Federal Judge Erica Hughes (right) was a member of the "BLACK GIRL MAGIC" phenomenon that took America by storm during the 2018 Midterm Election. Erica Hughes ran for the Harris County Criminal Court at Law No. 3 bench as an attorney and won. A short time later, she was appointed to a federal immigration bench by Attorney General Merrick Garland. After serving on the federal bench, Judge Hughes decided to pursue her dream of becoming a "DISTRICT CIVIL JUDGE" and, to the dismay of many, challenged her fellow Democrat, Judge Mike Englehart, and took his 151st Civil District Court bench, which subjected her to ridicule, hatred, racism, and bigotry, which led to her receiving a letter in the mail on Monday, February 26, 2024, from an LGBTQ Attorney named Ben L. Aderholt calling her an animal, who possessed predatory behavior. However, through it all, 93,468 Democrat Primary voters flocked to the polls to cast their vote for Judge Erica Hughes, giving her 60.9% of the vote, over Judge Engelhart, who received 59,964 votes, for 39.1% of the vote in his losing reelection bid. (CLICK HERE) Please take a moment to view "OUR 2024 JUDICIAL ENDORSEMENT SLATE" and consider our recommendations for Tuesday, November 5, 2024.

Mike Doyle, the chairman and treasurer of the Harris County Democratic Party, is making a huge tactical blunder by allowing these "STOP HOUSTON MURDERS PAC" political attack ads to continue running. The political attack ad above has been viewed more than 1.3 million times. What's wrong with Mike Doyle? And why isn't he doing anything? Civil District Judges don't have anything to do with the "MURDER RATE" increase Harris County, Texas, is experiencing.

Aubrey R. Taylor Communications publishes Houston Business Connections Newspaper© to inform, empower, and mobilize our "OPEN-MINDED READERS" and assist them in making informed voting decisions. We've gone to great lengths to develop "OUR 2024 SLATE" and strongly encourage you to use "ENDORSEMENT SLATE" to help you fill out your down-ballot races.
Mike Doyle Took $110,000.00 from the HCDP and Gave it to the Utah Democratic Party in Two Separate Transfers
Several months ago, the Harris County Democratic Party got into hot water for allegedly working behind the scenes against several of its “BLACK FEMALE JUDICIAL NOMINEES” to get them thrown off the ballot for technical reasons.
Thanks to the “ALL REPUBLICAN” Texas Supreme Court, the alleged efforts against several African American women running against white males in the Democratic Party Primary failed.
If you remember, during the Democratic Party Primary, a federal judge named Erica Hughes was called an animal by a contributor to Judge Mike Engelhart’s campaign, whom Judge Hughes was running against and ultimately defeated.
As a refresher, Judge Erica Hughes (Democrat) dominated Judge Mike Engelhart(Democrat) on Tuesday, March 5, 2024, angered many folks on both sides of the political aisle.
To this day, Judge Hughes’ victory still doesn’t sit well with some folks, which could explain the lack of support from the Harris County Democratic Party for their remaining “BLACK JUDICIAL NOMINEES” who are running against Republican opponents on Tuesday, November 5, 2024.
Judge Erica Hughes (Democrat) received 93,468 votes, for 60.9% of the vote, and Judge Mike Engelhart (Democrat), who was running for re-election, only received 59,964 votes, for 39.1% of the vote, in the race for the 151st Civil District Court – which angered a bunch of folks from both parties.
Another race that angered many folks from both sides of the political aisle was the race for Justice 1st Court of Appeals District, Place 9, in which attorney Amber Boyd-Cora challenged and defeated Justice Peter Kelly on Super Tuesday.
Attorney Brendetta Scott (Democrat) defeated Justice Gordan Goodman (Democrat) on Super Tuesday in the race for Justice, 1st Court of Appeals Place 2. Attorney Scott’s victory over Justice Goodman also angered many folks and created an undercurrent of hatred within the Harris County Democratic Party.
The race for Justice 14th Court of Appeals also caused a severe rift in the Harris County Democratic Party, as Velda Renita Faulkner defeated Justice Jerry Zimmerer in a runoff election.

I don’t know Mike Doyle, personally – nor do I care to know him. However, from my vantage point, Mike Doyle appears to be sabotaging the campaigns of his local “DEMOCRATIC JUDGES” as a form of political payback or retribution by refusing to run a bonified “COORDINATED CAMPAIGN.” To help them defeat their Republican rivals on Tuesday, November 5, 2024.
Does Mike Doyle, the chairman of the Harris County Democratic Party who also serves as treasurer, believe he is more intelligent than the rest of us?
Or maybe perhaps (Mike Doyle) knows something that the rest of us don’t know. Whatever the case, what Mike Doyle is doing to his “DEMOCRATIC JUDICIAL CANDIDATES” is wrong all day long.
Why is Mike Doyle taking all the money donated to the Harris County Democratic Party (HCDP), transferring their hard-earned donations to the Harris County Democratic Party Federal PAC, and sending their money out of state?
While Mike Doyle continues to attack Black-owned and minority-owned media outlets, Cindy Siegel, the chairman of the Harris County Republican Party, continues to pour every dollar she can find into “ADVERTISING HER JUDICIAL NOMINEES” and trying to help them unseat local Democratic judges on Tuesday, November 5, 2024.
The 8-day “CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORTS” filed under penalty of perjury reveals that Cindy Siegel, the chairman of the Harris County Republican Party, cares about winning, and Mike Doyle, the chairman of the Harris County Democratic Party, appears to be doing everything in his power to cause his “DOWN-BALLOT DEMOCRATIC NOMINEES” to lose.
Can Democrats overcome what Mike Doyle is doing to sabotage their campaigns? Yes, anything is possible, but Doyle is making their pathway to victory more difficult than it should be.
As the Harris County Democratic Party transfers the hard-earned cash, “DEMOCRATIC JUDGES” are donating to Mike Doyle, and the (HCDP), Republican candidates like Steve Radack and Mike Knox, are placing political advertisements on KCOH – 1230, the SOURCE, in hopes of gaining support from their predominantly African American listening audience.
Sheriff Ed Gonzalez, former Mayor Sylvester Turner, State Rep. Jolanda Jones, the Harris County Elections Department, Colin Allred for State Senate, Vote Houston – Whitmire, Erica Lee for Congress, and Claude Cummings’s CWA – “Fight for Democracy,” are supporting KCOH – 1230, the SOURCE – but not Mike Doyle, the chairman of the Harris County Democratic Party.
And why hasn’t the Harris County Democratic Party spent any “CAMPAIGN MONEY” with Black-owned newspapers as part of their nonexistent “COORDINATED CAMPAIGN.”
The Houston Defender Newspaper, owned by Sonceria “Sonny” Messiah Jiles, has a substantial reach in the “BLACK COMMUNITY” that could help local Democrats win on Tuesday, November 5, 2024.
Why hasn’t Mike Doyle placed banner advertisements on the Houston Defender Newspaper’s website? It isn’t that difficult to pick up the phone and call (713)663-6996 and support “Houston’s Leading Black Newspaper” to help drive out “THE BLACK VOTE” on Tuesday, November 5, 2024.
The Houston Forward Times, owned by Karen Carter Richards, has a dynamic website that could drive out the “ELECTION DAY VOTE” between today and Election Day.
How difficult is it for Mike Doyle, the chairman of the Harris County Democratic Party, to call (713)526-4727 and ask Karen Carter Richards for her help?
It doesn’t take a ‘political guru’ to see that Mike Doyle is on some bull crap and Cindy Siegel, the chairman of the Harris County Republican Party, is on a mission.

On 10/21/2024, Cindy Siegel, the chairman of the Harris County Republican Party, paid $1,249.97 to Rumble UP as an “ADVERTISING EXPENSE” for texting.

On 10/18/2024, Cindy Siegel, the chairman of the Harris County Republican Party, paid $50,247.00 to the (HCRP) as a “CONSULTING EXPENSE” reimbursement paid to Bluestone Creatives for advertising and video consulting.

On 10/17/2024, Cindy Siegel, the chairman of the Harris County Republican Party, paid $15,000.00 to the Raconteur Media Company as an “ADVERTISING EXPENSE” for digital advertising.

On 10/16/2024, Cindy Siegel, the chairman of the Harris County Republican Party, paid $11,960.00 to the Raconteur Media Company as an “ADVERTISING EXPENSE” for digital advertising.

On 10/16/2024, Cindy Siegel, the chairman of the Harris County Republican Party, paid $1,219.40 to Rumble UP as an “ADVERTISING EXPENSE” for texting.

On 10/10/2024, Cindy Siegel, the chairman of the Harris County Republican Party, paid $10,000.00 to Raconteur Media Company as an “ADVERTISING EXPENSE” for digital advertising.

On 10/08/2024, Cindy Siegel, the chairman of the Harris County Republican Party, paid $2,500.00 to Clockwork Consulting as a “CONSULTING EXPENSE” for creating their website.

On 10/04/2024, Cindy Siegel, the chairman of the Harris County Republican Party, paid $116,179.00 to Beacon Strategies as an “ADVERTISING EXPENSE” for digital ad placements and advertising.

As you can see above, Cindy Siegel and the Harris County Republican Party have spent $209,574.37 to advertise and promote their “2024 JUDICIAL NOMINEES” between 9/27/2024 and 10/26/2024, according to their 8-day campaign finance report.

What’s going on with Mike Doyle? And why is Mike Doyle taking all of the hard-earned cash that he’s gotten from down-ballot Democratic candidates between 9/27/2024 and 10/26/2024 and either transferring their hard-earned money to the Harris County Democratic Party Federal PAC or sending their hard-earned money out of state to the Utah Democratic Party?

On 10/23/2024, Mike Doyle, the chairman and treasurer for the Harris County Democratic Party, took $35,425.00 from the Harris County Democratic Party (CEC) and transferred the money to the Harris County Democratic Party Federal PAC as an “ALLOCABLE” amount.

On 10/15/2024, Mike Doyle, the chairman and treasurer for the Harris County Democratic Party, took $20,000.00 from the Harris County Democratic Party (CEC) and transferred the money to the Harris County Democratic Party Federal PAC as an “ALLOCABLE” amount.

On 9/30/2024, Mike Doyle, the chairman and treasurer for the Harris County Democratic Party, took $30,000.00 from the Harris County Democratic Party (CEC) and transferred the money to the Harris County Democratic Party Federal PAC as an “ALLOCABLE” amount.

On 9/30/2024, Mike Doyle, the chairman and treasurer for the Harris County Democratic Party, took $27,000.00 from the Harris County Democratic Party (CEC) and transferred the money to the Harris County Democratic Party Federal PAC as an “ALLOCABLE” amount.

On 10/23/2024, Mike Doyle, the chairman and treasurer for the Harris County Democratic Party, spent $16,103.00 as an “POLLING EXPENSE” to Lake Research Partners for polling.

On 10/18/2024, Mike Doyle, the chairman and treasurer of the Harris County Democratic Party, took $61,700.00 from the local Democratic Party's "CEC ACCOUNT" and gave it to the Texas Democratic Party as a political contribution.

On 10/17/2024, Mike Doyle, the chairman and treasurer for the Harris County Democratic Party, spent $2,500.00 as a “CONSULTING EXPENSE” to Scale to Win LLC for phone services related to state activity.

On 10/15/2024, Mike Doyle, the chairman and treasurer of the Harris County Democratic Party, took $10,000.00 from the local Democratic Party's "CEC ACCOUNT" and gave it to the Utah Democratic Party as a political donation.

On 10/11/2024, Mike Doyle, the chairman and treasurer of the Harris County Democratic Party, took $100,000.00 from the local Democratic Party's "CEC ACCOUNT" and gave it to the Utah Democratic Party as a political donation.

On 10/11/2024, Mike Doyle, the chairman and treasurer for the Harris County Democratic Party, spent $39,000.00 as an “ADVERTISING EXPENSE” with Human Age Digital to promote statewide activity.

On 10/11/2024, Mike Doyle, the chairman and treasurer for the Harris County Democratic Party, spent $26,000.00 as an “ADVERTISING EXPENSE” with Human Age Digital to promote statewide activity.

On 10/08/2024, Mike Doyle, the chairman and treasurer of the Harris County Democratic Party, took $10,300.00 from the local Democratic Party's "CEC ACCOUNT" and gave it to the Texas Democratic Party as a political contribution.

For the life of me, I cannot understand why nobody is saying anything about Mike Doyle, the chairman and treasurer of the Harris County Democratic Party, taking $110,000.00 of donated funds from local candidates and donating it to the Utah Democratic Party when local judges are being hammered with “POLITICAL ATTACK ADS” on local TV stations and Radio stations daily.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039