Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg is trying one of the oldest tricks in the political playbook. Kim Ogg, Sean Teare, and Rachel Hooper appear to all be on the same team. Kim Ogg is going to wait until the last minute to announce that she's not going to run for reelection. Don Hooper and his wife, Rachel Hooper are desperately trying to position her (Rachel Hooper), to win the Republican nomination on Tuesday, March 5, 2024, in the race for District Attorney. Right now, there's a group being formed called the Texas Gulf Coast Center for Public Policy, that's planning to control this region of Texas.

If you look closely at the text message above you will see the names of Casey Voeks, Alexandra Mealer, and Rachel Hooper, the wife of Don Hooper. Now, in case you don't know right around the time we received this text message, Casey Voeks, resigned from his position as the executive director of the Harris County Republican Party. It is believed that if Cindy Siegel does not step down, this group that's headed up by Don Hooper, Rachel Hooper, and others will run Casey Voeks against Cindy Siegel in the Tuesday, March 5, 2024, Republican Party Primary.

Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg's plan to run Sean Teare from the left and Rachel Hooper from the right must be dismantled and stopped. Someone must challenge Sean Teare in the Tuesday, March 5, 2024, Democratic Party Primary. Kim Ogg is not going to run for reelection. And someone must definitely run against Rachel Hooper in the Tuesday, March 5, 2024, Republican Party Primary.
In case you haven’t heard, Kim Ogg’s surrogates are making some serious moves in Harris County, Texas right now. So, keep your head on a swivel and don’t get tricked by the ‘play-fighting’ you’re about to see play out in Harris County, Texas over the next few months.
On Friday, February 10, 2023, Sean Teare formally announced that he was resigning from his position as one of the top prosecutors in Kim Ogg’s Harris County District Attorney’s Office. From what I understand, Sean Teare turned in his resignation on Friday morning. However, my investigative team already knew that Sean Teare was planning to resign and run for District Attorney in the upcoming 2024 Democratic Party Primary. Remember, Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg hired Sean Teare to head up the Vehicular Crimes Division back when she got elected during the 2016 Presidential Election cycle.
Kim Ogg, the current Harris County District Attorney, who happens to be a Democrat, has given her blessings to Sean Teare, from what I understand. Why? Well, because Ogg is not planning to run for reelection in the upcoming Tuesday, March 5, 2024, Democratic Party Primary, according to several different sources familiar with what’s playing out behind the scenes right now.
On another note, that idiot Don Hooper is using his position as the Republican Precinct Chair for “PRECINCT 0016” as a ‘bully-pulpit’ of sorts. What Don Hooper is trying to do right now, is make sure that the Harris County District Attorney’s Office either goes to his wife, Rachel Palmer Hooper, or Sean Teare, from what my sources are telling me.
I’ve tried to warn Republicans about Don Hooper and his wife, but nobody seems to be listening to me. For the life of me, I can’t understand why anyone is listening to Don Hooper who also happens to be a serious alcoholic, among other things. And on top of that, Don Hooper can’t even keep his mouth shut long enough to accomplish anything.
Coincidentally, right before Sean Teare announced that he was leaving the Harris County District Attorney’s Office, that idiot Don Hooper decided to try to use what he believes is a criminal record with my name attached to it, to try and destroy me. Again, I told you that Don Hooper is an idiot.
For the record, back during the 1990s while I was in college, I went to work for a company called Quality Security Services Inc., which was owned by a wealthy (now deceased) businessman by the name of E. Paul Weekly.
I was first stationed at Coca-Cola Towers, located in the Galleria area. After a few months there, I was asked to do some undercover work for the company. This led to me becoming a supervisor, and managing personnel. Prior to graduating from college, I was elevated to trailing “African Security Officers” who (Paul Weekley) felt were being racially profiled and harassed by local police.
After I graduated from college I went to work for a local newspaper and was asked to work ‘undercover’ on what was happening in the 1991 race for Mayor of the City of Houston, which Sylvester Turner ended up losing to Bob Lanier. During this same period, I began investigating injustices in the criminal justice system, with Paul Weekley (a white man) as my backer.
During the 1990s, I uncovered that Blacks were being given much harsher sentences than whites who had committed similar crimes by local Republican judges. Two of the Republicans I ended up investigating back during the 1990s, was Mike Anderson (now deceased), and Devon Anderson, both of whom, ended up also becoming Harris County District Attorneys.
Devon Anderson served as a prosecutor for more than 12 years and was elected as the Judge for the 117th state District Court in 2004, in Harris County, Texas. Anyways, my (financier), and backer never liked Mike Anderson or Devon Anderson and thought they were both dirty.
My undercover work took me inside the Harris County Jail, and into state penal institutions, studying the injustices in sentencing as it relates to young African American males.
My investigative work with E. Paul Weekley, ended when he suddenly died under suspicious circumstances at his Bay House, on Sunday, June 12, 2005. After he passed away, his new wife and I tried to keep the investigative work going but weren’t able to do so on our own.
After E. Paul Weekley’s death, I continued to investigate local corruption and the mistreatment of young African American males, in local jails, and state penal institutions on my own until I met Charles “Chuck” Marler, during the 2019 City of Houston Mayoral Election, at Tony Buzbee’s Campaign Headquarters, while picking up a payment.
Since, meeting Charles “Chuck” Marler, a former FBI Investigative Specialist, I have used his services, and reignited my investigative work.
Back on December 16, 2022, I received a text message from someone I won’t name at this point. Anyways after text messages back and forth, “THE TEXTER,” in response to a question I asked responded:
“Great question. Let’s all meet at my office and I will tell you. We are going on the offensive. We are setting up Texas Gulf Coast Center for Public Policy,” said the texter whom I will not name publicly at this point.
The texter went on to say, “I have HCRP, RPT, C Club, people from TPPF on and on all onboard.”
“Rachel Hooper – General Counsel for RPT is in. Bridget Wade is in. Rick Scarborough is in Casey Voeks ED HCRP is in,” said the texter. “That’s what we are doing. We are building a broad base in the region to support vetted individuals and organizations who are working on legislation, education, election security, etc.”
As I said, Don Hooper and his wife, Rachel Hooper, have been totally rejected by Conservatives for the most part. Both Don Hooper and his wife, Rachel Hooper were both denied when they were trying to wiggle and squirm their way into the Senate District 13 Committeeman position. And Rachel Hooper was totally rejected by voters at the ballot box when she ran for judge.
As I’ve already told you Don Hooper is a drunk, and an idiot. What makes Don Hooper think that Republican Party Primary voters are going to nominate his wife, Rachel Hooper, in the race for District Attorney on Tuesday, March 5, 2024, in Harris County, Texas? If you ask me, Don Hooper has lost his mind.

Cindy Siegel is the chairman of the Harris County Republican Party. Several sources have already confirmed Cindy Siegel's "SECRET BIPARTISAN AGREEMENT" in place with her Democratic buddies who serve with her on the Harris County Election Commission. Her buddy Odus Evbagharu, the chairman of the Harris County Democratic Party has tendered his resignation effective February 28, 2023; but Cindy Siegel is more than likely going to wait until she's fully exposed before she goes ahead and step tells the truth.

Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg, a Democrat, with the cooperation of Cindy Siegel, the chairman of the Harris County Republican Party, was able to infiltrate the Harris County "GOP" by using her surrogates (Don and Rachel Hooper) and several other operatives. Don Hooper serves as the Precinct Chair for "PRECINCT #16," and his wife Rachel Hooper, who serves as legal counsel for the Republican Party of Texas is the leading force behind the lawsuits that are now playing out in a local Harris County, Texas courtroom.

Rachel Hooper currently serves as legal counsel for the Republican Party of Texas. However, she is also one of Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg's best friends. Aside from being Kim Ogg's best friend, Rachel Hooper is also one of Kim Ogg's surrogates who is actively working to position herself to succeed Kim Ogg as the next Harris County District Attorney in the upcoming 2024 Presidential Election, according to several different sources.

Don Hooper claims to be a Republican, however, he and his wife are both surrogates who are secretly working for Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg, according to sources. Don Hooper is also best friends with former councilman and city of Houston Police Chief C.O. Bradford, who was hired by Ogg back in April of 2019 to serve as her special prosecutor, and law enforcement liaison.

Jeff McGeorge is a real Republican Precinct Chair who loves his party. In case you don't know, Jeff McGeorge is the Republican precinct chair for "PRECINCT #548" in Harris County, Texas. Back on Tuesday, November 22, 2022, I received the text message you see below from Jeff McGeorge that I'm sharing in this report with his permission. "Hooper is the precinct chair that contacted me and railed on me for nearly an hour telling me I better stop trying to get Carmen elected and I better stop it now. He claimed if she was to get elected it would f-up the entire agreement between the two parties." Jeff McGeorge went on to say, His wife Rachel is the RPT General Counsel. They are both deep into politics."

Jeff McGeorge is the Republican precinct chair for "PRECINCT #548" in Harris County, Texas. Back on Tuesday, November 22, 2022, I received the text message you see below from Jeff McGeorge that I'm sharing in this report with his permission. "Hooper is the precinct chair that contacted me and railed on me for nearly and hour telling me I better stop trying to get Carmen elected and I better stop it now. He claimed if she was to get elected it would f-up the entire agreement between the two parties." Jeff McGeorge went on to say, His wife Rachel is the RPT General Counsel. They are both deep into politics."


SCENE #1: After Genevieve Carter, the communications director for the Harris County Republican Party whispers something to Maureen, she comes out and throws Carmen Maria Montiel out of the Harris County Republican Party Headquarters. Shortly after she's thrown out of the GOP lobby, Carmen is escorted off the premises by the police, and (according to Carmen) she was told by Casey Voeks, the executive director to not return to the premises.


SCENE #2: After whispering something into Maureen's ear, Genevieve Carter, the communications director for the Harris County Republican Party carefully watches as Maureen throws out of the GOP headquarters.

SCENE #3: As Maureen is throwing Carmen Maria Montiel out of the Harris County Republican Party headquarters, Genevieve Carter, the communications director, is seen shutting the door to the conference room where House Republican Leader Kevin MacCarthy and other GOP leaders are seated.

EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033

"When Tony Sr. was in first grade (when dinosaurs still roamed the earth), he had different ambitions than anyone else in his class. Everyone wanted to be a doctor or a lawyer or a fireman, but not Tony Sr., he wanted to be the President of Way Mechanical. In 1996, he achieved that goal. Like most McCorvey’s that have been involved with the family business, his resume is very short. He’s been a tin bender his entire life and loves sheet metal. Tony Sr. is still heavily involved in the company and shares his guidance and vision with the employees every day."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "In my opinion, Tony McCorvey is a true leader in the world of business. I believe that Tony McCorvey is a true leader in every sense of the word. He knows the way, goes the way, and does his best to lead by example and show others the way."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "In my opinion, former Judge Alice Bonner is someone every warm-blooded human being should be proud of in the United States of America. Judge Alice A. Bonner knows the way, goes the way, and has spent her entire life leading by example and showing others the way."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "In my opinion, Businessman Eric Carr is one of the true leaders in our world today. Eric Carr is a true leader in every sense of the word. He knows the way, goes the way, and does his best to lead by example and show others the way."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "In my opinion, Businessman Randy Price is one of the true leaders in our world today. Randy Price is a true leader in every sense of the word. He knows the way, goes the way, and does his best to lead by example and show others the way."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "In my opinion, Attorney "DOWNTOWN" Oliver Brown is a true leader in the courtroom. Attorney "Downtown" Oliver Brown is a true leader in every sense of the word. He knows the way, goes the way, and does his best to lead by example and show others the way."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "In my opinion, Mayor Kevin Cole is a true leader in the courtroom. I believe that Mayor Kevin Cole is a true leader in every sense of the word. He knows the way, goes the way, and does his best to lead by example and show others the way."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "In my opinion, Pastor Willie Davis is a strong leader who exemplifies what it means to be strong, resilient, courageous, and trustworthy. Pastor Willie Davis is a true leader in every sense of the word. He knows the way, goes the way, and does his best to lead by example and show others the way."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "In my opinion, Former Judge Loyd Wright is a Conservative who people from all walks of life should consider getting to know. Loyd loves us and is a fair, open-minded person who represents leadership in every sense of the word. He knows the way, goes the way, and does his best to lead by example and show others the way."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "In my opinion, Pastors John and Ericka McCrutcheon are both honest, straightforward, and smart people. These two individuals both exemplify what it means to be a true leader in every sense of the word. They know the way, go the way, and do their best to lead by example and show others the way."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "In my opinion, Anthony Dolcefino is a strong leader who respects and appreciates our unique differences. Anthony Dolcefino is a true leader in every sense of the word. He knows the way, goes the way, and does his best to lead by example and show others the way."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "In my opinion, Dr. Letitia Plummer is a strong leader who respects and appreciates our unique differences. Dr. Plummer is a true leader in every sense of the word. She knows the way, goes the way, and does her best to lead by example and show others the way."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "In my opinion, Attorney Edward Pollard is a strong leader who respects and appreciates our unique differences. Edward Pollard is a true leader in every sense of the word. He knows the way, goes the way, and does his best to lead by example and show others the way."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "In my opinion, Judge Fredericka Phillips is a strong leader who respects and appreciates our unique differences. She's up for reelection in the race for Judge, 61st Civil District Court in the upcoming 2024 Presidential Election, but that's not why she's being featured here in this report. Judge Fredericka Phillips knows the way, goes the way, and does her best to lead by example and show others the way."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "In my opinion, Judge Jeralynn Manor is a strong leader who respects and appreciates our unique differences. She's up for reelection in the race for Judge, 80th Civil District Court in the upcoming 2024 Presidential Election, but that's not why she's being featured here in this report. Judge Jeralynn Manor knows the way, goes the way, and does her best to lead by example and show others the way."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "In my opinion, Judge Kyle Carter is a strong leader who respects and appreciates our unique differences. He's up for reelection in the race for Judge, 125th Civil District Court in the upcoming 2024 Presidential Election, but that's not why he's being featured here in this report. Judge Kyle Carter knows the way, goes the way, and does his best to lead by example and show others the way."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "In my opinion, Judge Ravi K. Sandill is a strong leader who respects and appreciates our unique differences. He's up for reelection in the race for Judge, 127th Civil District Court in the upcoming 2024 Presidential Election, but that's not why he's being featured here in this report. Judge R.K. Sandill knows the way, goes the way, and does his best to lead by example and show others the way."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "In my opinion, Judge Mke Engelhart is a strong leader who respects and appreciates our unique differences. He's up for reelection in the race for Judge, 151st Civil District Court in the upcoming 2024 Presidential Election, but that's not why he's being featured here in this report. Judge Mike Engelhart knows the way, goes the way, and does his best to lead by example and show others the way."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "In my opinion, Judge Cheryl Elliott Thornton is a strong leader who respects and appreciates our unique differences. She's up for reelection in the race for Judge, 164th Civil District Court in the upcoming 2024 Presidential Election, but that's not why she's being featured here in this report. Judge Cheryl Elliott Thornton knows the way, goes the way, and does her best to lead by example and show others the way."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "In my opinion, Judge Cheryl Elliott Thornton is a strong leader who respects and appreciates our unique differences. She's up for reelection in the race for Judge, 164th Civil District Court in the upcoming 2024 Presidential Election, but that's not why she's being featured here in this report. Judge Cheryl Elliott Thornton knows the way, goes the way, and does her best to lead by example and show others the way."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "In my opinion, Judge Robert Johnson is a strong leader who respects and appreciates our unique differences. He's up for reelection in the race for Judge, 177th Civil District Court in the upcoming 2024 Presidential Election, but that's not why he's being featured here in this report. Judge Robert Johnson knows the way, goes the way, and does his best to lead by example and show others the way."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "In my opinion, Judge Dawn Deshea Rogers is a strong leader who respects and appreciates our unique differences. She's up for reelection in the race for Judge, 334th Civil District Court in the upcoming 2024 Presidential Election, but that's not why she's being featured here in this report. Judge Dawn Deshea Rogers knows the way, goes the way, and does her best to lead by example and show others the way."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "In my opinion, Judge Israel Garcia is a strong leader who respects and appreciates our unique differences. He's up for reelection in the race for Justice of the Peace, Precinct 5, Place 2 in the upcoming 2024 Presidential Election, but that's not why he's being featured here in this report. Judge Isreal Garcia knows the way, goes the way, and does his best to lead by example and show others the way."

“Judge Jeralynn Manor has done an excellent job as the presiding judge for the 80th Civil District Court in Harris County, Texas in her first term on the bench. She and a whole host of Democratic incumbent judges will be up for re-election in the 2024 Presidential Election that's scheduled to take place on Tuesday, November 5, 2024."

EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033

Judge Latosha Lewis Payne is the presiding judge for the 55th Civil District Court in Harris County, Texas. Judge Latosha Lewis Payne will be up for reelection in the 2026 Midterm Election, she was just duly-reelected in the Tuesday, November 8, 2022, Midterm Election, for Harris County, Texas.
Judge Latosha Lewis Payne is the presiding judge for the 55th Civil District Court in Harris County, Texas. Judge Latosha Lewis Payne will be up for reelection in the 2026 Midterm Election, she was just duly-reelected in the Tuesday, November 8, 2022, Midterm Election, for Harris County, Texas.

Judge Fredericka Phillips is the presiding judge for the 61st Civil District Court in Harris County, Texas. Judge Fredericka Phillips will be up for reelection in the 2024 Presidential Election. Still, she will have to earn the nomination to serve as the Democratic nominee, on Tuesday, March 5, 2024, in the Democratic Party Primary, for Harris County, Texas.
Judge Fredericka Phillips is the presiding judge for the 61st Civil District Court in Harris County, Texas. Judge Fredericka Phillips will be up for reelection in the 2024 Presidential Election. Still, she will have to earn the nomination to serve as the Democratic nominee, on Tuesday, March 5, 2024, in the Democratic Party Primary, for Harris County, Texas.

Judge Jeralynn Manor is the presiding judge for the 80th Civil District Court in Harris County, Texas. Judge Jeralynn Manor will be up for reelection in the 2024 Presidential Election but will have to earn the nomination to serve as the Democratic nominee, on Tuesday, March 5, 2024, in the Democratic Party Primary, for Harris County, Texas.

Judge Cheryl Elliott Thornton is the presiding judge for the 164th Civil District Court in Harris County, Texas. Judge Cheryl Elliott Thornton will be up for reelection in the 2024 Presidential Election but will have to earn the nomination to serve as the Democratic nominee, on Tuesday, March 5, 2024, in the Democratic Party Primary, for Harris County, Texas.
Judge Cheryl Elliott Thornton is the presiding judge for the 164th Civil District Court in Harris County, Texas. Judge Cheryl Elliott Thornton will be up for reelection in the 2024 Presidential Election but will have to earn the nomination to serve as the Democratic nominee, on Tuesday, March 5, 2024, in the Democratic Party Primary, for Harris County, Texas.

Judge Ursula A. Hall is the presiding judge for the 165th Civil District Court in Harris County, Texas. Judge Cheryl Elliott Thornton will be up for reelection in the 2024 Presidential Election but will have to earn the nomination to serve as the Democratic nominee, on Tuesday, March 5, 2024, in the Democratic Party Primary, for Harris County, Texas.
Judge Ursula A. Hall is the presiding judge for the 165th Civil District Court in Harris County, Texas. Judge Cheryl Elliott Thornton will be up for reelection in the 2024 Presidential Election but will have to earn the nomination to serve as the Democratic nominee, on Tuesday, March 5, 2024, in the Democratic Party Primary, for Harris County, Texas.

Judge Hazel B. Jones is the presiding judge for the 174th Criminal District Court in Harris County, Texas. Judge Hazel Jones will be up for reelection in the 2024 Presidential Election but will have to earn the nomination to serve as the Democratic nominee, on Tuesday, March 5, 2024, in the Democratic Party Primary, for Harris County, Texas.
Judge Hazel B. Jones is the presiding judge for the 174th Criminal District Court in Harris County, Texas. Judge Hazel Jones will be up for reelection in the 2024 Presidential Election but will have to earn the nomination to serve as the Democratic nominee, on Tuesday, March 5, 2024, in the Democratic Party Primary, for Harris County, Texas.

Judge Nikita V. Harmon is the presiding judge for the 176th Criminal District Court in Harris County, Texas. Judge Nikita V. Harmon will be up for reelection in the 2024 Presidential Election. Still, she will have to earn the nomination to serve as the Democratic nominee, on Tuesday, March 5, 2024, in the Democratic Party Primary, for Harris County, Texas.
Judge Nikita V. Harmon is the presiding judge for the 176th Criminal District Court in Harris County, Texas. Judge Nikita V. Harmon will be up for reelection in the 2024 Presidential Election. Still, she will have to earn the nomination to serve as the Democratic nominee, on Tuesday, March 5, 2024, in the Democratic Party Primary, for Harris County, Texas.

Judge Robert Johnson is the presiding judge for the 177th Criminal District Court in Harris County, Texas. Judge Robert Johnson will be up for reelection in the 2024 Presidential Election. Still, he will have to earn the nomination to serve as the Democratic nominee, on Tuesday, March 5, 2024, in the Democratic Party Primary, for Harris County, Texas.


Judge Katherine N. Thomas is the presiding judge for the 184th Civil District Court in Harris County, Texas. Judge Katherine N. Thomas will be up for reelection in the 2026 Midterm Election, she was just duly elected in the Tuesday, November 8, 2022, Midterm Election, for Harris County, Texas.
Judge Katherine N. Thomas is the presiding judge for the 184th Civil District Court in Harris County, Texas. Judge Katherine N. Thomas will be up for reelection in the 2026 Midterm Election, she was just duly elected in the Tuesday, November 8, 2022, Midterm Election, for Harris County, Texas.

Judge Tamika “Tami” Craft is the presiding judge for the 189th Criminal District Court in Harris County, Texas. Judge Tamika “Tami” Craft will be up for reelection in the 2026 Midterm Election, she was just duly elected in the Tuesday, November 8, 2022, Midterm Election, for Harris County, Texas.
Judge Tamika “Tami” Craft is the presiding judge for the 189th Criminal District Court in Harris County, Texas. Judge Tamika “Tami” Craft will be up for reelection in the 2026 Midterm Election, she was just duly elected in the Tuesday, November 8, 2022, Midterm Election, for Harris County, Texas.

Judge Beverly D. Armstrong is the presiding judge for the 208th Criminal District Court in Harris County, Texas. Judge Beverly D. Armstrong will be up for reelection in the 2026 Midterm Election, she was just duly elected in the Tuesday, November 8, 2022, Midterm Election, for Harris County, Texas.
Judge Beverly D. Armstrong is the presiding judge for the 208th Criminal District Court in Harris County, Texas. Judge Beverly D. Armstrong will be up for reelection in the 2026 Midterm Election, she was just duly elected in the Tuesday, November 8, 2022, Midterm Election, for Harris County, Texas.

Judge Elaine H. Palmer is the presiding judge for the 215th Civil District Court in Harris County, Texas. Judge Elaine H. Palmer will be up for reelection in the 2024 Presidential Election. Still, she will have to earn the nomination to serve as the Democratic nominee, on Tuesday, March 5, 2024, in the Democratic Party Primary, for Harris County, Texas.
Judge Elaine H. Palmer is the presiding judge for the 215th Civil District Court in Harris County, Texas. Judge Elaine H. Palmer will be up for reelection in the 2024 Presidential Election. Still, she will have to earn the nomination to serve as the Democratic nominee, on Tuesday, March 5, 2024, in the Democratic Party Primary, for Harris County, Texas.

Judge Angela M. Lancelin is the presiding judge for the 245th Family District Court in Harris County, Texas. Judge Angela M. Lancelin will be up for reelection in the 2026 Midterm Election, she was just duly elected in the Tuesday, November 8, 2022, Midterm Election, for Harris County, Texas.
Judge Angela M. Lancelin is the presiding judge for the 245th Family District Court in Harris County, Texas. Judge Angela M. Lancelin will be up for reelection in the 2026 Midterm Election, she was just duly elected in the Tuesday, November 8, 2022, Midterm Election, for Harris County, Texas.

Judge Angela Graves Harrington is the presiding judge for the 246th Family District Court in Harris County, Texas. Judge Angela Graves Harrington will be up for reelection in the 2026 Midterm Election, she was just duly-reelected in the Tuesday, November 8, 2022, Midterm Election, for Harris County, Texas.
Judge Angela Graves Harrington is the presiding judge for the 246th Family District Court in Harris County, Texas. Judge Angela Graves Harrington will be up for reelection in the 2026 Midterm Election, she was just duly-reelected in the Tuesday, November 8, 2022, Midterm Election, for Harris County, Texas.

Judge Sandra J. Peake is the presiding judge for the 257th Family District Court in Harris County, Texas. Judge Sandra J. Peake will be up for reelection in the 2026 Midterm Election, she was just duly reelected in the Tuesday, November 8, 2022, Midterm Election, for Harris County, Texas.
Judge Sandra J. Peake is the presiding judge for the 257th Family District Court in Harris County, Texas. Judge Sandra J. Peake will be up for reelection in the 2026 Midterm Election, she was just duly reelected in the Tuesday, November 8, 2022, Midterm Election, for Harris County, Texas.

Judge Lori Chambers Gray is the presiding judge for the 262nd Criminal District Court in Harris County, Texas. Judge Lori Chambers Gray will be up for reelection in the 2026 Midterm Election, she was just duly elected in the Tuesday, November 8, 2022, Midterm Election, for Harris County, Texas.
Judge Lori Chambers Gray is the presiding judge for the 262nd Criminal District Court in Harris County, Texas. Judge Lori Chambers Gray will be up for reelection in the 2026 Midterm Election, she was just duly elected in the Tuesday, November 8, 2022, Midterm Election, for Harris County, Texas.

Judge Melissa M. Morris is the presiding judge for the 263rd Criminal District Court in Harris County, Texas. Judge Melissa M. Morris will be up for reelection in the 2026 Midterm Election, she was just duly elected in the Tuesday, November 8, 2022, Midterm Election, for Harris County, Texas.
Judge Melissa M. Morris is the presiding judge for the 263rd Criminal District Court in Harris County, Texas. Judge Melissa M. Morris will be up for reelection in the 2026 Midterm Election, she was just duly elected in the Tuesday, November 8, 2022, Midterm Election, for Harris County, Texas.

Judge Dedra Davis is the presiding judge for the 270th Civil District Court in Harris County, Texas. Judge Dedra Davis will be up for reelection in the 2026 Midterm Election, she was just duly elected in the Tuesday, November 8, 2022, Midterm Election, for Harris County, Texas.
Judge Dedra Davis is the presiding judge for the 270th Civil District Court in Harris County, Texas. Judge Dedra Davis will be up for reelection in the 2026 Midterm Election, she was just duly elected in the Tuesday, November 8, 2022, Midterm Election, for Harris County, Texas.

Judge Damiane “Dianne” Curvey is the presiding judge for the 280th Family District Court in Harris County, Texas. Judge “Damiane “Dianne” Curvey will be up for reelection in the 2026 Midterm Election, she was just duly elected in the Tuesday, November 8, 2022, Midterm Election, for Harris County, Texas.
Judge Damiane “Dianne” Curvey is the presiding judge for the 280th Family District Court in Harris County, Texas. Judge “Damiane “Dianne” Curvey will be up for reelection in the 2026 Midterm Election, she was just duly elected in the Tuesday, November 8, 2022, Midterm Election, for Harris County, Texas.

Judge Linda Marie Dunson is the presiding judge for the 309th Family District Court in Harris County, Texas. Judge Linda Marie Dunson will be up for reelection in the 2026 Midterm Election, she was just duly elected in the Tuesday, November 8, 2022, Midterm Election, for Harris County, Texas.

Judge Germaine Tanner is the presiding judge for the 311th Family District Court in Harris County, Texas. Judge Germaine Tanner will be up for reelection in the 2026 Midterm Election, she was just duly elected in the Tuesday, November 8, 2022, Midterm Election, for Harris County, Texas.

Judge Michelle Moore is the presiding judge for the 314th Juvenile District Court in Harris County, Texas. Judge Michelle Moore will be up for reelection in the 2026 Midterm Election, she was just duly-reelected in the Tuesday, November 8, 2022, Midterm Election, for Harris County, Texas.

Judge Brittanye Morris is the presiding judge for the 333rd Civil District Court in Harris County, Texas. Judge Brittanye Morris will be up for reelection in the 2024 Presidential Election but will have to earn the nomination to serve as the Democratic nominee, on Tuesday, March 5, 2024, in the Democratic Party Primary, for Harris County, Texas.
Judge Brittanye Morris is the presiding judge for the 333rd Civil District Court in Harris County, Texas. Judge Brittanye Morris will be up for reelection in the 2024 Presidential Election but will have to earn the nomination to serve as the Democratic nominee, on Tuesday, March 5, 2024, in the Democratic Party Primary, for Harris County, Texas.

Judge Dawn Rogers is the presiding judge for the 334th Civil District Court in Harris County, Texas. Judge Dawn Rogers will be up for reelection in the 2024 Presidential Election but will have to earn the nomination to serve as the Democratic nominee, on Tuesday, March 5, 2024, in the Democratic Party Primary, for Harris County, Texas.
Judge Dawn Rogers is the presiding judge for the 334th Civil District Court in Harris County, Texas. Judge Dawn Rogers will be up for reelection in the 2024 Presidential Election but will have to earn the nomination to serve as the Democratic nominee, on Tuesday, March 5, 2024, in the Democratic Party Primary, for Harris County, Texas.

Judge Ramona Franklin is the presiding judge for the 338th Criminal District Court in Harris County, Texas. Judge Ramona Franklin will be up for reelection in the 2024 Presidential Election but will have to earn the nomination to serve as the Democratic nominee, on Tuesday, March 5, 2024, in the Democratic Party Primary, for Harris County, Texas.
Judge Ramona Franklin is the presiding judge for the 338th Criminal District Court in Harris County, Texas. Judge Ramona Franklin will be up for reelection in the 2024 Presidential Election but will have to earn the nomination to serve as the Democratic nominee, on Tuesday, March 5, 2024, in the Democratic Party Primary, for Harris County, Texas.

Judge Te'iva Bell is the presiding judge for the 339th Criminal District Court in Harris County, Texas. Judge Te'iva Bell will be up for reelection in the 2024 Presidential Election but will have to earn the nomination to serve as the Democratic nominee, on Tuesday, March 5, 2024, in the Democratic Party Primary, for Harris County, Texas.

Judge Veronica M. Nelson is the presiding judge for the 482nd Criminal District Court in Harris County, Texas. Veronica M. Nelson will be up for reelection in the 2026 Midterm Election, she was just duly elected in the Tuesday, November 8, 2022, Midterm Election, for Harris County, Texas.
Judge Veronica M. Nelson is the presiding judge for the 482nd Criminal District Court in Harris County, Texas. Veronica M. Nelson will be up for reelection in the 2026 Midterm Election, she was just duly elected in the Tuesday, November 8, 2022, Midterm Election, for Harris County, Texas.

Judge Audrie Lawton Evans is the presiding judge for County Civil Court at Law No. 1 in Harris County, Texas. Judge LaShawn A. Williams will be up for reelection in the 2026 Midterm Election, she was just duly reelected in the Tuesday, November 8, 2022, Midterm Election, for Harris County, Texas.

Judge LaShawn A. Williams is the presiding judge for County Civil Court at Law No. 3 in Harris County, Texas. Judge LaShawn A. Williams will be up for reelection in the 2026 Midterm Election, she was just duly reelected in the Tuesday, November 8, 2022, Midterm Election, for Harris County, Texas.

Judge Shannon Baldwin is the presiding judge for County Criminal Court at Law No. 4 in Harris County, Texas. Judge Shannon Baldwin will be up for reelection in the 2026 Midterm Election, she was just duly-reelected in the Tuesday, November 8, 2022, Midterm Election, for Harris County, Texas.
Judge Shannon Baldwin is the presiding judge for County Criminal Court at Law No. 4 in Harris County, Texas. Judge Shannon Baldwin will be up for reelection in the 2026 Midterm Election, she was just duly-reelected in the Tuesday, November 8, 2022, Midterm Election, for Harris County, Texas.

Judge Toria J. Finch is the presiding judge for County Criminal Court at Law No. 9 in Harris County, Texas. Judge Toria J. Finch will be up for reelection in the 2026 Midterm Election, she was just duly elected in the Tuesday, November 8, 2022, Midterm Election, for Harris County, Texas.
Judge Toria J. Finch is the presiding judge for County Criminal Court at Law No. 9 in Harris County, Texas. Judge Toria J. Finch will be up for reelection in the 2026 Midterm Election, she was just duly elected in the Tuesday, November 8, 2022, Midterm Election, for Harris County, Texas.

Judge Juanita Jackson is the presiding judge for County Criminal Court at Law No. 10 in Harris County, Texas. Judge Juanita Jackson will be up for reelection in the 2026 Midterm Election, she was just duly elected in the Tuesday, November 8, 2022, Midterm Election, for Harris County, Texas.
Judge Juanita Jackson is the presiding judge for County Criminal Court at Law No. 10 in Harris County, Texas. Judge Juanita Jackson will be up for reelection in the 2026 Midterm Election, she was just duly elected in the Tuesday, November 8, 2022, Midterm Election, for Harris County, Texas.

Judge Sedrick T. Walker II is the presiding judge for County Criminal Court at Law No. 11 in Harris County, Texas. Judge Sedrick T. Walker II will be up for reelection in the 2026 Midterm Election, he was just duly reelected in the Tuesday, November 8, 2022, Midterm Election, for Harris County, Texas.
Judge Sedrick T. Walker II is the presiding judge for County Criminal Court at Law No. 11 in Harris County, Texas. Judge Sedrick T. Walker II will be up for reelection in the 2026 Midterm Election, he was just duly reelected in the Tuesday, November 8, 2022, Midterm Election, for Harris County, Texas.

Judge Genesis Draper is the presiding judge for County Criminal Court at Law No. 12 in Harris County, Texas. Judge Genesis Draper will be up for reelection in the 2026 Midterm Election, she was just duly elected in the Tuesday, November 8, 2022, Midterm Election, for Harris County, Texas.
Judge Genesis Draper is the presiding judge for County Criminal Court at Law No. 12 in Harris County, Texas. Judge Genesis Draper will be up for reelection in the 2026 Midterm Election, she was just duly elected in the Tuesday, November 8, 2022, Midterm Election, for Harris County, Texas.

Judge Tonya Jones is the presiding judge for County Criminal Court at Law No. 15 in Harris County, Texas. Judge Tonya Jones will be up for reelection in the 2026 Midterm Election, she was just duly elected in the Tuesday, November 8, 2022, Midterm Election, for Harris County, Texas.

Judge Darrell Jordan is the presiding judge for County Criminal Court at Law No. 16 in Harris County, Texas. Judge Darrell Jordan will be up for reelection in the 2024 Presidential Election but will have to earn the nomination to serve as the Democratic nominee, on Tuesday, March 5, 2024, in the Democratic Party Primary, for Harris County, Texas.
Judge Darrell Jordan is the presiding judge for County Criminal Court at Law No. 16 in Harris County, Texas. Judge Darrell Jordan will be up for reelection in the 2024 Presidential Election but will have to earn the nomination to serve as the Democratic nominee, on Tuesday, March 5, 2024, in the Democratic Party Primary, for Harris County, Texas.


Judge Joe Stephens is the Justice of the Peace for Precinct 3, Place 1, in Harris County, Texas. Judge Joe Stephens will be up for reelection in the 2024 Presidential Election but will have to earn the nomination to serve as the Democratic nominee, on Tuesday, March 5, 2024, in the Democratic Party Primary, for Harris County, Texas.

Judge Lucia Bates is the Justice of the Peace for Precinct 3, Place 2, in Harris County, Texas. Judge Lucia Bates will be up for reelection in the 2026 Midterm Election, she was just duly elected in the Tuesday, November 8, 2022, Midterm Election, for Harris County, Texas.

Judge Wanda Adams is the Justice of the Peace for Precinct 7, Place 1, in Harris County, Texas. Judge Wanda Adams will be up for reelection in the 2024 Presidential Election but will have to earn the nomination to serve as the Democratic nominee, on Tuesday, March 5, 2024, in the Democratic Party Primary, for Harris County, Texas.

Judge Sharon Burney is the Justice of the Peace for Precinct 7, Place 2, in Harris County, Texas. Judge Sharon Burney will be up for reelection in the 2026 Midterm Election, she was just duly elected in the Tuesday, November 8, 2022, Midterm Election, for Harris County, Texas.

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: “I would like to kindly thank Mayor Kevin Cole, the Mayor of Pearland, Texas for finding value in my effort to celebrate "BLACK HISTORY MONTH" Wednesday, February 1, 2023, through Wednesday, March 1, 2023, by honoring "FORTY-ONE MODERN-DAY GAME-CHANGERS” and twenty-five Black Inventors you should know. Also, if you live in Pearland, Texas please don't forget to vote for Mayor Kevin Cole in his bid for reelection on Saturday, May 6, 2023, if you don't vote early. The early voting period for the Saturday, May 6, 2023, City of Pearland Mayoral Election will start on Monday, April 24, 2023, and end on Tuesday, May 2, 2023."

EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033