Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg (left), is sitting on one of the biggest "ELECTION FRAUD" cases in America right now. As people like Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo (center) try to protect and shield Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee from the local "CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION" that has been opened by District Attorney Kim Ogg, more trouble could lie ahead for the embattled 2023 City of Houston Mayoral Contender, who is seeking to replace term-limited Mayor Sylvester Turner. Back on Sunday, June 4, 2023, District Attorney Kim Ogg confirmed her ties to Deborah Adams, a well-known, "MAIL BALLOT HARVESTER" who also serves as a Democratic Precinct Chair, and Election Judge in Precinct 259, in Harris County, Texas. You can "CLICK HERE" to learn more.

Elderly voters are being preyed upon by people like Deborah Adams. This particular “ELDERLY VOTER” lived inside Texas State Representative House District 142 at the time this video was recorded. Now, in this video, this "ELDERLY BLACK DEMOCRAT" explains how Deborah Adams, the Harris County Democratic Chair for Precinct 259 illegally helped her to fill out her “ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOT” and sent it back to the Harris County Clerk’s Office for her – which is illegal in the State of Texas.

Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg (left) should now be fully aware of the fact that people like Deborah Adams (right), are well-known in the world of "MAIL BALLOT HARVESTING" in Harris County, Texas. "Proud to be with my friend Debra Adams, the unofficial 'Mayor of Pleasantville' who had been a friend and supporter since 2013," said District Attorney Kim Ogg, on a Sunday, June 4, 2023, FACEBOOK POST, that she posted @ 7:34 p.m. in the evening. However, the funny thing about the FACEBOOK POST is that District Attorney Kim Ogg spelled Deborah Adam's name wrong.

Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg didn't even spell her longtime friend's name right. So, how well does she actually know Deborah Adams? If you look closely at the FACEBOOK POST, that was sent out by District Attorney Kim Ogg, she spelled "Deborah" Adams, as "Debra" Adams, which seems as if she doesn't really even know Deborah Adams too well. You can "CLICK HERE" to learn more about Deborah Adams, and other ballot harvesters in Harris County, Texas.

Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg (right), appears to be shielding and protecting members of Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee's Campaign from criminal prosecution right now. You can "CLICK HERE" to confirm that the Harris County District Attorney's Office has an open "CRIMINAL CASE" against Sheila Jackson Lee's Campaign for yourself.

Kim Ogg has an "OPEN CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION" into Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee's Campaign workers, that has been pending since before Friday, September 30, 2022. You can "CLICK HERE" to see for yourself.

Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg's Office currently has an "OPEN CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION" into Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee's Campaign workers, that has been pending since before Friday, September 30, 2022. You can "CLICK HERE" to see for yourself.

Gloria Palmer has been working in local Harris County elections for 40-plus years. She's the woman who mailed the "FRAUDULENT MAIL BALLOT APPLICATIONS" through the U.S. Postal Service back during the 2020 Democratic Party Primary in Harris County, Texas. You can "CLICK HERE" to learn more about what was inside the envelope she mailed.

Gloria Palmer appears to have committed "FEDERAL MAIL FRAUD" when she placed this envelope inside the United States Postal Service containing "FRAUDULENT MAIL BALLOT APPLICATIONS" in connection to Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee's Campaign, back during the 2020 Democratic Party Primary, in Harris County, Texas.

Kathleen Hooey had already been dead for 29 years, when her signature was forged onto this "ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOT APPLICATION" in Harris County, Texas. You can "CLICK HERE" to learn more about how people working for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee's Campaign stole the identities of "DEAD BLACK VOTERS" and engaged in other criminal acts.

Gloria Chambers had already been dead for 10 years, when her signature was forged onto this "ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOT APPLICATION" in Harris County, Texas. You can "CLICK HERE" to learn more about how people working for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee's Campaign stole the identities of "DEAD BLACK VOTERS" and engaged in other criminal acts.

Jessie Burks had already been dead for 5 years, when his signature was forged onto this "ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOT APPLICATION" in Harris County, Texas. You can "CLICK HERE" to learn more about how people working for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee's Campaign stole the identities of "DEAD BLACK VOTERS" and engaged in other criminal acts.

Tommie Bookman had already been dead for 4 years, when his signature was forged onto this "ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOT APPLICATION" in Harris County, Texas. You can "CLICK HERE" to learn more about how people working for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee's Campaign stole the identities of "DEAD BLACK VOTERS" and engaged in other criminal acts.

Sylvia Thomas hadn't registered to vote in Harris County, Texas in 20 years when her signature was forged onto this "ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOT APPLICATION" in Harris County, Texas. You can "CLICK HERE" to learn more about how people working for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee's Campaign stole the identities of "DEAD BLACK VOTERS" and engaged in other criminal acts.

Tomar Bishop is the person who signed the "FRAUDULENT ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOT APPLICATION" that contained the forged signature of Sylvia Thomas. For the record, Tomar Bishop acted as the assistant/witness who assisted Gloria Palmer in the 'alleged' illegal acts that occurred back in the 2020 Democratic Party Primary in connection to Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee's Campaign. You can "CLICK HERE" to learn more about the criminal acts that occurred.

For the record, this “ELDERLY BLACK VOTER” by the name of Sylvia Thomas had her identity stolen by Tomar Bishop, who was working with Gloria Palmer for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee's Campaign back during the hotly contested Tuesday, March 3, 2020, Democratic Party Primary in Harris County, Texas. Charles "Chuck" Marler, a former FBI Investigative Specialist is the "PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR" who informed Sylvia Thomas that her identity had been stolen and used in Harris County, Texas by people working for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee's Campaign.

QUESTION #5: “How did Sylvia Thomas an elderly woman who lives and votes in New Orleans, Louisiana, and hasn’t lived in Houston, Texas in over 20 years, cast a ballot in Harris County, Texas back in the 2020 Democratic Party Primary? Wait, before answering this question, please know that Sylvia Thomas, who was born way back in 1940, has already stated for the record, that she did not request an absentee ballot, nor mail one to the Harris County Clerk’s Office.

Charles worked for the FBI for 16 years learning all facets of the Bureau’s complex operations from evidence collection, radio communications, aviation surveillance, and Forward-Looking Infra-Red (FLIR). Charles was an Investigative Specialist for 12 years as a member of the Special Surveillance Group and conducted, organized, and completed thousands of surveillances on Drug (as FLIR operator), Intelligence, and Terrorism targets. He participated in joint training operations with the DIA, DEA, JCTA, and CIA. Charles was an instructor and evaluator numerous times for the FBI’s surveillance training programs.
Charles managed a number of FLIR System Operators while coordinating one of the FBI’s prominent FLIR programs. He provided case guidance, became an expert in the operation and maintenance of FLIR equipment, and personally trained or provided training for his operators. Under Charles's leadership and guidance, the FLIR program conducted numerous successful operations against espionage subjects, suspected terrorism subjects, drug shipments, violent crimes, and kidnap searches.
Since 2008, Charles has been a co-owner of a private investigative firm based in Houston and has worked as a Private Investigator in Texas for the past four years which specializes in covert physical surveillance operations. As a P.I. he has performed criminal investigations and conducted surveillance operations involving workman’s compensation, child custody, drug use, theft, and the elusive but frequent cheating spouse.

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "For America to remain the dominant "SUPER POWER' in the world, every warm-blooded American had better start 'PUTTING PEOPLE OVER POLITICS' at the ballot box by elevating duly-qualified God-fearing leaders into positions of authority."
District Attorney Kim Ogg Has All the Evidence She Needs to Pull the Rug Out from Under Lina Hidalgo and Sheila Jackson Lee
From what I can see, Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo is trying to throw her weight around and protect corrupt “A$$” Sheila Jackson Lee, and intimidate Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg, into not seeking criminal charges against Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee’s Campaign workers – Gloria Palmer and Tomar Bishop. However, District Attorney Kim Ogg’s hands could be tied because she’s under increased scrutiny after Gov. Greg Abbott signed House Bill 17, into law.
On September 1, 2023, District Attorney like “Democrat” Kim Ogg, who refuse to prosecute certain classes of crime like “VOTER FRAUD” could be removed from office for “OFFICIAL MISCONDUCT” by Texas residents through the filing of a petition.

Every Houstonian who votes for Sheila Jackson Lee for Mayor of Houston on Tuesday, November 7, 2023, is a straight fool. Why? Well, Sheila Jackson Lee, is endorsed by Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo and Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis – right?
Ever since Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo (Democrat) defeated Harris County Judge Ed Emmett (Republican) back during the 2018 Midterm Election, she and Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis have been pushing an “EVIL AGENDA” to target (Democrat and Republican) white male and female elected officials to remove them from their elected positions and replace them with members of the “ELLIS/TURNER POLITICAL REGIME” in Harris County, Texas.

The strategy that has been instituted by the “ELLIS/TURNER POLITICAL REGIME” that’s playing out in Harris County, Texas right now, is meant to expand across the entire state of Texas in the upcoming 2024 Presidential Election in our beloved Lone Star State.
Now, what ‘clean’ Blacks, Latinos, and Caucasians who vote Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, and Independent must “WAKE-UP” and realize is that the “ELLIS/TURNER POLITICAL REGIME” is ruling Harris County, Texas with an iron fist right now, and their plan is to ultimately expand their efforts to cover the entire State of Texas – if they’re not stopped in their tracks.
For the record, the Texas Organizing Project PAC (TOP PAC) is the political arm of the Texas Organizing Project (TOP). Just so you know, TOP PAC ran the largest voter turnout program in the state of Texas back during the 2020 general election that specifically targeted infrequent and low-income voters of color according to their website.
Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis made a $150,000 donation (after he'd already given $100,000 to TOP PAC), and they gave him an in-kind contribution of $4,264.58 a few days later on 1/22/2020.
Then on 2/22/2020, (TOP) Texas Organizing Project turned around and donated $121,329.04 to Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis in the form of canvassing and phone banking services.
Are you following me? I know that these shenanigans were designed to help Commissioner Ellis win his March 3, 2020, Democratic Party Primary battle against former Judge Maria T. Jackson; but what else was this exchange of monies meant to accomplish?
My question is this, "Does anyone other than my team realize that the $250,000 donation given to (TOP) Texas Organizing Project was part of an “EVIL AGENDA” aimed at funding a ‘corrupt organization’ that’s aimed at stripping power away from clean Black, Latino, and Caucasian elected officials?

Part of the reason “Democrat” Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg and “Democrat” Harris County Commissioner Adrian Garcia are being berated by “Democrat” Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo, is because they aren’t playing along with the “EVIL AGENDA” and “DEADLY POLICIES” that have case a black shadow of Harris County, Texas.

Part of the reason “Democrat” Sheila Jackson Lee (Black female) has been endorsed by “Democrat” Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo (Latino female) over “Democrat” State Senator John Whitmire (Caucasian male), is because Whitmire could expose the dirty-underbelly of Harris County, Texas if he’s elected Mayor of Houston, instead of “Dirty” Sheila Jackson Lee, on Tuesday, November 7, 2023.
Why am I calling Sheila Jackson Lee dirty? Well, that’s because she’s as dirty as they come. And she’s been dirty for a very long time – in my opinion.
Sheila Jackson Lee has an innate penchant for turning a blind eye to crime and pretending as if she doesn’t know what’s going down. However, there’s such a thing as, “ACCOMPLICE LIABILITY” which means an accomplice faces the same degree of guilt and punishment as the individual who committed the crime. Therefore, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee should ultimately be held responsible for the actions of Gloria Palmer and Tomar Bishop – members of her ballot harvesting team.
When Gloria Palmer and Tomar Bishop stole the identities of those “DEAD BLACK VOTERS” and forged signatures on the “ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOT APPLICATIONS” back during the Tuesday, March 3, 2020, Democratic Party Primary, they did so to help Sheila Jackson Lee’s Campaign.
And when Gloria Palmer placed those “FRAUDULENT DOCUMENTS” inside the U.S. Postal Service in the same (ZIP CODE) where she lived – she committed a federal crime called “MAIL-FRAUD” which has what’s called a “jurisdictional hook” that allows the Department of Justice to prosecute this conduct as a federal crime.
From what I understand, under the mail fraud statute, is triggered if the defendant (Gloria Palmer) used the U.S. Postal Service or any private or commercial interstate carrier (like FedEx or UPS) to commit a crime – which occurred back during the Tuesday, March 3, 2020, Democratic Party Primary in Harris County, Texas.

What you have to remember is that Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee or her campaign manager didn’t have to actually mail the “FRAUDULENT DOCUMENTS” through the U.S. Postal Service to be charged and convicted of carrying out the crime of mail fraud.
Even though Gloria Palmer was the person who mailed the “FRAUDULENT DOCUMENTS” from a post office close to her house, she mailed the documents while working for Sheila Jackson Lee’s Campaign. Thus, anyone who caused Gloria Palmer to “use or caused her to use” the U.S. Postal Service can be charged with mail fraud, from what I understand.

If a charge of mail fraud like what was committed in Harris County, Texas by Sheila Jackson Lee’s ballot harvesters turns into a conviction, the person could face up to $250,000 in fines and imprisonment for up to 20 years.

My investigative team sent our claims about Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee’s Campaign workers (Gloria Palmer, Tomar Bishop, and Ray Charles Jones, Jr.) committing “ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOT FRAUD” to the Texas Secretary of State, who reviewed the investigative materials and forwarded the information to Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, with the recommendation to prosecute, from what I understand.
Once the Court of Criminal Appeals stripped Attorney General Ken Paxton of his power to directly prosecute crimes without the blessings of the local District Attorney, he forwarded our findings to “Democrat” District Attorney Kim Ogg, who appears to be sitting on the case.

Gloria Palmer and Tomar Bishop appear to have stolen the identities of “DEAD BLACK PEOPLE” and then requested “ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOT APPLICATIONS” in their names while working for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee’s Campaign back during the 2020 Democratic Party Primary.
Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee and Gerald Womack have been silent on the issue. However, my investigative team can prove that Gerald Womack, while acting as the campaign manager for Sheila Jackson Lee, was fully aware of the “MAIL FRAUD” that was carried out by the “BALLOT HARVESTERS” he hired to collect “MAIL BALLOTS” for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee’s Campaign.
Now, as the Tuesday, November 7, 2023, City of Houston Mayoral Election takes shape, state Senator John Whitmire, who is the front-runner, and the other candidates must “PLAY CLOSE ATTENTION” to the “ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOT STRATEGY” that people conspiring with Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee’s Campaign are planning to use in their efforts to unfairly influence the outcome of the Mayoral Election.

EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033

Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo and Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis have hatched an "EVIL AGENDA" that isn't going to end well for them. You can 'CLICK HERE" to learn more about the Texas Organizing Project, and their evil ways.