Democrat State Rep. Jolanda Jones (center), hasn't even been in office a full year, and she could already be in some trouble. God help us!!! Now, if you believe what's unfolding with State Rep. Jolanda Jones in Austin, at the state capital is bad, just wait to see how Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee (left) runs Houston City Hall if voters are stupid enough to elect "QUEEN SHEILA" as the CEO of Houston, Texas on Tuesday, November 7, 2023, in the race to succeed Mayor Sylvester Turner. AROUND THE COUNTRY...What in the heck is Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg thinking? Doesn't he know that folks have already figured out that "Democrat" megadonor George Soros gave him $1 million to help him get elected to the DA's Office? You can "CLICK HERE" to read the resignation letter signed by Jolanda Jones's three staff members for yourself.

State Rep. Jolanda Jones (HD-147), has been acting really bad if you believe the allegations levied against her in this "RESIGNATION LETTER" that was written to her by three of her staff members. You can "CLICK HERE" to read the resignation letter signed by Jolanda Jones's three staff members for yourself.

Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee would be worst than Mayor Sylvester Turner, as the CEO of the City of Houston. “But she may have crossed the line into pure evil, according to a lawsuit filed against her and the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation,” said Tiana Lowe, who wrote an article that appeared in the Washington Examiner, about Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee’s mean and nasty ways. You can "CLICK HERE" to read the damning report about "QUEEN SHEILA" for yourself.

Former Harris County Clerk Chris Hollins has no choice but to do as he's being told to do when it comes to what office he can run for on Tuesday, November 7, 2023, in the upcoming general election. According to several sources, Chris Hollins has already been told to drop out of the race for Mayor and run for the Office of the City of Houston Controller against (term-limited) Councilman Michael Kubosh, and other candidates. Chris Hollins's move hasn't really gone public yet, but he will publicly announce that he's stepping aside and clearing the way for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee to have a better shot at winning the race for Mayor pretty soon. If you are thinking about voting for Sheila Jackson Lee on Tuesday, November 7, 2023, you should "CLICK HERE" and read this article first.

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "We must make it our business to start "PUTTING PEOPLE OVER POLITICS" going forward into the 2023 City of Houston Mayoral Election, the 2024 Democratic Party Primary, and 2024 Republican Party Primary. Our nation is at a serious crossroads, and a serious course correction is desperately needed in America."
Blacks Like Jolanda Jones, Alvin Brag, and Sheila Jackson Lee, Are Making it Very Tough on Other Black Elected Officials
Anyone with half a brain who is reading past headlines and tweets, and statements being posted on social media pages, can see that politics has crept into DA’s Offices and courtrooms across America. And the saddest part about all of this is that politics has our nation inching closer and closer toward civil unrest, as the majority of Americans sit by helplessly watching in silence.
We all learned yesterday, that former President Donald Trump was indicated by a grand jury in connection with the African American District Attorney in New York City who received $1 million from “Democrat” mega-donor George Soros in his campaign for the DA’s seat.
Whether you like former president Donald Trump or not, that Stormy Daniels crap pales in comparison to the crime rate increases that have occurred since Bragg took over the reins of the District Attorney’s Office. According to published reports, the citizens of New York City experienced a rise in crime that climbed between 2021 to 2022, after Bragg took office. “The overall index crime in New York City increased in September 2022, by 15.2% compared with September 2021,” said one report.
For those of you who a final ruling in this whole Stormy Daniels and former president Donald Trump ‘alleged’ entanglement ended when the embattled attorney Michael Avenatti, who was representing Daniels was ordered to pay former president Trump $300,000 by the 9th Circuit Court.
Closer to home, African American elected leaders aren’t any better than Bragg as the city of Houston has become the crime capital of America, and Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee is hoping to take over the reins of the Mayor’s Office. But, why would a congresswoman want to be the Mayor of the City of Houston? Well, that’s a long story, but you can best believe that the end result will be more corruption and embarrassment for Black people.
Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, under no circumstances, should be elected Mayor of Houston, Texas. And if you think what swirling around state Rep. Jolanda Jones right now is bad, what do you think is going to happen if “QUEEN SHEILA” becomes the CEO of the City of Houston.
In case you haven’t heard, State Rep. Jolanda Jones (D-Houston), the state representative for House District 147 has been ‘allegedly’ acting really bad since she took office.
“We, as a collective of senior staff, have repeatedly attempted to curb your behavior and address the type of work environment you have bred over the last month,” said, K or y Haywood, Chief of Staff, Catherine “Cat” Mouer, Legislative Director, and Yesenia Wences, who serves as State Rep. Jolanda Jones’s District Director at the state capital.
The three staff members continued, “You have continued to endorse, encourage, and create an abusive and hostile work environment in the workplace without accountability for you and your relatives’ actions.” But wait, they weren’t finished.
“You have involved staff in the affairs of your personal and family life, without regard for work-life boundaries and the scope of staff’s employment,” stated Jolanda Jones’s three staff members. Now I’m going to stop there, but doesn’t this all sound familiar?
Do you remember the article, “#Lee Too: Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee takes her ‘worst boss in Washington’ reputation to the next level,” that was published in the Washington Examiner a couple of years ago? If you are thinking about voting for Sheila Jackson Lee on Tuesday, November 7, 2023, you should "CLICK HERE" and read this article first.
“Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Texas, has long been considered one of the worst bosses in Washington,” the report states. “The congresswoman who once compared the Tea Party to the KKK and cycled through 11 different chiefs of staff in as many years, has been repeatedly deemed the “meanest” member of the House by the Washingtonian,” the report continues.
Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee would be worst than Mayor Sylvester Turner, as the CEO of the City of Houston. “But she may have crossed the line into pure evil, according to a lawsuit filed against her and the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation,” said Tiana Lowe, who wrote the aforementioned Washington Examiner report, about Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee’s mean and nasty ways.
I’m not trying to be cruel, but there’s a lot that’s going to come out about Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee in her bid to become Mayor of Houston, that many Houstonians either never paid much attention to, or were never informed about.
A few years ago, many political insiders pondered whether Congresswoman Lee’s career was over when that lawsuit was filed against the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, and the text messages and gruesome rape kit surfaced.
A few years ago, many political insiders pondered whether Congresswoman Lee’s career was over when that lawsuit was filed against the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, and the text messages and gruesome rape kit surfaced.
What’s wrong with the people who have convinced Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee to run for Mayor of Houston? Don’t they realize that this continuous “MAYORAL ELECTION” could potentially expose how corrupt, vile, mean, nasty, and inconsiderate Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee has been throughout the last, nearly 30 years?
“When Doe took the job in Jackson Lee’s congressional office in late 2017, she found out that Jones might also be hired there. Doe then told Jackson Lee’s chief of staff, Glenn Rushing, about the rape so the office didn’t hire him,” the report in the Washington Examiner stated.
The Washington Examiner report went on to state, “Some months later, Doe told Rushing she was going to pursue a lawsuit against the CBCF – a move she had considered multiple times in the last three years since the rape – and she requested to talk to Jackson Lee herself.”
Where things are going to go bad for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee’s legacy, is when women in the City of Houston get a better understanding of how Congresswoman Lee ‘allegedly’ treated the rape victim after she went to her for help. “Shortly afterward, Jackson Lee fired her, in a move that Doe alleges was a retaliatory and wrongful termination.”
What’s wrong with the people who have convinced Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee to run for Mayor of Houston? Don’t they realize that this continuous “MAYORAL ELECTION” could potentially expose how corrupt, vile, mean, nasty, and inconsiderate Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee has been throughout the last, nearly 30 years?
“When Doe took the job in Jackson Lee’s congressional office in late 2017, she found out that Jones might also be hired there. Doe then told Jackson Lee’s chief of staff, Glenn Rushing, about the rape so the office didn’t hire him,” the report in the Washington Examiner stated.
The Washington Examiner report went on to state, “Some months later, Doe told Rushing she was going to pursue a lawsuit against the CBCF – a move she had considered multiple times in the last three years since the rape – and she requested to talk to Jackson Lee herself.”
Where things are going to go bad for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee’s legacy, is when women in the City of Houston get a better understanding of how Congresswoman Lee ‘allegedly’ treated the rape victim after she went to her for help. “Shortly afterward, Jackson Lee fired her, in a move that Doe alleges was a retaliatory and wrongful termination.”
“The details of the suit include other unsavory details, such as Jackson Lee’s generally abusive behavior toward her staff and an ominous text message from the then-CEO of the CBCF, A. Shuanise Washington…” among other things. But that’s a story for another day.
“The details of the suit include other unsavory details, such as Jackson Lee’s generally abusive behavior toward her staff and an ominous text message from the then-CEO of the CBCF, A. Shuanise Washington…” among other things. But that’s a story for another day.
Anyways, but the time Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, New York District Attorney Alvin Bragg, and state Rep. Jolanda Jones are finished, it’s going to be even more difficult than it already is, for future generations of African Americans to serve as public servants, and hold elected offices.
If you believe, that “THE LETTER” issued to state Rep. Jolanda Jones is something, how bad do you think the morale at Houston City Hall would be under an administration run by Mayor Sheila Jackson Lee?
The time has come for “GOOD PEOPLE” to stand up and become more involved in making sure that mean, corrupt, and nasty politicians like Mayor Sylvester Turner, and Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee are ushered into retirement.

Anyways, but the time Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, New York District Attorney Alvin Bragg, and state Rep. Jolanda Jones are finished, it’s going to be even more difficult than it already is, for future generations of African Americans to serve as public servants, and hold elected offices.
If you believe, that “THE LETTER” issued to state Rep. Jolanda Jones is something, how bad do you think the morale at Houston City Hall would be under an administration run by Mayor Sheila Jackson Lee?
The time has come for “GOOD PEOPLE” to stand up and become more involved in making sure that mean, corrupt, and nasty politicians like Mayor Sylvester Turner, and Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee are ushered into retirement.

EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033

Charles Stamps, the founder of the MLK Grande Parade is against Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee's bid to become Mayor of Houston, Texas. “When she’s soundly defeated in November she will simply go back to the U.S. Congress after winning the Democratic Primary in the only district that she can win in,” he boldly declared. Interested candidates who want to run for City of Houston Mayor, City Houston Controller, and Houston City Council must file their treasurer with the city secretary, before raising any money. The "OFFICIAL FILING PERIOD" will not begin until Saturday, July 22, 2023, and will last through Monday, August 21, 2023. If you are thinking about voting for Sheila Jackson Lee on Tuesday, November 7, 2023, you should "CLICK HERE" and read this article that appeared in the Washington Examiner first.

Community Activist Gerry Wayne Monroe is not supporting Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee's bid to become Mayor of Houston, Texas on Tuesday, November 7, 2023. "So, Sheila Jackson Lee wants to become Mayor of the City of Houston? Hell "NO"!!!" If you are thinking about voting for Sheila Jackson Lee on Tuesday, November 7, 2023, you should "CLICK HERE" and read this article that appeared in the Washington Examiner first.

Community Activist Tammica Jones Motley is not supporting Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee's 2023 bid for Mayor of Houston, Texas. "She did nothing in a congressional seat now she ‘wanna’ do nothing in a local seat. It’s a no for me.” If you are thinking about voting for Sheila Jackson Lee on Tuesday, November 7, 2023, you should "CLICK HERE" and read this article that appeared in the Washington Examiner first.

Pastor F.N. Williams, Sr., is not swayed by Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee entering the race for Mayor of Houston, Texas. Pastor Williams has declared publicly that he's sticking with state Senator John Whitmire in the race for Mayor of the City of Houston. “It’s gratifying to see John Whitmire as he has labored to make Texas a better place, from a kid at Waltrip to where he is today,” says Pastor Williams.“I think John Whitmire will do an excellent job as mayor of the city of Houston. I support him 100 percent. That’s my boy.” If you are thinking about voting for Sheila Jackson Lee on Tuesday, November 7, 2023, you should "CLICK HERE" and read this article that appeared in the Washington Examiner first.