Based on our preliminary inquiry into HCC Trustee Charlene Ward Johnson's activities, the Aubrey R. Taylor Communications, “INVESTIGATIVE TEAM” has uncovered, that HCC Trustee Charlene Ward Johnson did receive (4) four direct payments from the Houston Business Education Coalition PAC (HBEC), totaling $19,000.00, just as the “BLACK COMMUNITY STAKEHOLDERS” who called me directly, back on Wednesday, March 1, 2023, had alleged.

I find the actions of HCC Trustee Charlene Ward Johnson on Wednesday, March 1, 2023, very dangerous, shameful, and a slap in the face over every Black voter who cast ballots to elect this sellout to represent our people.
Is it a coincidence that as five Houston Community College Board Members were voting to
not renew the contract of embattled “racist” Chancellor Cesar Maldonado, the
lone African American (Charlene Ward Johnson) who voted to renew his contract
was also amending/correcting her campaign finance reports on the very same day (Wednesday, March 1, 2023),
to accurately reflect her donations?
For the record, Board Chairwoman Dr. Cynthia Lenton Gary, Trustee Dr. Pretta VanDible Stallworth (District IX), and Trustee Dr. Reagan Flowers (District IV) are my "SHEROES" for "WOMEN'S HISTORY MONTH" that's being celebrated from Wednesday, March 1, 2023, through Friday, March 31, 2023, in America.
I would also like to thank Trustee Robert Glaser (District V), and Trustee Dave Wilson
(District VI), for voting along with Dr. Cynthia Lenton Gary, Dr. Pretta Vandible Stallworth, and Dr. Reagan Flowers to oust Dr. Cesar Maldonado, from his position as chancellor of the Houston Community College System.
Now, in a surprise move, Trustee Charlene Ward Johnson (District
II), voted along with the three Hispanic Trustees, Eva Loredo, Monica Richart,
and Adrian Tamez to renew the contract of the “racist” Dr. Cesar Maldonado, who came into his position pushing a racist “HISPANIC PREFERENTIAL AGENDA” back in 2014.
When asked about the impending removal of Dr. Cesar
Maldonado, attorney Benjamin L. Hall, III, who is the lead trial counsel for
over 100 Black employees who are suing HCC in federal court, stated, “It goes
without saying that I am happy about the removal of Maldonado as chancellor of
Attorney Hall went on to say, “As alleged by our clients, he
should have been released from the college long ago.”
“Better late than never,” explained Hall. “I congratulate
the five trustees who voted to unravel themselves and the college from this
man,” he said via a press release, by his firm.
Several local “BLACK COMMUNITY STAKEHOLDERS” called me out
of concern earlier this week, and ask me to get my investigative team, to look
into why Trustee Charlene Ward Johnson (District II), voted against the
interest of her people, on Wednesday, March 1, 2023, at the HCC Board Meeting.
I was also informed by these “BLACK COMMUNITY STAKEHOLDERS”
that Trustee Charlene Ward Johnson, and was “dirty” and had “allegedly” sold
the Black community out for the paltry sum of $19,000.00, which was donated to
her campaign by the Houston Business Education Coalition PAC (HBEC) back during
the 2022 reporting cycle.
The biggest question reverberating in the minds of many “BLACK
COMMUNITY STAKEHOLDERS” is whether or not a ‘trojan horse’ was elected to serve
as the Houston Community College Board Trustee for District II, back on June
18, 2022, when Charlene Ward Johnson managed to defeat Kathy “Lynch” Gunter, in
a tight runoff election.
Under no circumstances do I believe that Kathy “Lynch”
Gunter would have sold out the Black community, like Trustee Charlene Ward
Johnson appears to have done earlier this week. However, the people living
inside the boundaries of HCC District II are stuck with Trustee Charlene Ward
Johnson until 2025. Why? Well, according to HCC, “The position for geographic
District II is to be filled for a term continuing until December 31, 2025.”
Based on our preliminary inquiry, the Aubrey R. Taylor
Communications, “INVESTIGATIVE TEAM” has uncovered, that HCC Trustee Charlene
Ward Johnson did receive (4) four direct payments from the Houston Business
Coalition PAC (HBEC), totaling $19,000.00, just as the “BLACK COMMUNITY
STAKEHOLDERS” who called me directly, back on Wednesday, March 1, 2023, had
On 6/03/2022 – A donation of $1,500.00 was given to HCC Trustee Charlene Ward Johnson by the Houston Business Education Coalition PAC (HBEC) according to an “AMENDED/CORRECTED DONATION” campaign finance report that was filed on the morning of Wednesday, March 1, 2023, at 10:24 a.m., on the same date that she voted “IN FAVOR” of giving HCC Chancellor Cesar Maldonado a new contract.
That being said, the initial reporting period for the aforementioned $1,500.00 donation was 5/8/2022 through 6/30/2022. So, why did Trustee Charlene Ward Johnson wait until the morning of Wednesday, March 1, 2023, to correct her campaign report to accurately reflect her donations?On 5/25/2022 – A donation of $7,500.00 was given to HCC
Trustee Charlene Ward Johnson by the Houston Business Education Coalition PAC
(HBEC) according to an “AMENDED/CORRECTED DONATION” campaign finance report that
was filed on the morning of Wednesday, March 1, 2023, at 10:24 a.m., on the
same date that she voted “IN FAVOR” of giving HCC Chancellor Cesar Maldonado a
new contract.
As with the $1,500 dollar donation, the aforementioned $7,500.00
was reported by HCC Trustee Charlene Ward Johnson on the morning of Wednesday,
March 1, 2023, as an “AMENDED/CORRECTED DONATION” report that covered the period
of 5/8/2022 through 6/30/2022. Why did Trustee Charlene Ward Johnson wait so
long to try and straighten out her campaign report to reflect the true amount
of donations she had received since taking office?
On 4/27/2022 – A donation of $3,000.00 was given to Charlene
Ward Johnson by the Houston Business Education Coalition PAC (HBEC) according
to the campaign finance report she filed under penalty of perjury.
On 4/18/2022 – A donation of $7,000.00 was given to Charlene
Ward Johnson by the Houston Business Education Coalition PAC (HBEC) according
to the campaign finance report she filed under penalty of perjury.

HCC District II Trustee Charlene Ward Johnson's seat isn't up for reelection for several years. So, the African American community is stuck with her for a while. That being said, no matter how you look at it, something stinks really bad as it relates to the course of action taken by her earlier this week when she was the lone African American "HCC SCHOOL BOARD TRUSTEE" who sided with the three Hispanic trustees, in their efforts to renew the contract of a man that they all know is "racist" and has discriminated against Black employees.
How could Trustee Charlene Ward Johnson be so corrupt
already? You never know these days, but I doubt very seriously that she would “SELL
HER SOUL” and “BETRAY HER PEOPLE” for a measly $19,000.00 in cheddar donated to
her campaign by the Houston Business Education Coalition PAC, right after she
became the District II Trustee.