AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "For those of you who might not know, The Texas Secretary of State has finally decided to look into some of the claims we've made into what went down back during the 2020 Presidential Election cycle in several key races. Now, do you see Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee pictured above on the left along with businessman Gerald Womack who is widely known as Congresswoman Lee's "MONEY MAN" in many political circles? Well, Gerald Womack, in case you don't know, is a local real estate developer who doubles as Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee's campaign manager. Now, those other three jokers you see pictured above are 'allegedly' the ring leaders in what my investigative team believes is an "ABSENTEE BALLOT HARVESTING RING" that has very close ties to Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee's Campaign. That being said, the Democratic operatives you see pictured above are Gloria Palmer, Tomar Bishop, and Charles Ray Jones. Now, Palmer, Bishop and Jones were instrumental in assisting Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee with successfully defeating six Democratic challengers without a runoff election back during the 2020 Democratic Party Primary race for the 18th Congressional District. So, just for the record, Congresswoman Lee, with the help of these three jokers received more mail-ballot votes than all six of her challengers combined. Comparatively speaking, Congresswoman Lee received an astonishing 6,202 absentee ballots, Marc Flores only received 271 absentee ballots, Jerry Ford Sr. only received 168 absentee ballots, Michael Allen and Bimal Patel received 70 absentee ballots, and Donovan Boson rounded out the field of Democrats who were seeking to unseat Congresswoman Lee in the race for the 18th Congressional District with 33 absentee ballot votes. Now, did Congresswoman Lee's team cheat to get all of those absentee ballot votes? Well, you be the judge! Colleen M. Vera, a citizen reporter has discovered that Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee's team requested and mailed back absentee ballot applications for people who were dead. And some had been dead for a very long time."
Texas Secretary of State Full Forensic Audit of 2020 General Election
The Texas Secretary of State’s office has announced a full forensic audit of the 2020 General Election in Dallas, Harris, Tarrant and Collin counties. The full forensic audit is being conducted in two phases, the first of which is already underway. The purpose of this audit is to ensure all Texas voters can have confidence in the elections systems in our state, and to address any outstanding issues county election officials may face that undermines the integrity of our elections.
Phase 1: Testing Voting Machine Accuracy, Cybersecurity Assessments, and Identifying and Removing Ineligible Voters Who Cast Ballots in 2020 (Already Completed or Underway)
⧭ After every single Texas election, counties are required to conduct a partial manual count of electronic voting system ballots within 72 hours of the polls closing to ensure the accuracy of the tabulation of electronic voting systems results (Sec. 127.201).
⧭ All counties are required to undergo an Election Security Assessment (ESA) of the county’s election system (Sec. 279.003). All 254 counties have completed these assessments.
⧭ Under both state and federal law, the Texas Secretary of State’s office is empowered to maintain the accuracy of the statewide voter registration list to ensure that ineligible voters – including deceased individuals, individuals registered in multiple states or counties, and non-U.S. citizens – do not remain on the voter rolls (Secs. 18.061 – 18.0681).
⧭ As part of the audit process, the office has received reports from the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC) regarding voters who may have voted twice in state and across state lines. We have also received a report of persons who may have been deceased when a vote was cast in their name. Finally, we have identified potential non-U.S. citizen voters and have directed county voter registrars to take action to verify the eligibility of registered voters and cancel their registration if they do not present proof of eligibility. Once that action has been taken, our office evaluates the persons cancelled and refers any instances of possible illegal voting to the Office of the Texas Attorney General for investigation (Sec. 31.006).
Phase 2: Comprehensive Election Records Examination (Spring 2022)
⧭ As part of the Texas Secretary of State’s duty to assist and advise all election authorities with regard to the application, operation, and interpretation of the Texas Election Code (Sec. 31.004) and to obtain and maintain uniformity in the application of the Code (Sec. 31.003), the office will conduct a comprehensive election records examination over the next several months to ensure election administration procedures were properly followed during the 2020 General Election.
⧭ The records examined from each county will include – but are not limited to – the following types of documents:
o Logic & Accuracy Testing Records for Voting Machines, including:
All test ballots voted
Test Deck Records
Test Deck Records
Testing Media
o Early Voting and Election Day Materials, including:
List of registered voters used in the 2020 General Election
Daily Early Voting Rosters for in-person voting
Chain of Custody forms that document the seals on the ballot boxes
Chain of Custody delivery and pickup of equipment at voting sites
Statements of Residence
Reasonable Impediment Declarations
Limited Ballot Applications
Audit Logs from applicable Voting System Devices
List of Rejected Provisional Ballots and reason for rejection
Ballot and Seal Certificates
Hand Delivery of a Ballot by Mail Roster and Forms
Receipts of Sealed Early Voting Ballot Boxes
Reasonable Impediment Declarations
Limited Ballot Applications
Audit Logs from applicable Voting System Devices
List of Rejected Provisional Ballots and reason for rejection
Ballot and Seal Certificates
Hand Delivery of a Ballot by Mail Roster and Forms
Receipts of Sealed Early Voting Ballot Boxes
o Signature Verification Committee Materials
o Early Voting Ballot Board Materials, including:
Receipt of Sealed Early Voting Ballot Boxes
Poll List of Mail Voters
Notice of Rejected Carriers and reasons
o Central Counting Station Plan
o Training Materials
o Training Materials
⧭ County election officials must retain these records for 22 months under both federal law (52 USC 20701) and state law (Texas Election Code Sec. 66.058).
⧭ All of this information is available to the general public (Sec. 1.012).
⧭ After a thorough examination of the abovementioned records and materials in each county, irregularities or deviations from election administration procedures that may have affected the accuracy of the electronic voting system ballot count could trigger a full manual recount of ballots in the affected precincts or polling locations, pursuant to the Secretary of State’s authority to ensure the accuracy of the tabulation of electronic voting system results (Sec. 127.202).
Fraudulent documents were turned over to the Texas Secretary of State and Attorney General Ken Paxton for prosecution months ago by former FBI Investigative Specialist Charles Marler and Citizen Reporter Colleen M. Vera - not President Trump.

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "Several months ago, former FBI Investigative Specialist Charles Marler, conducted an thorough investigation into 'alleged' dead people requesting absentee ballot applications in Harris County, Texas during the 2020 Presidential Election. Upon completion of his investigation, he sent his findings to the Texas Secretary of State and Attorney General Ken Paxton. So, contrary to what you are hearing in the media right now -- the audit that's underway in Dallas, Harris, Tarrant and Collin counties isn't being conducted solely because of pressure from former President Donald Trump, but rather because of the hard work of people like Charles Marler, Citizen Reporter Colleen M. Vera, and many others. Charles Marler can be reached at (281)687-5015 if you would like to validate my statement of these facts."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "Do you want to know part of the reason why Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee was able to get more "ABSENTEE BALLOT VOTES" than all of her six Democratic Party Primary challengers combined back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in the race for the 18th Congressional District of Texas? Well, just ask your self: How did Sylvia Thomas an elderly woman who lives and votes in New Orleans, Louisiana and hasn’t lived in Houston, Texas in over 20 years, cast a ballot in Harris County, Texas back in the 2020 Democratic Party Primary? Wait, before answering this question, please understand that Sylvia Thomas, who was born way back in 1940, has already stated on the record, that she did not request an absentee ballot, nor did she mail one back to the Harris County Clerk’s Office. Now, is it just a coincidence that the dead people who had their identities 'possibly' stolen live in districts and precincts represented by Congresswoman Sheila Lee, Harris County Commissioner Rodney, State Senator Borris Miles, and State Rep. Senfronia Thompson?”

EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "For the record, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee is the United States Representative for the area of Harris County, Texas where “DEAD PEOPLE” had their identities 'possibly' stolen back during the Tuesday, March 3, 2020, Democratic Party Primary. And once the identities of the “DEAD PEOPLE” were 'allegedly' stolen, the dead people then supposedly requested absentee ballot applications from the grave -- right?"

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "These are not the only payments that were made to 'alleged' members of Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee's "ABSENTEE BALLOT HARVESTING RING" back during the 2020 Democratic Party Primary. However, this particular Federal Election Commission document is only being provided to illustrate the connection that Gloria Palmer, Charles Ray Jones Jr., and Tomar Bishop have to Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee. Now, while you don't see Tomar Bishop highlighted above, please understand that, Tomar Bishop served as a witness and assisted on 14 of the 100 applications for absentee mail-ballot applications that were submitted by Gloria Palmer in just one of the packages Gloria Palmer submitted."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "Gerald Womack is considered to be the "MONEY MAN" for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee. Gerald is a local real estate developer who also doubles as Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee's campaign manager. That being said, it is unclear exactly how much Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee knows about the activities that the people Gerald hires on her behalf to go out and secure "ABSENTEE BALLOTS" inside the boundaries of the 18th Congressional District. So, as the 2022 Midterm Election cycle cranks up, you can bet your bottom dollar, that Gerald Woman, Gloria Palmer, Tomar Bishop, and Charles Ray Jones will be closely monitored. Each application submitted without the voter’s knowledge and approval is a State Jail Felony…and…the punishment gets bumped up to the next higher level if the voter is over 65 and/or more than one offense occurred in the same election."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "Gloria Palmer is a convicted FORGER named in research concerning ballot harvesting in Harris County from both the 2016 and 2018 Primaries. She admitted on tape that she works to get elderly voters to submit ballots by mail supporting the candidates she works for. She also admitted on tape that she works as a nurse which gives her access to elderly voters. Gloria Palmer also claims the voters she approaches are on a list supplied to her. Gloria Palmer submitted over 100 applications for ballot by mail in just ONE packages she submitted."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "Tomar Joann LaBlanc Bishop is also a convicted felon. Recently, Tomar Bishop filed a lawsuit concerning injuries she claimed to have sustained from a motor vehicle accident. In those documents she claims to work for a home health agency named Springwell. Within those documents are samples of her signature. Tomar Bishop served as a witness and assisted on 14 of the 100 applications for ballot applications that were submitted by Gloria Palmer in just one of the packages she submitted."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "Ray Jones, is yet another convicted felon. This cat Ray Jones signed as an assistant/witness for multiple absentee mail-ballot applications. However, only one of those voters was deceased. She appears to have passed away on the same day Gloria Palmer mailed the package back to the Harris County Clerk's Office."

QUESTION #1: “How did Kathleen Hooey, who died way back in 1991, which was, 29 years prior to the 2020 Democratic Party Primary, request, sign, and mail an absentee ballot application back to the Harris County Clerk’s Office?”

QUESTION #2: “How did Gloria Chambers, who died way back in 2010, which was 10 years before the 2020 Democratic Party Primary request, sign, and mail an absentee ballot back to the Harris County Clerk’s Office?”

QUESTION #3: “How did Jessie Burks, who died back in 2015 – 5 years prior to the 2020 Democratic Party Primary, request, sign, and mail an absentee ballot back to the Harris County Clerk’s Office?”


QUESTION #4: “How did Tommie Bookman, a US Army Veteran who served his country in the Korean War; but was laid to rest in the Houston National Cemetery in back 2016 – 4 years prior to the 2020 Democratic Party Primary, request, sign, and mail an absentee ballot back to the Harris County Clerk’s Office?”

QUESTION #5: “How did Sylvia Thomas and elderly woman who lives and votes in New Orleans, Louisiana and hasn’t lived in Houston, Texas in over 20 years, cast a ballot in Harris County, Texas back in the 2020 Democratic Party Primary? Wait, before answering this question, please know that Sylvia Thomas, who was born way back in 1940, has already stated for the record, that she did not request an absentee ballot, nor mail one to the Harris County Clerk’s Office."

Colleen M. Vera is a retired school teacher, turned citizen reporter. She is working diligently to expose election fraud and corruption in Texas. She's a senior reporter with Texas Trash Talk.
Breaking News: Harris County Voter for Ballot by Mail – 29 Years After Her Death
By Colleen M. Vera
On Feb. 10, 2020, the Harris County Clerk’s Office received an annual application for Ballot by Mail, including the Democratic Party Primary, from voter Kathleen Hooey who is registered to vote at 7014 Jay Street in Houston. At first glance, all appears normal. The voter was born in 1919 so she qualifies to vote by mail under Texas Law. She signed the form and mailed it in on time, so nothing seems concerning.

But, Kathleen Hooey passed away in 1991 – 29 years BEFORE this application was signed and mailed.

And, she was not the only one.
That same day, the County Clerk’s Office received another annual application for ballot by mail, including the Democratic Primary, from voter Gloria Chambers who is registered to vote at 10525 Barnham Street in Houston. The voter was born in 1946 so she qualifies to vote by mail in Texas. Her application was signed and mailed on time - and was even signed by an assistant/witness named Tomar Bishop. So all looks good.
Except Gloria Chambers passed away in 2010 – 10 years BEFORE this application was signed and mailed.
And these two were not alone.
That same day, the County Clerk’s Office received yet another annual application for ballot by mail, including the Democratic Primary, from voter Jessie Burks who was registered to vote at 10514 Barnham Street in Houston. The voter was born in 1937 so he qualifies to vote by mail in Texas. The application was signed and mailed on time - and was again signed by an assistant/witness named Tomar Bishop. All appears to be fine.
But Jessie Burks passed away in 2015 – 5 years BEFORE this application was signed and mailed.
Again that same day, the County Clerk’s Office received another annual application for ballot by mail, including the Democratic Primary, from voter Tommie Bookman who is registered to vote at 5102 Noldale Drive in Houston. The voter was born in 1932 so he qualifies to vote by mail in Texas. The application was signed and mailed on time so all looks good.
Except Tommie Bookman, a US Army Veteran who served his country in the Korean War, was laid to rest in the Houston National Cemetery in 2016 – 4 years BEFORE this application was signed and mailed.
Also, that same day, the County Clerk’s Office received another annual application for ballot by mail, including the Democratic Primary, from voter Sylvia Thomas who is registered to vote at 10441 Barnham Street in Houston. The voter was born in 1940 so she qualifies to vote by mail in Texas. The application was signed and mailed on time - and was again signed by an assistant/witness named Tomar Bishop. All appears to be fine.
But Sylvia Thomas lives and votes in New Orleans, LA. She claims that she hasn’t lived in Houston in over 20 years and did not apply for a ballot by mail in Texas in 2020.
What do these five applications have in common?
1. All five voters who had their identities stolen are voters of color.
2. All were mailed to the County Clerk in ONE large package containing over 100 annual applications for ballot by mail, all including the Democratic Primary, with the following name on the return address:

Gloria Palmer
7413 Parker Rd
Houston, TX 77016
Who is Gloria Palmer?

Gloria Palmer is a convicted FORGER named in research concerning ballot harvesting in Harris County from both the 2016 and 2018 Primaries. She admitted on tape that she works to get elderly voters to submit ballots by mail supporting the candidates she works for. She also admitted on tape that she works as a nurse which gives her access to elderly voters. She claims the voters she approaches are on a list supplied to her.
Who is Tomar Bishop?

Tomar Joann LaBlanc Bishop is also a convicted felon. Recently, Tomar Bishop filed a lawsuit concerning injuries she claimed to have sustained from a motor vehicle accident. In those documents she claims to work for a home health agency named Springwell. Within those documents are samples of her signature.

You can decide if you think it matches the witness/assistant signatures on the ballot by mail applications.

*The signature you are looking at above was used by Tomar Bishop on the "ABSENTEE BALLOTS" that deceased people supposedly requested, signed and mailed back to the Harris County Clerk's Office during the 2020 Democratic Party Primary.

*The signature you are looking at above was used by Tomar Bishop on "COURT DOCUMENTS" in cases that she's been involved in over the years.
Why are these ladies sending in applications for deceased voters?
Could it be that they assumed the list of voters supplied to them was safe to use because the Voter Registrar always removes deceased voters from the rolls?
OOPS – REALLY BAD assumption.
Each application submitted without the voter’s knowledge and approval is a State Jail Felony…and…the punishment gets bumped up to the next higher level if the voter is over 65 and/or more than one offense occurred in the same election.
Gloria Palmar submitted over 100 applications for ballot by mail in that ONE package. Tomar Bishop witnessed/assisted 14 of them.

Another individual who signed as an assistant/witness for multiple applications was Ray Jones, but only one of those voters is deceased. She appears to have passed away the same day Gloria Palmer mailed the package.
Who is Ray Jones?
Ray Jones, the is yet another convicted felon. Samples of his signature can be found in court records.

You can decide if you think it matches the assistant/witness signatures on the ballot by mail applications.

On his court documents and voter registration, Ray Jones claims his address is 6019 Mohawk. On these ballot by mail applications, Ray Jones claims his address is 12210 Wild Pine Dr. Apt B. There is only one person registered to vote at that address, a woman named Lisa Powell.
Look whose signatures are on bail bonds for Ray Jones...

If you look closely will see the name Tomar Bishop highlighted in red on this "SURETY BOND" that was posted for Charles Ray Jones.

If you look closely will see the name Lisa Powell highlighted in red on this "SURETY BOND" that was posted for Charles Ray Jones.

What a small world!
What do Gloria Palmer, Ray Jones and Lisa Powell all have in common?

They were all paid by US Rep Sheila Jackson Lee’s Campaign in the 2020 Democratic Primary as:

"campaign assistant"
"polling assistant" or
"temp worker."

And even more remarkable...for the work she did for Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee’s campaign…Lisa Powell’s address was listed as 6019 Mohawk – the same address where Ray Jones is registered to vote.

The Democrats in the Texas Legislature fought hard to stop all bills which would help to clean up our voter rolls and tighten security in ballot by mail. They and their allies, the League of Women Voters, NAACP, Texas Civil Rights Project, etc. screamed loud and clear that voter fraud DOES NOT EXIST. Anyone who wants to remove dead persons from the voter rolls or require any form ID for mailed ballots is a crazy, nut-job, Jim Crow 2.0 racist. The Democrats even walked out of the Texas House to break quorum to prevent election bills from passing.
The four Harris County Democratic leaders who have been all over the media sabotaging Texas Republicans who are pushing to clean up the voter rolls and require some type of ID to vote by mail are:
1. US Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee
2. State Senator Borris Miles
3. State Rep. Senfronia Thompson
4. County Commissioner Rodney Ellis
What is the biggest coincidence in all this fraud?
Guess which US Rep. represents ALL FIVE VOTERS whose identities were stolen?

Guess which State Senator represents ALL FIVE VOTERS whose identities were stolen?

Guess which Texas Rep. represents ALL FIVE VOTERS whose identities were stolen?

Guess which County Commissioner represents ALL FIVE VOTERS whose identities were stolen?

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "Now is the time when our love for America must prevail. It is incumbent upon us to elected "PUBLIC SERVANTS" who understand that they work for the people. We need "ELECTED OFFICIALS" in office who love "OUR CONSTITUTION" and the ideals that our nation was founded upon by our forefathers. We must endeavor to "PUT PEOPLE OVER POLITICS" and do what's best for America during this crucial moment during the history of our great nation."
We Must Make it Our Business to Nominate the Right Democratic and Republican Candidates in the Upcoming 2022 Primary Elections
Make no mistake about it, who the people of Harris County, Texas choose to give another term to in 2022 must be about substance, job performance, judicial temperament, competence, and whether or not our members of the judiciary are following the law with their rulings. And that being said, in 2022, it is incumbent upon the voters of Harris County to evaluate the job performance of each and every sitting "ELECTED OFFICIAL" on a case-by-case basis and not as a group based on their political party affiliation, ethnicity, or gender.

If you are a candidate planning to run for office in 2022, you have to select the right candidate to run against. And the second most important thing to understand is that you have to select your race early, to avoid ending up in a crowded field of candidates on "SUPER TUESDAY" in Harris County, Texas. So, if you need assistance trying to determine which race to enter, please call (281)788-3033, and I will do my very best to answer any questions you may have.

EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033

269TH CIVIL DISTRICT COURT: "The Honorable Judge Cory Sepolio is our endorsed candidate in the race for the 269th Civil District Court for the upcoming 2022 Democratic Party Primary Election on "SUPER TUESDAY" in Harris County, Texas."

270TH CIVIL DISTRICT COURT: "The Honorable Judge Dedra Davis is our endorsed candidate in the race for the 270th Civil District Court for the upcoming 2022 Democratic Party Primary Election on "SUPER TUESDAY" in Harris County, Texas."

257TH FAMILY DISTRICT COURT: "The Honorable Judge Sandra J. Peake is our endorsed candidate in the race for the 257th Family District Court for the upcoming 2022 Democratic Party Primary Election on "SUPER TUESDAY" in Harris County, Texas."

295TH CIVIL DISTRICT COURT: "The Honorable Judge Donna Roth is our endorsed candidate in the race for the 295th Civil District Court for the upcoming 2022 Democratic Party Primary Election on "SUPER TUESDAY" in Harris County, Texas."

310TH FAMILY DISTRICT COURT: "The Honorable Judge Sonya Heath is our endorsed candidate in the race for the 310th Family District Court for the upcoming 2022 Democratic Party Primary Election on "SUPER TUESDAY" in Harris County, Texas."

314TH JUVENILE DISTRICT COURT: "The Honorable Judge Michelle Moore is our endorsed candidate in the race for the 314th Juvenile District Court for the upcoming 2022 Democratic Party Primary Election on "SUPER TUESDAY" in Harris County, Texas."

HARRIS COUNTY CIVIL COURT AT LAW NO.1: "The Honorable Judge Audrie Lawton Evans is our endorsed candidate in the race for Harris County Civil Court at Law #1 for the upcoming 2022 Democratic Party Primary Election on "SUPER TUESDAY" in Harris County, Texas."

HARRIS COUNTY CRIMINAL COURT AT LAW NO.3: "The Honorable Judge Erica Hughes is our endorsed candidate in the race for Harris County Criminal Court at Law #3 for the upcoming 2022 Democratic Party Primary Election on "SUPER TUESDAY" in Harris County, Texas."

JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, PRECINCT 3, PLACE 2: "The Honorable Judge Lucia G. Bates is our endorsed candidate in the race for Harris County Justice of the Peace for Precinct 3, Place 2 for the upcoming 2022 Democratic Party Primary Election on "SUPER TUESDAY" in Harris County, Texas."

55TH CIVIL DISTRICT COURT: "The Honorable Former Judge Nile Copeland is our endorsed candidate in the race for the 55th Civil District Court for the upcoming 2022 Republican Party Primary Election on "SUPER TUESDAY" in Harris County, Texas."

HARRIS COUNTY PROBATE COURT NO.1: "The Honorable Former Judge Loyd Wright is our endorsed candidate in the race for Harris County Probate Court #1 for the upcoming 2022 Republican Party Primary Election on "SUPER TUESDAY" in Harris County, Texas."

EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033