According to this $100 million dollar lawsuit, when Dr. Cesar Maldonado was approved as the new Chancellor of HCC in 2014, he came armed with a racially discriminatory agenda. The lawsuit details how Chancellor Maldonado 'allegedly' used his position to adopt a "transformation" plan for (HCC) Houston Community College which disproportionately impacted Black employees and Black employment and advancement and/or hire at the college. (CLICK HERE) to view this document for yourself.

Zelia Brown is one of the plaintiffs in the $100 million racial discrimination lawsuit. She was forced to take a leave of absence when she complained about missing grant money at the College. She reported to the federal government, the suit alleges, that the grant funds had been misused or taken. After the federal investigators notified HCC officials they were going to investigate Ms. Brown’s allegations, she was immediately told not to return to work and to stay on leave of absence. Her locked grant office is said to have been rummaged through while she was on a leave of absence. Although HCC is said to have later asked her back the return was conditioned on her accepting a false complaint that she had created a hostile work environment and presumably remain silent about the missing grant dollars. She refused to remain silent and brought the suit.
Attorney Ben Hall Has Backbone, Courage, Intestinal Fortitude, Determination, and the Willingness to Speak Truth to Power
It’s so sad to see how some of these current Democratic judges in Harris County, Texas have been running their courtrooms since being swept into office back during the 2018 Midterm Election. I mean, some of these people have no business presiding over courtrooms – let alone practicing law.
Heck, some of these current Democratic judges (like Judge Angela Graves Harrington, the presiding judge for the 246th Family District Court) have no business even practicing law from the other side of the bench if you ask me. That’s why we’ve endorsed former Judge Charley Prine in the race for the 246th Family District Court – but that’s a story for another day!
Just so you know, throughout the last few years, I’ve received complaint after complaint from local citizens about some of these current judges being unfair, biased, and ill-prepared. Now, make no mistake about it, after investigating some of the complaints I’ve received, I’m convinced that some of these judges (like Judge Angela Graves Harrington) we’ve elected are on-the-take – if you know what I mean.
As I said, many of the complaints I’ve received over the last few years have been from defendants who appeared in the 246th Family District Court that’s presided over by Judge Angela Graves Harrington, a member of a group of Black female Judges who were labeled as “BLACK GIRL MAGIC” back during the 2018 midterms. And some of them, have been working their mojo since day one.
But I’m not here to focus on “BLACK GIRL MAGIC” and the spells that some of them are seeking to cast over the eyes of local voters as they seek reelection on November 8, 2022, in their respective races.
I’ve been closely following United States District Judge Lynn Hughes, who ruled last week that the $100 million racial discrimination lawsuit against Houston Community College (HCC) can proceed forward – way to go Judge Hughes!!!
In case you don’t know, HCC receives hundreds of millions of taxpayer monies to educate our young people, many of whom, are from Black and Brown communities. But a lot more than education is happening at this institution of higher learning.
For instance, the Chancellor of HCC, Dr. Cesar Maldonado is the guy who, according to sworn depositions of a former HCC Police Officer, was involved in a heated love triangle with his subordinate, who happens to be the wife of Sheriff Ed Gonzalez.
For years, and years, and years, HCC, has been mired in corruption, mismanagement, and sex scandals. But since Dr. Cesar Maldonado, took over, and decided that he wanted to use his position as chancellor to discriminate against Black employees, things have gotten a lot more serious.
The plaintiffs in the $100 million racial discrimination lawsuit against HCC allege that its leadership devised a “transformation program” that would enable them to purge Black employees from the jobs.
According to court documents, the lawsuit claims that over 95% of senior-level Black executives at the college have been “transformed” or displaced from their jobs since Dr. Cesar Maldonado took over as chancellor of the Houston Community College System.
But, thanks to U.S. District Judge Lynn Hughes’s ruling, three separate race discrimination cases filed by Black employees against HCC may proceed forward. Yes, you heard me right!
Judge Lynn Hughes denied HCC’s motion to dismiss the claims of the Black employees.
In one of Judge Hughes’s orders, he wrote, “This court has already determined that the black employees have established the elements of municipal liability to hold the college liable.”
After reviewing documents associated with this matter, I’ve discovered that Judge Hughes did, however, dismiss the claims of several of the plaintiffs, but chose to allow many of the other plaintiffs the opportunity to replead their cases and remain in the suit.
Where do things stand now? Well, Houston Community College, as it stands right now, because of Dr. Cesar Maldonado’s little “TRANSFORMATION EXERCISE” aimed at purging Black employees from their jobs, is facing racial discrimination claims being brought by 95 former and present Black employees.
Lead trial counsel for the plaintiffs, Benjamin L. Hall, III, commented: “I am pleased with the Judge’s rulings. HCC wanted all of our client's claims dismissed. Judge Hughes discarded that request…For the judge to make such findings against HCC about racial discrimination cannot be comforting to the college or its attorneys. Our brave clients have endured enough discrimination and retaliation at HCC and will now have their day in court to show the racist horror show that exists at the college.”
George Hittner, another lead trial counsel representing the plaintiffs, remarked: “I have worked in multiple levels of government, been a service provider to governmental entities, and represented governmental bodies. My clients have sued and been sued by governmental entities. I have been surrounded by, exposed to, and worked with government officials and governmental agencies in one capacity or another my entire life…and I can unequivocally state that I have never seen such an abuse of power by a governmental body as is evident in these lawsuits. The evidence points to a systematic bias and prejudice against black employees at HCC. The sheer number of the victims speaks volumes about the prevalence of HCC’s legally problematic culture.”
This particular $100 million racial discrimination case is playing out in Federal Court, where U.S. District Judge Lynn Hughes has a lifetime appointment, and does not have to play Party Politics. For more information, Benjamin L. Hall, III, and George Hittner can be reached at The Hall Law Group, PLLC, (713)942-9600, and The Hittner Group, (512)636-9221, today!

EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033

Dr. Cynthia Lenton Gary, the chairman of the HCC School Board at one point in her life, was a trailblazer. She was a woman of courage, and intestinal fortitude, and wasn't afraid to stand up for her people. But she seems to have lost the fire she once had, and the tenaciousness she once displayed and has been replaced with a cowardly go-along-to-get-along persona.

Dr. Pretta VanDible Stallworth is the HCC School Board Trustee for District IX. Now, just like Dr. Cynthia Lenton Gary, at backbone prior to becoming a member of "THE HCC BOARD OF TRUSTEES" the same can be said about Dr. Pretta VanDible Stallworth. However, there's a big difference between Dr. Cynthia Lenton Gary, and Dr. Pretta VanDible Stallworth. What's the difference? Well, Dr. Pretta VanDible Stallworth hasn't lost her fight, intestinal fortitude, or courage to speak truth to power. But that's a story for another day!

Dr. Cesar Maldonado has been bad for Houston Community College from day one. According to the allegations in the $100 million racial discrimination lawsuit, Dr. Cesar Maldonado accepted his position in 2014 with a Hispanic “HISPANIC PREFERENTIAL TREATMENT” agenda. The suit contains an actual email chain created shortly after Dr. Cesar Maldonado’s appointment stating: “Now we [Hispanics] are going to receive preferential treatment.”

EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033

"Now is the time when our love for America must prevail. So, it is incumbent upon us to elect "PUBLIC SERVANTS" who understand that they work for us. We need "ELECTED OFFICIALS" in office who love "OUR CONSTITUTION" and the ideals that our nation was founded upon by our forefathers. That being said, we must make it our collective effort to "PUT PEOPLE OVER POLITICS" and do what's best for America during this pivotal moment in the history of our great nation."

EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033