Jiovanni Christian Jones (far left), is the eldest son of state Rep. Jolanda Jones. She considers Jiavonni to be her greatest joy and gift from God, according to one of her Facebook posts. "My greatest joy & gift from God graduates 2nite! I'm so
proud of u Jiovanni
Christian Jones! U have grown up 2 be the man I raised u 2 be! I couldn't
have had a better son! I am so THANKFUL!," the post read. IN OTHER NEWS...Earlier this week, Jolanda's loving son, who also works as General Counsel for Elite Change, the company owned by Dallas Jones (far right), Jolanda's campaign manager, and chief political consultant may have placed his loving mother between a rock and a hard place. You can "CLICK HERE" to read the resignation letter signed by Jolanda Jones's staff before they tendered their resignations.

Jiovanni Christian Jones (left), has his mom state Rep. Jolanda Jones (HD-147) under a microscope and being investigated by House Speaker Dade Phelan after three of her staffers resigned. "Your son, Jiovanni Christian Jones, Esq. (herby Jio), is having an inappropriate relationship with the office TLIPer (Intern), Jessica Fuqua. His relationship with an office intern displays disrespect for the workplace and diminishes the morality of the office. Jio is not only your son but General Counsel at Elite Change Inc. (registered lobbying firm and also the financial vehicle of your campaign manager, Dallas Jones). This inappropriate relationship may constitute as sexual harassment or a conflict of interest between his office of employment and your state office," their "RESIGNATION LETTER" stated. You can "CLICK HERE" to read the resignation letter signed by Jolanda Jones's three staff members for yourself.

Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis and Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, have two of the most powerful brands in Harris County politics. Whether you like these two dirty politicians or not, they both have a certain kind of moxie that many other local politicians can only dream about. That being said, politics make for strange bedfellows, and you can bet your bottom dollar that what you are watching unfold related to state Rep. Jolanda Jones's office right now isn't happening by coincidence. Remember, state Rep. Jolanda Jones, is very outspoken, and she is a well-known Black politician who wouldn't be afraid to endorse state Senator John Whitmire or former Metro Chairman Gilbert Garcia over "QUEEN SHEILA" in the upcoming Tuesday, November 7, 2023, City of Houston Mayoral Election, or in a December runoff, should Jackson Lee make it that far. You can "CLICK HERE" to read the resignation letter signed by Jolanda Jones's three staff members for yourself.

Grant Martin, the owner of Grant Martin Campaigns, that’s headquartered out of California, is a highly respected political consultant. Unlike Dallas Jones, the owner of Elite Change, I’ve known Grant Martin to be a straight-shooter when it comes to politics. That being said, please understand that Grant Martin and Dallas Jones are both key consultants for Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis. And they were both instrumental in helping Jolanda Jones when the House District 147 seat, that has become the subject of serious scrutiny since the abrupt resignation of three of her staffers. You can "CLICK HERE" to read the resignation letter signed by Jolanda Jones's three staff members for yourself.

Dallas Jones, the owner of Elite Change, Inc., is the key man behind the newly-found success of state Rep. Jolanda Jones. That being said, Jolanda Johnson's son, Jiovanni Christian Jones, acts as general counsel for Elite Change, according to the "RESIGNATION LETTER" submitted to state Rep. Jolanda Jones by her three staffers. You can "CLICK HERE" to read the resignation letter signed by Jolanda Jones's three staff members for yourself.
Back on 12/17/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote (Dallas Jones) Elite Change a check in the amount of $10,000.00 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.
Back on 12/17/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote Grant Martin Campaigns a check in the amount of $25,000.00 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.
Back on 10/02/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote Grant Martin Campaigns a check in the amount of $22,016.69 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.
Back on 5/31/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote Grant Martin Campaigns a check in the amount of $14,908.59 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.
Back on 5/31/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote Grant Martin Campaigns a check in the amount of $11,520.32 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.
Back on 5/31/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote Grant Martin Campaigns a check in the amount of $8,528.10 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.
Back on 5/31/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote Grant Martin Campaigns a check in the amount of $1,907.10 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.
Back on 5/26/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote (Dallas Jones) Elite Change a check in the amount of $1,585.00 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.
Back on 5/25/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote (Dallas Jones) Elite Change a check in the amount of $4,382.00 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.
Back on 5/24/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote (Dallas Jones) Elite Change a check in the amount of $2,800.00 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.
Back on 5/24/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote (Dallas Jones) Elite Change a check in the amount of $694.00 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.
Back on 5/21/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote (Dallas Jones) Elite Change a check in the amount of $7,207.00 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.
Back on 5/21/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote (Dallas Jones) Elite Change a check in the amount of $3,414.00 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.
Back on 5/20/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote (Dallas Jones) Elite Change a check in the amount of $7,000.00 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.
Back on 5/20/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote (Dallas Jones) Elite Change a check in the amount of $3,531.00 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.
Back on 5/20/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote (Dallas Jones) Elite Change a check in the amount of $6,603.00 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.
Back on 5/20/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote (Dallas Jones) Elite Change a check in the amount of $7,207.00 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.
Back on 5/13/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote (Dallas Jones) Elite Change a check in the amount of $4,900.00 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.
Back on 5/12/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote (Dallas Jones) Elite Change a check in the amount of $4,900.00 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.
Back on 5/12/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote (Dallas Jones) Elite Change a check in the amount of $1,000.00 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.
Back on 5/12/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote (Dallas Jones) Elite Change a check in the amount of $1,000.00 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.
Back on 5/11/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote (Dallas Jones) Elite Change a check in the amount of $7,000.00 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.
Back on 5/11/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote (Dallas Jones) Elite Change a check in the amount of $814.06 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.
Back on 5/06/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote (Dallas Jones) Elite Change a check in the amount of $3,520.00 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.
Back on 5/03/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote (Dallas Jones) Elite Change a check in the amount of $7,000.00 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.
Back on 5/03/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote (Dallas Jones) Elite Change a check in the amount of $2,000.00 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.
Back on 4/27/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote Grant Martin Campaigns a check in the amount of $8,528.10 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.
Back on 4/21/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote Elite Change a check in the amount of $3,350.00 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.
Back on 4/14/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote Elite Change a check in the amount of $6,930.00 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.
Back on 4/14/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote Elite Change a check in the amount of $308.00 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.
Back on 4/08/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote Elite Change a check in the amount of $7,000.00 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.
Back on 4/08/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote Elite Change a check in the amount of $7,170.00 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.
Back on 4/01/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote Grant Martin Campaigns a check in the amount of $10,436.12 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.
Back on 3/25/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote Elite Change a check in the amount of $5,290.00 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.
Back on 3/14/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote Elite Change a check in the amount of $1,500.00 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.
Back on 3/14/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote Grant Martin Campaigns a check in the amount of $15,695.64 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.
Back on 3/14/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote Elite Change a check in the amount of $385.00 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.
Back on 3/04/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote Elite Change a check in the amount of $1,699.00 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.
Back on 3/01/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote Elite Change a check in the amount of $1,303.00 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.
Back on 3/01/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote Elite Change a check in the amount of $1,694.85.00 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.
Back on 2/25/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote Elite Change a check in the amount of $250.00 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.
Back on 2/24/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote Elite Change a check in the amount of $1,002.44 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.
Back on 2/19/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote Elite Change a check in the amount of $5,500.00 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.
Back on 2/17/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote Grant Martin Campaigns a check in the amount of $13,963.37 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.
Back on 2/17/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote Elite Change a check in the amount of $3,476.19 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.
Back on 2/17/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote Elite Change a check in the amount of $300.00 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.
Back on 2/17/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote Elite Change a check in the amount of $7,000.00 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.
Back on 2/12/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote Elite Change a check in the amount of $2,240.00 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.
Back on 2/11/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote Elite Change a check in the amount of $300.00 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.
Back on 2/08/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote Elite Change a check in the amount of $2,398.00 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.
Back on 2/07/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote Grant Martin Campaigns a check in the amount of $11,500.00 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.
Back on 1/31/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote Grant Martin Campaigns a check in the amount of $5,380.37 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.
Back on 1/25/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote Elite Change a check in the amount of $7,000.00 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.
Back on 1/21/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote Elite Change a check in the amount of $6,400.00 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.
Back on 1/14/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote Elite Change a check in the amount of $6,468.00 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.
Back on 1/13/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote Elite Change a check in the amount of $443.92 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.
Back on 1/03/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote Grant Martin Campaigns a check in the amount of $5,360.37 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.
Back on 12/31/2022, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote Grant Martin Campaigns a check in the amount of $5,360.37 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.
Back on 12/23/2021, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote Elite Change a check in the amount of $7,000.00 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.
Back on 12/15/2021, Jolanda Jones for State Representative (HD-147) wrote Elite Change a check in the amount of $2,300.00 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.
Back on 4/29/2021, Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis wrote Grant Martin Campaigns a check in the amount of $25,552.74 dollars, according to Commissioner Ellis’s campaign finance reports.
Back on 3/02/2020, Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis wrote Grant Martin Campaigns a check in the amount of $3,940.45 dollars, according to Commissioner Ellis’s campaign finance reports.
Back on 2/25/2020, Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis wrote Grant Martin Campaigns a check in the amount of $49,857.88 dollars, according to Commissioner Ellis’s campaign finance reports.
Back on 2/25/2020, Jolanda Jones for Harris County Tax Assessor-Collector wrote Elite Exchange, Inc., that’s owned by Dallas Jones a check in the amount of $4,219.04 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance report.
Back on 2/25/2020, Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis wrote Grant Martin Campaigns a check in the amount of $5,000.00 dollars, according to Commissioner Ellis’s campaign finance reports.
Back on 2/22/2020, Jolanda Jones for Harris County Tax Assessor-Collector wrote Grant Martin Campaigns a check in the amount of $61,477.48 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.
Back on 2/20/2020, Jolanda Jones for Harris County Tax Assessor-Collector wrote Grant Martin Campaigns a check in the amount of $23,312.33 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.
Back on 2/19/2020, Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis wrote Grant Martin Campaigns a check in the amount of $58,995.73 dollars, according to Commissioner Ellis’s campaign finance reports.
Back on 2/17/2020, Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis wrote Elite Change, Inc., that’s owned by Dallas Jones a check in the amount of $2,100.00 dollars, according to Commissioner Ellis’s campaign finance reports.
Back on 2/10/2020, Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis wrote Elite Change, Inc., that’s owned by Dallas Jones a check in the amount of $7,000.00 dollars, according to Commissioner Ellis’s campaign finance reports.
Back on 2/10/2020, Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis wrote Grant Martin Campaigns two separate checks for the same amount. Both checks were written for $53,824.48 dollars, according to Commissioner Ellis’s campaign finance reports.
Back on 2/10/2020, Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis wrote Elite Change, Inc., that’s owned by Dallas Jones a check in the amount of $1,500.00 dollars, according to Commissioner Ellis’s campaign finance reports.
Back on 2/07/2020, Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis wrote Grant Martin Campaigns a check in the amount of $36,557.72 dollars, according to Commissioner Ellis’s campaign finance reports.
Back on 1/23/2020, Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis wrote Grant Martin Campaigns a check in the amount of $36,557.72 dollars, according to Commissioner Ellis’s campaign finance reports.
Back on 1/23/2020, Jolanda Jones for Harris County Tax Assessor-Collector wrote Grant Martin Campaigns a check in the amount of $6,102.70 dollars, according to Jolanda’s campaign finance reports.
Back on 1/14/2020, Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis wrote Elite Change, Inc., that’s owned by Dallas Jones a check in the amount of $7,000.00 dollars, according to Commissioner Ellis’s campaign finance reports.
Back on 12/31/2019, Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis wrote Grant Martin Campaigns a check in the amount of $21,886.19 dollars, according to Commissioner Ellis’s campaign finance reports.
Back on 12/31/2019, Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis wrote Grant Martin Campaigns a check in the amount of $10,000.00 dollars, according to Commissioner Ellis’s campaign finance reports.
Back on 7/05/2019, Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis wrote Grant Martin Campaigns a check in the amount of $24,000.00 dollars, according to Commissioner Ellis’s campaign finance reports.
Back on 6/10/2019, based on Commissioner Rodney Ellis's campaign finance report, Grant Martin Campaigns gave Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis a $6,500.00 dollar (IN-KIND) Political Contribution that was described as polling research.
Back on 6/10/2019, Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis wrote Grant Martin Campaigns a check in the amount of $24,000.00 dollars, according to Commissioner Ellis’s campaign finance reports.
Back on 2/16/2019, based on Commissioner Rodney Ellis's campaign finance report, Grant Martin Campaigns gave Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis a $13,826.53 dollar (IN-KIND) Political Contribution that was described as some type of contribution given to Ellis related to the design and distribution of Commissioner Rodney Ellis’s New Year’s Card.
Back on 4/30/2018, Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis wrote Grant Martin Campaigns a check in the amount of $4,325.97 dollars, according to Commissioner Ellis’s campaign finance reports.
Back on 2/05/2018, Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis wrote Grant Martin Campaigns a check in the amount of $19,957.04 dollars, according to Commissioner Ellis’s campaign finance reports.

State Rep. Jolanda Jones (HD-147), has been acting really bad if you believe the allegations levied against her in this "RESIGNATION LETTER" that was written to her by three of her staff members. You can "CLICK HERE" to read the resignation letter signed by Jolanda Jones's three staff members for yourself.

Dallas Jones (right), the owner of Elite Change, is one of the worst political consultants in all of Texas. However, candidates like state Rep. Jolanda Jones (right), and others have turned to Dallas Jones, over the years, because he almost always finds a way to help them win predominantly Democratic Black areas like Sunnyside, Greater Third Ward, Fourth Ward, Fifth Ward, Hiram Clarke, and South Park. Dallas Jones's ties to "ABSENTEE BALLOT HARVESTERS" has made him one of the key consultants to keep a close eye on during the upcoming Tuesday, November 7, 2023, in the City of Houston Mayoral Election. Any campaign that hires Elite Change must be closely monitored. According to the "RESIGNATION LETTER" submitted by state Rep. Jolanda Jones's staff, her son Jiovanni Christian Jones serving as a member of her staff, while he's also serving as General Counsel for Dallas Jones's company Elite Change, which happens to be a registered lobbying group. You can "CLICK HERE" to read the resignation letter signed by Jolanda Jones's three staff members for yourself.

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "We must make it our business to start "PUTTING PEOPLE OVER POLITICS" going forward into the 2023 City of Houston Mayoral Election, the 2024 Democratic Party Primary, and 2024 Republican Party Primary. Our nation is at a serious crossroads, and a serious course correction is desperately needed in America."
Could A Timely Hit Job on Jolanda Jones Be Playing Out to Dissuade Her from Endorsing Sen. Whitmire or Gilbert Garcia?
I don't particularly care for Dallas Jones, the owner of Elite Change. Again, I don't like Dallas Jones, the owner of Elite Change. I think that Dallas Jones is one of the most arrogant, egotistical cheaters I've ever come across over the last 32 years. Now, that being said, I don't particularly care for state Rep. Jolanda Jones's lifestyle. However, how she chooses to live her life, is her business.
Make no mistake about it, the timing of what you see happening to state Rep. Jolanda Jones is suspect. Now, I'm not saying that the 'allegations' against her are not true, but I'm saying that the timing of what's playing out is suspect. Remember, this uproar and upheaval around state Rep. Jolanda Jones is playing out during the same week that Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee announced that she's running for Mayor of the City of Houston, to succeed Mayor Sylvester Turner.
If you look at the "RESIGNATION LETTER" tendered by state Rep. Jolanda Jones's staff, all of what's been playing out with her son, Jiovanni Christian Jones has been going on for some time now. Which makes me question the timing of how all of this is playing out.
Could it be that state Rep. Jolanda Jones has found herself in the cross-hairs of some local politicians who are trying to damage her reputation, and thus, dissuade her from endorsing state Senator John Whitmire, or Gilbert Garcia in the upcoming Tuesday, November 7, 2023, race for Mayor of Houston, Texas, that Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee has entered?
Remember, what's playing out in state Rep. Jolanda Jones's state capital office has surfaced right during the time that the Mayor's race is beginning to heat up, and its not secret that state Rep. Jolanda Jones and her political consultant Dallas Jones have been exploring their options.
What you are about to see play out over the next few weeks is a serious "SHELL GAME" or what's going to look a lot like a game of musical chairs. To clear the way for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee in the Mayor's race, "BLACK POLITICAL POWER BROKERS" have already convinced Chris Hollins to step aside, and enter the race for the City of Houston Controller, where he would presumably face off against (term-limited) Councilman Michael Kubosh and others according to my sources.
What's unique about how the former Harris County Clerk Chris Hollins entered the Mayor's race in the first place is the fact that his humongous fundraising efforts were spearheaded by Pat Strong, a top local political consultant, and Grant Martin, the owner of Grant Martin Campaigns.
Now, remember, Grant Martin, and Dallas Jones, are both consultants for Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis, and they both worked to get state Rep. Jolanda Jones elected as the House District 147 member of the state house. However, consultants are (at the end of the day) hired guns and can be working with one regime during one political cycle, and another regime during the next.

EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033