The death of late Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee (center) has left a gaping hole in the upcoming Democratic Party "DOWN-BALLOT" in Harris County, Texas, after she recently died of pancreatic cancer. (HCDP) Precinct Chairs have a tough decision to make before August 26, 2024, in their quest to find a suitable nominee for the upcoming Tuesday, November 5, 2024, ballot. When former Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner, a lying, conniving "UNDERCOVER BROTHER," is nominated, his nomination should be rejected. SLY will taint the legacy of the 18th Congressional District if he's selected by (HCDP) Precinct Chairs to replace the Honorable Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee on the November ballot. WORKHORSES... The late Congresswoman Barbara Jordan (top left), Congressman Craig Washington (bottom left), and late Congressman Mickey Leland (bottom right) were thoroughbreds who worked hard and cared about the people of the 18th Congressional District. Former Mayor Sylvester Turner likes to have sexual orgies, lie, draft wills for clients who fake their death, connive, manipulate the people, rig bids, and only care about himself. You can "CLICK HERE" to read the "SWORN AFFIDAVIT" from "SLY's" ex-wife to get a better understanding of who we're dealing with when it comes to Sylvester.

Vice President Kamala Harris, the presumptive 2024 Democratic nominee for president of the United States, and State Rep. Ron Reynolds (HD-27), the chairman of the Texas Legislative Black Caucus, will both be in attendance at the homegoing services for the Honorable Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee. According to "THE OFFICIAL FLYER," the funeral services will be livestreamed by several local media outlets. Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee's funeral service will be held on Thursday, August 1, 2024, at 11:00 a.m., with a Celebration of Life Service entitled "Remembering Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee," at Fallbrook Church, 12512 Walters Road, Houston, Texas 77014.

State Rep. Ron Reynolds (HD-27) loved his dear friend, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee. A few months ago, he honored her with flowers and made a public tribute to her. "I knew she was sick and wanted her to receive her flowers while she could smell them. I loved her wholeheartedly and will forever cherish our fond memories! My heart is broken, but I know God called her home," he said. As his stock continues to rise, State Rep. Ron Reynolds should bide his time and wait for another congressional seat to open up and not run for the 18th Congressional District seat even if he's nominated when the (HCDP) Precinct Chairs convene to choose a nominee.

The photo of Commissioner Rodney Ellis, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, and former Mayor Sylvester Turner was staged at the Green House International Church, where a "SEXUAL PREDATOR" named E.A. Deckard is the pastor. At the time the photo was taken, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee was gravely ill. Still, she had not announced to the general public that she had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer months before this photo was taken. Former Mayor Sylvester Turner, who likes to hold sexual orgies with local businessmen at the time this photo was taken, appears to have been selfishly trying to position himself in photo opportunities with Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee as she was visibly deteriorating from pancreatic cancer. You can "CLICK HERE" to learn more about "SLY" in this "SWORN AFFIDAVIT" from November 13, 1991, that was submitted in divorce proceedings by his wife, who was an Assistant DA with the Harris County District Attorney's Office at the time.

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "Early voting will begin on Monday, October 21, 2024, and end on Friday, November 1, 2024, for the upcoming Tuesday, November 5, 2024, Presidential Election. It is incumbent upon us to make it our business to select the best candidate available in every down-ballot race."
EXCLUSIVE: Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee's Final Funeral Arrangements; Sylvester Turner Must Be Rejected
The notion that former Houston Mayor Sylvester “SLY” Turner is waiting until August 2, 2024, to announce his intentions related to running for the 18th Congressional District seat is a lie.
Turner decided long ago, but the (HDCP) Precinct Chairs must reject his candidacy if it’s tendered after the homegoing celebrations for the late Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee are completed.
Sylvester Turner is an “OPPORTUNISTIC DAWG,” but he’s the runt of the litter, whereas all of the former 18th Congressional District Representatives were of a different breed.
The late Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee was ferocious. Still, according to her friends and other politicians she worked closely with, she had a gentle, loving side. But Sylvester Turner is a low-down, dirty dog—like a stray dog on the prowl for food, “SLY” is searching for something that he desperately needs, which is relevance.
But don’t be fooled. The power of being the U.S. Representative for the 18th Congressional District is too much for a chihuahua like “SLY” to handle.
The most significant difference between Sylvester Turner and past U.S. Representatives for the 18th Congressional District of Texas is that “SLY” is more of a little “SHETLAND PONY,” and Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, Congressman Craig Washington, Congressman Mickey Leland, and Congresswoman Barbara Jordan were all thoroughbreds – workhorses if you will.
What the Harris County Democratic Party Precinct Chairs should know is that “SLY” belongs in a circus, not roaming through the halls of the United States Congress.
In my opinion, Sylvester Turner doesn’t measure up – he can’t even carry the worn undergarments of the late Congresswoman Barbara Jordan or Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee.
And an “UNDERCOVER BROTHER” like Sylvester Turner certainly can’t be trusted with holding the jock-straps of the late Congressman Mickey Leland or former Congressman Craig Washington, who lost his seat to the late Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee in 1995.
Many might not remember, but Sheila Jackson Lee was recruited to run for the 18th Congressional seat by former disgraced ENRON CEO Kenneth Lay and other local business people after they could not force Congressman Craig Washington to dance to the beat of their drums.

Mark my words – Sylvester Turner will one day go down in history as the most corrupt Mayor in American history. That said, it would be irresponsible of the eighty-four (HCDP) Precinct Chairs to anoint “SLY” as the “HEIR APPARENT” to the Honorable Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee.
If Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee wanted “SLY” to succeed her, she had plenty of time to tell her constituents that former Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner was her choice—but she didn’t.
Sylvester Turner is not from the same cloth as Barbara, Mickey, Craig, and Sheila – and I can prove it.
Barbara, Mickey, Craig, and Sheila were hard workers who genuinely cared about the people of the 18th Congressional District of Texas—their constituents. For the most part, all four made it a point to avoid the appearance of being involved in any form of public corruption.
Sure, I’ve talked a lot about Gloria Palmer and Tomar Bishop’s “HARVESTING MAIL BALLOTS” exploits they engaged in for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee’s re-election bids over the years, but that was more Gerald Womack’s doing than it was Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee.

There’s a big difference between harvesting mail ballots to win an election and hosting orgies back in the 1990s; having sex with eventual City of Houston Contractors; pulling strings for alleged lovers to secure $95,000 airport internships; steering $6 million in Hurricane Harvey relief funds to a former law partner; taking alleged bribes; potentially rigging a $470 million concessions contract to take it away from Pappas Restaurants; and trying to steer a portion of a $15 million controversial Affordable Housing Contract to his former law partner (Barry Barnes) and then lying about it to the citizens of Houston and the media.
Turner is a pathological liar. But lying about things is nothing new for former Mayor Sylvester Turner. This lying piece of crap has been misleading the general public his entire professional career. And this pussy cat was corrupt long before he ran against the businessman and eventual Mayor (Bob Lanier) back in 1991 and lost.

A lot of folks like to talk about State Rep. Ron Reyolds and his trouble with the law – but at least Ron paid his debt to society and is working hard to rebuild his name and reputation and is working diligently to pick up the pieces of his life after being convicted of barratry in 2015 – which was a misdemeanor charge for illegally soliciting clients for his personal injury practice.
There’s a considerable difference between state Rep. Ron Reynolds getting convicted of a misdemeanor for illegally soliciting clients and paying the price for his transgression of the law and former Mayor Sylvester Turner steering millions upon millions of dollars to former male lovers and friends and seemingly going unpunished for his alleged felonious criminal transgressions.

A pussy cat is what Sylvester Turner is, in my opinion. He’s certainly not a lion or alley cat – he’s a feline. If “SLY” is not a pussy cat – what in the hell is he?
That deeply troubling “NINE PAGE” affidavit, sworn to by “SLY’s” wife at the time, Cheryl Gillum Turner, on November 13, 1991, gives us a good understanding of who we’re dealing with regarding Sylvester Turner. Turner ultimately manipulated his way into becoming Mayor of Houston, like he’s trying to do with the 18th Congressional District seat, which is now vacant.
Remember when Cheryl Gillum Turner (his wife at the time) signed the “SWORN AFFIDAVIT” I’m referring to? Employed as an Assistant District Attorney inside the Harris County District Attorney’s Office, Cheryl found herself on the wrong side of the law after her “SWORN AFFIDAVIT” was leaked.
After Sylvester and Cheryl married, according to her “SWORN AFFIDAVIT,” Sylvester left his job at Fulbright and Jaworski and formed a law firm called Barnes and Turner.
“During this time, we experienced a number of financial problems,” said his wife. Cheryl said her husband, Sylvester Turner, had drafted his divorce petition alone. “I believe that Sylvester would take the blame out on me concerning his potential failure and the fact that his law firm was not doing well financially,” his wife explained.
It was around this time that his wife Cheryl discovered that her husband Sylvester Turner was bisexual and started tap-recording his conservations. “I learned that Sylvester was bisexual, as well as participating in sexual orgies,” she explained in her affidavit.
“One of the conversations he had was with Lloyd Gite, who is a Channel 26 news reporter,” explained Cheryl. “During that conversation, Mr. Gite asked Sylvester if he wanted to have sex with him. Sylvester responded that he would consider it.”
According to Cheryl, “The conversation continued with Gite telling Sylvester specifically the sexual acts he would perform.”
Why are the sexual orgies and escapades of former Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner relevant to his running for the 18th Congressional District of Texas?
There are some very powerful “BLACK BUSINESSMEN” who former Mayor Sylvester Turner has long-time relationships with that the general public are not familiar with, who “SLY” must obey.
“I am also aware of certain unprofessional acts of Sylvester in reference to approaching people and inviting them to sexual orgies,” his wife warned in her 1991 affidavit. “Also, I have heard comments made about Don Aaron, Darryl Carter, Dwight Thomas, and others relating to sexual involvement with Sylvester,” she explained.

If you believe Sylvester’s wife, businessman Darryl Carter, had complete control of “SLY” back in the 1990s and could have full control of Sylvester Turner if he were to be nominated at the “HEIR APPARENT” to the 18th Congressional seat on the upcoming Tuesday, November 5, 2024, Presidential Election ballot.
“In fact, there have been suggestions made to me personally by Carter that he had control of Sylvester because Carter knows Sylvesters’s deepest, darkest secrets,” his wife proclaimed.
Cheryl said, “Those allegations can be substantiated because Sylvester secured a loan from Bank Plus and paid cash for a 1991 Explorer for Darryl Carter.”
Cheryl also suspected that Sylvester Turner employed Darryl Carter at his law firm and that “SLY” was paying (all or part) of Darryl Carter’s tuition to attend the University of Houston Law School.
Based on my research, Darryl Benard “DARRYL” Carter earned his law degree from the University of Houston in December 1994, which aligns with the allegations explained in Cheryl’s sworn statements.

I don’t recall the late Congresswoman Barbara Jordan, the late Congressman Mickey Leland, the late Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, or former Congressman Craig Washington ever assisting anyone with faking their death – have you?
I’m telling you – Sylvester Turner is “BAD NEWS” and will taint the legacy of the 18th Congressional District if he’s allowed to be placed on the upcoming Tuesday, November 5, 2024, ballot in the race for the 18th Congressional District, after the death of the Honorable Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee.
Sylvester Turner is a liar and manipulator and can’t be trusted.
Remember, back in December 1999, when an appellate court stepped in and erased the $3.25 million libel judgment Sylvester Turner won in a lawsuit he filed against KTRK Television after a 1991 story aired on their network linking “SLY” to his clients “FAKE DEATH” which was part of $6 million insurance fraud scheme?
When Sylvester Turner filed his lawsuit against KTRK Television, he was a failed state representative candidate for Mayor of Houston. “The appellate panel found the station’s report on the facts concerning the client’s scheme was substantially true,” according to court documents.
The “THREE-JUDGE PANEL” found that the timing of what unfolded was “INTERESTING,” with Sylvester’s client disappearing three days after “SLY” drafted his will.
As a refresher, Sylvester Turner’s client carried more than $6 million in life insurance and supposedly fell off a sailboat in the Gulf of Mexico three days after Sylvester Turner drafted his will.
After a desperate search, the Coast Guard never found the body of Sylvester Turner’s client, who supposedly fell overboard three days after “SLY” helped him draft his last will. However, Sylvester’s client, found alive, was serving time for drug charges in a Spanish prison after faking his death.

As for former Mayor Sylvester Turner waiting until August 2, 2024, to announce his run for the 18th Congressional District of Texas, he needs to sit his tired butt down somewhere.
Sylvester Turner didn’t even come clean about his client’s “FAKED DEATH” until the heat got so intense that he couldn’t stand it anymore — even still, he tried to get his hands on that $6 million.
Remember, “DIRTY ASS SYLVESTER” drafted the will for his client, who faked his death three days after signing it. But what you might not know is that Sylvester Turner delivered the eulogy at his client’s funeral and represented his client’s estate in probate proceedings until suspicions began to swirl around the faked death of his client.

Since we already know that former Mayor Sylvester Turner, 70, is corrupt as hell and underwent treatment for cancer back in 2022 when he was 68, why would anyone in their right believe it’s suitable for “SLY” to succeed the Honorable Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, who recently died of cancer at 74 years of age.
I must add that Sylvester Turner is selfish, egotistical, and an “ALLEGED CRIMINAL” with nine lives. That said, I’m imploring the (HCDP) Precinct Chairs to elect someone other than “SLY” to replace the Honorable Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee on the upcoming Tuesday, November 5, 2024, ballot.
Lana Centonze is the Republican nominee, Ed Atkinson is the Veteran’s Party nominee, and Vince Duncan has collected enough signatures to run as the Independent. He has turned his petition papers over to the state of Texas for approval and is awaiting their answer.
Early voting will begin on Monday, October 21, 2024, and end on Friday, November 1, 2024, and the (HCDP) Precinct Chairs only have until August 26, 2024, to nominate a candidate.
Since the Harris County Democratic Precinct Chairs have until August 26, 2024, to make their decision, and I’m hoping and praying that they’ll nominate someone other than “LYING ASS SYLVESTER” to appear on the ballot in the race for the 18th Congressional District of Texas.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039

Dan Simons will run for Harris County District Attorney against Sean Teare on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, in what is expected to be an extremely close race.
Dan Simons was born and raised in Southeast Texas. His family was impoverished and lived through the struggle of poverty. During his childhood, there were times when he was homeless and had no choice but to live in cars or tents to survive. Dan constantly faced problems and chaos in his family, ultimately being placed in foster care at a young age. He has four brothers and one sister, none of whom ever graduated high school, much like his parents.
At twelve, seeking stability to graduate high school, he made the tough decision to move in with a family he met through the Salvation Army. Through sheer determination and hard work, he graduated at the top of his class and was named All-District Quarterback in his senior high school. Dan became the first person in his family to graduate from high school.
After graduating high school in 1996, he joined the United States Air Force to serve his country.
In 2005, he moved back to Texas, intending to further his education and become a lawyer. He graduated from Sam Houston State University in 2008 at the top of his class. He went on to attend the Thurgood Marshall School of Law in Houston, graduating Magna Cum Laude in December of 2011. He received his Masters in Tax Law from the University of Houston in 2013.
As Assistant District Attorney, Dan handled thousands of cases. He tried 29 Misdemeanor Jury Trials and had five acquittals; 13 Felony Jury Trials and had only one acquittal; and 26 Justice of the Peace Court and Jury Trials. Dan's total conviction rate was 84%.
As a Misdemeanor Chief in Criminal Court No. 14, Dan Simons reduced the docket by over 200 cases in less than four months — a 20% reduction that reduced the court's burden and saved the county costs. In early 2017, he left the DA’s Office to work in private practice.
In 2018, he started his practice, Dan Simons Law Firm, focusing on criminal cases in Harris County, Fort Bend County, and Montgomery County, Texas.

Harris County has enough politicians. We need a Harris County District Attorney who isn’t afraid of political party bosses. We need a truth-seeking prosecutor – not a politician.
We need someone committed to restoring public safety, trust, and peace of mind in Harris County, Texas; Dan Simons is the right man for the job.
We need a Harris County DA who will protect the people, respect them, and give victims the justice they deserve; Dan Simons fits the bill, in my opinion.
Dan Simons is committed to ensuring that business owners receive equal protection under the law, enabling local communities to thrive rather than merely survive.
We’ve got some innocent citizens getting charged and convicted of crimes they may not have committed. With an honest man like Dan Simons as the Harris County District Attorney, wrongful convictions will decrease significantly, while lawbreakers can expect to receive the punishment they deserve.
Moreover, we can’t do anything about the past, but with Dan Simons as our District Attorney, addressing mistakes expeditiously rather than hiding them – could serve as a much-needed foundation to rebuild trust in our criminal justice system.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039