Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee (far left), is as corrupt as they come, but Gilbert Garcia (far right), appears to have formed some sort of pact or treaty with this dirty Black politician. That being said, in Gilbert Garcia's television commercials he talks about cleaning up local politics, but cleaning up Houston City Hall could possibly be the last thing on Gilbert's mind. Politics is a dirty business and makes for strange bedfellows, but forming a pact, or treaty with a candidate who you already know is corrupt for some sort of political gain is a bad sign and raises all sorts of red flags. WHITMIRE STUNNED... At the Houston Chronicle endorsement screening that took place on Monday, October 2, 2023, Sheila Jackson Lee and Gilbert Garcia teamed up on John Whitmire (top center), but there's a backstory that I'm working on, that's going to blow you away. ARE YOU STILL UNDECIDED? Dr. Jack Christie and Gilbert Garcia are tied for third place according to the UH Hobby School of Public Affairs Poll, but not for long.

Disgraced former HISD Board President who pleaded guilty to conspiracy has become a "FLIGHT RISK," according to Feds. Now the feds believe that Rhonda Skillern-Jones should be taken into custody if she cannot prove that she isn't a flight risk. But the feds could be on to something, as they've already figured out that Rhonda Skillern-Jones has been jet-setting across the world over the last two years. According to court documents, Rhonda Skillern-Jones has traveled to London, France, Hong Kong, and Bangkok, over the course of the last two years. For the record, she faces five years in prison, and a maximum fine of $250,000, when she's sentenced. PERFECT EXAMPLE... Rhonda Skillern Jones is a perfect example of why electing another corrupt Black politician (Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee) after the corrupt Turner Administration leaves office would be a huge mistake.

Gilbert Garcia paid Texas Tool Belt $15,000.00 back on March 15, 2013, but little did he know that Texas Toolbelt and Claude Cummings, Jr., the president of Communications Workers of America (CWA) were going to leave him looking like a fool when Sheila Jackson Lee entered the race for Mayor.

Gilbert Garcia (left), graduated from Yale University, but he isn't even smart enough to recognize whom he should trust. Gilbert is so ignorant that he doesn't even realize that Bishop James Dixon, the president of the local branch of the NAACP doesn't even want to be in the picture with him. Do you see that lazy thumbs-up, that Bishop Dixon is giving?

Carroll G. Robinson (left), is the chairman of the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats. For the record, Gilbert Garica is fully aware that Carroll G. Robinson is a "CORRUPT BLACK POLITICAL OPERATIVE" who has been running a "POLITICAL ACTION PONZI SCHEME" in Harris County, Texas for years. Gilbert Garcia is also fully aware that the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats (Harris County Chapter) was labeled as a "MONEY LAUNDERING OPERATION" by the Texas Ethics Commission when they levied a $27,500.00 fine against Terrance Shanks, and a $17,500.00 fine again Dr. Darnella Wilkerson, after complaints were filed against them.

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "In case you haven't noticed, Sheila Jackson Lee and Gilbert Garcia appear to have formed some sort of pact, alliance, or treaty of some sort. That being said, I plan to give you the backstory as it relates to Gilbert Garcia, and how he had me fooled for over a year.
Now is not the time for Houstonians to elect another corrupt Black mayor. No matter how you look at it, electing another Black mayor right behind the corrupt administration of Mayor Sylvester Turner would not be good for the citizens of Houston.
Dr. Jack Christie could be the last hope, for Houstonians who are looking for a clean, honest, upstanding Mayor to represent our beloved Bayou City.

In case you are unaware of some of the concessions that Sheila Jackson Lee has already made, this hussy is planning to put the safety of women and girls at risk during her first term if she’s allowed to squirm, manipulate, and slither her way into becoming Houston’s next mayor.
Sheila Jackson Lee has a well-documented history when it comes to putting the safety of women at risk. Remember back in 2019, when Sheila Jackson Lee’s ex-staffer claimed that Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee fired her in retaliation, after “SHE-JACK” discovered that her young female intern was planning to file a lawsuit against the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, which was chaired by Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, at the time?
As a refresher, the lawsuit I’m referring to was filed back in January of 2019, in federal court in Washington, D.C., in case you don’t remember.
The defendants in the federal lawsuit were the office of Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, and the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, which operates as a nonprofit whose mission is supposedly centered around the advancement of the global Black community by developing leaders, informing policy, and educating the public – if you believe what they have posted on their website.
I’m not going to dive too deep into the young woman’s allegations, but according to her lawsuit, this young woman was allegedly set up to be the last intern to leave a sanctioned intern event, that was sanctioned by the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, from what I understand.
From what I understand, the sanctioned intern event was followed up by some sort of alcohol-fueled dinner, followed by a stop by a liquor store, which was then followed up by a visit to the home of one of the supervisors for the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation.
According to the young intern, the supervisor who was working for the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation allegedly forced her to perform oral sex on him, and she woke up naked the next day in pain, lying in his bed.

What local mainstream news media entities like our daily newspaper, the Houston Chronicle, Channel 2, Channel 11, Channel 13, Channel 26, Channel 13, are failing to tell Houstonians about Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee is that she’s “NOT A PROTECTOR OF WOMEN’S RIGHTS” and these news outlets are also not revealing the fact that “SHE-JACK” is corrupt and has a penchant for shielding sexual predators.
For the record, after the revelations of what happened to her young intern were revealed, all Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee did was resign as the chairwoman of the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, and she also was compelled to relinquish her post as chair of a very important House Judiciary subcommittee, which she held at the time.
But what the people of Houston need to realize, is that Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee didn’t resign from the two power chairmanships she held until she was given an ultimatum by Board Members of the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation to either step down as chairwoman or face a vote to be removed from her post in the coming week.

This Sheila Jackson Lee woman doesn’t give a damn about women, or putting women at risk, by reintroducing the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance (HERO), or what was commonly referred to as “THE BATHROOM BILL” back when this “DEADLY ORDINANCE” was defeated by a coalition of Black women, Democrats, moderate along with an alliance of moderate and far-right Republicans, in 2015, this corrupt, vile, mean, nasty, congresswoman also plans to divide the city on the issues of reparations – which the city can’t afford.
The Third problem that Shiela Jackson Lee is going to cause for the city of Houston is related to her penchant for turning a blind eye to the corruption of fellow members of the “ELLIS/TURNER POLITICAL REGIME” which includes several Black pastors who are pedophiles, sex offenders, and rapists, who cannot be ignored.

Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee’s plan to bring “THE REPARATIONS DEBATE” to the municipal level is going to be a race relations nightmare on top of potentially bankrupting the City of Houston if she's elected to succeed Mayor Sylvester Turner, in the upcoming Mayoral Election.
Houstonians must wake up and come to the realization, that Sheila Jackson Lee and Chris Hollins would be a dangerous combination as Mayor and City Controller.
These two members of the “ELLIS/TURNER POLITICAL REGIME” are planning to tear the city of Houston apart along racial lines with the introduction of “THE REPARATIONS DEBATE,” during Sheila Jackson Lee’s first term if Houstonians are foolish enough to elect her as the next Mayor of Houston, Texas.

H.R. 40, Commission to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African Americans Act
H.R. 40 would establish a 15-member commission to study the effects of slavery and discriminatory policies on African Americans and recommend appropriate remedies, including reparations. The commission would report its findings and recommendations to the Congress 18 months after its first meeting and terminate 90 days after the report is submitted.
H.R. 40 would authorize the appropriation of $20 million for expenses of the commission, including payroll and support costs for members and support staff. Assuming appropriation of the authorized amount, CBO estimates that implementing the bill would cost $20 million over the 2021-2026 period.
The bill also would establish civil and criminal penalties for failure to comply with a subpoena from the commission. Civil fines are recorded in the budget as revenues. Criminal fines are recorded as revenues, deposited in the Crime Victims Fund, and subsequently spent without further appropriation. CBO estimates that any additional collections and associated spending would not be significant because of the relatively small number of additional cases likely to be affected.

Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee and her fascination with the idea of securing reparations for African Americans didn't work at the national level. Remember, H.R.40 - The Commission to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African-Americans Act was sponsored and introduced by Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, [D-TX-18] back on 01/03/2019 during the 116th Congress.

In Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee’s very first act of the 117th Congress, she reintroduced H.R.40 - The Commission to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African-Americans Act, which didn’t gain any traction in Washington, D.C., and in the United States Congress.

Earlier this year, back on January 9, 2023, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee reintroduced H.R.40 - The Commission to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African-Americans Act, in the United States Congress, and once it went nowhere, she decided on March 27, 2023, that she would bring it to the local municipal level in Houston, Texas, which has a strong Mayoral form of government.

There’s a very good reason that the LGBTQ+ Political Caucus endorsed Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee by a 136-52 vote margin over her fellow Democrat State Sen. John Whitmire. And it’s not because John Whitmire isn’t going to re-introduce “THE BATHROOM BILL” or what’s known as the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance if he’s elected to succeed Mayor Sylvester Turner, who wouldn’t touch the issues.
Remember, Robert Gallegos, who is gay, Lee Kaplan, and former METRO Chairman Gilbert Garcia were also in the crowd vying for the LGBTQ+ Political Caucus endorsement back on Saturday, March 27, 2023.
Just so you know, Sheila Jackson Lee was endorsed over Whitmire, Gallegos, Kaplan, and Garcia by the LGBTQ+ Political Caucus because she’s the person who the LGBTQ+ Political Caucus believes could convince “BLACK WOMEN” to vote for the potentially “DEADLY ORDINANCE” which would allow “BIOLOGICAL MALES” to enter public restrooms, locker rooms, and showers with “BIOLOGICAL FEMALES” and put the safety of women and girls at risk.

If you want to know the honest to God’s truth, state Senator John Whitmire would be just as bad as Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, on the issue of re-introducing “THE BATHROOM BILL” during his first term, if he’s elected Mayor over Sheila Jackson Lee.
That being said, the #1 reason that Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee and State Senator John Whitmire are being positioned as the “THE #1 OPTION” and “THE #2 OPTION” is that they are cut from the same cloth, and must both be rejected on Tuesday, November 7, 2023, in the race to succeed Mayor Sylvester Turner who is term-limited.
State Senator John Whitmire is worse than Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee when it comes to some of the “SOCIAL ISSUES” that are being crammed down the throats of Americans.

State Senator John Whitmire is being touted as the clear frontrunner because his voting record in Austin, Texas at the state capital as the “DEAN OF SENATE” clearly shows that he’s susceptible to caving under the pressure of the LGBTQ+ Political Caucus if he’s elected Mayor.
Make no mistake about it, State Senator John Whitmire, has bad intentions for Houston City Hall, just like Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee. However, former METRO Chairman Gilbert Garcia and former City Councilman Jack Christie are two candidates who are strong enough to withstand the pressure.
Right now, John Whitmire is trying to portray himself as a conservative, and he’s already tricked a bunch of conservatives, but Republican-leaning voters must not be fooled.
The only notable Republican in the race for Mayor of Houston is a conservative by the name of Dr. Jack Christie, whose conservative credentials are unquestioned.
Remember, Dr. Jack Christie is the only candidate in the 2023 mayoral field who is undefeated when facing off against “AFRICAN AMERICAN WOMEN” in citywide elections.
Term-limits is the only reason Dr. Jack Christie isn’t a sitting Houston City Councilman right now today!!! And if he (Dr. Jack Christie), or former Metro Chairman Gilbert Garcia could capture the hearts of the 22% of undecided Houstonians between now and “ELECTION DAY” on Tuesday, November 7, 2023, one (or both of them) of them could leapfrog Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, or Jack Christie and force their way into the Saturday, December 9, 2023, runoff election.
Whitmire is currently ranked as the 5th most liberal Democratic State Senator serving in the Texas legislature, according to his voting record.
When you step back and take a close look at Whitmire what you will discover is that he’s nothing more than an “OLD WHITE MAN’S VERSION” of Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee.
If he’s elected, John Whitmire would continue the same liberal policies of Mayor Sylvester Turner, in many regards. Also, don’t forget that John Whitmire’s late brother was the husband of former Democrat Houston mayor Kathy Whitmire.
State Senator John Whitmire is not a Conservative, and Republicans had better not fall for his shenanigans. State Rep. John Whitmire and Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee are cut from the same cloth and have the same agenda.
Conservatives had better wake up and snap out of it!!! State Senator John Whitmire does not share the same wholesome family values as conservatives.
State Senator John Whitmire claims to vote for his morals, values, and beliefs. But what are State Senator John Whitmire's morals, values, and beliefs?
If you take a look at State Senator John Whitmire’s “VOTING RECORD” in the Texas State Senate, you will see that John Whitmire comes up short on the issue of voting on his morals.

- Back on May 28, 2023, State Senator John Whitmire “VOTED NO” on a bill that would ban sexually explicit performances by drag queens and others in the presence of children.

- Back on May 17, 2023, State Senator John Whitmire “VOTED NO” on a bill that would ban sex-changing drugs and sex mutilation surgery in children.

- Back on April 20, 2023, State Senator John Whitmire “VOTED NO” on a bill that would require every school classroom to display the 10 Commandments.

- Back on April 20, 2023, State Senator John Whitmire “VOTE NO” on a bill that would establish new reporting requirements for county election administrators.

- Back on April 19, 2023, State Senator John Whitmire “VOTE NO” on a bill that would repeal controversial diversity, equity, and inclusion training at state universities.

- Back on April 19, 2023, State Senator John Whitmire “VOTED NO” on a bill that would establish a system of election marshals to investigate alleged voting violations.

- Back on April 18, 2023, State Senator John Whitmire “VOTED NO” on a bill that would require proof of citizenship for voter registration.

- Back on April 12, 2023, State Senator John Whitmire “VOTED NO” on a bill that would have increased penalties for accepting early mail-in ballots without verifying the signature of the voter.

- Back on March 29, 2023, State Senator John Whitmire “VOTED NO” on a bill that would have prohibited minors from updating the gender on their birth certificates on their own.

- Back on March 14, 2023, State Senator John Whitmire “VOTED NO” on a bill that would have classified illegal voting as a felony.

- Back on May 24, 2021, State Senator John Whitmire “VOTED NO” on a bill that would authorize permit-less handgun carry to adults 21 and older.

- Back on May 21, 2021, State Senator John Whitmire “VOTED NO” on a bill that would have prohibited abortion in Texas if Roe versus Wade was overturned by the United States Supreme Court.

- Back on April 28, 2021, State Senator John Whitmire “VOTED NO” on a bill that would require voters to register their physical address instead of a P.O. Box when registering to vote in Texas.

- Back on April 2, 2023, State Senator John Whitmire “VOTED NO” on a bill that would have prohibited taxpayer dollars for abortion clinics.

- Back on March 30, 2021, State Senator John Whitmire “VOTED NO” on a bill that would have prohibited abortion unless the mother's life was in danger.

Right now, Dr. Jack Christie is supposedly tied with Gilbert Garcia, but that could change before “ELECTION DAY” arrives on Tuesday, November 7, 2023.
This story is still developing…

EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033