Judge Kristen Hawkins, Judge Fredericka Phillips, Judge Kyle Carter, Judge Jeralynn Manor, Judge Michael Gomez, Judge Cheryl Elliott Thornton, Judge Elaine Palmer, and Judge Dawn Rogers are all endorsed by Houston Business Connections Newspaper© on Tuesday, November 5, 2024. These judges are not endorsing one another by being spotlighted on this endorsement page. ON ANOTHER NOTE... Please be reminded that "CIVIL DISTRICT COURT JUDGES" have nothing to do with criminal matters. Civil Matters are handled inside the Civil Courthouse at 201 Caroline in Downtown Houston, Texas. Criminal Matters are handled inside the Civil Courthouse at 1201 Franklin in Downtown Houston, Texas. (CLICK HERE) Please take a moment to view our "2024 JUDICIAL ENDORSEMENTS" and consider our recommendations.

Aubrey R. Taylor Communications publishes Houston Business Connections Newspaper© to inform, empower, and mobilize our "OPEN-MINDED READERS" and assist them in making informed voting decisions. We've gone to great lengths to develop "OUR 2024 SLATE" and strongly encourage you to use "ENDORSEMENT SLATE" to help you fill out your down-ballot races.
Judge Hawkins, Judge Phillips, Judge Carter, Judge Manor, Judge Gomez. Judge Thornton, Judge Palmer, and Judge Rogers
Tuesday, November 5, 2024, is a day of reckoning in Harris County, Texas. However, please don't make a 'knee-jerk reaction' in the "DOWN-BALLOT JUDICIAL RACES" in Harris County, Texas. While those "STOP HOUSTON MURDERS" political attack advertisements have some very impactful tragedies attached to them, the notion that "CIVIL COURT JUDGES" are responsible for the murders of the loved ones of the women featured in the political attack advertisements.
I have sympathy for the victims of crimes. And I understand what it feels like to be treated unjustly in a courtroom. I also understand what it feels like to stand before an unjust judge.
We have some excellent "CIVIL COURT JUDGES" sitting on local benches and some fantastic, incredible, hardworking "CRIMINAL COURT JUDGES" sitting on the bench as Republicans and Democrats.
I don't like that we elect judges along partisan lines, but that's the system we have in place in Texas. With this in mind, I'm encouraging you to put partisan politics aside and use our "ENDORSEMENT SLATE" as a guide to help you fill out your down-ballot judicial selections.
Election day voting will occur on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, and conflicting reports are circulating. Republicans believe they are ahead in the countywide races, and another report states that Democrats are hovering around 52% in the countywide races.
No matter which report you believe, this election isn't over and could be won or lost with a robust turnout on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, in Harris County, Texas.