Pastor Kendall L. Baker: "I want to be clear – I was wrongfully terminated by the City of Houston. My termination from the city was a falsified, hurtful, dishonest, discriminatory, non-credible, non-evidential, non-merited, termination that was signed off on by Mayor Annise Parker's corrupted administration. I believe this was done in part because of my outspoken and firm stance (on my biblical convictions) against homosexuality. I’m thankful to God that my case was overturned by the State of Texas – and I’m fully expecting the EEOC to rule in my favor as well."

Pastor Kendall L. Baker Takes a Moment to Discuss his Departure from the City of Houston After Dedicating More than 29 Years of His Life to Serving the City of Houston
My 29 years with the city of Houston were highly decorated with excellent job performance ratings, perfect attendance and praise from employees and leadership as I faithfully served under five different mayoral administrations. I dedicated all of my youth and adult life to working for the City of Houston. I was proudly the voice of the 311 Helpline -- whenever Houstonians called, (the Helpline) that was my voice they heard.
I want to be clear – I was wrongfully terminated by the City of Houston. My termination from the city was a falsified, hurtful, dishonest, discriminatory, non-credible, non-evidential, non-merited, termination that was signed off on by Mayor Annise Parker's corrupted administration. I believe this was done in part because of my outspoken and firm stance (on my biblical convictions) against homosexuality. I’m thankful to God that my case was overturned by the State of Texas – and I’m fully expecting the EEOC to rule in my favor as well.
Many City of Houston employees are treated the same way I was treated because of poor management and the unequivocally poor investigative abilities of the (OIG) Office of Inspector General, a department that was supervised by former city attorney David Feldman -- who actually recanted a false accusation made about me.
Basically, if Mayor Annise Parker wants you out -- YOU'RE OUT OF THERE!!! And she will even allow city employees to commit open perjury before the Civil Service Commissions to get you out – if need be. I believe that she egregiously set a precedent to have me removed from my job. I say this because: all of the accusations alleged about me were completely false.
Finally, I have always been a happily married man. I am extremely respectful and courteous to all woman. I've never had -- and never will have a whoremonger character. My prayer today is for God to save the city of Houston.

Dr Kendall L Baker
2015 Candidate for Houston City Council District F

We have come together to urge Houstonians to vote NO on Mayor Parker’s ordinance in the November 3rd city elections, because it would force our wives and daughters to share their restrooms, dressing rooms and locker-room showers with men. The ordinance gives new special privileges to two special interests, neither of which qualify as true “minorities” requiring special legal protection.
Mayor Parker’s ordinance is built on deception. It is not about protecting the rights of women, racial minorities, the disabled, elderly or military personnel. There are already important laws on the federal, state and local levels that protect such individuals from discrimination for employment, housing and access to public accommodations. The ordinance’s naming of these groups is a ruse in an attempt to hide the ordinance’s real purpose, which is to make “sexual orientation” and “gender identification” two new protected classes.
Campaign for Houston is made up of parents and family members who do not want their daughters, sisters or mothers forced to share restrooms in public facilities with gender-confused men, who – under this ordinance – can call themselves “women” on a whim and use women’s restrooms whenever they wish. This “bathroom ordinance” therefore is an attempt to re-structure society to fit a societal vision we simply do not share or can support.
The ordinance also limits free speech and religious expression in unprecedented ways so as to not “offend” these two new “protected” groups, both of which are defined by their behaviors - not by characteristics given to them at birth.
Mayor Parker’s subpoenas issued earlier this year to five pastors to produce all of their communications with their congregations, including their sermons, reveals the real purpose of this proposed ordinance. Her actions show the length to which Mayor Parker and her allies wish to force their beliefs onto all Houstonians, even if that means the rest of us will have to accept and affirm behaviors many of us might consider to be abhorrent or sinful.
The Parker administration’s deceptive tactics in attempting to pass this ordinance were exposed by two separate Texas Supreme Court decisions, which – first – forced her administration to accept the signatures of more than 52,000 voters to put the ordinance up for a vote on the November ballot and – secondly – rejected her initial deceitful ballot language, designed to confuse the voters.
We consider Mayor Parker’s ordinance to be an attack on the traditional family. In the interest of our children and our families, the men and women behind Campaign for Houston urge all Houston voters to oppose Mayor Parker’s bathroom ordinance by voting “NO” in the upcoming city elections on November 3rd.
*Remind your family and friends who live in District F to vote for Kendall Baker a 2015 Candidate for Houston City Council District F in the Tuesday, November 3, 2015 City of Houston Mayoral Election. This political ad is paid for by Kendall L. Baker Campaign, Tim Taft, Treasurer.

"The only question now is whether the African American and Hispanic communities are going to show up at the polls to vote -- and that my friend is a story for another day. So stay tuned...” Taylor says.

Labor Day has come and gone, and the 2015 City of Houston Mayoral Election season is officially here and in full swing. Mayoral forums and debates are the talk of the day in many barbershops, beauty salons, and restaurants across the bayou city. But so are a series of hard-hitting radio commercials released as part of a $100,000 dollar radio buy placed by Campaign for Houston PAC with several local radio stations. “One of the easiest ways to identify a front-runner in a political campaign is to identify who the other candidates, PACs, bloggers and interest groups are attacking/talking about -- and right now that person happens to be Pastor Kendall L. Baker. Right now he is the man with a target on his back -- for sure,” says Aubrey R. Taylor, publisher of Houston Business Connections Newspaper. “Our time here on earth is precious and limited. So most smart people don’t spend their time and money attacking people who aren't relevant." Taylor went on to say. "Right now, Dr. Kendall L. Baker (a 2015 candidate for Houston City Council District F) and Herlinda Garcia (a 2015 candidate for Houston City Council District I) are very relevant players in the fight to defeat Proposition 1 -- "Bathroom Ordinance". So if they're smart, they should perhaps ready themselves for a wave of potentially negative politically motivated attacks (on their campaigns and character) because of their very public stand "AGAINST" the HERO Ordinance," Taylor explains.
"The only question now is whether the African American and Hispanic communities are going to show up at the polls to vote -- and that my friend is a story for another day. So stay tuned...” Taylor says.

You can vote early from Monday, October 19, 2015 through Friday, October 23, 2015 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (CLICK HERE) for early voting locations. On Saturday, October 24, 2015 you can vote from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. (CLICK HERE) for early voting locations. And On Sunday, October 25, 2015 you can vote from 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. (CLICK HERE) for early voting locations. There are (41) forty one early voting locations. You can (CLICK HERE) for the complete list of early voting locations. You can also vote early from Monday, October 26, 2015 through Friday, October 30, 2015 from 7:00 a.m. through 7:00 p.m. (CLICK HERE) for a listing of the early voting locations for this election.

Election Day is on Tuesday, November 3, 2015. You must vote at your designated voting location on Tuesday, November 3, 2015. You may want to visit the Harris County Clerk’s website if you are not sure where to vote on Election Day. (CLICK HERE) to find your polling place.

Demetria Smith
Ben Hall
Victoria Lane
Sylvester Turner
Adrian Garcia
Bill King
Rafael Munoz
Marty McVey
Steve Costello
Joe Ferreira
Hoc Thai Nguyen
Chris Bell
Dale Steffes

M.J. Khan
Chris Brown
Bill Frazer
Jew Don Boney
Dwight Jefferson
Carroll Robinson

Brenda Stardig
Iesheia Ayers-Wilson

Jerry Davis
Ben White Jr.
Vince Duncan
Isaac Mayhorn
Kenneth “K.P.” Perkins

Carl Jarvis
Ellen Cohen
Michael McDonald

Dwight Boykins
*Running Unopposed

Steve Le
Kendall Baker
Richard Nguyen
"I stand for “equality” but not “special rights!” Our current Mayor, Annise Parker, is calling for Equal Rights which are in fact particularly and especially designed, aimed, and intended for the LGBT community who wants to implement policy that will threaten religious freedom and criminalize those who stand for the protection of women and children. This ordinance gives men access to women's restrooms and other public accommodations. As your Councilman I'm against this type of ordinance and I will protect religious freedom, family values, women, children and citizens in general," says Dr. Kendall L. Baker.

Greg Travis
Sandie Mullins Moger

Jason Cisneroz
Abel Davila
Karla Cisneros
Roland Chavez

Herlinda Garcia
Robert Gallegos

Dung Le
Jim Bigham
Mike Laster
Manny Barrera

Larry Green
*Running Unopposed

Griff Griffin
Tom McCasland
Jenifer Rene Pool
Georgia Provost
Chris Oliver
Mike Knox
Lane Lewis
James Partsch-Galvan

David Robinson
Moe Rivera
Eric Dick
Willie Davis
Andrew Burks

Michael Kubosh
John C.B. LaRue
Joseph McElligott
Doug Peterson

Amanda Edwards
Jonathan Hansen
Larry Blackmon
Evelyn Husband Thompson
Matt Murphy
Roy Morales

J. Brad Batteau
Jack Christie
Philippe Nassif
Sharon Moses
Tahir Charles
*Publishing of this "BLOG POST" was made possible in part by Kendall Baker a 2015 Candidate for Houston City Council District F in the Tuesday, November 3, 2015 City of Houston Mayoral Election.


Hello, my name is Kendall L. Baker, a native Houstonian, originally from the northeast side. I am a candidate for City Council District F in the 2015 City of Houston elections. First and foremost, I love my city; particularly District F, where I've resided for nearly 25 years and where I’ve pastored a church for over 10 years now. I was employed with the City of Houston for almost 29 years servicing citizens directly in 911 Emergency, Public Works and Engineering, Consumer Affairs Division and as Division Manager of the new improved 311 Help and Information Center. My excellent performance ratings and perfect attendance gave me the ability to see inside the core of what makes the City of Houston work and what doesn’t. Unfortunately, one thing I know for sure is that most of District F (Alief, Tanglewilde, Royal Oaks, Weshchase, Westwood, Briar Meadow, etc.) residents are underrepresented. Why? I'm glad you asked.
District F needs and deserves a candidate who can effectively communicate the needs of the entire district. My experience has equipped me to know every inch of District F extremely well, as well as the entire city. My motto is, "No constituent left behind!" My first task is to make sure our police department has adequate resources and personnel to provide better security in District F. Public safety overall includes improving the infrastructure by making sure roads are safe, by addressing our enormous pothole problem and broken streets. District F streets are broken in part by the underlying deteriorating water and sewer lines. I vow to immediately correct and improve these conditions as your next Councilman.
Second, I stand for “equality” but not “special rights!” Our current Mayor, Annise Parker, is calling for Equal Rights which are in fact particularly and especially designed, aimed, and intended for the LGBT community who wants to implement policy that will threaten religious freedom and criminalize those who stand for the protection of women and children. This ordinance gives men access to women's restrooms and other public accommodations. As your Councilman I'm against this type of ordinance and I will protect religious freedom, family values, women, children and citizens in general.
Third, the key to any city’s financial security is economic development that will attract and incentivize corporations to relocate to Houston and provide more jobs! I pledge to ensure that we do that; especially improving economic development, increasing jobs, building better infrastructure in District F!
Fourth, our city must keep a disciplined fiscal accountability, bringing all debt under control, including the infamous pension fund; controlling unnecessary spending, and ceasing the present Administration’s “kick the debt down the road” mentality. This includes revisiting how we allocate funding to districts based on the actual prioritized needs of districts, not “under the table bargaining” to get a favor from the Mayor. This is why I will also support a Charter change that will allow council members to place items on the agenda, not just the mayor only. In addition, I will address other divisive issues including but not limited to the drainage fee and the feeding ordinance. I will protect, promote, advance, and fight for District F!
Houston, it's time for us to be reunited again and this can be made possible by your vote this November. Please vote for Dr. Kendall L. Baker for District F because I truly care about Houston!
Dr. Kendall L. Baker for City Council District F. Offers a refreshing change by an experienced candidate for all of District F. Call 832-858-4831 or email us at
Pd. Pol. Ad by Kendall L Baker Campaign, Tim Taft, Treasurer

The focus of Houston Business Connections Newspaper from now through Tuesday, November 3, 2015 is being placed on voter education, engagement and empowerment heading into the 2015 City of Houston Mayoral Elections. Early voting begins on Monday, October 19, 2015. Call (832)212-8735 for more information. Or you may email the publisher at: to discuss your inclusion.

Are you confused on matters pertaining to the HERO Ordinance? Well, you are strongly encouraged to read the ordinance for yourself before going to the polls to vote. You can (CLICK HERE) to read the ordinance for yourself. "Voting is a personal decision that every voter should make from an empowered position. The 2015 City of Houston Mayoral Election will be perhaps one of the most important elections that have taken place in the last 50 years. So to this end, please research and study the candidates and issues before going to the polls. Early voting will be taking place from Monday, October 19, 2015 through Friday, October 30, 2015. Election Day is on Tuesday, November 3, 2015," Aubrey R. Taylor, publisher of Houston Business Connections Newspaper -- You are welcome to call (832)212-8735 to discuss your inclusion.

The opinions expressed by Aubrey R. Taylor, publisher of Houston Business Connections Newspaper in this "BLOG POST" do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of Aubrey R. Taylor Communications; or supporters, sponsors, advertisers, friends, associates, or anyone else associated directly or indirectly to Aubrey R. Taylor Communications.