"In this Audio Recording Tamoria Jones, the chief of staff for State Rep. Dutton Talks Openly About the Quid Pro Quo Between Dutton & District Attorney Kim Ogg that Eventually Led to Grand Jury Indictments of three African Americans."
According to Tamoria Jones, who serves as the Chief of Staff for State Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr., “When Harold sees blood, he doesn’t give a ‘f_ck’ what side you’re on. He’s like I am going after everybody,” she said. “If you were against me,” she said, speaking of her boss State Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr.. “Or if ‘I felt like you were against me – I’m going after you,” she told “DOWNTOWN” Oliver Brown in a secretly recorded audiotape while the two were sharing drinks together. You can also listen to the audio on YouTube if you like. So, if you listen to this audio you will get a much better understanding of how Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg, appears to use her "PUBLIC OFFICE" to deal with her "POLITICAL ADVERSARIES" and "POLITICAL OUTSIDERS" who are perceived as a threat to her, and those who are aligned with her political beliefs.

The Threatening Letter Sent by State Rep. Dutton to State Rep. Reynolds Obtained; TEA Takeover of HISD Takes a New Twist
I don’t normally get my investigative team into matters involving public education, but the fight over the Texas Education Agency (TEA), taking over the Houston Independent School District (HISD), is starting to spill over into my lane, which is the political arena. Yesterday, State Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr., effectively canceled his membership in the Texas Legislative Black Caucus, effective, Saturday, March 25, 2023, according to a letter he sent to State Rep. Ron Reynolds, who currently serves as the chair.
“I recently reviewed the internal run of the show for the 50th Anniversary of the Texas Legislative Black Caucus Summit and I could not believe my eyes,” said State Rep. Dutton. “You have proposed a panel on public education and did not include me while choosing persons outside the Texas Legislative Black Caucus,” explained State Rep. Dutton. “This is simply beyond words—most of which are no suitable for this letter,” he proclaimed.
Now, I must admit, saying that State Rep. Dutton, is a little upset would be a huge understatement. He continued, “Moreover, I was not included on any of the panels scheduled during the Summit.”
“Perhaps that is your way of retaliating for the policy differences between us or as reported, you are simply trying to help your friend who desires to be a state representative,” State Rep. Dutton pondered.
But Dutton wasn’t done, “Either way, you are engaging in stank leadership which ignores the plight of Black Texans.”
“You should be ashamed and as I was writing this, it came back to me that when you faced criminal troubles, I was the only person that came to your rescue,” explained State Rep. Dutton, as he referenced State Rep. Ron Reynolds’s being convicted by a Montgomery County jury of barratry several years ago.
Reynolds was found guilty of illegally soliciting clients for his law firm and ordered to spend a year in jail. However, State Rep. Harold Dutton tried to come to his rescue by representing Reynolds during the appeals process, and stated at the time, that the criminal justice system had not been fair to Reynolds.
However, in his letter, State Rep. Dutton seems to issue some sort of threat to State Rep. Reynolds when he stated, “No good deed goes unpunished.”
Dutton closed out his letter by stating, “Well, as Chair of the TLBC, I suppose you can do whatever. But as a member of the TLBC, I don’t have to take it,” he explained. “I am canceling my membership in the TLBC, effective March 25, 2023.”
Now, as relations among Black elected officials continue to deteriorate, my investigative team has discovered that State Rep. Harold Dutton’s chief of staff, Tamoria Jones, has been double-dipping, so to speak. According to her “LINKED-IN” page, she began serving as Dutton’s chief of staff, back in October 2012 and has been continuing to serve as Dutton’s right-hand lady for over 10 years.
However, what you might not know about Dutton’s little chief of staff is that she also has a cozy relationship with Dutton, and charter schools. Tamoria Jones worked full-time as the Vice President of Advocacy and Government Affairs for the Texas Public Charter Schools Associations between January 2020 and February 2O21, after she was exposed, by “Downtown Oliver Brown” in a secretly recorded audio tape.
In the “AUDIO RECORDING,” Tamoria Jones explained in vivid detail how State Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr., enacts revenge on his political foes. She even detailed how he would use his power of influence to get “Democrat” Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg, to assist, in what attorney “Downtown” Oliver Brown called a “Quid Pro Quo” in the secretly recorded audio tape that he released back in May of 2021.
In case you don’t remember, attorney “Downtown” Oliver Jason Brown is the man who stepped forward and released an audio excerpt from an October 16, 2020 meeting with Tamoria Jones who was serving as State Rep. Harold Dutton’s chief of staff at the time.
The secretly recorded video appears to contain valuable evidence of a scheme between “Democrat” Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg, and State Rep. Harold Dutton, to conspire together to charge his political rivals.
If you think back, to December 11, 2020, Kim Ogg, appears to have held up her end of the “Quid Pro Quo” by bringing an indictment against three African American Democrats in connection to what she labeled as voter fraud in Harris County, Texas. But I thought voter fraud was something that only existed in the minds of “CONSPIRACY THEORISTS” and far-right conservatives.
Remember, “Democrat” Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg was successful in holding up her end of the “Quid Pro Quo” by getting a Harris County grand jury to indict Damien Thaddeus Jones, Richard Bonton, and Natasha Demming, for “allegedly” trying to illegally influence Harold Dutton’s 2020 reelection bid, in the Democratic Party Primary, for HD-142, as well as the HD-132 race involving Gina Calanni, who was serving as a state representative at the time.
Attorney “Downtown” Oliver Brown released one of several “AUDIO RECORDINGS” from his investigation of Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg, in the spirit of public interest. He has been investigating District Attorney Kim Ogg since March 2019 due to allegations that she has been engaging in ethical violations.
As a result, “Downtown” Oliver Brown filed a series of bar complaints against two of Kim Ogg’s “Assistant District Attorneys” after reviewing a transcript District Attorney Ogg had circulated within the Harris County Court House, in her effort to gain support to have a local African American Judge by the name of Judge Darrell Jordan, who represented County Criminal Court at Law No. 16, removed from the bench.
A quid pro quo is simply a favor or advantage granted to someone in return for something else. For example, the grand jury indictments of Damien Thaddeus Jones, Richard Bonton, and Natasha Demming were part of a quid pro quo between Dutton and Ogg for Dutton assisting Kim Ogg in her March 3, 2020, Democratic Party Primary reelection bid against two Black female Democratic opponents.
Kim Ogg appears to be a major part of the problem. And her “Quid Pro Quo” with state Rep. Harold Dutton, which led to the grand jury indictments of those three African Americans is just the tip of the iceberg in my opinion.
Remember, “Downtown” Oliver Brown only received one of the “AUDIO RECORDINGS” that he collected during his investigation of “Democrat” Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg, and the corruption that’s swirling around her, and people like state Rep. Harold Dutton, and others.
Have you heard the name Paula Harris before? What about Larry Marshall? What about Rhonda Skillern Jones? What about Nicole West? Well, the HISD School Board has been corrupt for a long time and needed to be taken over and cleaned up by the Texas Education Agency in my opinion.
"Over the 11 years I worked at HISD, I witnessed Mr. Marshall manipulating the contracting process," said Stephen Pottinger who served as HISD’s head of procurement, and testified at the trial of former HISD Trustee Larry Marshall’s bribery trial, which took place in Federal Court several years ago.
"Mr. Marshall was very vocal on certain vendors and contractors," said Pottinger. In fact, according to published reports, Board President Paula Harris’s close friend, Nicole West carried so much weight, that she “allegedly” threatened Stephen Pottinger’s job, according to his testimony during Marshall’s bribery trial. But that’s a story for another day.
As I said, HISD has been corrupt for a very long time, and Blacks like Paula Harris, Larry Marshall, Dr. James Douglas, and many other have personally benefited, and enriched themselves during the process.
Paula Harris, the former embattled HISD Board President, and the trustee have been serving as a member of the Energized for STEM Academy since back in 2016. And former NAACP President Dr. James Douglas currently serves as the Board Treasurer for STEM Academy.
Now, if you think back to that HISD Board meeting at Hattie Mae White Educational Center when several community activists were dragged out of the building, you will discover exactly what’s going on right now with the Texas Education Agency (TEA) takeover of the Houston Independent School District (HISD), as June 1, 2023, complete takeover draws nearer.
On the night when chaos broke out at the Hattie Mae White Education Center, back in 2018, I was present in the building. So, I witnessed, what happened before the HISD Board Members, went into private session before eventually casting an 8 to 1 vote in favor of adjourning their meeting for the evening, to the displeasure of parents, community activists, and members of the Houston Federation of Teacher, who opposed HISD’s plan to hand over 10 so-called ‘low-performing HISD Schools to Paula Harris, Dr. James Douglas, and other stakeholders in Energized for STEM Academy.
At the time, Energized for Stem Academy was already operating three different charter schools in HISD, and stood to gain 10 more schools, if agree community activists, like Gerry Wayne Monroe, Travis McGee, and others hadn’t pushed back against the HISD Board’s plans.
It took an officer sustaining minor injuries, and at least two female activists getting drugged out of the room and arrested; to stop the vote; but no vote took place on that night.
Now, in case you don’t remember, the 10 schools that the HISD School Board Trustees were planning to hand over to Paul Harris, the former HISD Board President, Dr. James Douglas, and other stakeholders in Energized for STEM Academy, were all Black and Brown schools.
Under the contract the HISD Trustees were planning to hand over to Paula Harris, Dr. James Douglas, and others, they would have been allowed to take control of Wheatley High School, and nine others.
Along with Wheatley High School, the group would have been allowed to seize control of Worthing High School, Kashmere High School, Henry Middle School, Blackshear Elementary, Woodson Elementary, Dogan Elementary School, Highland Heights Elementary School, Wesley Mading Elementary School, Highland Heights Elementary School.
Now, back to Tamoria Jones, the chief of staff for State Rep. Harold Dutton Jr., who until recently worked full-time as the Vice President of Advocacy and Government Affairs for the Texas Public Charter Schools Associations between January 2020 and February 2O21, after she was exposed, by an attorney “Downtown Oliver Brown” in a secretly recorded audio tape and her cozy relationship with Dutton.
Our girl Tamoria Jones, and state Rep. Harold Dutton, could be burning the candle from both ends. How can I say this? Well, according to their website, “The Texas Public Charter Schools Association (TPCSA) is committed to making sure every child in Texas has access to a high-quality public school that will set them on the path to future success.”
Their website goes on to state, “Working as complements to ISDs, public charter schools in Texas are preparing the workforce of the future - more students to and through colleges, universities, and technical training programs.”
“Public charter schools are accountable to taxpayers and are doing their part to help the state meet its academic goals so that all Texas children can thrive,” their website states.
So, what this boils down to, is that state Rep. Harold Dutton’s chief of staff is technically a lobbyist for the TPCSA, whose mission is to support and advocate for a policy favorable to charter schools.
In a published report, Tamoria Jones described herself as the chief of staff to State Rep. Harold V. Dutton, Jr., and at the time, she also served as the committee clerk for the House Committee on Juvenile Justice and Family Issues.
“I am responsible for managing all of our legislative bills and policies. My responsibilities include drafting legislation, legal research, meeting with lobbyists, handling constituent matters, and advising Chairman Dutton on current and proposed legislation during the legislative session to make recommendations,” she explained.
She went on to say, “As a clerk for the committee, I facilitate the hearings to ensure they run smoothly. I read all referred bills and analyses to make recommendations to Chairman Dutton. I prepare all committee reports and help committee members with any issues or questions they have regarding the committee and the committee process.”
Did you hear what state Rep. Harold Dutton’s chief of staff said? This is insane, if you ask me. Well, it appears that the people behind HB-1842, the bill relating to public school accountability, including the intervention in and sanction of a public school that has received an academically unsuccessful performance rating for at least two consecutive school years, was passed back on June 19, 2015, may have a few more question to answer at their upcoming meeting.

Mike Morath and The Texas Education Agency are going to host four "COMMUNITY MEETINGS" beginning next week. These meetings are being held for parents, educators, and students to have their concerns addressed. These meetings are very important and should be attended by community stakeholders as well.
On Wednesday, March 29, 2023, a "COMMUNITY MEETING" is being hosted by TEA at Hattie Mae White Educational Support Center from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. in the board auditorium room. In case you don't know, The Hattie Mae White Center is located at 4400 West 18th Street in Houston, Texas 77092.