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A MESSAGE FROM AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Judge Jay Karahan is one of the candidates asking for your vote and support on Tuesday, November 4, 2014 in the 2014 Midterm Election. Judge Karahan is the Republican incumbent running for reelection for Judge, County Criminal Court No. 8 in Harris County. Judge Karahan is facing a challenge from Democrat Kelli Johnson in this race. So don't forget that early voting for this race will begin on Monday, October 20, 2014 and end on Friday, October 31, 2014. Click here if you would like to learn more about Judge Jay Karahan. NOTE: As of the date of this blog post Judge Jay Karahan is the only candidate in the race for Judge, Harris County Criminal Court No. 8 who is seeking your vote.
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A MESSAGE FROM AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Judge Loyd Wright is another one of the candidates asking for your vote and support on Tuesday, November 4, 2014 in the 2014 Midterm Election. Judge Wright is the Republican incumbent running for reelection for Judge, Harris County Probate Court No. 1. Judge Loyd Wright is facing a challenge from Democrat Kim Bohannon in this race. So don't forget that early voting for this race will begin on Monday, October 20, 2014 and end on Friday, October 31, 2014. Click here if you would like to learn more about Judge Loyd Wright. NOTE: As of the date of this blog post Judge Loyd Wright is the only candidate in the race for Judge, Probate Court No. 1 who is seeking your vote.# # # #
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A MESSAGE FROM AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Attorney John Schmude is one of the candidates asking for your vote and support on Tuesday, November 4, 2014 in the 2014 Midterm Election. Attorney John Schmude is the Republican candidates running for District Judge for the 247th Judicial District Court in Harris County. Attorney Schmude will face off against Democrat Clinton "Chip" Wells in this race. So don't forget that early voting for this race will begin on Monday, October 20, 2014 and end on Friday, October 31, 2014. Click here if you would like to learn more about Attorney John Schmude. NOTE: As of the date of this blog post Attorney John Schmude is the only candidate in the race for District Judge for the 247th Judicial District Court who is seeking your vote.
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A MESSAGE FROM AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Judge Christine Riddle Butts is another one of the candidates asking for your vote and support on Tuesday, November 4, 2014 in the 2014 Midterm Election. Judge Butts is the Republican incumbent running for reelection for Judge, Harris County Probate Court No. 4. Judge Christine Butts is facing a challenge from Democrat James Horowitz in this race. So don't forget that early voting for this race will begin on Monday, October 20, 2014 and end on Friday, October 31, 2014. Click here if you would like to learn more about Judge Christine Riddle Butts. NOTE: As of the date of this blog post Judge Christine Riddle Butts is the only candidate in the race for Judge, Probate Court No. 4 who is seeking your vote.
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A MESSAGE FROM AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Congressman Kevin Brady is one of the candidates asking for your vote and support on Tuesday, November 4, 2014 in the 2014 Midterm Election. Congressman Brady currently represents the 8th Congressional District of Texas and does not have a Democratic challenger on Election Day. However, Ken Petty is a Libertarian candidate also running for United States Congress for the 8th Congressional District. So don't forget that early voting for this race will begin on Monday, October 20, 2014 and end on Friday, October 31, 2014. Click here if you would like to learn more about Congressman Kevin Brady. NOTE: As of the date of this blog post Congressman Kevin Brady is the only candidate in the race for United States Congress for the 8th Congressional District who is seeking your vote.
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A MESSAGE FROM AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Judge Kyle Carter is one of the candidates asking for your vote and support on Tuesday, November 4, 2014 in the 2014 Midterm Election. Judge Carter is currently serving as Judge for the 125th Civil District Court in Harris County. However on Tuesday, November 4, 2014 he will be on the ballot running for Chief Justice for 14th Court of Appeals District in Texas against Justice Kem Thompson Frost the Republican incumbent. So don't forget that early voting for this race will begin on Monday, October 20, 2014 and end on Friday, October 31, 2014. Click here if you would like to learn more about Judge Kyle Carter. NOTE: As of the date of this blog post Judge Kyle Carter is the only candidate in the race for Chief Justice for the 14th Court of Appeals who is seeking your vote.
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A MESSAGE FROM AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Judge Wesley Ward is another one of the candidates asking for your vote and support on Tuesday, November 4, 2014 in the 2014 Midterm Election. Judge Ward is the Republican incumbent running for reelection for District Judge, 247th Judicial District Court in Harris County. Judge Wesley Ward is facing a challenge from Democrat Barbara Gardner in this race. So don't forget that early voting for this race will begin on Monday, October 20, 2014 and end on Friday, October 31, 2014. Click here if you would like to learn more about Judge Wesley Ward. NOTE: As of the date of this blog post Judge Wesley Ward is the only candidate in the race for District Judge, 234th Judicial District Court in Harris County who is seeking your vote.
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A MESSAGE FROM AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Lt. Col. Sean Seibert is one of the candidates asking for your vote and support on Tuesday, November 4, 2014 in the 2014 Midterm Election. Lt. Col. Seibert is the Republican candidate running for United States Congress for the 18th Congressional District. Lt. Col. Seibert is challenging Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee for this seat. So don't forget that early voting for this race will begin on Monday, October 20, 2014 and end on Friday, October 31, 2014. Click here if you would like to learn more about Lt. Col. Sean Seibert. As of the date of this blog post Lt. Col. Sean Seibert is the only candidate in the race for United States Congress for the 18th Congressional District who is seeking your vote.
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Our nation must play as a team for us to be successful as a body of people. And just like any sports team, we must play within the established system, rules and guidelines for us to be SUCCESSFUL. We must also play out every quarter to claim true VICTORY as a nation. So view this crucial moment in our nation’s history as the final quarter of a crucial game for the team you love.
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On Tuesday, November 4, 2014 the Midterm Elections will be taking place in America. Early voting will be taking place from Monday, October 20, 2014 to Friday, October 31, 2014. So make sure to draft the most qualified candidates to represent you.
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This message is being written to “OPEN-MINDED AMERICANS”. So, if you’re not “OPEN-MINDED” and “AMERICAN” you can read on; but you may not find much value in this message.
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This message is the expressed written opinion of Aubrey R. Taylor, the publisher of Houston Business Connections Magazine and does not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of any candidate, advertiser, sponsor or supporter of Aubrey R. Taylor Communications. And please keep in mind that the people associated with the (ONE AMERICA) – “Leaders Celebrating Freedom Series” are not connected to one another in anyway unless otherwise noted. If you have any questions or concerns about this message or Aubrey R. Taylor, please send them to: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
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Are you a team player? Do you believe in God? Are you striving to reach your full potential? Do you strive to make informed decisions? Do you use your own mind when it comes to making crucial decisions about your life? Do you try to find the best candidates on Election Day? Do you vote for people of God or simply vote for people who belong to a specific political party? Do you have a dream? Do you want to see America come together for the betterment of every American citizen? Do you hate racism in any form? What about injustice: Do you hate injustice in any form?
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If you answered yes to any of the questions listed above, congratulations, this message was written just for you. You are a crucial and very important part of the process of making sure our generation “ANSWERS THE CALL” and moves America forward.
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If you take a moment to read Jeremiah 23:5 you will find that God raises up people and causes them to reign and prosper for the purpose of executing judgment and justice in the earth.
If you take a moment to read 1 Peter 2:13-17 you will find that God’s desires for us to honor and submit ourselves to those He’s allowed to be placed in authority and leadership. But do not worry about those governments and those in authority who prove to be cruel and unjust; for every person in authority will have to give an account of their actions come judgment day. Governments are established and allowed to rule by God. And our governors as authority figures are established by our Creator for the punishment of those who do wrong and the praise of those who do right. Scripture is very clear on this point, as it teaches us to honor all people, and to love our brothers and sisters as we fear God.
If you take a moment to read Romans 13:1-2 you will find that every person should be subject to the governing authorities. The scriptures goes even further in teaching us that there’s no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. So when you see people disrespecting and resisting “GOD’S SERVANTS” they’re actually disrespecting and resisting God. Furthermore, they’re in complete and total rebellion against God’s elect.
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If you take a moment to read Genesis 1:21-22 you will find that God created great whales, and every living creature that moves, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their own kind, and every winged fowl He also created after their own kind. And the bible says that God saw that it was good for the creatures that He’d created to procreate in the earth. The scriptures furthermore teaches us that God blessed the creatures, and instructed them to be fruitful, and multiply in the earth.
If you take a moment to read Genesis 1:27-28 you will find that God created man in His own image; but He made us as male and female for the purpose of reproducing and repopulating the earth. God also called us blessed, and has commanded us to be fruitful, multiply, and replenish the earth, and to subdue it.
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We are “ONE NATION UNDER GOD” in America. We are a nation of laws divinely ordered and established by our Creator. And in this, our Creator has given us a say in who governs over us as a nation. However, far too many of us are choosing to not participate in the process which God has established to assist us with putting godly people in authority and control of our nation.
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New Living Translation
"When the godly are in authority, the people rejoice. But when the wicked are in power, they groan." - Proverbs: 29:2
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As a “COLLECTIVE BODY” of people we must make a more concerted effort to be a part of the solution our nation needs during this crucial hour and moment in history.
Our responsibility as Americans is to take part in the elections process; then once we have spoken as a “COLLECTIVE BODY” of people we must honor the choices we have made. Our “PUBLIC SERVANTS” are elected by a majority of voters on Election Day. This is why every eligible American citizen should be a part of the process of voting.
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In the best interest of our nation, we should submit to whichever government we find ourselves under once we have spoken as a people on Election Day. We can do this by working with our “ELECTED OFFICIALS” to accomplish what’s best for us as “ONE NATION UNDER GOD”.
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Our founding fathers under the direction of our Creator has established a system that affords us the opportunity to choose our leaders every four years. In this system, our Creator affords us the opportunity to elect other “SERVANTS OF GOD” to positions of authority as a counter balance to guard against the abuse of power by any one we have elected as our president; that's why our founding fathers were divinely directed by our Creator to establish the United States Senate and United States House of Representatives.
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Even though those in authority are “SERVANTS OF GOD” our Creator has afforded us a system of government that is kept in check by our constitution and not by whomever is acting as our "PUBLIC SERVANTS" at any particular time. So don’t ever forget that America is a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. And under this God-ordained political system of democracy we are granted certain rights. With this said, we must know our rights to be EFFECTIVE AND EMPOWERED as citizens of America.
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MESSAGE FROM AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "We must actively participate in the process of selecting our "Public Servants" on Tuesday, November 4, 2014. Proverbs 29:2 says, "When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn." So let's do our best to try to elect righteous "Public Servants" using the acronym 'FREEDOM' during the early voting period (Monday, October 20th through Friday, October 31st) right on through Election Day!"
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Pastor Robert L. Thomas, his wife Tracey and daughters, Mariel and Taylor
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Why We Should All Go Vote in the Tuesday, November 4, 2014 Midterm Elections
By Pastor Robert L. Thomas
I know many of us will say the old cliché’ “Our forefathers died for this right!,” which is very true; but that alone as an argument to motivate us to do what we should already be excited to do – just isn’t enough.
Why we have to extol the virtues of voting to a people just a few decades removed from one of the worst atrocities ever perpetuated against mankind in the detestable act of slavery is really beyond me.
It really boils down to this: if you are interested in having a better quality of life – you should go out and vote; if you want your children to be able to afford to attend college – then go vote; if you think your taxes are too high for the services you receive – go out and vote; if your school system is not what you want it to be – yep, you should get up and roll to the polls.
It really is true – your vote is your voice! We have to be stronger in voice, so that what we say, when we say it, matters – and we are responsible for doing that at the voting booth. Elected officials work for the taxpayers, not the other way around, and as such, they should not be able to tell us what they are going to do…they are to push forward the positive agendas for bettering our safety, opportunities, prosperity and quality of life.
The choice is yours, accept things as they are, or vote and seek the systemic change we all so richly deserve!
Be Safe, and Stay Informed!
Robert L. Thomas, Jr.
Robert Thomas Ministries
Senior Pastor of Olivet Missionary Baptist Church
Contact: (713)224-1515
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