Former State Representative Gina Calanni (House District 132) didn't appear in court for day one, but the criminal trial for "COERCION OF A PUBLIC SERVANT" against Damien Thaddeus Jones completely fell apart yesterday when Judge David Fleischer, the presiding judge for Harris County Criminal Court No. 5, granted “Downtown” Oliver Brown’s motion to suppress the search warrant and other key pieces of evidence against his client Damien Thaddeus Jones. So, with the "SEARCH WARRANT" and other key evidence already suppressed by Judge Fleischer, yesterday, Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg's case against Damien Thaddeus Jones could be in jeopardy on Thursday, October 6, 2022, when the trial resumes at 1201 Franklin Street at the Harris County Criminal Court House at 9:00 am. You can watch "DAY TWO" of the trial live by "CLICKING HERE" tomorrow morning.

Yesterday at around 4:45 pm, Judge David Fleisher, the presiding judge for Harris County Criminal Court at Law No. 5, granted “Downtown” Oliver Brown’s motion to suppress the search warrant and other key pieces of evidence against his client, Damien Thaddeus Jones. That being said, with the "SEARCH WARRANT" and other key evidence already suppressed by Judge Fleischer, this trial could come to a close tomorrow morning when it resumes. You can watch "DAY TWO" of the trial live by "CLICKING HERE" tomorrow morning.
Criminal Case Against Damien Thaddeus Jones Appears to Have Fallen Apart in Judge David Fleischer’s Courtroom
So far, Judge David Fleischer appears to be a man of his word and convictions – unlike Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg, and so many other local Elected Officials these days in Harris County, Texas – the third largest county in America.
On his website, the Honorable Judge David Fleischer has the word “EQUALITY” proudly displayed. And beneath the word “EQUALITY” he states, “We must strive to ensure that justice is sought and provided to everyone, equally, without regard to status, economic position, color, gender or orientation.”
Now, I must admit, I’m extremely impressed with Judge David Fleischer, and his judicial temperament, intestinal fortitude, and commitment to following the law, and issuing rulings based on the letter of the law. However, I'm going to take the wait-and-see approach, but as for right now, Judge Fleischer seems to be a different kind of minister of justice – when compared to how some of his Democratic colleagues are running their courtrooms with reckless disregard for the law these days.
To be honest, I was a little skeptical of Judge Fleischer, and how he was conducting business inside his County Criminal Court at Law No. 5, as he prepares to face off against his Republican opponent by the name of Elizabeth Buss, on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, in the Midterm Election – so I paid his courtroom a little visit.
Boy “O” Boy, I must say that what I witnessed on the first day of the highly-anticipated Damien Thaddeus Jones trial that started Tuesday, October 4, 2022, was refreshing.
But I can't help but wonder why none of the mainstream media were there. Why didn't Channel 2, Channel 13, Channel 26, Channel 11, or the Houston Chronicle show up to cover the first day of Damien Thaddeus Jones’s trial? Well, in my opinion, what’s about to happen now does not fit their narrative.
Judge David Fleischer isn’t playing any political games inside his courtroom. What he appears to be doing is taking a no-nonsense approach to this very serious trial. And from what I witnessed, he’s dotting every “I” and crossing every “T” so to speak.
He (Judge Fleischer) also seems to be very personable with the jurors and is keeping a watchful eye on the criminal district attorneys representing Damien Thaddeus Jones and Kim Ogg’s prosecutors.
So far, Judge David Fleischer appears to be a man of his word and convictions – unlike Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg, and so many other local Elected Officials these days in Harris County, Texas – the third largest county in America.
On his website, the Honorable Judge David Fleischer has the word “EQUALITY” proudly displayed. And beneath the word “EQUALITY” he states, “We must strive to ensure that justice is sought and provided to everyone, equally, without regard to status, economic position, color, gender or orientation.”
Now, I must admit, I’m extremely impressed with Judge David Fleischer, and his judicial temperament, intestinal fortitude, and commitment to following the law, and issuing rulings based on the letter of the law. However, I'm going to take the wait-and-see approach, but as for right now, Judge Fleischer seems to be a different kind of minister of justice – when compared to how some of his Democratic colleagues are running their courtrooms with reckless disregard for the law these days.
To be honest, I was a little skeptical of Judge Fleischer, and how he was conducting business inside his County Criminal Court at Law No. 5, as he prepares to face off against his Republican opponent by the name of Elizabeth Buss, on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, in the Midterm Election – so I paid his courtroom a little visit.
Boy “O” Boy, I must say that what I witnessed on the first day of the highly-anticipated Damien Thaddeus Jones trial that started Tuesday, October 4, 2022, was refreshing.
But I can't help but wonder why none of the mainstream media were there. Why didn't Channel 2, Channel 13, Channel 26, Channel 11, or the Houston Chronicle show up to cover the first day of Damien Thaddeus Jones’s trial? Well, in my opinion, what’s about to happen now does not fit their narrative.
Judge David Fleischer isn’t playing any political games inside his courtroom. What he appears to be doing is taking a no-nonsense approach to this very serious trial. And from what I witnessed, he’s dotting every “I” and crossing every “T” so to speak.
He (Judge Fleischer) also seems to be very personable with the jurors and is keeping a watchful eye on the criminal district attorneys representing Damien Thaddeus Jones and Kim Ogg’s prosecutors.
Damien Thaddeus Jones (pictured above), is represented by “Downtown” Oliver Brown, who put on a 'helluva' performance on day one. If "Downtown" Oliver Brown's towering presence wasn’t enough, his commanding voice, and knowledge of the law, proved to be a little more than Kim Ogg’s prosecutors could handle as he highlighted how sloppy the District Attorney’s Office had pieced together their assortment of charges against his client.
The DA’s office is not even checking to see if the warrants are signed and dated these days. As “Downtown” Oliver Brown highlighted, on day one, the police presented his client (Damien Jones) with a ‘Chinese Lunch Menu’ claiming it was a warrant. I’m not joking, what I witnessed yesterday in the “COERCION OF A PUBLIC SERVANT” trial against Damien Thaddeus Jones was like something straight out of the Training Day Movie.
“As a judge, I will make sure that everyone is treated equally, regardless of race, gender, national origin, or orientation. Lack of economic resources will not dictate whether someone is provided with a competent defense. I will fight to change the culture of the criminal justice system,” says Judge David Fleischer on his website.
And from what I personally witnessed on day one, Damien Thaddeus Jones appears to be getting a fair trial so far. Judge Fleischer appears to be a different kind of minister of justice thus far from my observation of day one.
From what I can see, this particular Democrat appears to have committed himself to completely following the law and making sure that Damien Thaddeus Jones is treated fairly, and equitably inside County Criminal Court at Law No. 5, in Harris County, Texas.
From what I can see, this particular Democrat appears to have committed himself to completely following the law and making sure that Damien Thaddeus Jones is treated fairly, and equitably inside County Criminal Court at Law No. 5, in Harris County, Texas.
In other words, as it stands right now, I have absolutely no reason to believe that Damien Thaddeus Jones isn't going to get an above-board trial when it resumes tomorrow at 9:00 am at 1201 Franklin Street in Houston, Texas 77002. You can watch "DAY TWO" of the trial live by "CLICKING HERE" tomorrow morning.
You’re not going to believe this, but the warrant that was issued against Damien Thaddeus Jones did not have a date on it!!! Did you hear me? The warrant that the police served on Damien Thaddeus Jones in this case of “COERCION OF A PUBLIC SERVANT” didn’t even have a date on it.
Since the warrant issued against Damien Thaddeus Jones did not even contain a date, Judge David Fleisher scolded Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg’s prosecutors and was forced to grant “Downtown” Oliver Brown’s motion to suppress critical pieces of evidence on day one.
So, Kim Ogg’s prosecutors, in my opinion, will definitely be behind the proverbial “8-BALL” when they appear back in court at 9:00 am tomorrow.
My only question now is whether the “POLITICAL PRESSURE” to keep this case going against Damien Thaddeus Jones will cloud the judgment of District Attorney Kim Ogg, and her prosecutors, who are outgunned, and don't really have a case now that Judge David Fleischer has already suppressed the warrant and other crucial pieces of evidence in the case.

Gina Calanni has denied the allegation that she was having a sexual relationship with a staffer according to court documents. So, it's going to be interesting how "Downtown" Oliver Brown will attack that assertion if the trial makes it to that point tomorrow. And as a side note, Calanni was not reelected to serve as the State Representative for House District 132, back during the 2020 Presidential Election.
According to evidence, that has already been suppressed by Judge David Fleischer, a text message was sent that informed Gina Calanni (who was the ‘Democratic’ State Representative for House District 132) of the sort of strategy that the Republicans were planning to run against her, during her 2020 reelection bid.
In a document that was placed into evidence on day one, the message delivered to Calanni said “The Republican Party knows about your sexual relationship with a staffer. There are details and evidence. I’d suggest you resign soon or it will make the news. Your choice.”
Now, I’m not a lawyer, nor do I portend to be, but it certainly looks to me that this is not the threat that Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg’s prosecutors were talking about in their opening statements.
Anyways, the “COERCION OF A PUBLIC SERVANT” case against Damien Thaddeus Jones could be thrown out tomorrow morning when the trial resumes, inside County Criminal Court at Law No. 5, that’s presided over by Judge David Fleischer in my opinion. How can I say this? Well, Judge Fleischer has already granted “Downtown” Oliver Brown’s motion to suppress the search warrant and other key pieces of evidence against his client. You can watch "DAY TWO" of the trial live by "CLICKING HERE" tomorrow morning.
According to evidence, that has already been suppressed by Judge David Fleischer, a text message was sent that informed Gina Calanni (who was the ‘Democratic’ State Representative for House District 132) of the sort of strategy that the Republicans were planning to run against her, during her 2020 reelection bid.
In a document that was placed into evidence on day one, the message delivered to Calanni said “The Republican Party knows about your sexual relationship with a staffer. There are details and evidence. I’d suggest you resign soon or it will make the news. Your choice.”
Now, I’m not a lawyer, nor do I portend to be, but it certainly looks to me that this is not the threat that Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg’s prosecutors were talking about in their opening statements.
Anyways, the “COERCION OF A PUBLIC SERVANT” case against Damien Thaddeus Jones could be thrown out tomorrow morning when the trial resumes, inside County Criminal Court at Law No. 5, that’s presided over by Judge David Fleischer in my opinion. How can I say this? Well, Judge Fleischer has already granted “Downtown” Oliver Brown’s motion to suppress the search warrant and other key pieces of evidence against his client. You can watch "DAY TWO" of the trial live by "CLICKING HERE" tomorrow morning.
EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
CELL: (281)788-3033

"Now is the time when our love for America must prevail. So, it is incumbent upon us to elect "PUBLIC SERVANTS" who understand that they work for us. We need "ELECTED OFFICIALS" in office who love "OUR CONSTITUTION" and the ideals that our nation was founded upon by our forefathers. That being said, we must make it our collective effort to "PUT PEOPLE OVER POLITICS" and do what's best for America during this pivotal moment in the history of our great nation."

EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033