The (4X8) campaign sign above featuring Judge Audrie Lawton Evans, Judge Jim Kovach, Judge LaShawn A. Williams, and M.K. "Monica" Singh is a perfect example of a "BAD POLITICAL STRATEGY" and goes to show how clueless and out out of touch some of these candidates are right now. That being said, whoever advised these four Democrats to do this should be fired. Why? Well, for starters, straight-ticket voting has been abolished in Texas. So, what every countywide judicial candidate should be doing right now is developing their own individual brand (name identification) and trying to let the voting public know that they are on their side. You can "CLICK HERE" to see what individual branding campaigns should look like.

Do you see the sign on the far right above? Well, that's a sign that was put out by the Harris County Republican Party. In my opinion, asking voters if they're tired of crime is a much better marketing strategy than putting out a "CAMPAIGN SIGN" stating, "HARRIS COUNTY CAN COUNTY ON US" when everybody knows that Houston is now the "CRIME CAPITAL" of America.
Labor Day Marks the Official Beginning of the 2022 Midterm Election Campaign Season for Candidates in Harris County
Someone is giving the Harris County Democratic Party’s judicial candidates some very bad advice. Did you hear me? I said, some very bad advice is being given to Democratic judicial candidates right now. How can I say this? Well, for starters, “THE DEMOCRATIC BRAND” is damaged, so judicial candidates on the Democratic side should not be running their campaigns in a coordinated fashion right now. Why? Well, because at the end of the day people buy people. And when candidates try to run their campaigns (in groups) together, they run the risk of inheriting enemies.
So, heading into Labor Day, the strategy you see Judge Audrie Lawton-Evans (Harris County Civil Court at Law No.1), Judge Jim Kovach (Harris County Civil District Court at Law No. 2), Judge LaShawn A. Williams (Harris County Civil District Court at Law No. 3), and Democratic Judicial nominee M.K. “Monica” Singh for Harris County Civil District Court at Law No. 4, trying to do is ignorant, played out, and asinine – which means extremely stupid or foolish.
What does ignorant mean? Well, in case you don’t know, ignorant simply means that Judge Audrie Lawton-Evans, Judge Jim Kovach, Judge LaShawn A. Williams, and M.K. “Monica” Singh lack the knowledge and information they need to launch a successful campaign strategy. And whoever told them that running as a group was a good idea should be fired at once.
Judge Audrie Lawton-Evans, the presiding judge for Harris County Civil District Court at Law No. 1 was appointed to the bench last year, by Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo, Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis, and Harris County Commissioner Adrian Garcia, after Judge George Barnstone abruptly retired amid several allegations of judicial misconduct. And now, Judge Audrie Lawton-Evans herself is being accused by Arthur (Art) and Koffey Smith of being corrupt herself.
Anyways, Judge George Barnstone, her predecessor, was accused of showing bias or prejudice toward litigants and attorneys based on their race, sex, or socioeconomic status in a report issued by the State Commission on Judicial Conduct. However, no complaint has been filed against Judge Lawton-Evans yet (by Art and Koffey Smith), but they’ve made some serious allegations against her, including, but not limited to, her being biased, and not issuing rulings by the law. They also allege that Judge Audrie Lawton-Evans is incompetent, unfair, and not qualified to serve as a judge.
If you remember, her predecessor and fellow Democratic Judge George Barnstone was accused of using his judicial office (position) to advance his private interests – which is a violation of the Texas Government Code, which bars the mere appearance of conflicts of interests.
As for Judge LaShawn A. Williams, she has one of the nastiest dispositions of all of the sitting Democratic Judges currently up for reelection in the 2022 midterms.
Before being elected a judge, LaShawn A. Williams came across as someone who would make a great judge in my opinion. I had high hopes for LaShawn A. Williams back in those days. She came across as caring, competent, compassionate, and unbiased before she took the bench.
Today, court transcripts show Judge Lashawn A. Williams is a heartless human being. They also confirm that she’s mean, nasty, and inconsiderate. How can I say this? Well, back during the height of the “COVID-19 PANDEMIC” when over 13.3 million cases of CORONAVIRUS had been confirmed, in the United States, and over 267,000 deaths, Judge LaShawn A. Williams, was acting bad from her bench. What was she doing? Well, back on the 30th day of November 2020, according to a “COURT TRANSCRIPT” she told Art Smith, a Black man, appearing before her, that she was not concerned about him living “on a box” during a court proceeding.
According to “OFFICIAL COURT DOCUMENTS” Art (Arthur) Smith was telling the truth when he said that "BLACK GIRL MAGIC JUDGE" LaShawn A. Williams told him that she wasn't concerned about him living on a box. You can “CLICK HERE” to review TRIAL COURT CAUSE NO. 1159831, and APPELLATE CAUSE NO. 14-12-00015-CV, in the case of Robert C. Williams versus Arthur Smith, that took place in Harris County Civil Court at Law No. 3, that presided over by the “BLACK GIRL MAGIC JUDGE” known as LaShawn A. Williams.
After realizing that she had made a huge blunder or gaffe, she tried to correct herself by saying that she didn’t care about him living on the streets – which wasn’t any better. But that’s not the least of her worries, right now.
As for Judge Jim Kovach, the presiding judge for Harris County Civil Court at Law No. 2, he’s a great judge. In case you don’t know him, Judge Jim Kovach cares about everybody who comes before him. He’s not one of the “DEMOCRATIC JUDGES” who is being accused of being biased, unfair, or incompetent. Judge Kovach does his best to get it right in his courtroom. In fact, before becoming a judge, he spent more than 26 years as a practicing attorney. And above that, Judge Kovach handled more than 10,000 cases before taking the bench.
Above being prepared, courteous, and fair, Judge Jim Kovach doesn’t appear to have any pre-conceived biases or alliances that stand in the way of him issuing fair rulings. “Whether a person is represented by an attorney or representing themselves, Jim believes everyone should start the case without any side having an unfair advantage or head start in the courtroom,” his website states.
M.K. “Monica” Singh, the Democratic nominee for Harris County Civil Court at Law No. 4, is awesome. She’s a rising star in the Democratic Party. I was so proud to see her win the Democratic nomination back during the May 24, 2022, runoff election.
According to her website, Monica has over 20 years of experience in the Courtroom. And above that, she’s handled over 100 jury trials, which, according to her, “has given me a great appreciation for equal access to justice, respect for the law, ethics, and fairness.”
NO, NO, NO!!! Good Democrats like Judge Jim Kovach and Monica Singh should not be hitching their political futures to their colleagues. Why? There’s no straight-ticket voting this time around. Why does that matter? Well, right now, based on the facts, (12) twelve Democratic incumbent judges have already been thrown out of office by Democratic Party Primary voters.
So, as I’ve already stated, tomorrow (Monday, September 5, 2022), is Labor Day, and the official kickoff of “THE 2022 MIDTERM ELECTION” cycle. So, I would strongly encourage every candidate running for office to understand that all politics is local. And in Harris County, Texas, the top two issues are “CRIME” and “CORRUPTION” right now!

EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033

"Now is the time when our love for America must prevail. So, it is incumbent upon us to elect "PUBLIC SERVANTS" who understand that they work for us. We need "ELECTED OFFICIALS" in office who love "OUR CONSTITUTION" and the ideals that our nation was founded upon by our forefathers. That being said, we must make it our collective effort to "PUT PEOPLE OVER POLITICS" and do what's best for America during this pivotal moment in the history of our great nation."

EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033