Showing posts with label Angelique Bartholomew. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Angelique Bartholomew. Show all posts

Monday, December 28, 2015

Chris Henderson is a Candidate Running for State Representative for House District 27 in the 2016 Democratic Primary

Chris Henderson is a Candidate Running for State Representative for House District 27 in the 2016 Democratic Primary in Fort Bend County, Texas


ATTENTION DEMOCRATS: The key GROUND-GAME MAGAZINE®. Tuesday, March 1, 2016 “Democratic” Primary “Competitive” Race in Fort Bend County is the race for Texas State Representative (HD-27) between Ron Reynolds (far left), Steve Brown (second from left), Angelique Bartholomew (third from left), and Chris Henderson (fourth from left). So, please make an informed and empowered decision in this race.


 State Rep. Ron E. Reynolds (HD-27) is seeking re-election while fighting what he believes to be a miscarriage of justice he received in Montgomery County. Reynolds is seeking to hold on to his seat while appealing his recent conviction on five counts of Misdemeanor barratry. He is out of jail after posting a $25,000 bond to gain his freedom -- as he fights to clear his name. His appeal in the “MISDEMEANOR BARRATRY CASE” is being handled by his fellow State Representative Harold Dutton (HD -142) – a well-known Houston-area legislator and attorney. In a recent television interview Dutton seemed to allude to the fact that racism may have been a factor in the case against Reynolds – calling it “Conroe Justice.” It is also fair to note that, the misdemeanor conviction (alone) does not disqualify State Rep. Ron Reynolds from continuing to serve the people of Fort Bend County.


ATTENTION REPUBLICANS IN FORT BEND COUNTY: Key Ground-Game Magazine® Tuesday, March 1, 2016 “Republican” Primary “Competitive” Race in Fort Bend is the race for Texas State Representative (HD-27) between Ken Bryant and Mary Walker.

All 2016 Democratic Primary and 2016 Republican Primary Candidates Are Invited to Be Featured on the Cover of Ground-Game Magazine® To Highlight Their Candidacy

Ground-Game Magazine® is a pocket-size digital magazine published Aubrey R. Taylor Communications as a branding, marketing, and public relations tool designed to assist our clients with building name recognition, outreach, press release delivery, strategy development/support and much, much more. You can (CLICK HERE) to check out the above referenced edition of our magazine. Call (832)212-8735 to put our "BOOTS ON THE GROUND" to work for your campaign, business or upcoming event.

All candidates without respect to “Party Affiliation” are invited to seek the vote and support of our diverse and very “OPEN-MINDED” reader base. 

Ground-Game Magazine® was born to combat “VOTER APATHY” and get more Americans inspired and encouraged to get off the sidelines and into the fight for territory that’s currently taking place in our nation. Our mission is to help our readership identify the candidates who value and respect our vote! So if you are looking for the perfect branding, marketing and public relations tool -- look no further. Ground-Game Magazine® is designed to assist you with building name recognition, outreach, press release delivery, strategy development/support and much, much, more.

“Let’s Play As a Team in 2016”

Aubrey R. Taylor
President & Chief Executive Officer
Aubrey R. Taylor Communications
957 NASA Parkway #251
Houston, Texas 77058-3039
Phone: 832.212.8735
Cell: 281.788.3033

HOUSTON CITY COUNCIL MEMBER ELECT MIKE KNOX: "We did It! This victory belongs to God. I know it would not have happened without his intervention. Thank you to all who worked so hard to help get me elected to Houston City Council At-Large, Position 1. I look forward to working with the new Mayor and City Council on the abundant challenges we face as a city."


Aubrey R. Taylor Communications, the publisher of Ground-Game Magazine® would like to thank Mike Knox (Houston City Council At-Large Position #1) for finding value in our mission to inform and inspire Houstonians to actively participate in the process of electing those who govern the city of Houston. You can (CLICK HERE) to check out the above referenced edition of our magazine. Call (832)212-8735 to put our "BOOTS ON THE GROUND" to work for your campaign, business or upcoming event.


The opinions expressed by Aubrey R. Taylor, publisher of Ground-Game Magazine® in this "BLOG POST" do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of Aubrey R. Taylor Communications; or supporters, sponsors, advertisers, friends, associates, or anyone else associated directly or indirectly to Aubrey R. Taylor Communications. Call (832)212-8735 for more information.

Angelique Bartholomew is a Candidate Running for State Representative for House District 27 in the 2016 Democratic Primary

Angelique Bartholomew is a Candidate Running for State Representative for House District 27 in the 2016 Democratic Primary in Fort Bend County, Texas


ATTENTION DEMOCRATS: The key GROUND-GAME MAGAZINE®. Tuesday, March 1, 2016 “Democratic” Primary “Competitive” Race in Fort Bend County is the race for Texas State Representative (HD-27) between Ron Reynolds (far left), Steve Brown (second from left), Angelique Bartholomew (third from left), and Chris Henderson (fourth from left). So, please make an informed and empowered decision in this race.


 State Rep. Ron E. Reynolds (HD-27) is seeking re-election while fighting what he believes to be a miscarriage of justice he received in Montgomery County. Reynolds is seeking to hold on to his seat while appealing his recent conviction on five counts of Misdemeanor barratry. He is out of jail after posting a $25,000 bond to gain his freedom -- as he fights to clear his name. His appeal in the “MISDEMEANOR BARRATRY CASE” is being handled by his fellow State Representative Harold Dutton (HD -142) – a well-known Houston-area legislator and attorney. In a recent television interview Dutton seemed to allude to the fact that racism may have been a factor in the case against Reynolds – calling it “Conroe Justice.” It is also fair to note that, the misdemeanor conviction (alone) does not disqualify State Rep. Ron Reynolds from continuing to serve the people of Fort Bend County.


ATTENTION REPUBLICANS IN FORT BEND COUNTY: Key Ground-Game Magazine® Tuesday, March 1, 2016 “Republican” Primary “Competitive” Race in Fort Bend is the race for Texas State Representative (HD-27) between Ken Bryant and Mary Walker.

All 2016 Democratic Primary and 2016 Republican Primary Candidates Are Invited to Be Featured on the Cover of Ground-Game Magazine® To Highlight Their Candidacy

Ground-Game Magazine® is a pocket-size digital magazine published Aubrey R. Taylor Communications as a branding, marketing, and public relations tool designed to assist our clients with building name recognition, outreach, press release delivery, strategy development/support and much, much more. You can (CLICK HERE) to check out the above referenced edition of our magazine. Call (832)212-8735 to put our "BOOTS ON THE GROUND" to work for your campaign, business or upcoming event.

All candidates without respect to “Party Affiliation” are invited to seek the vote and support of our diverse and very “OPEN-MINDED” reader base. 

Ground-Game Magazine® was born to combat “VOTER APATHY” and get more Americans inspired and encouraged to get off the sidelines and into the fight for territory that’s currently taking place in our nation. Our mission is to help our readership identify the candidates who value and respect our vote! So if you are looking for the perfect branding, marketing and public relations tool -- look no further. Ground-Game Magazine® is designed to assist you with building name recognition, outreach, press release delivery, strategy development/support and much, much, more.

“Let’s Play As a Team in 2016”

Aubrey R. Taylor
President & Chief Executive Officer
Aubrey R. Taylor Communications
957 NASA Parkway #251
Houston, Texas 77058-3039
Phone: 832.212.8735
Cell: 281.788.3033

HOUSTON CITY COUNCIL MEMBER ELECT MIKE KNOX: "We did It! This victory belongs to God. I know it would not have happened without his intervention. Thank you to all who worked so hard to help get me elected to Houston City Council At-Large, Position 1. I look forward to working with the new Mayor and City Council on the abundant challenges we face as a city."


Aubrey R. Taylor Communications, the publisher of Ground-Game Magazine® would like to thank Mike Knox (Houston City Council At-Large Position #1) for finding value in our mission to inform and inspire Houstonians to actively participate in the process of electing those who govern the city of Houston. You can (CLICK HERE) to check out the above referenced edition of our magazine. Call (832)212-8735 to put our "BOOTS ON THE GROUND" to work for your campaign, business or upcoming event.


The opinions expressed by Aubrey R. Taylor, publisher of Ground-Game Magazine® in this "BLOG POST" do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of Aubrey R. Taylor Communications; or supporters, sponsors, advertisers, friends, associates, or anyone else associated directly or indirectly to Aubrey R. Taylor Communications. Call (832)212-8735 for more information.

Steve Brown is a Candidate Running for State Representative for House District 27 in the 2016 Democratic Primary in Fort Bend

Steve Brown is a Candidate Running for State Representative for House District 27 in the 2016 Democratic Primary in Fort Bend County, Texas


ATTENTION DEMOCRATS: The key GROUND-GAME MAGAZINE®. Tuesday, March 1, 2016 “Democratic” Primary “Competitive” Race in Fort Bend County is the race for Texas State Representative (HD-27) between Ron Reynolds (far left), Steve Brown (second from left), Angelique Bartholomew (third from left), and Chris Henderson (fourth from left). So, please make an informed and empowered decision in this race.


 State Rep. Ron E. Reynolds (HD-27) is seeking re-election while fighting what he believes to be a miscarriage of justice he received in Montgomery County. Reynolds is seeking to hold on to his seat while appealing his recent conviction on five counts of Misdemeanor barratry. He is out of jail after posting a $25,000 bond to gain his freedom -- as he fights to clear his name. His appeal in the “MISDEMEANOR BARRATRY CASE” is being handled by his fellow State Representative Harold Dutton (HD -142) – a well-known Houston-area legislator and attorney. In a recent television interview Dutton seemed to allude to the fact that racism may have been a factor in the case against Reynolds – calling it “Conroe Justice.” It is also fair to note that, the misdemeanor conviction (alone) does not disqualify State Rep. Ron Reynolds from continuing to serve the people of Fort Bend County.


ATTENTION REPUBLICANS IN FORT BEND COUNTY: Key Ground-Game Magazine® Tuesday, March 1, 2016 “Republican” Primary “Competitive” Race in Fort Bend is the race for Texas State Representative (HD-27) between Ken Bryant and Mary Walker.

All 2016 Democratic Primary and 2016 Republican Primary Candidates Are Invited to Be Featured on the Cover of Ground-Game Magazine® To Highlight Their Candidacy

Ground-Game Magazine® is a pocket-size digital magazine published Aubrey R. Taylor Communications as a branding, marketing, and public relations tool designed to assist our clients with building name recognition, outreach, press release delivery, strategy development/support and much, much more. You can (CLICK HERE) to check out the above referenced edition of our magazine. Call (832)212-8735 to put our "BOOTS ON THE GROUND" to work for your campaign, business or upcoming event.

All candidates without respect to “Party Affiliation” are invited to seek the vote and support of our diverse and very “OPEN-MINDED” reader base. 

Ground-Game Magazine® was born to combat “VOTER APATHY” and get more Americans inspired and encouraged to get off the sidelines and into the fight for territory that’s currently taking place in our nation. Our mission is to help our readership identify the candidates who value and respect our vote! So if you are looking for the perfect branding, marketing and public relations tool -- look no further. Ground-Game Magazine® is designed to assist you with building name recognition, outreach, press release delivery, strategy development/support and much, much, more.

“Let’s Play As a Team in 2016”

Aubrey R. Taylor
President & Chief Executive Officer
Aubrey R. Taylor Communications
957 NASA Parkway #251
Houston, Texas 77058-3039
Phone: 832.212.8735
Cell: 281.788.3033

HOUSTON CITY COUNCIL MEMBER ELECT MIKE KNOX: "We did It! This victory belongs to God. I know it would not have happened without his intervention. Thank you to all who worked so hard to help get me elected to Houston City Council At-Large, Position 1. I look forward to working with the new Mayor and City Council on the abundant challenges we face as a city."


Aubrey R. Taylor Communications, the publisher of Ground-Game Magazine® would like to thank Mike Knox (Houston City Council At-Large Position #1) for finding value in our mission to inform and inspire Houstonians to actively participate in the process of electing those who govern the city of Houston. You can (CLICK HERE) to check out the above referenced edition of our magazine. Call (832)212-8735 to put our "BOOTS ON THE GROUND" to work for your campaign, business or upcoming event.


The opinions expressed by Aubrey R. Taylor, publisher of Ground-Game Magazine® in this "BLOG POST" do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of Aubrey R. Taylor Communications; or supporters, sponsors, advertisers, friends, associates, or anyone else associated directly or indirectly to Aubrey R. Taylor Communications. Call (832)212-8735 for more information.

Sunday, December 27, 2015

State Rep. Ron Reynolds, Steve Brown, Angelique Bartholomew, and Chris Henderson are Running for State Rep. HD-27

State Rep. Ron Reynolds (HD-27) Will face the Toughest Challenge of His Political Career When He Faces Off Against Steve Brown, Angelique Bartholomew, and Chris Henderson in the Tuesday, March 1, 2016 Democratic Primary in Fort Bend County


ATTENTION DEMOCRATS: The key GROUND-GAME MAGAZINE®. Tuesday, March 1, 2016 “Democratic” Primary “Competitive” Race in Fort Bend County is the race for Texas State Representative (HD-27) between Ron Reynolds (far left), Steve Brown (second from left), Angelique Bartholomew (third from left), and Chris Henderson (fourth from left). So, please make an informed and empowered decision in this race.


 State Rep. Ron E. Reynolds (HD-27) is seeking re-election while fighting what he believes to be a miscarriage of justice he received in Montgomery County. Reynolds is seeking to hold on to his seat while appealing his recent conviction on five counts of Misdemeanor barratry. He is out of jail after posting a $25,000 bond to gain his freedom -- as he fights to clear his name. His appeal in the “MISDEMEANOR BARRATRY CASE” is being handled by his fellow State Representative Harold Dutton (HD -142) – a well-known Houston-area legislator and attorney. In a recent television interview Dutton seemed to allude to the fact that racism may have been a factor in the case against Reynolds – calling it “Conroe Justice.” It is also fair to note that, the misdemeanor conviction (alone) does not disqualify State Rep. Ron Reynolds from continuing to serve the people of Fort Bend County.


ATTENTION REPUBLICANS IN FORT BEND COUNTY: Key Ground-Game Magazine® Tuesday, March 1, 2016 “Republican” Primary “Competitive” Race in Fort Bend is the race for Texas State Representative (HD-27) between Ken Bryant and Mary Walker.

All 2016 Democratic Primary and 2016 Republican Primary Candidates Are Invited to Be Featured on the Cover of Ground-Game Magazine® To Highlight Their Candidacy

Ground-Game Magazine® is a pocket-size digital magazine published Aubrey R. Taylor Communications as a branding, marketing, and public relations tool designed to assist our clients with building name recognition, outreach, press release delivery, strategy development/support and much, much more. You can (CLICK HERE) to check out the above referenced edition of our magazine. Call (832)212-8735 to put our "BOOTS ON THE GROUND" to work for your campaign, business or upcoming event.

All candidates without respect to “Party Affiliation” are invited to seek the vote and support of our diverse and very “OPEN-MINDED” reader base. 

Ground-Game Magazine® was born to combat “VOTER APATHY” and get more Americans inspired and encouraged to get off the sidelines and into the fight for territory that’s currently taking place in our nation. Our mission is to help our readership identify the candidates who value and respect our vote! So if you are looking for the perfect branding, marketing and public relations tool -- look no further. Ground-Game Magazine® is designed to assist you with building name recognition, outreach, press release delivery, strategy development/support and much, much, more.

“Let’s Play As a Team in 2016”

Aubrey R. Taylor
President & Chief Executive Officer
Aubrey R. Taylor Communications
957 NASA Parkway #251
Houston, Texas 77058-3039
Phone: 832.212.8735
Cell: 281.788.3033

HOUSTON CITY COUNCIL MEMBER ELECT MIKE KNOX: "We did It! This victory belongs to God. I know it would not have happened without his intervention. Thank you to all who worked so hard to help get me elected to Houston City Council At-Large, Position 1. I look forward to working with the new Mayor and City Council on the abundant challenges we face as a city."


Aubrey R. Taylor Communications, the publisher of Ground-Game Magazine® would like to thank Mike Knox (Houston City Council At-Large Position #1) for finding value in our mission to inform and inspire Houstonians to actively participate in the process of electing those who govern the city of Houston. You can (CLICK HERE) to check out the above referenced edition of our magazine. Call (832)212-8735 to put our "BOOTS ON THE GROUND" to work for your campaign, business or upcoming event.


The opinions expressed by Aubrey R. Taylor, publisher of Ground-Game Magazine® in this "BLOG POST" do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of Aubrey R. Taylor Communications; or supporters, sponsors, advertisers, friends, associates, or anyone else associated directly or indirectly to Aubrey R. Taylor Communications. Call (832)212-8735 for more information.