Showing posts with label Harris County Clerk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Harris County Clerk. Show all posts

Monday, May 18, 2020

Ellis Allegedly Wants Michael Winn to Be the Elections Administrator for Harris County; Could Hudspeth Be Trautman's Replacement?

Commissioner Rodney Ellis is expected to put forth the name of Michael B. Winn as his choice for “ELECTIONS ADMINISTRATOR" tomorrow at the regularly scheduled Commissioner’s Court meeting. The woman pictured above on the far right is Teneshia Hudspeth Babalola. I believe that Teneshia Hudspeth Babalola is the person top Democrats are pushing to be placed on the November 3, 2020, ballot as the “DEMOCRATIC NOMINEE” in the race for Harris County Clerk. Right now, Teneshia serves as Diane Trautman’s Deputy Chief of Staff, and she appears to be doing a pretty good job at this point. As for Michael B. Winn, he is currently serving the people of Harris County as the “ELECTIONS DIRECTOR” and appears to be qualified to serve as the “ELECTIONS ADMINISTRATOR” if approved. But will he be unbiased? Does he have the backbone to stand up to Commissioner Rodney Ellis? Remember, his alleged ties to Commissioner Rodney Ellis coupled with questions about how much he (Michael B. Winn) had to do with some of the recent mistakes whereas long lines and wait times have some leaders scratching their heads. Couple those questions with others related to why in the hell is Commissioner Rodney Ellis wanting to strip the County Clerk’s Office, and the Harris County Tax Assessor-Collector’s Office of their “ELECTION DUTIES” and give those responsibilities to an “ELECTIONS ADMINISTRATOR” has folks looking at him kind of sideways right now. Why? Well, once appointed, as the “ELECTIONS ADMINISTRATOR” tomorrow, it will be nearly impossible to fire Michael B. Winn. Why? Well, from what I understand, it will take a (4 to 5) vote of the election commission to fire him if he’s appointed. So, in effect, one county official and one political party chair would be able to block the firing of the “ELECTIONS ADMINISTRATOR” once he’s appointed. So, doesn’t something "SMELL FISHY" with all of this? Dr. Diane Trautman is allegedly pressured to resign, and then talks of elevating Michael B. Winn as the “ELECTIONS ADMINISTRATOR” begins to reverberate around Harris County, Texas. So, that’s how it’s going to go down in Harris County, Texas? Dr. Trautman is forced to resign, because of alleged pressure from Commissioner Rodney Ellis, Judge Lina Hidalgo, and Harris County Democratic Party Chair Lillie Schechter, and the guy who could be the main reason behind nearly every mistake Dr. Trautman is being blamed for is being elevated to a higher position? I mean really? What can you do as a tax-paying citizen? Well, the meeting is scheduled to begin at 10:00 A.M. on the Commissioner’s Court portal. According to their website, you can request an appearance to speak at the Commissioners Court meeting and make your voice heard. Once you have filled in the required information on their website you should be allowed an opportunity to voice your opinion. On the day of the Commissioners Court meeting, however, the public must sign up to speak by no later than 8:00 a.m. in the morning.

Commissioner Ellis Expected to Put forth the Name of Michael B. Winn as the New Elections Administrator; Husbeth on Fast Track


In case you haven’t heard, Commissioner Rodney Ellis, the Harris County Commissioner for Precinct One is at it again. On Tuesday, May 19, 2020, the Commissioner’s Court Meeting will start at 10:00 A.M. on their virtual portal. I know that you’ve heard me call Commissioner Rodney Ellis “THE PUPPET MASTER” right? Well, Commissioner Rodney Ellis ain’t playing no games in 2020. And he doesn’t seem to care at all about how things are looking either. Come on, guys! Do you believe all that crap about Dr. Diane Trautman resigning because of health reasons related to the Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic fears related to her age and potential health risks? Well, if you do, I’ve got some prime real estate to sell you that’s located in Downtown Houston at 1001 Preston Street. I mean, you can place a house on this land and have a big back yard and everything. Look, if Dr. Diane Trautman resigned for health reasons, why is Commissioner Rodney Ellis now trying to reshape the entire election process in Harris County? I guess all of a sudden, he’s had an epiphany of sorts, one of those “AHA MOMENTS” that Oprah Winfrey always talks about – I guess. Look, Dr. Diane Trautman loved her job. She fought hard to win it back in the 2018 midterm elections. Maybe she was a little concerned about her health. But make no mistake about it, she got fed up with the treatment she was getting from both, Commissioner Rodney Ellis, and Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo in my opinion. 

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033

Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo is expected to approve pretty much whatever Commissioner Rodney Ellis wants to do during the Tuesday, May 19, 2020, Commissioner's Court Meeting. What can you do as a tax-paying citizen? Well, the meeting is scheduled to begin at 10:00 A.M. on the Commissioner’s Court portal. According to their website, you can request an appearance to speak at the Commissioners Court meeting and make your voice heard. Once you have filled in the required information on their website you should be allowed an opportunity to voice your opinion. On the day of the Commissioners Court meeting, however, the public must sign up to speak by no later than 8:00 a.m. in the morning.

Harris County Commissioner Adrian Garcia is expected to approve pretty much whatever Commissioner Rodney Ellis wants to do during the Tuesday, May 19, 2020, Commissioner's Court Meeting. What can you do as a tax-paying citizen? Well, the meeting is scheduled to begin at 10:00 A.M. on the Commissioner’s Court portal. According to their website, you can request an appearance to speak at the Commissioners Court meeting and make your voice heard. Once you have filled in the required information on their website you should be allowed an opportunity to voice your opinion. On the day of the Commissioners Court meeting, however, the public must sign up to speak by no later than 8:00 a.m. in the morning. 

Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis is expected to get his way tomorrow at the Tuesday, May 19, 2020, Commissioner's Court Meeting. What can you do as a tax-paying citizen? Well, the meeting is scheduled to begin at 10:00 A.M. on the Commissioner’s Court portal. According to their website, you can request an appearance to speak at the Commissioners Court meeting and make your voice heard. Once you have filled in the required information on their website you should be allowed an opportunity to voice your opinion. On the day of the Commissioners Court meeting, however, the public must sign up to speak by no later than 8:00 a.m. in the morning. 



For all of you who don’t know, both Commissioner Rodney Ellis and Harris County Judge went hard at Dr. Diane Trautman back on Tuesday, March 10, 2020, over their dissatisfaction over her handling of the Tuesday, March 3, 2020, Primary Election. In case you didn’t see the video, Commissioner Rodney Ellis lit into Dr. Diane Trautman first with, “Dr. Trautman, I received a call from Mrs. Schechter of the Democrat Party. She said that the county clerk only gave them 48 hours between Christmas and New Year’s to approve polling locations.” To which, Dr. Diane Trautman responded, “That is incorrect.” In response, Commissioner Rodney Ellis states that he was just conveying what he was told. While I don’t know what else was discussed between Commissioner Rodney Ellis and Harris County Democratic Party Chairwoman Lillie Schechter in their telephone conversation. However, it’s indeed a fact that in the “ZOOM MEETING” that was held on Thursday, March 12, 2020, which was a couple days after the Commissioner’s Court Meeting, Chairwoman Lillie Schechter was livid when Dr. Diane Trautman stated that she would not be sending out unsolicited mail ballot applications. I am not sure what happened, on Thursday and Friday leading up to Dr. Diane Trautmans resignation, but you can bet your bottom dollar that more than likely her resignation was tendered in part due to the pressure she was allegedly getting from Commissioner Rodney Ellis, Democratic Party Chairwoman Lillie Schechter, and maybe even County Judge Lina Hidalgo. How do I know? Well, just watch the upcoming Tuesday, May 19, 2020, Commissioner’s Court Meeting that’s scheduled to begin at 10:00 A.M. on the Commissioner’s Court portal. According to their website, “To request an appearance to speak at the Commissioners Court meeting. According to their website, you can request an appearance to speak at the Commissioners Court meeting and make your voice heard. Once you have filled in the required information on their website you should be allowed an opportunity to voice your opinion. On the day of the Commissioners Court meeting, however, the public must sign up to speak by no later than 8:00 a.m. in the morning. 

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033

Michael B. Winn appears to be at the top of Commissioner Rodney Ellis' shortlist of people who are capable of serving as the "ELECTIONS ADMINISTRATOR" for Harris County, Texas. If Winn's name is actually put forth on Tuesday, May 19, 2020, at the Commissioner's Court Meeting -- expect for him to be approved by Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo, County Commissioner Rodney Ellis, and County Commissioner Adrian Garcia. What can you do as a tax-paying citizen? Well, the meeting is scheduled to begin at 10:00 A.M. on the Commissioner’s Court portal. According to their website, you can request an appearance to speak at the Commissioners Court meeting and make your voice heard. Once you have filled in the required information on their website you should be allowed an opportunity to voice your opinion. On the day of the Commissioners Court meeting, however, the public must sign up to speak by no later than 8:00 a.m. in the morning. 



Michael B. Winn is the person I believe Commissioner Rodney Ellis is going to put forth as the prospective candidate for the “ELECTIONS ADMINISTRATOR” position that he would like to create. Who is Michael B. Winn? Well, I believe that Mr. Winn is a close ally of Commissioner Rodney Ellis. While he’s highly qualified, I’m not sure that the majority of Harris County voters would want someone serving in such an important role, to be beholden to Commissioner Rodney Ellis. Now, I don’t know Michael B. Winn, so I don’t know whether or not he has the backbone to take a stance against Commissioner Ellis. If he’s simply going to be a “YES MAN” to Commissioner Rodney Ellis, he’s not the right person for the job. However, as it relates to his credentials, he’s more than qualified for the job. In case you don’t know, he’s already serving the people of Harris County, Texas as the “DIRECTOR OF ELECTION” under Dr. Diane Trautman. He has over 20 years of experience in elections as well as community service according to published reports. From what I understand, he formerly managed the Travis County Elections Division before joining Dr. Diane Trautman’s administration. He’s also served in the Bexar County Clerk’s Elections Division before coming to Harris County, Texas. 

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033

Teneshia Hudspeth Babalola currently serves as the Deputy Cheif of Staff under Dr. Diane Trautman at the Harris County Clerk's Office. Expect for Teneshia Hudspeth Babalola to emerge at the front-runner in the race to select a "DEMOCRATIC NOMINEE" to be placed on the November ballot to fill out the remainder of Dr. Diane Trautman's term.

Teneshia Hudspeth Babalola is being pushed by top Democrats like State Rep. Ron Reynolds as the best-qualified person to succeed Dr. Diane Trautman. If nominated by Democrats to appear on the ballot for Tuesday, November 3, 2020, she would fill out the remainder of Dr. Diane Trautman's term. And then would have to seek re-election in the 2022 Midterm Election.



17. Request by the Commissioner Precinct One for discussion and approval of an agreement with the Greater Houston Community Foundation to administer the Harris County COVID-19 Relief Fund program, which will offer short-term, non-cash, in-kind emergency disaster relief for qualifying applicants’ basic needs such as rent, mortgages, utilities, food, medical, childcare, transportation, and other expenses; and that relevant departments coordinate to immediately disperser the funding for the program and for the GHCF’s administrative fee, as outlined in the contract, and adequately account for the expenses upon closure of the project.

18. Request by the Commissioner of Precinct One for discussion and possible action on a resolution that Harris County voters who want to vote by mail should be able to send an application for ballot by mail, check the box on the application indicating “Disability” as the reason for voting by mail, and that Harris County Commissioners Court supports processing that application as normal.

19. Request by the Commissioner of Precinct One for discussion, and possible action on the administration of elections in Harris County; and available COVID-19 relief funds for the purpose of administering elections and the purchasing of additional materials, equipment, and staff.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033

Dr. Diane Trautman (fourth from right) is pictured above flanked by Teneshia Hudspeth Babalola (fifth from right), and Michael B. Winn (third from right) in the photo above.


Whether you believe Dr. Diane Trautman was forced out or is retiring for health reasons is beside the point now. On, Sunday, May 31, 2020, her resignation will become official. But you are not without power, on Tuesday, May 19, 2020, you can still make your voice heard. According to their website, “To request an appearance to speak at the Commissioners Court meeting, please complete the fields below. Once you have filled in the required information, be sure to click the submit button. On the day of the Commissioners Court meeting, the public may sign up to speak by no later than 8:00 a.m.”

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033

Diane Trautman, a Democrat, fought hard to become the Harris County Clerk. Back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, she defeated Stan Stanart, a Republican, and Abel Chirino Gomez a Libertarian. As a refresher, Diane Trautman received 48,518 votes, by way of "ABSENTEE BALLOTS" back in the 2018 midterm election. Stan Stanart, in case you don't remember, received 44,935 votes, by way of "ABSENTEE BALLOTS" back in the 2018 midterm election. And Abel Chrino Gomez only received 1,294 votes by way of "ABSENTEE BALLOTS' back in the 2018 midterm election. So, just for the record, Diane Trautman went on to totally dominate the early voting, and election day voting phases as well. She eventually captured 54.60% of the vote to unseat Stan Stanart who was the sitting Harris County Clerk at the time.



Back on 4/15/2020: Colleen M. Vera filed a complaint with the Secretary of State for the State of Texas regarding "ABSENTEE BALLOT HARVESTING" in Harris County, Texas. You can learn more about what was included in Colleen M. Vera's report by clicking this link and visiting the "TEXAS TRASH TALK" website. In case you don't know, some of the evidence that was submitted inside Colleen M. Vera's 2-year investigation included a direct tie between Diane Trautman and at least one "DEMOCRATIC OPERATIVE" with a checkered past.

Back on 4/22/20: Colleen M. Vera went live with her evidence via the "TEXAS TRASH TALK" website which included evidence about Diane Trautman, the Harris County Clerk included. You can click here to learn more about the alleged "ABSENTEE BALLOT HARVESTING" scheme.

Back on 4/28/20: Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis approved $12 million for Diane Trautman to expand the "ABSENTEE BALLOT" or what many call the "MAIL BALLOT" voting for the Tuesday, July 14, 2020, Primary Runoff Elections, and the upcoming Tuesday, November 3, 2020, General Election as well. Please note, that there was money earmarked inside the budget for Diane Trautman to send "MAIL BALLOT APPLICATIONS" to every 65+ voter inside Harris County, Texas -- whether they wanted one or not.

Back on 5/1/20: Ken Paxton, the Attorney General for the State of Texas sent a letter to all Texas county judges and election authorities warning them not to mislead voters by using the Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic fears as a "DISABILITY" to vote by mail. In case you don't know, the press release sent out by Attorney General Ken Paxton called out Diane Trautman and Judge Lina Hidalgo specifically for crossing the line. He also stated that criminal charges could result.

So, from 5/4/20 to 5/7/2020: Dr. Diane Trautman spent a lot of time trying to get "GUIDANCE" from the Texas Secretary of State on how to carry out the "MASS MAILING" of "MAIL BALLOT APPLICATIONS" without crossing the line laid down by Attorney General Ken Paxton. According to published reports, the Secretary of State Ruth R. Hughs did not respond to Diane Trautman's requests.

Back on 5/7/20: The Texas Secretary of State notifies Colleen M. Vera that sufficient merit has been found as it relates to her 2-year investigation into "ABSENTEE BALLOT HARVESTING COMPLAINT" and that it had been forwarded to the Texas Attorney General with a recommendation to investigate the allegations. To learn more about Colleen M. Vera's allegations, you can click this link to view the "TEXAS TRASH TALK" website.

Back on 5/7/20: After not receiving a response from the Secretary of State, Diane Trautman reported in a "ZOOM MEETING" that she "WOULD NOT" be mailing "ABSENTEE BALLOTS APPLICATIONS" to every 65+ voter in Harris County, Texas. According to my sources, Harris County, Democratic Party representatives questioned why the "MAIL BALLOTS" would not be mailed out -- to which Diane Trautman said that she would not do it in the current environment.

Back on 5/9/2020: According to many of my sources, the Harris County Democratic Party has fought Diane Trautman tooth and nail as it relates to getting more "ABSENTEE BALLOTS" out to voters age 65 and older. Some of my sources feel like it was the mounting pressure from the Texas Attorney General, coupled with a lack of response from the Texas Secretary of State that caused Diane Trautman to take her stand against what the Harris County Democratic Party is trying to do. Sources close to Diane Trautman says that she does not feel that the "POLITICAL CLIMATE" is right to pull this off. Whether or not, the folks I've spoken with are right or not, isn't up to me to decide. So, to this end, what we do know is that Diane Trautman will no longer be the Harris County Clerk after Sunday, May 31, 2020. 

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033

Commissioner Rodney Ellis and other Harris County Commissioners, along with Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo will select an interim-Harris County Clerk to replace Diane Trautman.

Harris County Clerk Resigns Due to Personal Reasons According to a Press Release 


(Houston, TX) - Harris County Clerk Diane Trautman has issued her letter of resignation to Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo and members of Commissioners Court, to be effective May 31, 2020. 

“After much deliberation and discussion with my family and physician, I am resigning from my position as Harris County Clerk due to personal health concerns,” said Trautman. “Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, my age, and underlying health issues, I do not feel I can safely continue to carry out my duties as Harris County Clerk.” 

Trautman has served as Harris County Clerk since January 1, 2019, working arduously to make the voting process simpler, continually anticipating challenges, and addressing public concerns to ensure the election infrastructure remains secure. 

“I am proud of what we have accomplished during my short term in office and am so thankful for my amazing staff for their commitment and support,” added Trautman, “It has been an absolute honor and privilege to serve the citizens of Harris County.” 

Most recently and in response to COVID-19, Trautman has been working with election officials to ensure the safety of her staff, election workers and voters in the upcoming elections. 

Today, Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo accepted Trautman’s resignation and offered the following statement: 

“Dr. Trautman embodies the spirit of the community she has served. In her brief time as County Clerk, Dr. Trautman has fought to make it easier for citizens to participate in elections and make their voices heard. At the very first Commissioners Court meeting after we were both inaugurated, she led the charge to allow citizens to vote at any polling place on Election Day, regardless of their assigned precinct. She expanded voting locations to include colleges and universities and expanded hours and early voting opportunities for all. Now, during the Coronavirus crisis, she has led the push for mail ballot voting, securing a $12 million commitment from Commissioners Court to ensure residents can vote safely, by mail if necessary, or at the polling location. Commissioners Court will appoint her replacement. In the meantime, on behalf of the residents of Harris County, I thank her for serving our community with pride, dedication, and an ambitious agenda.” 

The Harris County Clerk’s Office is grateful for Dr. Trautman’s leadership and wishes her the best. She will truly be missed.

We Must Root Out the Wrong-Doers When It Comes to The Absentee Ballot Harvesting Game in Harris County, Texas


If one more person calls me trying to dispute the 2-year investigation spearheaded by Colleen M. Vera, I am going to scream. Please. Please. Please. STOP!!! Look, guys, all you have to do is read and look at the compelling data that has been pulled together by Colleen M. Vera on the “Texas Trash Talk” website. The information has been verified and authenticated by me and others. Look, guys, this isn’t about “REPUBLICANS” or “DEMOCRATS” my friends. This is about our Democracy and making sure that people are winning the election fairly and honestly. This is also about the rule of law and the integrity of the people who we allow to sit in positions of authority. After all, every born-again Believer should be very concerned about making sure that our “ELECTED OFFICIALS” have a heart for our LORD AND SAVIOR! Nope, we aren’t trying to elect saints, priests, or theologians to office. But we should be about electing righteous people who will put GOD first, and are willing to put politics aside when it comes to doing what’s right for America. We are a nation of laws folks. And we need Godly people elevated to positions of authority during this dark and desolate times we’re facing – NOT REPUBLICAN OR DEMOCRATS! Yes, I said that – and I meant it too! The time has come for us to reconsider how we vote as Believers! No, do not go back and say that I’m out here preaching to folks – because that’s not my intent here. I am not a preacher, saint, theologian, or perfect person. I’ve made many mistakes in my life. I’ve suffered many setbacks along the way. However, I’ve achieved some great feats in my short time here on the earth. God has blessed me despite my imperfections and shortcomings. So, to all of those folks who believe that they are going to shut me up through fear tactics and threats – YOU DON’T KNOW ME! Once I enter a fight – I’M IN IT TO WIN IT! And there’s been unequivocal – which simply means in a way that is clear and unambiguous – meaning no doubt; some serious cheating going on in Harris County, Texas. And the cheaters must be brought to justice and rooted out. Why? Well, as the good book says, “When the righteous thrive, the people rejoice; when the wicked rule, the people groan.” So, I implore every born-again Believer in “GOD ALMIGHTY” to do your due diligence and check out the “TALK TRASH TEXAS” website. Again, I have independently verified the 2-year investigation that was spearheaded by Colleen M. Vera. She has done a thorough and complete job pulling together her report concerning every single detail she’s included in this extensive report. My friends, this report is not superficial, fictitious or fake as some folks would have you believe.



According to Colleen M. Vera, after the 2016 Democratic Primary, a candidate for Harris County Constable (Pct 3), Jasen Rabalais, filed a lawsuit claiming that a campaign worker for another candidate, Michel Pappillion, “deliberately falsified, illegally completed or unlawfully influenced the ballots and early voting applications of elderly residents in Harris County.” The lawsuit was dismissed. But the audiotape above had been made by the Rabalais campaign after he found out that an “alleged harvester” was working for an opponent’s campaign.



In case you don't know, providing unlawful assistance to a voter in connection with “ABSENTEE BALLOT” is a state jail felony from what I understand. However, having “ABSENTEE VOTERS” select one name on their “ABSENTEE BALLOT" and sign their signature, and then taking the ballot with you is something else altogether. In case you don't know, it also illegal to receive compensation for depositing the carrier-envelope in the mail or with a common or contract carrier folks. Gloria Palmer is presumed innocent unless proven guilty in a court of law. For the record, the audiotape above had been made by the Rabalais campaign after he found out that an “alleged harvester” was working for an opponent’s campaign.



From what I understand, Colleen M. Vera, after reviewing the initial video of the woman who introduced herself as a member of State Rep. Harold Dutton’s campaign staff, she decided to do some research. “I figured if there was any evidence of mailed ballot voter fraud to be found in Harris County, the more recent one - Dutton’s race - was the best place to start,” she said via her website. “I filed a request for public information covering the 1,359 voters who voted by mail in Harold Dutton’s race. I requested electronic copies of the voters’: applications for ballots by mail and returned ballot carrier envelopes, she explains. “My first thought was to match each voter’s mailed ballot application with the voter’s ballot envelope and compare signatures to find those which may not match. But as I reviewed the documents, something else jumped off the page,” says the comments on her website.

According to Colleen M. Vera, she found 32 handwritten applications for mailed ballots – all from different voters – but all written in the same handwriting on them.

When Colleen M. Vera looked closer at the mail ballots, something else jumped off the page at her. All 32 returned their application for a ballot by mail in the same pre-printed envelope with the same style stamp.

So, what Colleen M. Vera did next was count the stamps used by all the applications for ballot by mail returned by voters in this race Harold Dutton’s, Tuesday, March 6, 2018, Democratic Party primary race against Richard A. Bonton – his Democratic challenger. “Could it be just a coincidence that only 7% of all voters used this stamp to return their ballot by mail applications, but 100% of the 32 voters with this same handwriting on their applications used the same stamp?” asks Colleen M. Vera.

So, what Colleen M. Vera did next was printed out the envelopes which carried their returned ballots back to the Harris County Clerk’s Office. Once the envelopes where printed, “the BIGGEST COINCIDENCE of ALL jumped off the page,” she says. “ALL THESE VOTERS LIVED IN THE SAME PRECINCT!” she went on to say via her website. What precinct did all of these voters live in? They all live inside Harris County Voter Precinct #259. Now, do you think this is just a coincidence? I think not!!! Well, because, according to Colleen M. Vera, 90% used two of the same stamps used on the application. But get this, only 23% of total ballots returned for this race used that stamp combination.

Are you starting to see why Texas isn’t ready to allow an “ALL ABSENTEE BALLOT” election? Well, if not, maybe this will help. According to Colleen M. Vera, her research showed this same handwriting on multiple ballots by mail applications from Harris County Voter Precinct #259 for every year going back to 2008.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033


Aubrey R. Taylor is the President/CEO of Aubrey R. Taylor Communications, the publisher of Houston Business Connections Newspaper©. Taylor has more than 29-years of experience in marketing, branding, investigative reporting, public relations, opposition research, and political consulting. He’s assisted in branding Republican and Democratic candidates in statewide elections and in local municipalities throughout the State of Texas. Over the years, he’s also assisted in branding and marketing (through his various publications) such corporations and institutions as Shell Oil, The City of Houston, Texas A&M, Texas Southern University, Prairie View A&M University, Chevron, Shell Oil, Waste Management, Nationwide Insurance, Momentum Jaguar/BMW, Channel 11, Channel 13, State Farm Insurance, and Allstate Insurance to name a few.


"I have absolutely no idea what's going to happen on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, when Democrats and Republican face-off in Harris County, Texas. However, it behooves all of us to make sure that the "2020 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION" is free from cheating, fraud, and corruption. So, if you are looking to cheat, don't call us. If you're looking for someone to harvest some mail-ballots for you, do not call us. However, if you're looking to implement superior branding and marketing techniques as a way of getting an advantage let Aubrey R. Taylor Communications assist you with accomplishing your goal of winning the office that you're seeking. Our ground game is second to none, that's why we had one of the largest circulated "ELECTION EDITIONS" in the state of Texas back on Tuesday, March 6, 2018, for the Gubernatorial Election. In case you don't remember, we had (26) twenty-six Republican supporters, and (33) thirty-three Democratic supporters. Click here to review this edition. And remember, our readers are "OPEN-MINDED" and are compelled to cast their ballot for the "BEST-QUALIFIED CANDIDATES" who value, respect, and ask for their vote.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033