Day 18 of 31 "Forgiving Those Who Hurt and Offend You"
Sometimes you will experience people who are family and friends that will hurt and offend you. Holding on to un-forgiveness will only hurt you and keep you from getting to the next level. Genesis 13 Abraham was successful in life because he learned how to walk in total forgiveness. The word forgive means "to give up". Forgiveness is not just a dramatic statement or outer act in which you say, "I am sorry," when you know you are not. But when you truly forgive someone it becomes an act of the heart (the soul of man, his mind, will, emotions and intellect). When you have forgiven someone the peace of God will come upon you whenever you see or think of the person that violated your trust or abused your relationship. In Abraham's case, in order to keep peace in his family and between the herdsmen of his nephew Lot, he ended up giving up the fertile and productive land that the Lord had promised him. At the same time he did not allow un-forgiveness, resentment, anger, bitterness, revenge or even hatred to enter into his life. Abraham was at peace. Whenever God blessed him he always acknowledged Him by building an altar. The secret to this Biblical Millionaire was he practiced and believed in obedience and worship.
Did you know that negative emotions like anger, resentment and un-forgiveness that you hold toward someone or toward a situation can block your success or prosperity? Did you know that the negative emotions you hold on to of the present or the past can keep you tied to the person or situation you are attempting to get free from? It's called "Soul Ties". A soul tie is when you are bound to a person or situation emotionally because they violated or abused your trust. Listen I have come to realize that as long as we live we are going to have to deal with violators and abusers of our trust. Often times we become vulnerable in our relationships. I don't know about you, but if someone has become my friend, I practice giving all of myself in the relationship. In other words, I believe in the old saying: "A friend in need is a friend in deed." I am like the Hog and not the Chicken." The Chicken only lays or gives an egg every now and then. However the Hog gives of himself totally. Are you the same way?
The following are Seven Things I had to do in order to move on;
1. First thing I did was to forgive myself.
2. Forgive the person who hurt and offended you. Do as Jesus taught in the Lord 's Prayer. He taught His disciples to forgive your abuser on your knees daily in case someone might hurt you. Then if you have already forgiven, then when they hurt you, you are able to quickly move on all because you've already forgiven.
3. Don't rehearse the hurt.
4. Don't nurse the pain.
5. Don't cause or allow what happen to you to be repeated over and over again, even into the next generation among your children.
6. Be honest with yourself about your own weakness and areas of vulnerability that allowed you to get hurt in the first place.
7. Then last, Pray without ceasing.
Decree this with me, "Today is the beginning of a brand new day because I choose to walk in forgiveness. I choose to not allow the painful experiences of the past to continue to keep me bound in the past. I forgive those who hurt me and violated my trust. I also ask that You Dear God would forgive me for the pain I may have caused others. Teach me Oh God to Love others the way You love me. I am also sorry for the many times I ask you to forgive me, only to go right back repeating the same offense over and over again. Thanks You for not giving up on me in Jesus Name.
About Dr. Gregg Thomas
"Adversity is the Birth Place of Greatness" The Seed of Greatness Lives within You, and the Spirit of Greatness Lives upon You, Go forth today and do something Great in Somebody's' life" In Jesus Name!
Dr. Thomas has trained and served as an ordained Apostle/ Pastor of Christian Faith Ministries International, teacher, published author, motivational speaker, radio and television talk show host, professional Christian Counselor/Life, Business and Family Coach, real estate developer, humanitarian, actor, musician, singer, song writer and consultant. His vast business experience has led him to move into sharing what he has learned with those who can most benefit from it. He is currently writing for publication several volumes of work on God's Modern Day Millionaires, faith-based community economic development and has given numerous presentations on the subjects. Dr. Thomas serves as motivational speaker to various groups all across the globe for his spiritual and business wisdom. He is presently training others with the message "Live Your Dream", as he creates viable model programs and services in the areas of housing, business, family development, career, education and spiritual growth. Dr. Thomas has reached countless numbers of people who have been touched by his life changing messages via radio and television talk shows as well as conferences, seminars workshops and church services.


44 Thoughts To Ponder For This Month
Here is the list of the (44) forty-four individuals included in this "Special Issue" of Your Thought Matters Newspaper. If you feel a calling to reach our world with your words of encouragement or reporting of positive information I'd like to discuss your inclusion in our next issue. Your Thought Matters Newspaper is published by Aubrey R. Taylor Communication. For more information call 832.212.8735 today!
1.) Mayor Allen Owen
2.) Pastor Mia Wright
3.) Gallery Furniture
4.) Stephanie Boutte-Phillips
5.) Ashley Washington
6.) Joyce Meyer Ministries
7.) Georgia D. Provost
8.) Yolanda Denise Fontenot
9.) Pastor Paula White
10.) Donald Williams
11.) Roslyn Bazzelle
12.) Apostle Valencia Mashiach Williams
13.) Matchmaker Amber Neal
14.) Les Brown
15.) Pastor Jamal Bryant
16.) Bishop James Dixon, II
17.) State Rep. Ron Reynolds
18.) Pastor Kirbyjon Caldwell
19.) John Cage
20.) Dr. D Ivan Young
21.) Creflo A. Dollar
22.) Evang Cassandra Taylor
23.) Elizabeth DeLeon Howard
24.) Rudy & Juanita Rasmus, and Tina Knowles
25.) Bishop James Dixon, II
26.) Jennifer Galaway
27.) Anella Spiller Coleman
28.) Carlondria Dixon
29.) Leslie TopRealtor Hall
30.) Tammi Matthews-Durden
31.) Lisa “Ladyle” Ricardo
32.) Rhonda Williams Thornton
33.) Michael Bunch
34.) Michaeline Yanascavage
35.) Yuri Solomon
36.) Cheron K. Griffin
37.) Diedre Colson
38.) Yogi Matthews
39.) Vannessa Wade
40.) Joel Osteen Ministries
41.) T.D. Jakes Ministries
42.) Constable May Walker
43.) Congressman Al Green
44.) Bishop K J Brown Ministries