Harris County Elections Administrator Clifford Tatum (left) needs to be sent back to where he came from. And the public testimonies on Senate Bill 1750 that will be heard tomorrow beginning at 9:30 a.m. in the Senate Chambers at the State Capital in Austin, Texas, could do away with the Office of the Harris County Elections Administrator, and inevitably Clifford Tatum as well. REAL FACTS: Harris County Clerk Teneshia Hudspeth (middle) could have done a much better job than Clifford Tatum, in my opinion. Hudspeth has faithfully served the people of Harris County at the Harris County Clerk’s office for more than 16 years and according to her website, she has served under four County Clerks. That being said, Stan Stanart (right) was a very good Harris County Clerk, during his terms of service. You can "CLICK HERE" to see some of the bills that the public will be speaking "FOR" and "AGAINST" tomorrow at the state capital.

The HCEA Office Must Be Abolished; SB 1750 Will Give Election Duties Back to Harris County Clerk Teneshia Hudspeth
All across America, people are talking about Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee coming home to run for Mayor of Houston, Texas. However, it's highly likely that individuals connected to Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee's campaign could get indicted by a Harris County grand jury, at some time over the course of the next few months. In case you don't remember, Gloria Palmer, Tomar Bishop, and Ray Charles Jones, Jr., are all tied to Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, and Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg's reelection campaigns from the 2020 Presidential Election. What did they do?
COMMITTEE: State Affairs TIME & DATE: 9:30 AM, Thursday, March 30, 2023 PLACE: Senate Chamber CHAIR: Senator Bryan Hughes SB 260 Kolkhorst Relating to confirmation of a voter's residence by a voter registrar. ---------------------------------------- SB 946 Sparks Relating to the election date for the authorization of the issuance of bonds or a tax increase. ---------------------------------------- SB 1993 Middleton | et al. Relating to the authority of the secretary of state to order a new election in certain counties. ---------------------------------------- SB 1768 Creighton Relating to the correction or removal of certain obsolete provisions of the Property Code. ---------------------------------------- SB 1851 Flores Relating to the establishment and administration of a state ammunition manufacturing facility; granting rulemaking authority. ---------------------------------------- SB 950 Kolkhorst Relating to the attorney general's defense of a district or county attorney against certain lawsuits in federal court. ---------------------------------------- SB 1070 Hughes | et al. Relating to the interstate voter registration crosscheck program. ---------------------------------------- SB 1599 Hughes Relating to ballots voted by mail. ---------------------------------------- SB 1600 Hughes Relating to a person submitting proof of citizenship to verify eligibility to vote in Texas. ---------------------------------------- SB 1846 Creighton Relating to the manufacture of voting machines by certain foreign persons. ---------------------------------------- SB 2532 Hughes Relating to certain ballot access requirements. ---------------------------------------- SB 220 Bettencourt Relating to the enforcement of laws relating to elections. ---------------------------------------- SB 823 Bettencourt Relating to the suspension of a county elections administrator. ---------------------------------------- SB 1750 Bettencourt Relating to abolishing the county elections administrator position in certain counties. ---------------------------------------- SB 1933 Bettencourt Relating to the randomized audits of elections in certain counties. ---------------------------------------- SB 2071 Bettencourt Relating to automatic recounts of certain elections. ---------------------------------------- SB 2433 Bettencourt | et al. Relating to election practices and procedures in a county with a population over 3.5 million. ---------------------------------------- SB 2451 Menéndez Relating to personal information entered on the carrier envelope of a ballot to be voted by mail. “LOOKING AHEAD.” |
It's imperative that we make election integrity a bipartisan effort going forward into the upcoming Tuesday, November 7, 2023, the City of Houston Election, Tuesday, March 5, 2024, Democratic and Republican Primaries, and the Tuesday, November 5, 2024, Presidential Election. Fair and free elections are the bedrock of our democracy, and must not be taken lightly.
All legal votes should be counted, but we must endeavor to make sure that no illegal votes are being counted. And must damn sure make sure that we don't have any more "DEAD PEOPLE" casting ballots or requesting "ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOT APPLICATIONS" from their graves in Harris County, Texas.

My sources are telling me that Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg (Democrat) and her team are taking the ongoing "CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION" into Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee's Campaign very seriously. However, I don't know what's taking Kim Ogg's team so long.
Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg's Office received a mountain of evidence inside the packet she received from Attorney General Ken Paxton's Office several months ago.
Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee appears to have been running fraudulent campaigns for several decades when seeking reelection. But she's not alone, Gerald Womack, Gloria Palmer, Tomar Bishop, Ray Charles Jones, and a host of other "DEMOCRATIC OPERATIVES" have not only assisted Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee -- but a host of other public officials.
The current voter rolls in Harris County, Texas are the perfect breeding ground for "CRIMINAL MINDED POLITICIANS AND THEIR OPERATIVES" to steal down-ballot races in Harris County, Texas. How can I make this claim? Well, where there's smoke -- there's fire!!! And all you have to do is look at the "VOTER REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE" below and you will see that we have "DEAD PEOPLE" who are registered to vote in Harris County, Texas.
How could Gloria Chambers renew her "VOTER REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE" when she died way back on Wednesday, November 24, 2010, and be registered to vote in Harris County, Texas? You can "CLICK HERE" to view Gloria Chambers's "OBITUARY" for yourself.
According to her "OFFICIAL OBITUARY" Mrs. Gloria Chambers, 64 entered into eternal rest on Wednesday, November 24, 2010. For the record, her family visitation was held on Friday, December 3, 2010, from 5pm-8pm at Lockwood Funeral Home, located at 9402 Lockwood Drive in Houston, Texas.
Gloria Chambers's "FUNERAL MASS" was held on Saturday, December 4, 2010, at 12pm at Immaculate Conception Catholic Church in LeBeau, LA. 71345, where Father Walter Cerbin, SSJ, officiated her burial services.
- DEAD SINCE 2010 -

Kathleen Hooey has been dead since 1991, but according to her voter registration card she’s still registered to vote at 7014 Jay Street in Houston, Texas 77028. And yes, this is the same deceased Black voter who had her identity stolen by “ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOT HARVESTERS” by the name of Gloria Palmer and Tomar Bishop who were on assignment to go out and collect ballots for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee’s Campaign, back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in the Democratic Party Primary.
Is it any wonder that the home where Kathleen Hooey lived (while she was alive) is located inside the boundaries of the 18th Congressional District (Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee), the 13th Senatorial District (State Senator Borris L. Miles), House District 142 (State Representative Harold Dutton), and Precinct One, the geographical area controlled by Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis?
Gloria Chambers has been dead since 2010, but according to her voter registration card she’s still registered to vote at 10525 Barnham Street in Houston, Texas 77016. And yes, this is the same deceased Black voter who had her identity stolen by “ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOT HARVESTERS” by the name of Gloria Palmer and Tomar Bishop who were on assignment to go out and collect ballots for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee’s Campaign, back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in the Democratic Party Primary.
Is it any wonder that the home where Gloria Chambers lived (while she was alive) is located inside the boundaries of the 18th Congressional District (Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee), the 13th Senatorial District (State Senator Borris L. Miles), House District 141 (State Representative Harold Dutton), and Precinct One, the geographical area controlled by Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis?
Tommie Bookman has been dead since 2016, but according to his voter registration card he’s still registered to vote at 5102 Nordale Drive in Houston, Texas 77016. And yes, this is the same deceased Black voter who had his identity stolen by “ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOT HARVESTERS” by the name of Gloria Palmer and Tomar Bishop who were on assignment to go out and secure ballots for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee’s Campaign, back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in the Democratic Party Primary.
Is it any wonder that the home where Tommie Bookman lived (while he was alive) is located inside the boundaries of the 18th Congressional District (Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee), the 13th Senatorial District (State Senator Borris L. Miles), House District 141 (State Representative Senfronia Thompson), and Precinct One, the geographical area controlled by Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis?
Sylvia Thomas hasn’t lived in Harris County, Texas for nearly 30 years, but is still registered to vote from a home located at 10441 Barnham Street in Houston, Texas 77016. In case you don’t remember, former FBI Investigative Specialist Charles Marler tracked down Sylvia Thomas, late last year and informed her that “ABSENTEE BALLOT HARVESTERS” on assignment for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee’s Campaign had stolen her identity and had requested an absentee mail application in her name.
Is it any wonder that the home where Sylvia Thomas is registered to vote in Harris County, Texas is located inside the boundaries of the 18th Congressional District (Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee), the 13th Senatorial District (State Senator Borris L. Miles), House District 141 (State Representative Senfronia Thompson), and Precinct One, the geographical area controlled by Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis?

As you can see in the photo above, Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis (Democrat), and Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg (Democrat), are joined at the hip in some respects. In the photo above they were pictured at the "MAKE IT RIGHT EVENT" that was held at Lakewood Church. Now, for the record, Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis is the County Commissioner for the area of Harris County where “DEAD BLACK PEOPLE” had their identities stolen back during the March 3, 2020, Democratic Party Primary. And once the identities of the “DEAD BLACK PEOPLE” were stolen, the dead people then supposedly requested absentee ballot applications from their graves. As you can see above, Commissioner Rodney Ellis received an astonishing 9,104, "ABSENTEE BALLOTS" by mail. Now, what you have to remember is that it violates "FEDERAL LAW" for anyone to knowingly send a FRAUDULENT DOCUMENT" through the United States Postal Service.