Dr. Jack Christie could be just what the doctor ordered as it relates to dealing with "SHE-JACK" and other corrupt members of the "ELLIS/TURNER POLITICAL REGIME" whose deadly policies have turned the City of Houston into the death capital of America. Dr. Jack Christie, a "TRUE CONSERVATIVE" faced off against African-American female opponents three times in the race for At-Large Houston City Position #5, and came away victorious all three times. That being said, Sheila Jackson Lee would be no match for Dr. Christie in a December runoff.


Dr. Jack Christie, a U.S. Army Veteran and Businessman is Undefeated When his Opponent is an African American Woman
You don’t have to take my word for it, but “SHE-JACK” can’t beat “JACK” on Dr. Jack Christie could end up being just what the doctor ordered, if you ask me.
I’ve already told you how “PISSED OFF” I am at former METRO Chairman Gilbert Garcia, who has already squandered his chance to make history by becoming the “FIRST LATINO MAYOR” of the City of Houston. To be clear, in my professional opinion, Gilbert Garcia has run the worst campaign I’ve seen over the course of the last 32 years of my career.
Gilbert Garcia is a conservative-leaning Democrat businessman who is unquestionably wealthy, and very good with numbers. But Gilbert is an idiot and should get out of the race now. The campaign Gilbert Garcia has run so far has been straight TRASH!!!
To be brutally honest Gilbert Garcia embarrassed his entire family and community and should save himself the embarrassment of finishing 5th or 6th in the upcoming Tuesday, November 7, 2023, City of Houston Mayoral Election, and take his $3 million dollars off the table, and go sit down somewhere.
Oh!!! Did I mention, how “PISSED OFF” I am in Gilbert Garcia and the crazy A$$ campaign he’s running? Man!!! Gilbert Garcia has been around politics for years, but he doesn’t know how to run a political campaign. And on top of that, from what I hear, he won’t even listen to anyone, and he doesn’t know “JACK,” about treating people with respect – especially Black people!!!
But “JACK” on the other hand, he’s “A TRUE CONSERVATIVE” who knows how to win! And one of the things I love most about Dr. Jack Christie is that he’s a businessman and a U.S. Army veteran, who isn’t afraid of “SHE-JACK” like Gilbert Garcia, with his cowardly A$$.
That being said, Jack’s entry into the “2023 FIELD OF MAYORAL CONTENDERS” has shaken up the race in a way, no other conservative could have, with “SHE-JACK” in the race.

As a reminder, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee is well-known for turning a blind eye and allowing her campaign workers to run elaborate “ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOT SCHEMES” by stealing the identities of “DEAD BLACK VOTERS” and then requesting “ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOTS” in their names.
Sheila should be ashamed of herself.
With Dr. Jack Christie being a U.S. Army veteran, he must understand that “SHE-JACK” has absolutely no shame in her game, and doesn’t play fair.
In fact, “SHE-JACK” still has not had the decency to apologize to the family of a deceased U.S. Army Veteran by the name of Tommie Bookman, whose identity was stolen by her “BALLOT HARVESTING TEAM” back during the 2020 Democratic Party Primary, in Harris County, Texas.
For those of you who don’t know, Tommie Bookman served our nation in the Korean War, but died back in 2016, which was (4) four years prior to the 2020 Democratic Party Primary even taking place.
U.S. Army Veteran Tommie Bookman was resting peacefully at the Houston National Cemetery, which is located at 10410 Veterans Memorial Drive, in Houston, Texas 77038, when his identity was stolen by Gloria Palmer, a member of Sheila Jackson Lee’s “BALLOT HARVESTING TEAM” whom she has yet to openly denounce.
And to make matters worse, back on January 1, 2022, someone renewed the “VOTER REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE” for U.S. Army Veteran Tommie Bookman, which makes him eligible to vote in the upcoming Tuesday, November 7, 2023, City of Houston Mayoral Election, even though public records show that he was born on February 18, 1932, and died at 84 years of age on June 6, 2016.

To verify what I’m saying, any concerned citizen can “CLICK HERE” to view the “FRAUDULENT VOTER REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE” that is on file with Harris County. Or, you pay a visit to the Houston National Cemetery and ask to visit the gravesite located at (PLOT) Section Q, Site 1084.
The (MEMORIAL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER) for U.S. Army Veteran Tommie Bookman is 166254455, for any of the news media who might be trying to validate the validity of my claim against Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, and her “MAIL BALLOT HARVESTING TEAM” who have been running their “BALLOT HARVESTING SCHEME” in the Black community for decades.

Now, up until yesterday, Wednesday, August 9, 2023, the race for mayor, by most accounts had become a two-person race. However, with the entry of At-Large Houston City Councilman Dr. Jack Christie entering the race, the dynamics of the race have shifted.
What many local news reporters, pollsters, pundits, consultants, pragmatics, and political types may not realize is that Dr. Jack Christie won all three of his elections to the Houston City Council At-Large Position #5 seat by defeating African-American female opponents.
Back on Saturday, December 12, 2015, Dr. Jack Christie "SOUNDLY DEFEATED" his African-American female challenger by the name of Sharon Moses in the race for Houston City Council At-Large Position #5, in our beloved Bayou City. Comparatively speaking, Dr. Jack Christie received 96,358 votes, for 58.45% of the vote. Sharon Moses only received 68,507 votes, for 41.55% of the vote. You can "CLICK HERE" to view the "OFFICIAL CUMULATIVE REPORT" for yourself.


Back on Tuesday, November 5, 2013, Dr. Jack Christie "MADE QUICK WORK" his African American female challenger by the name of Dr. Carolyn Evans-Shabazz in the race for Houston City Council At-Large Position #5, in our beloved Bayou City. Comparatively speaking, Dr. Jack Christie received 69,494 votes, for 55.30% of the vote. Dr. Carolyn Evans-Shabazz only managed to receive 39,820 votes, for 31.69% of the vote. James S. Horwitz only received 16,354 votes, for 13.01% of the vote. You can "CLICK HERE" to view the "OFFICIAL CUMULATIVE REPORT" for yourself.

Back on Saturday, December 12, 2015, Dr. Jack Christie "HANDILY DEFEATED" his African-American female challenger by the name of Jolanda Jones in the race for Houston City Council At-Large Position #5, in our beloved Bayou City. Comparatively speaking, Dr. Jack Christie received 30,569 votes, for 55.07% of the vote. Jolanda Jones only received 24,942 votes, for 44.93% of the vote. You can "CLICK HERE" to view the "OFFICIAL CUMULATIVE REPORT" for yourself.
You don’t have to take my word for it, but “SHE-JACK” can’t beat “JACK” on Dr. Jack Christie could end up being just what the doctor ordered, if you ask me.
I’ve already told you how “PISSED OFF” I am at former METRO Chairman Gilbert Garcia, who has already squandered his chance to make history by becoming the “FIRST LATINO MAYOR” of the City of Houston. To be clear, in my professional opinion, Gilbert Garcia has run the worst campaign I’ve seen over the course of the last 32 years of my career.
Gilbert Garcia is a conservative-leaning Democrat businessman who is unquestionably wealthy, and very good with numbers. But Gilbert is an idiot and should get out of the race now. The campaign Gilbert Garcia has run so far has been straight TRASH!!!
To be brutally honest Gilbert Garcia embarrassed his entire family and community and should save himself the embarrassment of finishing 5th or 6th in the upcoming Tuesday, November 7, 2023, City of Houston Mayoral Election, and take his $3 million dollars off the table, and go sit down somewhere.
Oh!!! Did I mention, how “PISSED OFF” I am in Gilbert Garcia and the crazy A$$ campaign he’s running? Man!!! Gilbert Garcia has been around politics for years, but he doesn’t know how to run a political campaign. And on top of that, from what I hear, he won’t even listen to anyone, and he doesn’t know “JACK,” about treating people with respect – especially Black people!!!
But “JACK” on the other hand, he’s “A TRUE CONSERVATIVE” who knows how to win! And one of the things I love most about Dr. Jack Christie is that he’s a businessman and a U.S. Army veteran, who isn’t afraid of “SHE-JACK” like Gilbert Garcia, with his cowardly A$$.
That being said, Jack’s entry into the “2023 FIELD OF MAYORAL CONTENDERS” has shaken up the race in a way, no other conservative could have, with “SHE-JACK” in the race.

As a reminder, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee is well-known for turning a blind eye and allowing her campaign workers to run elaborate “ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOT SCHEMES” by stealing the identities of “DEAD BLACK VOTERS” and then requesting “ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOTS” in their names.
Sheila should be ashamed of herself.
With Dr. Jack Christie being a U.S. Army veteran, he must understand that “SHE-JACK” has absolutely no shame in her game, and doesn’t play fair.
In fact, “SHE-JACK” still has not had the decency to apologize to the family of a deceased U.S. Army Veteran by the name of Tommie Bookman, whose identity was stolen by her “BALLOT HARVESTING TEAM” back during the 2020 Democratic Party Primary, in Harris County, Texas.
For those of you who don’t know, Tommie Bookman served our nation in the Korean War, but died back in 2016, which was (4) four years prior to the 2020 Democratic Party Primary even taking place.
U.S. Army Veteran Tommie Bookman was resting peacefully at the Houston National Cemetery, which is located at 10410 Veterans Memorial Drive, in Houston, Texas 77038, when his identity was stolen by Gloria Palmer, a member of Sheila Jackson Lee’s “BALLOT HARVESTING TEAM” whom she has yet to openly denounce.
And to make matters worse, back on January 1, 2022, someone renewed the “VOTER REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE” for U.S. Army Veteran Tommie Bookman, which makes him eligible to vote in the upcoming Tuesday, November 7, 2023, City of Houston Mayoral Election, even though public records show that he was born on February 18, 1932, and died at 84 years of age on June 6, 2016.

To verify what I’m saying, any concerned citizen can “CLICK HERE” to view the “FRAUDULENT VOTER REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE” that is on file with Harris County. Or, you pay a visit to the Houston National Cemetery and ask to visit the gravesite located at (PLOT) Section Q, Site 1084.
The (MEMORIAL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER) for U.S. Army Veteran Tommie Bookman is 166254455, for any of the news media who might be trying to validate the validity of my claim against Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, and her “MAIL BALLOT HARVESTING TEAM” who have been running their “BALLOT HARVESTING SCHEME” in the Black community for decades.

Now, up until yesterday, Wednesday, August 9, 2023, the race for mayor, by most accounts had become a two-person race. However, with the entry of At-Large Houston City Councilman Dr. Jack Christie entering the race, the dynamics of the race have shifted.
What many local news reporters, pollsters, pundits, consultants, pragmatics, and political types may not realize is that Dr. Jack Christie won all three of his elections to the Houston City Council At-Large Position #5 seat by defeating African-American female opponents.

“THE 2015 RUNOFF.”
Back on Saturday, December 12, 2015, Dr. Jack Christie withstood the challenge of Sharon Moses in his reelection bid in the “RUNOFF RACE” for Houston City Council At-Large Position #5, in our beloved Bayou City. Comparatively speaking, Dr. Jack Christie received 96,358 votes, for 58.45% of the vote, and Sharon Moses received 68,507 votes, for 41.55% of the vote.

Back on Tuesday, November 3, 2015, Dr. Jack Christie withstood the challenge of J. Brad Batteau, Phillipe Nassif, and Sharon Moses, to finish first with 83,663 votes for 46.00% of the vote, but since he did not receive a (50%) majority of the vote, he was forced into a runoff with Sharon Moses, who finished second 44,091 votes, for 24% of the vote. His other two challengers, Philip Nassif, and J. Brad Batteau finished with 34,765 votes, and 19,362 votes respectively.

Back on Tuesday, November 5, 2013, Dr. Jack Christie defeated his two challengers, Dr. Carolyn Evans-Shabazz, and James S. Horwitz, in the race for Houston City Council At-Large Position #5, in the general election by garnering 69,494 votes, for 55.30% of the vote – which was majority of the vote. Comparatively speaking, Carolyn Evans-Shabazz received 39,820 votes, for 31.69% of the vote, and James S. Horwitz received 16,354 votes, for 13.01% of the vote.

“THE 2011 RUNOFF.”
Back on Saturday, December 10, 2011, Dr. Jack Christie soundly defeated Jolanda Jones in the “RUNOFF ELECTION” for the Houston City Council At-Large Position #5 seat. Comparatively speaking Dr. Jack Christie withstood the challenge of his opponent by garnering 30,569 votes, for 55.07% of the vote. Jolanda Jones was only able to garner 24,942 votes, for 44.93% of the vote in her losing effort.

Back on Tuesday, November 8, 2011, Jolanda Jones finished first, ahead of Dr. Jack Christie, Laurie Robinson, and Bob Ryan, but she did not gain a majority (50%) of the vote. As a refresher, Jolanda “Jo” Jones received 23,464 votes, for 35.96% of the vote, to head into the runoff as the front-runner. Dr. Jack Christie finished second with 22,565 votes, for 34.58% of the vote. Laurie Robinson received 13,509 votes, for 20.70% of the vote. And Bob Ryan received 5,621 votes, for 8.77% of the vote.

"Serving three terms as City Councilmember At-Large has prepared me to both protect our tax dollars from waste and protect our communities from crime. Houston’s next mayor must be a fiscal conservative and I feel a duty to give a voice to thousands of Houstonians who know that to be true. As your next mayor, I will lean on more than 40 years of business experience to get our house in order and restore Houston’s financial security. I humbly ask for your support as we work toward making Houston the safest and most business-friendly city in America!"

A Man of the People
Back on Tuesday, November 3, 2015, Dr. Jack Christie withstood the challenge of J. Brad Batteau, Phillipe Nassif, and Sharon Moses, to finish first with 83,663 votes for 46.00% of the vote, but since he did not receive a (50%) majority of the vote, he was forced into a runoff with Sharon Moses, who finished second 44,091 votes, for 24% of the vote. His other two challengers, Philip Nassif, and J. Brad Batteau finished with 34,765 votes, and 19,362 votes respectively.

Back on Tuesday, November 5, 2013, Dr. Jack Christie defeated his two challengers, Dr. Carolyn Evans-Shabazz, and James S. Horwitz, in the race for Houston City Council At-Large Position #5, in the general election by garnering 69,494 votes, for 55.30% of the vote – which was majority of the vote. Comparatively speaking, Carolyn Evans-Shabazz received 39,820 votes, for 31.69% of the vote, and James S. Horwitz received 16,354 votes, for 13.01% of the vote.

“THE 2011 RUNOFF.”
Back on Saturday, December 10, 2011, Dr. Jack Christie soundly defeated Jolanda Jones in the “RUNOFF ELECTION” for the Houston City Council At-Large Position #5 seat. Comparatively speaking Dr. Jack Christie withstood the challenge of his opponent by garnering 30,569 votes, for 55.07% of the vote. Jolanda Jones was only able to garner 24,942 votes, for 44.93% of the vote in her losing effort.

Back on Tuesday, November 8, 2011, Jolanda Jones finished first, ahead of Dr. Jack Christie, Laurie Robinson, and Bob Ryan, but she did not gain a majority (50%) of the vote. As a refresher, Jolanda “Jo” Jones received 23,464 votes, for 35.96% of the vote, to head into the runoff as the front-runner. Dr. Jack Christie finished second with 22,565 votes, for 34.58% of the vote. Laurie Robinson received 13,509 votes, for 20.70% of the vote. And Bob Ryan received 5,621 votes, for 8.77% of the vote.

"Serving three terms as City Councilmember At-Large has prepared me to both protect our tax dollars from waste and protect our communities from crime. Houston’s next mayor must be a fiscal conservative and I feel a duty to give a voice to thousands of Houstonians who know that to be true. As your next mayor, I will lean on more than 40 years of business experience to get our house in order and restore Houston’s financial security. I humbly ask for your support as we work toward making Houston the safest and most business-friendly city in America!"

A Man of the People
Jack Christie has a proven track record of standing up for our businesses, teachers, and First Responders as a three-term City Councilman at large. He led the successful effort to protect the retirements of countless city employees including fire & police. Elected three times city-wide, Dr. Christie has all the ingredients needed for a successful campaign: name recognition, favorability, and funding.

Caring for Our Community

Dr. Christie has treated over 20,000 patients from all walks of life and every corner of Houston. These patients-turned-friends reflect the diversity of Houston and include countless business & community leaders as well as local & international celebrities. As mayor, Jack Christie will mobilize his vast network to help address the City's most important needs.

A History of Excellence

While President of Spring Branch ISD School Board, the body was recognized as the most outstanding school board in the state of Texas. As Chairman of the State Board of Education, high school accountability standards increased in all 15 required subject areas, preparing our kids for the 21st-century workforce. As our next mayor, Jack Christie will work full-time to catapult Houston's economy to #1 in the nation!

Improve Public Safety &
Support Law Enforcement

Jack Christie led the push to hire 500 new HPD officers as City Councilman--a need that remains today. As our next mayor, Jack will make sure the resources are available to bring 500 of America's best and brightest to Houston, Texas. He will listen to our men & women in uniform and make sure they have exactly what they need to protect Houstonians.

Cut Wasteful Spending &
Balance The Budget
Experts are warning that Houston faces a $300 million structural budget deficit that could threaten the jobs of thousands of city employees and worse! Jack Christie knows how to handle this dangerous situation because he's done it before. In 2017, he led the effort to reduce the city's pension debt from $8 billion to $3 billion--a decrease of 62.5 percent!

Black people must reject the temptation to cast symbolic votes for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, and other members of the corrupt, vile, and dishonorable “ELLIS/TURNER POLITICAL REGIME” whose “DEADLY POLICIES” has made our beloved Bayou City, the death capital of America.
Houstonians are living in fear, and every vote cast for Sheila Jackson Lee on Tuesday, November 7, 2023, is a vote for more murders, corruption, mayhem, and cronyism.
Listen!!! The criminals who have taken control of city and county government, aren’t any different than the murderers, rapists, and robbers who are now ruling the streets of Houston, Texas. And every Houstonian must realize that the murderers who have now taken over the streets of our beloved Bayou City are not asking their victims whether they’re Democrat or Republican, before shooting them in the head.
That being said, the upcoming Tuesday, November 7, 2023, City of Houston Mayoral Election is nonpartisan. So, I’m imploring every warm-blooded Houstonian to join me in “PUTTING PEOPLE OVER POLITICS” as God’s plan for our beloved Bayou City continues to unfold during this pivotal moment in the history of our great nation.

EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033

In-person vote Counting Devices will be used at every "EARLY VOTING LOCATION" between Monday, October 23, 2023, and Friday, November 3, 2023, to count the number of voters entering and exiting every early voting location. This effort will be spearheaded by Aubrey R. Taylor Communications in our attempt to safeguard the integrity of the upcoming Tuesday, November 7, 2023, City of Houston Mayoral Election.

Dr. Jack Christie is the candidate we really like in the race for Mayor of Houston, on Tuesday, November 7, 2023, in the City of Houston Mayoral Election. Dr. Christie is a strong candidate who isn't afraid of the 'tribal members' who are part of the "ELLIS/TURNER POLITICAL REGIME" and is committed to representing "ALL HOUSTONIANS" without fear or favor when elected. That being said, all warm-blooded Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, and Independent voters should join forces and throw their support behind attorney Dr. Jack Christie in the race for Houston City Council At-Large Position #1, in our beloved Bayou City. You can "CLICK HERE" to view the current edition of our nonpartisan newspaper.

Attorney Julian Ramirez, is our endorsed candidate in the race for Houston City Council At-Large Position #1, on Tuesday, November 7, 2023, in the City of Houston Mayoral Election. Attorney Ramirez is a strong candidate who isn't afraid of the 'tribal members' who are part of the "ELLIS/TURNER POLITICAL REGIME" and is committed to representing "ALL HOUSTONIANS" without fear or favor when elected. That being said, all warm-blooded Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, and Independent voters should join forces and throw their support behind attorney Julian Ramirez in the race for Houston City Council At-Large Position #1, in our beloved Bayou City. You can "CLICK HERE" to view the current edition of our nonpartisan newspaper.

Pastor Willie Davis, is our endorsed candidate in the race for Houston City Council At-Large Position #2, on Tuesday, November 7, 2023, in the City of Houston Mayoral Election. Pastor Davis is a strong candidate who isn't afraid of the 'tribal members' who are part of the "ELLIS/TURNER POLITICAL REGIME" and is committed to representing "ALL HOUSTONIANS" without fear or favor when elected. That being said, all warm-blooded Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, and Independent voters should join forces and throw their support behind Pastor Willie Davis in the race for Houston City Council At-Large Position #2, in our beloved Bayou City. You can "CLICK HERE" to view the current edition of our nonpartisan newspaper.

Pastor Ericka McCrutcheon, is our endorsed candidate in the race for Houston City Council At-Large Position #3, on Tuesday, November 7, 2023, in the City of Houston Mayoral Election. Pastor McCrutcheon is a strong candidate who isn't afraid of the 'tribal members' who are part of the "ELLIS/TURNER POLITICAL REGIME" and is committed to representing "ALL HOUSTONIANS" without fear or favor when elected. That being said, all warm-blooded Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, and Independent voters should join forces and throw their support behind Pastor Ericka McCrutcheon in the race for Houston City Council At-Large Position #3, in our beloved Bayou City. You can "CLICK HERE" to view the current edition of our nonpartisan newspaper.

Councilwoman Amy Peck, is our endorsed candidate in the race for Houston City Council District A, on Tuesday, November 7, 2023, in the City of Houston Mayoral Election. Councilwoman Peck has already proven that she isn't afraid of the 'tribal members' who are part of the "ELLIS/TURNER POLITICAL REGIME" and has displayed a strong commitment to representing the people of Houston City Council "DISTRICT A" without fear or favor. That being said, all warm-blooded Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, and Independent voters should join forces and throw their support behind Councilwoman Amy Peck in the race for Houston City Council District A, in our beloved Bayou City. You can "CLICK HERE" to view the current edition of our nonpartisan newspaper.

Councilwoman Mary Nan Huffman, is our endorsed candidate in the race for Houston City Council District G, on Tuesday, November 7, 2023, in the City of Houston Mayoral Election. Councilwoman Huffman has already proven that she isn't afraid of the 'tribal members' who are part of the "ELLIS/TURNER POLITICAL REGIME" and has displayed a strong commitment to representing the people of Houston City Council "DISTRICT G" without fear or favor. That being said, all warm-blooded Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, and Independent voters should join forces and throw their support behind Councilwoman Mary Nan Huffman in the race for Houston City Council District G, in our beloved Bayou City. You can "CLICK HERE" to view the current edition of our nonpartisan newspaper.

Investigative Reporter and Political Influencer Aubrey R. Taylor is looking for duly qualified candidates who are not members of the "ELLIS/TURNER POLITICAL REGIME" to run for public office on Tuesday, November 7, 2023, in the City of Houston Mayoral Election, and on Tuesday, March 5, 2024, in the Democratic and Republican Primary Elections in Harris County, Texas. Call (281)788-3033, for more information. You can "CLICK HERE" to check out a few of the candidates who are already endorsed by me.