responded to hundreds of complaints, but found no cases of ballot harvesting or vote tampering last week. Well, if you do, I don't know what to tell you. According to the report, no evidence of election fraud was found in the November election, despite the existence of widespread allegations backed up by affidavits submitted under penalty of perjury in a lot of cases -- guess everyone is lying -- right? Well, to be straight with you, I don't believe that all of the claims of election fraud were false. Nope, the task force composed of individuals from the Harris County District Attorney's Office, the County Attorney's Office, the County Clerk's Office and the Office of Precinct One Constable Alan Rosen may be at the very least doing a little damage control. As a matter of fact it is beginning to look more and more like somebody or bodies could be trying to right a narrative and fit pieces into place to make the narrative make sense. I don't know, something doesn't smell right.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033


After the former Harris County Clerk, Dr. Diane Trautman abruptly resigned, this guy, Chris Hollins was hand-picked and put in place by Harris County Commissioner's Court. In a front-page article published in the Houston Chronicle, prior to the start of early voting, Chris Hollins stated a projection that 1.7 million ballots would be cast prior to Tuesday, November 3, 2020 -- and he was nearly spot on.
Were the Early Voting Numbers Released by the Harris County Clerk's Office Real?
To the average person, the numbers published below won't mean much. However, these numbers and "NUMBER SEQUENCES" haven't been explained by anyone. Seems like I am only talking to myself. Is anyone out their paying attention? I mean really???

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033

Diane Trautman, a Democrat, fought hard to become the Harris County Clerk. Back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, she defeated Stan Stanart, a Republican, and Abel Chirino Gomez a Libertarian. As a refresher, Diane Trautman received 48,518 votes, by way of "ABSENTEE BALLOTS" back in the 2018 midterm election. Stan Stanart, in case you don't remember, received 44,935 votes, by way of "ABSENTEE BALLOTS" back in the 2018 midterm election. And Abel Chrino Gomez only received 1,294 votes by way of "ABSENTEE BALLOTS' back in the 2018 midterm election. So, just for the record, Diane Trautman went on to totally dominate the early voting, and election day voting phases as well. She eventually captured 54.60% of the vote to unseat Stan Stanart who was the sitting Harris County Clerk at the time.
Back on 4/15/2020: Colleen M. Vera filed a complaint with the Secretary of State for the State of Texas regarding "ABSENTEE BALLOT HARVESTING" in Harris County, Texas. You can learn more about what was included in Colleen M. Vera's report by clicking this link and visiting the "TEXAS TRASH TALK" website. In case you don't know, some of the evidence that was submitted inside Colleen M. Vera's 2-year investigation included a direct tie between Diane Trautman and at least one "DEMOCRATIC OPERATIVE" accused of participating in harvesting schemes.

Back on 4/22/20: Colleen M. Vera went live with her evidence via the "TEXAS TRASH TALK" website which included evidence about Diane Trautman, the Harris County Clerk included at the time -- prior to her abrupt resignation. You can click here to learn more about the alleged "ABSENTEE BALLOT HARVESTING" scheme.

Back on 4/28/20: Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis approved $12 million for Diane Trautman to expand the "ABSENTEE BALLOT" or what many call the "MAIL BALLOT" voting for the Tuesday, July 14, 2020, Primary Runoff Elections, and the Tuesday, November 3, 2020, General Election as well. Please note, that there was money earmarked inside the budget for Diane Trautman to send "MAIL BALLOT APPLICATIONS" to every 65+ voter inside Harris County, Texas -- whether they wanted an absentee or not.

Back on 5/1/20: Ken Paxton, the Attorney General for the State of Texas sent a letter to all Texas county judges and election authorities warning them not to mislead voters by using the Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic fears as a "DISABILITY" to vote by mail. In case you don't know, the press release sent out by Attorney General Ken Paxton called out Diane Trautman and Judge Lina Hidalgo specifically for crossing the line. He also stated that criminal charges could result.

So, from 5/4/20 to 5/7/2020: Dr. Diane Trautman spent a lot of time trying to get "GUIDANCE" from the Texas Secretary of State on how to carry out the "MASS MAILING" of "MAIL BALLOT APPLICATIONS" without crossing the line laid down by Attorney General Ken Paxton. According to published reports, the Secretary of State Ruth R. Hughs did not respond to Diane Trautman's alleged repeated requests.

Back on 5/7/20: The Texas Secretary of State notified Colleen M. Vera that sufficient merit had been found as it related to her 2-year investigation into "ABSENTEE BALLOT HARVESTING COMPLAINT" and that it had been forwarded to the Texas Attorney General with a recommendation to investigate the allegations. To learn more about Colleen M. Vera's allegations, you can click this link to view the "TEXAS TRASH TALK" website.

Back on 5/7/20: After not receiving a response from the Secretary of State, Diane Trautman reported in a "ZOOM MEETING" that she "WOULD NOT" be mailing "ABSENTEE BALLOT APPLICATIONS" to every 65+ voter in Harris County, Texas. According to my sources, Harris County, Democratic Party representatives questioned why the "MAIL BALLOTS" would not be mailed out -- to which Diane Trautman said that she would not do it in the current environment.

Back on 5/9/2020: According to many of my sources, the Harris County Democratic Party fought Diane Trautman tooth and nail as it related to getting more "ABSENTEE BALLOTS" out to voters age 65 and older. Some of my sources feel like it was the mounting pressure from the Texas Attorney General, coupled with a lack of response from the Texas Secretary of State that caused Diane Trautman to take her stand against what the Harris County Democratic Party was trying to do. Sources close to Diane Trautman stated that she did not feel that the "POLITICAL CLIMATE" was right to pull this off. Whether or not, the folks I've spoken with are right or not, isn't up to me to decide. However, some authority should go and talk to Diane Trautman to see what she knew and find out why she really stepped down from her position as the Harris County Clerk.

What do You See Wrong With the Early Voting Numbers that Were Released By Dr. Diane Trautman Back in 2019 and 2020?
To the average person, the early voting turnout numbers that were being put out by Dr. Diane Trautman back when she was the Harris County Clerk didn't mean much. However, these numbers and "NUMBER SEQUENCES" in her reports seem to show "MATHEMATICAL IMPROBABLILIES" that she should be forced to explain to Harris County, Texas voters in one fashion or another, in the very near future.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033

Stan Stanart is the former Harris County Clerk who lost his seat back in the 2018 Democratic wave that swept through Harris County, Texas.
No Appearance of Number Manipulation Was Found in Stan Stanart's 2018 Early Voting Report?
Unlike what has been identified on former Harris County Clerk Diane Trautman's "EARLY VOTING REPORTS" from back in 2019 and 2020, and her predecessor Chris Hollins' "2020 EARLY VOTING REPORT," you don't see the occurrences of any the same number of voters casting the same number of ballots at the same location on two consecutive days. Nor do you see any occurrences at all, of where the same number of voters cast ballots at the same voter location during a three-day period. In fact, there doesn't seem to be anything whatsoever wrong with "2018 VOTING REPORT" that was put forth to the people of Harris County, Texas by Stan Stanart -- based on my study.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
Getting tested at Houston Health Department-affiliated sites is free, and does not require proof of residency, citizenship, or insurance.
Aramco Services Company, 9009 W. Loop South
Drive-thru | Por Ventanilla
Nose self-swab | Muestra nasal por sí mismo
-Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat | lunes, miércoles, viernes, sábado: 8 a.m. - 3 p.m.
-Tuesday, Thursday | martes, jueves: 11 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Call 832-393-4220 for an access code.
Llame al 832-393-4220 para obtener codigo.
If you reach our call center after hours or are requesting a test for you or someone else please complete a prescreening application.

Houston Community College - North Forest, 6010 Little York Rd.
Drive-thru | Por Ventanilla
Healthcare nose swab | Muestra nasal por trabajador de salud
-Mon-Sat | lunes -sábado: 10 a.m.—7 p.m.
Registration available onsite or online via doineedacovid19test.com.
No se requiere cita o cita por doineedacovid19test.com.

Southwest Multi-Service Center, 6400 High Star Dr.
Drive-thru | Por Ventanilla
Nose self swab | Muestra nasal por sí mismo
-Mon-Sat | lunes -sábado: 10 a.m.—7 p.m.
Registration available onsite or online via doineedacovid19test.com.
No se requiere cita o cita por doineedacovid19test.com.

Minute Maid Park, Lot C, 2208 Preston St
Drive-thru/Walk-up | Por Ventanilla/Sin Cita
Mouth self-swab | Muestra oral por sí mismo
-Sat-Wed | sabado – miércoles: 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.
-Thurs-Fri | jueves—viernes: 12 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Appt not required but available at curative.com.
No se requiere o cita por curative.com.

I’m the President/CEO of Aubrey R. Taylor Communications, the publisher of Houston Business Connections Newspaper©. In case you don’t know, I have 30-years of experience in marketing, branding, investigative reporting, public relations, opposition research, and political consulting. I’ve assisted in branding Republican and Democratic candidates in statewide elections and local municipalities throughout the State of Texas. Over the years, I’ve also assisted in branding and marketing (through my various publications) such corporations and institutions as Shell Oil, The City of Houston, Texas A&M University, Texas Southern University, Prairie View A&M University, Chevron, Waste Management, Nationwide Insurance, Momentum Jaguar/BMW, Channel 11, Channel 13, State Farm Insurance, and Allstate Insurance to name a few.

I would have you to know that not everyone who has been accused of a crime or enters a guilty plea in connection with a crime is guilty of the crime they're accused of committing. Neither is everyone who goes to trial to fight charges that are leveled against them and get's convicted are guilty. Look, over the years, some very bad things have happened to people of color in our criminal justice system. So to this end, please understand, that during my career, I’ve gone into the Harris County Jail and Texas prisons on numerous occasions (on secret assignments) working in conjunction with the owner of one of the largest locally owned private security, and investigations firms. The man who was funding my investigations back then (who mysteriously died) also was the godfather of one of my sons, and the backer of one of my publications. That being said, I can straight-faced assure you that I’ve seen some of the injustices that are occurring in the Texas penal system up close and personal. While on the inside, I interviewed (face-to-face) some of the hardest criminals you can imagine for my research. I also discovered first-hand that many of the people who should be locked up are walking around free, and not all of those who are locked behind bars are guilty of the crimes that they, in some cases pleaded guilty to – for whatever reason. So, let me assure you that I know a criminal when I see one. And we have a handful of local elected officials who are straight-criminals and must be stopped!!!

Based on my direct observations over the years, I can attest to the fact that our current criminal justice system is more about “HAVE’S AND HAVE NOT’S” to a greater degree than most people realize. That being said, sure, in some cases, the skin color of the person being accused of a crime plays a role in who gets indicted and eventually convicted of crimes and those who go free. However, at the end of the day, from observing the system from the inside, and out; having money, good legal representation and access to influential people are unfortunately key determining factors when it comes to who will spend the rest of their life walking around with an “X” on their back and who doesn’t. So, to this end, we must endeavor to change our criminal justice system and political landscape by “TAKING POLITICS OUT” of the way our judges are selected in the Lone Star State – that’s very important to me!

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033