Showing posts with label HCAD Runoffs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HCAD Runoffs. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

With Kathy Blueford Daniels Absent from Ballot, Melissa Noriega and Pelumi Adeleke Are Facing Difficulties Drawing out Black Voters

Melissa Noriega (center) and Pelumi Adeleke (right) are missing their running mate, Kathy Blueford-Daniels, in the current (HCAD) Harris Central Appraisal District runoffs. In case you don't know, Kathy Blueford-Daniels jumped out to a commanding lead over her Republican rival (Bill R. Frazer) and held on to win the HCAD Board of Directors, Place 1 seat, back on Saturday, May 4, 2024, outright, by securing 27,661 votes, for 50.44% of the vote. Frazer fell short of forcing a runoff with 25,181 votes for 45.92%, with Ramsey Isa Ankar receiving 1,999 votes for 3.65%. HCDP ENDORSEMENTS... With the Harris County Democratic Party endorsing Melissa Noriega (Democrat) over Kyle Scott (Republican) and Pelumi Adeleke (Democrat) over Ericka McCrutcheon (Republican), the in-person voter turnout should be much higher than it is through the first two days of early voting, but it isn't. Through the first two days, 3,134 votes have been cast in-person countywide, and only 4,645 of the 38,374 absentee mail ballots that have been mailed out by the Harris County Clerk's Office have been filled out and mailed back in by eligible voters, which is concerning.

Antonio Maldonado (right) is one of the hardest-working political consultants in the game. Pictured above with Kathy Blueford Daniels, HCAD Board Member-Elect, Place 1, Maldonado has proven himself to be worth his weight gold at the Metropolitan Multi-Service Center, better known as "WEST GRAY" to politicos running for office in Harris County, Texas.

I’m Aubrey R. Taylor, the Houston Business Connections Newspaper publisher and investigative reporter. I have conducted investigations in Harris County, Texas, since the 1990s and plan to closely monitor the “ABSENTEE BALLOT FLOW” between now and Tuesday, November 5, 2024, for the upcoming Presidential Election in Harris County, Texas.

With Kathy Blueford Daniels Absentee from Ballot, Melissa Noriega and Pelumi Adeleke Face a More Difficult Path to Winning


Of the two Democrats on the ballot in the upcoming Saturday, June 15, 2024 (HCAD), Harris Central Appraisal District runoff elections, Melissa Noriega has better name identification than her running mate, Pelumi Adeleke, in Democratic Party circles.

Remember, the last time Melissa Noriega ran for public office, she ran for the office of State Representative for District 145 against Christina Morales on March 5, 2019, in the Democratic Party Primary “RUNOFF ELECTION” and got trounced. As a reminder, Christina Morales received 1,826 votes, 60.8%. Melissa Noriega received 1,179 votes, for 39.2%, if my memory serves me right.

According to our research, Pelumi Adeleke has never run for public office. Both Democrats, Melissa Noriega and Pelumi Adeleke, came into the (HCAD) Harris Central Appraisal District as the underdogs against their two Republican rivals (Kyle Scott and Ericka McCrutcheon) in the races for HCAD Board of Director, At-Large, Place 2, and Place 3, respectively.

On Saturday, May 4, 2024, Noriega and Adeleke benefited heavily from the State Senate 15, “SPECIAL ELECTION” between Jarvis Johnson and Molly Cook being on the ballot. However, having former HISD Trustee Kathy Blueford-Daniels on the ballot in the (HCAD) Board of Directors, At-Large, Place 1, race also significantly drove out African American voters.

It was telling that Kathy Blueford-Daniels won her race outright without a runoff over Bill R. Frazer, especially because of how she defeated Frazier.

In the “ABSENTEE BALLOT CATEGORY,” Kathy Blueford-Daniels received 8,983 absentee mail ballots. Comparatively speaking, Bill R. Frazer received 4,488.

During the early voting period, Kathy Blueford-Daniels also received more votes than Bill R. Frazer, with voters going into early voting locations to cast their ballots. Blueford-Daniels received 9,396 in-person votes, and Bill R. Frazer received 9,049 votes during the in-person early voting period.

For some reason, Republican voters came out for Bill R. Frazer in more significant numbers on election day, where Frazer received 11,603 in-person votes, and Blueford-Daniels received 9,246. Kathy Blueford-Daniels received 27,661 votes for 50.44%, and Bill R. Frazer received 45.92%, narrowly missing the opportunity to force a runoff.

Had it not been for Kathy Blueford-Daniels jumping out to that humungous lead in the “ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOT CATEGORY,” we would be looking at three runoff elections for (HCAD) Harris Central Appraisal District, At-Large positions.


The “BIG QUESTION” on the minds of everyone now is whether Melissa Noriega, who received 4,232 absentee mail ballots back on Saturday, May 4, 2024, can match her BBM totals this time around. Remember, Kyle Scott received 4,258 absentee mail ballots the last time these two faced off in the race for (HCAD) Harris Central Appraisal District, At-Large, Place 2.

As for Pelumi Adeleke, she seemingly came out of where, passing attorney Amy Lacy in the proverbial 11th hour, to force her way into the (HCAD) Harris Central Appraisal District, Board of Directors, At-Large, Place 3, runoff against Ericka McCrutcheon.

Comparatively speaking, Ericka McCrutcheon received 4,476 absentee mail ballots on Saturday, May 4, 2024, and Pelumi Adeleke received 2,757. However, considering that Amy Lacy received 4,355 absentee mail ballots, one could reasonably expect that Adeleke’s absentee mail ballot totals will trend upwards for the runoffs.


What a lot of folks don’t know is that Kathy Blueford-Daniels is one of my favorite politicians. She’s always been respectful to me in public. Unlike many local politicians, Blueford-Daniels usually goes out of her way to speak to others and greet people (essential or not) with her beautiful trademark smile.

Kathy Blueford-Daniels is a great all-around person who was raised right and takes being a public servant seriously. “Born and raised in Houston’s Historic Fifth Ward and the third of nine siblings: Kathy attended Dogan Elementary, Lamar Fleming, and graduated from the historic Phillis Wheatley High School. Raised with five (5) brothers and three (3) younger sisters, she excelled in the sports of Softball, Cheerleading and Volleyball,” according to her website.

The website further states, “Upon graduation from Wheatley High School, she pursued nursing at Houston Community College and studied accounting/bookkeeping at Massey Business College. While attending Nursing School, Kathy began employment with the U. S. Postal Service. During her 28-year career with the Postal Service, she was quickly promoted to Supervisor and served in numerous Managerial Positions before retiring in 2008. A Greater True Vine Baptist Church member under the leadership of Rev. Matthew R. Alix, Sr., Kathy’s Stewardship included the GTV Choir, Education Council, and Former Pastor’s Aid Committee President.”

Many folks don’t understand that Kathy Blueford-Daniels does not run for public office for the sake of running. Blueford-Daniels is a public servant who cares about our future generations.

Remember, she established a support group called “BLAC MoM” after the senseless murder of her 20-year-old son, Patrick Charles Murphy, killed back in 2006, based on mistaken identity.

We must remember that our public servants are real human beings with real-life experiences, no matter what we think about their political party affiliation or ideologies.

Take Kathy Blueford Daniels, for instance. After the senseless murder of her son, the loving mother turned her life experience into a personal journey to address the needs of the community by becoming a change agent.

“Kathy’s journey to address the community’s needs began when this life-changing event propelled her to commit to the needs of our youth regarding the importance of education and the consequences of negative choices,” explained her website.

Her website further explains that she organized “Young Soldiers Marching for Christ,” which involved youth and young adult drill teams marching in the Scenic Woods neighborhood. She intended to ostracize violence while demonstrating discipline, group dynamics, and positive engagement, which helped organize “Stop the Violence and No More Bloodshed Campaigns,” targeting youth and young adults through her hard work.

For those who don’t know, Kathy Blueford-Daniels has been much more than a politician. She has been engaged in many non-violent rallies while striving to make a difference by serving on Harris County Grand Juries, which many citizens shy away from.


No matter who wins the upcoming Saturday, June 15, 2024, (HCAD), Harris Central Appraisal District, Board of Director “RUNOFF RACES” for Places 2 and 3, let’s recognize the fact that it takes courage to run for public office during these divisive political times. And beyond that, let’s resign ourselves to the fact that Melissa Noriega (Democrat), Kyle Scott (Republican), Pelumi Adeleke (Democrat), and Ericka McCrutcheon (Republican) are human beings with real-life experiences who mustered the courage to run for public office, with the intent to represent all of us for this nonpartisan position.

In closing, on Saturday, June 15, 2024, there will also be “JUNETEENTH,” celebrated worldwide. Let’s make it our business to put ‘petty politics’ aside and “JUBILANTLY” select the candidates we believe best represent our values and interests on the Harris Central Appraisal Board.
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039

Kyle Scott (Republican), Melissa Noriega (Democrat), Ericka McCutcheon (Republican), and Pelumi Adeleke (Democrat) are the candidates running for HCAD, Director, At-Large, Place 2, and HCAD, Director, At-Large, Place 3, on Saturday, June 15, 2024, in Harris County, Texas.

The Harris County Democratic Party has endorsed Melissa Noriega in the race for (HCAD), Director, At-Large, Place 2. Melissa Noriega received 13,647 votes, for 24.97%, to finish as the runner-up in the general election and force a runoff in this race.

The Harris County Republican Party has endorsed Kyle Scott in the race for (HCAD), Director, At-Large, Place 2. In case you don’t remember, Kyle Scott received 25,416 votes, or 46.50%, to emerge from the general election in the first place.

The Harris County Democratic Party has endorsed Pelumi Adeleke in the race for (HCAD), Director, At-Large, Place 3. Pelumi Adeleke received 11,553 votes, for 21.30%, to finish as the runner-up in the general election and force a runoff in this race.

In the race for (HCAD), Director, At-Large, Place 3, the Harris County Republican Party has endorsed Ericka McCutcheon. In case you don’t remember, Ericka McCrutcheon received 22,365 votes, for 41.24%, to emerge from the general election in first place in this race.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039

Sunday, June 2, 2024

No Endorsements Will Be Issued for the Saturday, June 15, 2024, HCAD Runoff Races by Aubrey R Taylor Communications

Former President Donald J. Trump's (left) conviction on 34 felony counts could impact the turnout of the upcoming Saturday, June 15, 2024, non-partisan (HCAD) Harris Central Appraisal District races in Harris County, Texas where two strong Republican Candidates are facing off against two strong Democratic Candidates. Melissa Noriega (top left) is approved by the (HCDP) in the nonpartisan runoff race for HCAD, Director At-Large, Place 2. Kyle Scott (top center) is approved by the (HCRP) in the nonpartisan runoff race for HCAD, Director At-Large, Place 2. Pelumi Adeleke (bottom left) is approved by the (HCDP), in the nonpartisan runoff race for HCAD, Director At-Large, Place 3. And Ericka McCrutcheon (bottom center) is approved by the (HCRP) in the nonpartisan runoff race for HCAD, Director At-Large, Place 3. Early voting will begin on Monday, June 3, 2024, and end on Tuesday, June 11, 2024. Election day voting will occur on Saturday, June 15, 2024. 

Kyle Scott (Republican), Melissa Noriega (Democrat), Ericka McCutcheon (Republican), and Pelumi Adeleke (Democrat) are the candidates running for HCAD, Director, At-Large, Place 2, and HCAD, Director, At-Large, Place 3, on Saturday, June 15, 2024, in Harris County, Texas.

The Harris County Democratic Party has endorsed Melissa Noriega in the race for (HCAD), Director, At-Large, Place 2. Melissa Noriega received 13,647 votes, for 24.97%, to finish as the runner-up in the general election and force a runoff in this race.

The Harris County Republican Party has endorsed Kyle Scott in the race for (HCAD), Director, At-Large, Place 2. In case you don’t remember, Kyle Scott received 25,416 votes, or 46.50%, to emerge from the general election in the first place.

The Harris County Democratic Party has endorsed Pelumi Adeleke in the race for (HCAD), Director, At-Large, Place 3. Pelumi Adeleke received 11,553 votes, for 21.30%, to finish as the runner-up in the general election and force a runoff in this race.

In the race for (HCAD), Director, At-Large, Place 3, the Harris County Republican Party has endorsed Ericka McCutcheon. In case you don’t remember, Ericka McCrutcheon received 22,365 votes, for 41.24%, to emerge from the general election in first place in this race.

I’m Aubrey R. Taylor, the Houston Business Connections Newspaper publisher and investigative reporter. I have conducted investigations in Harris County, Texas, since the 1990s and plan to closely monitor the “ABSENTEE BALLOT FLOW” between now and Tuesday, November 5, 2024, for the upcoming Presidential Election in Harris County, Texas.

God Help America is “THE THEME” of the “VOTER EMPOWERMENT MOVEMENT” being Spearheaded by Aubrey R. Taylor Communications


During the first round of the HCAD Harris Central Appraisal District elections, which took place on Saturday, May 4, 2024, neither major political party could rally its base to turnout. As a reminder, 57,053 of the 2,620,595 registered voters in Harris County even bothered to vote in this crucial election, a dismal 2.18% turnout. Did you hear me? Only 2.18% of the registered voters in Harris County turned out to vote in the crucial HCAD elections in the first round.

History proves that low-voter turnout elections favor Conservative candidates. So, Democrats had better stop bragging about Lauren Ashley Simmons defeating State Rep. Shawn Theirry and Charlene Ward Johnson defeating Angie Thibodeaux. The same goes for Republicans who are still gloating that Speaker of the House Dade Phelan defeated David Covey.


Politics in America has gone to hell in a handbasket. What’s right is being called wrong, and what’s terrible is being named right in many instances. Believe it or not, the media is to blame for much of the divisiveness and turmoil that has taken hold of America. The conviction of former President Donald J. Trump on 34 felony counts will have a different effect on the Tuesday, November 5, 2024, Presidential Election than his adversaries realize.

What you may not realize is that what former President Donald Trump is going through (whether you believe he’s guilty or not) is something underprivileged Americans, especially Black men, have been going through since the 1800s. After all, the 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution spells out what I’m endeavoring to get you to understand.

The criminal justice system is a “TWO-TIERED SYSTEM” that has never favored African Americans. And when it falls into the control of evil judges, prosecutors, and court-appointed lawyers, it’s had deadly consequences for my people.

In Harris County, Texas during the 1990s and 2000s, the criminal justice system in Harris County, Texas, was under Republican control. A husband and wife team of Republican judges used their courtrooms in similar ways as “THE AUCTION BLOCK” was used during the slave trade.

Under Republican control, the criminal justice system was nothing more than a farm system, which gave evil Republican judges like the late Judge Mike Anderson and his wife, Judge Devon Anderson, complete control of the lives of defendants who came before them. And these two evil judges made it a point to use their power, in my opinion, to brandish as many African Americans as they could as felons, and I can prove it, but that’s a story for another day.

After their days of wreaking havoc on African Americans and other minorities from the bench, both of the Andersons served as the Harris County District Attorney, which afforded them an even more incredible opportunity to destroy lives and further expand their racist ideology.

Believe it or not, the United States Constitution protected the late Mike Anderson and his racist wife, Devon Anderson, as they carried out their reign of terror on my people.

What do I mean?

“The 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution provides that “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for the crime of which the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.”

When it came to the late Judge Mike Anderson and his racist wife Devon Anderson, they used the 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution to lock up every African American they could (guilty or not) under the guise of being “TOUGH ON CRIME,” in these parts.


I’m not going to get into Joe Biden’s crime bill that caused the mass incarceration of Black people, whether they were guilty or not, back in the 1990s. However, I suffice to let the media know that African Americans are not fools.

Polls already show that former President Donald J. Trump has the support of around 20% of African Americans in some key battleground states. Remember, he only drew about 8% support from African Americans back during the 2020 Presidential Election when he faced off against the BIDEN/HARRIS Presidential Campaign.

After it’s all said and done, I believe that convicting former President Donald J. Trump has given him what’s called “STREET CREDIBILITY” or, for short, “STREET CRED” in the Black Community. This “STREET CRED” will give Trump the ability to tug at the heartstrings of African American males throughout America between now and Tuesday, November 5, 2024, when he faces off against the BIDEN/HARRIS Presidential Campaign.

I know this is going to rub some folks the wrong way, but the “STREET CRED” I’m referring to could count for, at the very least, an additional 5% bump on top of the 20% projected African American support that former President Trump already has in the African American community.

What you have to remember is that CNN, MSNBC, and other liberal news outlets are not going to explain to you the narrative that I’m laying out for you right now. Why not?

Newsrooms all across America are no longer reporting the news. Now, newsrooms are putting a spin on the news that fits the narrative they’re trying to right. Many news reporters have become “POLITICAL INFLUENCERS” rather than news journalists.

As for the upcoming Saturday, June 15, 2024, HCAD runoff races in Harris County, Texas, the elections will give us a glimpse into which local political party has the most “STROKE WITH THEIR BASE,” as Mike Doyle, the chairman of the Harris County Democratic Party has openly-endorsed Melissa Noriega and Pelumi Adeleke in the HCAD Board of Director’s runoff races for Place 2, and Place 3.

On the Republican side, Cindy Seigel, the chairman of the Harris County Republican Party, has openly endorsed Kyle Scott and Ericka McCrutcheon in the runoff races for HCAD Board of Directors runoff races for Place 2 and Place 3.


Aubrey R. Taylor is an investigative reporter and the publisher of Houston Business Connections Newspaper©, a non-partisan, politically focused information, empowerment, and mobilization tool candidates use to reach open-minded Americans.

Since 1991, Aubrey R. Taylor has conducted investigative work exposing fraud and injustices inside the Texas Prison System, Harris County Jail, City Government, County Government, Courtrooms, and Political Campaigns in the Lone Star State.

As the President/CEO of Aubrey R. Taylor Communications, he has specialized in marketing, branding, public relations, and conducting opposition research on political figures.

A master at his craft, Aubrey R. Taylor has also assisted in branding and endorsing Republican and Democratic candidates throughout Texas and other southern states.

Over the years, Aubrey R. Taylor has also assisted in branding and marketing (through his various publications) such corporations and institutions as Shell Oil, The City of Houston, Texas A&M University, Texas Southern University, Prairie View A&M University, Chevron, Shell Oil, Waste Management, Nationwide Insurance, Momentum Jaguar/BMW, Channel 11, Channel 13, State Farm Insurance, and Allstate Insurance to name a few.

Houston Business Connections Newspaper© is a non-partisan, politically focused news source that Aubrey R. Taylor Communications publish for the sole purpose of informing, empowering, and imploring our diverse readership to elect “THE BEST QUALIFIED PEOPLE” who love the U.S. Constitution.

As a prerequisite, Aubrey R. Taylor Communications seeks out and does its best to promote only candidates/public servants who value, respect, and appreciate the support of his diverse family of readers and supporters.

Between today and the upcoming Tuesday, November 5, 2024, Presidential Election, Aubrey R. Taylor Communications will be in the process of assembling “NON-PARTISAN ENDORSEMENT SLATES” for Harris County, Fort Bend County, and Brazoria County as part of his “NEW EMPOWERMENT MOVEMENT” that designed to inform, mobilize, and empower “OPEN-MINDED AMERICANS” as they endeavor to identify the best candidates available during this pivotal moment in the history of our great Nation.

God help America!

Aubrey R. Taylor can be reached at (281)788-3033 for more information.
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039