Lina Hidalgo is challenging Harris County Judge Ed Emmett in the race for Harris County Judge on Tuesday, November 6, 2018. Early voting for this contest will begin on Monday, October 22, 2018, and end on Friday, November 2, 2018.
Attorney Lina Hidalgo and Harris County Judge Ed Emmett Recently Shared Why They're the Best Candidate with Aubrey R. Taylor, Publisher of Houston Business Connections Newspaper©
The person sitting in the position of Harris County Judge is widely considered to be perhaps the most powerful person in all of Harris County, Texas. In case you don't know, the Harris County Judge, in essence, is the Chief Executive of Harris County. And this person is in charge of our emergency management system. While a voting member on commissioners court and the overseer of all county government departments -- contrary to popular belief this person does not even have to be a licensed attorney. However, the Texas Constitution does require that this person be knowledgeable of the laws that govern our state. So how knowledgeable is knowledgeable enough? This is a tricky question, but if you ask Judge Ed Emmett, he's going to tell you that he's the only person in the Tuesday, November 6, 2018, Midterm Election running for Harris County Judge who is knowledgeable enough to serve as the Harris County Judge of the third largest county in the nation in terms of population. On the other hand, if you ask Lina Hidalgo she will tell you that she's more than prepared to handle the job. "My opponent is an unknown, 27-year old with no relevant experience, so when you vote, ask yourself who you want in charge when the next storm hits," asks Harris County Judge Ed Emmett.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033

Judge Ed Emmett currently serves as the County Judge for Harris County, Texas. Judge Emmett will face off against Lina Hidalgo in the Tuesday, November 6, 2018, Midterm Election when early voting begins on Monday, October 22, 2018. He, along with many other "DULY-QUALIFIED" candidates are showing Aubrey R. Taylor, publisher of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© much respect as they take time out of their busy schedules to share why they're the best candidates in their 2018 Midterm Election races in Harris County, Texas.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
COUNTY JUDGE ED EMMETT: “I have the proven experience to do the job. Since becoming Harris County Judge more than ten years ago, I have led our community through the worst of Hurricanes Ike and Harvey, making crucial decisions to save lives and property, fighting for federal and state reimbursement, and leading the effort for a major flooding bond approved by county voters. I have been a leader in addressing mental health and indigent health challenges, worked to build vital transportation projects, and worked with county commissioners to keep county property taxes low. I am endorsed by Republicans, Democrats, and Independents who know I am a problem-solver who focuses on the responsibilities of the job. My opponent is an unknown, 27-year old with no relevant experience, so when you vote, ask yourself who you want in charge when the next storm hits.”

Attorney Lina Hidalgo is currently running for Harris County Judge in Texas. Attorney Lina Hidalgo will face off against Harris County Judge Ed Emmett in the Tuesday, November 6, 2018, Midterm Election when early voting begins on Monday, October 22, 2018. Attorney Hidalgo's written interview will be published in the next edition of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© featuring the highly contested race for United States Senate between Senator Ted Cruz and U.S. Representative Beto O'Rourke on the cover.
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
ATTORNEY LINA HIDALGO: “I will be transparent and proactive. The County Judge is not a judge, but instead the executive of Harris County, who helps control our county’s budget. I will lead community outreach so you can hold your county government accountable. I will run a public audit and publish transparent metrics. I will give you a say in how we prioritize your Harvey recovery funds. I will Inform you about which areas are in a flood zone and let you know as soon as I know whether the dams will be released.
I will be proactive. When there is a problem, whether it’s development inside the reservoirs, school shootings, the maternal mortality rate, or a broken criminal justice system, I will proactively fight for our community and figure out how to address it, rather than passing the buck. I will push for us to build the coastal barrier we need to protect against the next hurricane Ike. I will enforce our drainage regulations and stop building roads that encourage development inside the floodplain. I will settle the bail lawsuit so we are not spending millions keeping people in jail who shouldn’t be there and spend savings in implementing smart, fair, criminal justice policies. I will prioritize public transportation, starting with a line from the airport.”

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
ATTORNEY LINA HIDALGO: “I will be transparent and proactive. The County Judge is not a judge, but instead the executive of Harris County, who helps control our county’s budget. I will lead community outreach so you can hold your county government accountable. I will run a public audit and publish transparent metrics. I will give you a say in how we prioritize your Harvey recovery funds. I will Inform you about which areas are in a flood zone and let you know as soon as I know whether the dams will be released.
I will be proactive. When there is a problem, whether it’s development inside the reservoirs, school shootings, the maternal mortality rate, or a broken criminal justice system, I will proactively fight for our community and figure out how to address it, rather than passing the buck. I will push for us to build the coastal barrier we need to protect against the next hurricane Ike. I will enforce our drainage regulations and stop building roads that encourage development inside the floodplain. I will settle the bail lawsuit so we are not spending millions keeping people in jail who shouldn’t be there and spend savings in implementing smart, fair, criminal justice policies. I will prioritize public transportation, starting with a line from the airport.”

Judge Loyd Wright is the presiding judge for County Probate Court #1 in Harris County, Texas. Judge Wright will face off against Jerry Simoneaux in the Tuesday, November 6, 2018, Midterm Election when early voting begins on Monday, October 22, 2018. Judge Loyd Wright's interview will be published in the next edition of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© featuring the highly contested race for United States Senate between Senator Ted Cruz and U.S. Representative Beto O'Rourke on the cover.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
JUDGE LOYD WRIGHT: “In 2010 and again in 2014, I had the honor and privilege of being elected Judge of Harris County Probate Court No. 1 -- one of the busiest probate courts in the country. As I near the end of my second term, it continues to be the most rewarding experience of my career.
Prior to taking the bench, as an attorney with over 27 years of experience in probate, trust guardianship, estate planning, and elder law, I developed a reputation for handling the matters entrusted to me with diligence and integrity.
The experience I have garnered over the last thirty-five years has served me well on the bench. As I have now served as Judge of Probate Court No. 1 for almost eight years.
I also served two terms as a member of the District 4A grievance committee (which disciplines attorneys) and served as Chair in 1994.
I received my law degree from the University of Houston in 1981, and a BBA (1977 - Accounting) and MBA (1980 - Accounting/Taxation) from the University of Texas at Austin.
I have a palpable enjoyment for what I do and am grateful for the opportunity to continue to earn your trust and support as Judge of Harris County Probate Court No. 1.”

Judge Maria T. Jackson is currently running for Presiding Judge, Court of Criminal Appeals, Place 1 in Texas. Judge Maria Jackson will face off against Judge Sharon Keller in the Tuesday, November 6, 2018, Midterm Election when early voting begins on Monday, October 22, 2018. Judge Jackson's written interview will be published in the next edition of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© featuring the highly contested race for United States Senate between Senator Ted Cruz and U.S. Representative Beto O'Rourke on the cover.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
JUDGE MARIA T. JACKSON: “I am running for the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals, Presiding Judge Place 1 because the Court needs new leadership and sensitivities based on the complex issues the Court must address. I have been a judge for 15 years now. Before becoming the presiding judge for the 339th Criminal District Court in Harris County, I was a Municipal Court Judge for 5 years. The 339th is a Felony Court, and I’ve faithfully served as the presiding judge over this court for 10 years. During this time, I’ve earned the reputation of being fair and impartial with everyone that appears before me. I’m humbled, appreciative and proud to report that I am respected on both sides of the aisle. And it’s worth noting that I was voted Houston Press Best Criminal Court Judge a few years ago. I won the 2018 Texas State Judicial Bar Poll over my opponent earlier this year. I’ve implemented sweeping changes in my Court for DWI probationers that are saving many lives. And these sweeping changes have been adopted by the Harris County Probation Department and many of my Colleagues. When elected as the presiding judge, I promise to work closely with my fellow colleagues on the court, the Texas Legislature, the Governor of our great state, and the community at-large to address issues that need addressing as it relates to reforming our Criminal Justice system. It is my belief, that I will be an asset to the Court because of my extensive experience as a trial judge, my compassion, my wisdom, and my diverse background. Furthermore, I believe all Texans deserve to have a stable and unbiased leadership on the highest Court of Criminal Appeals in our State. I am the stable even handed we need during times like these. I am Maria T. Jackson, I am asking for your vote, and I thank you in advance for your consideration.”

Justice Harvey Brown is currently running for Justice, 1st Court of Appeals District, Place 6 in Texas. Justice Harvey Brown will face off against Sarah Beth Landau in the Tuesday, November 6, 2018, Midterm Election when early voting begins on Monday, October 22, 2018. Justice Brown's written interview will be published in the next edition of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© featuring the highly contested race for United States Senate between Senator Ted Cruz and U.S. Representative Beto O'Rourke on the cover.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
JUSTICE HARVEY BROWN: “My experience, fairness, and community involvement demonstrate I am the best-qualified candidate.
Experience. I have authored over 550 opinions during my almost 8 years on the appellate court and heard over 300 trials during my 6.5 years as a district judge. The Texas Supreme Court appointed me to the Multi-District Litigation Panel in 2014 and I remain a member of the panel. The Court also appointed me to a committee that advises it on proposed changes to the procedural rules governing trials and appeals. As shown on my web page, I have received a number of awards.
Fairness. I was selected by the Association of Civil Trial and Appellate Specialists as Appellate Justice of the Year for 2011. In the bar poll, I have consistently been one of the highest rated judges, both on the trial court and appellate court. On my court, I am the second highest rated judge, with only 8% of the lawyers rating me as needing improvement. My endorsements reflected on my web page show my wide bipartisan support. Community Involvement. I serve on three charitable boards and two bar association committees. For other community work, see my web page.”

Attorney Sarah Beth Landau is currently running for Justice, 1st Court of Appeals District, Place 6 in Texas. Attorney Sara Beth Landau will face off against Justice Harvey Brown in the Tuesday, November 6, 2018, Midterm Election when early voting begins on Monday, October 22, 2018. Attorney Landau's written interview will be published in the next edition of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© featuring the highly contested race for United States Senate between Senator Ted Cruz and U.S. Representative Beto O'Rourke on the cover.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
ATTORNEY SARAH BETH LANDAU: “Put simply, we need intellectual and experiential diversity on the court. I am a Harris County Public Defender and an adjunct professor of law teaching Appellate Litigation at Texas Southern University. Despite the fact that criminal-related cases are nearly half the court's business, none of the current justices have criminal defense experience. In fact, the court rules in favor of the prosecution approximately 98% of the time. It is important for the court of appeals to act as an effective check on the trial courts so that everyone is treated fairly under the law. My opponent has a large war chest funded mostly by law firms and political action committees, which may make average people feel like they do not have the same access to the justice system that special interests do. Equality under the law should be a hallmark of the Texas courts.
I have practiced law for 20 years in a wide variety of settings, federal and state, public and private, civil and criminal, and trial and appellate. I have represented large multinational corporations and individuals who could not afford a lawyer. For the last 12 years, I have been a public servant.”

Judge Ramona Franklin is currently running for Judge, Court of Criminal Appeals, Place 7 in Texas. Judge Ramona Franklin will face off against Judge Barbara Parker Hervey in the Tuesday, November 6, 2018, Midterm Election when early voting begins on Monday, October 22, 2018. Judge Franklin's written interview will be published in the next edition of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© featuring the highly contested race for United States Senate between Senator Ted Cruz and U.S. Representative Beto O'Rourke on the cover.
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
Judge Ramona Franklin: “My experiences as a former Harris County Assistant District Attorney, a defense attorney in private practice and currently a district court judge have all uniquely crafted me with an uncommon legal background. Serving in all of these capacities have afforded me the opportunity of experiencing the legal perspective from all vantage points.
As a Court of Criminal Appeals judge, I will continue to carry out the mantra I employ every day as a State District Court judge, "Blindfold Justice...One Case At A Time." I will concentrate my efforts on ensuring that indigent defendants are afforded all of the necessary tools to launch a successful appeal. I will work diligently to ensure that the results that occurred in the Ricky Kerr case will never happen again in the State of Texas.”

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
Judge Ramona Franklin: “My experiences as a former Harris County Assistant District Attorney, a defense attorney in private practice and currently a district court judge have all uniquely crafted me with an uncommon legal background. Serving in all of these capacities have afforded me the opportunity of experiencing the legal perspective from all vantage points.
As a Court of Criminal Appeals judge, I will continue to carry out the mantra I employ every day as a State District Court judge, "Blindfold Justice...One Case At A Time." I will concentrate my efforts on ensuring that indigent defendants are afforded all of the necessary tools to launch a successful appeal. I will work diligently to ensure that the results that occurred in the Ricky Kerr case will never happen again in the State of Texas.”

Marilyn Burgess is currently running for District Clerk in Harris County, Texas. She will face off against District Clerk Chris Daniel in the Tuesday, November 6, 2018, Midterm Election when early voting begins on Monday, October 22, 2018. Marilyn Burgess' interview will be published in the next edition of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© featuring the highly contested race for United States Senate between Senator Ted Cruz and U.S. Representative Beto O'Rourke on the cover.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
MARILYN BURGESS: “There are two main differences between me and the incumbent District Clerk. The first is that I will be a working district clerk, not a figurehead. Your tax dollars pay the elected official a good salary to manage an annual budget of $35 million and a staff of over 500, but the incumbent is an absentee manager, leaving this vital office rudderless. I have a strong work ethic and will earn every dollar of my salary. I will be present and accessible to both the employees and the public this department serves.
Secondly, the incumbent has so poorly managed the department’s budget that he cannot pay the people who do the real work of the department a fair wage, resulting in low morale and high turnover. This contrasts with the positions my opponent has created for political cronies, with high salaries, but very little contribution to the overall operations of the department. As a CPA, I will manage the budget to get the most out of every dollar and eliminate waste and redundant positions. There is so much opportunity to improve efficiencies and save tax dollars, and I am ready for the task and excited about the prospects."

District Clerk Chris Daniel is currently running for District Clerk in Harris County, Texas. He will face off against Marilyn Burgess in the Tuesday, November 6, 2018, Midterm Election when early voting begins on Monday, October 22, 2018. District Clerk Chris Daniel's interview will be published in the next edition of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© featuring the highly contested race for United States Senate between Senator Ted Cruz and U.S. Representative Beto O'Rourke on the cover.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
DISTRICT CLERK CHRIS DANIEL: “I am the hardest working district clerk in the state of Texas, running the largest District Clerk office. I am trained for the job, as a lawyer & an engineer—through which I have spearheaded a wide variety of technology advances to vastly improve the office & save taxpayer money: including electronic filings & courts, electronic jury management, online background checks, passports, and online notifications. We have one of the most diverse offices in Harris County and thanks to Commissioner’s Court we now pay a “living wage” for all starting full-time employees of approximately fifteen dollars an hour or more. Despite previous budget crunches placed on my office by Commissioners Court, we have never had to furlough or lay off employees, unlike many other county agencies. And thanks to the technology I pushed into the courthouse, during Hurricane Harvey, we never lost a single record or went down online. Instead, I helped keep justice afloat and operating. We are at a vital crossroads at the office with many exciting projects in progress. Now is not the time to change leadership for an unqualified candidate without real legal experience."

Attorney Sandra J. Peake is currently running for Family District Judge, 257th Judicial District Court in Harris County, Texas. Attorney Sandra J. Peake will face off against Melanie Flowers in the Tuesday, November 6, 2018, Midterm Election when early voting begins on Monday, October 22, 2018. Attorney Peake's written interview will be published in the next edition of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© featuring the highly contested race for United States Senate between Senator Ted Cruz and U.S. Representative Beto O'Rourke on the cover.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
ATTORNEY SANDRA J. PEAKE: “I have practiced before Harris County Family Courts for more than 30 years and am sensitive to the unique issues that arise in family law cases. Throughout my career, I have fought on behalf of families to obtain justice for them in family courts. We are fortunate to live in a county as diverse as ours. It has been my privilege and opportunity to have represented extraordinary people from a cross-section of races, religions, cultures, countries, and orientation. By electing a Democrat, our families can be assured that I believe in equality and fairness for all litigants and will continue to insist that all receive a consistent application of the law, courtesy, and fairness in Family Court. While representing over 1500 families in Harris County family court cases, I have achieved the breadth and depth of knowledge through experience. I have experience in consumer bankruptcy and probate law which gives me an even greater understanding of the root causes of family strife. Finally, received the endorsements of Houston GLBT PAC, the TGCALF Harris County Labor Assembly, Mexican American Bar Association, Pasadena Bar Association, Texas Coalition of Black Democrats, and Run Sister Run PAC which demonstrates diverse support throughout the community.”

Diane Trautman is currently running for Harris County Clerk in Texas. Diane Trautman will face off against Harris County Clerk Stan Stanart in the Tuesday, November 6, 2018, Midterm Election when early voting begins on Monday, October 22, 2018. Diane Trautman's written interview will be published in the next edition of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© featuring the highly contested race for United States Senate between Senator Ted Cruz and U.S. Representative Beto O'Rourke on the cover.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
DIANE TRAUTMAN: “I have over 30 years of leadership experience in running organizations in banking, education, and county government with a Doctorate degree in Educational Leadership. I am currently an elected At-Large Trustee on the Harris County Board of Education where I have been passionate about protecting programs for children for the last six years, and I will be just as passionate about protecting your right to vote when I am County Clerk. My race for County Clerk is about two things: increasing voter turnout and improving the election process to make it simpler and more convenient so that more of our hardworking families can exercise their right to vote. That’s why I want to bring Voting Centers to Harris County which would mean you could vote at any voting location on election day. This would solve the confusion so many voters have about where their assigned voting location is on Election Day. I also want to expand Early Voting hours and add an additional weekend of Early Voting. I also believe we need to replace outdated voting machines with electronic voting machines that produce a paper ballot to guard against outside interference with our elections. I’d also like to improve online access to vital documents like birth, marriage, property, and death records.”

Judge Alicia Franklin York currently serves as the presiding judge for the 311th Family District Court in Harris County, Texas. Judge Alicia Franklin York will face off against Germaine Tanner in the Tuesday, November 6, 2018, Midterm Election when early voting begins on Monday, October 22, 2018. Judge Alicia Franklin York's written interview will be published in the next edition of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© featuring the highly contested race for United States Senate between Senator Ted Cruz and U.S. Representative Beto O'Rourke on the cover.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
JUDGE ALICIA FRANKLIN YORK: “If statistics are correct that over 50% of voters may end up in a family court, voters would be wise to choose a candidate that will protect their family and property rights. I am that candidate. I am the current judge of the 311th District court who is knowledgeable, experienced, fair and follows the law. I empathize with the struggles families go through in family courts and I have been there to serve in an efficient, yet compassionate manner. I have shown commitment to families and children for the past fifteen years, both as a licensed attorney representing children, husband, wives, mothers, fathers, grandparents, relatives, and foster-parents and as a Judge for the past four years, making a difference for families. In addition to being Judge of this Court, I have volunteered hundreds of hours presiding as Judge of the only Harris County Family Drug Court. As a first-generation immigrant, I appreciate the cultural differences within our diverse county. I have a proven track record of service, success, and fairness to all. I am ready on day one and I don’t have to learn on the job with your family, unlike my opponent. I am the BEST QUALIFIED candidate.”


Attorney Germaine Tanner is currently running for Family District Court Judge, 311th Judicial District in Harris County, Texas. Attorney Germaine Tanner will face off against Judge Alicia Franklin York in the Tuesday, November 6, 2018, Midterm Election when early voting begins on Monday, October 22, 2018. Attorney Tanner's interview will be published in the next edition of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© featuring the highly contested race for United States Senate between Senator Ted Cruz and U.S. Representative Beto O'Rourke on the cover.
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
ATTORNEY GERMAINE TANNER: “As a 15-year practicing attorney, I have prosecuted and defended, and in some cases, been appointed, to over 500 family law cases in Harris County involving divorces with complex property and children’s issues, child support establishment, and enforcement, custody, modifications, and appeals. I’ve served as a Mediator, Attorney ad Litem, Amicus Attorney, and Special Master. I’ve taught continuing legal education courses on family law issues to attorneys and paralegals. As a working mother, I understand the challenges of parenting, decision-making, and balance. As an attorney and a mom, I understand the everyday struggles of family life. I, like you, want what’s best for our children. When there’s a divorce, with child support and custody issues, we want the judge to have the experience to both follow the law and rule with the heart of a caring parent. I’ve spent my entire legal career assisting families in Harris County and I know that we need a judge who can draw on the wisdom learned from both professional and life experiences, to make the best decisions for our families. I am the BEST QUALIFIED and ONLY candidate who meets these qualities.”

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
ATTORNEY GERMAINE TANNER: “As a 15-year practicing attorney, I have prosecuted and defended, and in some cases, been appointed, to over 500 family law cases in Harris County involving divorces with complex property and children’s issues, child support establishment, and enforcement, custody, modifications, and appeals. I’ve served as a Mediator, Attorney ad Litem, Amicus Attorney, and Special Master. I’ve taught continuing legal education courses on family law issues to attorneys and paralegals. As a working mother, I understand the challenges of parenting, decision-making, and balance. As an attorney and a mom, I understand the everyday struggles of family life. I, like you, want what’s best for our children. When there’s a divorce, with child support and custody issues, we want the judge to have the experience to both follow the law and rule with the heart of a caring parent. I’ve spent my entire legal career assisting families in Harris County and I know that we need a judge who can draw on the wisdom learned from both professional and life experiences, to make the best decisions for our families. I am the BEST QUALIFIED and ONLY candidate who meets these qualities.”


Judge Natalie C. Fleming currently serves as the presiding judge for County Criminal Court at Law #3 in Harris County, Texas. Judge Fleming will face off against Erica Hughes in the Tuesday, November 6, 2018, Midterm Election when early voting begins on Monday, October 22, 2018. Judge Natalie C. Fleming's interview will be published in the next edition of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© featuring the highly contested race for United States Senate between Senator Ted Cruz and U.S. Representative Beto O'Rourke on the cover.
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
JUDGE NATALIE C. FLEMING: “I have been practicing in the Harris County Criminal Courts for almost 30 years – first as a prosecutor with the Harris County District Attorney’s Office and later as a visiting judge and as the Presiding Judge of Harris County Criminal Court at Law Number 3 since 2010. I started the first Spanish-speaking S.O.B.E.R. Court which is an intense program designed to reduce repeat D.W.I. offenses by breaking the cycle of addiction among members of our community. As a felony prosecutor, I gained valuable experience handling serious and complicated cases on behalf of the citizens of Harris County. As a Judge, I have presided over many thousands of cases and I work hard to ensure the rights of all involved are protected. I am very honored to have had this great responsibility placed upon me by the voters of Harris County in my last two elections.
In contrast, my opponent – while seemingly a very nice lady – does not have the experience necessary to preside over this court. A simple search of the court database online shows that she has never, ever handled a case in the Harris County Criminal Courts at Law. Not one.”

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
JUDGE NATALIE C. FLEMING: “I have been practicing in the Harris County Criminal Courts for almost 30 years – first as a prosecutor with the Harris County District Attorney’s Office and later as a visiting judge and as the Presiding Judge of Harris County Criminal Court at Law Number 3 since 2010. I started the first Spanish-speaking S.O.B.E.R. Court which is an intense program designed to reduce repeat D.W.I. offenses by breaking the cycle of addiction among members of our community. As a felony prosecutor, I gained valuable experience handling serious and complicated cases on behalf of the citizens of Harris County. As a Judge, I have presided over many thousands of cases and I work hard to ensure the rights of all involved are protected. I am very honored to have had this great responsibility placed upon me by the voters of Harris County in my last two elections.
In contrast, my opponent – while seemingly a very nice lady – does not have the experience necessary to preside over this court. A simple search of the court database online shows that she has never, ever handled a case in the Harris County Criminal Courts at Law. Not one.”


Attorney Erica Hughes is currently running for Judge, County Criminal Court at Law #3 in Harris County, Texas. Attorney Erica Hughes will face off against Judge Natalie C. Fleming in the Tuesday, November 6, 2018, Midterm Election when early voting begins on Monday, October 22, 2018. Attorney Hughes' interview will be published in the next edition of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© featuring the highly contested race for United States Senate between Senator Ted Cruz and U.S. Representative Beto O'Rourke on the cover.
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
ATTORNEY ERICA HUGHES: “The citizens of Harris County should vote for me because I am the best candidate for the position. Harris County deserves a candidate who is qualified in every aspect. Not only do I possess 12 years of legal experience representing the government and defense, I continue to serve my country as a commissioned officer in the United States military. I have worked for 11 years as an educator and I am currently an adjunct faculty member at San Jacinto College. These experiences have developed my perspective as an agent of change and reinforced the desire to serve my community. Harris County is the third largest County in the U.S. and should lead the charge in criminal justice reform. For far too long Harris County Criminal Judges have stood by and participated in mass incarceration, resisted bail reform, and turned a blind eye to defendants with mental illness and chemical dependence. The past 20 years have not yielded any change within Harris County. Harris County is also diverse and represents many individuals. The presiding Judges do not represent the diversity of the county and cannot relate to the current population. I will bring diversity and compassion to all on the bench. I know the criminal justice system is a necessary and vital part of our society, and I will help restore integrity, fairness, justice, and honor for all. I will be the candidate that will take a stand and lead the efforts in criminal justice reform for Harris County.”

Attorney Erica Hughes is currently running for Judge, County Criminal Court at Law #3 in Harris County, Texas. Attorney Erica Hughes will face off against Judge Natalie C. Fleming in the Tuesday, November 6, 2018, Midterm Election when early voting begins on Monday, October 22, 2018. Attorney Hughes' interview will be published in the next edition of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© featuring the highly contested race for United States Senate between Senator Ted Cruz and U.S. Representative Beto O'Rourke on the cover.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
ATTORNEY ERICA HUGHES: “The citizens of Harris County should vote for me because I am the best candidate for the position. Harris County deserves a candidate who is qualified in every aspect. Not only do I possess 12 years of legal experience representing the government and defense, I continue to serve my country as a commissioned officer in the United States military. I have worked for 11 years as an educator and I am currently an adjunct faculty member at San Jacinto College. These experiences have developed my perspective as an agent of change and reinforced the desire to serve my community. Harris County is the third largest County in the U.S. and should lead the charge in criminal justice reform. For far too long Harris County Criminal Judges have stood by and participated in mass incarceration, resisted bail reform, and turned a blind eye to defendants with mental illness and chemical dependence. The past 20 years have not yielded any change within Harris County. Harris County is also diverse and represents many individuals. The presiding Judges do not represent the diversity of the county and cannot relate to the current population. I will bring diversity and compassion to all on the bench. I know the criminal justice system is a necessary and vital part of our society, and I will help restore integrity, fairness, justice, and honor for all. I will be the candidate that will take a stand and lead the efforts in criminal justice reform for Harris County.”

Lieutenant Commander Dan Crenshaw is currently running for U.S. Representative for the 2nd Congressional District of Texas. Crenshaw will face off against Todd Litton in the Tuesday, November 6, 2018, Midterm Election when early voting begins on Monday, October 22, 2018. Lieutenant Dan Crenshaw's written interview will be published in the next edition of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© featuring the highly contested race for United States Senate between Senator Ted Cruz and U.S. Representative Beto O'Rourke on the cover.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
LIEUTENANT COMMANDER DAN CRENSHAW: “Voters should vote for me because I am uniquely qualified to go to D.C. and lead, from day one.
I have led in the toughest environments, as a U.S. Navy SEAL Lieutenant Commander, where the stakes couldn’t be higher. I have worked on Capitol Hill and I have experience working across various federal agencies, including the Army Corps of Engineers, to solve our nation’s most pressing problems. Most importantly, I know this district. I literally ran across it and have talked to Texans and heard their concerns and know what they expect from their representative in Washington. A major part of my campaign has been listening to Houstonians, not only typical voters, but also those who do not have a long-established voter history. I believe that is a major reason 4,600 new voters came out on May 22nd but didn’t vote on March 6th. They came to the polls because I earned their trust. Connecting with people, and earning their trust is what getting this job is about. I will never lose sight of the fact that people are entrusting me, that I am a servant. Servant leadership is something I have always, and will continue to take seriously.”

Attorney Scot Dollinger is running for District Judge, 189th Civil District Court. Attorney Dollinger will face off against Sharon Hemphill in the Tuesday, November 6, 2018, Midterm Election when early voting begins on Monday, October 22, 2018. Scot Dollinger's interview will be published in the next edition of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© featuring the highly contested race for United States Senate between Senator Ted Cruz and U.S. Representative Beto O'Rourke on the cover.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
ATTORNEY SCOT DOLLINGER: “Voters should cast their ballot for me because I know down to my bones that everyone has a right to be treated fairly no matter what. I bring integrity, humility and superior qualifications to this open bench. Over the last 30 years of practicing civil trial law with 35+ trials and 10+ appeals, I have demonstrated a deep passion for fairness and a heart for the people. I profoundly understand the courthouse is not about Democrat or Republican. The courthouse is about resolving cases without bias, sympathy or prejudice. The courthouse is about who is right and who is wrong based on facts and evidence. The courthouse is about the truth. The courthouse is about justice for all, not justice for some. I'm asking for your vote. And thank you for your consideration. Your humble servant - dolli :-)

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
JUSTICE MARTHA HILL JAMISON: “Experience matters, especially as a justice on the appellate courts. My court hears all appeals from Harris, Fort Bend, Brazoria and seven other surrounding counties (except death penalty cases). Even with my ten years on the trial bench, my eight years as an appellate justice and my credentials as a board-certified lawyer, I still learn something new every day. My opponent does not have the depth or breadth of experience that I have. Specific writing skills also are important for an appellate justice. Our job is to “show our work” by creating a written explanation for our legal decisions in a manner that can be understood by the public. I now have eight years’ experience in honing this skill. My opponent has none.”

Attorney Donna Roth is currently running for Judge, 295th Judicial District Court in Harris County, Texas. Attorney Donna Roth will face off against Attorney Michelle Fraga in the Tuesday, November 6, 2018, Midterm Election when early voting begins on Monday, October 22, 2018. Attorney Roth's written interview will be published in the next edition of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© featuring the highly contested race for United States Senate between Senator Ted Cruz and U.S. Representative Beto O'Rourke on the cover.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
ATTORNEY DONNA ROTH: “Harris County voters should insist on three things when voting for a judge: experience, judicial temperament and professionalism/integrity. Experience- I am a 31-year trial lawyer. I have extensive first chair jury trial experience. I represent the people of Harris County who have been seriously injured or lost a loved one because someone did something they should not have done or failed to do something they should have done. I do not represent large corporations, insurance or oil companies. I am board certified in Personal Injury Trial Law. I am licensed and have active practices in Texas, Washington, and New York. As the managing partner of Roth & Associates since 1994 each person that has come to us for help has been treated fairly, equally and respectfully. It will be no different as your next judge of the 295th. Judicial Temperament- Four years ago my daughter joined our firm as its newest associate. Nothing teaches patience and temperament like working six days a week with your only child.
Professionalism/lntegrity - In the 31 years I have been practicing I have never had a judge enter an order referring to me as "unprofessional" or exhibiting "needlessly contentious conduct." My opponent may not say the same.”

Attorney Richard Hightower is currently running for Justice, 1st Court of Appeals District, Place 8 in Texas. Attorney Richard Hightower will face off against Justice Michael Massengale in the Tuesday, November 6, 2018, Midterm Election when early voting begins on Monday, October 22, 2018. Attorney Hightower's written interview will be published in the next edition of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© featuring the highly contested race for United States Senate between Senator Ted Cruz and U.S. Representative Beto O'Rourke on the cover.
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
ATTORNEY RICHARD HIGHTOWER: “In the most recent Harris County Bar Association Judicial Evaluation Poll comparing the 18 justices on the two Courts of Appeals that include Harris County, my opponent had the highest percentage of attorneys (28 percent) to question his ability to be impartial, and the highest percentage of attorneys (25 percent) to rate him overall as "Needs Improvement." In contrast, during my 37 years in private practice, I have received the highest possible rating from my peers (AV Pre-eminent), and I have been listed in Texas Monthly Magazine as a Super Lawyer. I also received more votes than my opponent in the 2018 State Bar of Texas Preference Poll (January 2018) submitted to attorneys in the ten counties included in the 1st Court of Appeals.
I have represented both Plaintiffs and Defendants, have been a trial partner in both large and small firms and was co-counsel in one case that was argued before the United States Supreme Court. My law practice focuses on the representation of our public school districts/community colleges and mediation. As a certified mediator, I have been selected to mediate hundreds of cases.”

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
ATTORNEY RICHARD HIGHTOWER: “In the most recent Harris County Bar Association Judicial Evaluation Poll comparing the 18 justices on the two Courts of Appeals that include Harris County, my opponent had the highest percentage of attorneys (28 percent) to question his ability to be impartial, and the highest percentage of attorneys (25 percent) to rate him overall as "Needs Improvement." In contrast, during my 37 years in private practice, I have received the highest possible rating from my peers (AV Pre-eminent), and I have been listed in Texas Monthly Magazine as a Super Lawyer. I also received more votes than my opponent in the 2018 State Bar of Texas Preference Poll (January 2018) submitted to attorneys in the ten counties included in the 1st Court of Appeals.
I have represented both Plaintiffs and Defendants, have been a trial partner in both large and small firms and was co-counsel in one case that was argued before the United States Supreme Court. My law practice focuses on the representation of our public school districts/community colleges and mediation. As a certified mediator, I have been selected to mediate hundreds of cases.”

Natali Hurtado is currently running for State Representative for House District 126 in Texas. She is pictured above with her husband. Natalie Hurtado will face off against E. Sam Harless in the Tuesday, November 6, 2018, Midterm Election when early voting begins on Monday, October 22, 2018. Natali Hurtado's written interview will be published in the next edition of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© featuring the highly contested race for United States Senate between Senator Ted Cruz and U.S. Representative Beto O'Rourke on the cover.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
NATALI HURTADO: “I believe voters should cast their ballot for me because I possess the background both in my education and career choices that have equipped me for this position. I hold two degrees, psychology, and political science, from the University of Houston as well as a master in public policy and administration from the University of St. Thomas. I was an intern at the City of Houston, an intern in DC for Congressman Gene Green and a legislative staffer. I feel this experience has prepared me to best represent the voters in district 126.”

Justice Marc Brown currently serves as the Justice for the 14th Court of Appeals District, Place 4 in Texas. Justice Marc Brown will face off against Charles Spain in the Tuesday, November 6, 2018, Midterm Election when early voting begins on Monday, October 22, 2018. Justice Marc Brown's written interview will be published in the next edition of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© featuring the highly contested race for United States Senate between Senator Ted Cruz and U.S. Representative Beto O'Rourke on the cover.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
JUSTICE MARC BROWN: “I am the only candidate in this race with extensive criminal law experience. I was a prosecutor for 22 years and a Criminal Court Judge for three years. Approximately half of all our cases are criminal appeals. I bring a unique perspective to this position. I am a hard-working judge with a proven track record on civil and criminal cases. I have consistently been highly rated in the local bar polls. I was the preferred choice over my opponent in the State Bar Preference Poll.”


HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
ATTORNEY MIGUEL SUAZO: “My opponent has proven to Texans that he cannot be the leader his name indicated he might be in terms of helping Texas recover from storms like Hurricane Harvey nor has he stepped-up to adequately prepare us for the next storm. When I am elected, I will be the highest-ranking elected official with a direct role in implementing housing programs for those displaced by storms and the lead elected official with respect to coastal protection. I will make sure that every Texan knows that I am where the buck stops on these issues. Commissioner Bush has put together white papers but hasn't taken meaningful action on these white papers. I'm running to be the catalyst for action on storm preparation and recovery and to work with local leaders who are also calling for preventative and proactive action on this issue. The Land Commissioner must step up to lead on this issue for the entire state."

Attorney Sharon M. Burney is running for Harris County Justice of the Peace, Precinct 7, Place 2. Attorney Burney will face off against Daniel "DC" Caldwell in the Tuesday, November 6, 2018, Midterm Election when early voting begins on Monday, October 22, 2018. Sharon Burney's interview will be published in the next edition of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© featuring the highly contested race for United States Senate between Senator Ted Cruz and U.S. Representative Beto O'Rourke on the cover.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
ATTORNEY SHARON BURNEY: “Voters in Harris County should cast their ballot for me over my opponent because I am the most qualified and ethical candidate. In addition to just "numerous desires", I have a noted track record of making a positive difference in the city of Houston, the United States, and abroad for over 35 years. I am a licensed Attorney by the State Bar of Texas whose office has been in Precinct 7 for over ten years. I am a graduate of Thurgood Marshall School of Law. My Republican opponent has only completed one year of law school. Houston members of the Republican Party have said, "He is not qualified".
Prior to graduating from Thurgood Marshall School of Law, I worked at Houston Independent School District as a Teacher and Administrator for 24 years. Many of the schools I served are located in Precinct 7.
My opponent lied when he quoted me as saying " I would do nothing to improve the way the court is run." I have been heard on numerous occasions saying that I would improve the ways in which information is distributed, improve service, and increase technology to the degrees allowed by Harris County.
I have been endorsed by the Communication Workers of America, The Federation of Teachers, Texas Coalition of Black Democrats, Harris County Tejano Democrats, and Baptists Ministers Association of Houston and Vicinity. Also standing with me are Constable May Walker, State Representatives Garnet Coleman, Alma Allen, and Shawn Thierry, and Houston City Council Member Martha Castex-Tatum amongst numerous other leaders and community members.”

Judge Michelle Slaughter is currently running for Judge, Court of Criminal Appeals, Place 8 in Texas. Judge Michelle Slaughter will face off against Mark Ash in the Tuesday, November 6, 2018, Midterm Election when early voting begins on Monday, October 22, 2018. Judge Slaughter's written interview will be published in the next edition of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© featuring the highly contested race for United States Senate between Senator Ted Cruz and U.S. Representative Beto O'Rourke on the cover.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
JUDGE MICHELLE SLAUGHTER: “The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals (CCA) is the supreme court for criminal cases in Texas, and demands electing judges to serve on this court who have judicial experience, exceptional credentials, and a proven track record. I am the only candidate who meets that description.
Currently, I am serving my second term as a district judge. I have presided over thousands of felony criminal cases ranging from state-jail felonies to capital murder cases. I have a proven track record of efficiency, effectiveness, transparency and saving taxpayer dollars. I have transformed the 405th District Court into the most efficient, most effective district court with the lowest backlog.
Before becoming a judge, I was an attorney at two large international law firms litigating highly complex legal issues in state and federal courts across the United States. I earned my law degree with honors and my bachelor’s degree with high honors from the University of Houston.
My opponent has never been a judge, has no proven track record, has minimal experience with felony cases, and has none of my outstanding credentials. Therefore, I am the clear choice to serve as your judge for the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals, Place 8.”

Attorney Sonya Heath is currently running for Family District Judge, 310th Judicial District Court in Harris County, Texas. Attorney Sonya Heath will face off against Lisa A. Millard in the Tuesday, November 6, 2018, Midterm Election when early voting begins on Monday, October 22, 2018. Attorney Heath's written interview will be published in the next edition of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© featuring the highly contested race for United States Senate between Senator Ted Cruz and U.S. Representative Beto O'Rourke on the cover.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
ATTORNEY SONYA HEATH: “The voters in Harris County should cast their ballot for me over my opponent because we need a judge that will come to work on a consistent basis. Unfortunately, that is not the case in this court. I have worked in the legal field for over 30 years (9 as a licensed attorney and 23 as a legal assistant) and have proven dedication to my career. As a Rotarian, I follow Rotary’s motto of ‘Service Above Self.’ Service to my clients, to my community, and when elected, to my constituency. I believe it is important to bring about change that assures fairness and equity regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, immigration status, socioeconomic status, and political affiliations.”

Judge Sheri Y. Dean currently serves as the presiding judge for the 309th Family District Court in Harris County, Texas. Judge Sheri Y. Dean will face off against Linda Marie Dunson in the Tuesday, November 6, 2018, Midterm Election when early voting begins on Monday, October 22, 2018. Judge Sheri Y. Dean's written interview will be published in the next edition of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© featuring the highly contested race for United States Senate between Senator Ted Cruz and U.S. Representative Beto O'Rourke on the cover.
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
JUDGE SHERI Y. DEAN: “After college, I worked with my family’s business until, at the age of 34, I decided to become an attorney. With my husband and children, ages 8, 7 and 4, I left my home in Tyler, Texas to begin law school in Houston. During this period, I worked, took care of my family, and graduated in two and a half years from South Texas College of Law. Shortly thereafter I began my own family law firm and successfully practiced in Harris County for 18 years.
I have served as Judge for the 309th Family Court since 2010, and I want to continue the work I started. I’ve worked full time to clear backlogged cases while making sure that litigants get their day in court. And I always wait until I’ve heard all the facts and circumstances surrounding a case before making my final decision – based on the law and the Constitution.
My record and participation reflect my loyalty, commitment, and respect as a Judge and community leader. I have worked hard to expand my efforts as an elected official and public servant by working on community outreach projects to increase opportunities for families through education and unity.”

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
JUDGE SHERI Y. DEAN: “After college, I worked with my family’s business until, at the age of 34, I decided to become an attorney. With my husband and children, ages 8, 7 and 4, I left my home in Tyler, Texas to begin law school in Houston. During this period, I worked, took care of my family, and graduated in two and a half years from South Texas College of Law. Shortly thereafter I began my own family law firm and successfully practiced in Harris County for 18 years.
I have served as Judge for the 309th Family Court since 2010, and I want to continue the work I started. I’ve worked full time to clear backlogged cases while making sure that litigants get their day in court. And I always wait until I’ve heard all the facts and circumstances surrounding a case before making my final decision – based on the law and the Constitution.
My record and participation reflect my loyalty, commitment, and respect as a Judge and community leader. I have worked hard to expand my efforts as an elected official and public servant by working on community outreach projects to increase opportunities for families through education and unity.”

Attorney Linda Dunson is currently running for Family District Judge, 309th Judicial District Court in Harris County, Texas. Attorney Dunson will face off against Judge Sheri Y. Dean in the Tuesday, November 6, 2018, Midterm Election when early voting begins on Monday, October 22, 2018. Attorney Dunson's written interview will be published in the next edition of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© featuring the highly contested race for United States Senate between Senator Ted Cruz and U.S. Representative Beto O'Rourke on the cover.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
ATTORNEY LINDA DUNSON: “I see myself as a superior candidate to my opponent. My opponent says that she is much more experienced than I. To paraphrase President Trump during one of the presidential debates, [my opponent’s] “experience is ‘bad’ experience.” Rather than endorsing “bad experience,” voters should support court officials who pledge to be efficient, empathetic, fair, and effective. The court itself should be an institution in which all stakeholders are treated with respect and receive “equal treatment under the law.” Electing me will move the court in that direction. The people of Harris County deserve such a court and must demand it with their vote. I became a challenger in this arena because the status quo, which my opponent represents, warrants contesting. I don’t want the Houston Bar to continue to rate the 309th, 57% insofar as courtesy is concerned. Everyone, including the judge, should leave their ego at the entrance to the court. The 309th District Court, under my direction, will be run more efficiently; and having the second highest docket of backlogged cases cannot be tolerated any longer. It should go without saying that a judge’s priority is equality for all; he or she should not be biased or partial toward or against any stakeholder, male or female. If I am elected, I will demonstrate my understanding of human circumstances and motives, based on my background, education, experiences, skills, and abilities. In short, I am appealing to the citizens of Harris County to throw their weight behind someone who deems herself a heavyweight in the battle for the equitable rights, needs, and treatment of families.”

Attorney Alex Salgado is currently running for Judge, County Criminal Court at Law #1 in Harris County, Texas. Attorney Alex Salgado will face off against Judge Paula Goodhart in the Tuesday, November 6, 2018, Midterm Election when early voting begins on Monday, October 22, 2018. Attorney Salgado's written interview will be published in the next edition of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© featuring the highly contested race for United States Senate between Senator Ted Cruz and U.S. Representative Beto O'Rourke on the cover.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
ATTORNEY ALEX SALGADO: “Voters should cast their ballot for me because it is time to make the Harris County criminal courthouse a more progressive place. Harris County voters should elect judges who are more progressive and who want to make a positive change in criminal justice. The criminal justice system needs to be changed so that judges do not hold nonviolent misdemeanor offenders in jail only because they cannot afford to post a bond. Everyone should be treated equally and fairly under the law. Harris County voters need to send a message to the current judiciary that they are tired of wasting taxpayer money on housing indigent defendants for nonviolent misdemeanors. Also, the minority population makes up over sixty percent of the Harris County population, and the courthouse needs to be a reflection of the citizens it serves.
I have been a prosecutor for almost nine years and have handled cases ranging from traffic tickets to murder cases. I have handled well over one thousand misdemeanor cases, and I have the experience to preside over a misdemeanor court. I have dedicated my legal career to public service by representing the citizens of Walker County and Fort Bend County and will make the citizens of Harris County proud they voted for me.”

Attorney Cassandra Y. Hollemon is currently running for Judge, County Criminal Court at Law #12 in Harris County, Texas. Attorney Cassandra Y. Hollemon will face off against John Spjut in the Tuesday, November 6, 2018, Midterm Election when early voting begins on Monday, October 22, 2018. Attorney Hollemon's written interview will be published in the next edition of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© featuring the highly contested race for United States Senate between Senator Ted Cruz and U.S. Representative Beto O'Rourke on the cover.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
ATTORNEY CASSANDRA Y. HOLLEMON: “Harris County, Texas voters should cast their ballot for me over my opponent because I am qualified and have been practicing law for 23+ years. During those years I have handled many criminal cases and over the years have maintained a relationship with many of my clients and their families. I believe in criminal justice reform along with fairness and equity for everyone, irrespective of the situation they find themselves in. Unlike my opponent, I have never been a Police Officer or otherwise worked in Law Enforcement, I will listen to ALL people before the bench and will never rule based upon what a person says simply because of their job, title or economic status. I chose to run for misdemeanor court because the people before these courts are charged with what some may call minor offenses as opposed to felonies and many are first-time offenders. These individuals are at a crossroads in their lives and need to be re-directed. Those who suffer from mental challenges need to be identified as such; treated fairly and receive treatment. This is a court where I can use my commitment to the community and love of the law. I am aware of and understand what happens in Court can have a major impact on a person's future. Hence, I believe in alternative sentencing that is doable; enhancing and has a purpose and not just punishment. I believe in accountability along with rehabilitation and see this as a win-win solution and our communities are made safer.”


Judge George Barnstone is currently running for Judge, County Civil Court at Law #1 in Harris County, Texas. Judge Barnstone will face off against Former Judge Clyde Raymond Leuchtag in the Tuesday, November 6, 2018, Midterm Election when early voting begins on Monday, October 22, 2018. Judge Barnstone's written interview will be published in the next edition of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© featuring the highly contested race for United States Senate between Senator Ted Cruz and U.S. Representative Beto O'Rourke on the cover.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
JUDGE GEORGE BARNSTONE: “Voters should vote for me instead of my opponent because I treat litigants compassionately and fairly. For example, Harris County Civil Court at Law Number 1 hears many eviction judgment appeals from J.P. Court. Instead of simply processing the cases, and signing eviction judgments with no regard for the litigants’ circumstances, I suggest that the tenant move out within 7 days, and pay any missing rent while s/he lived in the apartment. No late fees, fines, interest or legal fees; just rent while they lived in the apartment. I’m not trying to provide free housing. I’m leveling the playing field by being fair. If the tenant has an eviction judgment on their record, their credit is destroyed for 7 years, and they won’t be able to rent an apartment for many years because by signing the standard rental application, the prospective tenant authorizes that prospective landlord to research their rental history. If there is an eviction judgment on their record, no landlord will lease to them.
This court also hears many credit card cases. Instead of signing judgments with no regard to how it affects people’s lives, I strongly encourage lenders to work with borrowers to set up payment plans that both sides can live with.”

Former Judge Clyde Raymond Leuchtag (second from right) is pictured with Burt Levine (far left), Sandra Levine, and Cindy Leuchtag. Former Judge Leuchtag will face off against Judge George Barnstone in the Tuesday, November 6, 2018, Midterm Election when early voting begins on Monday, October 22, 2018. Former Judge Clyde Ramond Leauchtag's interview will be published in the next edition of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© featuring the highly contested race for United States Senate between Senator Ted Cruz and U.S. Representative Beto O'Rourke on the cover.
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
FORMER JUDGE LEUCHTAG: “As the former Judge in Harris County Court at Law #1, I have demonstrated that I was the people's judge inside and outside the courtroom. I have a proven track record of fairness and excellence, making sure that EVERYONE gets due process and a fair hearing in court. If elected this November, I will continue to work for Justice both inside the courtroom and in the community.”

Jim F. Kovach is running for Judge, County Civil Court at Law #2. Jim Kovach will face off against Erin Swanson in the Tuesday, November 6, 2018, Midterm Election when early voting begins on Monday, October 22, 2018. Jim F. Kovach's interview will be published in the next edition of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© featuring the highly contested race for United States Senate between Senator Ted Cruz and U.S. Representative Beto O'Rourke on the cover.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
JIM F. KOVACH: “My name is Jim F. Kovach and I am asking for your vote because I am the most qualified candidate for this job. On November 1, 2018, I will mark my 27-year anniversary as a licensed lawyer in Texas. I have handled thousands of cases in the County Civil Courts at Law. My opponent has been licensed a mere 4 years and she has handled zero cases in this court. Electing the most qualified candidates is vital to protecting individual’s rights and liberties.
My campaign slogan is “Life may not be fair, but your Judge should be.” Every person entering the courthouse should be treated fairly, equally, and respectfully. Justice is for everyone, not just for those who can afford a high-priced lawyer.
As the former Board Chairperson of Legacy Community Health Services, I have spent over a decade helping low income and marginalized communities obtain quality, affordable, health care for all regardless of ability to pay. I will bring this same compassionate view to the bench if Harris County Voters elect Jim F. Kovach on November 6, 2018.”

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
FORMER JUDGE LEUCHTAG: “As the former Judge in Harris County Court at Law #1, I have demonstrated that I was the people's judge inside and outside the courtroom. I have a proven track record of fairness and excellence, making sure that EVERYONE gets due process and a fair hearing in court. If elected this November, I will continue to work for Justice both inside the courtroom and in the community.”

Jim F. Kovach is running for Judge, County Civil Court at Law #2. Jim Kovach will face off against Erin Swanson in the Tuesday, November 6, 2018, Midterm Election when early voting begins on Monday, October 22, 2018. Jim F. Kovach's interview will be published in the next edition of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© featuring the highly contested race for United States Senate between Senator Ted Cruz and U.S. Representative Beto O'Rourke on the cover.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
JIM F. KOVACH: “My name is Jim F. Kovach and I am asking for your vote because I am the most qualified candidate for this job. On November 1, 2018, I will mark my 27-year anniversary as a licensed lawyer in Texas. I have handled thousands of cases in the County Civil Courts at Law. My opponent has been licensed a mere 4 years and she has handled zero cases in this court. Electing the most qualified candidates is vital to protecting individual’s rights and liberties.
My campaign slogan is “Life may not be fair, but your Judge should be.” Every person entering the courthouse should be treated fairly, equally, and respectfully. Justice is for everyone, not just for those who can afford a high-priced lawyer.
As the former Board Chairperson of Legacy Community Health Services, I have spent over a decade helping low income and marginalized communities obtain quality, affordable, health care for all regardless of ability to pay. I will bring this same compassionate view to the bench if Harris County Voters elect Jim F. Kovach on November 6, 2018.”

Judge John Schmude with his wife Kelly Leonard Schmude and their children. Judge Schmude will face off against Janice Berg in the Tuesday, November 6, 2018, Midterm Election when early voting begins on Monday, October 22, 2018. Judge John Schmude's interview will be published in the next edition of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© featuring the highly contested race for United States Senate between Senator Ted Cruz and U.S. Representative Beto O'Rourke on the cover.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
JUDGE JOHN SCHMUDE: “As the presiding Judge of the 247th Family District Court, I have disposed of more than 11,000 cases in every area of family law. I have had single days in which I handled more individual cases as a judge than my opponent has handled as a lawyer in her entire legal career. Secondly, I have made substantial progress in the 247th in ensuring that we do not impose unreasonable financial burdens on the backs of the poor such as having parties bear the cost of appointed lawyers when they cannot even afford to pay for a lawyer of their own. I have also ensured that in CPS cases, when it becomes necessary to remove children from their homes that they are placed, whenever possible, with loving family members who are ready, willing and able to provide a safe home rather than placing them in foster homes. I have a strong record of service, which includes serving in the Upward Bound program, which assists inner-city minority students to achieve their dreams of a college education. I also served Native American families from the Lakota Sioux Tribe in South Dakota in dealing with the effects of alcoholism and drug addiction.”

Attorney Janice Berg is currently running for Family District Judge, 247th Judicial District Court in Harris County, Texas. Attorney Janice Berg will face off against Judge John Schmude in the Tuesday, November 6, 2018, Midterm Election when early voting begins on Monday, October 22, 2018. Attorney Berg's written interview will be published in the next edition of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© featuring the highly contested race for United States Senate between Senator Ted Cruz and U.S. Representative Beto O'Rourke on the cover.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
ATTORNEY JANICE BERG: “Over the past decade I have handled every type of family law case, from high-conflict divorce and custody cases to child support enforcements and post-divorce divisions of property. I am proud of my legal practice, in which I aim to find specialized solutions for each and every one of my clients. If I am elected judge of the 247th Family District Court, I will give every litigant the time and attention their case deserves. I also have significant experience in the courts of appeals. In 2013, shortly after opening my solo law practice, I argued successfully on behalf of the petitioner in the Texas Supreme Court. My experience working on all stages of a family case gives me the unique ability to see the whole picture in a case and know how the pieces fit together.”

Attorney Kelley Andrews is currently running for Judge, County Criminal Court at Law #6 in Harris County, Texas. Attorney Kelley Andrews will face off against Linda Garcia in the Tuesday, November 6, 2018, Midterm Election when early voting begins on Monday, October 22, 2018. Attorney Heath's written interview will be published in the next edition of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© featuring the highly contested race for United States Senate between Senator Ted Cruz and U.S. Representative Beto O'Rourke on the cover.
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
ATTORNEY KELLEY ANDREWS: “I have worked consistently and continuously in the Harris County Criminal Courts for the last 11 years. As a criminal attorney, I have long believed that the misdemeanor and juvenile courts are the two areas where a person has a real opportunity to turn their life around and take the road out of the criminal justice system. I believe this because these two areas are most often the places where a person is first introduced into the criminal justice system. In order to help a person to redirect their life, we need judges that believe in equality, in treating people as individuals, in looking at the underlying issues (mental health, addiction, e.g.) that in whole or in part led to that individual’s arrest. Judges must be willing to address those issues when determining conditions of community supervision. When I heard that Judge Standley was going to retire from the bench in Criminal Court 6, my hope was that someone would come along and run for the open bench who believed in the same things that I do. I quickly realized that the only way that I could ensure that would be to run myself.”

Judge Steven Kirkland is currently running for Justice, Supreme Court, Place 2 in Texas. Judge Kirkland will face off against Justice Jimmy Blacklock in the Tuesday, November 6, 2018, Midterm Election when early voting begins on Monday, October 22, 2018. Judge Kirkland's written interview will be published in the next edition of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© featuring the highly contested race for United States Senate between Senator Ted Cruz and U.S. Representative Beto O'Rourke on the cover.
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
JUDGE STEVEN KIRKLAND: “Experience and Independence. I am running for the Supreme Court because Texans deserve justice, not politics, from their Supreme Court. The Texas Supreme Court has increasingly issued opinions that can only be explained by extremist partisan politics. Texans deserve better representation than we’ve been getting. I have broad legal and judicial experience that will make my decisions fairer and just for more Texans. In my thirteen years as a Judge, I have presided over more than 750 jury trials of cases ranging from complex construction disputes to car crashes. As a lawyer, I sued polluters to clean up our air. As a community leader, I fought to expand affordable housing and end discrimination. As a judge, I fought to make our courts more accessible and transparent. We must return the Supreme Court to its constitutional role to deliver justice, free from politics. We must restore the Court as the protector of individual liberty and equality before the law. And we must reclaim the Court as an independent voice for everyday Texans in the government.”

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
ATTORNEY KELLEY ANDREWS: “I have worked consistently and continuously in the Harris County Criminal Courts for the last 11 years. As a criminal attorney, I have long believed that the misdemeanor and juvenile courts are the two areas where a person has a real opportunity to turn their life around and take the road out of the criminal justice system. I believe this because these two areas are most often the places where a person is first introduced into the criminal justice system. In order to help a person to redirect their life, we need judges that believe in equality, in treating people as individuals, in looking at the underlying issues (mental health, addiction, e.g.) that in whole or in part led to that individual’s arrest. Judges must be willing to address those issues when determining conditions of community supervision. When I heard that Judge Standley was going to retire from the bench in Criminal Court 6, my hope was that someone would come along and run for the open bench who believed in the same things that I do. I quickly realized that the only way that I could ensure that would be to run myself.”

Judge Steven Kirkland is currently running for Justice, Supreme Court, Place 2 in Texas. Judge Kirkland will face off against Justice Jimmy Blacklock in the Tuesday, November 6, 2018, Midterm Election when early voting begins on Monday, October 22, 2018. Judge Kirkland's written interview will be published in the next edition of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© featuring the highly contested race for United States Senate between Senator Ted Cruz and U.S. Representative Beto O'Rourke on the cover.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
JUDGE STEVEN KIRKLAND: “Experience and Independence. I am running for the Supreme Court because Texans deserve justice, not politics, from their Supreme Court. The Texas Supreme Court has increasingly issued opinions that can only be explained by extremist partisan politics. Texans deserve better representation than we’ve been getting. I have broad legal and judicial experience that will make my decisions fairer and just for more Texans. In my thirteen years as a Judge, I have presided over more than 750 jury trials of cases ranging from complex construction disputes to car crashes. As a lawyer, I sued polluters to clean up our air. As a community leader, I fought to expand affordable housing and end discrimination. As a judge, I fought to make our courts more accessible and transparent. We must return the Supreme Court to its constitutional role to deliver justice, free from politics. We must restore the Court as the protector of individual liberty and equality before the law. And we must reclaim the Court as an independent voice for everyday Texans in the government.”

Former Judge Renee Magee and a few members of her court staff back when she was the presiding judge for the 337th District Court in Harris County, Texas. Former Judge Magee will face off against Abigail Anastasio in the Tuesday, November 6, 2018, Midterm Election when early voting begins on Monday, October 22, 2018. Former Judge Renee Magee's interview will be published in the next edition of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© featuring the highly contested race for United States Senate between Senator Ted Cruz and U.S. Representative Beto O'Rourke on the cover.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
FORMER JUDGE RENEE MAGEE: “Because Qualifications matter! I have three times the number of years practicing criminal law. I have four years of judicial experience when my opponent has none. I have over 200 jury trials where I sat first-chair or presided as a judge. The vast majority of the trials are serious cases of murder, robbery, sexual assault, and cases involving serious injury. I have supervised an entire court and prosecutors on numerous occasions. My opponent has very little, if any, of this experience. I am an Olympic Swimmer, an All-American swimmer and a hall of fame member. This experience shows my work ethic, discipline, and dedication to excellence. I will follow the rule of law and provide expediency and experience to the court.”

Attorney LaShawn A. Williams is currently running for Judge, County Civil Court at Law #3 in Harris County, Texas. Attorney Williams will face off against Judge Linda Storey in the Tuesday, November 6, 2018, Midterm Election when early voting begins on Monday, October 22, 2018. Attorney Williams' written interview will be published in the next edition of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© featuring the highly contested race for United States Senate between Senator Ted Cruz and U.S. Representative Beto O'Rourke on the cover.
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
ATTORNEY LASHAWN A. WILLIAMS: “It is time for a change. Harris County voters deserve judges that are relatable, experienced, empathetic and zealous about the rule of law and matters that come into the courts. The person in court should know that the judge understood their case and respected their position. When that kind of judge is serving, parties have the confidence that they were seen and heard. Even if they do not like the ruling, they will respect the process. Equally important, confidence in the process and respect for the courts needs to be renewed and strengthened -- this happens when the judge exhibits confidence in the process and respect for all who enter their court. I have 23 years of litigation experience, and included in that experience is a representation of a diverse group of clients – individual litigants, privately held corporations, public companies, governments and nonprofits; property owners, and small businesses. I have practiced appellate and administrative law in two states and the Fifth and Sixth Circuits. Outside of practicing law, I have taught graduate courses in business and constitutional law. I also serve as an appointed special commissioner in eminent domain and condemnation cases. I mentor youth and regularly have student interns working in my law office.”

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
ATTORNEY LASHAWN A. WILLIAMS: “It is time for a change. Harris County voters deserve judges that are relatable, experienced, empathetic and zealous about the rule of law and matters that come into the courts. The person in court should know that the judge understood their case and respected their position. When that kind of judge is serving, parties have the confidence that they were seen and heard. Even if they do not like the ruling, they will respect the process. Equally important, confidence in the process and respect for the courts needs to be renewed and strengthened -- this happens when the judge exhibits confidence in the process and respect for all who enter their court. I have 23 years of litigation experience, and included in that experience is a representation of a diverse group of clients – individual litigants, privately held corporations, public companies, governments and nonprofits; property owners, and small businesses. I have practiced appellate and administrative law in two states and the Fifth and Sixth Circuits. Outside of practicing law, I have taught graduate courses in business and constitutional law. I also serve as an appointed special commissioner in eminent domain and condemnation cases. I mentor youth and regularly have student interns working in my law office.”

Fred Infortunio is currently running for State Representative for House District 130 in Texas. Fred Infortunio will face off against State Rep. Tom Oliverson in the Tuesday, November 6, 2018, Midterm Election when early voting begins on Monday, October 22, 2018. Fred Infortunio's written interview will be published in the next edition of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© featuring the highly contested race for United States Senate between Senator Ted Cruz and U.S. Representative Beto O'Rourke on the cover.
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
FRED INFORTUNIO: “I am for the common good of all Texans, County residents, and HD 130 residents. So, this position takes precedence over any party politics. Ideological - rhyme or reason - positions that do not produce good outcomes for the people of Texas do not belong in the governance of our state. A holistic view of the conditions in the State is necessary to govern effectively and produce a prosperous and healthy citizenry.
Neglecting, and subordinating differing parts of the population to benefit the wealthy destroys cohesion and prosperity.
The rhyme is that Texas is a business-friendly state, but a slew of irrational laws and philosophies, kill, injure or generally do not serve the residents must be changed.
The denial of Medicaid funds, proper use of ESF to help flood injured residences and teachers, and the aggressive anti women's health actions by banning PP, describes a government that does not care about the people.
The regressive/flat tax structure, school systems relying on real estate taxes with the state purposely reducing the share of the IDS' budgets from 50% to 34%, cripple the school systems.
The tax giveaways to corporations burdens on the taxpayers. Attracting business also depends upon attracting qualified people.”

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
FRED INFORTUNIO: “I am for the common good of all Texans, County residents, and HD 130 residents. So, this position takes precedence over any party politics. Ideological - rhyme or reason - positions that do not produce good outcomes for the people of Texas do not belong in the governance of our state. A holistic view of the conditions in the State is necessary to govern effectively and produce a prosperous and healthy citizenry.
Neglecting, and subordinating differing parts of the population to benefit the wealthy destroys cohesion and prosperity.
The rhyme is that Texas is a business-friendly state, but a slew of irrational laws and philosophies, kill, injure or generally do not serve the residents must be changed.
The denial of Medicaid funds, proper use of ESF to help flood injured residences and teachers, and the aggressive anti women's health actions by banning PP, describes a government that does not care about the people.
The regressive/flat tax structure, school systems relying on real estate taxes with the state purposely reducing the share of the IDS' budgets from 50% to 34%, cripple the school systems.
The tax giveaways to corporations burdens on the taxpayers. Attracting business also depends upon attracting qualified people.”

Dylan Osborne is currently running for Harris County Treasurer. Dylan Osborne will face off against Harris County Treasurer Orlando Sanchez in the Tuesday, November 6, 2018, Midterm Election when early voting begins on Monday, October 22, 2018. Dylan Osborne's interview will be published in the next edition of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© featuring the highly contested race for United States Senate between Senator Ted Cruz and U.S. Representative Beto O'Rourke on the cover.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
DYLAN OSBORNE: “I want to transform the Treasurer's office into a community asset that provides value to Harris County residents. I believe every elected official should use their soapbox to advocate for their communities and should work to make their community better. I plan to get out in the neighborhoods- at civic clubs, HOAs, Super Neighborhoods, etc.- to discuss the county budget and where our money goes. I want to partner with these groups, or other non-profits, to offer useful workshops, such as financial literacy classes for young people. County Treasurer is an administrative role that oversees a modest staff. Harris County residents deserve a civil servant in this position, not a career politician, and someone that will grow the role into something more useful than just cutting checks to vendors.”

Attorney Julie Countiss is currently running for Justice, 1st Court of Appeals District, Place 7 in Harris County, Texas. Attorney Julie Countiss will face off against Terry Yates in the Tuesday, November 6, 2018, Midterm Election when early voting begins on Monday, October 22, 2018. Attorney Countiss' written interview will be published in the next edition of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© featuring the highly contested race for United States Senate between Senator Ted Cruz and U.S. Representative Beto O'Rourke on the cover.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
ATTORNEY JULIE COUNTISS: “I bring a depth of legal experience and an open mind and intellectual curiosity that my opponent lacks. For the appellate courts, it’s important to elect candidates with civil litigation experience who understand the civil trial courts. The justices on the First Court of Appeals spend close to 70% of their time on complex civil appeals. I have much more experience practicing law in the civil courts than my opponent. I stay up-to-date on important appellate decisions that impact my practice areas. I maintain a robust motions and trial court practice -- writing and arguing on complicated and contentious issues frequently. I have the core values, integrity, experience and dedication to public service necessary to become an excellent justice. I won the State Bar of Texas Judicial Preference Poll for 1st Court of Appeals, Place 7 this year. My opponent is very vocal about his political beliefs opposing marriage equality and a woman’s right to choose and adhering to an interpretation of the constitution that “applies biblical principles.” I question his ability to be objective on the bench and to set aside his deep loyalty to Dr. Steven Hotze and the Conservative Republicans of Harris County PAC.”

Attorney Ronnisha Bowman is currently running for Judge, County Criminal Court at Law #2 in Harris County, Texas. Attorney Ronnisha Bowman will face off against Judge Bill Harmon in the Tuesday, November 6, 2018, Midterm Election when early voting begins on Monday, October 22, 2018. Attorney Bowman's written interview will be published in the next edition of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© featuring the highly contested race for United States Senate between Senator Ted Cruz and U.S. Representative Beto O'Rourke on the cover.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
ATTORNEY RONNISHA BOWMAN: “I am eager to serve the citizens of Harris County with impartiality. I am a fresh face to the bench and an experienced criminal defense attorney. Serving as a judge for several decades can sometimes cause judges to become jaded, and, therefore, disregard the severe consequences felt by those affected by their apathy. It is important that we have unbiased and well-rounded judges overseeing our courts. I have the temperament and real-world experience to serve the citizens of Harris County with compassion and true justice. And I will adhere to the laws as written. Being firm yet fair, I will evenhandedly work to ensure that no person is pressured to enter plea agreements because of oppressive bond amounts. I will make informed decisions to ensure the punishment fits the crime and all people receive indiscriminate treatment.”


Judge Bill Harmon, the presiding judge for Harris County Criminal Court at Law No. 2 is pictured standing next to a wall of family photographs inside his judge’s chambers. This photo was taken by Johnny Hanson and will be replaced with a photo by Houston Business Connections Newspaper©. Judge Harmon will face off against Ronnisha Bowman in the Tuesday, November 6,, 2018 Midterm Election when early voting begins on Monday, October 22, 2018. Judge Bill Harmon's interview will be published in the next edition of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© featuring the highly contested race for United States Senate between Senator Ted Cruz and U.S. Representative Beto O'Rourke on the cover.
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
JUDGE BILL HARMON: “I have served as a District Judge for 22 years and as Judge of County Court # 2 for the past 12 years. I have presided over 1000 Felony and Misdemeanor jury trials.”

Judge Catherine Evans is the presiding judge for the 180th Criminal District Court in Harris County, Texas. Judge Evans will face off against DaSean Jones in the Tuesday, November 6, 2018, Midterm Election when early voting begins on Monday, October 22, 2018. Judge Catherine Evans' written interview will be published in the next edition of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© featuring the highly contested race for United States Senate between Senator Ted Cruz and U.S. Representative Beto O'Rourke on the cover.
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
JUDGE CATHERINE EVANS: “Elected judges should have extensive legal experience before taking the bench and making critical decisions that change lives and affect our community. As Judge of the 180th Criminal District Court since 2013 and an attorney since 2000, I have handled exclusively criminal and primarily felony cases. As a judge and an attorney, I have handled felony cases of virtually every type – from Burglary to Sexual Assault to Aggravated Robbery to Capital Murder. It is this breadth of experience along with my belief that each case should be considered individually that make me the strongest choice for the 180th bench. Through an intensive probation program, I have the opportunity to tailor probations to meet the individual needs of some of our most at-risk probationers. We cannot expect these probationers to succeed unless we address underlying issues of addiction, mental health, education, and unemployment, and I am providing opportunities for these individuals to meet those challenges. I bring focused experience and judgment to the 180th Criminal District Court that is unmatched by my challenger.”


Attorney Aaron Burdette is currently running for Judge, County Criminal Court at Law #11 in Harris County, Texas. Attorney Aaron Burdette will face off against Sedrick T. Walker II in the Tuesday, November 6, 2018, Midterm Election when early voting begins on Monday, October 22, 2018. Attorney Burdette's written interview will be published in the next edition of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© featuring the highly contested race for United States Senate between Senator Ted Cruz and U.S. Representative Beto O'Rourke on the cover.
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
ATTORNEY AARON BURDETTE: “I have devoted my entire career to the practice of criminal law. I have personally tried more than 50 criminal jury trials and handled more than 10,000 criminal cases. I have run both a misdemeanor and felony docket. I have the ability to see both sides and am mindful of the impact the criminal justice can have on both victims and defendants. I have support in this race from both sides of the Criminal Bar, as well as the Mexican American Bar Association, the Houston Police Officers Union, and several other members of the criminal justice system. I have also been given various awards and recognition throughout my career. I am the candidate with the right qualifications, experience, and temperament, to be the next Judge of the County Criminal Court at Law No. 11.”

Judge Bill Harmon, the presiding judge for Harris County Criminal Court at Law No. 2 is pictured standing next to a wall of family photographs inside his judge’s chambers. This photo was taken by Johnny Hanson and will be replaced with a photo by Houston Business Connections Newspaper©. Judge Harmon will face off against Ronnisha Bowman in the Tuesday, November 6,, 2018 Midterm Election when early voting begins on Monday, October 22, 2018. Judge Bill Harmon's interview will be published in the next edition of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© featuring the highly contested race for United States Senate between Senator Ted Cruz and U.S. Representative Beto O'Rourke on the cover.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
JUDGE BILL HARMON: “I have served as a District Judge for 22 years and as Judge of County Court # 2 for the past 12 years. I have presided over 1000 Felony and Misdemeanor jury trials.”

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
JUDGE CATHERINE EVANS: “Elected judges should have extensive legal experience before taking the bench and making critical decisions that change lives and affect our community. As Judge of the 180th Criminal District Court since 2013 and an attorney since 2000, I have handled exclusively criminal and primarily felony cases. As a judge and an attorney, I have handled felony cases of virtually every type – from Burglary to Sexual Assault to Aggravated Robbery to Capital Murder. It is this breadth of experience along with my belief that each case should be considered individually that make me the strongest choice for the 180th bench. Through an intensive probation program, I have the opportunity to tailor probations to meet the individual needs of some of our most at-risk probationers. We cannot expect these probationers to succeed unless we address underlying issues of addiction, mental health, education, and unemployment, and I am providing opportunities for these individuals to meet those challenges. I bring focused experience and judgment to the 180th Criminal District Court that is unmatched by my challenger.”

Attorney Amy Martin is currently running for District Judge, 263rd Judicial District in Harris County, Texas. Attorney Amy Martin will face off against Attorney Charles Johnson in the Tuesday, November 6, 2018, Midterm Election when early voting begins on Monday, October 22, 2018. Attorney Martin's written interview will be published in the next edition of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© featuring the highly contested race for United States Senate between Senator Ted Cruz and U.S. Representative Beto O'Rourke on the cover.
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
ATTORNEY AMY MARTIN: “I am more experienced, have more integrity and have more respect for the judicial system than my opponent. I have been practicing law since 2003 and have represented numerous clients in capital cases in both state and federal courts. I have argued before Texas appellate courts, including the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals, the highest court in the state. I have managed budgets for appointed cases, one of which exceeded $1 million. Last year over 85% of felony cases in Harris County had appointed lawyers, where the judge is required to manage and supervise budgets for attorneys, investigators, and experts. I have represented indigent clients and I will be ready to take charge of my duties on day one. My opponent has never taken an appointed case. Even more importantly, my opponent has a demonstrated pattern of mismanaging his professional responsibilities and financial affairs. Harris County deserves a judge with experience and integrity. I will be that judge.”

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
ATTORNEY AMY MARTIN: “I am more experienced, have more integrity and have more respect for the judicial system than my opponent. I have been practicing law since 2003 and have represented numerous clients in capital cases in both state and federal courts. I have argued before Texas appellate courts, including the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals, the highest court in the state. I have managed budgets for appointed cases, one of which exceeded $1 million. Last year over 85% of felony cases in Harris County had appointed lawyers, where the judge is required to manage and supervise budgets for attorneys, investigators, and experts. I have represented indigent clients and I will be ready to take charge of my duties on day one. My opponent has never taken an appointed case. Even more importantly, my opponent has a demonstrated pattern of mismanaging his professional responsibilities and financial affairs. Harris County deserves a judge with experience and integrity. I will be that judge.”

Attorney Aaron Burdette is currently running for Judge, County Criminal Court at Law #11 in Harris County, Texas. Attorney Aaron Burdette will face off against Sedrick T. Walker II in the Tuesday, November 6, 2018, Midterm Election when early voting begins on Monday, October 22, 2018. Attorney Burdette's written interview will be published in the next edition of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© featuring the highly contested race for United States Senate between Senator Ted Cruz and U.S. Representative Beto O'Rourke on the cover.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
ATTORNEY AARON BURDETTE: “I have devoted my entire career to the practice of criminal law. I have personally tried more than 50 criminal jury trials and handled more than 10,000 criminal cases. I have run both a misdemeanor and felony docket. I have the ability to see both sides and am mindful of the impact the criminal justice can have on both victims and defendants. I have support in this race from both sides of the Criminal Bar, as well as the Mexican American Bar Association, the Houston Police Officers Union, and several other members of the criminal justice system. I have also been given various awards and recognition throughout my career. I am the candidate with the right qualifications, experience, and temperament, to be the next Judge of the County Criminal Court at Law No. 11.”

Judge Pam Derbyshire is currently running for Judge, County Criminal Court at Law #7 in Harris County, Texas. Judge Derbyshire will face off against Attorney Andrew A. Wright in the Tuesday, November 6, 2018, Midterm Election when early voting begins on Monday, October 22, 2018. Judge Derbyshire's written interview will be published in the next edition of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© featuring the highly contested race for United States Senate between Senator Ted Cruz and U.S. Representative Beto O'Rourke on the cover.
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
JUDGE PAM DERBYSHIRE: “The voters of Harris County should vote to re-elect me as the judge of Harris County Criminal Court at Law No. 7 based upon my experience and qualifications. As a former Assistant District Attorney, Assistant United States Attorney, an attorney specializing in criminal defense and years serving as the judge of this court I have over 35 years experience working in the criminal justice system. My experience as both a prosecutor and defense attorney allows me to bring a balanced view to the bench. I preside over a Prostitution Diversion Court where the goal is to change the lives of the program participants through evidence-based practices and divert them from the criminal justice system. We provide treatment, education, and training to try and end prostitution and human trafficking. I have presided over thousands of criminal cases and handled each in a fair and impartial manner treating all who appear before me with courtesy and respect."

Attorney Andrew A. Wright is currently running for Judge, County Criminal Court at Law #7 in Harris County, Texas. Attorney Andrew A. Wright will face off against Judge Pam Derbyshire in the Tuesday, November 6, 2018, Midterm Election when early voting begins on Monday, October 22, 2018. Attorney Wright's written interview will be published in the next edition of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© featuring the highly contested race for United States Senate between Senator Ted Cruz and U.S. Representative Beto O'Rourke on the cover.
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
ATTORNEY ANDREW A. WRIGHT: “One word: CHANGE. My opponent has been on the same bench since January 1999. Right now, Harris County is on a cusp of change in criminal justice. Voters should cast their ballot for me to help bring about that change. I have practiced in criminal courts for over nine years and have tried cases from Galveston all the way to the State of Colorado. I have the experience and temperament for this bench, but also the desire for change. Change to make our courts work better for the citizens of Harris County.”

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
JUDGE PAM DERBYSHIRE: “The voters of Harris County should vote to re-elect me as the judge of Harris County Criminal Court at Law No. 7 based upon my experience and qualifications. As a former Assistant District Attorney, Assistant United States Attorney, an attorney specializing in criminal defense and years serving as the judge of this court I have over 35 years experience working in the criminal justice system. My experience as both a prosecutor and defense attorney allows me to bring a balanced view to the bench. I preside over a Prostitution Diversion Court where the goal is to change the lives of the program participants through evidence-based practices and divert them from the criminal justice system. We provide treatment, education, and training to try and end prostitution and human trafficking. I have presided over thousands of criminal cases and handled each in a fair and impartial manner treating all who appear before me with courtesy and respect."

Attorney Andrew A. Wright is currently running for Judge, County Criminal Court at Law #7 in Harris County, Texas. Attorney Andrew A. Wright will face off against Judge Pam Derbyshire in the Tuesday, November 6, 2018, Midterm Election when early voting begins on Monday, October 22, 2018. Attorney Wright's written interview will be published in the next edition of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© featuring the highly contested race for United States Senate between Senator Ted Cruz and U.S. Representative Beto O'Rourke on the cover.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
ATTORNEY ANDREW A. WRIGHT: “One word: CHANGE. My opponent has been on the same bench since January 1999. Right now, Harris County is on a cusp of change in criminal justice. Voters should cast their ballot for me to help bring about that change. I have practiced in criminal courts for over nine years and have tried cases from Galveston all the way to the State of Colorado. I have the experience and temperament for this bench, but also the desire for change. Change to make our courts work better for the citizens of Harris County.”

Judge Brad Hart is the presiding judge for the 230th Criminal District Court in Harris County, Texas. Judge Hart will face off against Chris Morton in the Tuesday, November 6, 2018, Midterm Election when early voting begins on Monday, October 22, 2018. Judge Brad Hart's interview will be published in the next edition of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© featuring the highly contested race for United States Senate between Senator Ted Cruz and U.S. Representative Beto O'Rourke on the cover.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
JUDGE BRAD HART: “My entire 21-year career has been dedicated solely to criminal justice and the integrity of the system. I have handled every type of case that routinely comes before a felony court, including Capital Murder. As a judge, I have maintained one of the most efficiently run courts in Harris County. The efficiency of my docket allowed for our court to have minimal disruption during Hurricane Harvey and to continue working as before the disaster. We were the first felony court to resume jury trials post-Harvey, leading the way for other courts. I am extremely proud of my Change Through Intervention Docket, helping people turn their lives around. I serve as the lead judge in implementing technology in the courts. Post-Harvey, I was named the first-ever judicial liaison to the Harris County criminal defense bar. I was also named Judge of the Year by the Texas Gang Investigators Association. The legal community routinely rates me as one of the best judges in their Bar Polls. My work, my experience and my commitment to fairness, following the law and improving the system make me the most qualified choice for this court. I hope the voters will allow me to continue my work.”

Judge Dan Hinde the presiding judge for the 269th Civil District Court in Harris County officially signing for re-election. Judge Hinde will face off against Cory Sepolio in the Tuesday, November 6, 2018, Midterm Election when early voting begins on Monday, October 22, 2018. Judge Dan Hinde's interview will be published in the next edition of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© featuring the highly contested race for United States Senate between Senator Ted Cruz and U.S. Representative Beto O'Rourke on the cover.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
JUDGE DAN HINDE: “I believe voters will recognize that I bring the most experience, excellence, and leadership to the 269th District Court.
Starting with experience, I have served as the Judge of the 269th District Court for nearly 10 years, handling about 15,000 cases, so I have unmatched experience as a judge conducting trials, managing a heavy docket, and administering justice. I have tried over 280 cases, including discrimination claims, catastrophic injuries, complex commercial matters, and personal injury disputes.
Adding to this unmatched experience, I bring the highest excellence. I am the only candidate in this race who is Board Certified. Additionally, parties have rarely appealed my decisions—only about 1.4% of cases. More importantly, the error rate is tiny—only about 12% of the appealed decisions (compared to 33% for all local courts).
With this experience and excellence, I bring leadership to the courts. The judges of Texas elected me to the Board of Directors of the Texas Center for the Judiciary, which handles judicial education for all state judges.
Locally, I chair the judges’ jury committee, which oversees the jury system for 85 courts in Harris County. As chair, I led the courts’ efforts to restore the jury system after Hurricane Harvey wiped out our existing jury facilities. Working almost from scratch, we reorganized and reconfigured our jury system to ensure that the local courts could try cases again, and we did so in just 7 weeks.”

Attorney William Bill McLeod is currently running for Judge, County Civil Court at Law #4 in Harris County, Texas. He will face off against Attorney Sophia Mafrige in the Tuesday, November 6, 2018, Midterm Election when early voting begins on Monday, October 22, 2018. Attorney McLeod's interview will be published in the next edition of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© featuring the highly contested race for United States Senate between Senator Ted Cruz and U.S. Representative Beto O'Rourke on the cover.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
ATTORNEY WILLIAM "BILL" MCLEOD: “My name is William “Bill” McLeod, I am asking for every single Voter’s VOTE in Harris County to become the Judge of Harris County Civil Court at Law No. 4 because I stand against “HATE GROUPS/ORGANIZATIONS” and would never seek or accept an endorsement from a Hate Group.
My opponent not only sought out a hate group endorsement, but every single Republican Candidate has also accepted an endorsement from “Conservative Republicans of Texas” in Harris County the group is listed and distributes literature under “Conservative Republicans of Harris County.”
I truly believe that ALL the Republican Candidates are disqualified to be able to hold public office especially a Judicial bench when they ALL know that they are accepting an endorsement from a hate group(.)
Normalizing an endorsement from a hate group as my opponent wants to do is not acceptable in Harris County or anywhere in the United States of America. My opponent needs to denounce publicly this hate group as do ALL Republican Candidates. Please check out Southern Poverty Law Center webpage and see for yourself the classification, clearly, it is a hate group.
I believe in equality for all; real change on the bench; and will hear every person who comes to my Court without preconceived ideas about who they are or what they believe.
I have the broadest range of legal experience for this bench. I have handled over 500 cases just in Harris County and overall more cases in my race when you include the work I have done in surrounding counties. I have practiced in the smallest State Courts in Harris County, Municipal Courts to the Appeals Courts. I have practiced in the Federal Courts. It’s not always the number of years that you have been licensed, I have been licensed since May of 2002, it is what you do with those years of experience. My experience has been inclusive, and to bring the community to the table to make sure they are not on the menu to be taken advantage of by those with power and means to do so.
My community service is about being in the community on the ground hearing the needs and helping resolve community concerns, I just don’t show up to a food bank and pass out a few meals and feel good about it, I walk in the shoes of those that are reaching out for help and do what I can after the food bank closes for the day!"

Attorney Sophia Mafrige and Dr. Ben Carson, the United States Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. Attorney Mafrige is currently running for presiding judge for County Civil Court at Law #4 in Harris County, Texas. She will face off against William "Bill" McLeod in the Tuesday, November 6, 2018, Midterm Election when early voting begins on Monday, October 22, 2018. Attorney John Spjut's interview will be published in the next edition of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© featuring the highly contested race for United States Senate between Senator Ted Cruz and U.S. Representative Beto O'Rourke on the cover.
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
ATTORNEY SOPHIA MAFRIGE: “I am asking for your vote to become the Judge of Harris County Civil Court at Law #4. I have the broadest range and length of legal experience in my race. I was formally sworn into the State Bar in November 1988. I became a certified mediator in July 2002. I have spent the past 30 years litigating hundreds of cases. I have conducted trials to judges and juries. I have represented Plaintiffs and Defendants in many areas of law which will be before this Court including real estate, personal injury, business litigation, and contract law. I have served as a Commissioner in eminent domain proceedings and as guardian ad litem in civil cases. I have handled transactional matters and represented property owners in appraisal district protests and subsequent litigation. In 2006, I obtained my real estate salesperson license. I have served in a quasi-judicial role as Chairman/Commissioner of the City of Houston’s Police Officers Civil Service Commission since 2008, hearing appeals filed by police officers from disciplinary actions. I am active in the local community and dedicated to community service. My broad legal experience demonstrates fairness and impartiality. I am prepared to serve on this bench.”

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
ATTORNEY SOPHIA MAFRIGE: “I am asking for your vote to become the Judge of Harris County Civil Court at Law #4. I have the broadest range and length of legal experience in my race. I was formally sworn into the State Bar in November 1988. I became a certified mediator in July 2002. I have spent the past 30 years litigating hundreds of cases. I have conducted trials to judges and juries. I have represented Plaintiffs and Defendants in many areas of law which will be before this Court including real estate, personal injury, business litigation, and contract law. I have served as a Commissioner in eminent domain proceedings and as guardian ad litem in civil cases. I have handled transactional matters and represented property owners in appraisal district protests and subsequent litigation. In 2006, I obtained my real estate salesperson license. I have served in a quasi-judicial role as Chairman/Commissioner of the City of Houston’s Police Officers Civil Service Commission since 2008, hearing appeals filed by police officers from disciplinary actions. I am active in the local community and dedicated to community service. My broad legal experience demonstrates fairness and impartiality. I am prepared to serve on this bench.”

Judge David Farr is the presiding judge for the 312th Family District Court in Harris County, Texas. Judge Farr will face off against Clinton “Chip” Wells in the Tuesday, November 6, 2018, Midterm Election when early voting begins on Monday, October 22, 2018. Judge David Farr's interview will be published in the next edition of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© featuring the highly contested race for United States Senate between Senator Ted Cruz and U.S. Representative Beto O'Rourke on the cover.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
JUDGE DAVID FARR: “Voters should cast their vote for me to remain the presiding Judge of the 312th Family District Court based on a verified record of judicial accomplishment joined with a broad background of public service.
The attorneys of the Houston Bar Association rated my judicial performance as superlative in the 2013, 2015 and 2017 Bar Polls. I have been board certified in Family Law since 2004 and am currently on the adjunct faculty at the University of Houston Law Center. I have received judicial excellence awards from the Burta Rhoads Raborn Inns of Court (2015); the Gulf Coast Family Law Specialists (2017). The Houston Bar Association President’s Award for Leadership (2018) was recently awarded to me for work on the courthouse flooding after Hurricane Harvey.
Additionally, I have served for over 21 years in the Texas Army National Guard and am a certified member of the Army Trial Judiciary. My military service includes active duty deployments to the peacekeeping missions in Bosnia-Herzegovina (2000) and Kosovo (2006) as well as combat operations in Iraq (2010) and domestic support operations in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina (2009) and in the Houston area after Hurricane Harvey (2017). My overall record of service supports re-election.”

Judge Brent Gamble loves to play the guitar and perform in his downtime. Judge Gamble will face off against Dedra Davis in the Tuesday, November 6, 2018, Midterm Election when early voting begins on Monday, October 22, 2018. Judge Brent Gamble's interview will be published in the next edition of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© featuring the highly contested race for United States Senate between Senator Ted Cruz and U.S. Representative Beto O'Rourke on the cover.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
JUDGE BRENT GAMBLE: “For over 19 years it has been my privilege to serve the citizens of Harris County as Judge of the 270th Civil District Court. Prior to becoming a Judge, I was an active trial lawyer for 15 years. I am board certified in Civil Trial Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization. As Judge, I have consistently received high ratings for being prepared and treating people courteously. I have been efficient: the docket of active cases in the 270th Civil District Court is among the lowest in the Harris County civil courts. I work hard every day to ensure that litigants are treated fairly and that the law is applied equally in every case.”

Judge Michael Landrum is the presiding judge for the 113th Judicial District Court in Harris County, Texas. Judge Landrum will face off against Rabeea Collier in the Tuesday, November 6, 2018, Midterm Election when early voting begins on Monday, October 22, 2018. Judge Michael Landrum's interview will be published in the next edition of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© featuring the highly contested race for United States Senate between Senator Ted Cruz and U.S. Representative Beto O'Rourke on the cover.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
JUDGE MICHAEL LANDRUM: “I am honored to be the incumbent judge, and I have the best qualifications and most experience to continue serving as judge of the 113th District Court. I do more than just hear cases; I believe that service to the greater community is important, too.
During my five years as judge of this court, I have been consistently rated among the best judges by the legal community in Harris County for competency, hard work, and fairness.
I have earned two board certifications from the Texas Board of Legal Specialization - in the fields of Civil Trial Law and Civil Appellate Law.
Before being sworn in as judge, I dedicated my 40-plus year legal career to representing businesses and business people in matters involving a wide variety of transactional, litigation and appellate matters. I also decided hundreds of cases as master of the Harris County tax court, and as an arbitrator.
In addition to my official duties, I teach a class about American courts at Houston Baptist University, serve as judicial liaison to the Houston Young Lawyers Association, lecture in continuing legal education programs, judge student mock trial and moot court competitions, and I remain active in Houston Bar Association activities.”

Judge Mike Fields currently serves as the presiding judge for County Criminal Court at Law #14 in Harris County, Texas. Judge Fields will face off against David L. Singer in the Tuesday, November 6, 2018, Midterm Election when early voting begins on Monday, October 22, 2018. He’s pictured with Captain P. Cantu, Sgt. C. Hampton, Lt. N. Hicks, Sgt. Karren Fields, Judge Mike Fields, Officer Smesney, Officer E. Dean and Lt. Kieswetter at The Foundation for Teen Health “Hope for the Future” luncheon at the River Oaks Country Club. AL is the photographer who took this photo. Judge Mike Fields' interview will be published in the next edition of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© featuring the highly contested race for United States Senate between Senator Ted Cruz and U.S. Representative Beto O'Rourke on the cover.
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
JUDGE MIKE FIELDS: “In the nearly 20 years that I've been the elected Judge of Harris County Criminal Court at Law 14, I've had the pleasure of serving as the Chairman of the Harris County Bail Bond Board, a member of the State Commission on Judicial Conduct, a National board member of the Foundation for the Advancement of Alcohol Responsibility, an Adjunct Professor at the Thurgood Marshall School of Law and a National Lecturer on innovative practices in DWI resolution. I've tried hundreds of cases to successful conclusion and now serve as the first Judge of the Harris County Misdemeanor Veteran's Treatment Court. I am a Veteran of the U.S. Army, a former Harris County Criminal Defense Lawyer and Prosecutor, the husband of an H.P.D. sergeant and a father of two. I believe I have served my Country and community honorably. I would like to continue to do so.”

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
JUDGE MIKE FIELDS: “In the nearly 20 years that I've been the elected Judge of Harris County Criminal Court at Law 14, I've had the pleasure of serving as the Chairman of the Harris County Bail Bond Board, a member of the State Commission on Judicial Conduct, a National board member of the Foundation for the Advancement of Alcohol Responsibility, an Adjunct Professor at the Thurgood Marshall School of Law and a National Lecturer on innovative practices in DWI resolution. I've tried hundreds of cases to successful conclusion and now serve as the first Judge of the Harris County Misdemeanor Veteran's Treatment Court. I am a Veteran of the U.S. Army, a former Harris County Criminal Defense Lawyer and Prosecutor, the husband of an H.P.D. sergeant and a father of two. I believe I have served my Country and community honorably. I would like to continue to do so.”

Judge Paula Goodhart currently serves as the presiding judge for County Criminal Court at Law #1 in Harris County, Texas. Judge Goodhart will face off against Alex Salgado in the Tuesday, November 6, 2018, Midterm Election when early voting begins on Monday, October 22, 2018. She’s pictured with seniors from the Criminal Justice Class at Benjamin E. Davis High School after answering their questions about the criminal justice system. Judge Paula Goodhart's interview will be published in the next edition of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© featuring the highly contested race for United States Senate between Senator Ted Cruz and U.S. Representative Beto O'Rourke on the cover.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
JUDGE PAULA GOODHART: “Harris County voters should expect their elected judges to exhibit integrity, experience, and leadership. As a nearly 25-year lawyer who has dedicated 100% of my career to criminal justice, I embody those characteristics and more. In the last two Houston Bar Association Judicial Qualifications Polls I ranked #1 of all the misdemeanor courts for overall outstanding and excellent scores. This ranking is significant because the folks who vote in this poll are the attorneys who practice in the court where I preside -- both prosecutors and defense attorneys. Additionally, I am the only candidate in this race with the balanced perspective of being a prosecutor, defense attorney, and judge. As a prosecutor and defense attorney, I tried more than 100 jury trials ranging from traffic tickets to capital murders. As a judge, I have presided over more than 200 jury trials and handled more than 34,000 cases in the last 8 years. When Hurricane Harvey flooded the criminal courthouse, courts had to continue running. As the presiding judge of the misdemeanor courts, elected by my colleagues, I helped lead our transition to our new "normal" courts. We moved 16 courts and opened courts to the public just two weeks after Harvey. For this effort, I along with 4 other deserving recipients, was awarded the Houston Bar Association President's Award for excellence in service during Harvey. I am the most qualified and experienced choice for this bench.”


Judge Rory Robert Olsen currently serves as the presiding judge for County Probate Court at Law #3 in Harris County, Texas. Judge Olsen will face off against Jason Cox in the Tuesday, November 6, 2018, Midterm Election when early voting begins on Monday, October 22, 2018. Judge Rory Robert Olsen's interview will be published in the next edition of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© featuring the highly contested race for United States Senate between Senator Ted Cruz and U.S. Representative Beto O'Rourke on the cover.
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
JUDGE RORY ROBERT OLSEN: “Probate Court #3 of Harris County, Texas handles traditional probate matters such as the administration of decedent's estates; wills and will contests; and guardianships. I have over two decades of experience in these areas as a lawyer and twenty years as a probate judge. My opponent has much less experience. This court is one of two courts that handle the massive mental health docket (civil commitments) in Harris County. I have fifteen years of legal experience in the mental health area and two decades of experience as a judge in the area. My opponent's experience is ZERO! The people of Harris County deserve a judge with experience and competence in this delicate and important area of the law.”

Attorney Jason Cox is currently running for Judge, County Probate Court at Law #3 in Harris County, Texas. Attorney Jason Cox will face off against Judge Rory Robert Olsen in the Tuesday, November 6, 2018, Midterm Election when early voting begins on Monday, October 22, 2018. Attorney Cox's written interview will be published in the next edition of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© featuring the highly contested race for United States Senate between Senator Ted Cruz and U.S. Representative Beto O'Rourke on the cover.
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
ATTORNEY JASON COX: “I am a strong believer in public service and a third-generation Houstonian who loves this community. I want to use my extensive knowledge and unique experience for the benefit of the citizens of Harris County.
If you’re in a probate court, you’re going through one of the most vulnerable times of your life – you may be dealing with the death of a loved one; trying to get support for someone who can no longer take care of themselves, or finding help for someone suffering from mental illness.
I have over 14 years’ probate experience. I frequently write and speak on probate issues and am a member of organizations whose goal is to improve the quality of legal services.
I’ve also been an adjunct professor at the University of St. Thomas, teaching students who may be the first in their family to attend college and who often did not grow up in an English-speaking home.
I am also a cancer survivor who has returned to this community as a longtime volunteer who was recently recognized for making significant contributions to patient support. A probate judge should be knowledgeable, compassionate, and hard-working. I believe I am all these and I ask for your vote.”

Jon Rosenthal is currently running for State Representative for House District 135 in Texas. Jon Rosenthal will face off against State Rep. Gary Elkins in the Tuesday, November 6, 2018, Midterm Election when early voting begins on Monday, October 22, 2018. John Rosenthal's written interview will be published in the next edition of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© featuring the highly contested race for United States Senate between Senator Ted Cruz and U.S. Representative Beto O'Rourke on the cover.
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
JOHN ROSENTHAL: “Voters should choose who will best represent them and share their values. I will be a positive and progressive voice in our state government, who truly represents ALL of the people. Folks want representatives to share their values. My core values are Honor, Integrity, Decency, and Respect, and I will always adhere to these values.
I share the concerns of my neighbors and friends in HD135. My top issues are Public Schools, Healthcare, Criminal Justice Reform, and Equality for US ALL.
We need to provide better funding for Public Schools without raising property taxes on individuals and small businesses. Schools also need fair and equitable evaluations that are NOT based on the discriminatory STAAR test.
We can lower health care costs by accepting the Medicaid expansion in Texas. And we MUST promote women’s access to health services to address our sky-high infant and maternal mortality rates.
People know that we need Criminal Justice Reform: From the police on the street to judges in courtrooms to overcrowded for-profit prisons, we can do better. We MUST combat discrimination and bigotry in all forms, promoting equality #4USALL
A vote for Jon Rosenthal is a vote for these shared values and concerns.”



"DC" Daniel Caldwell is currently running for Harris County Justice of the Peace for Precinct 7, Place 2 against Sharon Burney. "DC" Caldwell has taken the time out of his busy schedule to honor my request for comment. "DC" Caldwell will face off against Sharon Burney in the Tuesday, November 6, 2018, Midterm Election when early voting begins on Monday, October 22, 2018. "DC" Caldwell's interview will be published in the next edition of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© featuring the highly contested race for United States Senate between Senator Ted Cruz and U.S. Representative Beto O'Rourke on the cover.
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
“DC” CALDWELL: “My desire to make a positive difference qualifies me as the best of two candidates for Justice of the Peace Precinct 7, Place 2. Even Democrat voters should choose me, DC Caldwell, over my Democrat opponent. I want to make improvements, but she has said she does not. I asked her directly, "What do you plan to do differently to improve how the court is run?" Her answer is, and I quote, “Not a thing” (Monday, July 9, 2018), so I thank her for answering. I believe, as does everyone else that I have asked, that our judicial system has room for refinement, progress, or much-needed change by any name. In fact, we all agree it is fair to call our system broken.
Furthermore, our courts can easily improve if judges diligently strive to serve beyond the minimum duties imposed by law. For example, like when I was a school teacher giving morning tutorials and homework help, I would expect to start early, not having people waiting for me to arrive, and to have planning, record-keeping, and conferences at the end of the day, even staying late.”

Judge Rory Robert Olsen currently serves as the presiding judge for County Probate Court at Law #3 in Harris County, Texas. Judge Olsen will face off against Jason Cox in the Tuesday, November 6, 2018, Midterm Election when early voting begins on Monday, October 22, 2018. Judge Rory Robert Olsen's interview will be published in the next edition of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© featuring the highly contested race for United States Senate between Senator Ted Cruz and U.S. Representative Beto O'Rourke on the cover.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
JUDGE RORY ROBERT OLSEN: “Probate Court #3 of Harris County, Texas handles traditional probate matters such as the administration of decedent's estates; wills and will contests; and guardianships. I have over two decades of experience in these areas as a lawyer and twenty years as a probate judge. My opponent has much less experience. This court is one of two courts that handle the massive mental health docket (civil commitments) in Harris County. I have fifteen years of legal experience in the mental health area and two decades of experience as a judge in the area. My opponent's experience is ZERO! The people of Harris County deserve a judge with experience and competence in this delicate and important area of the law.”

Attorney Jason Cox is currently running for Judge, County Probate Court at Law #3 in Harris County, Texas. Attorney Jason Cox will face off against Judge Rory Robert Olsen in the Tuesday, November 6, 2018, Midterm Election when early voting begins on Monday, October 22, 2018. Attorney Cox's written interview will be published in the next edition of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© featuring the highly contested race for United States Senate between Senator Ted Cruz and U.S. Representative Beto O'Rourke on the cover.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
ATTORNEY JASON COX: “I am a strong believer in public service and a third-generation Houstonian who loves this community. I want to use my extensive knowledge and unique experience for the benefit of the citizens of Harris County.
If you’re in a probate court, you’re going through one of the most vulnerable times of your life – you may be dealing with the death of a loved one; trying to get support for someone who can no longer take care of themselves, or finding help for someone suffering from mental illness.
I have over 14 years’ probate experience. I frequently write and speak on probate issues and am a member of organizations whose goal is to improve the quality of legal services.
I’ve also been an adjunct professor at the University of St. Thomas, teaching students who may be the first in their family to attend college and who often did not grow up in an English-speaking home.
I am also a cancer survivor who has returned to this community as a longtime volunteer who was recently recognized for making significant contributions to patient support. A probate judge should be knowledgeable, compassionate, and hard-working. I believe I am all these and I ask for your vote.”

Phillip Aronoff is currently running for U.S. Representative for the 29th Congressional District of Texas. Phillip Aronoff will face off against Sylvia R. Garcia in the Tuesday, November 6, 2018, Midterm Election when early voting begins on Monday, October 22, 2018. Phillip Aronoff's written interview will be published in the next edition of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© featuring the highly contested race for United States Senate between Senator Ted Cruz and U.S. Representative Beto O'Rourke on the cover.
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
PHILLIP ARONOFF: “Voters should cast their ballots for me because I represent a team mentality. I will be accessible and in the community. My campaign is issue focused, instead of party-focused. I choose to stand on a platform of values that make us all better individuals, and therefore a better society. I’m not running a campaign to represent 3 or 4 groups of people who have the monopoly in the social justice war this election. The campaign is to represent everyone, and to vigilantly fight for the issues in the district. Regardless of party lines, it will be my duty to listen to the district. That means town halls and prompt case management. A majority of my district speaks Spanish in the home, and I'm fluent in Spanish. Unfortunately, my opponent can't say the same, and she just chases wherever the social justice wind blows, while the people continue to suffer in the district. Vote for presence, and issue-driven leadership. That’s what I offer.”

Attorney Penny Shaw is currently running for County Commissioner for Precinct 4 in Harris County, Texas. She will face off against County Commissioner R. Jack Cagle in the Tuesday, November 6, 2018, Midterm Election when early voting begins on Monday, October 22, 2018. Attorney Shaw's interview will be published in the next edition of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© featuring the highly contested race for United States Senate between Senator Ted Cruz and U.S. Representative Beto O'Rourke on the cover.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
ATTORNEY PENNY SHAW: “The People of Harris County deserve a public servant who cares, voters, want more than lifetime officials who are wedded to special interest & who routinely ignore public will. With tax payment burden, comes good government representation that's a basic governance principle that's been put aside in Harris County for alternate interests. With over a billion-dollar budget & a history of flooding, the county has not found the will nor means to create a deliverable disaster safety plan, but instead, has largely left the fate of Harris County residents to the goodwill of its neighbors. Elected officials are chosen to do a job, I will do the job wholeheartedly. As a commissioner, I will put the public will and safety first in all county administrative decisions. I have always worked for stronger communities and empowered individuals, this is how our County will see true unified progress. I will work for improvement in all areas of county business, including, pay equity, fair distribution of county business, strong economic growth, inclusion, transparent spending, direct community engagement and response, robust services to seniors and children, an effective disaster plan, a comprehensive expert-devised flood solution, criminal justice reform, and environmental quality and conservation."

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
PHILLIP ARONOFF: “Voters should cast their ballots for me because I represent a team mentality. I will be accessible and in the community. My campaign is issue focused, instead of party-focused. I choose to stand on a platform of values that make us all better individuals, and therefore a better society. I’m not running a campaign to represent 3 or 4 groups of people who have the monopoly in the social justice war this election. The campaign is to represent everyone, and to vigilantly fight for the issues in the district. Regardless of party lines, it will be my duty to listen to the district. That means town halls and prompt case management. A majority of my district speaks Spanish in the home, and I'm fluent in Spanish. Unfortunately, my opponent can't say the same, and she just chases wherever the social justice wind blows, while the people continue to suffer in the district. Vote for presence, and issue-driven leadership. That’s what I offer.”

Attorney Penny Shaw is currently running for County Commissioner for Precinct 4 in Harris County, Texas. She will face off against County Commissioner R. Jack Cagle in the Tuesday, November 6, 2018, Midterm Election when early voting begins on Monday, October 22, 2018. Attorney Shaw's interview will be published in the next edition of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© featuring the highly contested race for United States Senate between Senator Ted Cruz and U.S. Representative Beto O'Rourke on the cover.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
ATTORNEY PENNY SHAW: “The People of Harris County deserve a public servant who cares, voters, want more than lifetime officials who are wedded to special interest & who routinely ignore public will. With tax payment burden, comes good government representation that's a basic governance principle that's been put aside in Harris County for alternate interests. With over a billion-dollar budget & a history of flooding, the county has not found the will nor means to create a deliverable disaster safety plan, but instead, has largely left the fate of Harris County residents to the goodwill of its neighbors. Elected officials are chosen to do a job, I will do the job wholeheartedly. As a commissioner, I will put the public will and safety first in all county administrative decisions. I have always worked for stronger communities and empowered individuals, this is how our County will see true unified progress. I will work for improvement in all areas of county business, including, pay equity, fair distribution of county business, strong economic growth, inclusion, transparent spending, direct community engagement and response, robust services to seniors and children, an effective disaster plan, a comprehensive expert-devised flood solution, criminal justice reform, and environmental quality and conservation."

Attorney John Spjut relaxing with his wife Judge Diane Bull Spjut. Attorney Spjut is currently running for presiding judge for County Criminal Court at Law #12 in Harris County, Texas. Attorney Spjut will face off against Cassandra Y. Hollemon in the Tuesday, November 6, 2018, Midterm Election when early voting begins on Monday, October 22, 2018. Attorney John Spjut's interview will be published in the next edition of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© featuring the highly contested race for United States Senate between Senator Ted Cruz and U.S. Representative Beto O'Rourke on the cover.
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
ATTORNEY JOHN SPJUT: “Qualifications and experience are the major issues in this race. My Democrat opponent has no experience in criminal law, and in my opinion, is not prepared to handle the rigors of this office. In contrast, I have over 23 years of experience as an attorney, with extensive litigation experience, and 30 years of law enforcement experience with HPD as a Master Police Officer. After becoming a lawyer, I served as Chief of HPD’s FAST Team, closing down high-crime nuisance properties, and as Legal Services attorney for the Chief. After retiring, I continued my litigation practice working primarily in the juvenile courts trying thousands of contested matters representing parents and children in CPS lawsuits.
The majority of criminal cases filed are misdemeanors, and a great many of these involve youthful offenders. In my two careers, I’ve seen many people go through the justice system repeatedly. I believe judges have an unparalleled opportunity to stop the revolving door. Many people struggle with addiction, mental illness, and poverty. Treatment and evidence-based interventions help people put their lives back together and become productive members of society. I will bring this passion and focus to the office of judge of Harris County Criminal Court No. 12.”


HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
ATTORNEY JOHN SPJUT: “Qualifications and experience are the major issues in this race. My Democrat opponent has no experience in criminal law, and in my opinion, is not prepared to handle the rigors of this office. In contrast, I have over 23 years of experience as an attorney, with extensive litigation experience, and 30 years of law enforcement experience with HPD as a Master Police Officer. After becoming a lawyer, I served as Chief of HPD’s FAST Team, closing down high-crime nuisance properties, and as Legal Services attorney for the Chief. After retiring, I continued my litigation practice working primarily in the juvenile courts trying thousands of contested matters representing parents and children in CPS lawsuits.
The majority of criminal cases filed are misdemeanors, and a great many of these involve youthful offenders. In my two careers, I’ve seen many people go through the justice system repeatedly. I believe judges have an unparalleled opportunity to stop the revolving door. Many people struggle with addiction, mental illness, and poverty. Treatment and evidence-based interventions help people put their lives back together and become productive members of society. I will bring this passion and focus to the office of judge of Harris County Criminal Court No. 12.”


Attorney Lauren Reeder is currently running for District Judge, 234th Judicial District Court in Harris County, Texas. Attorney Reeder will face off against Judge Wesley Ward in the Tuesday, November 6, 2018, Midterm Election when early voting begins on Monday, October 22, 2018. Attorney Reeder's written interview will be published in the next edition of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© featuring the highly contested race for United States Senate between Senator Ted Cruz and U.S. Representative Beto O'Rourke on the cover.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
ATTORNEY LAUREN REEDER: “I am uniquely qualified to assume this bench as the next judge of the 234th Civil District Court. After graduating from Harvard Law School, I moved back home to Texas to begin my legal career at one of Houston’s largest and oldest law firms where I began to hone my skills as a civil litigator. During my time at that firm, as well as another large law firm and an elite litigation boutique, I worked on a variety of business and commercial litigation. However, in 2014 I heeded the call to public service and became an Assistant District Attorney in Harris County. I’ve spent nearly every day of the last five years in court as an advocate for the State of Texas, where I’ve not only seen first-hand the varying ways to run an efficient docket, but I’ve also refined my skills as a trial lawyer during a variety of jury trials ranging from Sexual assault to Aggravated robbery and more. I hope to continue this career as a public servant as the next elected judge of the 234th Civil District Court.”

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
ATTORNEY LAUREN REEDER: “I am uniquely qualified to assume this bench as the next judge of the 234th Civil District Court. After graduating from Harvard Law School, I moved back home to Texas to begin my legal career at one of Houston’s largest and oldest law firms where I began to hone my skills as a civil litigator. During my time at that firm, as well as another large law firm and an elite litigation boutique, I worked on a variety of business and commercial litigation. However, in 2014 I heeded the call to public service and became an Assistant District Attorney in Harris County. I’ve spent nearly every day of the last five years in court as an advocate for the State of Texas, where I’ve not only seen first-hand the varying ways to run an efficient docket, but I’ve also refined my skills as a trial lawyer during a variety of jury trials ranging from Sexual assault to Aggravated robbery and more. I hope to continue this career as a public servant as the next elected judge of the 234th Civil District Court.”

Jon Rosenthal is currently running for State Representative for House District 135 in Texas. Jon Rosenthal will face off against State Rep. Gary Elkins in the Tuesday, November 6, 2018, Midterm Election when early voting begins on Monday, October 22, 2018. John Rosenthal's written interview will be published in the next edition of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© featuring the highly contested race for United States Senate between Senator Ted Cruz and U.S. Representative Beto O'Rourke on the cover.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
JOHN ROSENTHAL: “Voters should choose who will best represent them and share their values. I will be a positive and progressive voice in our state government, who truly represents ALL of the people. Folks want representatives to share their values. My core values are Honor, Integrity, Decency, and Respect, and I will always adhere to these values.
I share the concerns of my neighbors and friends in HD135. My top issues are Public Schools, Healthcare, Criminal Justice Reform, and Equality for US ALL.
We need to provide better funding for Public Schools without raising property taxes on individuals and small businesses. Schools also need fair and equitable evaluations that are NOT based on the discriminatory STAAR test.
We can lower health care costs by accepting the Medicaid expansion in Texas. And we MUST promote women’s access to health services to address our sky-high infant and maternal mortality rates.
People know that we need Criminal Justice Reform: From the police on the street to judges in courtrooms to overcrowded for-profit prisons, we can do better. We MUST combat discrimination and bigotry in all forms, promoting equality #4USALL
A vote for Jon Rosenthal is a vote for these shared values and concerns.”


Attorney Leah Shapiro is currently running for District Judge, 315th Juvenile District Court in Harris County, Texas. Attorney Leah Shapiro will face off against Judge Michael "Mike" Schneider in the Tuesday, November 6, 2018, Midterm Election when early voting begins on Monday, October 22, 2018. Attorney Shapiro's written interview will be published in the next edition of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© featuring the highly contested race for United States Senate between Senator Ted Cruz and U.S. Representative Beto O'Rourke on the cover.
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
ATTORNEY LEAH SHAPIRO: “Voters should cast their ballot for me because it is time for change at the Harris County Juvenile Justice Center. I will bring the experience and perspective of someone who has represented victims and the accused—first as an Assistant District Attorney and today as a public defender. During that time, I have witnessed a dangerous trend away from the rehabilitation of local youth and toward more punitive practices. That trend needs to be reversed. That’s why, with the help of the Juvenile Board and other stakeholders, I will prioritize funding for mental health and diversion programs in order to help divert youth who would be better served by counseling, treatment, or other programs, which studies show bring greater benefits to youth, their families, and our communities.
Equal and fair treatment are paramount. That’s why I also intend to improve the legal representation in both delinquency and child custody matters and the overall operations of the 315th District Court. I will evaluate the appointment system for attorneys to ensure the process is properly implemented, fair, and just.
When voters go to the ballot box on November 6th and cast their vote for me, they will know theirs is a vote for progress and reform.”

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
ATTORNEY LEAH SHAPIRO: “Voters should cast their ballot for me because it is time for change at the Harris County Juvenile Justice Center. I will bring the experience and perspective of someone who has represented victims and the accused—first as an Assistant District Attorney and today as a public defender. During that time, I have witnessed a dangerous trend away from the rehabilitation of local youth and toward more punitive practices. That trend needs to be reversed. That’s why, with the help of the Juvenile Board and other stakeholders, I will prioritize funding for mental health and diversion programs in order to help divert youth who would be better served by counseling, treatment, or other programs, which studies show bring greater benefits to youth, their families, and our communities.
Equal and fair treatment are paramount. That’s why I also intend to improve the legal representation in both delinquency and child custody matters and the overall operations of the 315th District Court. I will evaluate the appointment system for attorneys to ensure the process is properly implemented, fair, and just.
When voters go to the ballot box on November 6th and cast their vote for me, they will know theirs is a vote for progress and reform.”


"DC" Daniel Caldwell is currently running for Harris County Justice of the Peace for Precinct 7, Place 2 against Sharon Burney. "DC" Caldwell has taken the time out of his busy schedule to honor my request for comment. "DC" Caldwell will face off against Sharon Burney in the Tuesday, November 6, 2018, Midterm Election when early voting begins on Monday, October 22, 2018. "DC" Caldwell's interview will be published in the next edition of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© featuring the highly contested race for United States Senate between Senator Ted Cruz and U.S. Representative Beto O'Rourke on the cover.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
“DC” CALDWELL: “My desire to make a positive difference qualifies me as the best of two candidates for Justice of the Peace Precinct 7, Place 2. Even Democrat voters should choose me, DC Caldwell, over my Democrat opponent. I want to make improvements, but she has said she does not. I asked her directly, "What do you plan to do differently to improve how the court is run?" Her answer is, and I quote, “Not a thing” (Monday, July 9, 2018), so I thank her for answering. I believe, as does everyone else that I have asked, that our judicial system has room for refinement, progress, or much-needed change by any name. In fact, we all agree it is fair to call our system broken.
Furthermore, our courts can easily improve if judges diligently strive to serve beyond the minimum duties imposed by law. For example, like when I was a school teacher giving morning tutorials and homework help, I would expect to start early, not having people waiting for me to arrive, and to have planning, record-keeping, and conferences at the end of the day, even staying late.”

Randy Orr is currently running for State Senate for District 15 against State Senator John Whitmire has taken the time out of his busy schedule to honor my request for comment. Randy Orr will face off against State Senator Whitmire in the Tuesday, November 6, 2018, Midterm Election when early voting begins on Monday, October 22, 2018. Randy Orr's interview will be published in the next edition of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© featuring the highly contested race for United States Senate between Senator Ted Cruz and U.S. Representative Beto O'Rourke on the cover.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?
RANDY ORR: “I believe that I am the best candidate in this race because I represent the majority of citizens in this district. I am a retired blue-collar worker that has lived in this district for over fifty years. The concerns of the voters in district 15 are the concerns me and my wife share also.
Pensions, social security, quality of an education, access to health care, and our safety, these are issues that impact me and my family.
I have been involved in the political process for over thirteen years. From the grassroots to the campaigns, I have worked hard for a voice in Austin that represents the common man and women that live in this district.
I believe strongly in creating an environment in Texas where everyone has a chance to be successful, from the single individual to a large corporation. Elected officials have no business picking and choosing which individuals have an advantage over others.”

Whether you’re a Democrat hoping for a “BLUEWAVE” to flow through Harris County, Texas, or a “REPUBLICAN” looking for a “REDSTORM” to blow through town you had better not take anything for granted in the 2018 Midterm Election whereas Harris County, Texas is concerned. And with that said, I am imploring all my loyal readers to tell all of your family, friends, associates, and passers-by about the importance of every vote in what I’m expecting to be one of the most important elections of our lifetime. And please don’t forget that early voting will begin on Monday, October 22, 2018, and end on Friday, November 2, 2018. Finally, while I’m encouraging you to vote early if for some reason you can’t, you can still cast your vote on Tuesday, November 6, 2018.

"Whether you’re a Democrat hoping for a “BLUE WAVE” to flow through Harris County, Texas, or a “REPUBLICAN” looking for a “RED STORM” to blow through town you had better not take any vote for granted in the Tuesday, November 6, 2018, Midterm Election whereas Harris County, Texas is concerned. And with that said, I am imploring all of my loyal readers to tell all of their family, friends, associates, and passers-by about the importance of every vote in what I’m expecting to be one of the most important elections of our lifetime. And please don’t forget that early voting will begin on Monday, October 22, 2018, and end on Friday, November 2, 2018. And finally, to avoid the long lines on Election Day, you are strongly encouraged to vote early at one of the (46) forty-six "EARLY VOTING LOCATIONS" conveniently located throughout Harris County, Texas."

"Whether you’re a Democrat hoping for a “BLUE WAVE” to flow through Harris County, Texas, or a “REPUBLICAN” looking for a “RED STORM” to blow through town you had better not take any vote for granted in the Tuesday, November 6, 2018, Midterm Election whereas Harris County, Texas is concerned. And with that said, I am imploring all of my loyal readers to tell all of their family, friends, associates, and passers-by about the importance of every vote in what I’m expecting to be one of the most important elections of our lifetime. And please don’t forget that early voting will begin on Monday, October 22, 2018, and end on Friday, November 2, 2018. And finally, to avoid the long lines on Election Day, you are strongly encouraged to vote early at one of the (46) forty-six "EARLY VOTING LOCATIONS" conveniently located throughout Harris County, Texas."

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033