Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg is a very confused and deeply troubled woman who could be more likened to the "GRAND WIZARD OF THE KU KLUX KLAN" than a Democrat District Attorney, in my opinion. But you don't have to take my word for it. In this detailed investigative report, you will discover that (KKK) Kimbra "KIM" Kathryn, has weaponized the Harris County District Attorney's Office and has transformed her elected office into a "SHADOW GOVERNMENT" that Ogg and her allies are currently using as a weapon to destroy the lives of their political foes, and rivals from both sides of the political aisle.

The weaponization of the Harris County District Attorney's Office by Kim Ogg is very similar to the "HORRIFYING PLAYBOOK" which was used by the Ku Klux Klan back in the day. For the record, the KKK is a secret vigilante group that targeted freedmen and their allies. Just like what (KKK) Kimbra "KIM" Kathryn, and her allies are currently doing in Harris County, the Ku Klux Klan sought to restore white supremacy through wrongful prosecutions, and threats of violence, which sometimes included murder. Most importantly, the strategies of the (KKK) Ku Klux Klan and (KKK) Kimbra "KIM" Kathryn, are very similar in that they both targeted, and continue to target white Northern leaders, Southerners who sympathized with Blacks, and politically active African Americans.


Dr. Carol Swain is a professor of political science and law at Vanderbilt University, for Prager University.
When you think about racial equality and civil rights, which political party comes to mind? The Republicans? Or, the Democrats? Most people would probably say the Democrats. But this answer is incorrect.
Since its founding in 1829, the Democratic Party has fought against every major civil rights initiative and has a long history of discrimination.
The Democratic Party defended slavery, started the Civil War, opposed Reconstruction, founded the Ku Klux Klan, imposed segregation, perpetrated lynchings, and fought against the Civil Rights Acts of the 1950s and 1960s.
In contrast, the Republican Party was founded in 1854 as an anti-slavery party. Its mission was to stop the spread of slavery into the new western territories to abolish it entirely. This effort, however, was dealt a major blow by the Supreme Court. In the 1857 case Dred Scott v. Sandford, the court ruled that slaves weren’t citizens; they were property. The seven justices who voted in favor of slavery? All Democrats. The two justices who dissented? Both Republicans.
The slavery question was, of course, ultimately resolved by a bloody civil war. The commander-in-chief during that war was the first Republican President, Abraham Lincoln – the man who freed the slaves.
Six days after the Confederate army surrendered, John Wilkes Booth, a Democrat, assassinated President Lincoln. Lincoln’s vice president, a Democrat named Andrew Johnson, assumed the presidency. But Johnson adamantly opposed Lincoln’s plan to integrate the newly freed slaves into the South’s economic and social order.
Johnson and the Democratic Party were unified in their opposition to the 13th Amendment, which abolished slavery; the 14th Amendment, which gave blacks citizenship; and the 15th Amendment, which gave blacks the vote. All three passed only because of universal Republican support.
During the era of Reconstruction, federal troops stationed in the South helped secure rights for the newly freed slaves. Hundreds of black men were elected to southern state legislatures as Republicans, and 22 black Republicans served in the US Congress by 1900. The Democrats did not elect a black man to Congress until 1935.
But after Reconstruction ended, when the federal troops went home, Democrats roared back into power in the South. They quickly reestablished white supremacy across the region with measures like black codes – laws that restricted the ability of blacks to own property and run businesses. And they imposed poll taxes and literacy tests, used to subvert the black citizen’s right to vote.
And how was all of this enforced? By terror -- much of it instigated by the Ku Klux Klan, founded by a Democrat, Nathan Bedford Forrest.
As historian Eric Foner - himself a Democrat - notes:
“In effect, the Klan was a military force serving the interests of the Democratic Party.”
President Woodrow Wilson, a Democrat, shared many views with the Klan. He re-segregated many federal agencies, and even screened the first movie ever played at the White House - the racist film “The Birth of a Nation,” originally entitled “The Clansman.”
A few decades later, the only serious congressional opposition to the landmark Civil Rights Act of 1964 came from Democrats.
Eighty percent of Republicans in Congress supported the bill. Less than 70 percent of Democrats did. Democratic senators filibustered the bill for 75 days until Republicans mustered the few extra votes needed to break the logjam.
And when all of their efforts to enslave blacks, keep them enslaved, and then keep them from voting had failed, the Democrats came up with a new strategy: If black people are going to vote, they might as well vote for Democrats. As President Lyndon Johnson was purported to have said about the Civil Rights Act, “I’ll have them n*****s voting Democrat for two hundred years.”
So now, the Democratic Party prospers on the votes of the very people it has spent much of its history oppressing.
Democrats falsely claim that the Republican Party is the villain when in reality it’s the failed policies of the Democratic Party that have kept blacks down. Massive government welfare has decimated the black family. Opposition to school choice has kept them trapped in failing schools. Politically correct policing has left black neighborhoods defenseless against violent crime.
So, when you think about racial equality and civil rights, which political party should come to mind?
I’m Carol Swain, professor of political science and law at Vanderbilt University, for Prager University.

Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg has been positively identified as a member of a "SHADOW GOVERNMENT" which has been formed to purge local judicial benches of "BLACK JUDGES" and other ethnic minorities during the upcoming 2024 Presidential Election cycle. (KKK) Kimbra “KIM” Kathryn, appears to have also been part of what appears to be some sort of "WHITE SUPREMACY GROUP" comprised of (DINOs) "Democrats In Name Only" and (RINOs) "Republicans In Name Only" to enable their members to infiltrate the Harris County Republican Party and Harris County Democratic Party and carry out their racist discriminatory agenda.

Attorney Rachel Hooper (left) is a 'low-life' former "HARRIS COUNTY PROSECUTOR" serving as legal counsel for the Texas Republican Party. Time and time again, rank and file Republicans have rejected this Rachel Hopper woman and her 'drunk for a husband' by the name of Don Hooper. However, (KKK) Kimbra “KIM” Kathryn, our corrupt Harris County District Attorney (Kim Ogg) has somehow managed to infiltrate the Harris County Republican Party with these two despicable human beings.

Attorney Gemayel L. Haynes (top far left), Attorney Je'Rell A. Rogers (top second from right), Attorney Porscha Natasha Brown (bottom far left), and Judge Ronnisha Bowman (bottom second from right), were all specifically targeted by a "WHITE SUPREMACY GROUP" that (KKK) Kimbra “KIM” Kathryn, our corrupt Harris County District Attorney (Kim Ogg), Attorney Rachel Hooper, and Rachel's 'low-life' husband, named Don Hooper are conspiring with to purge "BLACK JUDGES" and other ethnic minorities from local judicial benches.
Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg and her two 'low-life' surrogates by the name of Don and Rachel Hooper were playing key roles as members of a "WHITE SUPREMACY GROUP" that included local (DINOs), "Democrats in Name Only" and (RINOs) "Republicans in Name Only" to purge local judicial benches of Black judges. QUESTION: Why did Attorney Porscha Natasha Brown (African American Female) and three other "BLACK DEMOCRATS LOSE THEIR RACES" but all of the other Democrats who were running countywide managed to win their races by wide margins.

Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg and her two 'low-life' surrogates by the name of Don and Rachel Hooper were playing key roles as members of a "WHITE SUPREMACY GROUP" that included local (DINOs), "Democrats in Name Only" and (RINOs) "Republicans in Name Only" to purge local judicial benches of Black judges. QUESTION: Why did Attorney Gemayel L. Haynes (African American Male) and three other "BLACK DEMOCRATS LOSE THEIR RACES" but all of the other Democrats who were running countywide managed to win their races by wide margins.
Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg and her two 'low-life' surrogates by the name of Don and Rachel Hooper were playing key roles as members of a "WHITE SUPREMACY GROUP" that included local (DINOs), "Democrats in Name Only" and (RINOs) "Republicans in Name Only" to purge local judicial benches of Black judges. QUESTION: Why did Judge Ronnisha Bowman (African American Female) and three other "BLACK DEMOCRATS LOSE THEIR RACES" but all of the other Democrats who were running countywide managed to win their races by wide margins.

Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg and her two 'low-life' surrogates by the name of Don and Rachel Hooper were playing key roles as members of a "WHITE SUPREMACY GROUP" that included local (DINOs), "Democrats in Name Only" and (RINOs) "Republicans in Name Only" to purge local judicial benches of Black judges. QUESTION: Why did Je'Rell A. Rogers (African American Male) and three other "BLACK DEMOCRATS LOSE THEIR RACES" but all of the other Democrats who were running countywide managed to win their races by wide margins.

The Strategy Being Used by DA Kim Ogg, Don Hooper, and His Wife Rachel Hooper Closely Resembles that of the Ku Klux Klan
Have you been paying attention to what’s happening in major cities all over America? In case you haven’t noticed, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to distinguish Democrats from Republicans. And as “SUPER TUESDAY” draws nearer, the Americans appear to be getting fed up with the antics of both major political parties from what I can see.
Stories like, “Black voters in Chicago vow to flip city red over migrant, crime crises: ‘Time for us to make a change’ are becoming commonplace.
And the story about Mayor Eric Johnson, the mayor of Dallas Texas switching from the Democratic Party, to the Republican Party, could be a sign of the times.
In a recent interview, Mayor Eric Johnson stated, “I had to be honest with myself, and I had to do some inventory. I realized that, you know, I became a Democrat at 18 when I voted for the first time. I turned 48 this year. 30 years is a long time, and I’m not the same guy 30 years later.”
“It became obvious to me I was in the wrong Party and that there really is no conservative wing in the Democratic Party left, certainly not on that issue and so I switched.”
Often, I wonder why African Americans from outside of Harris County are as bold and courageous as lions, while many of the so-called “BLACK LEADERS” in Harris County are spineless ‘bootlicking’ cowards.

In a recent interview, Mayor Eric Johnson stated, “I had to be honest with myself, and I had to do some inventory. I realized that, you know, I became a Democrat at 18 when I voted for the first time. I turned 48 this year. 30 years is a long time, and I’m not the same guy 30 years later.”
“It became obvious to me I was in the wrong Party and that there really is no conservative wing in the Democratic Party left, certainly not on that issue and so I switched.”
Often, I wonder why African Americans from outside of Harris County are as bold and courageous as lions, while many of the so-called “BLACK LEADERS” in Harris County are spineless ‘bootlicking’ cowards.

"Kay Shepard believes that Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg must be voted out of office by Democrats on Super Tuesday, and she's absolutely right."
A few days ago, I was forwarded an email entitled, “Trojan Horse We must vet these candidates,” which appeared to have been written by Kay Shepard, one of the strongest voices in the Harris County Democratic Party, these days.
One of the things I absolutely loved about Kay Shepard’s email is that she displayed the kind of courage and intestinal fortitude that’s severely lacking amongst the ranks of local “BLACK ELECTED OFFICIALS” in Harris County, right now.
In her email, Kay Shepard boldly called out State Rep. Shawn Thierry (HD-146), State Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr., and most importantly “RACIST A$$” Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg.
“Kim Ogg trying to indict Rodney and Lina every time a new grand jury is sworn in is ridiculous,” explained Kay Shepard. “She’s mean and vindictive and uses her office to go after those she hates,” said Shepard.
“Democrat she is not,” proclaimed Shephard.
Who is (KKK) Kimbra “KIM” Kathryn–Ogg? Well, according to Kay Shepard, “She is a Republican, and pulling this BS cannot continue on.”
“We must GET HER OUT NOW,” proclaimed Kay Shephard.
Kay Shephard went on to ask a very important question, “How can you tell the difference between a Republican “DA” (District Attorney) and “KO” (Kim Ogg)?”
“You CANNOT,” she explained.
“Doesn’t this alarm you,” asked Kay Shepard.
According to Kay Shepard, “We must not allow this bullying to continue.”
“We’re being infiltrated by these so-called Democrats and we have got to Vote them Out,” she went on to say.

On the matter of some of these “BLACK WOMEN JUDICIAL CANDIDATES” who have come out of the woodworks – Kay Shephard didn’t hold back on them either.
“These other folks who are running for judgeships, yet never have tried a case is alarming,” explained Shephard.
“If you’re screening ask them if they’ve ever practiced that type of law or even stepped foot inside the courtroom.”
“…Or are they running because it’s girls' time or black girls' time,” she asks.
Kay Shepard fired off a series of questions that addressed her concerns. “How are they qualified to run? How are they Democrats,” she asked.
According to Shepard, “Some have voted in Republican primaries.”
“Our party is in jeopardy. We’ve never seen these folks at anything in the community,” she proclaimed.
“We’ve never seen them fighting for a cause.”
“They’re looking for a free ride to victory and hoping we won’t be awake enough to stop them. STAY WOKE,” she demanded.
“How could they win in November if no one knows them?”
Shepard believes that some of these people are hoping to get lucky by relying on the “DEMOCRATIC BRAND” and describes that as a proposition that’s sickening to even think about, and she’s right. That’s why Democrats must vote “RACIST A$$” Kim Ogg out of office.
A Democrat named Sean Teare is challenging Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg on Tuesday, March 5, 2024, in the Democratic Party Primary. But if Ogg finds a way to fend off the challenge from Sean Teare on “SUPER TUESDAY” she will then have to face off against Dan Simons, on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, in the Presidential Election.

The (KKK) is alive and well in Harris County, Texas!!! The letters (KKK) don’t just stand for the Ku Klux Klan these days. In my opinion, those three letters also stand for “RACIST A$$” (KKK) Kimbra “KIM” Kathryn, better known as Kim Ogg.
For the record, this rogue District Attorney has been running what appears to be a “SHADOW GOVERNMENT REGIME” right under our noses since her first day in office.

According to attorney “Downtown” Oliver Brown, “Since March of 2019, Kim Ogg and her political cronies launched an all-out white liberal attack on Black judges. Her flunky ADAs have been reporting Black Judges to the Texas Judicial Ethics Commission every time they fail to get a ruling that is favorable to the State,” explained “Downtown” Oliver Brown, in Tuesday, June 28, 2022, Op-Ed submitted to Houston Business Connections Newspaper, in regards to a matter involving the Honorable Judge Darrell Jordan, Jr., who has decided to not seek reelection in 2024.
In his scathing editorial, attorney “Downtown” Oliver Brown, went on to explain how, (KKK) Kimbra “KIM” Kathryn, had teamed up with the Houston Chronicle and ABC 13 to falsely report why bonds are being set so low for violent offenders. “The white liberal media intentionally reports the names of Black Judges in headlines to cause embarrassment and damage to their reputation,” explained “Downtown” Oliver Brown.
According to “Downtown” Oliver Brown, “In December of 2020, when she indicted three individuals on trumped-up charges as a favor to the Black political elite, Kim stated, “there is more to come.” I attempted to warn the community in May of 2021 that Kim is actively engaging in a quid pro quo scheme to garner political support. Since the release of my video, Kim has actively attacked countless Black Judges, used her office to bully the Harris County Commissioners Court, and shook down Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo for money by indicting her top aides.”

I need every open-minded Democratic Party Primary voter to please understand that (KKK) Kimbra “KIM” Kathryn, is the enemy of “PEOPLE OF COLOR” and must be defeated at the ballot box.
The time has come for “PEOPLE OF COLOR” to come together and have a “COME TO JESUS MEETING” and expose every member of the racist “SHADOW GOVERNMENT REGIME” that’s operating beneath the surface in the Lone Star State.
My investigative team has been working behind the scenes and keeping a close eye on racists like (KKK) Kimbra “KIM” Kathryn, better known as Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg and members of what appears to be a newly formed “WHITE SUPREMACY GROUP” comprised local (DINO) Democrats and (RINO) Republicans who have formed an alliance aimed at taking down “BLACK JUDGES” and “JUDICIAL CANDIDATES” by any means necessary.

As a way to hide her hateful feeling toward people of color, (KKK) Kimbra “KIM” Kathryn, has closely aligned herself with a few token “SELL-OUT NEGROES” by giving them jobs in the DA’s Office.
But don’t be fooled, (KKK) Kimbra “KIM” Kathryn, hates “PEOPLE OF COLOR” with a passion. And this rogue “UNHINGED WOMAN” has made it her mission in life, to purge local judicial benches of “BLACK JUDGES” who currently hold over 50% of the local judicial benches in Harris County, Texas.
In fact, back during the 2022 Democratic Party Primary Midterm Election, Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg conspired with her “RINO SURROGATES” her loyal “DINO SURROGATES” to stack the Republican Party Primary ballot and Democratic Party Primary ballot with her hand-picked prosecutors.
Can I prove what I’m saying? You’re damn right I can – but that’s a story for another day.

Remember that “BLACK WOMAN” who was subjected to that “CAVITY SEARCH” after she ran a stop sign and got pulled over by the police a few years ago?
Do you remember how the police made that “YOUNG BLACK WOMAN” pull down her pants on the side of the road and then placed a flashlight between her legs to look inside her vagina?
Can you imagine what it would feel like to have the police expose your genital area as part of a “VISUAL STRIP SEARCH” in a gas station parking lot?
Well, that humiliating 2015 incident that was experienced by Charnesia Corley, sparked a social media outcry, and revealed some horrible things about “THE REPUBLICAN” Harris County District Attorney at the time Devon Anderson, and her “DEMOCRATIC PREDESSOR” (KKK) Kimbra “KIM” Kathryn, better known as Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg.
If you remember, “THE REPUBLICAN” District Attorney Devon Anderson, charged the two officers with official oppression after the incident, but when (KKK) Kimbra “KIM” Kathryn, the rogue, “DEMOCRAT DISTRICT ATTORNEY” took office, one of her first orders of business was to dismiss the charges against the two officers.

Ultimately Charnesia Corley ended up settling her lawsuit with Harris County for a measly $200,000, but in my opinion, that wasn’t nearly enough for the anguish Charnesia Corley suffered, when officers forced her to pull her pants down and reveal her vagina, in that controversial parking lot cavity search.
Now, I don’t always agree with Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis, but I was sort of proud of the fact that he did speak up in the matter involving Charnesia Corley. “This was an appalling case and I apologize to Ms. Corley for the atrocious treatment she endured, right here in Harris County,” said Commissioner Rodney Ellis, an attorney.
Commissioner Ellis went on to say, “I do believe that the settlement sends a message that in cases where law enforcement officers are accused of misconduct, the allegations are going to be closely examined and addressed. That kind of behavior is unacceptable and the victims deserve justice.”
In the aftermath of the settlement, community activists like Quanell X were dismayed and angered. “That settlement did not send a message,” he said, in a Houston Chronicle interview.
“Why would anyone ever be afraid of a lawsuit when they know they’re only going to pay pennies in restitution for such egregious behavior,” he asked.

Make no mistake about it, (KKK) Kimbra “KIM” Kathryn (DINO), and a rogue former prosecutor by the name Rachel Hooper (RINO), who currently serves as legal counsel for the Republican Party of Texas are two of a kind.
Rachel Hooper’s husband, who many people consider to be a drunk, is a ‘deeply troubled and delusional dude' in my opinion. However, this Don Hooper 'character' has very strong ties to the local Harris County District Attorney’s Office.
Don Hooper (RINO) is a very good friend, of C.O. Brad Bradford, the former embattled, Houston Police Chief, who works for Kim Ogg, right now.
Former Houston Police Chief C.O. Bradford was hired by (KKK) Kimbra “KIM” Kathryn, the Harris County District Attorney, to serve as her senior-level special prosecutor back in 2019.

For those of you who might not know, Rachel Hooper (Kim Ogg’s best friend) is the disgraced former prosecutor who is now a partner with the BakerHostetler law firm.
Rachel Hooper also serves as legal counsel for the Texas Republican Party and was a major player behind the scenes in determining which “DEMOCRATIC JUDGES” would have lawsuits filed against them, in the aftermath of the “2022 MIDTERM ELECTION DAY DEBACLE” that occurred after those ballot paper shortages came to light, back on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, in Harris County, Texas.

Think back with me for a second. Do you remember back on Tuesday, December 20, 2011, when Rachel Hooper, refused to answer questions for a grand jury investigating the Harris County District Attorney’s Office, where she worked at the time?
Well, back in 2015, her refusal to answer the questions she was being asked, could have subjected this ‘low-life’ former prosecutor to criminal liability – but she got off.
Rachel Hooper’s slimy ‘drunk for husband’ by the name of (Don Hooper), has a thirst for relevance but doesn’t really fit in anywhere.
This ‘low-life’ Don Hooper character is a wannabe “CONSERVATIVE BLOGGER” who has been referred to by local Democratic leaders as “Marxists” according to published reports.
But when you get right down to it, Don Hooper is much more than a “MARXISTS” in my opinion. He and his ‘low-life’ wife are both surrogates for (KKK) Kimbra “KIM” Kathryn, better known, as Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg.
Don Hooper, and that unethical wife of his are both (RINOs) “Republicans in Name Only” who have infiltrated the Republican Party, and are acting as agents for (KKK) Kimbra “KIM” Kathryn, from within the (HCRP) Harris County Republican Party.
As for (KKK) Kimbra “KIM” Kathryn, she’s one of the (DINOs) “Democrats in Name Only” who is on the verge of causing a total implosion of the local Harris County Democratic Party – if she isn’t stopped.

There’s no way to sugarcoat what’s unfolding in Harris County, Texas right now. Why not?
What we’re looking at right now, is a situation where it has become impossible to distinguish who the “TRUE DEMOCRATS” are and distinguish them from the “REPUBLICAN IMPOSTERS” who have infiltrated the Harris County Democratic Party, and vice versa.
Now, the saddest part about where we find ourselves today, heading into the 2024 Presidential Election, is that “BLACK VOTERS” don’t seem to have a solid understanding of what’s going on in the shadows.
That being said, members of the racist “WHITE SUPREMACY GROUP” along with (KKK) Kimbra “KIM” Kathryn, better known as Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg (DINO), Don Hooper (RINO), and his ‘low-life’ wife Rachel Hooper (RINO) are causing problems inside by major political parties right now.

Racists like (KKK) Kimbra “KIM” Kathryn, infiltrated the Democratic Party a long time ago. But Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg isn’t operating her “SHADOW GOVERNMENT REGIME” by herself.
In my opinion, (KKK) Kimbra "KIM" Kathryn, Attorney Rachel Hooper, and Don Hooper have uniquely positioned a few of their hand-picked surrogates to run for office as part of their ongoing strategy to purge local judicial benches of ethnic minorities in the upcoming Tuesday, November 5, 2024, Presidential Election, in Harris County, Texas.

"Kay Shepard believes that Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg must be voted out of office by Democrats on Super Tuesday, and she's absolutely right."
A few days ago, I was forwarded an email entitled, “Trojan Horse We must vet these candidates,” which appeared to have been written by Kay Shepard, one of the strongest voices in the Harris County Democratic Party, these days.
One of the things I absolutely loved about Kay Shepard’s email is that she displayed the kind of courage and intestinal fortitude that’s severely lacking amongst the ranks of local “BLACK ELECTED OFFICIALS” in Harris County, right now.
In her email, Kay Shepard boldly called out State Rep. Shawn Thierry (HD-146), State Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr., and most importantly “RACIST A$$” Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg.
“Kim Ogg trying to indict Rodney and Lina every time a new grand jury is sworn in is ridiculous,” explained Kay Shepard. “She’s mean and vindictive and uses her office to go after those she hates,” said Shepard.
“Democrat she is not,” proclaimed Shephard.
Who is (KKK) Kimbra “KIM” Kathryn–Ogg? Well, according to Kay Shepard, “She is a Republican, and pulling this BS cannot continue on.”
“We must GET HER OUT NOW,” proclaimed Kay Shephard.
Kay Shephard went on to ask a very important question, “How can you tell the difference between a Republican “DA” (District Attorney) and “KO” (Kim Ogg)?”
“You CANNOT,” she explained.
“Doesn’t this alarm you,” asked Kay Shepard.
According to Kay Shepard, “We must not allow this bullying to continue.”
“We’re being infiltrated by these so-called Democrats and we have got to Vote them Out,” she went on to say.

On the matter of some of these “BLACK WOMEN JUDICIAL CANDIDATES” who have come out of the woodworks – Kay Shephard didn’t hold back on them either.
“These other folks who are running for judgeships, yet never have tried a case is alarming,” explained Shephard.
“If you’re screening ask them if they’ve ever practiced that type of law or even stepped foot inside the courtroom.”
“…Or are they running because it’s girls' time or black girls' time,” she asks.
Kay Shepard fired off a series of questions that addressed her concerns. “How are they qualified to run? How are they Democrats,” she asked.
According to Shepard, “Some have voted in Republican primaries.”
“Our party is in jeopardy. We’ve never seen these folks at anything in the community,” she proclaimed.
“We’ve never seen them fighting for a cause.”
“They’re looking for a free ride to victory and hoping we won’t be awake enough to stop them. STAY WOKE,” she demanded.
“How could they win in November if no one knows them?”
Shepard believes that some of these people are hoping to get lucky by relying on the “DEMOCRATIC BRAND” and describes that as a proposition that’s sickening to even think about, and she’s right. That’s why Democrats must vote “RACIST A$$” Kim Ogg out of office.
A Democrat named Sean Teare is challenging Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg on Tuesday, March 5, 2024, in the Democratic Party Primary. But if Ogg finds a way to fend off the challenge from Sean Teare on “SUPER TUESDAY” she will then have to face off against Dan Simons, on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, in the Presidential Election.

The (KKK) is alive and well in Harris County, Texas!!! The letters (KKK) don’t just stand for the Ku Klux Klan these days. In my opinion, those three letters also stand for “RACIST A$$” (KKK) Kimbra “KIM” Kathryn, better known as Kim Ogg.
For the record, this rogue District Attorney has been running what appears to be a “SHADOW GOVERNMENT REGIME” right under our noses since her first day in office.

According to attorney “Downtown” Oliver Brown, “Since March of 2019, Kim Ogg and her political cronies launched an all-out white liberal attack on Black judges. Her flunky ADAs have been reporting Black Judges to the Texas Judicial Ethics Commission every time they fail to get a ruling that is favorable to the State,” explained “Downtown” Oliver Brown, in Tuesday, June 28, 2022, Op-Ed submitted to Houston Business Connections Newspaper, in regards to a matter involving the Honorable Judge Darrell Jordan, Jr., who has decided to not seek reelection in 2024.
In his scathing editorial, attorney “Downtown” Oliver Brown, went on to explain how, (KKK) Kimbra “KIM” Kathryn, had teamed up with the Houston Chronicle and ABC 13 to falsely report why bonds are being set so low for violent offenders. “The white liberal media intentionally reports the names of Black Judges in headlines to cause embarrassment and damage to their reputation,” explained “Downtown” Oliver Brown.
According to “Downtown” Oliver Brown, “In December of 2020, when she indicted three individuals on trumped-up charges as a favor to the Black political elite, Kim stated, “there is more to come.” I attempted to warn the community in May of 2021 that Kim is actively engaging in a quid pro quo scheme to garner political support. Since the release of my video, Kim has actively attacked countless Black Judges, used her office to bully the Harris County Commissioners Court, and shook down Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo for money by indicting her top aides.”

I need every open-minded Democratic Party Primary voter to please understand that (KKK) Kimbra “KIM” Kathryn, is the enemy of “PEOPLE OF COLOR” and must be defeated at the ballot box.
The time has come for “PEOPLE OF COLOR” to come together and have a “COME TO JESUS MEETING” and expose every member of the racist “SHADOW GOVERNMENT REGIME” that’s operating beneath the surface in the Lone Star State.
My investigative team has been working behind the scenes and keeping a close eye on racists like (KKK) Kimbra “KIM” Kathryn, better known as Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg and members of what appears to be a newly formed “WHITE SUPREMACY GROUP” comprised local (DINO) Democrats and (RINO) Republicans who have formed an alliance aimed at taking down “BLACK JUDGES” and “JUDICIAL CANDIDATES” by any means necessary.

As a way to hide her hateful feeling toward people of color, (KKK) Kimbra “KIM” Kathryn, has closely aligned herself with a few token “SELL-OUT NEGROES” by giving them jobs in the DA’s Office.
But don’t be fooled, (KKK) Kimbra “KIM” Kathryn, hates “PEOPLE OF COLOR” with a passion. And this rogue “UNHINGED WOMAN” has made it her mission in life, to purge local judicial benches of “BLACK JUDGES” who currently hold over 50% of the local judicial benches in Harris County, Texas.
In fact, back during the 2022 Democratic Party Primary Midterm Election, Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg conspired with her “RINO SURROGATES” her loyal “DINO SURROGATES” to stack the Republican Party Primary ballot and Democratic Party Primary ballot with her hand-picked prosecutors.
Can I prove what I’m saying? You’re damn right I can – but that’s a story for another day.

Remember that “BLACK WOMAN” who was subjected to that “CAVITY SEARCH” after she ran a stop sign and got pulled over by the police a few years ago?
Do you remember how the police made that “YOUNG BLACK WOMAN” pull down her pants on the side of the road and then placed a flashlight between her legs to look inside her vagina?
Can you imagine what it would feel like to have the police expose your genital area as part of a “VISUAL STRIP SEARCH” in a gas station parking lot?
Well, that humiliating 2015 incident that was experienced by Charnesia Corley, sparked a social media outcry, and revealed some horrible things about “THE REPUBLICAN” Harris County District Attorney at the time Devon Anderson, and her “DEMOCRATIC PREDESSOR” (KKK) Kimbra “KIM” Kathryn, better known as Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg.
If you remember, “THE REPUBLICAN” District Attorney Devon Anderson, charged the two officers with official oppression after the incident, but when (KKK) Kimbra “KIM” Kathryn, the rogue, “DEMOCRAT DISTRICT ATTORNEY” took office, one of her first orders of business was to dismiss the charges against the two officers.

Ultimately Charnesia Corley ended up settling her lawsuit with Harris County for a measly $200,000, but in my opinion, that wasn’t nearly enough for the anguish Charnesia Corley suffered, when officers forced her to pull her pants down and reveal her vagina, in that controversial parking lot cavity search.
Now, I don’t always agree with Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis, but I was sort of proud of the fact that he did speak up in the matter involving Charnesia Corley. “This was an appalling case and I apologize to Ms. Corley for the atrocious treatment she endured, right here in Harris County,” said Commissioner Rodney Ellis, an attorney.
Commissioner Ellis went on to say, “I do believe that the settlement sends a message that in cases where law enforcement officers are accused of misconduct, the allegations are going to be closely examined and addressed. That kind of behavior is unacceptable and the victims deserve justice.”
In the aftermath of the settlement, community activists like Quanell X were dismayed and angered. “That settlement did not send a message,” he said, in a Houston Chronicle interview.
“Why would anyone ever be afraid of a lawsuit when they know they’re only going to pay pennies in restitution for such egregious behavior,” he asked.

Make no mistake about it, (KKK) Kimbra “KIM” Kathryn (DINO), and a rogue former prosecutor by the name Rachel Hooper (RINO), who currently serves as legal counsel for the Republican Party of Texas are two of a kind.
Rachel Hooper’s husband, who many people consider to be a drunk, is a ‘deeply troubled and delusional dude' in my opinion. However, this Don Hooper 'character' has very strong ties to the local Harris County District Attorney’s Office.
Don Hooper (RINO) is a very good friend, of C.O. Brad Bradford, the former embattled, Houston Police Chief, who works for Kim Ogg, right now.
Former Houston Police Chief C.O. Bradford was hired by (KKK) Kimbra “KIM” Kathryn, the Harris County District Attorney, to serve as her senior-level special prosecutor back in 2019.

For those of you who might not know, Rachel Hooper (Kim Ogg’s best friend) is the disgraced former prosecutor who is now a partner with the BakerHostetler law firm.
Rachel Hooper also serves as legal counsel for the Texas Republican Party and was a major player behind the scenes in determining which “DEMOCRATIC JUDGES” would have lawsuits filed against them, in the aftermath of the “2022 MIDTERM ELECTION DAY DEBACLE” that occurred after those ballot paper shortages came to light, back on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, in Harris County, Texas.

Think back with me for a second. Do you remember back on Tuesday, December 20, 2011, when Rachel Hooper, refused to answer questions for a grand jury investigating the Harris County District Attorney’s Office, where she worked at the time?
Well, back in 2015, her refusal to answer the questions she was being asked, could have subjected this ‘low-life’ former prosecutor to criminal liability – but she got off.
Rachel Hooper’s slimy ‘drunk for husband’ by the name of (Don Hooper), has a thirst for relevance but doesn’t really fit in anywhere.
This ‘low-life’ Don Hooper character is a wannabe “CONSERVATIVE BLOGGER” who has been referred to by local Democratic leaders as “Marxists” according to published reports.
But when you get right down to it, Don Hooper is much more than a “MARXISTS” in my opinion. He and his ‘low-life’ wife are both surrogates for (KKK) Kimbra “KIM” Kathryn, better known, as Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg.
Don Hooper, and that unethical wife of his are both (RINOs) “Republicans in Name Only” who have infiltrated the Republican Party, and are acting as agents for (KKK) Kimbra “KIM” Kathryn, from within the (HCRP) Harris County Republican Party.
As for (KKK) Kimbra “KIM” Kathryn, she’s one of the (DINOs) “Democrats in Name Only” who is on the verge of causing a total implosion of the local Harris County Democratic Party – if she isn’t stopped.

There’s no way to sugarcoat what’s unfolding in Harris County, Texas right now. Why not?
What we’re looking at right now, is a situation where it has become impossible to distinguish who the “TRUE DEMOCRATS” are and distinguish them from the “REPUBLICAN IMPOSTERS” who have infiltrated the Harris County Democratic Party, and vice versa.
Now, the saddest part about where we find ourselves today, heading into the 2024 Presidential Election, is that “BLACK VOTERS” don’t seem to have a solid understanding of what’s going on in the shadows.
That being said, members of the racist “WHITE SUPREMACY GROUP” along with (KKK) Kimbra “KIM” Kathryn, better known as Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg (DINO), Don Hooper (RINO), and his ‘low-life’ wife Rachel Hooper (RINO) are causing problems inside by major political parties right now.

Racists like (KKK) Kimbra “KIM” Kathryn, infiltrated the Democratic Party a long time ago. But Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg isn’t operating her “SHADOW GOVERNMENT REGIME” by herself.
In my opinion, (KKK) Kimbra "KIM" Kathryn, Attorney Rachel Hooper, and Don Hooper have uniquely positioned a few of their hand-picked surrogates to run for office as part of their ongoing strategy to purge local judicial benches of ethnic minorities in the upcoming Tuesday, November 5, 2024, Presidential Election, in Harris County, Texas.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039