Houston Business Connections Newspaper© is a non-partisan politically focused news source that's published by Aubrey R. Taylor Communications for the sole purpose of informing, empowering and imploring our readership to elect the "BEST" duly-qualified people to public office who value, respect, and appreciate our support! Call (281)788-3033 for more information about how we can assist you.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Keep Right on Stepping #8 -- A Thought From Aubrey R. Taylor
"Windows of opportunity
don't just remain open until we decide that the time is right to enter! You
have a gift on the inside of you that belongs to all of us! You have something
inside you that's crying to get out! Let it out!!! And If you've already
released it; well, I'm happy for you! For some reason, I'm just feeling like
we're heading into a season primed for birthing and expanding dreams! Go after
your dream in 2013 my friend! Go after your dream in 2013! Go after your dream!
Some opportunities only come along once! Ask the Lord for guidance! And then
step forward in boldness and faith under His divine direction. You can do it! Every God-given goal you have can be accomplished"
Some Opportunities Are Time Sensitive My Friend!
Monday, November 19, 2012
Go For Your Dream In 2013 -- Featuring Bishop K.J. Brown
Part 3 of 33 features Bishop K.J. Brown and his prayer for America, President Barack Obama, and People Going For Their Dreams In 2013
The Process of Winning!
By Bishop K. J. Brown
We applaud the successes of those we consider to be winners in every conceivable area of life. But, it's imperative that we realize that anything worthwhile in life came by process and patience. Please understand that the process of winning is filled with challenges and adversity. As I reflect upon my study of scripture there are principles to winning that stand out and mark a path for becoming a true winner.
Purpose: The one thing that drives me to stay on the right path; its knowing my purpose. Purpose is the source that keeps me directed. The discovery of "why" I'm here gave me the "what" I should be doing. Without purpose we have a tendency to wonder or go in circles; busy but getting nowhere.
Path: If you're on the right road you have a much greater chance of getting where you should be than if you're going in the wrong direction.
Preparation: When purpose and path are discovered, education and experience will have to follow. However, there are still going to be some valleys and mountains along the journey of life. I've come to the point that rather than complain while going through the valleys, I now ask God what lesson are You teaching me in the valley moments; but, I'm always mindful to remember to take a moment to celebrate on the mountains.
Pursuit: Don't just plan to do it .You must do it! However, please be careful how you go about doing it; and make sure that you don't do others as you pursue your goals. I'm really afraid of persons who will do anything to reach their goals. Some people allow their pursuit to carry them to dishonest means; and feel those means are justified. Just remember you will reap exactly what you sow.
Problems: In this life you will have problems. How you handle those problems is one of the biggest challenges of winning. 1 Refuse to accept failure. You are not a failure when you fail. You are only a failure when you give up. 2. Keep going! I read a story that Colonel Sanders went to 1,000 places to sell his chicken recipe before he found that interested buyer. 3. Shake it off and step up. I always remember the story of the mule that fell in the hole and the farmer would throw dirt on him to bury him, but he would shake it off and put the dirt under his feet. As time went on the more dirt he shook off and put under his feet the more elevated he became until the point that he was out of the hole. What would have been his burial eventually became his blessing!
Pinnacle: Process brings you to pinnacle. Be the best that you can be. But remember to be yourself. No two people travel the same path to success.
Be Blessed! Be smart -- and remember ""The Lord wants you to Win!"
Bishop K.J. Brown Ministries
"Building Winning Lives"
To speak directly with Bishop Brown call: 832.893.9424
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Keep Right on Stepping #7 -- A Thought From Aubrey R. Taylor
"We just never know what blessing our Father has planned for us (individually or corporately) on any given day! That's why we must face each day with boldness and in a posture of eager anticipation that our Father has something good planned for us! Be blessed and empowered as you prepare to receive your Father's favor, grace and power to assist you as you go about your business as an individual with His corporate vision for us as a body ever present on the forefront of your mind today! And no matter what happens today -- You Keep Right on Stepping..."
Something Great Can Happen For You and Me Today!
Something Great Can Happen For You and Me Today!
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Go For Your Dream In 2013 -- Featuring Pastor Robert L. Thomas
Part 2 of 33: Features Pastor Robert L. Thomas the Senior Pastor of Olivet Missionary Baptist Church and his prayer for President Barack Obama, The United States Senate, Congress, and the American People
Aubrey R. Taylor Communications the publisher of Your Thought Matters Newspaper and Blog has taken on the challenge of bringing Americans together by inspiring and encouraging Americans to think corporately as a body while pursuing their own individual dreams and pursuits in 2013.
The "Go After Your Dream in 2013" series will feature daily inspiration, information, encouragement and prayers for all Americans along with prayers for President Barack Obama and our leaders in the United States Senate and Congress.
A new video will be released each day during the month of December 2012 leading up to the highly anticipated release of the 2012 Year-End review issue of Your Thought Matters Newspaper.
The Your Thought Matters Newspaper Year-End Review will feature visionaries in pursuit of their God-given pursuits, purpose, goals, missions and dreams who want your support in the coming year. Call Aubrey R. Taylor Communications at: (832)212-8735 to discuss your inclusion in this historic series.
Pastor Robert Thomas is the Senior Pastor of Olivet Missionary Baptist Church located in Houston, Texas. The Mission of Olivet Missionary Baptist Church: "Our mission is to be a positive agent of change through the power of the Holy Spirit. We are preparing the people of God to live, grow, and give of the gifts that God has given unto us, so that we may be a blessing to mankind. We will Reclaim, Rebuild and Renew the people, property, and possessions of God for the building of the body of Christ, relief of the poor and the uplifting of the community of faith." Olivet Missionary Baptist Church is located at: 3115 Lyons Ave Houston, Texas 77020. For more information on Olivet Missionary Baptist Church call: (713)224-1616 today!
For more information on Aubrey R. Taylor, Your Thought Matters Newspaper, or Aubrey R. Taylor Communications, please visit www.aubreyrtaylor.blogspot.com or call: 832.212.8735.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Go For Your Dream In 2013 -- Featuring Aubrey R. Taylor

After Your Dream In 2013 Part 1 of 33: A Prayer By Aubrey R. Taylor,
featuring Pastor Robert Thomas, and Bishop K.J. Brown for President
Barack Obama, Our Nation and Our Lives
R. Taylor Communications the publisher of Your Thought Matters
Newspaper and Blog has taken on the challenge of bringing Americans
together by inspiring and encouraging Americans to think corporately
as a body while pursuing their own individual dreams and pursuits in
“Go After Your Dream in 2013” series will feature daily
inspiration, information, encouragement and prayers for all Americans
along with prayers for President Barack Obama and our leaders in the
United States Senate and Congress.
new video will be released each day during the month of December 2012
leading up to the highly anticipated release of the 2012 Year-End
review issue of Your Thought Matters Newspaper on January 1, 2012.
Your Thought Matters Newspaper Year-End Review will feature
visionaries in pursuit of their God-given pursuits, purpose, goals,
missions and dreams who want your support in the coming year. Call
Aubrey R. Taylor Communications at: (832)212-8735 to discuss your
inclusion in this historic series.
in “Go After Your Dream in 2013 – Part One” are prayers by
Pastor Robert Thomas of Olivet Missionary Baptist Church out of
Houston, Texas and Bishop K.J. Brown, founder of Bishop K.J. Brown
Ministries. Bishop K.J. Brown is also the Pastor of Zion Tabernacle
Church also out of Houston, Texas.
more information on Aubrey R. Taylor, Your Thought Matters Newspaper,
or Aubrey R. Taylor Communications, please visit
or call: 832.212.8735.
Keep Right on Stepping #6 -- A Thought From Aubrey R. Taylor
have the favor of God over our lives! The hopes and dreams that have
been planted in our hearts and spirits are there for a reason! And
this could very-well be our time and season! You've been especially
equipped and anointed to do what you've been called to do! But know
that life is a process! I know that we can do all that we're called
to do. Our individual and corporate success as a body of people
(AMERICANS) depends on us always searching for and discovering common
ground! Always search for common ground my friend!"
We've Got Favor Out There Working For Us Today!
We've Got Favor Out There Working For Us Today!
Monday, November 12, 2012
Keep Right on Stepping #5 -- A Thought From Aubrey R. Taylor
and knowledge from our Father is invaluable! As a matter of fact, I
once read in the book of Proverbs the 8th Chapter and 10 verse that
God's instruction and knowledge is worth more than both silver and
gold! So, just know that the still small voice speaking to you
saying, "GO HERE" and "DO THIS" is trying to
direct you to your Father's perfect will for your life! It's going to
take some divine wisdom for us to achieve the individual and
corporate success that our Father has in mind for us! So keep
listening and following His directives! You're almost there!" -- KEEP STEPPING THOUGHT #5 is an excerpt from the book Aubrey R. Taylor is currently writing entitled: Keep Stepping! -- Daily Empowerment Thoughts to Help You Push Past Every Obstacle Standing On the Road Between You And Your Promise!"
Our Father's Instruction and Knowledge Is Invaluable!
Our Father's Instruction and Knowledge Is Invaluable!
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Keep Right on Stepping #4 -- A Thought From Aubrey R. Taylor
Dreams Can Only Be Accomplished With People Power!
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Keep Right on Stepping #3 -- A Thought From Aubrey R. Taylor
"The first ridge on the key to unlock the door to the next stage of our lives is our faith! So every step we take on the journey we're on is going to somehow require us to take it by faith in the One whom we're trusting and depending on to help us safely navigate this obstacle course of life we're traveling! So it really doesn't matter whether you're on a personal quest or corporate journey; please remember that our (individual and corporate) success is dependent upon us having the faith to venture out into the unknown at times!" -- KEEP STEPPING THOUGHT #3 is an excerpt from the book Aubrey R. Taylor is currently writing entitled: Keep Stepping! -- Daily Empowerment Thoughts to Help You Push Past Every Obstacle Standing On the Road Between You And Your Promise!
You Can Support My Dream By Ordering My Book Today!
You Can Support My Dream By Ordering My Book Today!
Friday, November 9, 2012
Keep Right on Stepping #2 -- A Thought From Aubrey R. Taylor
"Sometimes what we're called and anointed to do and what we're doing aren't the same thing! True success and fulfillment in life can still be found; but discovering it will only come when we yield our will to the will of our Father for us! I can see you and me both claiming everything that God has prepared for us! However, braving the path that has been chosen for us to travel (individually and corporately) is vital to us becoming the very best people that we've been created to be!" -- KEEP STEPPING THOUGHT #2 is an excerpt from the book Aubrey R. Taylor
is currently writing entitled: Keep Stepping! -- Daily
Empowerment Thoughts to Help You Push Past Every Obstacle Standing On the Road
Between You And Your Promise!
Every God-given Vision Still Needs People to Support It!
Every God-given Vision Still Needs People to Support It!
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Keep Right on Stepping #1 -- A Thought From Aubrey R. Taylor
"Trusting God is a key part of our faith walk! Though some stretches of life's journey will be difficult, and even daunting at times, we must keep trusting God no matter how things look! Because, even when it seems like nothing is going our way, trusting that God is continuously working on behalf of us (His chosen) is perhaps the most important part of our quest to claim what He's shown us that He's going to do for us (individually and corporately) in this lifetime! He's faithful my friend! So, we must continue to keep our eyes affixed on the real prize! Your prize is right out there waiting for you to claim it!" -- KEEP STEPPING THOUGHT #1 is an excerpt from the book Aubrey R. Taylor is currently writing entitled: Keep Stepping! -- Daily Empowerment Thoughts to Help You Push Past Every Obstacle Standing On the Road Between You And Your Promise!
Ordering This Book Will Help Me To Reach More People!
Ordering This Book Will Help Me To Reach More People!
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Obama Wins The 2012 General Election!
Today is a new day in America! We just learned a lot about America last night! But there's more to take away from last night than a political victory my friend! What God has for you is for you! God is not a respecter of persons! Please don't miss the fact that God has something that He wants each of us to do in our world! The challenge now, is to use what we just witnessed as motivational fuel to inspire us to face down our own Goliath moments! There's nothing that can stop us from claiming our own promise my friend! That's what I'm hoping we can all take away from last night! Your best day is right out there waiting for you to step into it! So keep stepping...
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Don't Forget To Vote On Tuesday, November 6th!
THE 2012 CANDIDATES WHO WANT YOUR VOTE ARE INCLUDED IN THIS 2012 ELECTION HANDBOOK: Publishing of this voting information by Aubrey R. Taylor Communications would not have been possible without the contributions in one way or another from these candidates: (R)-Ted Cruz, (D)-Paul Sadler, (D)-James Cargas, (R)-Congressman Kevin Brady, (D)-Neil Burns, (R)-Steve Mueller, (D)-Tawana Cadien, (D)-Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, (R)-Sean Seibert, (D)-Dale Henry, (R)-Justice Don Willett, (R)-Donna Bahorich, (R)-R.W. Bray, (D)-Sam "Tejas" Texas, (D)- Cody Pogue, (R)-M.J. Khan, (D)-State Rep. Senfronia Thompson, (D)-Ron Lovett, (D)-Natalia Cokinos Oakes, (R)- Michael Massengale, (R)-Justice Brett Busby, (R)-John Devine, (R)-Jeff Hastings, (D)-Judge Kyle Carter, (R)-Michael Landrum, (R)-Don Self, (R)-Robert Summerlin, (R)-Roger Bridgwater, (R)-Louis Guthrie, (D)-Alan Rosen, (D)-Diane Trautman, (R)-Juluette Bartlett-Pack,and (D)-Erica S. Lee. Please peruse this "2012 Election Handbook" and blog to research and identify the candidates who want your support in the 2012 General Election if you live in Harris County Texas. Then go to the polls on Tuesday, November 6, 2012 and put people before politics!
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