Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis gave Lesley Briones a loan of $100,000.00 on October 12, 2022, to help her unseat Harris County Commissioner R. Jack Cagle. But how did Commissioner Ellis know that Lesley Briones was going to win and be able to pay him his $100,000.00 loan back before April 1, 2023, which was earlier this month.
Most people don’t even know that Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis loaned Lesley Briones’s Campaign $100,000.00 dollars to help her unseat Harris County Commissioner R. Jack Cagle, the Republican, in the race for Harris County Commissioner for Precinct 4, back on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, in the Midterm Election.
In fact, you can “CLICK HERE” and go to (PAGE 113) of Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis’s Campaign Finance Report, dated January 17, 2023, you will see where Lesley Briones’s Campaign reportedly repaid the $100,000.00 loan to Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis’s Campaign back on 12/22/2022, nearly four months prior to the established April 1, 2023, maturity date.
If you “CLICK HERE” you will see on (PAGE 3) Lesley Briones’s Campaign Finance Report, where she logged in a $100,000.00 loan that was “OUTSTANDING” at the time. However, what you might not know, is that the loan in the amount of $100,000.00 came from Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis, on 10/12/2022, which was a little under two weeks before the start of “EARLY VOTING” which started on Monday, October 24, 2022, for the Midterm Election.
If you “CLICK HERE” you will see on (PAGE 62) of Lesley Briones’s Campaign Finance Report, dated January 17, 2023, that Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis made a loan in the amount of $100,000.00 to Lesley Briones on 10/12/2022 about two weeks before the start of "EARLY VOTING" to help Briones defeat R. Jack Cagle in the race for Harris County Commissioner for Precinct 4, back on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, in the Midterm Election.

Mattress Mack Went to Austin to Testify, But Christian Menefee Can't Release the Election Records Mattress Mack is Requesting
In his testimony before a senate committee on Tuesday, April 18, 2023, Jim McIngvale, better known as “Mattress Mack” appealed to state senators for help. But “Mattress Mack” and his buddies are late to the game. My team and I have been appealing to anyone who would listen for the last few years.
“We’re pleading with you to release the public election records that could dampen the breeding mistrust of our officials," said Mattress Mack. But does he even understand that Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis, County Attorney Christian Menefee, Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo, County Commissioner Adrian Garcia, and County Commissioner Lesley Briones don’t give a damn about no “breeding mistrust” that boiling over in Harris County, Texas?
Harris Commissioner Rodney Ellis isn’t going to allow County Attorney Christian Menefee to release those records. Why not? Well, if the public is allowed to see the documents being requested by “Mattress Mack” and investigative report Wayne Dolcefino, they’re going to be shocked.
The text messages, emails, phone calls, and other communications between Clifford Tatum, and other local officials like Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis are going to be damning. It’s highly plausible that someone ordered, planned, and carried out what could eventually have been recorded in the annals of Texas history as an election heist.
Remember, early voting for the 2022 Midterm Election ran from October 24, 2022, through November 4, 2022, in Harris County, Texas. And remember, by the end of “THE EARLY VOTING PERIOD” the Harris County Elections Administrator and his bosses were already fully aware that Black voters hadn’t turned out in the numbers they did back during the previous 2018 midterm early voting period.
So, what solution did someone up with, to keep Republican candidates from sweeping all of the countywide offices on “ELECTION DAY” in Harris County, Texas? Well, it appears that someone may have tried to stave off the big Republican turnout by making it difficult for votes to be cast and recorded in strong Republican voter precincts on “ELECTION DAY” which was on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, in Harris County, Texas.

At 7:33 p.m. on Election Night, The Harris County Elections Administrator (Clifford Tatum) released his first “ELECTION NIGHT UPDATE” showing that neither Alexandra del Moral Mealer (Republican), Lina Hidalgo, or Naufal Houjami (W), a write-in candidate had received any “ELECTION DAY VOTES” in the November 8, 2022, race for Harris County Judge.


At 9:43 p.m. on Election Night, after two hours and ten minutes of waiting, the Harris County Elections Administrator (Clifford Tatum) release the second “ELECTION NIGHT UPDATE” which showed Alexandra del Moral Mealer with 864 votes, for 43.55% of the Election Day vote, and Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo with 1,120 votes, for 56.45% of the Election Day vote. At this point, at 9:43 p.m., Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo had received (256) more “ELECTION DAY VOTES” than Del Moral Mealer.


At 11:30 p.m. on Election night, after nearly two hours of waiting, the Harris County Elections Administrator (Clifford Tatum) release the third “ELECTION NIGHT UPDATE” which showed Alexandra del Moral Mealer with 13,937 votes, for 48.45% of the Election Day vote, and Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo with 14,827 votes, for 51.55% of the Election Day vote. At this point, at 11:30 p.m., Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo had received (890) more votes than Del Moral Mealer.


At 12:45 a.m. on the following morning, the Harris County Elections Administrator (Clifford Tatum) release the fourth “ELECTION UPDATE” which showed Alexandra del Moral Mealer with 29,864 votes, for 49.59% of the Election Day vote, and Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo with 30,356 votes, for 50.41% of the vote. At this point, at 12:45 a.m., Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo had received (492) more votes than Del Moral Mealer.


At 1:51 a.m. on the following morning, the Harris County Elections Administrator (Clifford Tatum) release the fifth “ELECTION UPDATE” which showed Alexandra del Moral Mealer with 54,098 votes, for 48.73% of the Election Day vote, and Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo with 56,913 votes, for 51.27% of the vote. At this point, at 1:51 a.m., Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo had received (2,815) more votes than Del Moral Mealer.


At 2:47 a.m. on the following morning, the Harris County Elections Administrator (Clifford Tatum) release the six “ELECTION UPDATE” which showed Alexandra del Moral Mealer with 80,617 votes, for 49.46% of the Election Day vote, and Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo with 82,376 votes, for 50.54% of the vote. At this point, at 2:47 a.m., Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo had received (1,759) more votes than Del Moral Mealer.


At 3:46 a.m. on the following morning, the Harris County Elections Administrator (Clifford Tatum) release the seventh “ELECTION UPDATE” which showed Alexandra del Moral Mealer with 122,696 votes, for 49.35% of the Election Day vote, and Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo with 125,936 votes, for 50.65% of the vote. At this point, at 3:46 a.m., Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo had received (3,240) more votes than Del Moral Mealer.


At 4:51 a.m. on the following morning, the Harris County Elections Administrator (Clifford Tatum) release the eighth “ELECTION UPDATE” which showed Alexandra del Moral Mealer with 168,463 votes, for 49.64% of the Election Day vote, and Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo with 170,930 votes, for 50.36% of the vote. At this point, at 4:51 a.m., Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo had received (2,467) more votes than Del Moral Mealer.


At 8:46 a.m. on the following morning, the Harris County Elections Administrator (Clifford Tatum) release the ninth “ELECTION UPDATE” which showed Alexandra del Moral Mealer with 169,221 votes, for 49.54% of the Election Day vote, and Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo with 172,334 votes, for 50.46% of the vote. At this point, 8:46 a.m., Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo had received (3,113) more votes than Del Moral Mealer.


At 5:10 p.m., on Wednesday, November 9, 2022, after nearly nine hours of waiting, the Harris County Elections Administrator (Clifford Tatum) release the tenth “ELECTION UPDATE” which showed Alexandra del Moral Mealer with 168,458 votes, for 49.53% of the Election Day vote, and Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo with 172,614 votes, for 50.45% of the vote. At this point, at 5:10 p.m., Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo had received (3,156) more votes than Del Moral Mealer.


At 2:42 p.m., on Thursday, November 10, 2022, after nearly twenty-one hours of waiting, the Harris County Elections Administrator (Clifford Tatum) release the eleventh “ELECTION UPDATE” which showed Alexandra del Moral Mealer with 169,458 votes, for 49.53% of the Election Day vote, and Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo with 172,614 votes, for 50.45% of the vote. At this point, at 5:10 p.m., Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo had received (3,156) more votes than Del Moral Mealer.


At 12:53 p.m., on Saturday, November 19, 2022, after nine days of waiting, the Harris County Elections Administrator (Clifford Tatum) release the twelfth “ELECTION UPDATE” which was the “OFFICIAL RESULTS” showing Alexandra del Moral Mealer with 169,458 votes, for 49.53% of the Election Day vote, and Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo with 172,614 votes, for 50.45% of the vote. At this point, 12:53 p.m., on Saturday, November 19, 2022, Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo had received (3,156) more votes than Del Moral Mealer.
According to the “OFFICIAL RESULTS” that were released by Clifford Tatum, the Harris County Elections Administrator, Alexandra del Moral Mealer received 534,720 votes, for 49.15% of the vote, and Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo received 552,803 votes, for 50.82% of the vote. As a side note, Naoufal Houjami, the write-in candidate only received 241 votes, for 0.02% of the vote.
After all of the tallies were recorded and reported, Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo (Democrat) supposedly beat Alexandra del Moral Mealer (Republican), by 18,183 votes.
It’s highly conceivable that Alexandra del Moral Mealer would have unseated Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo if votes had not been suppressed in “REPUBLICAN STRONGHOLDS” by the possible criminal acts of Clifford Tatum, and others.
If you remember, a KHOU 11 analysis that was published back on January 30, 2023, discovered that 121 voting centers in Harris County, Texas did not initially receive enough ballot paper to cover the voter turnout that should have been expected on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, in the Midterm Election.
“The shortage of ballot paper at some Harris County voting centers on election day was more widespread than the Elections Administration Office estimated, according to a KHOU 11 analysis of equipment and voter turnout records,” the report stated.
If we can find out what Clifford Tatum was doing, and who he was communicating with on the morning of “ELECTION DAY” we may be able to use the timeline that has been created by my investigative team to piece together what unfolded in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, in regards to the possible tens of thousands of “REPUBLICAN VOTERS” who may have been disenfranchised, due to the possible criminal actions of Clifford Tatum, and others.
19. Between December 7, 2022, and January 23, 2023, Dolcefino Consulting and President Wayne Dolceflno, at the behest and on behalf of James Mclngvale, submitted six separate requests under the Texas Public Information Act (the "Act"), seeking the production of twelve categories of documents. Those requests read as follows:
a. December 7, 2022 ("Request One")
i. PDF copies of the original detailed phone record for Clifford Tatum, on any device which Harris County election business is conduct, redacted to exclude personal phone calls and any other information made confidential under state law, between August l, 2022, and the present. This request includes text and phone messages.
ii. All e-mail communications sent or received, including attachments, by Clifford Tatum on November 8, 2022.
iii. All e-mail communications sent or received, including attachments, between Harris County Precinct One's office and Clifford Tatum since August l, 2022.
b. December 8, 2022 ("Request Two")
i. Any documents detailing any maintenance issues with any election machines on November 8, 2022.
c. December 27, 2022 ("Request Three")
i. Any documents detailing the amount of ballot paper originally provided on election day (November 8, 2022) to all precincts in Harris County.
ii. A document detailing the number of voters who voted at each precinct in the Harris County 2020 election.
iii. Any emails, sent or received, including attachments, received by the Harris County Election Administrator's Office from any Harris County precinct judges regarding a shortage of paper for ballots on election day (November 8, 2022).
d. January 18, 2023 ("Request Four")
i. Any written complaints to documented phone call complaints regarding the Harris County 2022 election received by the Harris County Elections Administrator's Office or the Office of the Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo between November 8, 2022, and the present.
e. January 18, 2023 ("Request Five")
i. A list of all polling locations for the Harris County 2020 and 2022 elections.
ii. Any emails, sent or received, including attachments, by Clifford Tatum regarding the Secretary of State audit of the Harris County 2022 election.
f. January 23, 2023 ("Request Six")
i. Any emails, sent or received, including attachments by Clifford Tatum regarding the maintenance of polling machines, supplies of ballot paper, and/or addition or removal of polling locations between May l, 2022, and November 8, 2022.
20. The HCEAO has produced records responsive to portions of Request Three. HCEAO produced records identifying the number of voters who voted at each precinct in the Harris County 2020 and 2022 elections. The HCEAO has also produced records responsive to portions of Request Five. HCEAO produced records identifying polling locations for the Harris County 2020 and 2022 elections. Of the twelve categories of information sought by Dolceflno Consulting, these are the only categories where HCEAO produced all records responsive to the request.
21 In response to each and every request, the HCEAO sought permission to withhold responsive information from the Office of the Texas Attorney General ("the Attorney General"). HCEAO claimed that information responsive to items in all six requests qualified for withholding pursuant to Tex. Gov't Code Section 552.103, known as the "Litigation Exception."
22. In their request to withhold records pursuant to the Litigation Exception, HCEAO cites three lawsuits in which Harris County is currently a party. The HCEAO claims that the information requested by Dolcefino Consulting relates to those pending suits. The HCEAO goes on to claim, in each and every request to withhold sent to the AG, that "Current events surrounding the November 8, 2022 elections has led the County to anticipate litigation. The Department has received emails threatening litigation in addition to several news sources reporting the threat of litigation in addition to investigations."
23 The HCEAO cites three separate lawsuits as a "representative sample" of the litigation in which HCDEAO is involved Upon information and belief, these lawsuits are no longer a "representative sample" of the litigation in which HCEAO is involved — they are the only lawsuits in which HCEAO is currently involved. The lawsuits cited by HCEAO are the following:
a. Case No. 4:22-cv-00576-P-BJ, Strongin el.a/. v. Secretary of State of Texas John B. Scott et.al. currently pending in the United States District Court for the Northeastern District of Texas ("Strongin lawsuit") which is a suit filed by 50 pro se litigants and claims in relevant part that Harris County Commissioners have "failed to confirm if the voting equipment" in Harris County has been properly certified.
c. Cause No. 2022-74979 Harris County Republican Party and Cindy Siegel, Chair of the Harris County Republican Party v. Clifford Tatum, currently pending in the 157th District Court ("Republican Party lawsuit") which seeks declaratory and injunctive relief for violations of Texas Election Code Section 276.019 for the improper handling of ballots, violations of the protocols for the use of the V -drive, and improper management of polling locations.
In addition, in response to Requests Two, Three, and Five the HCEAO claimed that items responsive to these requests qualified for withholding pursuant to Tex. Gov't Code Section 552.116, known as the "Audit Working Papers Exception."
25 The HCEAO claims that the information sought in Requests Two, Three, and Five is information maintained for the purposes of an audit being conducted by the Texas Secretary of State pursuant to the Texas Election Code and that the information must be maintained for the purposes of the audit. The HCEAO goes on to explain that "Harris County Elections Administration opposes the release of the requested information based on the fact that the records being maintained in conducting an audit which has been required by status and the Secretary of State.'
26. The Attorney General has not issued a ruling granting or denying HCEAO the permission to withhold responsive information on any of the requests listed above.

Kathleen Hooey has been dead since 1991, but according to her voter registration card she’s still registered to vote at 7014 Jay Street in Houston, Texas 77028. And yes, this is the same deceased Black voter who had her identity stolen by “ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOT HARVESTERS” by the name of Gloria Palmer and Tomar Bishop who were on assignment to go out and collect ballots for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee’s Campaign, back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in the Democratic Party Primary.
Is it any wonder that the home where Kathleen Hooey lived (while she was alive) is located inside the boundaries of the 18th Congressional District (Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee), the 13th Senatorial District (State Senator Borris L. Miles), House District 142 (State Representative Harold Dutton), and Precinct One, the geographical area controlled by Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis?