City Controller Chris Hollins and State Rep. Jolanda Jones (HD-147)are promising stars emerging as leaders who separate themselves from the pack as an impending shakeup in "BLACK LEADERSHIP" in Harris County, Texas, draws nearer.

I’m Aubrey R. Taylor, the Houston Business Connections Newspaper publisher and investigative reporter. I have conducted investigations in Harris County, Texas, since the 1990s and plan to closely monitor the “ABSENTEE BALLOT FLOW” between now and Tuesday, November 5, 2024, for the upcoming Presidential Election in Harris County, Texas.
City Controller Chris Hollins is Wasting His Time Pointing Fingers at Republicans; Noriega and Adeleke Are in Trouble
The biggest problem I see forming in Harris County, Texas, is that Democrat officials like City Controller Chris Hollins have adopted a strategy calling for them to whine and make excuses, which worked decades ago. However, in the here and now, pointing fingers and blaming Republicans is not going to make “BLACK DEMOCRATS” get off their couches and go vote for Melissa Noriega and Pelumi Adeleke by the end of today, tomorrow, or on election day, Saturday, June 15th, 2024, which also happens to be “THE JUNETEENTH HOLIDAY,” when most Blacks will be in a celebratory mood, not in a going to the polls kinda mood, in my opinion.
Republicans don’t have anything to do with the fact that only 197 voters have gone to the Sunnyside Multi-Service Center (a Black Democrat Stronghold) to cast a ballot through the first six days of early voting.
I didn’t see any Republicans over at the Acres Homes Multi-Service Center trying to impede anyone from getting inside that predominantly African American early voting location to cast their votes. Nor did I see any policemen with dogs or water hoses when I drove through the parking lot last week.
What’s happening right now is embarrassing – I get it. With only 196 voters having shown up in person to vote early at the Acres Homes Multi-Service Center, there’s little to no chance things will pick up there over the next two days.
Things are also slow at the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center, but the good news is that there’s a clear path to the door for anyone who wants to go over there and cast their vote today or tomorrow. When I was there, I didn’t see any policemen with dogs or water hoses trying to stop people from voting.
When I peeked inside, I saw no one making voters count marbles or jelly beans before voting. From what I understand, nobody had to take a literacy test or anything like that either. Nope. Anyone registered to vote can do so in Harris County, Texas.

Time is out for the two Democrats (Melissa Noriega and Pelumi Adeleke) running for HCAD Board of Directors seats in Harris County, Texas, on Saturday, June 15th, 2024.
I’ve been crunching the numbers for the last six days. I believe the two Republicans (Kyle Scott and Ericka McCrutcheon) are pulling further and further away with each passing day as African Americans have, for the most part, decided to sit this one out.
I keep trying to tell everyone that the Harris County Democratic Party has gone way too far to the left wing of their party. Shifting this far to the left is going to impact how the “BLACK COMMUNITY” will turn out on Tuesday, November 5th, 2024, when Democrat nominees and Republican nominees face off.
And having an LGBTQ+ Attorney by the name of Ben L. Aderholt feel comfortable enough to call a sitting African American federal judge (Judge Erica Hughes) an animal didn’t do anything but make an already tense situation between Blacks and the LGBTQ+ Community worse.
“Who do you think you are,” asked the LGBTQ+ Attorney.
The LGBTQ+ Attorney (Ben L. Aderholt) went on to say, “Political animals who treat our judiciary as political games should be soundly defeated.”
Did you get that? This LGBTQ+ Attorney called Judge Erica Hughes, a sitting Federal Judge, an animal.
Rhetoric like that espoused by Aderholt has caused a lot of friction in the Harris County Democratic Party. It demands the attention of Mike Doyle and others to heal the current divide and demand better treatment of Black judicial nominees from now on.
If not addressed, underlying plots to purge local benches of “BLACK JUDGES” and dissuade Black candidates from seeking to become members of the judiciary will continue.

Looking at the current turnout in key “BLACK STRONGHOLDS” through the first six days of early voting for the “HCAD RUNOFFS,” you will see Black voters are staying at home. Why?
Most folks don’t understand that “BLACK VOTERS” are the backbone of the Democratic Party on the local and national stages. Still, the needs of the “BLACK COMMUNITY” have been going undressed for decades, as Democratic leaders have shifted their focus toward appeasing the LGBTQ+ Community and the needs of other ethnic groups and illegal immigrants.

Based on the “TURNOUT NUMBERS” thus far, through six days, the Harris County Democratic Party Chairman (Mike Doyle) could be on the verge of suffering a significant defeat against the Harris County Republican Chairman (Cindy Siegel), heading into the most important and consequential “PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION” of our lifetimes on Tuesday, November 5th, 2024.
Suppose the Harris County Democratic Party leadership doesn’t “WAKE UP” and put more resources into “BLACK OUTREACH” by supporting local media outlets like KCOH Radio and publications like my newspaper, Houston Business Connections Newspaper. In that case, they will find it difficult to rally African Americans to the polls on November 5th.
You must remember that during the 2020 Presidential Election, former President Donald J. Trump received about 8% of the Black vote. Trump is making some serious inroads, but it is unclear how much he’s making nationally with Blacks will impact the local election here in Harris County, Texas.
In the 2020 presidential election, Trump/Pence got trounced by Biden/Harris in Harris County, Texas, by more than 200,000 votes. By comparison, the Republican ticket featuring Donald J. Trump/Michael R. Pence received 700,630 votes, for 42.70% of the vote, and the Democratic ticket featuring Joseph R. Bident/Kamala D. Harris received 918,193 votes, for 55.96%.
On 2/21/2024, in the Quinnipiac Poll, Biden had 79% support among Black voters, and Trump had 19%, up considerably from the 8% Trump received in 2020.
On 3/2/2024, in the NYT/Siena Poll, Biden had 66% support among Black voters, and Trump had 23%, considerably more than the 8% Trump received in 2020.
On 3/3/2024, in the CBS/YouGov Poll, Biden had 76% support among Black voters, and Trump had 23%, up considerably from the 8% Trump received in 2020.
On 3/13/2024, in the Economist/YouGov Poll, Biden had 68% support among Black voters, and Trump had 15%, considerably more than the 8% Trump received in 2020.
On 3/15/2024, in the Yahoo/YouGov Poll, Biden had 72% support among Black voters, and Trump had 18%, more than the 8% Trump received in 2020.

A recent "PEW RESEARCH SURVEY" of African American voters indicated that 18% of Black voters favor Trump, and 78% favor Biden.
The common thread in nearly every poll shows that former President Donald J. Trump will garner double-digit support from Black voters. And his recent conviction on 34 felony counts hasn’t changed the way African Americans view him.
Listen. All politics is local.
When you look at the turnout across the board for an election as important as these “HCAD RUNOFFS,” local and major political parties should be very concerned. However, for Democrats, the fact that only 214 voters have turned out at the Acres Homes Multi-Service Center through 6 days of early voting, the alarms should be sounding.
Only 134 voters turned out at the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center through six days of early voting, which is very concerning. Even more concerning, only 209 voters showed up at the Sunnyside Health and Multi-Service Center through six days of early voting.

Both major political parties have difficulty getting their voters back out for these “HCAD RUNOFFS” in Harris County, Texas, through the first six days of early voting. However, sometimes, having a low voter turnout is a political strategy. That said, if Democrats don’t turn out in more significant numbers today – it’s game over.


HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039

Kyle Scott (Republican), Melissa Noriega (Democrat), Ericka McCutcheon (Republican), and Pelumi Adeleke (Democrat) are the candidates running for HCAD, Director, At-Large, Place 2, and HCAD, Director, At-Large, Place 3, on Saturday, June 15, 2024, in Harris County, Texas.
The Harris County Democratic Party has endorsed Melissa Noriega in the race for (HCAD), Director, At-Large, Place 2. Melissa Noriega received 13,647 votes, for 24.97%, to finish as the runner-up in the general election and force a runoff in this race.

The Harris County Republican Party has endorsed Kyle Scott in the race for (HCAD), Director, At-Large, Place 2. In case you don’t remember, Kyle Scott received 25,416 votes, or 46.50%, to emerge from the general election in the first place.

The Harris County Democratic Party has endorsed Pelumi Adeleke in the race for (HCAD), Director, At-Large, Place 3. Pelumi Adeleke received 11,553 votes, for 21.30%, to finish as the runner-up in the general election and force a runoff in this race.

In the race for (HCAD), Director, At-Large, Place 3, the Harris County Republican Party has endorsed Ericka McCutcheon. In case you don’t remember, Ericka McCrutcheon received 22,365 votes, for 41.24%, to emerge from the general election in first place in this race.


HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039