Saturday, June 20, 2015
§ A Bid Whist and Domino Tournament will be held at the Missouri City Community Center, 1522 Texas Parkway on Saturday, June 20 from 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. The entry fee is $25 per tournament. They are open to the general public.

Monday, June 15, 2015
At 7 a.m., on Monday, June 15, the City of Missouri City will partner with the Missouri City Juneteenth Celebration Foundation (MCJCF) to kick off its 2015 celebration with the scholarship golf tournament at Quail Valley Golf Course, 2880 La Quinta Dr. This year’s six-day celebration will run from June 15 – 20 and will include three new special events.
The MCJCF was launched by District B Missouri City Councilmember Don Smith in the fall of 2002 and was comprised of residents, businesses and civic leaders in Missouri City. The vision of the Foundation is to promote the well-being of residents who reside within Fort Bend County, particularly, citizens of Missouri City. The celebration was created to bring an event of purpose to the community. This organization recognizes area community leaders and provides financial support for deserving students through scholarships.
“The Foundation’s mission statement is to bring positive attention to African-Americans, while celebrating the Emancipation Proclamation,” said Councilmember Smith, who also serves as the MCJCF Board Chairman. “We welcome residents, businesses and friends across the region to join us in recognizing and honoring the wisdom and wealth of our families.”

Monday, June 15, 2015
§ The Scholarship Golf Tournament will be held at the City Centre at Quail Valley Golf Course, 2880 La Quinta Dr. on Monday, June 15. Registration will begin at 7 a.m., shotgun begins at 8 a.m. and the tournament begins at 9 a.m. The entry fee is $100 for individuals and $400 for a team.

Thursday, June 18, 2015
§ The Community Service Awards Gala will be held at the City Centre at Quail Valley, 2880 La Quinta Dr. on Thursday, June 18. The reception begins at 7 p.m. and the gala at 8 p.m. Admission is $100 for individuals and $1,000 for a table.

Friday, June 19, 2015
§ Family Fun Day in the Park will be held at Hunters Glen Park, 1340 Independence on Friday, June 19. The family movie will begin at dusk. This is a FREE event and is open to the general public.

Friday, June 19, 2015
§ A Community Art Project, “It Takes a Village” by 3D Fabric Artist Carolyn Crump, will be held at the Missouri City Community Center, 1522 Texas Parkway on Friday, June 19. The reception begins at 6 p.m., and the viewing will run from 7 – 9 p.m. This is a FREE event and is open to the general public.

Saturday, June 20, 2015
§ Juneteenth Parade, “One Mile of Smiles” will be held on Texas Parkway (FM 2234) on Saturday, June 20. The parade will begin at 7 p.m. This is a FREE event and is open to the general public.

Saturday, June 20, 2015
§ Battle of the Bands will be held at the Thurgood Marshall High School Athletic Field on Saturday, June 20. The battle will begin after the parade. This is a FREE event and is open to the general public.

Saturday, June 20, 2015
§ A Bid Whist and Domino Tournament will be held at the Missouri City Community Center, 1522 Texas Parkway on Saturday, June 20 from 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. The entry fee is $25 per tournament. They are open to the general public.
For more information about this year’s events, visit www.mcjcf.com or call 281.816.6441.
Residents interested in volunteering for this year’s Juneteenth events can contact Missouri City Media Relations Specialist Cory Stottlemyer at 281.403.8532.
For more information about Missouri City, please watch the City website: www.missouricitytx.gov, like us on Facebook—fb/MissouriCityTX, follow us on Twitter—@MissouriCityTX and on Instagram at MissouriCityTX, and watch Missouri City Television (Ch. 16 on Comcast and Ch. 99 on AT&T U-verse) and on Youtube.

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