Jolanda "Jo" Jones (left) ran against Ann Harris Bennett back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, and lost. The guy with his hand on Jolanda Jones' shoulder, Brandon Dudley allegedly has a six-figure income working for Harris County Precinct 1 Commissioner Rodney Ellis. Now get this, since Brandon Dudley ran against Ann Harris Bennett back in 2016 and lost by a wide margin, he has been paid more than $33,000.00 as a consultant by Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis -- and that appears to be on top of the money he makes working for Harris County.
Was Jolanda “Jo” Jones and Brandon Dudley Encouraged to Challenge Ann Harris Bennett by Commissioner Ellis?
Do you believe in coincidences? Hey, you can’t make this stuff up. Back on 2/19/2020, Grant Martin Campaigns was paid $58,995.73 by Commissioner Rodney Ellis for what was categorized as a consulting expenditure. Then on the very next day, 2/20/2020, Grant Martin Campaigns was paid $23,312.33 by Jolanda Jones’ Campaign for an advertising expense related to a campaign mailer. As I dug a little deeper, I discovered that back on 1/23/2020, Grant Martin Campaigns was paid $36,557.72 by Commissioner Rodney Ellis for what was categorized as a consulting expenditure related to mail and yard signs. However, I also discovered that on the same day that Commissioner Rodney Ellis gave Grant Martin Campaigns his check for $36,557.72, Jolanda Jones also paid Grant Martin Campaigns $6,102.70 for what she categorized as an advertising expenditure for printing, research, and mailing on her campaign finance report. Now look, there’s nothing wrong with Commissioner Rodney Ellis and Jolanda Jones both using Grant Martin Campaigns as their consultant. But is the timing coincidental? Or does this look like a coordinated effort on the part of Commissioner Ellis and Jolanda “Jo” Jones? Also, please keep in mind that, between Wednesday, May 25, 2016, and Monday, January 6, 2020, from what I can see, Brandon Dudley, after unsuccessfully challenging Ann Harris Bennett back in 2016, has been paid $33,000.00 as a consultant by Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis -- and that appears to be on top of the six-figure income he (allegedly) already makes from Harris County.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033

Is Commissioner Rodney Ellis the Puppet-Master Behind the Curtain Pulling the Strings in the Democratic Party?
Did you know that Jolanda “Jo” Jones is one of Businesswoman Cynthia Bailey’s clients? Yes, it’s true, Jolanda paid Cynthia Bailey several thousand dollars back on 2/10/2020 for her expertise as a consultant, as it relates to her experience with managing campaign signage. And Jolanda’s not the only one. I haven’t independently verified this yet, but according to a tip I received, Former Houston Mayor Annise Parker, former Houston Police Chief C.O. “Brad” Bradford, State Senator Borris L. Miles, Former Judge William “Bill” McLeod, City Councilwoman Martha Castex Tatum, Former Councilman Dwight Boykins, Attorney Cheryl Elliott Thornton, Attorney Dawn Rogers, Attorney Audia Jones, Judge Steven Kirkland, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, State Rep. Garnet Coleman, and Newly Elected HCCS Trustee Rhonda Skillern Jones have all used Businesswoman Cynthia Bailey as a consultant, for poll-worker support, or campaign sign placement throughout Harris County. Again, I will investigate this lead and let you guys know what I find out.

Did you know that Jolanda “Jo” Jones is one of Businesswoman Cynthia Bailey’s clients? Yes, it’s true, Jolanda paid Cynthia Bailey several thousand dollars back on 2/10/2020 for her expertise as a consultant, as it relates to her experience with managing campaign signage. And Jolanda’s not the only one. I haven’t independently verified this yet, but according to a tip I received, Former Houston Mayor Annise Parker, former Houston Police Chief C.O. “Brad” Bradford, State Senator Borris L. Miles, Former Judge William “Bill” McLeod, City Councilwoman Martha Castex Tatum, Former Councilman Dwight Boykins, Attorney Cheryl Elliott Thornton, Attorney Dawn Rogers, Attorney Audia Jones, Judge Steven Kirkland, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, State Rep. Garnet Coleman, and Newly Elected HCCS Trustee Rhonda Skillern Jones have all used Businesswoman Cynthia Bailey as a consultant, for poll-worker support, or campaign sign placement throughout Harris County. Again, I will investigate this lead and let you guys know what I find out.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033

Commissioner Rodney Ellis is by most accounts one of the most powerful men in Harris County, Texas. Like him, or hate him -- that's a fact. Commissioner Ellis has been influencing local politics since he was in his late twenties. Some folks consider Ellis a "KING-MAKER" of sorts. However, some folks consider him a "CORRUPT POLITICIAN" whose days are numbered.
Remember back in early December of 2019, when Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis took issue with Harris County Clerk Diane Trautman’s claim that she had no legal option other than to remove the contested Houston City Council District B runoff race between Tarsha Jackson and Cynthia Bailey from the ballot? “Due to a legal challenge contesting the outcome of the Houston City Council District B race, the Office of the County Attorney advised me that the District B race could not be on the runoff ballot, per the Texas Election Code,” is what County Clerk Diane Trautman said at Commissioner Court. Remember how Commissioner Rodney Ellis appeared to be all upset at Diane Trautman for pulling the race from the runoff ballot? Well, did you know that Commissioner Rodney Ellis donated $1,000.00 to Tarsha Jackson’s Campaign back on Thursday, November 14, 2019? And the donation from Commissioner Ellis to Tarsha Jackson was made only a few days after the election took place. Remember how Commissioner Ellis talked openly about the serious mistakes that he felt had taken place? Remember how Commissioner Rodney Ellis questioned Diane Trautman’s legal authority to pull the District B race from the runoff ballot? “In my opinion, I think some serious mistakes were made,” are the exact words spoken forth by Commissioner Rodney Ellis. Didn’t he seem to care about the people? Did you ever wonder whether Diane Trautman had a proverbial “DOG IN THE FIGHT” whereas the District B runoffs were concerned? What about Commissioner Rodney Ellis? Do you know for sure, whether Rodney Ellis has a proverbial “DOG IN THE FIGHT” whereas the Houston City Council District B runoffs are concerned?

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033

Harris County Clerk Diane Trautman is one of the most powerful women in Harris County. She's soft-spoken but firm when she needs to be. She's been under a lot of pressure lately. But she's working diligently to make voting more accessible for every registered voter in the county.
Did you know that Diane Trautman is one of Cynthia Baley’s clients? It’s very difficult to make the connections and figure out how this District B fight has taken this long to resolve. But, when you start digging in and turning over stones, you just never know what’s going to turn up. While looking over Diane’s Trautman’s campaign finance reports I discovered that Cynthia Bailey, the woman being branded as an ex-felon, and not a redeemed businesswoman, has a client list that is continuing to grow and grow and grow! YOU GO CYNTHIA!!! From what I can see, Cynthia Bailey has ties to Diane Trautman. Did you know that Harris County Clerk Diane Trautman paid $2,325.00 in the form of a “CAMPAIGN EXPENDITURE” categorized as payment for contract labor to Cynthia Bailey? What does this mean? I’m going to tell you if you hold your horses. What this means is that Cynthia Bailey supplied Harris County Clerk Diane Trautman with the man-power to cover the election polls for her back in 2018. In essence, Cynthia Bailey, the businesswoman got a check on 5/17/2018, to man the election polls for Diane Trautman’s Campaign.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033

Prior to our Tuesday, November 5, 2019, City of Houston General Election, Commissioner Rodney Ellis' donated over $100,000 to TOP -- Texas Organizing Project. Top endorsed Tarsha Jackson in the race for Houston City Council District B. Meanwhile his consultant (Dallas Jones) was busy supporting Renee Jefferson Smith. After Renee Jefferson Smith didn't make the runoff, Commissioner Rodney Ellis donates a cool grand to Tarsha Jackson.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033

Dallas Jones is one of those people you're either going to love or hate. But make no mistake about it, Dallas is a "POWER-PLAYER" in Harris County politics. He's not the kinda guy you want to cross out here if you're new to the political game.
Back on 2/17/2020, Commissioner Rodney Ellis paid Elite Change, Inc. which is owned by Dallas Jones $2,100.00 as a consulting expenditure.

Back on 2/10/2020, Commissioner Rodney Ellis paid Elite Change, Inc. which is owned by Dallas Jones $1,500.00 to provide campaign field team support. Then on the very same day, Commissioner Rodney Ellis turned around and paid Elite Change, Inc. the amount of $7,000.00 as a consulting expenditure.

Back on 1/14/2020, Commissioner Rodney Ellis paid Elite Change, Inc. which is owned by Dallas Jones another $7,000.00 as a consulting expenditure.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033

Tarsha Jackson finished first in the race for Houston City Council District B, way back on Tuesday, November 5, 2019. It is still unclear when the runoff election will be held.

Cynthia Bailey finished second in the race for Houston City Council District B, way back on Tuesday, November 5, 2019. It is still unclear when the runoff election will be held.

Renee Jefferson Smith is still continuing to do the work she's been called to do in the Houston City Council District B community. Make no mistake about it, Renee Jefferson Smith has a real heart for the people of District B.
Can anybody out there tell me why Dallas Jones would go to Renee Jefferson Smith out of the goodness of his heart and donate $10.000.00 worth of his precious time to help her win the Tuesday, November 5, 2019, Houston City Council District B race? Is that what we’re supposed to believe? Get this, Renee Jefferson Smith out of the goodness of heart (I guess) paid Elite Change, Inc. owned by Dallas Jones $9,000.00 out of her campaign account for all of his hard work. Does that make any sense to you? If so, you are “Cuckoo For Cocoa Puffs” my friend. Anyways, I guess it’s a coincidence that Commissioner Rodney Ellis paid Elite Exchange, Inc. $17,600.00 for consulting and field support services during pretty much the same time frame. I’m not sure if it means anything just yet, but that’s some creativity right there if you ask me. Man, that smells like there’s some double-dipping going on.
Back on 9/01/2019, Elite Change, Inc./Dallas Jones makes a $5,000.00 in-kind contribution to Renee Jefferson Smith that is categorized as campaign consulting. In other words, Elite Change, Inc. owned by Dallas Jones donated valuable consulting services to Renee Jefferson Smith to help her win the Houston City Council District B race.

Back on 8/07/2019, Renee Jefferson Smith paid Elite Change, Inc. owned by Dallas Jones $3,000.00 for what was categorized as a consulting expense.

Back on 6/11/2019, Elite Change Inc./Dallas Jones makes a $2,500.00 in-kind contribution to Renee Jefferson Smith that is categorized as campaign consulting. In other words, Elite Change, Inc. owned by Dallas Jones is donating more of his valuable time to assist Renee Jefferson Smith in her quest to win the Houston City Council District B race.

Back on 5/11/2019, Elite Change Inc./Dallas Jones makes another $2,500.00 in-kind contribution to Renee Jefferson Smith that is categorized as campaign consulting. Elite Change, Inc. owned by Dallas Jones out of the goodness of their heart decides to donate more of Dallas Jones’ precious time to assist Renee Jefferson Smith in her quest to win the Houston City Council District B race.

Back on 4/11/2019, Renee Jefferson Smith, out of the goodness of her heart, decided to pay Elite Change, Inc. owned by Dallas Jones $3,000.00 for what was categorized as a consulting expense.

Back on 3/21/2019, Renee Jefferson Smith paid Elite Change, Inc. owned by Dallas Jones another $3,000.00 for what was categorized as a consulting expense.
Back on 9/01/2019, Elite Change, Inc./Dallas Jones makes a $5,000.00 in-kind contribution to Renee Jefferson Smith that is categorized as campaign consulting. In other words, Elite Change, Inc. owned by Dallas Jones donated valuable consulting services to Renee Jefferson Smith to help her win the Houston City Council District B race.

Back on 8/07/2019, Renee Jefferson Smith paid Elite Change, Inc. owned by Dallas Jones $3,000.00 for what was categorized as a consulting expense.

Back on 6/11/2019, Elite Change Inc./Dallas Jones makes a $2,500.00 in-kind contribution to Renee Jefferson Smith that is categorized as campaign consulting. In other words, Elite Change, Inc. owned by Dallas Jones is donating more of his valuable time to assist Renee Jefferson Smith in her quest to win the Houston City Council District B race.

Back on 5/11/2019, Elite Change Inc./Dallas Jones makes another $2,500.00 in-kind contribution to Renee Jefferson Smith that is categorized as campaign consulting. Elite Change, Inc. owned by Dallas Jones out of the goodness of their heart decides to donate more of Dallas Jones’ precious time to assist Renee Jefferson Smith in her quest to win the Houston City Council District B race.

Back on 4/11/2019, Renee Jefferson Smith, out of the goodness of her heart, decided to pay Elite Change, Inc. owned by Dallas Jones $3,000.00 for what was categorized as a consulting expense.

Back on 3/21/2019, Renee Jefferson Smith paid Elite Change, Inc. owned by Dallas Jones another $3,000.00 for what was categorized as a consulting expense.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033

Natalia "Nata" Cornelio (left) handily defeated Judge George Powell back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in the Democratic Party primary race for Judge, 351st Criminal District Court in Harris County, Texas.
Remember all those rumors that were floating around about Natalia “Nata” Cornelio being planted in the race for Judge of the 351st Criminal District Court back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in the Democratic Party Primary to take out Judge George Powell? Remember folks alleging that Commissioner Rodney Ellis was a puppet master? Remember folk saying that somebody had to be behind the curtain pulling strings in certain Harris County Democratic primary races? Remember how it sounded hard to believe that a “BLACK ELECTED OFFICIAL” would be behind an “ORCHESTRATED EFFORT” to take out other fellow elected leaders of their same ethnicity? Remember how far fetched that sounded? Huh? Do you remember? Huh? Even Ray Charles, if he were still living could see that the Natalia “Nata” Cornelio’s ties to Commissioner Rodney Ellis aren’t a coincidence. Hell, it wouldn’t take Blind Mellow Jelly this long to put the pieces of this puzzle together. What’s the hold-up? Look, Natalia “Nata” Cornelio worked as the Director of Legal Affairs for Harris County Precinct One Commissioner Rodney Ellis. She is one of the people who helped to negotiate and finalize the settlement agreement in the misdemeanor bail reform lawsuit in Harris County, Texas according to her admission. All of that is fine and dandy! But get this, while trying to find out more information about her I noticed that (1) one day before the Tuesday, March 3, 2020, Democratic primary was set to take place, Commissioner Rodney Ellis gave her a few thousand dollars -- $2,500.00 to be exact. Now, if Commissioner Ellis isn’t the person behind the curtain pulling strings, why would he give a Latina woman trying to unseat an African American male judge $2,500.00 a day before Election Day? Well, as it turned out, the Latina woman, Natalia “Nata” Corneilo who received financial support from the Honorable Commissioner Rodney Ellis, went on to defeat Judge George Powell, the African American member of the judiciary who was seeking re-election. In case you don’t remember, Natalia “Nata” Cornelio received 158,098 votes, for 63.82% of the vote. And as for Judge George Powell, well, he fought a valiant effort, but he could only muster 36.18% of the vote.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033

Jeremy Brown has done a good job since taking the bench as the Justice of the Peace for Precinct 7. Place 1. However, do to his Tuesday, March 3, 2020, Democratic primary loss to Wanda Adams, he must hand over his gavel to Judge-Elect Wanda Adams.
Back on 6/23/2017, Rodney Ellis paid Jerry Brown $195.00 for some sort of loan repayment or reimbursement for campaign-related expenses I guess.

Back on 6/23/2016, Rodney Ellis paid Jeremy Brown $3,000.00 for what was categorized as a consulting expense according to Commissioner Ellis’ Campaign Finance Report.

Back on 5/23/2016, Rodney Ellis paid Jeremy Brown $3,000.00 for what was categorized as a consulting expense according to Commissioner Ellis’ Campaign Finance Report.

Back on 4/30/2016, Rodney Ellis paid Jeremy Brown $2,830.00 for what was categorized as a consulting expense according to Commissioner Ellis’ Campaign Finance Report.

Back on 3/31/2016, Rodney Ellis paid Jeremy Brown $2,826.52 for what was categorized as a consulting expense according to Commissioner Ellis’ Campaign Finance Report.

Back on 2/29/2016, Rodney Ellis paid Jeremy Brown $2,826.52 for what was categorized as a consulting expense according to Commissioner Ellis’ Campaign Finance Report.

Back on 2/23/2016, Rodney Ellis paid Jeremy Brown $3,000.00 for what was categorized as a consulting expense according to Commissioner Ellis’ Campaign Finance Report.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033

Women like the Honorable Constable May Walker, our Precinct 7 Constable (left) and Judge-Elect Wanda Adams are hard to beat in Harris County, Texas. Lifelong Democrat Wanda Adams imposed her will on poor Judge Jeremy Brown on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in the Democratic primary race for Justice of the Peace Precinct 7, Place 1.
Just as I predicted back on Saturday, July 14, 2018, after all of the shenanigans and buffoonery that took place at Tom Bass park with those Democratic Precinct Chairs – Jeremy Brown went on to lose his seat the first time it came up before the voters. I keep telling folks, that being able to cut backroom deals with the Democratic Precinct Chairs doesn’t mean that you can win an election where the people decide the winner and loser. Anyways, Wanda Adams beat the brakes off Judge Jeremy Brown on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in the Democratic Party primary race for Harris County Justice of the Peace for Precinct 7, Place 1. In case you don’t remember, Wanda Adams received 22,609 votes, for 67.50% of the vote. As for Jerry Brown, well, he only managed to pull in 10,888 votes, for 32.50% of the vote. Man, payback is a mutha – ain’t it?

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033

Janaeya Carmouche is a strong Black woman. However, she found herself out of her league back on Saturday, December 14, 2019. Carmouche was dealt an embarrassing defeat by Councilman Kubosh as he rolled to victory with more than 61.30% of the vote.
Back on 6/28/2016, Rodney Ellis paid Janaeya Carmouche $500.00 for what was categorized as a consulting expense according to Commissioner Ellis’ Campaign Finance Report.

Back on 6/21/2016, Rodney Ellis paid Janaeya Carmouche $1,500.00 for what was categorized as a consulting expense according to Commissioner Ellis’ Campaign Finance Report.

Back on 5/25/2016, Rodney Ellis paid Janaeya Carmouche $1,500.00 for what was categorized as a consulting expense according to Commissioner Ellis’ Campaign Finance Report.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033

Brandon Dudley (left) is the Chief of Staff for Commissioner Rodney Ellis' (SMG). He ran for Harris County Tax-Assessor Collector back in 2016 against Ann Harris Bennett.
Back on 1/06/2020, Rodney Ellis paid Brandon Dudley $3,000.00 for what was categorized as salaries, wages, and contract labor according to Commissioner Ellis’ Campaign Finance Report.

Back on 11/18/2019, Rodney Ellis paid Brandon Dudley $3,000.00 for what was categorized as salaries, wages, and contract labor according to Commissioner Ellis’ Campaign Finance Report.

Back on 9/20/2019, Rodney Ellis paid Brandon Dudley $2,500.00 for what was categorized as salaries, wages, and contract labor according to Commissioner Ellis’ Campaign Finance Report.

Back on 10/27/2016, Rodney Ellis paid Brandon Dudley $4,000.00 for what was categorized as a consulting expense according to Commissioner Ellis’ Campaign Finance Report.

Back on 9/01/2016, Rodney Ellis paid Brandon Dudley $5,000.00 for what was categorized as a consulting expense according to Commissioner Ellis’ Campaign Finance Report.

Back on 6/23/2016, Rodney Ellis paid Brandon Dudley $5,000.00 for what was categorized as a consulting expense according to Commissioner Ellis’ Campaign Finance Report.

Back on 6/23/2016, Rodney Ellis paid Brandon Dudley another $500.00 for what was categorized as a consulting expense according to Commissioner Ellis’ Campaign Finance Report.

Back on 5/25/2016, Rodney Ellis paid Brandon Dudley $5,000.00 for what was categorized as a consulting expense according to Commissioner Ellis’ Campaign Finance Report.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033

Jolanda “Jo” Jones rose from a childhood of poverty and tragedy to membership in numerous Halls of Fame, a CNN Hero, a four-time national track and field champion, a basketball All-American, a Rhodes Scholar nominee, a successful businesswoman, author, and an unapologetic human rights activist, a Houston City Council member and school board Trustee, a respected analyst according to her website.
The Black community was looking around in dismay when Jolanda “Jo” Jones jumped in the race to challenge Harris County Tax Assessor-Collector Ann Harris Bennett back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in the Democratic primary. “How could one Black woman be doing this to another?” asked one of my readers. “What is Jolanda thinking?” asked another. While Jolanda Jones’ bid to take out Ann Harris Bennett fell flat, the questions centering around how, and why Ann Harris Bennett was primaried haven’t gone away. For the record, Ann Harris Bennett received 157,161 votes, for 58.31% of the vote to finish first. Jolanda “Jo” Jones received 101,760 votes for 37.76% of the vote to finish second. And the third-place finisher was a guy by the name of Jack Terrence, who received 10,590 votes, for 3.93% of the vote. So, in an attempt to quiet the chatter, I will give you an inside look at some behind the scenes happenings. However, keep in mind, that Brandon Dudley, the last person to face Ann Harris Bennett works for Commissioner Rodney Ellis as the Chief of Staff for Harris County Precinct One’s -- 'Senior Management Group' (SMG). Also keep in mind that, between Wednesday, May 25, 2016, and Monday, January 6, 2020, from what I can see, Brandon Dudley, after unsuccessfully challenging Ann Harris Bennett, has been paid $33,000.00 as a consultant by Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis. Now, back to Jolanda Jones, a very smart businesswoman, and a highly successful attorney. For some reason, I could not find a direct connection between Commissioner Rodney Ellis and Jolanda “Jo” Jones. However, I did find a whole bunch of what I call “CROSS POLLINATION” between Jolanda Jones’ Campaign and that of Commissioner Rodney Ellis. One of the key connectors I discovered was Keith Wade – a powerful local consultant. While Wade doesn’t show up on Jolanda Jones’ most recent campaign reports, trust me when I tell you that Keith Wade is a trusted ally of Jalonda Jones. He and Jolanda “Jo” Jones have worked together for years and years and years. If you don’t know Keith Wade, I will tell you this – HE’S ONE OF THE BEST IN THE BUSINESS! I’ve admired Wade for years, and I’ve been fortunate to work with him a time or two along the way. So, to be sure, Keith Wade is perhaps one of the hottest-hands in the business and he boasts a client base that includes people like, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, Mayor Sylvester Turner, and former Mayor Annise Parker, just to name a few. In other words, Keith Wade isn’t someone you want to cross in the city of Houston.


HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033

Most people know Keith Wade as the Senior Advisor to Mayor Sylvester Turner. But countless others in the political world know Wade as a force to be reckoned with. Keith Wade is by far one of the top political consultants in the State of Texas. His client list is breathtaking. And his reputation is impeccable. He is respected and revered by Republicans and Democrats alike.
So, as it relates to Keith Wade I didn’t go too far back. However, just to show you the connection between Kieth Wade and Commissioner Rodney Ellis, all you need to know is that Keith Wade works as a consultant. And he’s available to Commissioner Rodney Ellis with one phone call.

Back on 5/30/2016, Keith Wade was paid $3,000.00 by Commissioner Rodney Ellis for what was categorized as a consulting expenditure.

Back on 5/25/2016, Keith Wade was paid another $3,000.00 by Commissioner Rodney Ellis for what was categorized as a consulting expenditure.

Back on 5/03/2016, Keith Wade was paid another $3,000.00 by Commissioner Rodney Ellis for what was categorized as a consulting expenditure.

Back on 4/30/2016, Keith Wade was paid another $3,000.00 by Commissioner Rodney Ellis for what was categorized as a consulting expenditure.


Back on 5/30/2016, Keith Wade was paid $3,000.00 by Commissioner Rodney Ellis for what was categorized as a consulting expenditure.

Back on 5/25/2016, Keith Wade was paid another $3,000.00 by Commissioner Rodney Ellis for what was categorized as a consulting expenditure.

Back on 5/03/2016, Keith Wade was paid another $3,000.00 by Commissioner Rodney Ellis for what was categorized as a consulting expenditure.

Back on 4/30/2016, Keith Wade was paid another $3,000.00 by Commissioner Rodney Ellis for what was categorized as a consulting expenditure.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033

Grant Martin has been a major player in the political arena for many years. You can search the world over, and not find a more respected and revered branding expert. Grant Martin Campaigns has carved out a unique niche for themselves in Harris County, Texas and beyond.

Back on 2/19/2020, Grant Martin Campaigns was paid $58,995.73 by Commissioner Rodney Ellis for what was categorized as a consulting expenditure. On the very next day, 2/20/2020, Grant Martin Campaigns was paid $23,312.33 by Jolanda Jones’ Campaign for and advertising expense related to campaign a mailer.

Back on 2/10/2020, Grant Martin Campaigns was paid $53,824.48 by Commissioner Rodney Ellis for what was categorized as an advertising expense for Design, Production, and Distribution of his campaign mailer. Then Commissioner Rodney Ellis turned right back around on 2/10/2020, paid $53,824.48 to Grant Martin Campaigns for the same service, that was categorized as an advertising expense for Design, Production, and Distribution of his campaign mailer. Yes, that’s the same amount of $53,824.48 sent that was paid to Grant Martin Campaigns on the same day.

Back on 2/07/2020, Grant Martin Campaign was paid $36,557.72 by Commissioner Rodney Ellis for what was categorized as a consulting expense related to Mail and Yard Signs.

Back on 1/23/2020, Grant Martin Campaigns was paid $36,557.72 by Commissioner Rodney Ellis for what was categorized as a consulting expense related to Mail and Yard Signs. On this same day, 1/23/2020, Grant Martin Campaigns was paid $6,102.70 by Jolanda Jones for what was categorized as an advertising expense for printing, research, and mailing.
Back on 12/31/2019, Grant Martin Campaigns was paid $21.886.19 by Commissioner Rodney Ellis for what was categorized as a printing expense related to Campaign Signs, banners, cards, and other stuff.

Back on 2/5/2018, Grant Martin Campaigns was paid $19,967.04 by Commissioner Rodney Ellis for what was categorized as a printing expense for a New Year’s Card.

Back on 4/30/2018, Grant Martin Campaigns was paid $4,325.97 by Commissioner Rodney Ellis for what was categorized as a printing expense for a Fundraising Invitation.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033

If you've never heard the name Gerald Womack before -- then I don't know what to tell you. He is a respected and revered businessman. Most people know him as a real estate broker. But others in the political world know him as the money-man.

Back on 12/31/2019, Deandre Sam donated $300.00 to Jolanda Jones to assist her in her quest to defeat Harris County Tax Assessor-Collector, Ann Harris Bennett, in the 2020 Democratic primary. And on 2/25/2020, Deandre Sam donated another $1,000.00 to Jolanda “Jo” Jones.

Back on 12/30/2019, Gerald Womack donated $1,000.00 to Jolanda Jones to assist her in her quest to defeat Harris County Tax Assessor-Collector, Ann Harris Bennett, in the 2020 Democratic primary.

Back on 12/28/2019, Roberts Markland LLP donated $2,500.00 to Jolanda Jones to assist her in her quest to defeat Harris County Tax Assessor-Collector, Ann Harris Bennett, in the 2020 Democratic primary.

Back on 12/20/2019, Emma Bullock donated $2,500.00 to Jolanda Jones to assist her in her quest to defeat Harris County Tax Assessor-Collector, Ann Harris Bennett, in the 2020 Democratic primary.

Back on 12/20/2019, Courtney Busby donated $2,500.00 to Jolanda Jones to assist her in her quest to defeat Harris County Tax Assessor-Collector, Ann Harris Bennett, in the 2020 Democratic primary.

Back on 12/18/2019, James Douglas donated $500.00 to Jolanda Jones to assist her in her quest to defeat Harris County Tax Assessor-Collector, Ann Harris Bennett, in the 2020 Democratic primary.

This report is part of our voter educations and empowerment series. If you have any questions about anything published in this report, please feel free to contact me at (281)788-3033 today!

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033

MJ "Mary Hegar" is heading into the Tuesday, July 14, 2020, runoff election in the race for the United States Senate as the "FRONT-RUNNER" against Royce West. In case you don't know, MJ Hegar received 412,897 votes back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in the Democratic Primary, according to the "Unofficial" election returns published by the Texas Secretary of State.

State Sen. Royce West is heading into the Tuesday, July 14, 2020, runoff election in the race for the United States Senate as the "RUNNER-UP" against MJ Hegar. In case you don't know, State Sen. Royce West received 269,027 votes back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in the Democratic Primary, according to the "Unofficial" election returns published by the Texas Secretary of State.

Sima Lajervardian is heading into the Tuesday, July 14, 2020, runoff election in the race for United States Representative, District 2 as the "FRONT-RUNNER" against Elisa Cardnell. In case you don't know, Sima Ladjevardian received 26,410 votes back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in the Democratic Primary, according to the "Unofficial" election returns published by the Texas Secretary of State.

Elisa Cardnell is heading into the Tuesday, July 14, 2020, runoff election in the race for United States Representative, District 2 as the "RUNNER-UP" against Sima Ladjevardian. In case you don't know, Elisa Cardnell received 17,210 votes back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in the Democratic Primary, according to the "Unofficial" election returns published by the Texas Secretary of State.

Michael Siegel is heading into the Tuesday, July 14, 2020, runoff election in the race for United States Representative, District 10 as the "FRONT-RUNNER" against Pritesh Gandhi. In case you don't know, Michael Siegel received 35.450 votes back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in the Democratic Primary, according to the "Unofficial" election returns published by the Texas Secretary of State.

Pritesh Gandhi is heading into the Tuesday, July 14, 2020, runoff election in the race for United States Representative, District 10 as the "RUNNER-UP" against Michael Siegel. In case you don't know, Pritesh Gandhi received 26,683 votes back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in the Democratic Primary, according to the "Unofficial" election returns published by the Texas Secretary of State.

Chrysta Castañeda is heading into the Tuesday, July 14, 2020, runoff election in the race for Texas Railroad Commissioner as the "FRONT-RUNNER" against Roberto Alonzo. In case you don't know, Chrysta Castañeda received 592,770 votes back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in the Democratic Primary, according to the "Unofficial" election returns published by the Texas Secretary of State.

Roberto Alonzo is heading into the Tuesday, July 14, 2020, runoff election in the race for Texas Railroad Commissioner as the "RUNNER-UP" against Chrysta Castañeda. In case you don't know, Roberto Alonzo received 503,666 votes back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in the Democratic Primary, according to the "Unofficial" election returns published by the Texas Secretary of State.

Michelle Palmer is heading into the Tuesday, July 14, 2020, runoff election in the race for Member, State Board of Education, District 6 as the "FRONT-RUNNER" against Kimberly R. McLeod. In case you don't know, Michelle Palmer received 51,778 votes back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in the Democratic Primary, according to the "Unofficial" election returns published by the Texas Secretary of State.

Kimberly R. McLeod is heading into the Tuesday, July 14, 2020, runoff election in the race for Member, State Board of Education, District 6 as the "RUNNER-UP" against Michelle Palmer. In case you don't know, Kimberly R. McLeod received 38,297 votes back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in the Democratic Primary, according to the "Unofficial" election returns published by the Texas Secretary of State.

Akilah Bacy is heading into the Tuesday, July 14, 2020, runoff election in the race for State Representative, District 138 as the "FRONT-RUNNER" against Jenifer Renee Pool. In case you don't know, Akilah Bacy received 4,387 votes back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in the Democratic Primary, according to the "Unofficial" election returns published by the Texas Secretary of State.

Jenifer Renee Pool is heading into the Tuesday, July 14, 2020, runoff election in the race for State Representative, District 138 as the "RUNNER-UP" against Akilah Bacy. In case you don't know, Jenifer Renee Pool received 2,751 votes back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in the Democratic Primary, according to the "Unofficial" election returns published by the Texas Secretary of State.

State Rep. Harold Dutton is heading into the Tuesday, July 14, 2020, runoff election in the race for State Representative, District 142 as the "FRONT-RUNNER" against Jerry Davis. In case you don't know, State Rep. Harold Dutton received 5,723 votes back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in the Democratic Primary, according to the "Unofficial" election returns published by the Texas Secretary of State.

Jerry Davis is heading into the Tuesday, July 14, 2020, runoff election in the race for State Representative, District 142 as the "RUNNER-UP" against State Rep. Dutton. In case you don't know, Jerry Davis received 3,199 votes back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in the Democratic Primary, according to the "Unofficial" election returns published by the Texas Secretary of State.

State Rep. Anna Eastman is heading into the Tuesday, July 14, 2020, runoff election in the race for State Representative, District 148 as the "FRONT-RUNNER" against Penny Morales Shaw. In case you don't know, State Rep. Anna Eastman received 6,159 votes back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in the Democratic Primary, according to the "Unofficial" election returns published by the Texas Secretary of State.

Penny Morales-Shaw is heading into the Tuesday, July 14, 2020, runoff election in the race for State Representative, District 148 as the "RUNNER-UP" against State Rep. Anna Eastman. In case you don't know, Penny Morales-Shaw received 3,269 votes back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in the Democratic Primary, according to the "Unofficial" election returns published by the Texas Secretary of State.

Tamika Craft is heading into the Tuesday, July 14, 2020, runoff election in the race for Justice 14th Court of Appeals, Place 7 as the "FRONT-RUNNER" against Cheri Thomas. In case you don't know, Tamika Craft received 137,360 votes back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in the Democratic Primary, according to the "Unofficial" election returns published by the Texas Secretary of State.

Cheri Thomas is heading into the Tuesday, July 14, 2020, runoff election in the race for Justice, 14th Court of Appeals, Place 7 as the "RUNNER-UP" against Tamika Craft. In case you don't know, Cheri Thomas received 86,821 votes back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in the Democratic Primary, according to the "Unofficial" election returns published by the Texas Secretary of State.

Cheryl Elliott-Thornton is heading into the Tuesday, July 14, 2020, runoff election in the race for Judge, 164th Civil District Court as the "FRONT-RUNNER" against Judge Alexandra Smoots-Thomas. In case you don't know, Cheryl Elliott-Thornton received 102,777 votes back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in the Democratic Primary, according to the "Unofficial" election returns published by the Texas Secretary of State.

Judge Alexandra Smoots-Thomas is heading into the Tuesday, July 14, 2020, runoff election in the race for Judge, 164th Civil District Court as the "RUNNER-UP" against Cheryl Elliott-Thornton. In case you don't know, Judge Alexandra Smoots-Thomas received 82,345 votes back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in the Democratic Primary, according to the "Unofficial" election returns published by the Texas Secretary of State.

Te'iva Bell is heading into the Tuesday, July 14, 2020, runoff election in the race for Judge, 339th Criminal District Court as the "FRONT-RUNNER" against Candance White. In case you don't know, Te'iva Bell received 108,764 votes back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in the Democratic Primary, according to the "Unofficial" election returns published by the Texas Secretary of State.

Candance White is heading into the Tuesday, July 14, 2020, runoff election in the race for Judge, 339th Criminal District Court as the "RUNNER-UP" against Te'iva Bell. In case you don't know, Candance White received 89,286 votes back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in the Democratic Primary, according to the "Unofficial" election returns published by the Texas Secretary of State.

Diana Alexander is heading into the Tuesday, July 14, 2020, runoff election in the race for Harris County Commissioner, Precinct 3 as the "FRONT-RUNNER" against Michael Moore. In case you don't know, Diana Alexander received 16,472 votes back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in the Democratic Primary, according to the "Unofficial" election returns published by the Harris County Clerk.

Michael Moore is heading into the Tuesday, July 14, 2020, runoff election in the race for Harris County Commissioner, Precinct 3 as the "RUNNER-UP" against Diana Alexander. In case you don't know, Michael Moore received 16,092 votes back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in the Democratic Primary, according to the "Unofficial" election returns published by the Harris County Clerk.

Israel Garcia is heading into the Tuesday, July 14, 2020, runoff election in the race for Justice of the Peace, Precinct 5, Place 1 as the "FRONT-RUNNER" against Roel Garcia. In case you don't know, Israel Garcia received 26,701 votes back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in the Democratic Primary, according to the "Unofficial" election returns published by the Harris County Clerk.

Roel Garcia is heading into the Tuesday, July 14, 2020, runoff election in the race for Justice of the Peace, Precinct 5, Place 1 as the "RUNNER-UP" against Israel Garcia. In case you don't know, Roel Garcia received 16,933 votes back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in the Democratic Primary, according to the "Unofficial" election returns published by the Harris County Clerk.

Lieutenant Jerry Garcia is heading into the Tuesday, July 14, 2020, runoff election in the race for Harris County Constable Precinct 2 as the "FRONT-RUNNER" against Constable Chris Diaz. In case you don't know, Lieutenant Jerry Garcia received 5,766 votes back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in the Democratic Primary, according to the "Unofficial" election returns published by the Harris County Clerk.

Constable Chris Diaz is heading into the Tuesday, July 14, 2020, runoff election in the race for Harris County Constable Precinct 2 as the "RUNNER-UP" against Lieutenant Jerry Garcia. In case you don't know, Constable Chris Diaz received 5,122 votes back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in the Democratic Primary, according to the "Unofficial" election returns published by the Harris County Clerk.

Constable Sherman Eagleton is heading into the Tuesday, July 14, 2020, runoff election in the race for Harris County Constable Precinct 3 as the "FRONT-RUNNER" against former Harris County Precinct 3 Commissioner Ken Jones. In case you don't know, Constable Sherman Eagleton received 10,008 votes back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in the Democratic Primary, according to the "Unofficial" election returns published by the Harris County Clerk.

Former Constable Ken Jones is heading into the Tuesday, July 14, 2020, runoff election in the race for Harris County Constable Precinct 3 as the "RUNNER-UP" against Constable Sherman Eagleton. In case you don't know, Ken Jones received 3,391 votes back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in the Democratic Primary, according to the "Unofficial" election returns published by the Harris County Clerk. However, in a recent turn of events, Eric Reed, Deborah Florus, and Michel (Poppy) Pappillion have all decided to throw their support behind Ken Jones. This could make the runoff showdown between Constable Sherman Eagleton and former Precinct 3 Constable Ken Jones one of the most intriguing races on the entire May 26th Democratic runoff ballot. Why? Well, at first glance it would appear that Constable Sherman Eagleton is the clear, and decisive "FRONT-RUNNER" heading into the runoff showdown. However, when you take into account that Eric Reed received 1,810 votes for 8.58% of the vote; Deborah Florus received 3,279 votes for 15.54% of the vote; Michael (Poppy) Pappillion received 913 votes for 4.33% of the vote, and Ken Jones himself received 3,391 votes for 16.07% of the vote, it isn't difficult to see that the "RUNOFF SHOWDOWN" between Constable Eagleton and Ken Jones won't be as lopsided as their Democratic Primary was back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020. Another key factor to pay close attention to is the fact that only 23,896 votes were cast back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in the race for Harris County Constable for Precinct 3. Why is this significant? Well, according to the Harris County Clerk's Office, there are 197,063 registered voters in Precinct 3 who could potentially turn out on Tuesday, May 26, 2020. So both Constable Sherman Eagleton (the current Constable for Precinct 3) and Ken Jones (the former Constable for Precinct 3) will both have their work cut out for them between now and the start of the "EARLY VOTING PERIOD" which begins on Monday, July 6, 2020, and ends on Friday, July 10, 2020, in Harris County, Texas.

Randal Newman is heading into the Tuesday, July 14, 2020, runoff election in the race for Harris County Constable Precinct 5 as the "FRONT-RUNNER" against Mark Alan Harrison. In case you don't know, Randal Newman received 23,525 votes back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in the Democratic Primary, according to the "Unofficial" election returns published by the Harris County Clerk.

Mark Alan Harrison is heading into the Tuesday, July 14, 2020, runoff election in the race for Harris County Constable Precinct 5 as the "RUNNER-UP" against Randal Newman. In case you don't know, Mark Alan Harrison received 18,560 votes back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in the Democratic Primary, according to the "Unofficial" election returns published by the Harris County Clerk.

"Who you vote for in any given election is a personal decision. So, as you endeavor to make a quality decision at the ballot box, please consider casting your ballot for duly-qualified candidates who respect, appreciate and ask for your vote."

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033

Attorney Allette B. Williams and other leaders just like her make it possible for us to thrive and do what we do to inspire, encourage, and drive voter turnout and mobilization in Harris County, Texas. So, if for some reason you don't know, Attorney Williams practice's law in the areas of Alternative Dispute Resolution, Criminal, Family, Personal Injury, Wills-Trusts-Probate, Entertainment, Immigration, Juvenile, Mediation, and Contracts.

Steve Kherkher is a national trial lawyer who maintains a litigation practice throughout the country. In his career spanning almost three decades, Steve has developed professional expertise in complex tort litigation.
Throughout his career, Steve has achieved record-setting results through summary judgments, jury verdicts, and arbitration awards. He has successfully represented Plaintiffs in over 40 states in a variety of complex civil litigation matters including catastrophic personal injury, wrongful death, commercial automobile and trucking accidents, product liability, toxic torts, premises liability, as well as lawsuits against multi-national pharmaceutical companies. Steve’s expertise is widely respected by judges, opposing counsel, and his fellow colleagues. Due to his notoriety, passion for justice, and zealous representation, Steve has been retained to help other trial lawyers litigate cases throughout the United States.
In his tenure, his litigation expertise and ability to strategically select members of a jury, focusing precisely on outcome-determinative issues, have resulted in a superior representation of his clients. Steve is considered an Industry Leader by his peers. He has built a reputation amongst his colleagues based upon his unwavering loyalty, integrity, respect for all, leadership abilities, excellence, and selfless service.
Steve’s philosophy is to win every case and achieve exceptional results for his clients. Steve has won numerous record-setting verdicts, including a $100 million dollar verdict ($100,000,000) in Pennsylvania, for a single living plaintiff, in an action against a multinational pharmaceutical company.
To date, Steve is the only attorney to spearhead, and first-chair multiple lawsuits against Monsanto, resulting in multi-million-dollar judgments for clients suffering from Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Steve prevailed in several lawsuits taken to trial or appeal, despite Monsanto’s repeated efforts to restrict his ability to file suit against them. His most recent suit against Monsanto resulted in a $46,500,000 judgment and verdict. Shortly thereafter, a confidential settlement was obtained for his three clients and their families.
Steve also has extensive experience in insurance coverage litigation, successfully representing homeowners and business owners in actions arising out of coverage disputes between insurers and policyholders, as well as bad faith actions arising out of coverage disputes. Steve helps families obtain favorable judgments against national insurance carriers who wrongfully deny benefits to policyholders.
Steve is certified by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization in personal injury trial law. In 2015, Steve was recognized in H-Texas Magazine, as one of the Top Mass Tort & Toxic Tort Lawyers in the State of Texas. In 2009, Steve was elected into the American Board of Trial Advocates, an organization that certifies only experienced, first-chair trial attorneys, who are of high personal character and honorable reputation.
Steve is currently a partner at Kherkher Garcia. Kherkher Garcia is comprised of a team of exceptional trial lawyers based in Houston, Texas, with the ability and resources to protect and fight for the rights of their clients against large national and multi-national corporations throughout the United States. Each and every client of Kherkher Garcia receives personalized attention from a dedicated team of trial lawyers known nationally for their legal expertise and dedication to providing the highest quality representation. In addition to exceptional legal representation, Steve’s clients also become his friends who he remains in contact with long after the verdict is read. He often enjoys cookies and other baked goods clients have provided. Steve has enjoyed attending the weddings of former clients and has helped the children of former clients with educational expenses so that they could attend college. One of the recipients of his generosity is now a medical doctor. Steve looks forward to meeting you and helping you get the justice you deserve.

Jesus Garcia handles catastrophic plaintiff’s personal injury cases. Garcia handles wrongful death, maritime, trucking accident, premises liability, product liability, dram shop, traumatic brain injury, and negligence actions. He is passionate about representing those who are injured and those who have lost loved ones due to the carelessness and greed of others. He has collected millions for his clients. Below are a few examples of Mr. Garcia’s success in representing injury victims.
"As personal injury attorneys, Kherkher Garcia is committed to fighting for people who are injured and hold those responsible for the harm accountable. They are great at assisting their clients to obtain justice so that our society can be safer, and so that people come before profits. Kherkher Garcia is here to help you win your case. And don't forget, if you don’t win, you don’t pay. For more information call them at 713-333-1030 today!"

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033