Tamoria Jones (top far right) was a member of Commissioner Rodney Ellis's political regime. She was the alleged lover, confidant, and chief of staff for State Representative Harold Dutton, Jr. (top second from right), according to sources. However, Tamoria Jones turned up dead a few days after she informed State Representative Harold Dutton that she was leaving him. According to "HER AUTOPSY REPORT," her cause of death was listed as Acute Ethanol, Cocaine, Methamphetamine, and fentanyl toxicity. HUMAN TRAFFICKING... According to Dr. Nissi Hamilton (far left), human sex trafficking is a big problem in Harris County, Texas. She claims, "I too was trafficked for 10 YEARS to some of Houston’s top politicians, attorneys, pastors, international CEOs, police officers, superintendents, and music executives, just like Diddy’s victims." From what I understand, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee (bottom second from right) was never a victim of sex trafficking. Still, she wasn't as wholesome and faithful to her husband (Elwyn Lee) as she's portrayed to have been, either. Former prizefighter Eric Carr (bottom far right) knows the inner workings of Harris County Politics like few people will ever have the chance to experience. (CLICK HERE) to identify some "GOOD DEMOCRATS" who will be on your ballot. (CLICK HERE) to view some "GOOD REPUBLICANS" who will appear on your upcoming Tuesday, November 5, 2024, ballot in Harris County, Texas.

Tamoria Jones died on Saturday, July 1, 2023, shortly before her lifeless body was dropped off at Memorial Herman Hospital-Southwest by (3) three males. How is Tamoria Jones still registered to vote from the home she shared with State Representative Harold Dutton? Who renewed her voter registration on January 1, 2024, and made her eligible to vote through December 31, 2025, without it being detected by the Harris County Tax Assessor-Collector/Voter Registrar?

“I, too, was trafficked for 10 YEARS to some of Houston’s top politicians, attorneys, pastors, international CEOs, police officers, superintendents, and music executives, just like Diddy’s victims,” stated Dr. Nissi Hamilton in her September 17, 2024, FACEBOOK post.
The Voter Rolls in Harris County are Still Littered With Dead People Like Tamoria Jones; Dr. Nissi Hamilton Speaks Out
State leaders continue to throw out insinuations that “ELECTION FRAUD” is occurring in Harris County, Texas --- but none of our state leaders are courageous enough to get down business and call specific names – so I’m going to do it!
What Governor Greg Abbott, Attorney General Ken Paxton, and Texas Secretary of State Jane Nelson are doing to combat “VOTER FRAUD” in counties across Texas is necessary in many regards. However, they are not attacking the authentic sources of the fraud—Commissioner Rodney Ellis and a small circle of “BLACK ELECTED OFFICIALS” are behind the voter fraud in Harris County, Texas.
State Rep. Harold Dutton, one of the Texas Legislature’s longest-serving members, is a dirty dawg. On top of being a low-down, filthy, dirty scoundrel – he also appears to be a lying, conniving election fraudster, based on the evidence my investigative team and I have obtained.
Tamoria Jones, the late chief of staff for State Rep. Harold Dutton, was a known drug user and abuser and was highly promiscuous. However, her main squeeze was her boss – State Rep. Harold Dutton.
Her love affair with her boss (Harold Dutton) began when she was in her early twenties and faced her first DWI. Jones hired Dutton, an attorney, to help her get out of trouble. A few weeks later, she lived in his home and registered to vote from it, using it as her primary residence.
A few months after their alleged love affair blossomed, State Rep. Harold Dutton brought his young lover to the state capital in Austin, Texas, to work alongside him.
I’m not trying to get into State Rep. Harold Dutton’s bedroom. And I don’t care who he screws or enters into love affairs with – if you want to know the truth. However, I do have a problem with people saying that “VOTER FRAUD” is a figment of my imagination and then going out and trying to discredit my reports by labeling me as a right-wing conspiracy theorist – that’s wrong!!!

For decades, Tamoria Jones and State Rep. Harold Dutton lived at Dutton’s home address, 4001 Jewett Street, Houston, Texas 77026.
On Saturday, July 1, 2023, well over a year ago, according to her “OFFICIAL AUTOPSY REPORT,” State Rep. Harold Dutton’s alleged lover and chief of staff’s “DEAD BODY” was dumped off at Memorial Herman Hospital-Southwest at 8:50 a.m., by (3) three males where she was pronounced deceased.
Memorial Herman Southwest Hospital is at 7600 Beechnut Street, Houston, Texas 77074.
In cases you don’t know, Tamoria Jones’s “AUTOPSY REPORT” showed that at the time, those (3) three men dropped off her dead body at Memorial Herman Southwest Hospital at 8:50 a.m., her manner of death described as an accident. However, her “CAUSE OF DEATH” was Acute Ethanol, cocaine, methamphetamine, and fentanyl toxicity.
Why didn’t Tamoria Jones’s death make the local news? And why didn’t anyone demand to know who the (3) three men were who dumped Tamoria Jones’s dead body at Memorial Herman Hospital-Southwest at 8:50 a.m. on Saturday, July 1, 2024, in Houston, Texas?
An even bigger question is how could a woman who died on Saturday, July 1, 2023, still be registered to vote in Harris County, Texas, on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, if voter fraud is just a figment of my imagination.
Nope! I’m not lying; Tamoria Jones, the late alleged lover and chief of staff for State Rep. Harold Dutton, is still registered to vote at their home address of 4001 Jewett Street, Houston, Texas 77026.
On 1/1/2024, Tamoria Jones’s “VOTER REGISTRATION” was renewed, and she was made eligible to vote from her alleged lover’s home through 12/31/2025, which makes her eligible to vote on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, in Harris County, Texas.
Did State Rep. Harold Dutton renew his late lover’s “VOTER REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE” to make her eligible to vote through December 31, 2025, in Harris County, Texas – or did someone else do it?
Whatever the case, Tamoria Jones, a “DEAD WOMAN,” is registered to vote in the upcoming 2024 Presidential Election right here in Harris County, Texas.

The people we’re electing to public office aren’t who we think they are in many regards. Some folks believe that I should let a ‘sleeping dawg lie’ when it comes to the late Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee – but she was a complete fraud. I know so much about this woman that I can tell the general public, but I won’t now. I understand that Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee wasn’t only mean, nasty, and vindictive – she wasn’t a faithful wife to her husband, Elwyn Lee, from what I understand.
On Tuesday, November 5, 2024, Black women could hold the key to the presidency for Vice President Kamala Harris – a woman labeled the first woman of Black and South Asian heritage to become the presidential nominee for a major political party.
But can someone tell me what “BLACK WOMEN” have gotten for their undying loyalty to the Democratic Party? Don’t get me wrong, I’m not trying to dog the Democratic Party – I’m simply asking a question that other people are afraid to ask.
The votes of the Black woman are worth a lot more than a “SYMBOLIC GESTURE,” which is all “BLACK WOMEN” have gotten so far. Chucks and peals aren’t worth a damn if women can’t go to work and not become sexually enslaved people or get harassed and strong-armed into subservient positions to dirty old career politicians who desire to indulge themselves in young men and women who will, in some cases will do anything to climb the ladder of success.
A few years ago, a beautiful “BLACK WOMAN” named Catherine Garcia Flowers told me about the sexual harassment she endured at the hands of the so-called “POWERFUL MEN” in Houston, Texas. I’m not going to mention names today, but this crap needs to stop.
Another “BLACK WOMAN” just last week, on September 17, 2024, by the name of Nissi Hamilton, stepped forward with a chilling comment about local politics in the form of a FACEBOOK post.
Dr. Nissi Hamilton is a well-known Survivor, Activist, and International Motivational Speaker who is very comfortable in her skin.
In a sense, what’s going on with Sean “Diddy” Combs in New York is causing women across America to take introspective looks into past relationships (good or bad) as they truly embrace themselves and personal journeys as God’s plan for their life continues to unfold.

“I, too, was trafficked for 10 YEARS to some of Houston’s top politicians, attorneys, pastors, international CEOs, police officers, superintendents, and music executives, just like Diddy’s victims,” stated Dr. Nissi Hamilton in her September 17, 2024, FACEBOOK post.
According to Dr. Hamilton, “I was groomed, had my kids taken by my abuser, blackmailed into silence, and forced to sleep with over 1,500 men.”
“I was threatened with my life if I didn’t continue. I was trafficked, drugged, and kidnapped once — not taken outside my city, but trapped in a nightmare most people don’t understand when they think of sex trafficking,” she proclaimed.
Dr. Hamilton states, “There’s a whole power structure people don’t even know about. But I don’t think y’all are ready for the REAL TRUTH about what Diddy is being charged with.”
“He has tapes and blackmail on his artists and friends. The mental anguish is unimaginable. But again, I don’t think y’all are ready for me to break it all down,” stated Dr. Hamilton. “I’m so happy that the people involved will finally get a chance to reclaim their lives and see some justice… BUT THIS SHIT IS REAL,” she continued.
She hasn’t told her whole story, but it will be riveting, eye-opening, and awe-inspiring when she does. “I’VE LIVED IT FOR YEARS! I’ve been waiting, hesitant to tell my full story.” “But there’s a pull in my spirit to share it — to save even another girl or woman from this anguish. Katt Williams told y’all at the beginning of the year.”

We must begin to hold “PUBLIC OFFICIALS” accountable in Harris County, Texas. While I believe the “ELECTION FRAUD” that’s occurring in Harris County, Texas, is being orchestrated by members of Commissioner Rodney Ellis’s “CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE,” we must endeavor to identify its members and bring them to justice. However, accomplishing this objective will require some “OUT-OF-THE-BOX” thinking and “COOPERATIVE POLITICAL STRATEGIES.”

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039

DaSean Jones (Democrat) has $35,162.42 in cash, and James “Jimmy” Blacklock has a political action committee affiliated with him called Texas Alliance for Life PAC, which has $607,012.48 cash on hand. These two nominees will square off in the Judge, Supreme Court, Place 2 race.

Chika A. Anyiam (Democrat) has $9,624.60 in cash, and Lee Finley (Republican) has a political action committee called Bastrop County Conservatives PAC affiliated with him that has $5,516.33 cash on hand. These two nominees will square off in the race for Judge, Court of Criminal Appeals, Place 8.

Amber Boyd-Cora (Democrat) has $2,850.00 in cash, and Susanna Dokupil (Republican) has $15,211.93. These two are running for Justice, 1st Court of Appeals District, Place 9.

Velda Renita Faulkner (Democrat) has $600.00 in cash, and Chad Bridges (Republican) has $15,441.09. These two are running for Justice, 14th Court of Appeals District, Place 3.

Fredericka Phillips (Democrat) has $169,821.36 in cash, and Lee Kathryn Shuchart (Republican) has $2,650.00. These two are running for District Judge in the 61st Judicial District Court.

Jeralynn Manor (Democrat) has $183,947.44 in cash, and Sonya Aston (Republican) has $1,250.00. These two are running for District Judge in the 80th Judicial District Court.

Erica Hughes (Democrat) has $190,100.00 in cash on hand. She has no Republican opponent running against her for District Judge in the 151st Judicial District Court.

TaKasha Francis (Democrat) has $125,352.82 in cash. She has no Republican opponent running against her for District Judge in the 152nd Judicial District Court.

Ursula A. Hall (Democrat) has $48,991.63 in cash, and Bruce Bain (Republican) has $6,982.69 cash on hand. These two are running for District Judge in the 165th Judicial District Court.

Hazel B. Jones (Democrat) has $2,005.70 in cash. She has no Republican opponent running against her in the race for District Judge, 174th Judicial District Court.

Nikita “Niki” Harmon (Democrat) has $13,596.04 in cash. She has no Republican opponent running against her in the race for District Judge, 176th Judicial District Court.

Robert Johnson (Democrat) has $53,337.16 in cash, and Emily Detoto Munoz (Republican) has $500.00 cash on hand. These two are running for District Judge in the 177th Judicial District Court.

Elaine Palmer (Democrat) has $70,053.19 in cash, and Nathan Milliron (Republican) has $1,404.20. These two are running for District Judge in the 215th Judicial District Court.

Tracy D. Good (Democrat) has $67,925.79 in cash, and Brian Staley (Republican) has $12,304.11 cash on hand. These two are running for District Judge in the 333rd Judicial District Court.

Dawn Rogers (Democrat) has $157,639.28 in cash. She has no Republican opponent running against her for District Judge in the 334th Judicial District Court.

Te’iva Bell (Democrat) has $8,114.92 in cash. She has no Republican opponent running against her for District Judge in the 339th Judicial District Court.

Vivian King (Democrat) has $413.00 in cash, and Aaron Burdette (Republican) has “ZERO” cash on hand. These two are running for District Judge in the 486th Judicial District Court.

Stacy Allen Barrow (Democrat) has $13,392.00 in cash, and Lori Deangelo (Republican) has $346.00. These two are running for District Judge in the 487th Judicial District Court.

Carvana Cloud (Democrat) has a political action committee associated with her, and she has $5,578.27 in cash on hand, while Matthew Peneguy (Republican) has $13,561.89 in cash on hand. These two are running for District Judge in the 488th Judicial District Court.

Lillian Henny Alexander (Democrat) has $92,300.10 in cash, and Daniel Lemkuil (Republican) has $218.90. These two are running for District Judge in the 507th Judicial District Court.

Ashley Mayes Guice (Democrat) has $1,979.59 in cash, and Linda Garcia (Republican) has $2,684.03 cash on hand. These two are running for Judge County Criminal Court at Law No. 16.

Fransheneka “Fran” Watson (Democrat) has $18,629.12 in cash, and Ray Black, Jr. (Republican) has $2,500.00 cash on hand. These two are running for Judge, County Probate Court No. 5.

Joe Stephens (Democrat) has “ZERO” cash on hand. He has no Republican opponent running against him in the Justice of the Peace race, Precinct 3, Place 1.

Wanda Adams (Democrat) has $300.25 cash on hand. She has no Republican opponent running against her in the Justice of the Peace race, Precinct 7, Place 1.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039

"Early voting will begin on Monday, October 21, 2024, and end on Friday, November 1, 2024, for the upcoming Tuesday, November 5, 2024, Presidential Election. It is incumbent upon us to make it our business to select the best candidate available in every down-ballot race."

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039