District Attorney Kim Ogg (center) may eventually find herself between the proverbial rock and a hard place if she does not address the priceless African Art that’s sitting in a shed and being paid for on the taxpayers’ dime. I kind of wonder if she realizes that her aggressive stance of late, is beginning to look a lot like she's doing damage control of some sort for the Democratic party. Look, there's no way around it -- something must be done about Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis and that priceless artwork he's connected to at the hip!!! NOPE!!! Commissioner Ellis is not going to be able to shake free of his little African Art entanglement -- it doesn't matter how many allies he's got in Harris County, Texas -- so stay tuned! And for all of you who don’t know, retired HPD Captain Mark Aguirre (far right) was well-respected before his run-ins started with former HPD Police Chief C.O. Bradford (far left) who currently works as a “SPECIAL ASSISTANT” to Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg – which has caused a whole bunch of folks to question the timing and motives behind what D.A. Kim Ogg and her office is doing right now -- whereas these recent indictments are concerned. Anyways, did you know that, back on Monday, May 6, 2002, while he was still a captain with the Houston Police Department, Captain Mark Aguirre received a plaque that he still cherishes – even until this day said his close family member who reached out to me the other day. The aforementioned plaque was awarded to retired HPD Captain Mark Aguirre baring the Houston Police Department seal, as well as the City of Houston seal. “Thank you for your outstanding response of service to the community with the highest level of commitment,” the plaque reads. And get this, the plaque was awarded to former HPD Captain Mark Aguirre because of his success as the architect of the “Operation Renaissance” effort and was given to him by The Second Ward Association, Inc., with love from the Second Ward, Third Ward, and Mid-Town areas. And what the mainstream media isn’t telling you is that, retired HPD Captain Mark Aguirre was also a highly-respected member of the law enforcement community prior to his run-ins with former Police Chief C.O. Bradford according to his close family member. In fact, the close family member also showed me a very nice certificate former HPD Captain Mark Aguirre received from the Houston Police Department back in 1999, for his outstanding performance of duty which reflected the highest standards of the Houston Police Department. Now, in case you’re wondering, The Houston Police Department’s Chief of Police Commendation that was presented to former HPD Captain Mark Aguirre, on the 8th day of December back in 1999 was signed by C.O. “Brad” Bradford who was Houston’s Police Chief at the time.
Has Bad-Blood from the 1990s Between Bradford and former HPD Captain Mark Aguirre Spilled Over in to these 2020 Indictments?
How can I say this? Well,
the stuff I am reporting on is about politicians – not the mafia, gangs or drug cartels. But some of the elected officials mentioned inside of the audio-recording that Dr. Hotze’s private investigators handed over to him might make you think otherwise. So,
why are so many people afraid to report on political matters? Well, I submit today, that people are afraid, because they know that politics is a mean and dirty game – but I’m not afraid. And they know that crossing the wrong politician can be hazardous to your health – and a career ending move if you don’t play your cards right.
Look, I want everyone reading this report to fully understand that if there’s no corruption in Harris County, Texas – then there should be nothing for me, or anyone I will be writing about over the course of the next year in a series of exclusive reports to fear. And above that, please know that I have a
“FIRST AMENDEMENT RIGHT” on several levels as an American citizen first and secondly as a publisher and investigative reporter who is trying to uncover the truth. And that being said,
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances,” states the
First Amendment of our U.S. Constitution. And above that, I want everyone reading this report to fully understand that if a politician, or elected official uses his or her office to go after citizens of these United States of America, they are abusing the power that has been entrusted unto them, and are in direct violation of the law – and if it can be proven is just cause for the elected official to be removed from his or her elected position. That being said, you have to also keep in mind --
public officials who go to great lengths to have their minions threaten, and intimidate their political rivals, or others who dare to oppose them typically have strong ties to other corrupt politicians which affords them the cover they need to carry out their dirty little deeds. And to make matters worse, when the mainstream news media provides additional cover for the wrong-doers -- it’s nearly impossible to dethrone them – at the ballot box, in the courtroom, or in the court of public opinion.

I got a big surprise the other day – a close family member of former HPD Captain Mark Aguirre’s reached out to me to set the record straight on a few things. The family member was very concerned about the fact that they believe that former HPD Captain Mark Aguirre isn’t getting a fair shake in the media. They believe that the media is helping the Harris County District Attorney’s Office to paint retired HPD Captain Mark Aguirre as a racist in an attempt to shape a public narrative that fits the one they’re trying to write. And by doing so, the close family member believes that Kim Ogg and her office will be able to use the disdain for President Donald Trump as weapon against retired HPD Captain Aguirre. I know, it sounds a little outlandish – right? Well, it sounded outlandish to me too – that is, until the close family member started to fill me in on the long-running beef between the former HPD Police Department’s Chief of Police C.O. Bradford and former HPD Captain Mark Aguirre.

According to former HPD Captain Mark Aguirre’s close family member, they’re trying to categorize him as a Trump-Cultist and campaign fanatic. “Mark Aguirre has never voted a Republican or a Democrat in his entire life,” said the close family member of retired HPD Captain Mark Aguirre. “When Mark was a police officer people who ask him, ‘How come you never vote?’ and Mark’s reply would be, I never want for people to be able to accuse me of having an agenda.” However, this all changed when a former FBI Investigations Specialist by the name of Charles Marler a close friend of Mark’s begin talking to him about the corruption in Harris County politics. “Chuck would always talk to Mark about what he was working on,” say’s Marks close relative. “Then one day, Chuck started talking about Third Ward, the area that Mark worked when he was a captain with HPD.” According to the close family member, it was Mark’s love for the Third Ward – a historic and predominantly African American community near downtown. “Mark loves Third Ward – the mention of Third Ward – that’s what drew mark in to investigating the current political corruption in Harris County, Texas – so he went to work.”

According to the close family member of retired HPD Captain Mark Aguirre, a phone call was received by Mark, back on Thursday, December 17, 2020. “Someone called Mark from the Harris County District Attorney’s Office the other day and asked him if he knew why he was being investigated and why it took 2 months to arrest him,” explains Mark’s close family member. “Mark basically just listened to the person.”
“They person who claimed to be with the Harris County District Attorney’s Office told Mark that former HPD Chief C.O. Bradford, who currently works as some sort of special assistant to Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg is the venomous spider who is pushing this vendetta against Mark forward,” said Mark’s close family member. As for me, I'm going to take the wait-and-see approach on that -- because there's two sides to every story.
Did you know that before retiring from the Houston Police Department as a captain, that bad-blood was already brewing between C.O. Bradford (the police chief at the time) and Mark Aguirre? Well, what’s germane in the current state of affairs swirling around the indictments levied by the Harris County District Attorney’s Office is that something does not smell right. And let Mark’s close family member tell it, “C.O. Bradford’s involvement in the prosecution of Mark could be payback for what Mark did to him back in 2002 while he was a captain in the Houston Police Department and Bradford was the chief,” explained Mark’s close family member.
According to retired HPD Captain Mark Aguirre's close family member, “There was a Civil Service Hearing that was held back when Mark was still with department where Bradford who was still the Police Chief at the time was called in to testify under oath.”
“In an attempt to hurt Mark, the HPD Police Chief at the time C.O. Bradford lied under oath,” says his close family member. “And the lie was so egregious that Mark was compelled to file a criminal complaint with the Harris County District Attorney’s Office – where Chuck Rosenthal was the D.A. at the time,” says Mark’s close family member. “And as a result of the criminal complaint filed against his superior (HPD Chief C.O. Bradford) a Harris County grand jury indicted Bradford for the crime of “AGGRAVATED PERJURY” thus labeling Bradford as the first Houston Police Chief to ever be indicted,” says Mark’s close family member. “Yes you heard me right – it was Mark’s complaint that led to C.O. Bradford’s indictment by a Harris County grand jury for the crime of “AGGRAVATED PERJURY,” declared his close family member. “Now Mark’s nemesis, former Houston Police Chief C.O. Bradford has renewed his effort to finish Mark off.” Mark’s close family member ended the meeting by asking, “Doesn’t this all sound like a hit-job, being carried out by some dirty Harris County Democratic politicians who’ve taken 2 months to plan their attack in a deliberate effort to discredit the legitimate investigation that was being spearheaded by Mark against them and their fellow Democratic cohorts?”
Look, at this point I don’t know which side to believe.
However, I strongly encourage everyone who is reading this report to take a careful look at some “INTER OFFICE CORRESPONDENCE” I’ve obtained. When doing so, I want you to understand, that I am only the messenger who is trying to bring balance to the one-sided reporting that’s going on right now in Harris County, Texas. And hopefully, by standing strong, and exercising my “FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHT” as it relates to “THE FREEDOM OF THE PRESS” I’ll be afforded the ability to freely follow, and report on this story without walking around in fear of being killed by thugs or hoodlums at the direction of someone out there, or retaliated against by fellow member of the media, or local elected officials – who don’t want to see their dirty deeds exposed.