FEATURED PHOTO: 2015 City of Houston Mayoral Candidate Ben Hall Was Recently Spotted Worshiping At New Life Church in Houston Texas as His Support Throughout the City of Houston Continues to Grow
Attorney Ben Hall is making his rounds. As you may already know, support for Ben Hall's 2015 candidacy for Mayor of Houston continues to grow -- especially in the Acres Homes area of Houston, Texas. Hall recently garnered the highly coveted endorsements from two well-known prominent ministers from the Acres Homes area. Dr. F.N. Williams, Sr., a legendary Acres Homes leader who walked with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. during the civil rights struggle, and Reverend Charles Ingram are both standing with Ben Hall.
Dr. Williams said: “I have been impressed with Ben Hall for more than 20 years. He is a husband, father and great businessman. He is an excellent lawyer and will fight for the citizens like he does in court. I am confident he will make a superb Mayor and will continue to fight for all the people of Houston.”
Hall is also endorsed by Rev. Charles Ingram who insists that Ben Hall is the best choice for Houston. “He is independent enough to do the right thing and bring improvements, growth and businesses to the Acres Homes area that have been missing,” says Rev. Charles Ingram.
BEN HALL: “Thank you so much for the prayers, I am committed to move Houston forward.”
REV. CHARLES INGRAM: “We need more than good speeches. We want to see a mayor who wants to help the entire community. I believe Ben Hall is that person. That is why I am supporting him!.”
Attorney Ben Hall isn’t the only candidate in the race for mayor of Houston this year. However, he’s one of only two candidates asking for our vote, prayers and support at this time. The other candidate who is also asking for our vote, prayers, and support is Victoria Lane, a businesswoman with more than 40 years of experience. Other candidates expected to be in the Tuesday, November 3rd race for City of Houston Mayor are: Adrian Garcia, Sylvester Turner, Bill King, Marty McVey, Stephen Costello, and Chris Bell. Early voting will start on Monday, October 19, 2015 and end on Friday, October 30, 2015. You are strongly encouraged to consider the candidates who value and respect us when you go to the polls.
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "We must become more active participants in the process of choosing the people who govern over us on the local, state, and federal level."
FINAL NOTES: Our "CELEBRATING FREEDOM AND LIBERTY" edition of Houston Business Connections Magazine will be released on Friday, June 19, 2015. This edition will highlight "JUNETEENTH" and "THE FOURTH OF JULY" holidays.
WE ARE STILL LOOKING FOR MORE PEOPLE TO FEATURE INSIDE THIS EDITION. A few of the key advertisers already signed up are: Attorney Ben Hall, Attorney Keryl L. Douglas, Attorney Farrah Martinez, Judge John Schmude, and Judge Loyd Wright.
WE ARE STILL LOOKING FOR MORE PEOPLE TO FEATURE INSIDE THIS EDITION. A few of the key advertisers already signed up are: Attorney Ben Hall, Attorney Keryl L. Douglas, Attorney Farrah Martinez, Judge John Schmude, and Judge Loyd Wright.
CALL (832)212-8735 TO ADVERTISE!
Call Aubrey R. Taylor Communications at (832)212-8735 if you would like to be included in the next edition of Houston Business Connections Newspaper.