Judge Erica Hughes, County Criminal Court at Law #3 hosted a group of students from the University of St. Thomas' Department of Criminology, Law & Society Department in her courtroom on Wednesday, March 6, 2019. In case you don't know, The University of St. Thomas (UST) is Houston's Catholic University, committed to the religious, ethical and intellectual traditions of Catholic higher education. For more than 70 years, UST has been graduating students into successful careers in medicine, education, business, public administration and more – throughout Houston and across the globe.
Democratic Judges Like the Honorable Judge Erica Hughes are Holding to Their Promise to Inspire A New Generation of Leaders
In case you haven’t been paying attention to what’s been going on in courtrooms all across Harris County, Texas, you may want to start doing so. Especially as it relates to the Harris County Criminal Court #3, that’s presided over by Judge Erica Hughes. This newly elected Democratic judge has made inspiring our young people to greatness a major focal point of her mission as a judge. “I would like to thank the students from University of St. Thomas Department of Criminology, Law & Society for visiting my courtroom on Wednesday, March 6, 2019,” said Judge Erica Hughes. “It’s always a pleasure to host students at any educational level,” she says.
It’s impossible for us to know what's in the heart of any candidate when they are seeking our vote while on the campaign trail. But the Honorable Judge Erica Hughes is proving that she has a sincere heart whereas our children are concerned. And in my opinion, she’s going well beyond the call of duty. In a lot of cases, judges are so inundated with handling the people’s business that they have little time for anything else – but Judge Hughes, through strict time-management and great court staff is finding the time. When we think of judges, we don’t typically think of them as inspirational leaders. We tend to typically expected for them to hear allegations, listen to testimony, rule on the admissibility of evidence, let defendants know their rights, issue instructions to the jury, question witnesses, and rule on motions put forth by counsel appearing before them. But as it pertains to County Criminal Court at Law #3 you can add making a difference in the lives of our young people to that bucket list.

I am eager to follow judges like the Honorable Judge Erica Hughes going forward. What can you expect to see from her and her colleagues? Well, I’m glad you asked. I believe that we can expect to see these newly elected judges preside over their courtrooms in fair and unbiased manners. I also expect that we’re going to see these newly elected judges fighting hard to protect the constitutional rights of the citizens who come before them. I furthermore believe that we’re going to see these newly elected judges impose much fairer sentences on defendants who are found guilty in their courtrooms. Now, while we expect to see compassion from these newly elected judges, I do not expect to see any of them issuing get-out-of-jail-free cards – as some folks are suggesting. What can you do? Well, for starters, you can keep Judge Erica Hughes in your prayers as God's plan for her, and her colleagues continue to unfold.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033

Judge Genesis Draper is the newest member of the distinguished group of Democratic judges in Harris County, Texas. Judge Draper was appointed recently as the replacement for the late Judge Cassandra Hollemon, who recently passed away. Judge Draper will preside over the County Criminal Court at Law #12 courtroom. In case you don't know, if challenged in the 2022 Democratic Party Primary, this bench will be up for re-election on Tuesday, March 1, 2022. If unchallenged, Judge Genesis Draper will more than likely have to compete against a Republican challenger in the November 2022 Midterm Election.
Congratulation to Judge Genesis Draper on Her Recent Appointment as Judge for County Criminal Court at Law #12 in Harris County, Texas
"We can never replace Judge Cassandra Hollemon, but today we honored her legacy and the will of the voters by appointing Genesis E. Draper to the bench. Ms. Draper has an exemplary legal career as a public defender. And like Judge Hollemon, she is dedicated to ensuring everyone receives fair treatment and equal justice in Harris County regardless of who they are or how much money they have," said Commissioner Rodney Ellis.
Before her appointment as Judge for Harris County Criminal Court at Law #12, Genesis Draper worked as an Assistant Public Defender at Harris County’s Public Defenders Office. She served as an Assistant Public Defender for almost two years. Before that, she worked as an Assistant Federal Public Defender for almost six years. She’s also worked as a Career Counselor at the University of Houston Law Center.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
Aubrey R. Taylor is the President/CEO of Aubrey R. Taylor Communications, the publisher of Houston Business Connections Newspaper©. Taylor has more than 28-years of experience in marketing branding, reporting, public relations and political consulting. He’s assisted in branding Republican and Democratic candidates in statewide elections and in local municipalities throughout the State of Texas. Over the years, he’s also assisted in branding and marketing (through his various publications) such corporations and institutions as Shell Oil, The City of Houston, Texas Southern University, Prairie View A&M University, Chevron, Waste Management, Nationwide Insurance, Momentum Jaguar/BMW, Channel 11, Channel 13, State Farm Insurance, and Allstate Insurance to name a few. But, please note that the thoughts expressed by Aubrey R. Taylor do not necessarily reflect the thoughts and opinions of any Houston Business Connections Newspaper© advertisers, supporters, sponsors, or readers. You can click here to view a recent edition of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© online!

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033