AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "Do you see that joker above in the center? Well, he has political aspirations. That cat's name is Attorney Jimmie Brown Jr, and he wants to unseat the Honorable Judge Tanya Garrison (far left), the presiding judge for the 157th Civil District Court on "SUPER TUESDAY" in the upcoming 2022 Democratic Party Primary in Harris County, Texas. He announced his intention to run for judge at a recently held (HBAD) Houston Black American Democrats meeting where he was seen carrying a clipboard and collecting signatures for his upcoming judicial run. But what he was doing at the time was illegal and against campaign laws. Why? Well, at the time he announced that he was running for the 157th Civil District Court bench, at the HBAD meeting he had not even designated his treasurer with (TEC) Texas Ethics Commission. Nor had Attorney Brown even filed any of his (TEC) Texas Ethics Commission paperwork. So, that being said, do we want someone who doesn't follow the election law sitting on a Civil District Court bench in Harris County, Texas?"

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "The lawyer who is suing me (Attorney Jimmie Brown Jr.) tried to unseat one of my judicial clients (at the time) by the name of Judge Ursula Hall, the presiding judge for the 165th Civil District Court back during the 2020 Democratic Party Primary and got utterly rejected by the Democratic Party Primary voters in Harris County. His attempt to split the "BLACK VOTE" and cost Judge Ursula Hall her bench didn't work. Please see the election results below."
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "As you can see above in the area circled, this 'bootleg attorney' by the name of Jimmie L. Brown Jr's plan to split the "BLACK VOTE" and cost the Honorable Judge Ursula A. Hall her bench didn't work back during the 2020 Democratic Party Primary race for District Judge for the 165th Civil District Court in Harris County, Texas."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "Black voters in Harris County, Texas must seriously consider casting their ballot for Judge Tanya Garrison, the presiding judge for the 157th Civil District Court in Harris County, Texas. We cannot allow someone who files frivolous lawsuits, and violates campaign finance laws before taking the bench, to unseat the Honorable Judge Tanya Garrison in the upcoming 2022 Democratic Party Primary. So, Harris County voters must reject Jimmie L. Brown, Jr., as the ballot box."
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "As you can see in the image above, the woman they call "Dr." Candice Matthews' lawyer didn't even put the "Dr." before her name when he emailed me his statement regarding the lawsuit he filed against me on her behalf. Do you see where he called her Candice Matthews above?"

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "Do you notice that the date on his lawsuit is Wednesday, July 14, 2021? Well, this date is very significant because his client, "Dr." Candice Matthews started washing (deleting) her Facebook account every "ATTACK POST" she and her "LGBTQ ALLIES" had posted in their attempt to destroy my business and credibility as part of their efforts to take me out of the political game."
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "As you can see in the image above, the lawyer who was hired by the woman they call "Dr." Candice Matthews sent me, and Gerry Wayne Monroe an email after the TRO hearing in an attempt to try and intimidate us."
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "What you are looking at above is an email that Terrence Shanks, the president of the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats sent me as another form of intimidation."
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "The woman you see holding that microphone in the photo above is the person who started this entire mess. This woman has terrorized local judges and other elected officials as the so-called "ACCOUNTABILITY CHAIR" for the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats. However, her bully tactics and cat-calling that was coordinated with other members of the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats and "LGBTQ OPERATIVES" over the course of a few weeks have been deleted from her Facebook account prior to her hiring her 'JACK-LEG ATTORNEY" by the name of Jimmie L. Brown, Jr. back on Wednesday, July 14, 2021."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "If you look closely at the top of the image you see posted above, you will see the date of Wednesday, July 14, 2021. Please note that the woman called "Dr." Candice Matthews deleted all of her "NEGATIVE FACEBOOK POSTS" and announced that she was starting a new "FACEBOOK PAGE" on the same day/date on the lawsuit that her "JACK-LEG ATTORNEY" who goes by the name of Jimmie L. Brown, Jr. filed against me."
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "Here is what her new "FACEBOOK PAGE" looks like. Please note that the woman they call "Dr." Candice Matthews did not include the "Dr." in front of her name on her new page."
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "This is how the whole thing got started where the woman called "Dr." Candice Matthews went onto a post that I shared on social media to Gerry Wayne Monroe's (5 Star General) Facebook Page. As you can see, she was directing her comment to Democratic Precinct Chairs in an attempt to discredit my report."
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "In the image above, you can see that Candice Matthews at this point has started to tag all of the "LGBTQ OPERATIVES" and implore them to viscously attack me all over FACEBOOK in posts that she has since deleted from FACEBOOK account."
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "What you're looking at above is an exchange that Candice Matthews deleted from her "FACEBOOK PAGE" prior to hiring her attorney to sue me. As you can see, at this point the exchange is between Candice Matthews and I -- nobody else was involved at this point."
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "At this particular point you can clearly see that Candice Matthews tagged the newly elected Harris County Democratic Party Chairman in an attempt to get the entire Harris County Democratic Party to attack me."
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "As you can see, Candice Matthews achieved her goal of getting the LGBTQ OPERATIVES" and her other friends to attack me all over social media. However before she went and hired her attorney to sue me, she deleted this post and swept her FACEBOOK ACCOUNT clean."
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "Here is another post that was posted about before Candice Matthews went and hired her attorney (Jimmie Brown, Jr.) to sue me, in the 151st Civil District Court in Harris County, Texas. Again, she deleted this post and swept her FACEBOOK ACCOUNT clean, prior to hiring her attorney to sue me."
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "Here is another post that was posted about before Candice Matthews went and hired her attorney (Jimmie Brown, Jr.) to sue me, in the 151st Civil District Court in Harris County, Texas. Again, she deleted this post and swept her FACEBOOK ACCOUNT clean, prior to hiring her attorney to sue me."
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "Here is another post that was posted about before Candice Matthews went and hired her attorney (Jimmie Brown, Jr.) to sue me, in the 151st Civil District Court in Harris County, Texas. Again, she deleted this post and swept her FACEBOOK ACCOUNT clean, prior to hiring her attorney to sue me."
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "Here is another post that was posted about before Candice Matthews went and hired her attorney (Jimmie Brown, Jr.) to sue me, in the 151st Civil District Court in Harris County, Texas. Again, she deleted this post and swept her FACEBOOK ACCOUNT clean, prior to hiring her attorney to sue me."
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "Here is another post that was posted about before Candice Matthews went and hired her attorney (Jimmie Brown, Jr.) to sue me, in the 151st Civil District Court in Harris County, Texas. Again, she deleted this post and swept her FACEBOOK ACCOUNT clean, prior to hiring her attorney to sue me."
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "Here is another post that was posted about before Candice Matthews went and hired her attorney (Jimmie Brown, Jr.) to sue me, in the 151st Civil District Court in Harris County, Texas. Again, she deleted this post and swept her FACEBOOK ACCOUNT clean, prior to hiring her attorney to sue me."
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "Here is another post that was posted about before Candice Matthews went and hired her attorney (Jimmie Brown, Jr.) to sue me, in the 151st Civil District Court in Harris County, Texas. Again, she deleted this post and swept her FACEBOOK ACCOUNT clean, prior to hiring her attorney to sue me."
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "What you are looking at above is a false "BLOG REPORT" that was posted a "HOMOSEXUAL BLOGGER" by the name of Joseph Say falsely stated that I do communications work for state Rep. Harold Dutton Jr. Lol. Everyone who knows me -- is fully aware that his Joseph Say's statement about me working with state Rep. Harold Dutton Jr. is a complete lie."
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "That woman called "Dr." Candice Matthews went and recruited this guy Jerold Evans to attack me from his social media accounts as well. As you can see, he not only attacked me, but he also attacked my ex-wife and children as well."
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "After I did not respond to Candice's friend Jerold Evans' repeated attacks on me he began using his other FACEBOOK accounts to try and get me to engage him in a public FACEBOOK fight -- but I simply ignored him and his postings."
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "Here is another post that was posted about before Candice Matthews went and hired her attorney (Jimmie Brown, Jr.) to sue me, in the 151st Civil District Court in Harris County, Texas. Again, she deleted this post and swept her FACEBOOK ACCOUNT clean, prior to hiring her attorney to sue me."
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "Here is another post that was posted about before Candice Matthews went and hired her attorney (Jimmie Brown, Jr.) to sue me, in the 151st Civil District Court in Harris County, Texas. Again, she deleted this post and swept her FACEBOOK ACCOUNT clean, prior to hiring her attorney to sue me."
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "Here is another post that was posted about before Candice Matthews went and hired her attorney (Jimmie Brown, Jr.) to sue me, in the 151st Civil District Court in Harris County, Texas. Again, she deleted this post and swept her FACEBOOK ACCOUNT clean, prior to hiring her attorney to sue me."
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: “I believe justice was perverted in the 507th Family District Court when Judge Jim Evans (far right), the first openly-gay judge to serve in Harris County Family Courts took James Enecio’s baby away from him and his wife Beverly Enecio under what appears to be very suspicious circumstances. Did you hear me? Judge Jim Evans, the first “openly gay” judge to serve in the family courts, is the one who helped that woman called “Dr.” Candice Matthews to regain custody of her child. And she only gained custody once Democrats took complete control of the courts, and she was given direct access to local judges by being appointed as the so-called “ACCOUNTABILITY CHAIR” for the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats. Are you paying attention? Listen!!! Things did not begin to turn around for the woman called “Dr.” Candice Matthews in CAUSE NO. 2010-06089 until after she was able to gain unfettered access to local politicians through her position as a so-called “ACCOUNTABILITY CHAIR” for the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats which enabled her to freely threaten, terrorize, and bully local judges, and other elected officials throughout the state of Texas."
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "Judge Julia Maldonado is the presiding judge for the 507th Family District Court in Harris County, Texas. The guy you see standing beside her is her associate judge who she appointed after she won the bench back during the 2016 Presidential Election. That being said, it was Judge Jim Evans who took James Enecio's baby away from him and his loving wife Beverly and gave the baby back to that woman called "Dr." Candice Matthews. Now for those of you who don't know, Judge Evans took James Enecio's baby away from him and handed the baby over to a woman who (1) Faked a drug test. (2) Openly practices Voodoo. (3) According to police placed an anonymous call to her ex-husband's job in an attempt to have him arrested for dealing drugs at his job. (4) Threatened to blow up an HISD School with everyone inside -- including the students -- among a host of other things."
Something Went Terribly Wrong in the 507th Family District Court Under the Watch of Associate Judge Jim Evans
Let me tell it to you like this: Somebody needs to do something about what happened to James Enecio and his wife Beverly Enecio inside the 507th Family District Courtroom when James’ baby got taken away from him and his loving wife Beverly. And don’t none of you go around talking about I am over here bashing gay judges – that would be a bold-faced lie. All I am doing with this report is giving “THE ENECIO’S” a voice that nobody else would. So, I implore every sitting judge, and community stake-holder to read Beverly Enecio’s account of how things played out inside the 507th Family District Court when Judge Jim Evans, Attorney Jimmie Brown Jr., and several other people basically conspired together to give that woman called “Dr.” Candice Matthews her baby back – even after she had threatened the Republican judge (The Honorable Judge David Farr) on Facebook and he stepped away from CAUSE NO. . And
Why was the Judge Jim Evans (the associate judge) handling a case of this magnitude, and not Judge Julia Maldonado (the presiding judge) for the 507th Family District Court? So, for those of you who don’t know, Judge Jim Evans was appointed to his associate’s position by Judge Julia Maldonado after she won the bench back in 2016 Presidential Election. As for Judge Evans, his candidacy had been rejected by Harris County voters back when he ran for the 308th Family District Court in 2014 and lost to the Republican candidate in the general election. But that’s not what really sticks out when it comes to this particular judge. What am I talking about? Well, he and his husband, William Flowers got married over in Connecticut back in 2010 – which isn’t a problem. However, what bothers me – is when I start hearing folks setting the stage by labeling sitting judges ‘homophobic judges’ in headlines. I also got a little concerned about this particular judge when a read an article about him entitled, “Gay couple plans to appeal restrictive custody ruling by ‘homophobic’ judge” several years ago. This particular article talked primarily about how Judge Jim Evans and his husband William Flowers set out to appeal a ruling in their child custody case on the grounds that the judge in the case had ordered that Jim’s husband William Flowers who was a divorced father of three was prohibited from ever leaving his children alone with his Jim, or any other man who is was not related to the children “by blood or adoption.”
Click here to read the story, if you never heard about it.
EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
Aubrey R. Taylor, publisher of Houston Business Connections Newspaper©, pictured with James Enecio and his wife Beverly Enecio.
Beverly Enecio Want's to Know: Where’s the Justice in These Harris County Courtrooms?
(We) went to court my husband and me! When we got to the civil courthouse went inside the big courtroom for the 312th Family District Court that we had been going to since 2015. Come to find out, we had to go to the small court for the 507th Family District Court. My husband, Mr. James Enecio and myself Beverly Enecio went into this small room with Candice Matthews, her two Attorneys and two of Ms. Matthews’ friends – but something didn’t feel right. So, the judge came into the small room and announced himself! Then the judge proceeded to ‘swear-in) people who were involved in the case. So, everyone stood up including me. I must add that Ms. Matthews had someone there who was just painting a very horrible picture of me in front of Judge Jim Evans, the associate judge for the 507th Family District Court – ‘this is absurd” I stated to my husband!
Like I said, this was a very strange proceeding, and things just didn’t look, or feel right. We were sitting here wondering to ourselves, “When will the Attorney Mr. Shane Kersh for the baby come in? Or where is my husband's Attorney Mrs. Omon???” So, my husband stood up and asked for a reset -- because neither our Attorney, nor the Attorney for the baby was present!!! Well, the Presiding Judge (Judge Jim Evans) stated, “You had three days to notify your Attorneys!!!” So, about this time, we're starting to feel bamboozled while this woman is reading off this piece of paper all the made-up Lies about (US) My Husband and me. So, we start interrupting them asking Judge Evans if we could pause to make some phone calls to our Attorneys so that we could have proper representation! However, our pleas for help went unanswered. So, without prevailing, the judge stated "we could make a call on BREAK" and if the Attorney's "AREN'T HERE IN 30 MINUTES WE WILL CONTINUE!!!"
My husband and I both pulled out our phones and started dialing as soon as the court took a break!! However, the signals were bad inside the court building! I mean, we are calling leaving messages, calling and leaving messages, and frantically trying to get someone over to the courthouse to help us! About that time we felt completely helpless, and defeated. Then while we are talking about this entire situation – we started asking ourselves whether or not our attorneys were ever even notified. It's a question that we were both asking ourselves at the same time. Then Candice Matthews comes walking over to where my husband and I were standing. I had been kind of watching her out of the corner of my eye while I was leaving a message for one of the attorneys! And as I turned back around (she) Candice told my husband to give the baby back and this will all be over. But my husband shouted "NO"!!!! And then my husband asked, “Why are you doing this?" “Why are you continuing to target Beverly?" "She loves (Baby name) she's not harming her!!!"
So, it's not looking good for (US) my husband and me at this point and (we) just broke down and gave up!! My husband (James Enecio) just broke down and started to cry, and so did I. We just walked back into the courtroom defeated and beaten down. Then the judge or somebody had someone looking up the school's address and phone number to where the baby was attending school. If my memory serves me right this was like, 10 o’clock in the morning. And we were just in utter shock when Judge Jim Evans made the ruling for the baby to go back over with that woman (Candice), and then we noticed that she and her lawyers had already left the courtroom! But we were held back for at least 30 minutes, to give Candice time to go get our baby! So, once we were granted permission to leave the courtroom, we rushed over to the school – only to find Candice standing in the office screaming that she was coming to our home to gets all of the( baby's stuff!).
As Candice was screaming at (US) my husband and I the baby rushed over to my husband and I crying like crazy!! I was crying like crazy too!!! My husband just broke down after Candice signed the withdrawal paper's taking the baby out of the school she loved. I just want everyone to know that the day our baby got taken away was the WORST HEARTBREAKING DAY OF ALL THREE OF OUR LIVES>>>> MY BABY GIRL, MY HUSBAND AND MYSELF!!! JESUS – IT STILL HURTS TO THINK OF HOW THEY DID US!!! Where’s the justice in these Harris County Courtrooms????
EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
The Enecio's Have Joined Team Aubrey R. Taylor in His Fight Against Candice Matthews
"The audio recording above is a cry for help from "THE ENCENIO FAMILY" to Aubrey R. Taylor Communications. As an American, I have a right under the FIRST AMENDMENT OF THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION, to freely express my opinion. And as the president and CEO of Aubrey R. Taylor Communications, I also possess a FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHT to freedom of the press."

Candice's Bootleg Lawyer Named Jimmie Brown Jr. Tried to
Intimidate Gerry Wayne Monroe and Aubrey Last Night by Email
Over the last few days I’ve heard an earful about the woman called
“Dr.” Candice Matthews and this bootleg lawyer she’s hired to sue me. And when
I say an earful, you had better believe that I know a lot more about their
relationship than they understand. However, that’s not what I’m here to talk
about today. What I want to do today is provide the citizens of Harris County,
Texas with is a better idea of how this woman they call “Dr.” Candice Matthews,
has terrorized local elected officials – including judges, state
representatives, county commissioners, and others under the cover provided to
her by the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats, as their so-called
accountability chair. But before I get to that, I would like for everyone
reading this report to understand, that I did not start this fight – but I plan
to finish it. Also, please take a moment to read Beverly Enecio’s account of
what happened to her and her husband inside
the 507th Family District Court when their baby was taken
away from them by Associate Judge Jim Evans, attorney Jimmie Brown Jr., and the
woman they call “Dr.” Candice Matthews.

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "The document you are looking at above says, 'The minor child was interviewed three times during this evaluation, once at father's (*James Enecio) house, once at the mother's house, and once at school. At the father's home (the child) appeared happy and comfortable. She reported that the she was having a good summer with the father and the stepmother. She commented that they have been going to Splashtown and to the movies. It is a lot of fun at the father's house. She commented that the stepmother (Beverly Enecio) gives her workbook pages each day to make sure that she continues to learn during the summer. She stated that she is very comfortable at the father's home, especially now because she has her own bedroom.' Now please visit the court records by accessing CAUSE NO. 2010-06089 on the Harris County Clerk's website."
“Dr.” Candice Matthews Woman, is Out of Control -- According to the Police, She Was Responsible for Drugs Being Planted on Her Ex-Husband's Vehicle at his Job
So, where do I begin? Well, let me start with a question, “How does a woman end up married 4 times before her 41st birthday? I don’t know, but something isn’t right about that. And I'm going to make it my business to find out. But the bigger question is, "Is this "Dr." Candice Matthews woman really a "Dr" like she claims?" on her Facebook Page, she claims to have studied at Temple University. This “Dr.” Candice Matthews woman claims to have studied at New Charter University. She claims to have studied at Texas A&M University. And she claims to have gone to C.E. King High School. However, one of my private investigators alerted me to the fact that, under CAUSE NO. 2010-060890, in “Dr.” Candice Matthews’ Contested Custody Access Evaluation, “Dr.” Candice Matthews didn’t just claim to have just studied at the aforementioned universities I’ve mentioned. On an official document, “Dr.” Candice Matthews claimed to hold a Doctorate in Educational Leadership from the University of South Carolina – which she supposedly obtained back in 2005. She also claimed to hold a Master’s degree in education from Temple University that she claimed to obtained back in 2001. “Dr.” Candice Matthews also claimed to hold a Bachelor’s degree in Sociology from Temple University that she claims to have obtained in 2000. But she didn’t stop there, “Dr.” Candice Matthews also claimed to be working on her Master’s in Business Administration through Texas A&M, in the aforementioned documents. “I do not find that Candice Hinton Matthews has a PH.D. from a college/university. I would like to know what college/university she graduated from,” said Charles Marler, who is also a former FBI Investigative Specialist. “I have found that she regularly passes herself off as a Ph.D., and even filed with the State as one. So, please stay tuned, there’s much more to come on this “Dr.” Candice Matthews woman.
“Dr.” Candice Matthews’ first marriage was to a dude name Harry Rax on October 20, 2001 (verified: Marriage License No. U16858). No children were born to the marriage. A divorce was granted on November 6, 2003, in the 247th Judicial District Court of Harris County, Texas (verified through Harris County District Court records: Cause No. 2003-49711).
“Dr.” Candice Matthews’ second marriage was to a dude name James Enecio on March 31, 2005, in Harris County, Texas (verified: Marriage License No. V26126). A divorce was granted on February 11, 2011), in Harris County, Texas.
“Dr.” Candice Matthews’ third marriage was to a dude by the name of Rodrin Richard Hinton on February 21, 2014, in Houston, Texas (verified: Marriage License No. V54298). In this particular marriage, “Dr.” Candice Matthews ended up filing for divorce citing domestic violence against her by Rodrin. She also ended up filing a petition for a protective order on August 14, 2015 (verified: Cause No. 2015-47530, in the 280th Judicial District Court). As a sidebar, it had been widely rumored for years that “Dr.” Candice Matthews had something to do with the death of Rodrin Richard Hinton, while he was in custody at the Harris County Jail – but again, rumors are just rumors. But if you can check out a story that was published in the Houston Chronicle titled,
“Four have died after assaults or head trauma in Harris County Jail during Hickman's tenure” to learn more about the circumstances surrounding his death.
“Dr.” Candice Matthews' fourth marriage is to this dude Ronnie Calvin Matthews. Now look, as far as I’m concerned, I have not seen one instance that Ronnie Calvin Matthews has anything to do with any of the postings, and antics that his wife “Dr.” Candice Matthews has been carrying out via Facebook, and her social media accounts over the course of the last few weeks. So, in the spirit of fairness and respect, I am not going to release his criminal record, nor talk about what he does for a living right now.