ASK YOURSELF THE QUESTIONS BELOW BEFORE GOING TO VOTE FOR: Chris Bell, Bill King, Adrian Garcia, Nguyen Thai Hoc, Sylvester Turner, Demetria Smith, Ben Hall, Victoria Lane, Marty McVey, or Stephen C. Costello in the 2015 City of Houston Mayoral Election; Other candidates hoping to run for Mayor, City Controller, City Council, HISD Board Trustee, or HCC Board Trustee must file for a place on the General Election ballot before Monday, August 24, 2015. Early voting will begin on Monday, October 19, 2015 and end on Friday, October 30, 2015

By Aubrey R. Taylor
Houston Business Connections Newspaper
In my capacity as the publisher of Houston Business Connections Newspaper, I’ve taken on the daunting task of trying to encourage, empower, inform, and engage voters who plan on participating in the process of electing the next mayor of Houston on Tuesday, November 3, 2015. To this end, I’ve developed “10 QUESTIONS” every voter should ponder before the start of early voting – which is Monday, October 19, 2015. However, please keep in mind that these questions were developed with the 2015 City of Houston Mayor’s race in mind; but they can also be used in the races for Houston City Council and City of Houston Controller as well. These questions were developed for people of faith; but anyone seeking to make a more informed and empowered voting decision can use these questions as part of their decision making process.
As it stands right now: Chris Bell, Bill King, Adrian Garcia, Nguyen Thai Hoc, Sylvester Turner, Demetria Smith, Ben Hall, Victoria Lane, Marty McVey, and Stephen C. Costello are the key candidates running for Mayor of Houston in the 2015 City of Houston Mayoral Election. But keep in mind that any other candidate hoping to run for Mayor of Houston, City of Houston Controller, Houston City Council, HISD Board Trustee, or HCC Board Trustee must file to do so before the deadline. The deadline to file for a place on the ballot isn't until Monday, August 24, 2015 -- but the sooner the candidate files: the better off they're going to be in terms of being included in the debates and such. And please don’t forget that early voting will begin on Monday, October 19, 2015, and end on Friday, October 30, 2015.

QUESTION #1: Is the mayoral candidate I’m thinking about supporting on Tuesday, November 3, 2015 a person of faith? WHY IT’S IMPORTANT TO ASK YOURSELF THIS QUESTION: Some candidates say one thing on the campaign trail (seemingly just to get elected) then does something altogether different once they’re elected. You may have people try to convince you to ignore your religious beliefs when selecting a mayoral candidate. Some people will even tell you that you are electing a mayor -- not a pastor. But you should ignore these people. Typically, only a "Non-Believer" is going to try to convince a Believer to not use their faith in an important decision making process. ASK YOURSELF THIS QUESTION: If faith isn’t an issue: why do politicians make their rounds to churches during campaign season?

QUESTION #2: Does this mayoral candidate I’m thinking about supporting on Tuesday, November 3, 2015 have the experience and educational background needed to best represent my interests at City Hall and elsewhere? WHY IT’S IMPORTANT TO ASK YOURSELF THIS QUESTION: In the city of Houston, the mayor wields a lot of power and influence. So typically, you don’t want to place too much power into the hands of a person who’s not adequately prepared to handle it. So as a rule of thumb, education is good. But you should look for candidates who also have the relevant experience that lends itself to enabling that particular candidate to function well under pressure. THE KIND OF CANDIDATE YOU SHOULD LOOK FOR: Look for some who can clearly articulate their position; deal with dignitaries from other nations; work well with local community leaders; and broker business deals that are in the best interest of all Houstonians.
QUESTION # 3: Will this mayoral candidate I’m thinking about voting for on Tuesday, November 3, 2015 be working for me (the voter) or special interest groups, his/her donors, political action committees, or those who supported their campaign should they get elected? WHY IT’S IMPORTANT TO ASK YOURSELF THIS QUESTION: In reality, the mayor of Houston is elected to two year terms by the citizens of Houston, and they can't serve more than three (two year terms). So, this almost puts the mayor at a disadvantage of sorts. Let me explain: While on one hand the mayor has to handle the people’s business; on the other they really don’t ever get the opportunity to relax. In essence, the campaigning never stops. SO HOUSTON DOES NOT NEED A CANDIDATE WHO'S BEEN BOUGHT BY ANYONE: This is why you want to look for the candidate who will, for the most part, not be beholden to special interest groups, donors, PACS, other politicians, or the like.
QUESTION #4: Does this mayoral candidate have a proven track-record of supporting issues, concerns, and policies that are important to me, and the well-being of my family? WHY IT’S IMPORTANT TO ASK YOURSELF THIS QUESTION: Most politicians are very persuasive people. So don’t just listen to their promises. ALWAYS BE RESPECTFUL: I mean, don’t be disrespectful; but in your quiet time, try to find out if they’ve done anything to indicate that they value you, your family, community, and the issues you deem to be important.
QUESTION # 5: Does this mayoral candidate have a diverse campaign team reflective of the cultural diversity and makeup of the body of people living in the City of Houston? WHY IT’S IMPORTANT TO ASK YOURSELF THIS QUESTION: Not all; but there are some individuals who seek elected office to further their personal agenda. FIND OUT WHY THEY ARE RUNNING FOR OFFICE AND WHO'S BACKING THEIR CAMPAIGN: The last thing Houston needs is for a person with a selfish agenda to buy their way into the mayor’s office. This wouldn’t be good for us. Houston is a diverse City; and any viable candidate worthy of your vote and support should embrace diversity.
QUESTION #6: Who are the other 2015 City of Houston mayoral candidates attacking; or talking about the most? WHY IT’S IMPORTANT TO ASK YOURSELF THIS QUESTION: Politics can be a dirty business. I mean, it can be downright nasty -- despicable even. In some cases, political candidates will do whatever it takes to win -- and I do mean whatever it takes. So typically, long before opinion polls are released, candidates/campaigns have a pretty good idea of who their chief competitor/competitors are going to be in a race. SO PAY ATTENTION: If you sit back, observe, and identify who the other candidates are spending money to run negative attack ads on – you just might be able to identify who those candidates perceived the front-runner in the race to be.
QUESTION #7: Does the mayoral candidate I’m thinking about voting for on Tuesday, November 3, 2015 understand the importance of being supportive, sensitive, knowledgeable, and attentive to the needs of a populous as culturally diverse as the City of Houston? WHY IT’S IMPORTANT TO ASK YOURSELF THIS QUESTION: I’ve said it before, Houston is an International City! LOOK FOR A PERSON WITH VISION: The Mayor of Houston should be open-minded and receptive to every citizen -- and definitely have vision. So ask questions. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with asking a candidate if they’ve ever had any diversity training -- or plan to do so in the future.
QUESTION #8: What kind of money is the mayoral candidate I’m thinking about voting for on Tuesday, November 3, 2015 used to handling? WHY IT’S IMPORTANT TO ASK YOURSELF THIS QUESTION: The last thing Houston needs is someone who doesn’t understand the numbers game. Houston does not need a mayor who can't count; and doesn't understand the concept of restraint. KEEP THIS IN MIND: Some people deal in hundreds of dollars; some in thousands of dollars; some in tens of thousands; some in millions; and some in billions. The mayor of Houston needs to be someone comfortable with having conversations about what to do with billions of dollars.
QUESTION #9: Is this mayoral candidate I’m thinking about supporting simply looking for a job? WHY IT’S IMPORTANT TO ASK YOURSELF THIS QUESTION: There are a lot of “POLITICAL ENTREPRENEURS” running around out here. Every time you look up they’re placing their name on the ballot to run for something. Almost like playing the lottery – they’re in a sense, simply hoping to get lucky. THE 2015 CITY OF HOUSTON MAYORAL ELECTION IS NON-PARTISAN: There’s no straight-ticket voting in this election – so that pretty much takes care of the getting lucky part on Tuesday, November 3, 2015.
QUESTION #10: Has this mayoral candidate I'm thinking about voting for actually reached out to ask me for my vote? WHY IT’S IMPORTANT TO ASK YOURSELF THIS QUESTIONS: You would be surprised at the games that are sometimes played in political circles. There are actually, people in Houston who are sitting back and trying to determine who runs for office – and when it’s their turn to run. NO KIDDING!!! Back room deals are cut all the time in politics. After all, it’s a high-stakes winner take all game these guys are playing. SO DON'T JUMP ONTO BANDWAGONS: Make them ask for your vote directly! Would you marry someone who asked for your hand in marriage through someone else? I think not -- so make them ask for your vote on Election Day!
If Houstonians would take the time and find out the answers to these “10 QUESTIONS” it’s going to become a little more difficult for politicians who do not value us, to trick, bamboozle, swindle, hoodwink us into voting them into office on Tuesday, November 3, 2015. The aforementioned “10 QUESTION” are the expressed written opinion of Aubrey R. Taylor, publisher of Houston Business Connections Newspaper, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or view of any other person listed, pictured or highlighted on this page.

"Here are a few questions and opinions we should definitely ask ourselves/candidates and consider before going to the polls to vote in the 2015 City of Houston Mayoral Election to be held on Tuesday, November 3, 2015. And please, please, please, don't forget that early voting will begin on Monday, October 19, 2015 and end on Friday, October 30, 2015."

















-- ED KAMPF --





Houston Business Connections Magazine is published by Aubrey R. Taylor Communications. To discuss your inclusion call (832)212-8735 and ask for Aubrey R. Taylor, the president and CEO of Aubrey R. Taylor Communications.

The candidate filing deadline is on Monday, August 24, 2015 if you plan to run for Mayor, Controller, City Council, or one of the HISD Board Trustee seats in the Tuesday, November 3, 2015 General Election.

Thursday, June 25, 2015 is the deadline to post notice of candidate filing deadline.

Saturday, July 25, 2015 is the first day to file for place on general election ballot.

Monday, August 24, 2015 is the last day to file for place on general election ballot.

Friday, September 4, 2015 is the first day for registered voters to apply for ballot by mail.

Monday, October 5, 2015 is the last day for voter registration with the Harris County Clerk.

Monday, October 19, 2015 is the first day of early voting for the 2015 General Election.

Friday, October 23, 2015 is the last day to apply for ballot by mail for the 2015 General Election.

Friday, October 30, 2015 is the last day of early voting for the 2015 General Election.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015 is Election Day for all registered voters in the City of Houston.
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: “Please make an informed and empowered decision when you go into the voting booth to cast your vote on Tuesday, November 3, 2015.”
Election Day is Tues., Nov. 3, 2015

At this time, Ben Hall, a well-known Houston attorney is asking for our vote, prayers, and support in his quest to become mayor of Houston. Hall finished as the runner-up to (Mayor Annise Parker) back in the 2013 City of Houston Mayoral election. “We’ve provided some information on Ben Hall below. Hall is being highlighted here because he’s one of only two candidates in the 2015 race for mayor who is asking for our vote, prayers, and support at this time,” says Aubrey R. Taylor, publisher of Houston Business Connections Newspaper.

“Victoria Lane is a candidate who values and respects us, our community, and our vote. Victoria Lane, is a businesswoman with more than 40 years of experience. She was the fourth place finisher back in the 2013 City of Houston Mayoral election. She finished behind Mayor Annise Parker, attorney Ben Hall and attorney Eric Dick respectively back in 2013. “We've provided a good overview of who Victoria Lane is in her profile below,” says Taylor.

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "The charts and information below this point should serve as a quick reference guide to City of Houston Mayoral Election results from 1985 through 2013. This information was compiled by Aubrey R. Taylor Communications."

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In the Tuesday, November 5, 2013 City of Houston Mayoral Election, Mayor Annise Parker won the right to serve her third and final term in office by receiving 98,124 votes to avoid a runoff. Mayor Parker was challenged by Charyl L. Drab, who received (788) votes, Eric B. Dick (18,368), Don Cook (1,740), Keryl Burgess Douglas (1,227), Ben Hall (48,604), Michael Fitzsimmons (1,195), Victoria Lane (1,814), and Derek A. Jenkins, who finished with 834 votes at the end of the night.
In the Tuesday, November 8, 2011 City of Houston Mayoral Election, Mayor Annise Parker won the right to serve her second term in office by receiving 60,135 votes to avoid a runoff. Mayor Parker was challenged by Kevin Simms who received (8,261) votes, Amanda C. Ulman (1,896), Dave Wilson (13,911), Fernando Herrera (16,863), and Jack O’Connor, who finished with 17,348 votes as the end of the night.
In the Tuesday, November 3, 2009 City of Houston Mayoral Election, seven candidates faced off in the race for the open mayoral seat. Annise Parker and Gene Locke made the runoff by finishing with (54,254 votes for Parker) and (45,988 votes for Locke) respectively. Peter Brown received (39,930) votes, Amanda C. Ulman (994), Luis Ralph Ullrich, Jr. (487), and Roy Morales finished with 35,964 votes to finish off the night.
Annise Parker went on to defeat Gene Locke in a Saturday, December 12, 2009 runoff election by a vote count of (82,175 votes for Parker) to (73,495 votes for Locke) respectively. By defeating Locke, Annise Parker became the first female mayor for Houston, and earned the right to serve her first term.

# # # #
In the Tuesday, November 6, 2007 City of Houston Mayoral Election, Mayor Bill White won the right to serve his third and final term in office by receiving 101,557 votes to avoid a runoff. He was being challenged by Amanda C. Ulman, who received (8,832), and Outlaw Josey Wales, IV who finished the night with 7,042 votes.

# # # #
In the Tuesday, November 8, 2005 City of Houston Mayoral Election, Mayor Bill White won the right to serve his second term in office by receiving 165,524 votes to avoid a runoff. Mayor White was being challenged in this election by Gladys House, who finished with (7,711) votes, Luis Ralph Ullrich, Jr. (2,550), Jack Terence (4,285), and Anthony M. Dutrow, who finished the night with 1,771 votes.

# # # #
In the Tuesday, November 4, 2003 City of Houston Mayoral Election, nine candidates faced off in the race for the open mayoral seat. Orlando Sanchez and Bill White made the runoff by finishing with (98,600 votes for Sanchez) and (112,916 votes for White) respectively. Anthony M. Dutrowreceived(405) votes, Jack Josey Terence (323), John Worldpeace (368), Douglas Robb (193), Sylvester Turner (87,267), Luis Ralph Ullrich Jr. (311), and Veronica Michelle Gregory finished with 385 votes at the end of the night.
Bill White went on to defeat Orlando Sanchez in the Saturday, December 6, 2003 runoff election by a vote count of (136,618 votes for Bill White) to (81,830 votes for Orlando Sanchez) respectively. By defeating Sanchez, Bill White earned the right to serve his first term as Houston’s mayor.

# # # #
In the Tuesday, November 6, 2001 City of Houston Mayoral Election, five candidates lined up to prevent Mayor Lee P. Brown from serving his third and final term as Houston’s mayor. Orlando Sanchez was successful in forcing a runoff with the incumbent mayor by receiving (115,967) votes to Mayor Brown’s (125,282) votes at the end of the night. Luis Ralph Ullrich, Jr. received (572) votes, Anthony M. Dutrow (235), Larry J. Devoy (488), and Chris Bell received 45,739 votes to finish the night of voting.
Mayor Lee P. Brown went on to defeat Orlando Sanchez in the Saturday, December 1, 2001 runoff election by a final vote tally of (165,866 votes for Mayor Lee P. Brown) to (155,162 votes for Orlando Sanchez) respectively.

# # # #
In the Tuesday, November 2, 1999 City of Houston Mayoral Election, two candidates challenged Mayor Lee P. Brown in an effort to prevent him from serving his second term as Houston’s mayor. However, Brown beat back his opponents by receiving (139,150) votes. Jack Terence received (47,887) votes, and Outlaw Josey Wales, IV finished off the night with (19,741) votes.

# # # #
In the Tuesday, November 4, 1997 City of Houston Mayoral Election, eight candidates faced off for the open mayoral seat. Lee P. Brown and Rob Mosbacher made the runoff by receiving (132,324 votes for Brown) and (90,320 votes for Mosbacher) respectively. Richard E. Barry, Helen Huey, Gracie Saenz (21,950), George Greanias (53,115), Bernard E. Calkins, and Jean-Claude Lanau were also in the race.
Lee P. Brown went on to defeat Rob Mosbacher in the Saturday, December 6, 1997 runoff election. Lee P. Brown received (156,307 votes) to Mosbacher’s (140,449 votes) to earn the right to serve his first term as Houston’s first and only African American mayor.

# # # #
In the Tuesday, November 7, 1995 City of Houston Mayoral Election, two candidates challenged Mayor Bob Lanier in an effort to prevent him from serving his third and final term as Houston’s mayor. However, Mayor Bob Lanier received (104,222) votes to beat back his opponents without a runoff. Elizabeth Spates finished with (10,456) votes, and Dave Wilson finished the night off with 11,403 votes.

# # # #
In the Tuesday, November 2, 1993 City of Houston Mayoral Election, four candidates challenged Mayor Bob Lanier in an effort to prevent him from serving his second term as Houston’s mayor. However, Bob Lanier defeated his opponents by receiving (169,752) votes to avoid a runoff. Brian A. Bowen received (9,705) votes, Luis Ralph Ullrich, Jr. (4,613), Jerry Freiwirth (2,713), and James Partsch-Galvan received 161 votes to finish off the night.

# # # #
In the Tuesday, November 5, 1991 City of Houston Mayoral Election, Mayor Kathryn J. “Kathy” Whitmire lost her seat by finishing third, behind Bob Lanier, and Sylvester Turner in her bid to serve a sixth term as Houston’s mayor. Bob Lanier made the runoff election by receiving (138,096) votes, to Sylvester Turner’s (113,782) votes. Mayor Whitmire could only muster (63,631) votes as election night voting closed. Willie M. Reid received (787) votes to round out the field that night.
Bob Lanier went on to defeat Sylvester Turner in the Saturday, December 7, 1991 runoff election. Lanier received (152,792) votes, to Sylvester Turner’s (135,173) votes to earn the right to serve his first term as Houston’s mayor.

# # # #
In the Tuesday, November 7, 1989 City of Houston Mayoral Election, Mayor Kathryn J. “Kathy” Whitmire received (176,342) votes to avoid a runoff by beating back five candidates seeking to prevent her from serving her fifth term as Houston’s mayor. “Shelby” B. Oringderff received (2,018) votes, Fred Hofheinz (89,971), Rosie Walker (4,667), Greg Rosenberg (856), and Ted G. Walker finished the night with 5,615 votes.

# # # #
In the Tuesday, November 3, 1987 City of Houston Mayoral Election, Mayor Kathryn J. “Kathy” Whitmire received (168,656) votes to fend off six challengers seeking to prevent her from serving her fourth term as Houston’s mayor. Richard “Dick” Diamond received (13,628) votes, “Shelby” B. Oringderff (4,853), Bill Anderson (27,254), Mary J. Pritchard (5,296), Glenn Edward Arnett, Jr. (6,977), and Don W. Gell finished the night with 2,807 votes.

# # # #
In the Tuesday, November 5, 1985 City of Houston Mayoral Election, Mayor Kathryn J. “Kathy” Whitmire held off a stiff challenge from Louie Welch and four other candidates seeking to prevent her from serving her third term as Houston’s mayor. Mayor Whitmire finished the night with (200,868) votes to avoid a runoff. Louie Welch finished a distant second with (138,588) votes. John McCabe received (565) votes, Willie Mae Reid (398), L.B. “Lock” Chambers (266), and Susan Director finished the night off by receiving 430 votes.
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