In an unprecedented move, on Wednesday, January 1, 2025, Texas Supreme Court Justice John Devine (Republican) will host a special "SWEARING-IN CEREMONY" for Waller County Precinct 3 Constable Herschel Smith (Democrat) inside the Texas Supreme Court Building at the State Capital in Austin, Texas. On Wednesday, February 12, 2025, the trial for "Dr." Candice Matthews in the matter of the State of Texas versus Candice Matthews will occur in Port Arthur, Texas. According to "Eligah," Ricky Jason, $5,000.00 has been offered to him on several occasions by Johnny Binder, the top enforcer for "Dr." Candice Matthews, for him to drop his complaints against "Dr." Candice Matthews before her trial date. On Saturday, May 3, 2025, Judge Dasean Jones (Democrat) must face off against Tami C. Pierce in a "RE-DO ELECTION" for the 180th Criminal District Court bench after a visiting judge (David Peeples) tossed out Judge Jones's victory, from the 2022 Midterms after ruling that over 1,400 illegal votes were cast.


In this video, "Dr." Candice Matthews appears to come unhinged as she unleashes a barrage of insults at someone affiliated with KPRC Channel 2 News, who pulled the plug on airing content provided by "Dr" Candice Matthews, the National Minister of Politics for Quanell X's New Black Panther Nation. In the video above, "Dr." Candice Matthews calls the person presumed to be an employee of KPRC Channel 2 a "COON" which is a derogatory term that's used to insult a Black person. That said, the person who called for KPRC Channel 2 News to cease airing stories and press conferences called Quanell X and Candice Matthews, per her statement in an Instagram reel she published.

On Wednesday, August 21, 2024, "Dr." Candice Matthews, the National Minister of Politics for Quanell X's New Black Panther Nation, and members jumped in their cars. They then drove from the Northside of Houston, Texas, to Port Arthur, Texas. Once in Port Arthur, Texas, "Dr" Candice Matthews allegedly threatened to burst the windows out of her fellow rival community activist's car and blow his house up to get Eligah "Ricky" Jason, a protégé of the late comedian, actor, writers, and civil rights icon (Dick Gregory) to come outside in the streets.



Aubrey R. Taylor Communications publishes Houston Business Connections Newspaper© to inform, empower, and mobilize our "OPEN-MINDED READERS" and assist them in making informed voting decisions. Aubrey R. Taylor is one of the top investigative reporters in the southwest region of the United States of America.
Upcoming Events for Judge DaSean Jones and Constable Herschel Smith; February 12, 2025, Court Date Set for Candice
The political game in Texas is evolving as leaders of the “TEXAS GOP” are broadening their appeal and reclaiming territory they’ve conceded over the last few election cycles.
In the 2024 Presidential Election, “THE GOP” swept every statewide judicial race and, in the process, reclaimed all of the “APPELLATE COURT BENCHES,” which run over a 10-county area, to further substantiate the strength of their brand heading into the 2026 Midterm Election.
The “GREATER OPPORTUNITY PARTY,” as a group, appears to be confident in who they are and doesn’t have any problem sticking with their friends on the other side of the aisle.
Constable Herschel Smith (Democrat), the Precinct 3 Constable in Waller County, Texas, will be sworn in by Texas Supreme Court Justice John Devine on Wednesday, January 1, 2025, at 10:00 p.m., in the chambers of the Texas Supreme Court located at 201 West 14th Street Suite 104, Austin, Texas 78711.
I thought Republicans and Democrats were supposed to hate each other. Well, refreshments will be available on New Year’s Day when the Honorable Texas Supreme Court Justice John Devine presides over the “SWEARING-IN CEREMONY” for Constable Herschel Smith.

On Wednesday, February 12, 2025, political activist “Dr.” Candice Matthews will have her date in court to clear her name in Port Arthur, Texas. However, some new developments in the saga swirl around her, as well as cases involving her allegedly disturbing the peace and dignity of the people of Port Arthur, Texas.
As a refresher, “Dr.” Candice Matthews, the National Minister of Politics for Quanell X’s New Black Panther Nation, jumped in her car a few months ago, drove to Port Arthur, Texas, and paraded back and forth in the streets yelling and screaming obscenities.
According to video evidence, once “Dr.” Candice Matthews and members of the New Black Panther Nation reached the home of her rival community activist, Eligah Ricky Jason, “Dr.” Candice Matthews began to taunt, threaten, and intimidate her rival.
As a result of her actions, which, according to “Eligah” Ricky Jason, included threatening to blow up his home, “Dr.” Candice Matthews must now face off against the State of Texas for crimes she allegedly committed against the peace and dignity of the state.
The most significant development is that one of the cases against “Dr.” Candice Matthews has been dropped in Municipal Court and, from what I understand, is making its way to the “BIG COURTHOUSE” in Beaumont, Texas.
From what I understand, “Dr.” Candice Matthews could be charged with making a “TERRORISTIC THREAT” very soon. As for the other two lesser charges, “Dr.” Candice Matthews, according to “Eligah” Ricky Jason, rejected a “PLEA DEAL” and has elected to go to trial.
The trial date for the State of Texas versus “Dr.” Candice Matthews is Wednesday, February 12, 2025, at 645 4th Street, Port Arthur, Texas 77640.

While “Dr.” Candidate Matthews appears confident in public on her robust social media challengers, behind the scenes, she and Dr. Jeremiah, AKA “JOHNNY BINDER,” are allegedly trying to make “Dr.” Candice Matthews’s legal troubles go away before her Wednesday, February 12, 2025, trial date arrives.
“Johnny Binder has been offering me $5,000.00 to make this go away,” claims “Eligah” Ricky Jason, the Port Arthur, Texas community activist who filed criminal complaints against “Dr.” Candidate Matthews.
Community Activist “Eligah” Ricky Jason stated, “When he sat by me in the courtroom, he offered me $5,000.00, and even in the lobby, he offered me $5,000.00, but I told him no.”
“He (Johnny Binder) just keeps bothering me and harassing me and trying to strong-arm me,” explained “Eligah” Ricky Jason.
According to “Eligah” Ricky Jason is in fear for his life, and should something happen to him before Wednesday, February 12, 2025, he wants the world to know that “Dr.” Candice Matthews and Johnny Binder are more likely than not will be responsible.
“We Had Our Muscle/Protector Johnny Binder Jr. Escorting Us Today…,” stated “Dr.” Candice Matthews in an Instagram Post. However, it is now unclear why Johnny Binder, Jr., is roaming around Texas acting as a “MUSCLE/PROTECTOR” for “Dr.” Candice Matthews.
Johnny Binder claims, “I Made My First Million Dollars with Diamonds and Minks.”
In candid interviews, Binder has openly bragged about being the first person in Houston, Texas, to get his hands on crack back in the day and about how he was able to work his hustle on the North and South sides of H-town.
I’ve checked around, and Johnny Binder was a bad actor in the day and was widely considered one of the notorious hustlers in the 1980s.
Binder openly brags about how he made his first $1 million, but his claims about earning a million dollars hustling aren’t verified as far as I know. But he eventually did some federal time and, according to some of the folks I’ve spoken to, snitched on a few.

The re-do election scheduled for Saturday, May 3, 2025, between Judge DaSean Jones and his challenger Tami C. Pierce, will serve as “THE LITMUS TEST” for the Harris County Democratic Party Chairman Mike Doyle, and the Harris County Republican Party Chairman Cindy Siegel.
As a refresher, DaSean Jones (Democrat) was nearly defeated by Tami C. Pierce (Republican) on Tuesday, November 8, 2022. This highly questionable election outcome resulted after voting machines failed and paper ballots were withheld from several “PREDOMINANTLY REPUBLICAN” voting precincts on Election Day.
A visiting judge named David Peeples could not ascertain the winner after a high-publicized trial and ordered a “DO-OVER ELECTION” to determine the winner.
The official results of the Tuesday, November 8, 2022, Midterm Election race for the 180th Criminal District Court show DaSean Jones received 534,460 votes or 50.2% of the vote, and Tami C. Pierce received 534.011 votes, or 49.98%, for a 449-vote margin of victory for Judge Jones.
According to Judge David Peeples, more than 1,400 illegal votes were cast. Judge Peeples also ruled that he couldn’t ascertain if Judge DaSean Jones or his challenger received the unlawful votes.

With the “RE-DO ELECTION.” Between Judge DaSean Jones on Saturday, May 3, 2025, during the middle of the summer, Tami C. Pierce could have the edge this time because African American voters typically don’t turn out in groves for anything but Presidential Elections.
And when you couple in the fact that Judge DaSean Jones, running as a Democrat, is being challenged by Tami C. Pierce in the middle of the summer, this combination could greatly favor Pierce.

Aside from the Saturday, May 3, 2025, “RE-DO ELECTION,” the Harris County Democratic Party has an even greater test facing them in 2025. How many of the incumbent “BLACK JUDGES” will draw challengers in “DECEMBER 2025,” when the “JUDICIAL NOMINEE FIELD” will be set for candidates who wish to appear on the March 2026 Democratic Party Primary ballot.
Going into the Tuesday, November 3, 2026, Midterm Election with (26) twenty-six African American “JUDICIAL NOMINEES” could cause serious issues for the Harris County Democratic Party. Any attempts to run a “BLACK GIRL MAGIC” 3.0 Campaign could be disastrous.
In my opinion, the Harris County Democratic Party must diversify its field of “2026 JUDICIAL NOMINEES,” or risk getting slaughtered in the “DOWN-BALLOT JUDICIAL RACES,” on Tuesday, November 3, 2026. Currently, African Americans occupy (26) twenty-six of the available “JUDICIAL BENCHES” that will be on the ballot in the upcoming 2026 Midterm Election in Harris County, Texas.
(1) - Judge Latasha Lewis Payne
(2) - Judge DaSean Jones
(3) - Judge Katherine “Kat” Thomas
(4) - Judge Tamika "Tami" Craft
(5) - Judge Beverly Armstrong
(6) - Judge Lori Chambers Gray
(7) - Judge Melissa Morris
(8) - Judge Dedra Davis
(9) - Judge Veronica Monique Nelson
(10) - Judge Angela Lancelin
(11) - Judge Angela Graves Harrington
(12) - Judge Sandra Peake
(13) - Judge Damiene “Diane” Curvey
(14) - Judge Linda Marie Dunson
(15) - Judge Germaine “Ja’net” Tanner
(16) - Judge Michelle Moore
(17) - Judge Audrie Lawton-Evans
(18) - Judge LaShawn Williams
(19) - Judge Shannon Baldwin
(20) - Judge Toria J. Finch
(21) - Judge Juanita Jackson
(22) - Judge Sedrick T. Walker, II
(23) - Judge Genesis E. Draper
(24) - Judge Tonya Jones
(25) - Judge Lucia Bates
(26) – Sharon Burney
Below are the photos and courts held by African American Democratic incumbents in Harris County, Texas, which will be relevant in the 2026 midterms.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
55th - Judge Latosha Lewis Payne
151st - Judge Erica Hughes
152nd - Judge-Elect TaKasha Francis
164th Juddge Cheryl Elliott Thornton
189th - Judge Tamika Craft
270th - Judge Dedra Davis
333rd - Judge-Elect Tracy D. Good
334th - Judge Dawn Rogers

There are 23 Criminal District Court benches in Harris County, Texas, and heading into the upcoming 2026 Midterm Elections, African American Democrat judges (on Wednesday, January 1, 2025) will occupy 10 of them.
151st - Judge Erica Hughes
152nd - Judge-Elect TaKasha Francis
164th Juddge Cheryl Elliott Thornton
189th - Judge Tamika Craft
270th - Judge Dedra Davis
333rd - Judge-Elect Tracy D. Good
334th - Judge Dawn Rogers

174th - Judge Hazel B. Jones
176th - Jones Nikita V. Harmon
180th - Judge DaSean Jones
184th - Judge Katherine N. Thomas
208th - Judge Beverly Armstrong
262nd - Judge Lori Chambers Gray
176th - Jones Nikita V. Harmon
180th - Judge DaSean Jones
184th - Judge Katherine N. Thomas
208th - Judge Beverly Armstrong
262nd - Judge Lori Chambers Gray
263rd - Judge Melissa M. Morris
339th - Judge Te'iva J. Bell
482 - Judge Veronica M. Nelson
487th - Judge-Elect Stacy Allen Barrow
339th - Judge Te'iva J. Bell
482 - Judge Veronica M. Nelson
487th - Judge-Elect Stacy Allen Barrow

245th - Judge Angela M. Lancelin
246th - Judge Angela Graves-Harrington
257th - Judge Sandra Peake
280th - Judge Damieane "Dianne" Curvey
309th - Linda Marie Dunson
311th - Judge Germaine "Ja'net" Tanner
507th - Judge-Elect Lillian Henny Alexander

There are only three Juvenile District Court benches in Harris County, Texas, and heading into the upcoming 2026 Midterm Elections, African American Democrat judges will occupy one (on Wednesday, January 1, 2025).
246th - Judge Angela Graves-Harrington
257th - Judge Sandra Peake
280th - Judge Damieane "Dianne" Curvey
309th - Linda Marie Dunson
311th - Judge Germaine "Ja'net" Tanner
507th - Judge-Elect Lillian Henny Alexander

314th - Judge Michelle Moore

There are only four County Civil Court at Law benches in Harris County, Texas, and heading into the upcoming 2026 Midterm Elections, African American Democrat judges will occupy two (on Wednesday, January 1, 2025).

No. 1 - Judge Audrie Lawton-Evans
No. 3 - Judge LaShawn A. Williams

There are only 16 County Criminal Court Law benches in Harris County, Texas, and heading into the upcoming 2026 Midterm Elections, African American Democrat judges will occupy 6 (on Wednesday, January 1, 2025).
No. 3 - Judge LaShawn A. Williams

No. 4 - Judge Shannon Baldwin
No. 9 - Judge Toria J. Finch
No. 10 - Judge Juanita A. Jackson
No. 11 - Judge Sedrick T. Walker, II
No. 12 - Judge Genesis Draper
No. 15 - Judge Tonya Jones
No. 9 - Judge Toria J. Finch
No. 10 - Judge Juanita A. Jackson
No. 11 - Judge Sedrick T. Walker, II
No. 12 - Judge Genesis Draper
No. 15 - Judge Tonya Jones

No. 5 - Judge-Elect Fran Watson

There are only 16 Justice of the Peace Courts in Harris County, Texas, and heading into the upcoming 2026 Midterm Elections, African American Democrat judges will occupy four (on Wednesday, January 1, 2025).

3.1 - Judge Joe Stephens
3.2 - Judge Lucia Bates
7.1 - Judge Wanda Adams
7.2 - Judge Sharon Burney
3.2 - Judge Lucia Bates
7.1 - Judge Wanda Adams
7.2 - Judge Sharon Burney















Judge LaShawn A. Williams is the presiding judge for the County Civil Court at Law No. 3 in Harris County, Texas. Judge LaShawn A. Williams will be up for reelection in the 2026 Midterm Election.

Judge Lucia Bates is the Justice of the Peace for Precinct 3, Place 2, in Harris County, Texas. Judge Lucia Bates will be up for reelection in the 2026 Midterm Election.