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Listen to Bishop K.J. Brown Ministries every Sunday at 6:00pm on Rhema Gospel Radio at: www.rhemagospelradio.com. Currently Bishop K.J. Brown Ministries has embarked on their 2013 Capital Campaign Drive. Click here to donate or partner with Bishop K. J. Brown Ministries. |
“Voting is an empowered opportunity to choose leadership. I was taught as a child the importance of voting. It was instilled in me by my mother and father. However, America is far too often plagued with low voter turnout and apathy in elections that impact lives on the local, state and federal levels. Here are a few things we must consider as we embark on another voting cycle in the city of Houston.
VALUE: The cost has been too great; and the opportunity too precious for us to not be involved in the election process. As we take a brief look at the history of voting in America, we can clearly see that the right to vote came at a great price and sacrifice. The opportunity to vote came at too great a cost for us to simply sit back and neglect our freedom to choose those who govern our city.
VISION: If you want the vision you have to come to pass; the vision that you see for yourself and your children; then you must participate in the voting process and elect the officials who most closely represent the vision and values that you desire for you and your family. The collective voice is a powerful equalizer in elections – especially in local elections.
VOICE: There are those who will not vote; but will be the first and loudest to complain – don’t be like them! Let your voice be heard loudest at the ballot box on Election Day! And go out and vote for what your parents; grandparents and countless others have stood for and endured to gain you this valuable opportunity!
And please don’t take the sacrifice that has been made for us for granted. It only takes a few minutes to have your voice heard. So please make a difference with your vote; because every vote does indeed count.
VICTORY: When you’ve participated in the process by communicating, calling, voting and encouraging others you will have great joy in the Election Day victory. I use to take my father and mother to the polls as soon as they were open. My father would then go home and watch the news results all day. No matter what the outcome of the election…you could hear my dad celebrating his one vote. My dad felt that his one vote actually made a difference – and I feel the same way. Win or lose, celebrate your one vote! We’re a team! So let’s use our collective voice; and our civil right to vote. We hold the power to choose who will win on Tuesday, November 5, 2013.
Remember that your vote is VALUABLE. Go out and participate in the VISION. Choose this opportunity to BE HEARD. Embrace the freedom of being involved in the PROCESS. Cast your vote and BE THE DIFFERENCE. And remember that every vote counts and YOUR CANDIDATE NEEDS YOUR VOTE TO WIN!”
Founder of Bishop K.J. Brown Ministries
14432 Bellaire Blvd. #1123
Houston, Texas 77083
Phone: (832)532-9800
2013 Capital Campaign Currently Underway
2013 Capital Campaign Currently Underway
The next edition of Houston Business Connections will be released and distributed throughout targeted city of Houston areas during the early voting period for the 2013 City of Houston Mayoral Election. To contact Aubrey R. Taylor directly, call (832)894-1352 discuss your inclusion inside the next issue of Houston Business Connections Magazine.

2013 City of Houston Candidates running for Mayor: Here are the names you will see on the 2013 Mayoral Election ballot in the race for mayor of Houston: Annise Parker, Ben Hall, Don Cook, Keryl Burgess Douglas, Victoria Lane, Michael Fitzsimmons, Derek Jenkins, Charyl Drab, and Eric Dick. Don't forget to vote early!

2013 City of Houston Candidates running for Controller: Here are the names you will see on the 2013 Mayoral Election ballot in the race for City Controller: Ronald C. Green, and Bill Frazer. Don't forget to vote early!

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2013 Candidates running for Houston City Council for District A: Here are the names you will see on the 2013 Mayoral Election ballot in the race for Houston City Council District A: Helena Brown, Brenda Stardig, Amy Peck, Ronald Hale, and Mike Knox. Don't forget to vote early!

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2013 Candidates running for Houston City Council for District B: Here are the names you will see on the 2013 Mayoral Election ballot in the race for Houston City Council District B: Jerry Davis , Katherine Blueford-Daniels, Kenneth Perkins, and James "Joe" Joseph. Don't forget to vote early!


Houston City Council Member Ellen Cohen is currently serving her first term as the Houston City Council District C representative. Council Member Cohen will be running for re-election in the Tuesday, November 5, 2013 Mayoral Election in Houston.
2013 Candidates running for Houston City Council for District C: Ellen Cohen is the only name you will see on the 2013 Mayoral Election ballot in the race for Houston City Council District C: Ellen Cohen does not have an opponent contesting her re-election bid. Don't forget to vote!

2013 Candidates running for Houston City Council for District D: Here are the names you will see on the 2013 Mayoral Election ballot in the race for Houston City Council District D: Georgia Provost, Travis McGee, Dwight Boykins, Assata-Nicole Richards, Larry McKinzie, Lana Edwards, Anthony T. Robinson, Christina Sanders, Kirk White, Demetria Smith, Ivis Johnson, and Keith Caldwell. Don't forget to vote early!

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2013 Candidates running for Houston City Council for District E: Dave Martin is the only name you will see on the 2013 Mayoral Election ballot in the race for Houston City Council District E: Dave Martin does not have an opponent contesting his re-election bid. Don't forget to vote early!

2013 Candidates running for Houston City Council for District F: Here are the names you will see on the 2013 Mayoral Election ballot in the race for Houston City Council (District F) Council Member: Al Hoang and Richard Nguyen.

2013 Candidates running for Houston City Council for District G: Here the names you could see on the 2013 Mayoral Election ballot in the race for Houston City Council (District G) Council Member: Oliver Pennington and Brian Taef. Don't forget to vote early!

2013 Candidates running for Houston City Council for District H: Ed Gonzalez is the only name you will see on the 2013 Mayoral Election ballot in the race for Houston City Council District H: Ed Gonzalez does not have an opponent contesting his re-election bid. Don't forget to vote early!

2013 Candidates running for Houston City Council for District I: Here are the names you will see on the 2013 Mayoral Election ballot in the race for Houston City Council District I: Graci Garces, Leticia Gutierrez Ablaza, Robert Gallegos, and Ben Mendez. Don't forget to vote early!

2013 Candidates running for Houston City Council for District J: Mike Laster is the only name you will see on the 2013 Mayoral Election ballot in the race for Houston City Council District J: Mike Laster does not have an opponent contesting his re-election bid. Don't forget to vote early!

2013 Candidates running for Houston City Council for District K: Larry V. Green is the only name you will see on the 2013 Mayoral Election ballot in the race for Houston City Council District K: Larry V. Green does not have an opponent contesting his re-election bid. Don't forget to vote early!

2013 City of Houston Candidates running for At-Large Position 1: Here are the names you will see on the 2013 Mayoral Election ballot in the race for Houston City Council (At-Large Position 1) Council Member: Stephen Costello, and Mike "Griff" Griffin. Don't forget to vote early!

2013 City of Houston Candidates running for At-Large Position 2: Here are the names you will see on the 2013 Mayoral Election ballot in the race for Houston City Council (At-Large Position 2) Council Member: Andrew C. Burks, Jr., Trebor Gordon, Modesto Rivera-Colon, and David Robinson. Don't forget to vote early!

2013 City of Houston Candidates running for At-Large Position 3: Here are the names you will see on the 2013 Mayoral Election ballot in the race for Houston City Council (At-Large Position 3) Council Member: Michael Kubosh, Roy Morales, Roland Chavez, Rogene Gee Calvert, J. Brad Batteau, and Jenifer Rene Pool. Don't forget to vote early!

2013 City of Houston Candidates running for At-Large Position 4: Here are the names you will see on the 2013 Mayoral Election ballot in the race for Houston City Council (At-Large Position 4) Council Member: C.O. “Brad” Bradford, and Issa Z. Dadoush. Don't forget to vote early!

2013 City of Houston Candidates running for At-Large Position 5: Here are the names you will see on the 2013 Mayoral Election ballot in the race for Houston City Council (At-Large Position 5) Council Member: Jack Christie, Carolyn Evans-Shabazz, and James S. Horwitz. Don't forget to vote early!

HCC Trustee -- District I
Yolanda Navarro Flores is a 2013 candidate running for (HCC) Houston Community College Trustee for District I in the Tuesday, November 5, 2013 ballot. On Tuesday, November 5, 2013, Houston Community College (HCC) will hold elections to fill five (5) Trustee positions on the HCC Board of Trustees. The election will fill expired terms in Trustee Districts I, II, and VII and unexpired terms in Trustee Districts III and V.
Zeph Capo is a 2013 candidate running for (HCC) Houston Community College Trustee for District I in the Tuesday, November 5, 2013 ballot. On Tuesday, November 5, 2013, Houston Community College (HCC) will hold elections to fill five (5) Trustee positions on the HCC Board of Trustees. The election will fill expired terms in Trustee Districts I, II, and VII and unexpired terms in Trustee Districts III and V.
Kevin J. Hoffman is a 2013 candidate running for (HCC) Houston Community College Trustee for District I in the Tuesday, November 5, 2013 ballot. On Tuesday, November 5, 2013, Houston Community College (HCC) will hold elections to fill five (5) Trustee positions on the HCC Board of Trustees. The election will fill expired terms in Trustee Districts I, II, and VII and unexpired terms in Trustee Districts III and V.
HCC Trustee -- District II
Dave Wilson is a 2013 candidate running for (HCC) Houston Community College Trustee for District II in the Tuesday, November 5, 2013 ballot. On Tuesday, November 5, 2013, Houston Community College (HCC) will hold elections to fill five (5) Trustee positions on the HCC Board of Trustees. The election will fill expired terms in Trustee Districts I, II, and VII and unexpired terms in Trustee Districts III and V.
Bruce A. Austin is a 2013 candidate running for (HCC) Houston Community College Trustee for District II in the Tuesday, November 5, 2013 ballot. On Tuesday, November 5, 2013, Houston Community College (HCC) will hold elections to fill five (5) Trustee positions on the HCC Board of Trustees. The election will fill expired terms in Trustee Districts I, II, and VII and unexpired terms in Trustee Districts III and V.
HCC Trustee -- District III
Dane D. Cook is a 2013 candidate running for (HCC) Houston Community College Trustee for District III in the Tuesday, November 5, 2013 ballot. On Tuesday, November 5, 2013, Houston Community College (HCC) will hold elections to fill five (5) Trustee positions on the HCC Board of Trustees. The election will fill expired terms in Trustee Districts I, II, and VII and unexpired terms in Trustee Districts III and V.
Adriana Tamez is a 2013 candidate running for (HCC) Houston Community College Trustee for District III in the Tuesday, November 5, 2013 ballot. On Tuesday, November 5, 2013, Houston Community College (HCC) will hold elections to fill five (5) Trustee positions on the HCC Board of Trustees. The election will fill expired terms in Trustee Districts I, II, and VII and unexpired terms in Trustee Districts III and V.
Herlinda Garcia is a 2013 candidate running for (HCC) Houston Community College Trustee for District III in the Tuesday, November 5, 2013 ballot. On Tuesday, November 5, 2013, Houston Community College (HCC) will hold elections to fill five (5) Trustee positions on the HCC Board of Trustees. The election will fill expired terms in Trustee Districts I, II, and VII and unexpired terms in Trustee Districts III and V.
HCC Trustee -- District V
Robert Glaser is a 2013 candidate running for (HCC) Houston Community College Trustee for District V in the Tuesday, November 5, 2013 ballot. On Tuesday, November 5, 2013, Houston Community College (HCC) will hold elections to fill five (5) Trustee positions on the HCC Board of Trustees. The election will fill expired terms in Trustee Districts I, II, and VII and unexpired terms in Trustee Districts III and V.
Phil Kunetka is a 2013 candidate running for (HCC) Houston Community College Trustee for District V in the Tuesday, November 5, 2013 ballot. On Tuesday, November 5, 2013, Houston Community College (HCC) will hold elections to fill five (5) Trustee positions on the HCC Board of Trustees. The election will fill expired terms in Trustee Districts I, II, and VII and unexpired terms in Trustee Districts III and V.
Roy A. Cormier is a 2013 candidate running for (HCC) Houston Community College Trustee for District V in the Tuesday, November 5, 2013 ballot. On Tuesday, November 5, 2013, Houston Community College (HCC) will hold elections to fill five (5) Trustee positions on the HCC Board of Trustees. The election will fill expired terms in Trustee Districts I, II, and VII and unexpired terms in Trustee Districts III and V.
HCC Trustee -- District VII
Neeta Sane is a 2013 candidate running for (HCC) Houston Community College Trustee for District VII in the Tuesday, November 5, 2013 ballot. On Tuesday, November 5, 2013, Houston Community College (HCC) will hold elections to fill five (5) Trustee positions on the HCC Board of Trustees. The election will fill expired terms in Trustee Districts I, II, and VII and unexpired terms in Trustee Districts III and V.
Ann Williams is a 2013 candidate running for (HCC) Houston Community College Trustee for District V in the Tuesday, November 5, 2013 ballot. On Tuesday, November 5, 2013, Houston Community College (HCC) will hold elections to fill five (5) Trustee positions on the HCC Board of Trustees. The election will fill expired terms in Trustee Districts I, II, and VII and unexpired terms in Trustee Districts III and V.
Candidates Running for HISD Trustee for District I
Anna Eastman (i) is a candidate running for Houston ISD Trustee for District I in the Tuesday, November 5, 2013 HISD Trusee Election. For further information, please contact Board Services at 713-556-6121.
Hugo Mojica is a candidate running for Houston ISD Trustee for District I in the Tuesday, November 5, 2013 HISD Trusee Election. For further information, please contact Board Services at 713-556-6121.
Candidates Running for HISD Trustee for District V
Mike Lunceford (i) is a candidate running for Houston ISD Trustee for District V in the Tuesday, November 5, 2013 HISD Trusee Election. For further information, please contact Board Services at 713-556-6121. Lunceford is uncontested in the 2013 HISD Board of Trustees election.
Candidates Running for HISD Trustee for District VI
Greg Meyers (i) is a candidate running for Houston ISD Trustee for District VI in the Tuesday, November 5, 2013 HISD Trusee Election. For further information, please contact Board Services at 713-556-6121.
Candidates Running for HISD Trustee for District VII
Harvin Moore (i) is a candidate running for Houston ISD Trustee for District VII in the Tuesday, November 5, 2013 HISD Trusee Election. For further information, please contact Board Services at 713-556-6121.
Anne Sung is a candidate running for Houston ISD Trustee for District VII in the Tuesday, November 5, 2013 HISD Trusee Election. For further information, please contact Board Services at 713-556-6121.
Candidates Running for HISD Trustee for District IX
Lawrence Marshall (i) did not file to run for re-election for Houston ISD Trustee for District V in the Tuesday, November 5, 2013 HISD Trusee Election. For further information, please contact Board Services at 713-556-6121. The candidates seeking his HISD Board seat are: Wanda Adams, W. Clyde Lemon, Anthony Mandry, and Coretta Mallet Fontenot.
Wanda Adams is a candidate running for Houston ISD Trustee for District IX in the Tuesday, November 5, 2013 HISD Trusee Election. For further information, please contact Board Services at 713-556-6121.
W. Clyde Lemon is a candidate running for Houston ISD Trustee for District IX in the Tuesday, November 5, 2013 HISD Trusee Election. For further information, please contact Board Services at 713-556-6121.
Coretta Mallet Fontenot is a candidate running for Houston ISD Trustee for District IX in the Tuesday, November 5, 2013 HISD Trusee Election. For further information, please contact Board Services at 713-556-6121.