Showing posts with label Michael Doyle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Michael Doyle. Show all posts

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Judge DaSean Jones’s Name Appears to be Getting Used and Exploited in Mike Doyle's Money-Grab Scheme

Mike Doyle (right), the chairman and treasurer for the Harris County Democratic Party, does not appear to be genuine in his efforts to help Judge DaSean Jones (left) win on Saturday, May 3, 2025, when he faces off against Tami C. Pierce, his Republican challenger in a "RE-DO ELECTION," for the 180th Criminal District Court. By soliciting donations in Judge DaSean Jones's name, it appears that Mike Doyle is attempting to play the same "SHELL-GAME" that he played with nearly $1 million by taking it into the Harris County Democratic Party (CEC) Bank Account and then transferring it out of the (CEC) Bank Account and placing it into the "FED PAC" Bank Account. THE MAJOR PROBLEM... It is well documented that Mike Doyle does not give a darn about "BLACK JUDGES" and cannot be entrusted to secure Judge DaSean Jones's re-election. Therefore, any donors planning to donate money to Judge DaSean Jones should donate directly to his campaign.

Aubrey R. Taylor Communications publishes Houston Business Connections Newspaper© to inform, empower, and mobilize our "OPEN-MINDED READERS" and assist them in making informed voting decisions. Aubrey R. Taylor is one of the top investigative reporters in the southwest region of the United States of America.

Judge DaSean Jones’s Name Appears to be Getting Used and Exploited in Mike Doyle's Money-Grab Scheme


Suppose Mike Doyle truly cares about Judge DaSean Jones. In that case, he should commit the Democratic Party to raising about $500,000.00 and then give the money to Judge DaSean Jones and earmark it for African American voter outreach.   

After Mike Doyle has helped Judge DaSean Jones raise $500k, he should then gather all of the African American media outlets together in a room and commit to spending $150,00.00 with Radio One (Majic 102FM), $75,000.00 with KCOH Radio (1230AM), $50,000.00 with The Houston Defender Newspaper, $50,000.00 with the Houston Forward Times, $50,000.00 with African American News & Issues, $50,000.00 with D-Mars Business Journal, and the remaining $75,000.00 should be earmarked for canvassing in predominantly African American areas.

For this plan to work, Mike Doyle would have to have his $500k commitment to Judge DaSean Jones' Campaign raised before Monday, January 20, 2025, which is the MLK Holiday. 

The checks would need to be written to Majic 102FM, KCOH 1230AM, The Houston Defender Newspaper, The Houston Forward Times Newspaper, The African American News & Issues Newspaper, and The D-Mars Business Journal on or before Saturday, February 1, 2025, so that these publishers can begin their "VOTER OUTREACH" strategies leading up to the start of "EARLY VOTING" for the Saturday, May 3, 2025, Uniform Election.

According to the Texas Secretary of State, "EARLY VOTING" for the Saturday, May 3, 2025, Uniform Election will begin on Tuesday, April 22, 2025, and end on Tuesday, April 29, 2025, in Texas.


I believe Mike Doyle can't be trusted to do right by Black people. The 10/28/2024 “CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORTS” filed by Mike Doyle, the chairman and treasurer of the Harris County Democratic Party, and Gilberto Hinojosa, the chairman and treasurer of the Texas Democratic Party, do not sync – one of these chairmen appears to have filed a false report under penalty of perjury.

I’m tired of playing around with Mike Doyle; if he continues to discredit my reports about his mishandling of money and “SHELL-GAME,” I may be compelled to file a complaint with the Texas Ethics Commission.

I’m publishing this report as my “OFFICIAL REQUEST” for a live-streaming meeting with Mike Doyle for the general public to see and hear his response to my line of questioning. If Mike Doyle is lying and misleading folks, he must be exposed.

Anyone who gives Mike Doyle their hard-earned money instead of donating it directly to Judge DaSean Jones’s Campaign is an idiot. Mike Doyle is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Mike Doyle is a charlatan who has mastered the art of manipulation.

Let me be clear. Judge DaSean Jones does not trust Mike Doyle or the Harris County Democratic Party in the least bit. If Judge Jones trusted Mike Doyle with his money, you would see his name listed as one of the donors to Mike Doyle’s “2024 VICTORY FUND,” but Judge DaSean Jones didn’t give the HCDP a dime; he instead ran his campaign and marketing efforts on his own.

Sure, he came up short in his bid to become a Texas Supreme Court Justice in 2024, but at least his hard-earned donations didn’t end up in Utah. Remember, Mike Doyle took $110,000.00 in donations from local “DEMOCRAT JUDGES” and sent it to the Utah Democratic Party in two installments.

On top of the $110,000.00 Mike Doyle sent to Utah, he claimed to have received a donation of $61,700.00 from the Texas Democratic Party on one day, and then he claims to have donated $61,700.00 to the Texas Democratic Party a few days afterward. Still, the Texas Democratic Party’s “CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORTS” don’t show a $61,700.00 to (or from) the Harris County Democratic Party.

So, either Mike Doyle, the chairman and treasurer of the Harris County Democratic Party, lied on his “CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORT,” or Gilberto Hinojosa has lied on his “CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORT,” under penalty of perjury.


Upon further review, the email sent out by Mike Doyle, the chairman and treasurer for the Harris County Democratic Party, does not appear sincere. This email in question, sent out on December 10, 2024, at 3:30 p.m., seems to be an attempt to use Judge DeSean Jones’s face and likeness to raise money for an effort that may or may not benefit Judge Desean Jones’s bid to keep his 180th Criminal District Court bench.

I recommend that donors who wish to help Judge DaSean Jones donate money directly to his campaign and allow this brother to decide how to use his money.

At first glance, when I received the Democratic Party’s email, it appeared genuine; however, upon carefully reading and inspecting it, it seems that Mike Doyle is preparing to play the same “SHELL-GAME” he played during the 2024 Presidential Election.

The first paragraph of the email sent out by the Harris County Democratic Party sets out to stoke the fears and point fingers at Republicans to get Democrat donors emotional.

“In the next few months, Republicans are testing out a new strategy: suing to overturn election results when Democrats when by a narrow margin,” the first paragraph read.

CONCERN: Mike Doyle is attempting to set potential donors up for a call to action to give the Harris County Democratic Party money in Judge DaSean Jones’s name later in the email.

“Following his victory, Republicans challenged the results, calling for a do-over election, and now, Judge DaSean Jones has to pay tens of thousands in legal fees and run again in an early 2025 election,” the third paragraph read.

CONCERN: Mike Doyle is trying to paint Judge DaSean Jones as a sympathetic figure, but potential donors should ask, “Why did DaSean Jones have to pay tens of thousands in legal fees?” Another serious question is: did Mike Doyle, the chairman of the Democratic Party, do anything to help Judge DaSean Jones pay the legal fees?

“Judge Jones has been a strong advocate for justice and fairness in our courts, handling cases with integrity and standing up for what’s right,” the fourth paragraph read.

CONCERN: Millions of dollars were spent by Political Action Committees to specifically attack Judge Dasean Jones during the Tuesday, November 8, 2022, Midterm Election, and the Democratic Party did not say a word – why? Mike Doyle wasn’t the chairman and treasurer in 2022. Still, he and former Harris County Democratic Chairman Odus Evbagharu played the same “SHELL GAME,” which resulted in “DEMOCRATIC JUDGES” donating their money to the HCDP and then being left to fend for themselves.

“But because this is an unusually-timed election, it is going to be hard to communicate with and mobilize voters, which is why we’re starting early to build support for Judge Jones and put a renewed focus on Harris County judicial races this coming election,” the fifth paragraph read.

CONCERN: Mike Doyle collected nearly $1 million from “DEMOCRATIC JUDGES” during the 2024 Presidential Election and didn’t do anything but transfer the money out of the Harris County Democratic Party (CEC) Bank Account to their Federal PAC. So, who can say with complete certainty that Mike Doyle isn’t going to do the same thing with the donations to support Judge Dasean Jones and the other (26) twenty-six “BLACK JUDGES” who are up for re-election in the upcoming 2026 Midterm Election.

“…we need your help to support Judge DaSean Jones and make sure democracy is protected in Harris County. Can you chip in now so Republicans don’t steal a race from a good Democrat judge,” the last paragraph read.

CONCERN: Why wasn’t this message conveyed during the 2022 Midterm Election or the 2024 Presidential Election? Why didn’t Mike Doyle run TV or Radio Advertisements telling the general public that his “DEMOCRATIC JUDGES” were good and needed to be re-elected? Why did he sit back and allow Judge Dasean Jones and other Democrats to be painted as “SOFT ON CRIME JUDGES” by the Stop Houston Murders PAC in their attack ads unchecked?


Suppose you look at the screenshot of the email below. In that case, Mike Doyle is making a feeble attempt to use Judge DaSean Jones’s name, likeness, and hardship to raise money that may or may not be used to help Judge DaSean Jones win on Saturday, May 3, 2025, when he faces off against Tami C. Pierce, his Republican challenger.

Judge DaSean Jones can run his campaign and handle his own money. My team and I have reviewed his “CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORTS,” and he appears to have solid reports that are accurate and very detailed. That said, the first option for donors who wish to support Judge DaSean Jones in the upcoming Saturday, May 3, 2025, Unform Election should be to donate money directly to his campaign and not fall victim to the “SHELL-GAME” that Mike Doyle is trying to play once again.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039

Mike Doyle, the chairman of treasurer for the Harris County Democratic Party, does not care about helping Judge DaSean Jones, an African American male who happens to be a Democrat, to defeat Tami C. Pierce, who happens to be running as a Republican. Mike Doyle is attempting to use Judge Desean Jones's unfortunate circumstances as a "MONEY GRAB," just like he did with the money donated to the HCDP during the 2024 Presidential Election cycle. If Mike Doyle cared about Judge DaSean Jones, he would compel donors to give their money directly to Judge DaSean Jones's Campaign to defend himself against the attacks that indeed headed his way.

Gilberto Hinojosa, the chairman and treasurer for the Texas Democratic Party, did a noble deed when he announced his resignation. Placing so much attention on Vice President Kamala Harris and not on local "JUDICIAL CANDIDATES" in a state where Democrats haven't won a statewide race in nearly four decades was asinine. 


Suppose you carefully look through this "CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORT," filed by Gilberto Hinojosa on 10/28/2024, under penalty of perjury. as the treasurer for the Texas Democratic Party (TDP). In that case, you will not find any "EXPENDITURE" in the amount of $61,700.00 that was donated or dispersed in any way, shape, or form to the Harris County Democratic Party during the period this report covered, which was from 9/27/2024 through 10/26/2024. 

Suppose you carefully look through this "CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORT," filed by Mike Doyle on 10/28/2024, under penalty of perjury. as the treasurer for the Harris County Democratic Party (HCDP). In that case, you will discover that Mike Doyle claimed to have received a $61,700.00 donation from Gilberto Hinojosa and the Texas Democratic Party on 10/21/2024. You will also find that, under penalty of perjury, Mike Doyle claims he made a $61,700.00 donation on 10/18/2024 to the Texas Democratic Party. Neither of the transactions tied to $61,700.00 is reflected in the Texas Democratic Party Campaign Finance Report that covers the period from 9/27/2024 through 10/26/2024. 

Ray "RC" Jones is a highly successful businessman who has served the Democratic Party for nearly 50 years. He is also a key advisor to investigative reporter and publisher Aubrey R. Taylor, the president and CEO of Aubrey R. Taylor Communications.

From the Desk of Ray / RC Jones
President, Northside Political Action Group

I find myself curious and concerned as to why the Harris County Democratic Party seems to be disengaged from this critical, history-making election. Despite making twenty-two calls to the chairperson and the chief of staff, I am still waiting for a response. I need more engagement, like many other community leaders.

Leaders such as Maxine Seal, a profoundly knowledgeable and long-standing figure in our political landscape, share my concern. Maxine has been involved in politics for as long as I have, and we both understand our community, which is primarily comprised of senior citizens. We have been told the party expects these seniors to participate in phone banking from their homes, but we know our people. Many of them need to be more engaging in these efforts, and we also know from experience that such approaches do not yield results. We saw this during Beto O'Rourke’s campaigns for Senate and Governor. Efforts like this were ineffective.

Reflecting on my 48 years in the political arena, I recall a time when the dynamics of politics were between Black and White Americans, with Hispanics at that time often considered part of the White electorate. Black and White leaders would meet and strategize, and then we, as Black leaders, would gather again, burning the midnight oil to develop an actionable plan. It is worth noting that during those times, the LGBTQ+ vote was not even considered. Yet, look at the power and organization they have achieved today; now, their vote is one of the most sought-after.

Here is some advice for any candidate: always ensure your resources are spent where they will count, and you can see tangible results. Unfortunately, Harris County has many political consultants with just 4-5 years of experience. More time is needed to understand the intricate workings of a successful campaign. My experience comes from learning from seasoned leaders, many of whom did not have fancy law degrees from Harvard or other prestigious institutions. Some of them, like Mrs. Beulah Shepard, Doris Hubbard, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest McGowen, Howard Milton, Allen Parker, Mrs. Emma Horn, Mrs. Maxine Seal, and Mr. Sharp, their knowledge and wisdom in political strategy were invaluable.

Young people listen closely; you cannot become an effective political leader simply by being young and bright. You must cultivate both knowledge and wisdom over time. In my next article, I will discuss what it takes to truly become a good politician because your time is coming, and you must be prepared.


Ray / RC Jones
President, Northside Political Action Group
The Righteous Way
Born to Win

Yours Respectfully,

Telephone: 713.470.7844
Facsimile: 713.583.7661

Ray "RC" Charles Jones and his late wife, Etta Crockett, were committed to helping people like State Senator Borris L. Miles rise to power. After meeting with Ray "RC" Charles Jones and discussing the topic of "STRONG BLACK MEN," Ray "RC" Jones gave me a better understanding of how State Senator Borris Miles is and some of the things State Senator Miles has done for the community behind the scenes, but never bragged about in public.


There was a point and time in History when African American men were strong, brave, courageous, bold, and possessed intestinal fortitude. Today, finding an African American man involved in Harris County politics who dares to stand ten-toes-down against Commissioner Rodney Ellis and his regime has become challenging.

For the life of me, I can’t understand why people are afraid of Commissioner Rodney Ellis and Sylvester Turner, who are weak men who hide behind their surrogates and only bully women.

One of the men I’ve watched and come to admire from afar over the years is Ray “RC” Charles Jones. While I don’t know him all that well, I’ve always admired him from afar because of his stance against Commissioner Rodney Ellis in 2016, when he endorsed Gene Locke over Ellis to succeed Commissioner El Franco Lee after his sudden death.

Ray “RC” Charles Jones has an unmatched legacy of leadership spanning over five decades. A glimpse into his resume will give you a better understanding of why I believe he should have a platform to share his thoughts with my readers and advise me on local political matters.

From 1992 through 1993, Ray “RC” Charles Jones served as the “MINORITY LAISION” for the Texas State Comptroller’s Office. From 1985 through 1992, Ray “RC” Charles Jones served as the “FOUNDER/PARTNER” of Superior Waste Management.

According to his resume, Ray “RC” Charles Jones served as the President and CEO of 3M Waste Management from 1983 through 1992. He also served as a certified member of CEDHE Corporation for the Economic Development of Harris County from 1985 through 2000.

From 1978 through 1983, “Ray “RC” Charles Jones served as the president and CEO of R.J. Jones & Sons.

Many worldwide leaders and dignitaries remember “Ray “RC” Charles Jones for the fine limousines in his fleet when he owned Internation Limousine Service.


➜ Harris County Economic Development Corp. - Squatty Lyons

➜ State Drug Abuse Advisory Council - Board Member - Gov. Dolph Briscoe

➜ Solid Waste Association of Transportation

➜ District B Captain for Clean Houston - Economic Summit 1990 - Appointed by Mayor Kathy Whitmire

➜ Quadrant Captain for Clean Houston - 1992 Clean Up - Appointed by City Councilman Ernest McGowen

➜ Houston Clean City Commission - Position B - Appointed by Mayor Bob Lanier

➜ Special Deputy Constable - Harris County Precinct 3 - Appointed by Constable James Douglas

➜ NAACP - Member - ACT-SO Scholarship Sponsor

➜ North Forest Chamber of Commerce - Member

➜ Northwood Manor Civic Club - Organized the Civic Club - Served as President for ten years

➜ Harris County Council of Organizations - Treasurer

➜ Angelic Care Community Services - Board Member

➜ Northeast Little League - Sponsor

➜ Northwest Little League - Sponsor

➜ Building and Standard Commission - Appointed by Mayor Lee Brown

➜ RCJ Commercial Service

➜ City of Houston - Solid Waste Consultant

➜ #ILW.BDKZcares - Community Outreach-Sponsor

➜ RCJ Consulting- Community & Senior Care Outreach

➜ Airport Board of Adjustment -Appointed by Mayor Sylvester Turner

➜ Building and Standard Commission -Appointed by Mayor Sylvester Turner


➜ Harris County Precinct Judge 104 - 48years

➜ Senatorial District 6 - State Democratic Executive Committee

➜ Senatorial Districts 6, 13 & 15 - Committee Chairperson

➜ Harris County Democrats - Secretary

➜ Harris County Democrats - Screening Committee - Co-Chairman

➜ Texas Board of Professional Land Surveying - Appointed by Governor Ann Richards

➜ Northeast Democratic Coalition - President- 1981 to Present

➜ Houston Black American Democrats (H-BAD) -Treasurer, 2nd Vice President

➜ North Side Political Action Group - Founder, President


➜ African American Business “Pinnacle” Award Finalist 1997

➜ African American Business “Pinnacle” Award Finalist 1999

➜ Outstanding Citizenship Award -1994-1999

➜ Fonwood School Volunteer Award

➜ Houston Citizens Chamber of Commerce - 1997 Pinnacle Award - Top 50 Businesses

➜ Houston Informer Newspaper- Entrepreneur of the Week Nominee

➜ Lakewood Church - Hospitality Committee, Prayer Partner


As a testament to his commitment and dedication to the citizens of Harris County, Texas, Ray “RC” Charles Jones developed a personal mission statement that declares, “Ambition, Inspiration, and Determination are my daily driving forces. To serve and give despite the circumstances. Compassion and empathy partnered with fairness and moral standing. Community, Civic, and City active. I serve.

Judge Lashawn Williams, Judge Angela Graves Harrington, Judge Shannon Baldwin, Judge Tonya Jones, and Judge Toria J. Finch will be in the fight of their political lives as Democrats are already contemplating challenging the (26) twenty-six "AFRICAN AMERICAN JUDGES" who are up for re-election in the upcoming 2026 Midterm Election for Harris County, Texas. However, I'm not sure why so many potential candidates are seeking to run against the (26) twenty-six African American incumbent judges when there will be (68) sixty-eight local benches up for grabs in the 2026 Midterm Election in Harris County, Texas.

There are (68) Sixty-Eight Local Benches to Choose From in the 2026 Midterms

55th Civil District Court
Judge Latosha Lewis Payne (DEM)

113th Civil District Court
Judge Rabeea Collier (DEM)

157th Civil District Court
Judge Tanya Garrison (DEM)

180th Criminal District Court
Judge DaSean Jones (DEM)

182nd Criminal District Court
Judge Danilo "Danny" Lacayo (DEM)

183rd Criminal District Court
Kristin M. Guiney (REP)

Judge Kristin M. Guiney ran for the 1st Court of Appeals District, Place 8, and defeated Judge Richard Hightower and, therefore, will not be on the 2026 Midterm Election ballot.

184th Criminal District Court
Judge Katherine "Kat" Thomas (DEM)

185th Criminal District Court
Judge Andra Beall (DEM)

189th Civil District Court
Katherine "Kat" Thomas (DEM)

190th Civil District Court
Judge Beau Miller (DEM)

208th Criminal District Court
Judge Beverly Armstrong (DEM)

209th Criminal District Court 
Judge Brian E. Warren (DEM)

228th Criminal District Court
(Deceased) Judge Frank Aguilar (DEM)

230th Criminal District Court
Judge Chris Morton (DEM)

232nd Criminal District Court
Judge Josh Hill (Dem)

234th Civil District Court
Judge Lauren Reeder (DEM)

248th Criminal District Court
Judge Hilary Unger (DEM)

262nd Criminal District Court
Judge Lori Chambers Gray (DEM)

263rd Criminal District Court
Judge Melissa Marie Morris (DEM)

269th Civil District Court
Judge Cory Don Sepolio (DEM)

270th Civil District Court
Judge Dedra Davis (DEM)

281st Civil District Court
Judge Christine Weems (DEM

295th Civil District Court
Judge Donna Roth (DEM)

482nd Criminal District Court
Judge Veronica M. Nelson (DEM)

246th Family District Court
Judge Angela Graves Harrington (DEM)

247th Family District Court
Judge Janice Berg (DEM)

257th Family District Court
Judge Sandra Peake (DEM)

280th Family Protective Court
Judge Damiene Dianne Curvey (DEM)

308th Family District Court
Judge Gloria Lopez (DEM)

309th Family District Court
Judge Linda Marie Dunson (DEM)

310th Family District Court
Judge Sonya Leah Heath (DEM)

311th Family District Court
Judge Germaine Ja'net Tanner (DEM)

312th Family District Court
Judge Teresa J. Waldrop (DEM)

313th Juvenile District Court
Judge Natalia Cokinos Oakes (DEM)

314th Juvenile District Court
Judge Michelle Moore (DEM)

315th Juvenile District Court
Judge Leah Shapiro (DEM)

Harris County Judge
County Judge Lina Hidalgo (DEM)

County Civil Court at Law No. 1
Judge Audrie Lawton Evans (DEM)

County Civil Court at Law No. 2
Judge Jim F. Kovach (DEM)

County Civil Court at Law No. 3
Judge LaShawn A. Williams (DEM)

County Civil Court at Law No. 4
Judge M.K. Monica Singh (DEM)

County Criminal Court at Law No. 1
Judge Alex Salgado (DEM)

County Criminal Court at Law No. 2
Judge Paula Goodhart (REP)

County Criminal Court at Law No. 3
Judge Leslie Johnson (REP)

County Criminal Court at Law No. 4
Judge Shannon Baldwin (DEM)

County Criminal Court at Law No. 5
Judge David Marcel Fleischer (DEM)

County Criminal Court at Law No. 6
Judge Kelly Andrews (DEM)

County Criminal Court at Law No. 7
Judge Andrew A. Wright (DEM)

County Criminal Court at Law No. 8
Judge Erika Ramirez (DEM)

County Criminal Court at Law No. 9
Judge Toria J. Finch (DEM)

County Criminal Court at Law No. 10
Judge Juanita Jackson (DEM)

County Criminal Court at Law No. 11
Judge Sedrick T. Walker, II (DEM)

County Criminal Court at Law No. 12
Judge Genesis E. Draper (DEM)

County Criminal Court at Law No. 13
Judge Raul Rodriguez (DEM)

County Criminal Court at Law No. 14
Judge Jessica N. Padilla (REP)

County Criminal Court at Law No. 15
Judge Tonya Jones (DEM)

County Probate Court No. 1
Judge Jerry Simoneaux (DEM)

County Probate Court No. 2
Judge Pamela Medina (DEM)

County Probate Court No. 3
Judge Jason Cox (DEM)

County Probate Court No. 4
Judge James Horwitz (DEM)

Justice of the Peace, Precinct 1, Place 2
Judge Steve Duble (DEM)

Justice of the Peace, Precinct 2, Place 2
Judge Delores Lozano (DEM)

Justice of the Peace, Precinct 3, Place 2
Judge Lucia Bates (DEM)

Justice of the Peace, Precinct 4, Place 2
Judge Laryssa Korduba (REP)

Justice of the Peace, Precinct 5, Place 2
Judge Bob Wolfe (REP)

Justice of the Peace, Precinct 6, Place 2
Judge Angela D. Rodriguez (DEM)

Justice of the Peace, Precinct 7, Place 2
Judge Sharon M. Burney (DEM)

Justice of the Peace, Precinct 8, Place 2
Judge Louie Ditta (REP)


Judge Latosha Lewis Payne is the presiding judge for the 55th Civil District Court in Harris County, Texas. Judge Latosha Lewis Payne will be up for reelection in the 2026 Midterm Election.


Judge Tamika “Tami” Craft is the presiding judge for the 189th Criminal District Court in Harris County, Texas. Judge Tamika “Tami” Craft will be up for reelection in the 2026 Midterm Election.


Judge DaSean Jones is the presiding judge for the 180th Criminal District Court in Harris County, Texas. He will be up for reelection in the 2026 Midterm Election. However, Judge DaSean Jones must defeat his Republican challenger, Tami C. Pierce, on Saturday, May 3, 2025, to remain the presiding judge for the 180th Criminal District Court in Harris County, Texas.


Judge Katherine N. Thomas is the presiding judge for the 184th Civil District Court in Harris County, Texas. Judge Katherine N. Thomas will be up for reelection in the 2026 Midterm Election.


Judge Beverly D. Armstrong is the presiding judge for the 208th Criminal District Court in Harris County, Texas. Judge Beverly D. Armstrong will be up for reelection in the 2026 Midterm Election.


Judge Angela M. Lancelin is the presiding judge for the 245th Family District Court in Harris County, Texas. Judge Angela M. Lancelin will be up for reelection in the 2026 Midterm Election.


Judge Angela Graves Harrington is the presiding judge for the 246th Family District Court in Harris County, Texas. Judge Angela Graves Harrington will be up for reelection in the 2026 Midterm Election.


Judge Sandra J. Peake is the presiding judge for the 257th Family District Court in Harris County, Texas. Judge Sandra J. Peake will be up for reelection in the 2026 Midterm Election.


Judge Lori Chambers Gray is the presiding judge for the 262nd Criminal District Court in Harris County, Texas. Judge Lori Chambers Gray will be up for reelection in the 2026 Midterm Election.


Judge Melissa M. Morris is the presiding judge for the 263rd Criminal District Court in Harris County, Texas. Judge Melissa M. Morris will be up for reelection in the 2026 Midterm Election.


Judge Dedra Davis is the presiding judge for the 270th Civil District Court in Harris County, Texas. Judge Dedra Davis will be up for reelection in the 2026 Midterm Election.


Judge Damiane “Dianne” Curvey presides over the 280th Family District Court in Harris County, Texas. Judge “Damiane “Dianne” Curvey will be up for reelection in the 2026 Midterm Election.


Judge Linda Marie Dunson is the presiding judge for the 309th Family District Court in Harris County, Texas. Judge Linda Marie Dunson will be up for reelection in the 2026 Midterm Election.


Judge Germaine Tanner is the presiding judge for the 311th Family District Court in Harris County, Texas. Judge Germaine "Ja'Net Tanner will be up for reelection in the 2026 Midterm Election.


Judge Michelle Moore is the presiding judge for the 314th Juvenile District Court in Harris County, Texas. Judge Michelle Moore will be up for reelection in the 2026 Midterm Election.


Judge Veronica M. Nelson is the presiding judge for the 482nd Criminal District Court in Harris County, Texas. Judge Veronica M. Nelson will be up for reelection in the 2026 Midterm Election.


Judge Shannon Baldwin is the presiding judge for the County Criminal Court at Law No. 4 in Harris County, Texas. Judge Shannon Baldwin will be up for reelection in the 2026 Midterm Election.


Judge Toria J. Finch presides over the County Criminal Court at Law No. 9 in Harris County, Texas. Judge Toria J. Finch will be up for reelection in the 2026 Midterm Election.


Judge Juanita Jackson is the presiding judge for the County Criminal Court at Law No. 10 in Harris County, Texas. Judge Juanita Jackson will be up for reelection in the 2026 Midterm Election.


Judge Sedrick T. Walker II is the presiding judge for the County Criminal Court at Law No. 11 in Harris County, Texas. Judge Sedrick T. Walker II will be up for reelection in the 2026 Midterm Election.


Judge Genesis Draper presides for the County Criminal Court at Law No. 12 in Harris County, Texas. Judge Genesis Draper will be up for reelection in the 2026 Midterm Election.


Judge Tonya Jones is the presiding judge for the County Criminal Court at Law No. 15 in Harris County, Texas. Judge Tonya Jones will be up for reelection in the 2026 Midterm Election.


Judge Audrie Lawton Evans is the presiding judge for the County Civil Court at Law No. 1 in Harris County, Texas. Judge Audrie Lawton Evans will be up for reelection in the 2026 Midterm Election.


Judge LaShawn A. Williams is the presiding judge for the County Civil Court at Law No. 3 in Harris County, Texas. Judge LaShawn A. Williams will be up for reelection in the 2026 Midterm Election.


Judge Lucia Bates is the Justice of the Peace for Precinct 3, Place 2, in Harris County, Texas. Judge Lucia Bates will be up for reelection in the 2026 Midterm Election.


Judge Sharon Burney is the Justice of the Peace for Precinct 7, Place 2, in Harris County, Texas. Judge Sharon Burney will be up for reelection in the 2026 Midterm Election.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039