John Whitmire (left) is the clear front-runner in the race for Mayor of Houston, Texas. Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee (right) is in a solid second place right now. However, a candidate with a great 'ballot name' like Gilbert Garcia (center), could split Whitmire and Sheila on Tuesday, November 7, 2023, in our beloved Bayou City. You can "CLICK HERE" and view "THE HEAT CHARTS" that have been created by Aubrey R. Taylor Communications, to do your own research.

Back on Tuesday, November 5, 2019, only 244,979 of the 1,085,813 registered voters in the City of Houston turned out to vote in the Mayoral Race. If you look closely at the vote gap between Mayor Sylvester Turner, who finished first, and Tony Buzbee, who finished second, it becomes evidently clear that the right type of candidate could have split Turner and Buzbee. You can "CLICK HERE" to view "THE HEAT CHART" to identify the "BATTLEGROUND PRECINCTS" and "STRONGHOLDS" for the City of Houston, Texas.

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "For America to remain the dominant "SUPER POWER' in the world, every warm-blooded American had better start 'PUTTING PEOPLE OVER POLITICS' at the ballot box by elevating duly-qualified God-fearing leaders into positions of authority."
Canvass Data Indicates Whitmire, Not Sheila Jackson Lee Was Helped by Hollins, Edwards Dropping Out of the Mayoral Race
It’s becoming more evident with each move being made by the “ELLIS/TURNER POLITICAL REGIME” that this tribe of washed-up, retreaded, career politicians has absolutely no clue what they’re doing. These fools are stuck in a 1960s time-warp, with the moves they’re making.
Any political consultant worth his/her salt should be able to look at "THE HEAT CHARTS” that my team and I have created and understand that Houstonians don’t give a damn about Mayor Sylvester Turner. In fact, many Houstonians are glad Sylvester Turner is term-limited and cannot run for reelection on Tuesday, November 7, 2023, in our beloved Bayou City.

I kind of feel sorry for Sheila Jackson Lee – a little bit. Why? Well, for the life of me, I cannot understand how Sheila Jackson Lee allowed Rodney Ellis and Sylvester Turner to convince her that running for Mayor of Houston is a good move for her career at this station of her life. That being said, don’t they realize that many African Americans are sick and tired of looking at Sheila Jackson Lee on television? Don’t they know that African Americans aren’t going to turn out and blindly vote for Sheila Jackson Lee, just because they convinced former councilwoman Amanda Edwards, and that coward “A$$” Chris Hollins to drop out of the race?

What the candidates running against Sheila Jackson Lee in the race for Mayor of Houston on Tuesday, November 7, 2023, had better realize is that “SJL” does not play fair. And above not playing fair, Sheila Jackson Lee does not plan on losing.
Sheila Jackson Lee is going to turn her head and allow her campaign workers to do whatever it takes to make her the next Mayor of Houston, Texas. She doesn’t appear to care if her ‘campaign workers’ go out and steal the identities of dead Black voters, forge documents, harvest mail ballots, or violate Federal Mail-Fraud Laws – just so long as she wins.
What’s their plan? Well, Sheila Jackson Lee, Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis, and Mayor Sylvester Turner are planning to win “THE MAYOR’S RACE” outright without a runoff on Tuesday, November 7, 2023 – that’s their plan.

A study of all 856 voter precincts in the City of Houston from the Tuesday, November 5, 2019, City of Houston General Election shows that only 244,979 registered voters cast ballots. However, at the time, there were over 1,085,813 registered voters in the City of Houston who were eligible to cast a ballot.
The vast majority of registered Houston voters didn’t even go to the polls to vote for Mayor Sylvester Turner, or anyone else. To be exact, over 840,834 voters who were registered to vote in the City of Houston back on Tuesday, November 5, 2019, decided not to go to the polls to vote for any of the candidates who were present on the ballot.
Comparatively speaking, only 111,789 votes were cast for Mayor Sylvester Turner, who finished first, and only 69,361 votes were cast for Tony Buzbee who finished second to force a runoff. Now, remember there were over 1,085,813, registered voters in the City of Houston back on Tuesday, November 5, 2019.

If you look at “THE HEAT CHARTS” created by Aubrey R. Taylor Communications, from the 2019 City of Houston Mayoral Election, it’s possible for someone like Gilbert Garcia, or one of the other “MAYORAL ELECTION CONTENDERS” to split John Whitmire and Sheila Jackson Lee by running a strategy that appeals to Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, and Independents, between now and Tuesday, November 7, 2023, which is Election Day, in our beloved Bayou City.