Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee is pictured with Senator Joe Biden, the Democratic nominee for President of the United States. As a refresher, both U. S. Senator Joe Biden and Congresswoman Lee totally dismantled their Democratic challengers in the recent Democratic Party primaries that took place back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in Harris County, Texas. Sen. Joe Biden received an astonishing 121,866 votes to capture 37.69% of the vote against a stellar field of Democratic Presidential hopefuls. As for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, she obliterated her six Democratic challengers with no need for a runoff. In case you don't remember, she received an astonishing 49,729 votes, for 77.08% of the vote. So, while her victory was impressive, back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, there won't be any straight-ticket voting on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, in the general election when she will have to face off against, either Wendell Champion or Robert M. Cadena. While Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee is expected to have little trouble with either opponent, she must rally her troops to get to the polls. Why? Well, since the 18th Congressional District has 400,859 registered voters, there are 351,130 registered voters who did not go to the polls to vote for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020. So, even though, her Republican challenger will face an uphill battle in his quest to unseat her, it is not outside of the realm of possibility that a candidate like Wendell Champion could give her a run for her money with the right resources and strategy.
“Don’t Panic - Prepare” -- The Battle of Texas, Featuring "Our" Congresswoman Shelia Jackson Lee, 18th Congressional District
By Preston Middleton
“This is not a time for hysteria or propaganda, but rather a time for facts and action. We must continue to utilize all information and federal resources available to ensure that efforts to stem the spread of this virus are successful. My office will continue to monitor all the efforts to contain and cure this virus by working with local, state, and federal officials.” -- Don’t panic prepare Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee 18th Congressional District of Texas
Over the last 6 weeks, a pandemic tsunami has ravaged our country. Never in the 243 years of our country have we experienced anything like what we’re faced with now. The COVID- 19 virus has unleashed a seismic tidal wave of pain destroying tens of thousands of lives and as the stories of biblical locusts, no one knows when this appetite of destruction will cease.
Now is the time that we need strong leadership, a steady hand to guide us through this storm. We need grace and courage under fire, generals that are not afraid to look down the weapons of the enemy. We need leaders that will speak almighty truth to power. We need anointed wisdom and experience to see us through this critical period. We are blessed to have the continued leadership of Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, the senior U. S. representative for the 18th Congressional District of Texas. We’ve all watched in horror as our family, friends and fellow citizens have fallen victim to the Coronavirus, a name none of us knew just 6 months ago.
We have watched and observed as our Congresswoman has continued to wage nothing short of a battle against the clock while every second and every minute has counted. Unfortunately, now in our nation, thousands lay dead in refrigerator trucks and unoccupied hospital rooms which serve as makeshift morgues. We watched in disbelief as other major cities begged the federal government for help, pleaded for PPE’s, testing kits and from a stay at home proclamation from the federal government. A proclamation that could have saved countless lives. We all watched while other cities faced uncertainty and rising infection rates. Through all this turmoil, our Congresswoman was able to utilize her skillful leadership to provide 5 free, and much needed, Houston area Coronavirus testing sites here in the 4th largest city in the United States.
Congresswoman Jackson Lee, as a Senior Homeland Security Committee Member said, “I am well aware of the critical importance of continued access to COVID-19 testing. That is why I am announcing that despite impending shortages elsewhere in the city, the five United Memorial Medical Center COVID-19 testing sites remain active and testing will continue as scheduled. While the news of an impending shortage of COVID-19 tests in Houston/Harris County is unfortunate, I am grateful to the United Memorial Medical Center team for their diligent dedication to ensuring Houstonians continue to have access to no-cost COVID-19 testing. The UMMC team has expanded its efforts to include mobile testing, further ensuring testing is made available to some of Houston’s most vulnerable communities, and our senior citizens. Using mobile testing, UMMC can reach senior citizens in their neighborhoods and housing facilities. This is an innovative response to the lack of testing due to transportation issues, and shelter in place mandates disproportionately impacting our seniors.”
This week, Texas Governor Greg Abbott inexplicably along with other Republican Governors, is pushing to lift the stay at home orders while the President has falsely asserted that he has the absolute and total power to do so. However, the power actually rests in the hands of the Governors of the respective states. Congresswoman Jackson Lee asserts that without continued testing and continued social distancing by Americans, we could see another surge in infection rates. To counter Governor Abbott and President Trump’s ill-advised rush to end stay at home directives, Congresswoman Jackson Lee strongly points to the recent statement from the World Health Organization (WHO) which states, “I know that some countries are already planning the transition out of stay-at-home restrictions. The WHO wants to see restrictions lifted as much as anyone. At the same time, lifting restrictions too quickly could lead to a deadly resurgence. The WHO is working with affected countries on strategies for gradually and safely easing restrictions. Important factors to consider are:
First, that transmission and potential infection is controlled;

Second, that enough public health and medical services are available;

Third, that outbreak risks in special settings like long-term care facilities are minimized;

Fourth, those preventive measures are in place in workplaces, schools and other places where it’s essential for people to be present;

Fifth, that importation risks can be managed;

And sixth – and I cannot over-emphasize this point – that communities are fully aware and engaged in the transition.
Every single person has a role to play in ending this pandemic! We are particularly concerned by the large numbers of infections reported among health workers. In some countries, there are reports of more than 10 percent of health workers being infected. This is an alarming trend. “When health workers are at risk, we’re all at risk,” says Dr. Tedros Adhanom, WHO Director-General. (*At present none of these are in place nationally.)
In recent days, the Congresswoman said that in Los Angeles County alone, if stay at home measures are lifted, that city could see infection rates rise to 95 % of the total population being infected. This was widely reported by the LA Times and CNN. The Congresswoman is strongly against any premature actions that would put Houston area citizens in “harm’s way”.
As Chair of the Coronavirus Task Force, the Congresswoman released the following statement:
“My office will continue advocating for more testing sites throughout the Houston area and to secure the proper resources for the treatment of this dreadful virus. In my role as the Chair of the Congressional Coronavirus Task Force and as a senior member of the House Committee on Homeland Security which is responsible for the domestic health security of our nation, I am familiar with the critical importance testing poses to the people of Houston and Harris County in mitigating the spread of COVID-19. Additionally, North East Houston where Forest Brook Middle school is located has been disproportionately under-serviced and I am dedicated to bringing this life-saving effort to my constituents regardless of their zip code. This is about protecting our beloved city, family, our children, loved ones and our seniors. To address these issues, we are providing mobile testing for seniors and first responders at the Jacinto City Community Building. Our senior citizens and first responders are extremely vulnerable to this devastating virus, but it has proven deadly to young people as well and they make up the vast majority of those being tested. Our efforts must target our senior citizens. We must test as many people as possible from all demographic groups to end this pandemic. Experts are projecting that up to 200,000 or more people in the United States will die from the Coronavirus, it is imperative that we keep increasing testing opportunities throughout the City of Houston, Harris County, Fort Bend County, and neighboring areas. The opening of this new site is part of the constant and needed expansion for testing to make our situation better. I am proud of the proactive pace of the United Memorial Medical Center (UMMC) in providing the critical testing needed to slow the infection rate”.
The need to open the very first free testing location on West Tidwell was also addressed. This location along with 4 additional free testing locations was made possible again with the cooperation and outstanding leadership by the United Memorial Medical Center. Congresswoman Jackson Lee along with Syed Mohiuddin, CEO of United Memorial Medical Center UMMC, Dr. Joseph Varon Chief Medical Officer UMMC and Duni Hebron, Director of Government Relations & Communications UMMC has accomplished a feat of heroic proportions. Utilizing private and public funds to service communities in imminent danger, Congresswoman Jackson Lee has stressed repeatedly that this virus is a threat that is virulent, meaning that its severity to affect humans and resist current known treatments. The only way we protect ourselves is through aggressive social distancing, consistent adaptive measures like washing sanitizing of hands, wearing masks and testing of the community in mass.
In a recent press conference during the opening of the Cullen Middle school testing site, Congresswoman Jackson Lee emphasized the importance of free testing for Houston area citizens and for communities of color. Her thoughts are echoed by a recent New York Times article published on April 7, 2020, which states, “Black Americans Face Alarming Rates of Coronavirus Infection in Some States”. It states as follows, “The coronavirus is infecting and killing black people in the United States at disproportionately high rates, according to data released by several states and big cities, highlighting what public health researchers say are entrenched inequalities in resources, health, and access to care. In Illinois, 43 % of people who have died from the disease and 28 percent of those who have tested positive are African Americans, a group that makes up just 15% of the state’s population. African Americans who account for a third of positive tests in Michigan represent 40% of deaths in that state even though they make up 14% of the population. In Louisiana, about 70% of the people who have died are Black, though only a third of that state’s population is Black”.
It is evident that these statistics could mirror what could be a devastating harbinger of Houston’s near future if strategic, coordinated and decisive action is NOT continued. “We must rely on medical professionals and science to lead us out of this storm, not politics and self-interests” stated Congresswoman Jackson Lee. It has not gone unnoticed that our esteemed member of Congress has not only worked to provide testing for her district but also for populations outside of her district across the multi-county region. Congresswoman Jackson Lee, in a bipartisan effort (rare in the current political climate), has worked with Republican Congressman Pete Olson of the 22nd District of Texas along with UMMC to open the first Sugar Land free Coronavirus testing site located at the Smart Financial Center.
Congresswoman Jackson Lee stated, “My prayers and thoughts are with the families and loved ones of the people who have lost their lives to the COVID-19 disease. We speak your names and advocate in your honor. We are on a long journey, but we will travel this journey together as friends and family through faith and prayer. Our hope going forward is that all Houstonians follow and continue all medical and scientific-based guidelines. Our lives and the lives of our family and loved ones depend on what we do in the next two weeks. Let’s win this fight, let’s come together 1as one. We are Texans and we are Houston Strong!"
In closing, we thank the Congresswoman and the staff at United Memorial Medical Center, and we all owe you a huge debt of gratitude. All first responders will remain in our prayers.
Next Wave Entertainment Properties LLC.

“Don’t Panic - Prepare” -- The Battle of Texas, Featuring "Our" Congresswoman Shelia Jackson Lee was submitted by Preston Middleton, the Chief Executive Officer at Next Wave Entertainment Properties LLC. Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee will be on your Tuesday, November 3, 2020, general election ballot in the race for United States Congress for the 18th Congressional District of Texas. Early voting will begin on Monday, October 19, 2020, and end on Friday, October 30, 2020.

In case you don't know, the following COVID-19 screening locations are open from 9am-4pm Monday-Friday -- United Memorial Medical Center, located at 510 W Tidwell Rd, Houston, Texas: Forest Brook Middle School located at 7525 Tidwell Rd, Houston, Texas; Smart Financial Centre at Sugar Land located at 18111 Lexington Blvd, Sugar Land Texas, and Cullen Middle School located at 6900 Scott St, Houston, Texas. Want more information? Please click here if you have any questions.

Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee and Sen. Joe Biden Will Both Be on Your Tuesday, November 3, 2020 Ballot in Harris County, Texas
We're living in some serious times. And during serious times, we need serious people who know how to get the job done! While we are a long way off from deciding who we are going to endorse in the race for President of the United States, and the 18th Congressional District of Texas, it's never too early for us to start researching the candidates. So, to this end, please do your very best to make a wise voting decision on Tuesday, November 3, 2020. Also, please do not forget that there are still a few Democratic and Republican runoff races that will be decided on Tuesday, July 14, 2020, in the state of Texas. To this end, Congresswoman Lee's Republican opponent will be decided on July 14th. Wendell Champion and Robert Cadena are the two Republicans who are vying for the Republican nomination in the race for the 18th Congressional District of Texas.
We're living in some serious times. And during serious times, we need serious people who know how to get the job done! While we are a long way off from deciding who we are going to endorse in the race for President of the United States, and the 18th Congressional District of Texas, it's never too early for us to start researching the candidates. So, to this end, please do your very best to make a wise voting decision on Tuesday, November 3, 2020. Also, please do not forget that there are still a few Democratic and Republican runoff races that will be decided on Tuesday, July 14, 2020, in the state of Texas. To this end, Congresswoman Lee's Republican opponent will be decided on July 14th. Wendell Champion and Robert Cadena are the two Republicans who are vying for the Republican nomination in the race for the 18th Congressional District of Texas.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033

Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee is Doing a Fantastic Job for the People of Texas During the COVID-19 Pandemic in My Opinion
I don't necessarily agree with every decision I've seen our "ELECTED OFFICIALS" in Texas make over the course of the last few weeks. However, I am a firm believer that we must give credit where credit is due. I've sat back and watched a lot of folks grand-stand and hog the cameras seeking all the media attention they could get -- but not Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee. Ever since this war against the Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic got underway, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee has been making all the right moves. She's been putting in some serious work, and in my opinion, I believe her efforts should be applauded. And the remarkable thing about Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee is that she's been doing all this work, even though she's in the midst of a bitter re-election campaign. In case you don't remember, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee was challenged by six fellow Democrats back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in the Democrat Party primary race for the 18th Congressional District of Texas. And believe it or not, she put on a dazzling show of power and grace as she beat back her challengers by garnering an astonishing 77.08% of the vote. I must say, I'm very impressed that she was able to dismantle her field of challengers without a runoff. As a refresher, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee received 49,729 votes, for 77.08% of the vote to finish first. Marc Flores received 5,353 votes, for 8.30% of the vote to finish second. Bimal Patel received 2,456 votes, for 3.81% of the vote to finish third. Jerry Ford, Sr. received 2,417 votes for 3.75% of the vote to finish fourth. Stevens Orozco received 2,180 votes, for 3.38% of the vote to finish fifth. Michael Allen received 1,672 votes for 2.59% of the vote to finish sixth. And Donovan Boson rounded out the field of people challenging Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee back on Tuesday, Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in the Democratic Party primary race for the 18th Congressional District by finishing seventh.
I don't necessarily agree with every decision I've seen our "ELECTED OFFICIALS" in Texas make over the course of the last few weeks. However, I am a firm believer that we must give credit where credit is due. I've sat back and watched a lot of folks grand-stand and hog the cameras seeking all the media attention they could get -- but not Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee. Ever since this war against the Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic got underway, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee has been making all the right moves. She's been putting in some serious work, and in my opinion, I believe her efforts should be applauded. And the remarkable thing about Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee is that she's been doing all this work, even though she's in the midst of a bitter re-election campaign. In case you don't remember, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee was challenged by six fellow Democrats back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in the Democrat Party primary race for the 18th Congressional District of Texas. And believe it or not, she put on a dazzling show of power and grace as she beat back her challengers by garnering an astonishing 77.08% of the vote. I must say, I'm very impressed that she was able to dismantle her field of challengers without a runoff. As a refresher, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee received 49,729 votes, for 77.08% of the vote to finish first. Marc Flores received 5,353 votes, for 8.30% of the vote to finish second. Bimal Patel received 2,456 votes, for 3.81% of the vote to finish third. Jerry Ford, Sr. received 2,417 votes for 3.75% of the vote to finish fourth. Stevens Orozco received 2,180 votes, for 3.38% of the vote to finish fifth. Michael Allen received 1,672 votes for 2.59% of the vote to finish sixth. And Donovan Boson rounded out the field of people challenging Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee back on Tuesday, Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in the Democratic Party primary race for the 18th Congressional District by finishing seventh.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033

Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee will have to face off against Wendell Champion, or Robert Cadena on Tuesday, November 3, 2020
On Tuesday, November 3, 2020, in the general election, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee will have to face off against either Wendell Champion, or Robert Cadena. These are the top two vote-getters from the field of six Republicans who were seeking the Republican nomination back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020. As a refresher, Wendell Champion emerged as the "FRONT-RUNNER" by receiving 3,428 votes for 35.11% of the vote. Robert M. Cadena finished second by receiving 2,005 votes for 20.53% of the vote. T.C. Manning finished third with 18.67% of the vote. Nathan J. Milliron finished fourth with 11.02% of the vote. Ava Reynero Pate finished fifth with 8.13% of the vote. And Truly Heiskell rounded out the field of Republican candidates running for the 18th Congressional District back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, by garnering 6.53% of the vote. So, I would be highly surprised if we aren't looking at a showdown between Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee and Wendell Champion on Tuesday, November 3, 2020. I don't know a whole lot about this Wendell Champion guy at this point. But from what I understand, he's got a remarkable story. According to his website, his personal journey from “Welfare to West Point” combined with his proven leadership and professional experience as a former army officer, lawyer, corporate manager, youth minister, as well as a community volunteer and community organizer demonstrate a lifetime commitment as a public servant has uniquely prepared him to represent the people of the 18th Congressional District. However, he's going to have his handful trying to unseat Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee on Tuesday, November 3, 2020. Why? Well, for starters, there are more than 400,859 registered voters in the 18th Congressional District. However, only 12,337 of the 400,859 registered voters in the 18th Congressional District voted in the Republican Party primary back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020. Comparatively speaking, 68,736 of the 400,859 registered voters in the 18th Congressional District voted in the Democratic Party Primary back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020. What does this mean? I'm about to tell you if you hold your horses. Only 17.15% of the registered voters in the 18th Congressional District voted in the Democratic Party primary on Tuesday, March 3, 2020. And on the Republican side, only 3.08% of the registered voters in the 18th Congressional District voted in the Republican Party primary back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020. Who will win the 18th Congressional District on Tuesday, November 3, 2020? Make no mistake about it, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee is the odds on favorite. However, you must remember, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee only received 49,729 votes, back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in the Democratic Party Primary. Why is this significant? Well, since the 18th Congressional District has 400,859 registered voters, there are 351,130 registered voters who did not go to the polls to vote for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee. So, even though, her Republican challenger will face an uphill battle, it is not outside of the realm of possibility that a candidate like Wendell Champion could give her a run for her money with the right resources and strategy.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033

MJ "Mary Hegar" is heading into the Tuesday, July 14, 2020, runoff election in the race for the United States Senate as the "FRONT-RUNNER" against Royce West. In case you don't know, MJ Hegar received 412,897 votes back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in the Democratic Primary, according to the "Unofficial" election returns published by the Texas Secretary of State.

State Sen. Royce West is heading into the Tuesday, July 14, 2020, runoff election in the race for the United States Senate as the "RUNNER-UP" against MJ Hegar. In case you don't know, State Sen. Royce West received 269,027 votes back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in the Democratic Primary, according to the "Unofficial" election returns published by the Texas Secretary of State.

Sima Lajervardian is heading into the Tuesday, July 14, 2020, runoff election in the race for United States Representative, District 2 as the "FRONT-RUNNER" against Elisa Cardnell. In case you don't know, Sima Ladjevardian received 26,410 votes back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in the Democratic Primary, according to the "Unofficial" election returns published by the Texas Secretary of State.

Elisa Cardnell is heading into the Tuesday, July 14, 2020, runoff election in the race for United States Representative, District 2 as the "RUNNER-UP" against Sima Ladjevardian. In case you don't know, Elisa Cardnell received 17,210 votes back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in the Democratic Primary, according to the "Unofficial" election returns published by the Texas Secretary of State.

Michael Siegel is heading into the Tuesday, July 14, 2020, runoff election in the race for United States Representative, District 10 as the "FRONT-RUNNER" against Pritesh Gandhi. In case you don't know, Michael Siegel received 35.450 votes back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in the Democratic Primary, according to the "Unofficial" election returns published by the Texas Secretary of State.

Pritesh Gandhi is heading into the Tuesday, July 14, 2020, runoff election in the race for United States Representative, District 10 as the "RUNNER-UP" against Michael Siegel. In case you don't know, Pritesh Gandhi received 26,683 votes back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in the Democratic Primary, according to the "Unofficial" election returns published by the Texas Secretary of State.

Chrysta Castañeda is heading into the Tuesday, July 14, 2020, runoff election in the race for Texas Railroad Commissioner as the "FRONT-RUNNER" against Roberto Alonzo. In case you don't know, Chrysta Castañeda received 592,770 votes back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in the Democratic Primary, according to the "Unofficial" election returns published by the Texas Secretary of State.

Roberto Alonzo is heading into the Tuesday, July 14, 2020, runoff election in the race for Texas Railroad Commissioner as the "RUNNER-UP" against Chrysta Castañeda. In case you don't know, Roberto Alonzo received 503,666 votes back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in the Democratic Primary, according to the "Unofficial" election returns published by the Texas Secretary of State.

Michelle Palmer is heading into the Tuesday, July 14, 2020, runoff election in the race for Member, State Board of Education, District 6 as the "FRONT-RUNNER" against Kimberly R. McLeod. In case you don't know, Michelle Palmer received 51,778 votes back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in the Democratic Primary, according to the "Unofficial" election returns published by the Texas Secretary of State.

Kimberly R. McLeod is heading into the Tuesday, July 14, 2020, runoff election in the race for Member, State Board of Education, District 6 as the "RUNNER-UP" against Michelle Palmer. In case you don't know, Kimberly R. McLeod received 38,297 votes back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in the Democratic Primary, according to the "Unofficial" election returns published by the Texas Secretary of State.

Akilah Bacy is heading into the Tuesday, July 14, 2020, runoff election in the race for State Representative, District 138 as the "FRONT-RUNNER" against Jenifer Renee Pool. In case you don't know, Akilah Bacy received 4,387 votes back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in the Democratic Primary, according to the "Unofficial" election returns published by the Texas Secretary of State.

Jenifer Renee Pool is heading into the Tuesday, July 14, 2020, runoff election in the race for State Representative, District 138 as the "RUNNER-UP" against Akilah Bacy. In case you don't know, Jenifer Renee Pool received 2,751 votes back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in the Democratic Primary, according to the "Unofficial" election returns published by the Texas Secretary of State.

State Rep. Harold Dutton is heading into the Tuesday, July 14, 2020, runoff election in the race for State Representative, District 142 as the "FRONT-RUNNER" against Jerry Davis. In case you don't know, State Rep. Harold Dutton received 5,723 votes back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in the Democratic Primary, according to the "Unofficial" election returns published by the Texas Secretary of State.

Jerry Davis is heading into the Tuesday, July 14, 2020, runoff election in the race for State Representative, District 142 as the "RUNNER-UP" against State Rep. Dutton. In case you don't know, Jerry Davis received 3,199 votes back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in the Democratic Primary, according to the "Unofficial" election returns published by the Texas Secretary of State.

State Rep. Anna Eastman is heading into the Tuesday, July 14, 2020, runoff election in the race for State Representative, District 148 as the "FRONT-RUNNER" against Penny Morales Shaw. In case you don't know, State Rep. Anna Eastman received 6,159 votes back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in the Democratic Primary, according to the "Unofficial" election returns published by the Texas Secretary of State.

Penny Morales-Shaw is heading into the Tuesday, July 14, 2020, runoff election in the race for State Representative, District 148 as the "RUNNER-UP" against State Rep. Anna Eastman. In case you don't know, Penny Morales-Shaw received 3,269 votes back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in the Democratic Primary, according to the "Unofficial" election returns published by the Texas Secretary of State.

Tamika Craft is heading into the Tuesday, July 14, 2020, runoff election in the race for Justice 14th Court of Appeals, Place 7 as the "FRONT-RUNNER" against Cheri Thomas. In case you don't know, Tamika Craft received 137,360 votes back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in the Democratic Primary, according to the "Unofficial" election returns published by the Texas Secretary of State.

Cheri Thomas is heading into the Tuesday, July 14, 2020, runoff election in the race for Justice, 14th Court of Appeals, Place 7 as the "RUNNER-UP" against Tamika Craft. In case you don't know, Cheri Thomas received 86,821 votes back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in the Democratic Primary, according to the "Unofficial" election returns published by the Texas Secretary of State.

Cheryl Elliott-Thornton is heading into the Tuesday, July 14, 2020, runoff election in the race for Judge, 164th Civil District Court as the "FRONT-RUNNER" against Judge Alexandra Smoots-Thomas. In case you don't know, Cheryl Elliott-Thornton received 102,777 votes back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in the Democratic Primary, according to the "Unofficial" election returns published by the Texas Secretary of State.

Judge Alexandra Smoots-Thomas is heading into the Tuesday, July 14, 2020, runoff election in the race for Judge, 164th Civil District Court as the "RUNNER-UP" against Cheryl Elliott-Thornton. In case you don't know, Judge Alexandra Smoots-Thomas received 82,345 votes back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in the Democratic Primary, according to the "Unofficial" election returns published by the Texas Secretary of State.

Te'iva Bell is heading into the Tuesday, July 14, 2020, runoff election in the race for Judge, 339th Criminal District Court as the "FRONT-RUNNER" against Candance White. In case you don't know, Te'iva Bell received 108,764 votes back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in the Democratic Primary, according to the "Unofficial" election returns published by the Texas Secretary of State.

Candance White is heading into the Tuesday, July 14, 2020, runoff election in the race for Judge, 339th Criminal District Court as the "RUNNER-UP" against Te'iva Bell. In case you don't know, Candance White received 89,286 votes back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in the Democratic Primary, according to the "Unofficial" election returns published by the Texas Secretary of State.

Diana Alexander is heading into the Tuesday, July 14, 2020, runoff election in the race for Harris County Commissioner, Precinct 3 as the "FRONT-RUNNER" against Michael Moore. In case you don't know, Diana Alexander received 16,472 votes back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in the Democratic Primary, according to the "Unofficial" election returns published by the Harris County Clerk.

Michael Moore is heading into the Tuesday, July 14, 2020, runoff election in the race for Harris County Commissioner, Precinct 3 as the "RUNNER-UP" against Diana Alexander. In case you don't know, Michael Moore received 16,092 votes back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in the Democratic Primary, according to the "Unofficial" election returns published by the Harris County Clerk.

Israel Garcia is heading into the Tuesday, July 14, 2020, runoff election in the race for Justice of the Peace, Precinct 5, Place 1 as the "FRONT-RUNNER" against Roel Garcia. In case you don't know, Israel Garcia received 26,701 votes back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in the Democratic Primary, according to the "Unofficial" election returns published by the Harris County Clerk.

Roel Garcia is heading into the Tuesday, July 14, 2020, runoff election in the race for Justice of the Peace, Precinct 5, Place 1 as the "RUNNER-UP" against Israel Garcia. In case you don't know, Roel Garcia received 16,933 votes back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in the Democratic Primary, according to the "Unofficial" election returns published by the Harris County Clerk.

Lieutenant Jerry Garcia is heading into the Tuesday, July 14, 2020, runoff election in the race for Harris County Constable Precinct 2 as the "FRONT-RUNNER" against Constable Chris Diaz. In case you don't know, Lieutenant Jerry Garcia received 5,766 votes back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in the Democratic Primary, according to the "Unofficial" election returns published by the Harris County Clerk.

Constable Chris Diaz is heading into the Tuesday, July 14, 2020, runoff election in the race for Harris County Constable Precinct 2 as the "RUNNER-UP" against Lieutenant Jerry Garcia. In case you don't know, Constable Chris Diaz received 5,122 votes back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in the Democratic Primary, according to the "Unofficial" election returns published by the Harris County Clerk.

Constable Sherman Eagleton is heading into the Tuesday, July 14, 2020, runoff election in the race for Harris County Constable Precinct 3 as the "FRONT-RUNNER" against former Harris County Precinct 3 Commissioner Ken Jones. In case you don't know, Constable Sherman Eagleton received 10,008 votes back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in the Democratic Primary, according to the "Unofficial" election returns published by the Harris County Clerk.

Former Constable Ken Jones is heading into the Tuesday, July 14, 2020, runoff election in the race for Harris County Constable Precinct 3 as the "RUNNER-UP" against Constable Sherman Eagleton. In case you don't know, Ken Jones received 3,391 votes back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in the Democratic Primary, according to the "Unofficial" election returns published by the Harris County Clerk. However, in a recent turn of events, Eric Reed, Deborah Florus, and Michel (Poppy) Pappillion have all decided to throw their support behind Ken Jones. This could make the runoff showdown between Constable Sherman Eagleton and former Precinct 3 Constable Ken Jones one of the most intriguing races on the entire May 26th Democratic runoff ballot. Why? Well, at first glance it would appear that Constable Sherman Eagleton is the clear, and decisive "FRONT-RUNNER" heading into the runoff showdown. However, when you take into account that Eric Reed received 1,810 votes for 8.58% of the vote; Deborah Florus received 3,279 votes for 15.54% of the vote; Michael (Poppy) Pappillion received 913 votes for 4.33% of the vote, and Ken Jones himself received 3,391 votes for 16.07% of the vote, it isn't difficult to see that the "RUNOFF SHOWDOWN" between Constable Eagleton and Ken Jones won't be as lopsided as their Democratic Primary was back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020. Another key factor to pay close attention to is the fact that only 23,896 votes were cast back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in the race for Harris County Constable for Precinct 3. Why is this significant? Well, according to the Harris County Clerk's Office, there are 197,063 registered voters in Precinct 3 who could potentially turn out on Tuesday, May 26, 2020. So both Constable Sherman Eagleton (the current Constable for Precinct 3) and Ken Jones (the former Constable for Precinct 3) will both have their work cut out for them between now and the start of the "EARLY VOTING PERIOD" which begins on Monday, July 6, 2020, and ends on Friday, July 10, 2020, in Harris County, Texas.

Randal Newman is heading into the Tuesday, July 14, 2020, runoff election in the race for Harris County Constable Precinct 5 as the "FRONT-RUNNER" against Mark Alan Harrison. In case you don't know, Randal Newman received 23,525 votes back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in the Democratic Primary, according to the "Unofficial" election returns published by the Harris County Clerk.

Mark Alan Harrison is heading into the Tuesday, July 14, 2020, runoff election in the race for Harris County Constable Precinct 5 as the "RUNNER-UP" against Randal Newman. In case you don't know, Mark Alan Harrison received 18,560 votes back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in the Democratic Primary, according to the "Unofficial" election returns published by the Harris County Clerk.

"Who you vote for in any given election is a personal decision. So, as you endeavor to make a quality decision at the ballot box, please consider casting your ballot for duly-qualified candidates who respect, appreciate and ask for your vote."

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033

Attorney Allette B. Williams and other leaders just like her make it possible for us to thrive and do what we do to inspire, encourage, and drive voter turnout and mobilization in Harris County, Texas. So, if for some reason you don't know, Attorney Williams practice's law in the areas of Alternative Dispute Resolution, Criminal, Family, Personal Injury, Wills-Trusts-Probate, Entertainment, Immigration, Juvenile, Mediation, and Contracts.

Steve Kherkher is a national trial lawyer who maintains a litigation practice throughout the country. In his career spanning almost three decades, Steve has developed professional expertise in complex tort litigation.
Throughout his career, Steve has achieved record-setting results through summary judgments, jury verdicts, and arbitration awards. He has successfully represented Plaintiffs in over 40 states in a variety of complex civil litigation matters including catastrophic personal injury, wrongful death, commercial automobile and trucking accidents, product liability, toxic torts, premises liability, as well as lawsuits against multi-national pharmaceutical companies. Steve’s expertise is widely respected by judges, opposing counsel, and his fellow colleagues. Due to his notoriety, passion for justice, and zealous representation, Steve has been retained to help other trial lawyers litigate cases throughout the United States.
In his tenure, his litigation expertise and ability to strategically select members of a jury, focusing precisely on outcome-determinative issues, have resulted in a superior representation of his clients. Steve is considered an Industry Leader by his peers. He has built a reputation amongst his colleagues based upon his unwavering loyalty, integrity, respect for all, leadership abilities, excellence, and selfless service.
Steve’s philosophy is to win every case and achieve exceptional results for his clients. Steve has won numerous record-setting verdicts, including a $100 million dollar verdict ($100,000,000) in Pennsylvania, for a single living plaintiff, in an action against a multinational pharmaceutical company.
To date, Steve is the only attorney to spearhead, and first-chair multiple lawsuits against Monsanto, resulting in multi-million-dollar judgments for clients suffering from Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Steve prevailed in several lawsuits taken to trial or appeal, despite Monsanto’s repeated efforts to restrict his ability to file suit against them. His most recent suit against Monsanto resulted in a $46,500,000 judgment and verdict. Shortly thereafter, a confidential settlement was obtained for his three clients and their families.
Steve also has extensive experience in insurance coverage litigation, successfully representing homeowners and business owners in actions arising out of coverage disputes between insurers and policyholders, as well as bad faith actions arising out of coverage disputes. Steve helps families obtain favorable judgments against national insurance carriers who wrongfully deny benefits to policyholders.
Steve is certified by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization in personal injury trial law. In 2015, Steve was recognized in H-Texas Magazine, as one of the Top Mass Tort & Toxic Tort Lawyers in the State of Texas. In 2009, Steve was elected into the American Board of Trial Advocates, an organization that certifies only experienced, first-chair trial attorneys, who are of high personal character and honorable reputation.
Steve is currently a partner at Kherkher Garcia. Kherkher Garcia is comprised of a team of exceptional trial lawyers based in Houston, Texas, with the ability and resources to protect and fight for the rights of their clients against large national and multi-national corporations throughout the United States. Each and every client of Kherkher Garcia receives personalized attention from a dedicated team of trial lawyers known nationally for their legal expertise and dedication to providing the highest quality representation. In addition to exceptional legal representation, Steve’s clients also become his friends who he remains in contact with long after the verdict is read. He often enjoys cookies and other baked goods clients have provided. Steve has enjoyed attending the weddings of former clients and has helped the children of former clients with educational expenses so that they could attend college. One of the recipients of his generosity is now a medical doctor. Steve looks forward to meeting you and helping you get the justice you deserve.

Jesus Garcia handles catastrophic plaintiff’s personal injury cases. Garcia handles wrongful death, maritime, trucking accident, premises liability, product liability, dram shop, traumatic brain injury, and negligence actions. He is passionate about representing those who are injured and those who have lost loved ones due to the carelessness and greed of others. He has collected millions for his clients. Below are a few examples of Mr. Garcia’s success in representing injury victims.
"As personal injury attorneys, Kherkher Garcia is committed to fighting for people who are injured and hold those responsible for the harm accountable. They are great at assisting their clients to obtain justice so that our society can be safer, and so that people come before profits. Kherkher Garcia is here to help you win your case. And don't forget, if you don’t win, you don’t pay. For more information call them at 713-333-1030 today!"

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033