State Senator Borris Miles (Senate District 13), did not vote for House Bill 1842, he was marked as being absent when the "THIRD READING" of the bill took place back on June 19, 2015. The rumor that State Sen. Borris Miles supported House Bill 1842 is false. You can "CLICK HERE" to view "THE ROLL CALL" and see how each legislator voted on HB-1842, back on July 19, 2015, in the 84th Legislative Session.

Mike Morath and The Texas Education Agency are going to host four "COMMUNITY MEETINGS" beginning next week. These meetings are being held for parents, educators, and students to have their concerns addressed. These meetings are very important and should be attended by community stakeholders as well.
On Wednesday, March 22, 2023, a "COMMUNITY MEETING" is being hosted by TEA Cesar E. Chavez High School from 6:30 to 7:30 in the school auditorium. In case you don't know, Chavez High School is located at 8501 Howard Drive, Houston, Texas 77017.
On Wednesday, March 29, 2023, a "COMMUNITY MEETING" is being hosted by TEA at Hattie Mae White Educational Support Center from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. in the board auditorium room. In case you don't know, The Hattie Mae White Center is located at 4400 West 18th Street in Houston, Texas 77092.
On Thursday, March 30, 2023, a "COMMUNITY MEETING" is being hosted by TEA at Kashmere High School from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. in the school auditorium. Kashmere HS is located at 6900 Wileyvale Road in Houston, Texas 77028.

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "We must make it our business to start "PUTTING PEOPLE OVER POLITICS" going forward into the 2023 City of Houston Mayoral Election, the 2024 Democratic Party Primary, and 2024 Republican Party Primary. Our nation is at a serious crossroads, and a serious course correction is desperately needed in America."
If you want to know the truth about it, the same career politicians who are pointing their fingers at the Texas Education Agency, and the TEA Commissioner (Mike Morath), are the very ones who are to blame for House Bill 1842, becoming law. Did you hear me? I said, the same local Black politicians who are holding protests, and speaking out against the TEA takeover of the Houston Independent School District are the very people who voted "IN FAVOR" of House Bill 1842 back on June 19, 2015, during the 84 Texas Legislative Session.
The time has come for the Black community to wake up, and smell the coffee. Listen!!! Getting on television and holding press conferences isn't fighting for the Black community. We have allowed Black politicians to remain in office for 20 years, 30 years, 40 years, and 50 years, by using the same old washed-up 1960s strategies to keep the majority of our people bound and in a subservient mindset, which has severely hindered us from moving forward as a people.
Governor Greg Abbott and Lt. Governor Dan Patrick, and other Republicans aren't holding us back. The people who are keeping Black people bound are the very ones we are continuing to elect to public offices over and over again for symbolic reasons. We must wake up, and come to the realization, that we are the masters of our own destinies.
We must start holding our public officials accountable. And we must also stop listening to the lies they are peddling to us, over and over again. Mayor Sylvester Turner is a trickster. He's a very good liar and manipulator. That being said, he doesn't need to be elected to any other position of authority when his term ends later this year.
As for the other local Black members of the Texas Legislature who vote "IN FAVOR" of House Bill 1842, we must demand better of them. And we must stop allowing them to pimp our people like "TWO BIT PROSTITUTES" working the streets, and being sold to the highest bidder.
From what I understand, several of the HISD School Board members are still planning to run for reelection on Tuesday, November 7, 2023. However, some of the potential candidates may decide not to run, for reelection. That being said, the filing period to run for HISD School Board, HCC School Board, City of Houston Mayor, City of Houston Controller, and Houston City Council will open on Saturday, July 22, 2023, and close on Monday, August 21, 2023.
On Tuesday, November 7, 2023, Houstonians will have some tough decisions to make. However, I'm imploring my readers to reject votes for people who don't give a damn about the Black community this time around. And casting votes for symbolic reasons should also be abandoned on Tuesday, November 7, 2023, in the Bayou City. We must endeavor to commit ourselves to "PUTTING PEOPLE OVER POLITICS" and only cast votes for duly-qualified candidates who love our constitution and possess the courage and intestinal fortitude to do what's right by the people -- not their political party bosses.

EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033